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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

Emergency Preparedness for Homeowners: What to Do Before, During, and After a Spring Storm

5/21/2024 (Permalink)

spring flowers background with SERVPRO logo overview By following these tips, you can be better prepared for spring storms and protect your home and family in Foxborough, MA.

Spring is a beautiful time of year, but it can also bring unpredictable weather, including severe storms. As a homeowner, it's essential to be prepared for these events to protect your family and property in Foxborough, MA. Here is what you can do before, during, and after a spring storm to stay safe and minimize damage.

Before the Storm:

  • Create an Emergency Kit: Put together an emergency kit that includes essential supplies such as water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, and any necessary medications.
  • Develop a Family Communication Plan: Create a family communication plan so that everyone knows how to reach each other in case of an emergency. Choose a designated meeting place in case you are separated during the storm.
  • Secure Outdoor Items: Bring in or secure outdoor furniture, decorations, and other items that could be picked up by strong winds and cause damage.
  • Trim Trees and Shrubs: Trim back trees and shrubs to reduce the risk of branches falling onto your home during a storm.
  • Check Your Insurance Coverage: Review your homeowners insurance policy to ensure you have adequate coverage for potential storm damage.

During the Storm:

  • Stay Informed: Monitor weather reports and alerts to stay informed about the storm's progress and any safety advisories.
  • Seek Shelter: If advised to do so, seek shelter in a safe place in your home, such as a basement or interior room on the lowest level.
  • Avoid Windows and Doors: Stay away from windows and doors during the storm to avoid injury from flying debris.
  • Turn Off Utilities: If instructed to do so, turn off your gas, electricity, and water to prevent damage in case of flooding or a gas leak.

After the Storm:

  • Assess Damage: After the storm has passed, assess your property for any damage. Check for leaks, structural damage, and fallen trees or power lines.
  • Document Damage: Take photos of any damage to your property and belongings to document the extent of the damage for insurance purposes.
  • Contact Your Insurance Company: Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report any damage and begin the claims process.
  • Clean Up Safely: If you need to clean up debris or water, do so carefully to avoid injury. Wear protective gear and be cautious of hazards such as downed power lines.

By following these tips, you can be better prepared for spring storms and protect your home and family in Foxborough, MA. Remember, SERVPRO of Foxborough, MA is here to help and safety should always be your top priority during severe weather events. 

Service Areas

Franklin, MA | Millis, MA | Wrentham, MA | Foxborough, MA | Wethersfield, MA | Bellingham, MA | Norfolk, MA

Preventing Water Damage in Commercial Buildings. Tips for Property Managers in Franklin, MA

5/14/2024 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with blue box overlay By following these tips, you can help prevent water damage in your commercial building and protect your property investment.

Water damage can be a costly and disruptive issue for commercial buildings. From burst pipes to leaking roofs, water damage can cause structural damage, mold growth, and downtime for businesses. As a property manager, it's crucial to take proactive steps to prevent water damage and protect your building in Franklin, MA

Here are some tips to help you prevent water damage in your commercial building:

  • Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of your building's plumbing, roof, and foundation. Look for signs of leaks, such as water stains, mold, or dampness.
  • Maintain Roof and Gutters: Ensure that your roof is in good condition and free of leaks. Clean out gutters and downspouts regularly to prevent water buildup.
  • Monitor Water Pressure: High water pressure can stress your plumbing system and lead to leaks. Install a pressure regulator to keep water pressure at a safe level.
  • Inspect and Maintain Sprinkler Systems: If your building has a sprinkler system, inspect it regularly to ensure it's functioning correctly. Make sure sprinkler heads are not blocked or damaged.
  • Check Appliances: Inspect appliances such as water heaters, dishwashers, and refrigerators for leaks or signs of damage. Replace any worn or damaged hoses or fittings.
  • Seal Windows and Doors: Ensure that windows and doors are properly sealed to prevent water intrusion during heavy rain or storms.
  • Install Water Detection Devices: Consider installing water detection devices in areas prone to leaks, such as basements, mechanical rooms, and bathrooms. These devices can alert you to leaks before they cause significant damage.
  • Educate Tenants: Educate tenants about the importance of reporting leaks and water damage promptly. Encourage them to notify you immediately if they notice any signs of water damage.
  • Have a Plan in Place: Develop a water damage response plan that outlines what to do in the event of a water leak or flood. Ensure that all employees and tenants are familiar with the plan.
  • Regular Maintenance: Implement a regular maintenance schedule for your building's plumbing, HVAC system, and roof. Address any issues promptly to prevent them from escalating into larger problems.

By following these tips, you can help prevent water damage in your commercial building and protect your property investment. Remember, proactive maintenance and regular inspections are key to preventing water damage and ensuring the long-term health of your building, SERVPRO of Foxborough, MA is here to help you in Franklin, MA

Service Areas

Franklin, MA | Millis, MA | Wrentham, MA | Foxborough, MA | Wethersfield, MA | Bellingham, MA | Norfolk, MA

How to Protect Your Business from Flood Damage in Norfolk, MA. 

5/2/2024 (Permalink)

Person with flooding in house By taking these proactive measures, you can help protect your business from flood damage and minimize the impact of spring storms.

Spring is a season of renewal, but it also brings its fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to weather. Spring storms can bring heavy rainfall, flooding, and other hazards that can pose a threat to businesses. Learn how you can protect your business from flood damage and prepare for the upcoming spring storms in Norfolk, MA.

  1. Understand Your Risk: The first step in protecting your business from flood damage is to understand your risk. Check your area's flood maps to see if your business is located in a flood-prone area. If it is, take extra precautions to protect your property.
  2. Review Your Insurance Coverage: Review your insurance coverage to ensure you're adequately protected against flood damage. Standard commercial property insurance typically doesn't cover flood damage, so you may need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy.
  3. Create a Flood Preparedness Plan: Develop a flood preparedness plan for your business. This plan should include procedures for protecting your property, evacuating employees, and shutting down operations if necessary.
  4. Protect Your Property: Take steps to protect your property from flood damage. This may include installing flood barriers, sealing cracks in walls and floors, and elevating equipment and utilities above potential flood levels.
  5. Backup Important Documents: Backup important documents and data to protect them from flood damage. Store backups in a safe location off-site or in the cloud.
  6. Stay Informed: Stay informed about weather conditions in your area. Monitor weather forecasts and alerts to stay ahead of any potential flooding threats.
  7. Prepare an Emergency Kit: Prepare an emergency kit with essential supplies such as water, food, medications, and first aid supplies. Keep this kit in a safe place where it's easily accessible in case of an emergency.
  8. Train Your Employees: Train your employees on how to respond in the event of a flood. Make sure they know how to evacuate safely and where to go for shelter.
  9. Inspect and Maintain Your Property: Regularly inspect and maintain your property to identify and address any potential vulnerabilities to flooding.
  10. Consider Flood proofing Measures: Depending on your property's location and flood risk, consider investing in flood proofing measures such as installing flood barriers, sump pumps, and backflow valves.

By taking these proactive measures, you can help protect your business from flood damage and minimize the impact of spring storms on your operations. SERVPRO of Foxborough, MA is here to help with all of your flood damage. 

Service Areas

Franklin, MA | Millis, MA | Wrentham, MA | Foxborough, MA | Wethersfield, MA | Bellingham, MA | Norfolk, MA

Preparing for Spring Storms and Floods in  Wethersfield, MA

5/2/2024 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with blue box overlay By taking these proactive measures, you can help protect your commercial property from the damaging effects of spring storms and floods.

Spring is a season of renewal, but it also brings its fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to weather. Spring storms can bring heavy rainfall, high winds, and flooding, which can pose a threat to commercial properties in Wethersfield, MA. Here are some tips for preparing your commercial property for spring storms and floods:

  1. Inspect Your Roof: Inspect your roof for any damage or signs of wear and tear. Repair or replace any damaged shingles or flashing to prevent leaks during heavy rainfall.
  2. Clean Gutters and Downspouts: Clean gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage. Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow, leading to water damage to your building's exterior and foundation.
  3. Check Drainage Systems: Ensure that your property's drainage systems, such as storm drains and culverts, are clear of debris and functioning correctly. This will help prevent flooding during heavy rain.
  4. Trim Trees and Shrubs: Trim trees and shrubs around your property to prevent branches from falling onto your building during high winds. This will also help prevent damage to your roof and windows.
  5. Inspect Windows and Doors: Inspect windows and doors for any gaps or cracks that could allow water to seep in during a storm. Seal any openings with weatherstripping or caulk.
  6. Secure Outdoor Items: Secure outdoor furniture, signage, and other items that could be picked up by strong winds and cause damage.
  7. Backup Important Data: Backup important data and documents to protect them from loss in case of a flood or other disaster. Store backups in a secure off-site location or in the cloud.
  8. Create an Emergency Plan: Develop an emergency plan for your property that outlines what to do in case of a severe storm or flood. Include evacuation routes, emergency contact information, and procedures for shutting off utilities.
  9. Review Your Insurance Coverage: Review your insurance coverage to ensure you have adequate protection against storm and flood damage. Consider adding flood insurance if your property is located in a flood-prone area.
  10. Stay Informed: Stay informed about weather conditions in your area. Monitor weather forecasts and alerts to stay ahead of any potential storms or flooding.

By taking these proactive measures, you can help protect your commercial property from the damaging effects of spring storms and floods. Remember, preparedness is key to minimizing the impact of severe weather on your property and business.  SERVPRO of Framingham is here to help with your commercial or residential property.  

Service Areas

Franklin, MA | Millis, MA | Wrentham, MA | Foxborough, MA | Wethersfield, MA | Bellingham, MA | Norfolk, MA

Rebuilding After a House Fire: Overcoming Common Challenges

4/23/2024 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo Rebuilding after a fire often requires navigating complex building codes and obtaining permits.

After a devastating house fire, the path to recovery can seem long and daunting.

Beyond the physical destruction, homeowners often face numerous obstacles when it comes to rebuilding their homes and lives. In this guide, we'll explore some of the most common challenges homeowners encounter after a fire and provide tips to help you navigate the process.

Dealing with Insurance Companies

One of the first hurdles you'll face is dealing with insurance companies. Understanding your policy, thoroughly documenting the damage, and negotiating with insurance adjusters can be overwhelming. Keep detailed records of all communication and damages, and don't hesitate to seek assistance from a public adjuster if needed.

Finding Reputable Fire Restoration Contractors Locating reliable contractors to repair fire damage can be challenging, especially in areas with high demand. Thoroughly research contractors, check references, and obtain multiple quotes. Working with a contractor who specializes in fire damage restoration can streamline the process and ensure a high-quality rebuild.

Coping with the Emotional Toll

The emotional impact of losing your home and possessions to a fire can be immense. Grief, anger, and frustration are normal reactions. Seeking support from friends, family, or a counselor can help you cope with these emotions and navigate the rebuilding journey.

Navigating Building Codes and Permits

Rebuilding after a fire often requires navigating complex building codes and obtaining permits. Work closely with a contractor familiar with local regulations to ensure your home is rebuilt to code and meets all safety standards.

Managing Financial Strain

Rebuilding can be financially challenging, especially if you're not fully covered by insurance. Explore government assistance programs, crowdfunding options, or loans to help cover the costs of rebuilding.

Despite the challenges, rebuilding after a fire is possible with patience, perseverance, and support. By seeking assistance from professionals, staying organized, and prioritizing your emotional well-being, you can successfully restore your home and move forward after this devastating event.

When disaster strikes, trust the experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough for comprehensive cleanup and restoration services. Our professionals respond quickly to any fire, mold, water, or storm-related damage, ensuring your property is restored to its preloss condition with meticulous attention to detail. Whether it's a residential or commercial property, SERVPRO of Foxborough delivers unmatched quality and reliability, making us the go-to solution for all your cleanup and restoration needs.

Service Areas

Franklin, MA | Millis, MA | Wrentham, MA | Foxborough, MA | Wethersfield, MA | Bellingham, MA | Norfolk, MA

The 1st Annual Celebration of Life 5K!

4/21/2024 (Permalink)

fireworks background with white box and SERVPRO logo Mark your calendars and join us on June 22 at the Field of Dreams in Plainville, MA. See you there!

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with the For Kids' Sake Foundation as a proud sponsor of the 1st annual Celebration of Life 5K. This exciting event, honoring the life and legacy of Malia Jusczyk, aims to raise funds for the For Kids' Sake Foundation to help crush cancer.

Event Details:

  1. Date: June 22
  2. Location: Field of Dreams in Plainville, MA

    How You Can Get Involved:
  • Volunteer: Help make this event a success by volunteering your time and energy.
  • Sponsor: Showcase your support for this cause by becoming a sponsor of the event.
  • Participant: Join us for a day of fun and fitness as we run to support a great cause.

Together, we can make a difference and support this important cause. Mark your calendars and join us on June 22 at the Field of Dreams in Plainville, MA. See you there!

Link to register or donate: 

Protecting Your Home From Mold in Franklin, MA

4/17/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working with green text box and orange SERVPRO logo Mold thrives in damp, humid environments, making it a common problem following flood or leak incidents

Water damage can lead to a host of issues in your home, but one of the most concerning is mold growth.

Mold thrives in damp, humid environments, making it a common problem following flood or leak incidents. Proper mold remediation and prevention are crucial for maintaining a safe, healthy living space.

Identifying Mold Growth

Catching mold early is key to effective remediation. Look out for musty odors and visible growth on walls, ceilings, or other surfaces. However, mold can also lurk in hidden areas like behind walls or under flooring, so a thorough professional inspection is necessary.

Safe Mold Removal

Never attempt to remove mold yourself, as disturbing growth can cause spores to spread through the air. Mold remediation requires specialized equipment and containment techniques to remove it safely. Trained professionals use proven methods to ensure your home is restored while protecting you and your family.

Preventing Future Issues

Once mold is removed, it's essential to prevent future growth. Repair any leaks or moisture sources, dry out wet areas completely, and maintain low indoor humidity below 60%. Use dehumidifiers, ensure proper ventilation in bathrooms/kitchens, and promptly address any new moisture issues.

Don't let mold jeopardize your home after water damage. At SERVPRO of Foxborough, our mold remediation experts are prepared to safely and effectively remove mold from your property. Our advanced techniques and equipment get your home back to pre-damage condition quickly. We also provide comprehensive water damage restoration services to get your property dried out and prevent recurring mold issues.

When disaster strikes, trust the professionals at SERVPRO of Foxborough. We rapidly respond to any size fire, water, mold, or storm emergency, with the training and experience to make it "Like it never even happened."

Service Areas

Franklin, MA | Millis, MA | Wrentham, MA | Foxborough, MA | Wethersfield, MA | Bellingham, MA | Norfolk, MA

Water Damage Assessment and Restoration Process in Foxborough, MA

4/9/2024 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with blue box overlay Don't let water damage disrupt your home or business operations. We can help!

Water damage can rapidly wreak havoc on your home or business, leading to structural deterioration, mold growth, and potential health hazards. When it strikes, understanding the proper assessment and restoration process is crucial for effectively mitigating destruction and restoring your property. Let's break down the key steps involved.

Step 1: Inspection

The first step is a thorough inspection of the affected areas by trained professionals. Using specialized moisture meters and thermal imaging cameras, they'll identify the water source, assess the extent of damage, and determine the best restoration plan - even detecting hidden moisture pockets.

Step 2: Water Extraction

With the assessment complete, it's time to remove all standing water from the premises. Industrial-grade pumps, wet/dry vacuums, and other extraction equipment are employed to rapidly eliminate water from floors, carpets, and surfaces. Prompt removal prevents further spread and secondary damage.

Step 3: Drying

Once extracted, high-speed air movers and dehumidifiers are strategically placed to dry out the area and restore normal humidity levels. This process may take several days depending on the materials impacted and saturation levels.

Step 4: Restoration

With affected areas fully dried, restoration can begin. This involves repairing or replacing damaged drywall, flooring, structures and contents to return the property to its preloss condition - clean, safe and inhabitable.

The Importance of Rapid Response

Swift action is paramount when water damage occurs. Prolonged moisture can rapidly lead to compounding issues like mold growth, compromised structures, and potential health risks. By responding immediately and involving professionals, you minimize destruction and expedite the restoration process.

Don't let water damage disrupt your home or business operations. The trained experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough are prepared to swiftly respond and properly assess, extract, dry and restore your property. With our advanced equipment and proven techniques, we'll make water damage "Like it never even happened."

Service Areas

Franklin, MA | Millis, MA | Wrentham, MA | Foxborough, MA | Wethersfield, MA | Bellingham, MA | Norfolk, MA

Understanding Commercial Fires in Wethersfield, MA

4/4/2024 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo At SERVPRO of Foxborough, we're here 24/7 to start mitigating losses and get your doors reopened quickly.

For business owners, few disasters are as devastating as a commercial fire.

The impacts can reverberate through operations, finances, employee safety and your community. Understanding the root causes, implementing prevention protocols, and knowing how to recover swiftly are critical for protecting your assets and future.

Common Causes of Commercial Fires

Commercial fires frequently stem from electrical malfunctions, heating system issues, human error like unattended cooking, improper storage of flammable materials, or even arson. Identifying and mitigating these risks is paramount.

Proven Prevention Strategies

Reducing fire risks requires a multilayered approach of regular maintenance of all systems, comprehensive employee fire safety training, proper storage of combustibles, enforced smoking policies, and working fire detection/suppression equipment like alarms and sprinklers.

The Road to Recovery

Should the unthinkable occur, a fire at your business, there are key steps for recovery. Quickly assessing the damage, contacting your insurer, securing the property from further harm, professional cleanup/restoration, and meticulous reconstruction planning are vital for reopening successfully.

Don't let a commercial fire derail your operations and jeopardize your livelihood. The trained professionals at SERVPRO of Foxborough have been restoring businesses like yours for years following fire disasters. Our rapid response mitigates damage while our advanced equipment and techniques ensure a complete, efficient property restoration.

No matter how big the fire cleanup is, SERVPRO of Foxborough will respond immediately and manage your commercial fire damage to preloss condition when possible. Safety, structural repairs, odor removal, soot/smoke cleanup, contents restoration and comprehensive rebuilds are all in a day's work for our certified crews.

At SERVPRO of Foxborough, we're here 24/7 to start mitigating losses and get your doors reopened quickly.

Service Areas

Franklin, MA | Millis, MA | Wrentham, MA | Foxborough, MA | Wethersfield, MA | Bellingham, MA | Norfolk, MA

Handling a Flood in Your House, Steps to Take for a Swift Recovery

3/27/2024 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo Knowing what steps to take in the aftermath of a flood can help you minimize damage and begin the recovery process.

Experiencing a flood in your home in Foxborough, MA can be a devastating and overwhelming event. Whether it's from heavy rain, a burst pipe, or a malfunctioning appliance, a flood can cause extensive damage to your property and belongings. Knowing what steps to take in the aftermath of a flood can help you minimize damage and begin the recovery process. Here's a guide on what to do if you find yourself dealing with a flood in your house in  Foxborough, MA 

  • Ensure Safety: Your safety should be the top priority. If floodwaters are still rising and pose a risk, evacuate immediately. Avoid walking or wading through floodwater, as it may be contaminated or hiding hazards.
  • Turn Off Utilities: If it is safe to do so, turn off electricity, gas, and water to prevent further damage and reduce electrical hazards.
  • Document the Damage: Take photos or videos of the floodwater and damage for insurance claims and restoration purposes.
  • Remove Water: Use pumps, wet/dry vacuums, or buckets to remove standing water. Lingering water can lead to mold growth and more damage.
  • Dry Out the Area: Use fans, dehumidifiers, and open windows to dry the area. Mold can grow quickly, so start drying as soon as possible.
  • Remove Damaged Items: Dispose of unsalvageable items like furniture, carpets, and saturated drywall. Document them for insurance purposes before disposal.
  • Clean and Disinfect: Thoroughly clean and disinfect surfaces that came into contact with floodwater. Use a bleach solution to kill bacteria and mold spores.
  • Contact Your Insurance Company: Notify your insurance company of the flood damage and follow their instructions for filing a claim.
  • Hire a Professional Restoration Company: Consider hiring professionals for cleanup and restoration. They have the expertise and equipment for effective restoration.
  • Prevent Future Floods: After cleanup, take steps to prevent future floods, such as installing a sump pump or ensuring proper drainage.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage. We are ready to assist businesses in Franklin, MA | Millis, MA | Wrentham, MA | Foxborough, MA | Wethersfield, MA | Bellingham, MA | Norfolk, MA

 The Importance of Professional Commercial Restoration Services After Disaster Strikes

3/20/2024 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo Professional commercial restoration services play a crucial role in restoring the property and getting businesses back on track in Foxborough, MA

In the wake of a disaster, whether it be a fire, flood, or other unforeseen event, commercial properties often face extensive damage that can disrupt business operations and put livelihoods at risk. In such challenging times, professional commercial restoration services play a crucial role in restoring the property and getting businesses back on track in Foxborough, MA. Here's why these services are essential:

  1. Professional restoration companies understand the urgency of disaster situations and provide rapid response services to mitigate further damage. They quickly assess the damage and take necessary steps to prevent additional loss.
  2. Commercial restoration demands specialized knowledge and experience. Professional teams are trained in the latest techniques and technologies, understanding the unique challenges of commercial buildings.
  3. We offer a comprehensive range of services, including water extraction, structural drying, fire damage cleanup, and mold remediation. Our team can manage large-scale projects and coordinate with other contractors as needed.
  4. Safety is a top priority in the restoration process. We adhere to strict safety protocols and comply with regulations to ensure the restoration is completed correctly.
  5. Businesses can recover more quickly with professional restoration services, minimizing downtime and financial losses. These services aim to get businesses back up and running as soon as possible.
  6. We also assist with insurance claims, simplifying the process for businesses. Our team can help document the damage and file claims, ensuring businesses receive the compensation they are entitled to.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage. We are ready to assist businesses in Franklin, MA | Millis, MA | Wrentham, MA | Foxborough, MA | Wethersfield, MA | Bellingham, MA | Norfolk, MA

Rebuilding Commercial Spaces After Damage

3/11/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working with green text box and orange SERVPRO logo Here are the key steps involved in rebuilding commercial spaces after damage in Foxborough, MA

Natural disasters, accidents, and unforeseen events can wreak havoc on commercial properties, leaving behind a trail of destruction. The aftermath can be overwhelming, but with the right approach, it's possible to rebuild and restore these spaces to their former glory. Here are the key steps involved in rebuilding commercial spaces after damage in Foxborough, MA 

  1. Assessment and Documentation: To kick off the rebuilding process, conduct a thorough assessment of the damage. Document the damage extensively with photographs and detailed notes. This documentation is crucial for insurance claims and coordinating with contractors.
  2. Safety and Security: Prioritize safety by ensuring the site is secure and free from hazards. Consider installing temporary fencing or barriers to prevent unauthorized access before beginning any work.
  3. Insurance Claims: Promptly contact your insurance provider to file a claim. Provide them with the necessary documentation and evidence. Collaborate closely with your insurer to ensure a smooth claims process.
  4. Selecting Contractors: Choose experienced and reputable contractors for the rebuilding process. Obtain multiple quotes and request references to ensure you hire the best team for the job.
  5. Permits and Regulations: Check local regulations and secure any required permits before commencing the rebuilding process to avoid costly delays and fines.
  6. Demolition and Cleanup: If necessary, hire professional demolition teams to safely remove debris and clean up the site after extensive damage.
  7. Structural Repairs: Repair structural damage by rebuilding walls, replacing roofs, and reinforcing foundations. Work closely with structural engineers to ensure the building's integrity.
  8. Interior Restoration: Once the structure is stable, focus on restoring the interior, including replacing flooring, walls, ceilings, and fixtures.
  9. Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Systems: Have all systems inspected and repaired by qualified professionals to ensure safety and functionality.
  10. Final Inspections and Certification: Schedule final inspections with local authorities to ensure the building meets safety and building code requirements. Obtain a certificate of occupancy before reopening for business.
  11. Reopening and Marketing: After completing the rebuilding process, reopen your commercial space. Consider implementing a marketing campaign to inform customers and attract new business.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage. We are ready to assist businesses in Franklin, MA | Millis, MA | Wrentham, MA | Foxborough, MA | Wethersfield, MA | Bellingham, MA | Norfolk, MA

Rebuilding Dreams: Fire and Water Restoration Specialists at Your Service in Foxborough.

2/20/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO workers with orange logo In Foxborough, trust in the expertise of restoration specialists to embark on the journey of rebuilding dreams.

When disaster strikes in the form of fire or water damage, the aftermath can be devastating, leaving homes and businesses in disarray and dreams seemingly shattered. Yet, in these moments of despair, there is a glimmer of hope. Fire and water restoration specialists emerge as unsung heroes, ready to rebuild what was lost. Let's delve into the invaluable services they provide and how they play a pivotal role in restoring not just properties but the hopes and aspirations of those affected in Foxborough.

  • Facing the Dual Threat: Fire and water damage present a formidable challenge that demands a comprehensive restoration approach. Specialists in this field comprehend the unique complexities posed by both elements and are adept at addressing them simultaneously.
  • Immediate Response and Damage Mitigation: Time is of the essence in the aftermath of a fire or water incident. Restoration specialists prioritize swift action to mitigate further damage, averting secondary issues like mold growth or structural decay.
  • Tailored Restoration Plans: Recognizing the individuality of each case, specialists conduct thorough assessments to devise customized restoration plans. These plans encompass everything from water extraction to structural repairs, ensuring a meticulous restoration process.
  • Utilization of Advanced Equipment and Techniques: Employing cutting-edge equipment and techniques, these specialists expedite the restoration process. Industrial-strength water extractors, drying equipment, and specialized tools are deployed for efficient and effective restoration.
  • Comprehensive Approach to Fire Damage Restoration: Fire damage extends beyond visible destruction. Specialists are trained to address smoke and soot removal, structural repairs, content restoration, and odor elimination, leaving no aspect overlooked.
  • Mitigation and Restoration of Water Damage: Water damage poses diverse challenges, including mold growth and structural instability. Restoration specialists excel in water extraction, drying, and mold remediation, restoring properties to a safe and habitable state.
  • Facilitating Insurance Claims: Restoration specialists often assist in navigating insurance claims, easing the burden on those affected by documenting damage and providing accurate assessments.
  • Emotional Support: Recognizing the emotional toll of disasters, specialists offer more than technical expertise. They provide compassion, guidance, and a reassuring presence, aiding in the restoration of not just homes but also lives.

In the face of fire and water damage, restoration specialists emerge as beacons of hope, stepping into chaos to rebuild dreams and restore a sense of normalcy. From immediate response to emotional support, their dedication extends beyond structures to the dreams and aspirations that make a house a home. In Foxborough, trust in the expertise of restoration specialists to embark on the journey of rebuilding dreams.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough stands as the premier choice in cleanup and restoration for residential and commercial buildings affected by fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

Flames Extinguished, Hopes Rekindled: Top-notch Fire Restoration Services in Foxborough.

2/16/2024 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo The expertise, efficiency, and empathy of professional fire restoration experts play an instrumental role.

A fire leaves behind a trail of devastation and despair, marking the beginning of a challenging journey towards rebuilding. Amidst the aftermath, the significance of top-tier fire restoration services cannot be overstated. Let's delve into the indispensable role that professional fire restoration experts play in aiding individuals and businesses to rise from the ashes and reignite their aspirations.

  • Swift Response for Damage Control: The aftermath of a fire demands immediate attention to prevent further havoc. Professional fire restoration services recognize the urgency and act promptly. Their rapid intervention not only curbs existing damage but also mitigates secondary issues such as water damage resulting from firefighting efforts.
  • Thorough Evaluation of Fire Damage: Fire's impact is multifaceted, affecting structures, belongings, and overall property safety. Seasoned fire restoration teams conduct meticulous assessments to gauge the extent of damage. This evaluation forms the blueprint for a tailored restoration plan, addressing each case's unique requirements.
  • Smoke and Soot Eradication: Beyond visible fire damage, smoke and soot residues infiltrate every crevice of a property. Professional restoration services employ specialized equipment and techniques to eliminate these elements, ensuring a hygienic and safe environment for restoration endeavors.
  • Structural Rehabilitation and Reconstruction: Fires often compromise a building's structural integrity. Proficient restoration experts handle structural repairs and reconstruction, ensuring not only aesthetic restoration but also compliance with safety standards.
  • Belongings Restoration and Cleaning: Items affected by fire and smoke necessitate meticulous restoration. Fire restoration professionals utilize advanced cleaning and restoration methods to salvage personal belongings, furniture, and valuables. This alleviates the emotional toll on individuals who have lost cherished possessions.
  • Odor Neutralization: Lingering odors from smoke and fire can persist long after the flames are extinguished. Fire restoration services deploy specialized deodorization techniques to effectively eliminate these odors, fostering a fresh and clean living or working environment.
  • Insurance Coordination and Documentation: Navigating insurance claims post-fire can be convoluted. Fire restoration experts often aid in liaising with insurance providers, documenting damage, and providing precise assessments. This streamlined process expedites insurance claims, facilitating a swifter recovery.
  • Emotional Support and Guidance: Fire recovery transcends physical restoration; it entails emotional healing. Professional fire restoration teams offer invaluable support and guidance, assisting individuals and families in navigating the challenges of reconstruction and reigniting hopes for the future.

In the aftermath of a fire, the road to recovery may appear daunting. However, with top-tier fire restoration services, flames can be quenched, and dreams can be rekindled. The expertise, efficiency, and empathy of professional fire restoration experts play an instrumental role in aiding individuals and businesses to emerge from the ashes and rebuild their lives. When confronted with the aftermath of a fire, place your trust in the capabilities of fire restoration professionals to illuminate the path to a revitalized and restored future in Foxborough.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough stands as the premier choice in cleanup and restoration for residential and commercial buildings affected by fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

Drowning in Damage in Foxborough? Trust Our Water Restoration Experts to Save the Day 

2/8/2024 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Water damage is a formidable challenge, but with the expertise of water restoration professionals, recovery is not only feasible but efficient.

Water damage can strike suddenly, causing chaos and devastation in homes and businesses alike. Whether it's from a burst pipe, flooding, or a leaky roof, the aftermath of water damage can be overwhelming. In such challenging times, having a dependable team of water restoration experts is crucial to salvage your property and restore it to its former state. Let’s delve into the significance of professional water restoration services and why entrusting experts is essential for swift and effective recovery.

  1. Immediate Response to Prevent Further Damage: Time is of the essence when dealing with water damage. The longer water remains stagnant, the more severe the damage becomes. Professional water restoration experts comprehend the urgency and act swiftly to mitigate further damage. Their prompt intervention can prevent mold growth, structural issues, and other long-term repercussions.
  2. Thorough Assessment and Tailored Planning: Water damage restoration is a nuanced process that demands individualized attention. Each case requires a comprehensive assessment of the damage's extent. Experts meticulously inspect affected areas, identify potential risks, and devise a customized restoration plan. This ensures that every facet of the damage is addressed efficiently.
  3. Utilization of Advanced Equipment and Techniques: Professional water restoration teams utilize cutting-edge tools and techniques to tackle water damage effectively. Industrial-grade water extractors, dehumidifiers, and drying equipment are employed to eliminate excess water and moisture swiftly. This sophisticated equipment expedites the drying process and reduces the risk of secondary damage.
  4. Mold Remediation Expertise: One of the primary risks associated with water damage is mold growth, which can begin within 24-48 hours in damp conditions. Water restoration experts possess the knowledge and experience to detect and eradicate mold, ensuring a safe and healthy living or working environment.
  5. Efficient Insurance Coordination and Documentation: Dealing with insurance companies can be daunting and time-consuming. Water restoration professionals are adept at liaising with insurance providers. They assist in documenting the damage, providing accurate assessments, and streamlining the claims process, saving time and hassle for homeowners and business owners.
  6. Comprehensive Restoration Services: Professional restoration services extend beyond water extraction and drying. They encompass a wide array of tasks, including repairing structural damage, restoring damaged belongings, and ensuring overall property safety and functionality. A holistic approach guarantees that no aspect of the restoration process is overlooked.
  7. Peace of Mind for Property Owners: Dealing with water damage can be emotionally taxing. Hiring water restoration experts provides peace of mind, knowing that trained professionals are managing the situation. This allows property owners to focus on rebuilding and moving forward with confidence.

Water damage is a formidable challenge, but with the expertise of water restoration professionals, recovery is not only feasible but efficient. Trusting professionals to handle the restoration process ensures a thorough and effective response, offering the best chance to salvage your property and move beyond the damage. When faced with water-related woes, don't hesitate to rely on the expertise of water restoration professionals to save the day in Foxborough.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is the premier choice in cleanup and restoration for residential and commercial buildings affected by fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

Smoke Signals: Professional Restoration for a Smoke-Free Environment in Foxborough.

2/8/2024 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo When smoke signals trouble, entrust the expertise of smoke restoration professionals to restore

Smoke damage can permeate every nook and cranny of a property, leaving behind visible stains and stubborn odors that linger long after the initial incident. Whether it stems from a fire, tobacco smoke, or other sources, the impact of smoke on indoor environments can be profound. Discover the critical role of professional smoke restoration services in creating a smoke-free environment and revitalizing indoor spaces in Foxborough.

  • Understanding the Complexity of Smoke Damage: Smoke damage encompasses more than just surface-level blemishes; it involves intricate interactions between various particles and surfaces. Professional smoke restoration services possess a deep understanding of the scientific principles underlying smoke damage, enabling them to tackle not only apparent signs but also concealed issues like odor penetration and residue buildup.
  • Thorough Evaluation of Smoke Damage: Prior to commencing restoration efforts, specialists conduct a comprehensive assessment to gauge the extent of smoke damage. This entails pinpointing affected surfaces, materials, and the specific type of smoke residue present. This meticulous evaluation forms the basis for a targeted and efficient restoration plan.
  • Utilization of Specialized Cleaning Methods: Smoke restoration experts employ specialized cleaning techniques to eradicate smoke residues from surfaces. These methods may include dry cleaning, wet cleaning, or abrasive cleaning approaches tailored to suit the materials affected. The objective is to restore surfaces to their pre-damaged state without causing further harm.
  • Effective Odor Elimination Tactics: Lingering smoke odors can persist even after visible damage is remedied. Professional restoration services utilize advanced odor elimination strategies such as ozone treatments, thermal fogging, and specialized deodorizers. These techniques neutralize and eliminate odors at a molecular level, ensuring a truly smoke-free environment.
  • Comprehensive HVAC System Cleaning: Smoke particles can infiltrate HVAC systems, dispersing odors and contaminants throughout the property. Smoke restoration specialists extend their services to encompass thorough cleaning of ventilation systems, ductwork, and HVAC components. This guarantees that the entire indoor environment is devoid of smoke-related residues.
  • Prevention of Cross-Contamination: Throughout the restoration process, precautions are taken to prevent cross-contamination to unaffected areas. This involves isolating damaged sections, erecting containment barriers, and employing air filtration systems to capture and eliminate airborne smoke particles. These measures are essential for halting the spread of residues to other parts of the property.
  • Enhancement of Indoor Air Quality: A pivotal aspect of achieving a smoke-free environment is the restoration of indoor air quality. Professional restoration services focus not only on visible damage but also on enhancing air quality by removing airborne contaminants and ensuring adequate ventilation.
  • Post-Restoration Inspection and Testing: To validate the efficacy of restoration efforts, specialists conduct post-restoration inspections and testing. This includes assessing surfaces, conducting air quality tests, and confirming that all smoke-related issues have been effectively addressed. The final step involves providing clients with the assurance of a meticulously restored and smoke-free environment.

For individuals and businesses grappling with the aftermath of smoke damage, professional smoke restoration services offer a beacon of hope. By comprehensively addressing the complexities of smoke damage, employing specialized cleaning techniques, and implementing thorough odor-elimination strategies, these experts play a pivotal role in creating a truly smoke-free indoor environment. When smoke signals trouble, entrust the expertise of smoke restoration professionals to restore the clarity and purity of your indoor spaces in Foxborough.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough stands as the premier choice in cleanup and restoration for residential and commercial buildings affected by fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

Electrical Fire Safety: Protecting Your Home and Business In Foxborough MA. 

1/29/2024 (Permalink)

Green background with orange SERVPRO logo and title. Stay informed, stay safe, and empower others with the knowledge needed to prevent electrical fires in Foxborough, MA.

Electricity plays a vital role in our daily lives, powering both our homes and businesses.

Despite its essential nature, electricity poses inherent risks, and the threat of electrical fires looms over life and property. It is imperative to grasp electrical fire safety to mitigate these risks and ensure the safety of occupants. Let's delve into key measures to enhance electrical fire safety both at home and in the workplace.

Common Causes of Electrical Fires:

  1. Faulty Wiring: Aging or improperly installed wiring can lead to electrical fires. Regular inspections and maintenance are crucial to identify and rectify potential issues.
  2. Overloaded Circuits: Plugging an excessive number of devices into a single outlet or overloading circuits can generate excessive heat, leading to sparks and fires. Distribute electrical loads evenly and avoid daisy-chaining multiple power strips.
  3. Malfunctioning Appliances: Appliances with damaged cords or internal components can become fire hazards. Regularly inspect and replace damaged cords, following manufacturer guidelines for maintenance.
  4. Electrical Equipment Issues: Faulty electrical equipment, such as circuit breakers or outlets, can contribute to electrical fires. Ensure that all electrical components are in good working condition and promptly address any malfunctions.
  5. Flammable Materials Near Outlets: Placing flammable materials, such as curtains or paper, near electrical outlets or equipment increases the risk of fire. Keep these areas clear to minimize potential hazards.

Electrical Fire Safety Tips for Homes and Businesses:

  1. Regular Inspections and Maintenance: Schedule regular inspections of your electrical system, especially in older homes or buildings. Look for signs of wear and tear, exposed wires, or scorch marks. Hire a qualified electrician to address any issues promptly.
  2. Avoid Overloading Circuits: Be mindful of the number of devices plugged into outlets and avoid overloading circuits. Use power strips with built-in surge protection to safeguard against voltage spikes.
  3. Proper Use of Extension Cords: Extension cords should only be used temporarily. Avoid using them as permanent solutions, and never daisy-chain multiple extension cords together.
  4. Upgrade Wiring and Electrical Panels: If your home or business has outdated wiring or electrical panels, consider upgrading to meet current safety standards. This can significantly reduce the risk of electrical fires.
  5. Appliance Safety: Regularly check appliances for signs of damage and replace frayed or worn-out cords. Follow manufacturer guidelines for maintenance, and avoid leaving appliances unattended when in use.
  6. Install Smoke Alarms: Ensure that smoke alarms are installed in key areas of your home or business. Regularly test and replace batteries to guarantee their functionality.
  7. Emergency Response Plan: Develop and communicate an emergency response plan that includes procedures for dealing with electrical fires. Ensure that all occupants are aware of evacuation routes and the location of fire extinguishers.

Electrical fire safety is a collective responsibility that demands vigilance and proactive measures. By staying vigilant, conducting regular inspections, and implementing safety measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of electrical fires at home and in the workplace. Prioritize electrical safety to protect property and, more importantly, ensure the safety and well-being of those under your care. Stay informed, stay safe, and empower others with the knowledge needed to prevent electrical fires in Foxborough, MA.

Understanding the Different Types of Fire and Smoke Damage In Foxborough MA. 

1/22/2024 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Understanding the nuances of different types of fire and smoke damage is a crucial step in the restoration process.

Encountering a fire is a profoundly distressing experience, and the aftermath involves not only the visible destruction caused by flames but also the pervasive impact of smoke.

Fire and smoke damage can manifest in various forms, and comprehending the distinct types is vital for effective restoration and recovery. Here, we will delve into the various categories of fire and smoke damage and the challenges associated with each.

Structural Damage:

  1. Description: Structural damage is the most apparent consequence of a fire, affecting walls, floors, ceilings, and other building components.
  2. Causes: Direct exposure to flames, high temperatures, and the compromised structural integrity of materials during a fire.
  3. Challenges: Assessing and repairing structural damage often requires collaboration between structural engineers, contractors, and restoration specialists.

Soot Damage:

  1. Description: Soot is a fine, black residue composed of carbon particles produced by incomplete combustion. It can cover surfaces and belongings, leaving behind a distinct odor and staining.
  2. Causes: Incomplete combustion of organic materials during a fire, releasing fine particles that settle on surfaces.
  3. Challenges: Cleaning soot requires specialized techniques and equipment to prevent smearing and further damage.

Smoke Damage:

  1. Description: Smoke damage encompasses the impact of smoke on surfaces, belongings, and indoor air quality, often manifesting as discoloration, odors, and corrosive residues.
  2. Causes: The complex mixture of gases, chemicals, and particles released during a fire that adhere to surfaces and materials.
  3. Challenges: Proper ventilation, air purification, and targeted cleaning are essential to address smoke damage comprehensively.

Water Damage:

  1. Description: Water damage is a secondary consequence of firefighting efforts, as water is used to extinguish flames. It can lead to issues such as mold growth and structural deterioration.
  2. Causes: Firefighters' efforts to extinguish the fire using water or other suppressants.
  3. Challenges: Swift water extraction, drying, and dehumidification are critical to prevent further damage and mitigate the risk of mold growth.

Corrosion Damage:

  1. Description: Corrosion occurs when acidic byproducts of combustion react with metals, leading to deterioration and discoloration.
  2. Causes: Interaction between acidic residues in smoke and metal surfaces.
  3. Challenges: Prompt cleaning and treatment of metal surfaces to prevent irreversible corrosion damage.

Odor Damage:

  1. Description: Lingering odors are a common issue after a fire, caused by the combustion of various materials.
  2. Causes: Absorption of smoke particles into porous surfaces, making odors difficult to eliminate.
  3. Challenges: Odor removal requires specialized techniques, such as ozone treatment or thermal fogging, to neutralize and eliminate persistent smells.

Addressing the aftermath of a fire involves dealing with various types of damage, each requiring specific expertise and techniques. Restoration professionals play a pivotal role in assessing and mitigating these damages, aiding individuals and businesses in rebuilding and recovering from the devastating effects of fire and smoke. Understanding the nuances of different types of fire and smoke damage is a crucial step in the restoration process, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to recovery in Foxborough, MA.

Is Mold a Winter Worry? Exploring Cold-Weather Mold Concerns In Foxborough MA. 

1/9/2024 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo While mold concerns may not be as prominent in winter as in warmer seasons, cold weather brings conditions that can contribute to mold growth.

When contemplating mold growth, the association with damp and warm environments is common, but mold is not exclusive to the summer months.

Winter introduces its own set of conditions that can contribute to mold growth in unexpected places. Let's explore whether mold is a concern during winter and discuss the cold-weather considerations that homeowners and businesses should be aware of in Foxborough, MA.

Condensation and Indoor Humidity:

  • Cold-Weather Concern: Temperature differentials between outdoor and indoor environments in winter can lead to condensation on windows, walls, and surfaces. Combined with indoor humidity, this creates conditions conducive to mold growth.
  • Preventive Measures: Maintain indoor humidity below 60% and use exhaust fans in moisture-prone areas like bathrooms and kitchens. Ensure proper ventilation to reduce condensation on windows.

Ice Dams and Roof Leaks:

  • Cold-Weather Concern: Ice dams, formed by melting and refreezing snow on roofs, can result in water infiltration and roof leaks. Moisture from leaks can create favorable conditions for mold growth in attics and ceilings
  • Preventive Measures: Properly insulate and ventilate attics to prevent ice dams. Regularly inspect roofs for leaks and address issues promptly to prevent water damage.

Mold in Heating Systems:

  • Cold-Weather Concern: Mold can thrive in heating systems, particularly in ductwork and on heating coils. As warm air circulates through the system, it can spread mold spores throughout the building.
  • Preventive Measures: Regularly inspect and clean HVAC systems, including ductwork and coils. Use high-quality air filters and consider professional HVAC maintenance.

Basement Moisture Issues:

  • Cold-Weather Concern: Cold temperatures may lead to condensation on basement walls and floors. Additionally, melting snow and frozen ground can contribute to moisture entering basements.
  • Preventive Measures: Seal cracks in basement walls, ensure proper drainage away from the foundation, and use dehumidifiers to control indoor humidity levels.

Firewood Storage:

  • Cold-Weather Concern: Storing firewood indoors for winter heating can introduce moisture, creating a conducive environment for mold growth.
  • Preventive Measures: Store firewood outdoors in a dry, covered area, and bring in small amounts at a time. Keep firewood away from walls and off the ground.

While mold concerns may not be as prominent in winter as in warmer seasons, cold weather brings conditions that can contribute to mold growth. Understanding these cold-weather mold concerns and implementing preventive measures, such as regular maintenance, proper ventilation, and moisture control, is crucial for ensuring a healthy and mold-free indoor environment throughout the winter months in Foxborough, MA.

Does Your Business Have a Fire Evacuation Plan In Foxborough MA? 

1/9/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working with green text box and orange SERVPRO logo A fire evacuation plan is not merely a document on a shelf; it's a dynamic and living strategy that can significantly impact crisis response.

In the dynamic realm of business, amidst the hustle and bustle, it's common to lose sight of crucial facets of workplace safety.

One often-overlooked aspect is the formulation of a thorough fire evacuation plan. While we hope for the best, preparedness for the worst can significantly impact the protection of your workforce, clients, and assets. Discover the significance of having a fire evacuation plan for your business and the measures you can implement to ensure the safety of all stakeholders.

The Significance of a Fire Evacuation Plan:

  • Preserving Lives and Assets: The primary objective of a fire evacuation plan is to facilitate the swift and secure evacuation of all occupants in the event of a fire. Lives are invaluable, and a well-crafted plan can mitigate the risk of injuries or fatalities. Additionally, it safeguards valuable assets and sensitive information crucial for business continuity.
  • Legal Adherence: Numerous jurisdictions mandate businesses to have a fire evacuation plan in place. Compliance with local fire safety regulations is not just a legal requisite but also a moral responsibility to prioritize the well-being of your workforce and visitors. Non-compliance may lead to severe consequences, such as fines and legal repercussions.
  • Sustaining Business Operations: While immediate concern during a fire revolves around individual safety, a robust evacuation plan also aids in maintaining business continuity. A well-prepared plan ensures that essential operations can resume swiftly after an incident, minimizing disruptions and potential financial setbacks.

Steps to Formulate an Effective Fire Evacuation Plan:

  • Risk Assessment: Commence by identifying potential fire hazards within your premises, such as electrical equipment, flammable materials, or inadequate fire prevention measures. Recognizing these risks is the initial step in developing a focused evacuation plan.
  • Establish Clear Evacuation Routes: Designate primary and alternative evacuation routes, ensuring they are well-lit, unobstructed, and easily accessible. Consider the specific needs of individuals with disabilities and make provisions to assist them during evacuations.
  • Implement an Emergency Communication System: Set up a robust communication system to promptly alert occupants of a fire, utilizing fire alarms, intercoms, or other notification methods. Regularly test and maintain these systems to ensure they function correctly when required.
  • Assign Responsibilities: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of designated personnel during a fire evacuation. This includes individuals responsible for sounding alarms, guiding occupants to safety, and ensuring a headcount at assembly points.
  • Conduct Regular Drills and Training: Practice is essential. Conduct fire evacuation drills regularly to familiarize employees with evacuation procedures and exit routes. Provide training on fire safety, including the proper use of firefighting equipment, empowering individuals to respond effectively in emergencies.

A fire evacuation plan is not merely a document on a shelf; it's a dynamic and living strategy that can significantly impact crisis response. Prioritizing the safety of your workforce and visitors through a well-executed plan not only fulfills legal obligations but also demonstrates a commitment to the well-being of those contributing to your business's success. Regularly review and update your fire evacuation plan to ensure everyone in your organization is prepared to respond swiftly and decisively in the event of a fire emergency. Remember, safety should always be at the forefront of your business priorities in Foxborough, MA.

What to Do in the Event of a Fire in Foxborough, MA 

12/8/2023 (Permalink)

Fire in background Preparation for a fire emergency involves education, awareness, and practice.

Fires can be unpredictable and escalate rapidly, posing a serious threat to both life and property.

Whether you're at home, work, or in public spaces, readiness and knowledge about what to do in a fire emergency can make a crucial difference. Gain practical insights on calmly and effectively responding to a fire emergency in Foxborough, MA.

  • Maintain Composure and Stay Alert: In any emergency situation, the initial and most crucial step is to stay calm. Panic can impede clear thinking and quick decision-making. If you come across a fire or hear a fire alarm, keep your composure and alert those around you. In fire emergencies, time is critical, and a composed mindset can facilitate prompt and necessary actions.
  • Immediate Evacuation: Prioritize your safety and that of others. If the fire is small and manageable, attempt to control it using a suitable fire extinguisher. However, if the fire is spreading or you feel unsafe, evacuate the area promptly. Avoid wasting time gathering belongings; focus on evacuating swiftly.
  • Follow Designated Exit Routes: In public places or buildings, acquaint yourself with exit routes and emergency exits. During a fire, calmly follow these routes and assist others, particularly those with mobility challenges or disabilities. Refrain from using elevators during a fire; opt for stairwells instead.
  • Crawl Low in Smoke: Smoke inhalation poses a significant risk during a fire. Stay close to the ground where the air is clearer, as smoke rises. Crawling low can minimize the risk of inhaling harmful gases and increase the likelihood of reaching safety.
  • Call for Assistance: Once outside the building safely, promptly call emergency services. Furnish them with accurate information regarding the fire's location and nature. Avoid re-entering the building unless directed by emergency personnel.
  • Gather at a Designated Meeting Point: In residential complexes or workplaces, establish a designated meeting point at a safe distance from the building. This ensures a quick and accurate account of everyone and provides emergency responders with essential information about occupants.
  • Do Not Re-enter the Building: Under no circumstances should you re-enter a burning building. Leave the situation to trained firefighters, as re-entering is extremely perilous and may result in severe injuries or loss of life.
  • Adhere to Fire Prevention Measures: Preventing fires is as crucial as knowing how to respond to them. Regularly check smoke detectors, electrical systems, and heating appliances. Avoid overloading electrical outlets and practice safe cooking habits. Proactive fire prevention significantly reduces the risk of a fire outbreak.

Preparation for a fire emergency involves education, awareness, and practice. By staying composed, evacuating promptly, and adhering to established safety procedures, you can safeguard yourself and others from the perils of a fire. Consistently reviewing and practicing these steps ensures readiness to respond effectively in a fire emergency, contributing significantly to overall community safety.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire damage.

Understanding Water and Mold Damage from Winter Pipe Breaks in Foxborough, MA.

12/8/2023 (Permalink)

women with water damage in photo Winter pipe breaks and the subsequent water and mold damage can be a homeowner's nightmare.

As winter blankets the world in a serene layer of snow, it also brings forth the potential for a less picturesque, yet all too common, issue: frozen pipes.

The frigid temperatures can wreak havoc on plumbing systems, leading to pipe breaks that result in water damage and, subsequently, mold growth. Read about the causes of winter pipe breaks, the consequences of water damage, and effective measures to prevent and mitigate the aftermath in Foxborough, MA.

Understanding Winter Pipe Breaks:

  • Freezing Temperatures: The most common cause of winter pipe breaks is freezing temperatures. When water inside pipes freezes, it expands, putting immense pressure on the pipe walls. This increased pressure can lead to cracks, bursts, or even complete ruptures in the plumbing system.
  • Poor Insulation: Inadequate insulation around pipes increases the likelihood of freezing. Exposed pipes in attics, basements, or crawl spaces are particularly vulnerable. Proper insulation helps maintain a consistent temperature and protects pipes from the harsh winter cold.

Consequences of Winter Pipe Breaks:

  • Water Damage: A burst pipe can release a significant amount of water into your home or business, causing extensive damage to walls, floors, and belongings. Swift action is crucial to prevent further harm and reduce repair costs.
  • Mold Growth: Once water is introduced into the equation, the risk of mold growth skyrockets. Mold thrives in damp, humid environments, and the aftermath of a pipe break provides the perfect breeding ground. Mold not only damages structures but also poses health risks, especially for individuals with respiratory issues.

Preventing and Mitigating Water Damage:

  • Insulate Pipes: Ensure all pipes, especially those in vulnerable areas, are properly insulated. This helps maintain a consistent temperature and reduces the risk of freezing.
  • Keep Interior Spaces Warm: Maintain a warm environment within your home or business, especially in areas with exposed pipes. This can be achieved through proper heating and insulation.
  • Drip Faucets: During extremely cold nights, allow faucets to drip slowly. This keeps water flowing, reducing the likelihood of pipes freezing.
  • Seal Leaks: Regularly inspect and seal any leaks in your home's structure. Even small leaks can lead to significant problems when temperatures drop.
  • Emergency Plan: Have an emergency plan in place. Know the location of your main water shut-off valve and how to turn it off quickly. This can help minimize damage in the event of a pipe break.

Winter pipe breaks and the subsequent water and mold damage can be a homeowner's nightmare. However, with proper precautions and a proactive approach to maintenance, you can significantly reduce the risk of such incidents. Remember, prevention is key, but in the unfortunate event of a pipe break, swift action is crucial to mitigate the damage and protect your home from the harsh consequences of winter's icy grip.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ water damage.

Commercial Water Damage Restoration Specialists in Foxborough, MA. 

12/8/2023 (Permalink)

Office Building Commercial water damage restoration specialists are the unseen heroes navigating the aftermath of water-related disasters.

Water damage poses a silent threat capable of wreaking havoc on commercial properties, resulting in not only physical harm but also financial and operational setbacks.

In times of crisis, commercial water damage restoration specialists emerge as unacknowledged heroes, toiling diligently behind the scenes to restore normalcy. Let's delve into the crucial role these specialists play and why their expertise is indispensable in the aftermath of water-related emergencies in Foxborough, MA.

The Silent Threat: Water damage is an all-encompassing issue originating from diverse sources such as burst pipes, floods, leaks, or natural disasters. Commercial properties face heightened vulnerability as the repercussions of water damage extend beyond visible destruction. Mold growth, structural compromise, and damage to valuable assets can result in substantial financial losses without prompt and effective intervention.

The Role of Commercial Water Damage Restoration Specialists:

  • Swift Response and Assessment: Recognizing the urgency in mitigating water-related disasters, commercial water damage restoration specialists respond promptly to assess the damage's extent and devise an effective restoration plan. Timely action is instrumental in preventing secondary damage and minimizing the overall impact on the property.
  • Advanced Equipment and Techniques: Armed with state-of-the-art tools and technology, these specialists efficiently extract water, dehumidify affected areas, and restore the property to its pre-damage condition. Utilizing powerful water pumps and industrial-grade dehumidifiers, they leverage advanced equipment to expedite the restoration process.
  • Meticulous Restoration Planning: Acknowledging the uniqueness of each water damage scenario, commercial water damage restoration specialists meticulously evaluate the situation, determining the best course of action for each specific case. This planning encompasses considerations for structural integrity, potential mold growth, and the preservation of valuable assets.
  • Expertise in Mold Remediation: Following water damage, the risk of mold growth is a significant concern. Commercial water damage restoration specialists possess expertise in mold remediation techniques, ensuring thorough cleaning and treatment of affected areas to prevent future infestations. This knowledge is vital for maintaining a safe and healthy working environment.
  • Coordination with Stakeholders: Effective communication and coordination with property owners, insurance providers, and other stakeholders are integral to the restoration process. Serving as liaisons, commercial water damage restoration specialists provide transparent updates, ensuring all involved parties are informed about progress and next steps.

Commercial water damage restoration specialists are the unseen heroes navigating the aftermath of water-related disasters. Their expertise, coupled with advanced equipment and a commitment to swift and efficient restoration, plays a pivotal role in minimizing the impact on businesses and communities. By recognizing and appreciating the indispensable work of these specialists, we gain a deeper understanding of the value they bring and the critical role they play in safeguarding commercial properties from the silent threat of water damage in Foxborough, MA.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration of commercial buildings’ fire damage.

Commercial Water Damage Restoration Specialists in Foxborough, MA. 

12/8/2023 (Permalink)

Office Building Commercial water damage restoration specialists are the unseen heroes navigating the aftermath of water-related disasters.

Water damage poses a silent threat capable of wreaking havoc on commercial properties, resulting in not only physical harm but also financial and operational setbacks.

In times of crisis, commercial water damage restoration specialists emerge as unacknowledged heroes, toiling diligently behind the scenes to restore normalcy. Let's delve into the crucial role these specialists play and why their expertise is indispensable in the aftermath of water-related emergencies in Foxborough, MA.

The Silent Threat: Water damage is an all-encompassing issue originating from diverse sources such as burst pipes, floods, leaks, or natural disasters. Commercial properties face heightened vulnerability as the repercussions of water damage extend beyond visible destruction. Mold growth, structural compromise, and damage to valuable assets can result in substantial financial losses without prompt and effective intervention.

The Role of Commercial Water Damage Restoration Specialists:

  • Swift Response and Assessment: Recognizing the urgency in mitigating water-related disasters, commercial water damage restoration specialists respond promptly to assess the damage's extent and devise an effective restoration plan. Timely action is instrumental in preventing secondary damage and minimizing the overall impact on the property.
  • Advanced Equipment and Techniques: Armed with state-of-the-art tools and technology, these specialists efficiently extract water, dehumidify affected areas, and restore the property to its pre-damage condition. Utilizing powerful water pumps and industrial-grade dehumidifiers, they leverage advanced equipment to expedite the restoration process.
  • Meticulous Restoration Planning: Acknowledging the uniqueness of each water damage scenario, commercial water damage restoration specialists meticulously evaluate the situation, determining the best course of action for each specific case. This planning encompasses considerations for structural integrity, potential mold growth, and the preservation of valuable assets.
  • Expertise in Mold Remediation: Following water damage, the risk of mold growth is a significant concern. Commercial water damage restoration specialists possess expertise in mold remediation techniques, ensuring thorough cleaning and treatment of affected areas to prevent future infestations. This knowledge is vital for maintaining a safe and healthy working environment.
  • Coordination with Stakeholders: Effective communication and coordination with property owners, insurance providers, and other stakeholders are integral to the restoration process. Serving as liaisons, commercial water damage restoration specialists provide transparent updates, ensuring all involved parties are informed about progress and next steps.

Commercial water damage restoration specialists are the unseen heroes navigating the aftermath of water-related disasters. Their expertise, coupled with advanced equipment and a commitment to swift and efficient restoration, plays a pivotal role in minimizing the impact on businesses and communities. By recognizing and appreciating the indispensable work of these specialists, we gain a deeper understanding of the value they bring and the critical role they play in safeguarding commercial properties from the silent threat of water damage in Foxborough, MA.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration of commercial buildings’ fire damage.

Critical Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Home Restoration Professional in Foxborough, MA.

12/8/2023 (Permalink)

Beautiful Home Choosing the right home restoration professional requires thorough research and asking pertinent questions.

Embarking on home restoration projects brings a mix of excitement and stress. Whether dealing with damage from a natural disaster, or fire, or seeking to upgrade your space, selecting the appropriate home restoration professional is pivotal.

Hiring an unsuitable contractor can result in delays, cost overruns, and subpar outcomes. To ensure a smooth restoration process in Foxborough, MA, it's crucial to pose pertinent questions before making a decision. Here are key inquiries to make when hiring a home restoration professional.

  1. Are you licensed and insured? Confirming the professional's license and insurance is non-negotiable. A valid license signifies compliance with requirements, while insurance protects you and your workers in case of accidents or damages during the project.
  2. What experience do you have in home restoration? Experience is vital. Inquire about the contractor's specific experience with projects akin to yours. Seasoned professionals are better equipped to handle unexpected challenges and deliver quality workmanship.
  3. Can you provide references from past clients? Reputable professionals willingly share references from previous clients. Contacting these references offers insights into the contractor's work ethic, reliability, and overall client satisfaction.
  4. What is the estimated timeline for the project? Clearly defining the project timeline is crucial to avoid delays and unexpected costs. Request a detailed timeline, including milestones and potential challenges.
  5. How do you handle permits and regulatory approvals? Ensure the contractor is well-versed in obtaining necessary permits and complying with local regulations to avert legal issues later on.
  6. What is the total cost and payment schedule? Discussing costs upfront is essential. Seek a detailed breakdown, including materials and labor, and establish a clear payment schedule tied to project milestones.
  7. Do you provide a written contract? A written contract is a must. It should encompass all discussed details, such as scope of work, timeline, costs, and warranties, serving as a reference point in case of disputes.
  8. What safety measures do you have in place during the project? Safety protocols are paramount. Inquire about measures to protect your property and the workers involved, especially in hazardous restoration situations.
  9. How do you communicate with clients throughout the project? Effective communication is key. Understand the contractor's preferred communication channels, frequency of updates, and identify your primary point of contact.
  10. What warranties do you offer on your work? Reputable professionals stand by their work. Inquire about warranties or guarantees on materials and labor to ensure coverage post-completion.

Choosing the right home restoration professional requires thorough research and asking pertinent questions. By scrutinizing qualifications, experience, and the contractor's approach, you can make an informed decision, setting the stage for a successful and stress-free home restoration experience in Foxborough, MA.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential buildings’ fire damage.

Sump Pump Failure and the Importance of Preparedness

11/11/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO workers with orange logo Sump pump failure poses an often underestimated yet substantial threat to the safety and integrity of your home.

In the realm of home maintenance and protection, a hidden hero lurks in basements and crawl spaces—the sump pump. While quietly executing its duty to shield homes from potential water damage, its failure can unleash disastrous consequences. Uncover the reasons behind sump pump failures, recognize warning signs, and implement essential measures to fortify your home's protection.

The Unassuming Defender:

The unpretentious sump pump plays a critical role in averting basement flooding. Nestled in a specially designed pit, it senses rising water levels and redirects excess water away from your home's foundation. This straightforward yet effective system serves as a homeowner's initial defense against water damage triggered by heavy rainfall, melting snow, or elevated groundwater.

Common Causes of Sump Pump Failure:

  1. Power Outages: Deprived of electricity, the pump remains inoperable, leaving your basement susceptible to flooding.
  2. Lack of Maintenance: Like any mechanical system, regular upkeep is essential for sump pumps. Accumulation of debris and sediment over time can impede the pump's efficiency.
  3. Float Switch Issues: Responsible for triggering the pump when water levels rise, the float switch can encounter mechanical failures or obstructions, impeding proper functionality.
  4. Frozen Discharge Pipe: In colder climates, a frozen discharge pipe can prevent the pump from expelling water, leading to potential backflow into the basement.
  5. Pump Overwhelm: Amidst heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt, the sump pump may be inundated, working harder and risking failure.

Recognizing the Signs: To prevent surprise sump pump failures, stay alert for warning signs such as unusual noises—grinding or clanking may indicate mechanical issues within the pump.

Visible Rust or Corrosion: Rust or corrosion on the pump or its components signals wear and tear, potentially resulting in failure.

Frequent Cycling: An unusually frequent on-off cycle may indicate issues with the float switch or other components.

Foul Odors: Unpleasant smells suggest stagnant water in the sump pit, a consequence of the pump failing to effectively remove water.

Implement routine maintenance to clear debris, test the float switch, and verify the correct functioning of all components. Additionally, install a battery backup system to keep your sump pump operational during power outages.

Sump pump failure poses an often underestimated yet substantial threat to the safety and integrity of your home. By comprehending common causes, identifying warning signs, and taking proactive steps, you can diminish the risk of basement flooding and safeguard your property from the potential fallout of sump pump failure.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ mold damage. Call us today at (508) 533-5305.

A Guide to Thanksgiving Fire Safety in Foxborough MA

11/8/2023 (Permalink)

people with open oven Prioritizing safety is paramount, particularly concerning potential fire hazards.

Indulge in the enticing fragrance of roasted turkey, relish the comforting warmth of pumpkin pie, and savor the togetherness of cherished ones as you immerse yourself in a festive Thanksgiving atmosphere. Amidst the merriment, ensuring safety takes precedence, particularly in guarding against potential fire hazards. Discover essential Thanksgiving fire safety tips to preserve the spirit of gratitude and joy during your holiday celebration.

Kitchen Safety: At the heart of Thanksgiving, the kitchen orchestrates the culinary magic of the feast.

  • Never abandon the stove, particularly when using oils or engaging in frying.
  • Safeguard against flammable materials by keeping items like kitchen towels and oven mitts away from the stovetop.
  • Confirm the proper functioning of smoke alarms and have a readily accessible fire extinguisher.

Turkey Fryer Safety: While deep-frying turkeys has become a beloved tradition, it demands careful attention to avoid risks.

  • Position the fryer outdoors, ensuring a safe distance from the house, deck, or any combustible materials.
  • Thoroughly thaw the turkey before frying to prevent oil splatters.
  • Exercise vigilance in monitoring the oil temperature and refrain from overfilling the fryer.

Candle Caution: Enhance the ambiance of your Thanksgiving dinner with the warm glow of candles, but do so with caution.

  • Keep candles clear of flammable decorations and other items.
  • Secure candles in stable, non-tip holders.
  • Never leave lit candles unattended; extinguish them before leaving the room.

Electrical Safety: With Thanksgiving's array of electrical gadgets, exercise caution to prevent mishaps.

  • Avoid overloading electrical outlets; use surge protectors when necessary.
  • Regularly inspect cords for frays or damage, replacing them as needed.
  • Power down appliances when not in use and unplug them whenever possible.

Keep an Eye on Children: While children contribute to the joy of the season, their curiosity requires additional vigilance.

  • Designate a kid-free zone in the kitchen.
  • Educate children on fire safety and stress the importance of avoiding hot surfaces.
  • Appoint a responsible adult to supervise young children throughout the festivities.

Prioritizing safety is paramount, particularly concerning potential fire hazards. SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire damage. Call us today at (508) 533-5305.

A Guide to Christmas Fire Safety in Foxborough MA

11/8/2023 (Permalink)

Christmas tree Lights By taking simple precautions and being mindful of fire safety, you can ensure that the holiday season remains merry and bright for everyone.

As the holiday season draws near, families come together, homes are adorned with shimmering lights and festive decorations, and the delightful aroma of sumptuous meals permeates the air. Amidst the joyous celebrations, prioritizing safety—especially fire safety—remains paramount. Here are indispensable tips to guarantee a joyful and secure Christmas for you and your loved ones.

Thoughtful Decoration Placement:

Embracing the cherished Christmas tradition of decking the halls with festive decorations is wonderful, but it's crucial to exercise caution in their placement. Keep flammable materials such as curtains, tablecloths, and other decorations away from heat sources like candles and fireplaces. Whenever possible, choose flame-resistant or flame-retardant decorations.

Candle Safety:

While candles contribute to a warm and cozy ambiance, they also present a notable fire hazard. Consider opting for flameless LED candles for a safer alternative to traditional candles. If you choose traditional candles, never leave them unattended, place them out of reach of children and pets, and ensure they are secured in stable holders on a flat surface.

Inspect Christmas Lights:

Before adorning your space with Christmas lights, carefully inspect them for signs of damage, such as frayed wires, broken bulbs, or exposed wiring. Discard and replace any lights showing damage, and strictly adhere to the manufacturer's usage guidelines. Consider using LED lights for their lower heat generation and enhanced energy efficiency compared to traditional incandescent lights.

Thoughtful Tree Care:

For those with live Christmas trees, proper hydration is crucial to fire prevention. Regularly water your tree and position it away from heat sources, as dry trees pose a significant fire risk. If you opt for an artificial tree, ensure it is labeled as flame-resistant.

Cooking Safety:

While the Christmas feast takes center stage in celebrations, it's also a time when kitchen fires are more prevalent. Exercise vigilance during cooking, use timers to prevent over cooking, and keep flammable items like kitchen towels and oven mitts away from the stove. If deep-frying, do so outdoors and at a safe distance from structures.

Establish an Escape Plan:

In the unfortunate event of a fire, having a well-thought-out escape plan is crucial. Ensure that all household members are familiar with the plan, including designated meeting points outside the home. Practice fire drills regularly, especially if you have guests staying with you during the holiday season.

Christmas is a time for joy, warmth, and togetherness. By taking simple precautions and being mindful of fire safety, you can ensure that the holiday season remains merry and bright for everyone.  

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire damage. Call us today at (508) 533-5305. 

Join Our SERVPRO Patriots Toy Drive!

10/29/2023 (Permalink)

Winter with text box and Orange SERVPRO logo Join us in spreading the warmth and magic of the holidays by contributing to this meaningful cause.

The holiday season is a time of giving, and our SERVPRO franchise is thrilled to be a part of the Patriots Toy Drive this year. We invite you to join us in making a difference in the lives of children by contributing to this heartwarming initiative. Here's how you can get involved!

Event Details:

What: Patriots Toy Drive

Where: SERVPRO Office, 90 Elm Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748

How: Drop off new toys in our office lobby

When: Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM

How to Participate:

  • Donate a New Toy: We welcome any new, unwrapped toys that you'd like to contribute to the Patriots Toy Drive. Simply drop them off at our SERVPRO office, and look for the collection box in our lobby.
  • Visit Our Office: Stop by our office during our regular business hours to deliver your donation. Our team will be on hand to receive your heartfelt contributions.
  • Spread the Word: Help us make a bigger impact by sharing this information with your friends, family, and colleagues. Encourage them to join us in spreading joy to children in need.
  • Get a Toy Box for Your Office: Want to involve your workplace in this heartwarming cause? We're happy to provide a toy collection box for your office. Reach out to Tom in our sales office at triley@SERVPROframingham.com to coordinate the details.
  • Have Questions or Need Assistance? If you have any questions, need more information, or would like assistance in any way, feel free to reach out to Tom at the provided email address. He'll be more than happy to help make your participation in the Patriots Toy Drive seamless and enjoyable.

At SERVPRO, we believe in the power of community and the joy that comes from giving back. The Patriots Toy Drive is a wonderful opportunity to make a positive impact on the holiday season for children who could use a little extra cheer. Join us in spreading the warmth and magic of the holidays by contributing to this meaningful cause. Together, we can make a difference, one toy at a time. Thank you for your generosity and for being a part of this incredible journey!

How Does Water Damage Start in Foxborough?

10/27/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO truck How Does Water Damage Start in Foxborough? Water doesn't stand a chance against SERVPRO Of Foxborough

It is crucial to comprehend the origins of water damage to effectively prevent and intervene in a timely manner. Numerous factors can initiate water damage, each with a ripple effect on our homes:

  1. Leaky Roofs and Damaged Shingles: A compromised roof, often resulting from damaged or missing shingles, is a primary cause of water damage. Leaks in the roof permit water infiltration into the attic and other structural components, leading to the deterioration of wood, weakened ceilings, and eventual water stains on interior walls.
  2. Faulty Plumbing: Water damage is frequently initiated by leaky pipes, burst hoses, and faulty plumbing fixtures. Small, unnoticed leaks can escalate rapidly, causing harm to walls, flooring, and even the house's foundation. Regular inspections and prompt repairs are essential to mitigate risks associated with plumbing-related water damage.
  3. Clogged Gutters and Downspouts: Gutters and downspouts, crucial for directing rainwater away from the house, become problematic when clogged with debris. Overflowing water can saturate exterior walls, leading to structural damage, mold growth, and erosion around the foundation.
  4. Poorly Sealed Windows and Doors: Inadequately sealed windows and doors act as entry points for water, particularly during heavy rain or storms. Over time, water infiltration can result in rotting frames, damaged drywall, and compromised structural integrity. Regular inspections and resealing of these entry points are vital for preventing water damage.
  5. Basement Flooding: Basements, situated below ground level, are susceptible to water damage due to factors like heavy rainfall, poor drainage, or a high water table. Flooding can cause extensive damage to walls, flooring, and belongings stored in the basement.
  6. Appliance Leaks: Household appliances, including washing machines, dishwashers, and water heaters, may cause water damage if they develop leaks. Malfunctioning appliances or worn-out hoses can release water, damaging floors, walls, and nearby possessions.

Understanding that water damage can originate in diverse ways empowers homeowners to recognize signs and address root causes promptly. Regular maintenance, timely repairs, and a proactive approach to potential entry points for water can safeguard homes from the pervasive threat of water damage, ensuring a dry and secure living environment for years to come.

Water doesn't stand a chance against SERVPRO Of Foxborough commercial and residential remediation services. We're not just another remediation company; we're your partners in ensuring a safe, healthy environment. So, if you're facing a water problem, don't hesitate. You can reach a member of our team 24/7/365.

Mold FAQ: Your Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Mold

10/24/2023 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO® logo Consult with experts for guidance and remediation services to maintain a mold-free and safe living environment for your family.

Mold poses a common household challenge that can result in various health concerns and property issues in Foxborough, MA. Many residents have inquiries about mold, and here are responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs) to enhance your understanding of this problem and its effective management.

What is Mold?

Mold is a fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae. Flourishing in damp, humid conditions, it exhibits various colors and textures. While some molds are innocuous, others produce mycotoxins, potentially harmful to human health.

What Causes Mold Growth?

Mold necessitates moisture, warmth, and organic material for growth. Common triggers for mold in homes include water leaks, high humidity, poor ventilation, and damp building materials. Areas like bathrooms, basements, and kitchens are particularly prone to mold infestations.

Is Mold Dangerous to Health?

Indeed, mold can be harmful, especially if it produces mycotoxins. Exposure to mold spores and mycotoxins can lead to allergies, respiratory problems, skin irritation, and more severe conditions in immunocompromised individuals. Swiftly addressing mold problems is crucial for safeguarding health.

How Can I Prevent Mold Growth?

Proactive steps to prevent mold growth include:

  • Control indoor humidity levels (ideally between 30-50%).
  • Promptly fix leaks or water damage.
  • Ensure proper ventilation in high-moisture areas.
  • Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Promptly clean and dry wet or damp materials and surfaces.

How Do I Identify Mold in My Home?

Mold is identifiable by its fuzzy or slimy appearance and various colors like black, green, white, or brown. A musty odor may also be present. Consult a professional for a thorough inspection if you suspect mold in Franklin, MA.

Can I Remove Mold Myself?

For small, surface-level mold issues (under 10 square feet), self-cleaning with protective gear is possible. For extensive infestations, consulting a professional mold remediation service is advisable.

How Can I Prevent Mold Recurrence?

Maintain a dry, well-ventilated environment, inspect for leaks regularly, and promptly address moisture issues. Consider using dehumidifiers and ensure your HVAC system is well-maintained.

Do Home Insurance Policies Cover Mold Damage?

Coverage for mold damage in home insurance policies can vary. Review your policy and consult with your provider to ensure adequate coverage.

Understanding mold and employing preventive measures, addressing moisture promptly, and seeking professional help when needed can effectively manage and mitigate mold problems in your Wethersfield, MA home. Consult with experts for guidance and remediation services to maintain a mold-free and safe living environment for your family.

SERVPRO® Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage. Call us today at (508) 533-5305.

Preventing Ice Dams: A Guide to Protecting Your Home in Foxborough.

10/18/2023 (Permalink)

White background with text and SERVPRO® logo Proactively insulating your home, enhancing ventilation, and conducting regular maintenance significantly diminish the risk of ice dams.

Winter possesses the potential for enchantment, yet it also introduces a set of challenges, particularly for homeowners in Foxborough, MA.

Among the prevalent and potentially detrimental issues in the winter months is the emergence of ice dams on rooftops. Safeguarding your home involves understanding what ice dams are, why they form, and, crucially, how to prevent them.

Comprehending Ice Dams

Ice dams manifest as ridge-like accumulations of ice along the roof's edge, impeding the drainage of melting snow and ice. This can lead to water backup and potential infiltration into your home. The process typically unfolds as follows:

  • Snow Accumulation: Your roof becomes blanketed in a layer of snow.
  • Heat Loss: The heat from your home escapes through the roof, causing snow on the upper section to melt.
  • Freezing Point: As the melted water reaches the colder lower section of the roof, it refreezes, forming an ice dam.
  • Water Backup: Ongoing snowmelt flows towards the ice dam, creating a pool of water that may find its way into your home through roof or siding gaps.

Significance of Preventing Ice Dams

Ice dams can wreak havoc on your home in multiple ways:

  • Roof Damage: The weight of ice dams can harm the roof's structure and shingles, necessitating costly repairs.
  • Water Damage: Trapped water on the roof can infiltrate your home, causing extensive damage to ceilings, walls, and insulation.
  • Mold and Mildew: Moisture infiltration fosters mold and mildew growth, posing health risks.
  • Energy Loss: Ice dams often form due to escaping heat, resulting in energy loss and increased heating bills.

Understanding the risks, here are practical steps to prevent ice dams:

  • Proper Insulation: Ensure adequate attic insulation to maintain a uniform roof temperature.
  • Ventilation: Install roof and soffit vents for consistent attic air circulation.
  • Seal Gaps: Seal openings in the roof, walls, and attic to minimize warm air leakage.
  • Attic Air Sealing: Prevent warm air from escaping into the attic space.
  • Roof Raking: After heavy snowfall, use a roof rake to remove excess snow, reducing the potential for melting.
  • Ice Dam Membranes: Consider installing an ice and water shield membrane to prevent water infiltration.
  • Gutter Maintenance: Keep gutters clean and install heated cables to prevent ice buildup.
  • Professional Inspection: Schedule regular roofing inspections to address issues before they escalate.

Proactively insulating your home, enhancing ventilation, and conducting regular maintenance significantly diminish the risk of ice dams. This not only preserves your home's integrity but also controls energy costs, ensuring a warm and dry winter in Norfolk, MA. Prevention now can save considerable trouble and expense in the future. Embrace the winter season warmly, dryly, and to the fullest!

SERVPRO® Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage. Call us today at (508) 533-5305.

Protecting Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide to Fire Prevention

10/4/2023 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO® logo Stay safe, prepared, and protect your home in Franklin, MA.

Preventing fires requires a collective commitment to awareness, precautions, and responsible conduct.

Here are crucial guidelines for fire prevention:

  1. Install Smoke Alarms: Ensure that smoke alarms are in place in critical areas such as bedrooms, hallways, and the kitchen. Regularly test and replace batteries annually.
  2. Create a Fire Escape Plan: Familiarize everyone in your household with a comprehensive fire escape plan, including multiple exit routes, a designated meeting point outside, and the procedure for calling 911. Regularly practice fire drills.
  3. Fire-Resistant Building Materials: When constructing or renovating, consider incorporating fire-resistant materials like roofing, siding, and insulation to slow the spread of flames and enhance the chances of containment.
  4. Properly Store Flammable Materials: Store flammable substances, including gasoline and paints, in well-ventilated areas away from heat and open flames. Utilize suitable containers and adhere to safety guidelines to prevent leaks.
  5. Maintain Heating Equipment: Regularly inspect and maintain heating equipment, such as fireplaces and furnaces, with professional assistance. Keep flammable items at a safe distance and employ protective barriers to prevent sparks.
  6. Safe Cooking Practices: Never leave the kitchen unattended while cooking, and keep flammable items away from the stove. Install a fire extinguisher nearby and acquaint yourself with its usage.
  7. Electrical Safety: Inspect electrical systems, cords, and outlets for damage regularly. Replace faulty components, avoid overloading outlets, and use surge protectors when necessary.
  8. Candle Safety: Keep candles away from flammable materials and never leave them unattended. Consider using flameless LED candles for a safer alternative.
  9. Smoking Safety: If you smoke, do so outside using a sturdy ashtray. Ensure cigarettes are fully extinguished before disposal and avoid smoking in bed to prevent potential fire hazards.
  10. Teach Fire Safety to Children: Educate children about fire safety, emphasizing the dangers of fire, appropriate responses, and the importance of avoiding matches and lighters.

Preventing fires is a joint effort that demands vigilance and consciousness. By adhering to these fire prevention measures and instilling a safety culture in your household, you can substantially mitigate the risk of fires and safeguard your home and loved ones from this destructive force in Foxborough. Remember, in fire prevention, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Stay safe, prepared, and protect your home in Franklin, MA.

SERVPRO® Of Foxborough is the top choice for cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial buildings affected by fire, mold, water, and storm damage. Contact us today at (508) 533-5305.

Dealing with Water Damage: A Comprehensive Guide

9/27/2023 (Permalink)

White background with text and SERVPRO logo With the right knowledge and quick action, you can minimize water damage and ensure a smoother recovery process.

With the right knowledge and quick action, you can minimize water damage and ensure a smoother recovery process. Here are the essential steps to take when faced with water damage.

Ensure Safety First: Before you start dealing with water damage, prioritize safety. Turn off the power to the affected area to avoid electrical hazards. If necessary, wear protective gear such as rubber gloves and waterproof boots to prevent contact with contaminated water.

Identify the Source and Stop It: Determine the source of the water and take immediate steps to stop it. If it's a burst pipe, turn off the water supply to that area or the entire house. For roof leaks, place buckets or tarps to divert water away from the damaged area temporarily. If the water source is external (like a flood), wait for authorities to confirm it's safe before returning.

Document the Damage: Take photographs or videos of the water damage before you begin cleanup or contact your insurance company. Proper documentation can help support your insurance claim.

Call Your Insurance Company: Contact your homeowner's insurance provider as soon as possible to report the water damage. Provide them with all the necessary information, including photos and videos, so they can initiate the claims process. 

Remove Water and Moisture: The longer water sits, the more damage it can cause. Begin the drying process immediately by removing excess water using pumps, wet/dry vacuums, or towels. Open windows and doors to encourage ventilation and help speed up the drying process.

Salvage Valuables: Remove valuable and sentimental items from the affected area to prevent further damage. Furniture, electronics, and personal belongings should be relocated to a dry and safe place.

Prevent Mold Growth: Mold can start growing within 24 to 48 hours after water damage occurs. To prevent mold growth, thoroughly dry and disinfect the affected area. Use fans and dehumidifiers to reduce humidity levels, and consider using mold-resistant products during repairs.

Assess Structural Damage: Check for any structural damage that may have occurred due to the water. This includes inspecting walls, ceilings, floors, and the foundation. If you suspect structural issues, consult with a professional contractor or engineer.

Repair and Restore: Once the affected area is completely dry, you can start the repair and restoration process. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need to replace drywall, insulation, flooring, or other structural components. 

Prevent Future Water Damage: After the cleanup and restoration are complete, take steps to prevent future water damage. Regularly inspect your home for leaks, maintain your plumbing system, and consider installing a sump pump or backflow preventer if you're in a flood-prone area.

Dealing with water damage can be stressful, but by following these steps and acting quickly, you can minimize the damage and ensure a smoother recovery process. Remember that safety should always be your top priority, and seeking professional help when needed can make a significant difference in the outcome. With proper precautions and a well-executed plan, you can restore your home to its former glory and safeguard it against future water damage.
SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage. If you are looking for assistance, just click on the contact us page, and someone will be in touch shortly.

Dealing with Mold: Your Comprehensive Guide to Mold Remediation

9/20/2023 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo If the mold problem is extensive, toxic mold is suspected, or you have health concerns, it's advisable to hire a professional mold remediation service

Not only is mold unsightly, but it can also pose health risks if left unaddressed. Here is what to do if you discover mold in your home and how to effectively tackle this issue.

  1. Identify the Mold: Before you can effectively deal with mold, you need to identify the type and extent of the infestation. If you are unsure about the type of mold you are dealing with, consider hiring a professional mold inspector who can provide an accurate assessment.
  2. Safety First: When dealing with mold, safety should be your top priority. Mold can release harmful spores and mycotoxins into the air, which can be dangerous when inhaled. To protect yourself, follow these safety precautions:
  • Wear protective gear, including an N95 respirator, gloves, and eye protection.
  • Isolate the contaminated area to prevent mold spores from spreading to other parts of your home.
  • Ensure proper ventilation by opening windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate.
  1. Remove Moisture Sources: Mold thrives in moist environments, so the first step in mold remediation is to identify and eliminate the source of moisture. Fix any leaks, repair roof damage, and improve ventilation in damp areas like basements and bathrooms. A dehumidifier can also help reduce humidity levels in your home.
  2. Cleaning and Mold Removal: The method of mold removal depends on the extent of the infestation and the affected materials. 
  • For small surface mold growth, clean the affected area with a mixture of soap and water or a commercial mold cleaner.
  • For larger infestations, you may need to remove and replace contaminated materials, such as drywall, insulation, or carpet. Be cautious not to disturb the mold, as this can release more spores into the air.
  1. Consider Professional Help: If the mold problem is extensive, toxic mold is suspected, or you have health concerns, it's advisable to hire a professional mold remediation service. These experts have the necessary equipment and expertise to safely and effectively remove mold from your home.

After you have successfully removed the mold, take steps to prevent it from returning:

  • Maintain proper ventilation and humidity levels in your home.
  • Regularly inspect and repair any leaks or water damage.
  • Clean and dry damp areas promptly.
  • Use mold-resistant materials in areas prone to moisture.

Dealing with mold can be a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and precautions, you can effectively address the issue and protect your home and health. Remember that safety should always come first, and when in doubt, seek professional assistance. By identifying and addressing the source of the problem and following proper remediation procedures, you can create a healthier living environment for you and your family.  

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage. If you are looking for assistance, just click on the contact us page, and someone will be in touch shortly.

5 Things Not to Do After a Fire Damages Your Home in Foxborough, MA

8/23/2023 (Permalink)

Green background with orange SERVPRO logo and title. After the fire is extinguished and the immediate danger is over, it's essential to approach the situation with caution and a clear plan.

Experiencing a house fire is a devastating event. After the fire is extinguished and the immediate danger is over, it's essential to approach the situation with caution and a clear plan. While the desire to start restoring your home may be strong, there are several critical mistakes you should avoid to ensure a smoother recovery process. 

  1. Entering the Property Without Proper Clearance: Entering the property without proper clearance from the fire department or relevant authorities can be extremely dangerous. Structural instability, hidden pockets of fire, toxic fumes, and weakened support beams are just a few of the hazards that might be present. Always wait for the official go-ahead before reentering your home to ensure your safety and that of emergency responders.
  2. Attempting DIY Repairs: Restoring your home after a fire requires professional expertise due to the complexity of the damage. Instead, consult with licensed contractors or restoration specialists experienced in fire damage recovery. They will have the expertise and tools needed to assess the situation correctly and carry out safe and effective restoration work.
  3. Ignoring Smoke and Soot Damage: The aftermath of a fire often leaves behind extensive smoke and soot damage that may not be immediately apparent. Ignoring these lingering issues can lead to long-term problems, including health hazards and deterioration of materials. Smoke and soot particles can seep into walls, upholstery, and ventilation systems, causing respiratory issues and unpleasant odors. 
  4. Failing to Notify Your Insurance Company Promptly: Your homeowner's insurance policy is there to help you during such challenging times, but to maximize your claim and coverage, it's crucial to notify your insurance company promptly. 
  5. Disposing of Damaged Items Prematurely: Amidst the chaos of a fire-damaged home, it's tempting to discard ruined items quickly. However, it's essential to document the damage thoroughly before disposing of anything. Take photographs and make a detailed inventory of damaged belongings as evidence for your insurance claim.

Experiencing a fire and the aftermath of its damage is an emotional and challenging ordeal. While the desire to start rebuilding your life is natural, it's essential to approach the recovery process cautiously and avoid certain mistakes. Remember not to enter your property until it's deemed safe, enlist the help of professionals for restoration work, promptly inform your insurance company, and document the damage thoroughly. 

When it comes to cleanup and restoration services for fire, mold, water, and storm damage in both residential and commercial buildings, SERVPRO of Foxborough takes pride in being the number one choice. Our dedicated services cover a wide range of areas, including Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA. Count on us for unparalleled expertise and prompt solutions to bring your property back to its original condition.

Protect Your Home Against a Flood in Foxborough, MA: Essential Tips to Safeguard Your Abode

8/16/2023 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo SERVPRO of Foxborough provides Cleanup and restoration services for fire, mold, water, and storm damage in both residential and commercial buildings

Floods are among the most destructive and devastating natural disasters. Here are some essential tips and strategies to safeguard your home and loved ones from the destructive force of floods.

  1. Understand the Flood Risk in Your Area: Check local flood maps and seek information from relevant authorities about historical flood events in your region. 
  2. Elevate Electrical Systems: Hire a professional electrician to elevate all electrical outlets, switches, sockets, and wiring above the expected flood levels. 
  3. Waterproof Your Basement: Seal any cracks in the foundation and walls to prevent water seepage. Consider installing a sump pump to remove any accumulated water.
  4. Elevate Appliances and Furnishings: Raise your valuable appliances, including washers, dryers, water heaters, and furnaces, on elevated platforms to keep them above potential floodwaters. 
  5. Install Flood Barriers and Sandbags: Temporary flood barriers and sandbags can act as a first line of defense during a flood event.
  6. Secure Sewage Backflow Valves: During severe floods, there's a risk of sewage backflow, which can lead to contamination and further damage. Installing sewage backflow valves in your home's plumbing system can help prevent sewage from entering your property.
  7. Create Adequate Drainage: Ensure that your property has proper drainage systems in place to direct water away from your home's foundation. Clean gutters, downspouts, and drains regularly to prevent blockages that may lead to water pooling around your home.
  8. Elevate Outdoor Utilities: Outdoor utilities such as air conditioning units and fuel tanks should be raised above potential flood levels to minimize damage and reduce safety risks.
  9. Purchase Flood Insurance: It's essential to invest in separate flood insurance coverage to protect your home and belongings in case of a flood event.

While we cannot control natural disasters like floods, we can take proactive steps to protect our homes and loved ones from their devastating effects. By understanding the flood risk in our area and implementing flood protection measures, we can significantly reduce the potential impact of floods on our homes. 

When it comes to cleanup and restoration services for fire, mold, water, and storm damage in both residential and commercial buildings, SERVPRO of Foxborough takes pride in being the number one choice. Our dedicated services cover a wide range of areas, including Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA. Count on us for unparalleled expertise and prompt solutions to bring your property back to its original condition.

3 Top Causes of Fall Water in Foxborough, MA Damage

8/7/2023 (Permalink)

Green background with orange SERVPRO logo and title. The fall season poses unique challenges for homeowners, with rainfall, fallen leaves, and temperature fluctuations leading to various sources of water

The fall season poses unique challenges for homeowners, with rainfall, fallen leaves, and temperature fluctuations leading to various sources of water damage. Here are the three top causes of fall water damage and how to prevent them.

The abundance of falling leaves, twigs, and debris during autumn can easily accumulate in gutters and downspouts, obstructing the proper flow of rainwater. When gutters are clogged, rainwater cannot be efficiently directed away from the roof and foundation of the house, causing potential leaks. 

Prevention Tips:

  • Regularly clean gutters and downspouts, especially during the fall season.
  • Trim trees near your house to minimize the number of leaves falling onto the roof and gutters.
  • Check for any signs of damage to the gutters and downspouts, and promptly repair or replace any compromised sections.
  • As temperatures fluctuate during fall, any cracks or gaps in the exterior of your home can become potential entry points for water.
  • Inspect the exterior of your home thoroughly, paying close attention to vulnerable areas like the roof, siding, and foundation. 
  • Ensure that the seals around windows and doors are intact. 
  • Maintain proper ventilation in attics and crawl spaces to regulate temperature and humidity, reducing the risk of moisture-related damage.

Clogged gutters and downspouts, water seepage through cracks and gaps, and a leaking roof are three common culprits that can wreak havoc during this season. It is important to have regular inspections, proper maintenance, and timely repairs are key to safeguarding our homes and ensuring a worry-free autumn experience.

When it comes to cleanup and restoration services for fire, mold, water, and storm damage in both residential and commercial buildings, SERVPRO of Foxborough takes pride in being the number one choice. Our dedicated services cover a wide range of areas, including Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA. Count on us for unparalleled expertise and prompt solutions to bring your property back to its original condition.

Restoring Brilliance: A Comprehensive Guide to Rebuilding After Water Damage

7/7/2023 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo Rebuilding a building after water damage requires careful planning, meticulous execution, and collaboration among various professionals.

Recovering from water damage can have devastating effects on a building, impacting its structural integrity, functionality, and overall appearance. Whether the damage is caused by floods, burst pipes, or leaks, it is crucial to take immediate action and plan the restoration process carefully. Let's explore a step-by-step guide on how to rebuild a building after water damage, ensuring a safe, efficient, and visually appealing transformation.

Step 1: Assessing the Damage: Before beginning the rebuilding process, it is essential to conduct a thorough assessment of the water damage. Engage the services of a professional inspector or a reputable restoration company to determine the extent of structural, electrical, and mold-related damage. This assessment will provide crucial insights to effectively plan the restoration process.

Step 2: Ensuring Safety: Safety should always be the top priority when working on a building affected by water damage. Before entering the premises, ensure that the electrical power is shut off to prevent potential hazards. Take necessary precautions to avoid slips, falls, and exposure to contaminated water. Utilize appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, masks, and boots.

Step 3: Water Extraction and Drying: Removing the water is a critical step in the restoration process. Utilize industrial-grade pumps, wet vacuums, and dehumidifiers to extract standing water from the affected areas. Promote proper air circulation by opening windows, using fans, and employing specialized drying equipment. It is imperative to eliminate excess moisture to prevent mold growth and further damage to the structure.

Step 4: Mold Remediation: Moisture-laden environments provide ideal conditions for mold growth. If mold is detected, consult with professionals experienced in mold remediation. They will assess the extent of mold contamination, perform thorough cleaning, and ensure proper ventilation to prevent future mold outbreaks. Taking prompt action will safeguard the health of occupants and maintain the integrity of the building.

Step 5: Structural Repairs: Once the affected areas are dry and free of mold, it's time to address the structural damage. Engage the services of qualified contractors or construction professionals to repair weakened walls, floors, ceilings, and the foundation. Reinforce compromised structures, replace damaged materials, and ensure compliance with building codes and regulations. Conduct necessary plumbing repairs and inspections to prevent future water-related issues.

Step 6: Electrical and HVAC Systems: Water damage can severely impact electrical and HVAC systems, posing potential safety hazards. Engage licensed electricians and HVAC technicians to thoroughly inspect, repair, or replace damaged components. Ensure that all systems meet safety standards and regulations before reconnecting utilities.

Step 7: Interior Restoration: The rebuilding process also involves restoring the interior spaces to their former condition. Assess and replace damaged insulation, drywall, flooring, and fixtures. Repaint walls, applying mold-resistant coatings where necessary. Consider utilizing waterproof materials for future protection. Consult interior designers or decorators to create functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces.

Step 8: Prevention and Preparedness: To mitigate the risk of future water damage, implement preventive measures. Install water detection systems, reinforce waterproofing measures, and regularly inspect plumbing and roof systems. Educate occupants on proactive steps to prevent water-related accidents and encourage immediate reporting of leaks or other issues.

Rebuilding a building after water damage requires careful planning, meticulous execution, and collaboration among various professionals. By following this comprehensive guide, you can navigate the restoration process with confidence, ensuring the safety, functionality, and beauty of the rebuilt structure.

If you're in need of cleanup and restoration services for residential or commercial buildings affected by fire, mold, water, or storm damage, consider contacting SERVPRO Of Foxborough. They are the #1 choice in cleanup and restoration, serving Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA.

Biohazard: Unveiling the Menace Within

7/7/2023 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo It is essential to shed light on biohazards, their diverse forms, and the importance of effective management to ensure our well-being.

In our modern world, we are constantly exposed to potential threats, some of which remain unseen, yet capable of causing harm. Among these hidden perils, biohazards stand as a significant risk to both human health and the environment. Defined as biological agents or substances that pose a threat to living organisms, biohazards have garnered increasing concern in recent times. It is essential to shed light on biohazards, their diverse forms, and the importance of effective management to ensure our well-being remains safeguarded.

Understanding Biohazards: Biohazards encompass a wide array of hazardous agents, including bacteria, viruses, toxins, fungi, and other biological substances. These potential threats can be found in various environments such as laboratories, hospitals, industrial settings, and even natural ecosystems. What makes biohazards particularly dangerous is their capacity to cause infections, diseases, and severe health complications in both humans and animals.

Types of Biohazards: Biohazards manifest in several forms, each presenting unique challenges and risks. Here are some common types of biohazards:

  1. Biological Agents: This category includes pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Well-known examples of biohazards include Salmonella, E. coli, HIV, influenza, and anthrax. These agents can spread through direct contact, droplets, contaminated food or water, or via vectors like mosquitoes.

  2. Biomedical Waste: Medical facilities generate significant amounts of hazardous waste, including used needles, blood-soaked materials, contaminated sharps, and pharmaceutical waste. Improper handling or disposal of these materials can lead to the spread of infections and endanger public health.

  3. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): While GMOs have their benefits in agriculture and medical research, their uncontrolled release or mishandling can have unintended consequences. These genetically altered organisms may disrupt ecosystems and pose risks to native species if not properly managed.

  4. Chemical Agents: Biohazards can also take the form of toxic chemicals or toxins produced by organisms. Pesticides, heavy metals, and industrial pollutants, when released into the environment, can contaminate air, water, and soil, endangering human and animal life.

Managing Biohazards: Effectively managing biohazards is crucial for protecting public health, preserving the environment, and preventing the spread of diseases. Here are some key aspects of biohazard management:

  1. Risk Assessment and Prevention: Identifying potential biohazards, evaluating their risks, and implementing preventive measures are vital. This includes providing proper training and education for individuals working with biohazardous materials, implementing safety protocols, and enforcing regulations to minimize exposure and transmission.

  2. Proper Handling and Disposal: Safe handling, storage, and disposal of biohazardous materials are of utmost importance. Strict adherence to guidelines, such as using personal protective equipment (PPE), following decontamination procedures, and employing specialized waste disposal methods, helps minimize the risks associated with biohazards.

  3. Research and Development: Ongoing scientific research plays a crucial role in understanding biohazards, their behavior, and developing effective countermeasures. Investing in research and development of vaccines, antiviral drugs, and diagnostic tools aids in the prevention and management of biohazard outbreaks.

  4. Public Awareness and Education: Educating the general public about biohazards, their potential risks, and proper precautions fosters a culture of safety and responsibility. Awareness campaigns, public health initiatives, and educational programs can empower individuals to protect themselves and their communities.

Biohazards pose a significant threat to human health, the environment, and overall well-being. Understanding the various types of biohazards, implementing effective management strategies, and promoting awareness are crucial steps toward mitigating these risks.

If you require cleanup and restoration services for residential or commercial buildings affected by fire, mold, water, or storm damage, SERVPRO Of Foxborough is the #1 Choice. They serve Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA.

How to Deal with Fire and Smoke Damage in a Home or Business in Foxborough, MA. 

6/7/2023 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

Fire and smoke damage can present significant challenges. Here are steps to help you navigate the recovery process successfully.

  1. Ensure Safety: It is crucial to wait for approval from the fire department or relevant authorities that the building is structurally safe. 
  2. Contact Professionals: Once the property is deemed safe to enter, contact your reputable fire damage restoration SERVPRO Of Foxborough. We have the expertise, experience, and specialized equipment to handle fire and smoke damage effectively.
  3. Document the Damage: Before any cleanup or repairs take place, document the damage thoroughly. Take photographs and make a detailed inventory of all affected items and structural damage. 
  4. Ventilate the Area: Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate throughout the space. This helps to dissipate residual smoke and reduce odors. However, exercise caution if there is significant structural damage, as opening windows or doors could pose safety risks. 
  5. Clean and Remove Soot: Soot and smoke residues can cause significant damage if left untreated. Consider SERVPRO Of Foxborough for thorough cleaning and restoration of delicate items such as textiles, electronics, and artwork.
  6. Assess and Repair Structural Damage: Evaluate the structural integrity of your property and address any immediate concerns. Seek assistance from a licensed contractor or structural engineer to determine the extent of the damage and develop a plan for repairs or rebuilding.
  7. Eliminate Odors: Begin by airing out the space and using fans or dehumidifiers to promote air circulation. 

Remain patient and resilient throughout the recovery process, as restoring your property to its preloss condition may take time. 

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage. We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

How to Check Your Roof for Storm Damage Foxborough, MA

6/7/2023 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Checking your roof for storm damage is a vital step in maintaining the structural integrity and safety of your home Foxborough, MA.

High winds, hail, and heavy rain can cause significant damage that and may lead to costly repairs or even compromise the safety of your home. Make sure to take precautions before inspecting your roof: 

  • Wait for the storm to pass completely and ensure it's safe to go outside.
  • Use a sturdy ladder and have someone else present to assist or monitor your activity.
  • Wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and non-slip shoes.
  • Check if any shingles are torn, cracked, or completely missing. 
  • Flashing is the metal strip used to seal joints and prevent water penetration. 
  • Check for any loose or damaged flashing around chimneys, vents, or skylights.
  • Inspect your gutters for granules or small pieces of shingles, which may indicate damage. 
  • Ensure that gutters and downspouts are securely attached and not clogged with debris.
  • Check the chimney cap for any cracks or missing sections.
  • Carefully examine the attic for water stains, leaks, or signs of moisture. 
  • Check the insulation for dampness or mold growth, which can be indications of a damaged roof.
  • Look for water stains or discoloration on the ceilings and walls of the top floor. These can signify a roof leak.

Checking your roof for storm damage is a vital step in maintaining the structural integrity and safety of your home Foxborough, MA. Taking proactive measures after a storm can save you from significant expenses down the road.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage. We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

What To Do If My Smoke Detector Goes Off? 

5/25/2023 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Smoke detectors are an essential safety device in any home.

Smoke detectors are one of the most essential safety devices in any home. They are designed to alert you to the presence of smoke, which could be an indication of a fire. However, sometimes smoke detectors can go off even when there is no actual fire. This can be due to a variety of reasons such as cooking smoke, steam, or even dust. Here are some steps to take if your smoke detector goes off.

  • Stay Calm: The first and most important thing to do is to stay calm. The loud, piercing sound of a smoke detector can be very unsettling and cause panic. However, it's important to remain calm so you can think clearly and take appropriate action.
  • Determine the Source of the Smoke: Once you're calm, try to determine the source of the smoke. If you see smoke or smell something burning, then there may be a fire. However, if you don't see or smell anything, then the smoke detector may be triggered by something else. Check the room for any signs of smoke or fire.
  • Silence the Alarm: If you determine that there is no actual fire, then you can silence the alarm. Most smoke detectors have a button that you can press to silence the alarm. If you're not sure which button to press, refer to the user manual.
  • Ventilate the Room: If there was no actual fire, then you should ventilate the room to clear out any smoke or steam. Open a window or turn on a fan to help disperse the smoke.
  • Check the Batteries: If the smoke detector continues to go off, then it may be due to low batteries. Check the batteries and replace them if necessary.
  • Call for Help: If you determine that there is an actual fire, then you should call for help immediately. Call 911 or your local emergency number and provide them with your location and details about the fire.

Smoke detectors are an essential safety device in any home. If your smoke detector goes off, stay calm, determine the source of the smoke, silence the alarm, ventilate the room, check the batteries, and call for help if necessary. Remember to test your smoke detectors regularly to ensure they are functioning properly.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

Does My Home Need A Rebuild After A Fire?

5/23/2023 (Permalink)

Black background with orange text and SERVPRO logo One of the most pressing questions is whether or not your home needs to be rebuilt after a fire.

Experiencing a fire in your home is an overwhelming and devastating event. One of the most pressing questions is whether or not your home needs to be rebuilt after a fire.

  1. The first step in deciding whether or not your home needs to be rebuilt after a fire is to determine the extent of the damage. A thorough assessment should be conducted by a qualified professional to determine the damage to the structure, electrical and plumbing systems, and any other systems or appliances affected by the fire. In some cases, the damage may be limited to a particular area of the home, and repairs can be made without needing a full rebuild. However, if the damage is extensive, and the cost of repairs is significant, it may be more practical to rebuild the home from scratch.
  2. Once the extent of the damage has been determined, the next step is to assess the cost of repairs versus rebuilding. In some cases, the cost of repairs may be relatively minor and can be covered by insurance. However, if the damage is extensive, the cost of repairs may exceed the value of the home, making a rebuild a more practical solution.
  3. Navigating the process of rebuilding your home after a fire can be complex and challenging. Working with your insurance company and qualified contractors can help to ensure that the process goes smoothly and that your home is rebuilt to the highest standards.
  4. Experiencing a fire in your home is a traumatic experience, and the decision to rebuild can be a difficult one. However, by assessing the extent of the damage, weighing the cost of repairs versus rebuilding, and working with qualified professionals, you can make an informed decision and begin the process of rebuilding your home and your life.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

Can Mold Cause A Smell To The House?

5/18/2023 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo Reduce humidity levels, fix leaks, use ventilation, and clean regularly to prevent mold growth.

Not only can mold cause damage to your home and pose health risks, but it can also create a foul smell that can be difficult to get rid of. Here is what you can do to prevent mold.

What Causes the Smell? 

Mold releases a musty odor that can be quite unpleasant. This smell is caused by the chemicals released by mold as it grows and breaks down organic matter. Mold thrives in damp environments, such as bathrooms, basements, and areas with water damage. If you notice a musty odor in your home, it could be a sign that mold is present.

Health Risks Associated with Mold. 

Mold not only creates a foul smell but can also pose health risks to you and your family. Exposure to mold can cause allergic reactions, respiratory problems, and other health issues. Children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable to mold-related health problems. If you suspect that mold is present in your home, it's important to take action to address the issue as soon as possible.

Here are some steps you can take to prevent mold growth in your home:

  • Reduce humidity levels: Mold thrives in humid environments, so it's important to keep humidity levels low. Use dehumidifiers in areas prone to moisture, such as basements and bathrooms.
  • Fix leaks: Mold needs moisture to grow, so fixing any leaks in your home is crucial. Check for leaks around windows, doors, and pipes, and repair them promptly.
  • Use ventilation: Proper ventilation can help prevent mold growth. Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens, and open windows to increase airflow.
  • Clean regularly: Regular cleaning can help prevent mold growth. Clean surfaces regularly with a solution of bleach and water, and use mold-resistant paint in areas prone to moisture.

If you discover mold in your home, it's important to take action to remove it as soon as possible. Here are some steps you can take to remove mold:

  • Identify the source: Identify the source of the moisture that's causing the mold to grow. Fix any leaks or water damage before removing the mold.
  • Use protective equipment: Wear protective equipment, such as gloves and a mask, to avoid inhaling mold spores.
  • Clean surfaces: Clean surfaces with a solution of bleach and water. Use a scrub brush to remove the mold from porous surfaces, such as drywall.
  • Dry the area: After cleaning the mold, dry the area thoroughly to prevent the mold from returning.

Prevention is key when it comes to dealing with mold. Reduce humidity levels, fix leaks, use ventilation, and clean regularly to prevent mold growth. If you discover mold in your home, take action to remove it promptly. 

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What Should You Do If  A Grill Is On Fire?

5/17/2023 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Remember to always be mindful of grill safety and take the necessary precautions to prevent accidents from happening.

Grilling is a great way to enjoy delicious food and spend time outdoors with friends and family. One of the most common safety hazards when grilling is a fire breaking out. Here are the steps to take if a grill is on fire:

  • Turn off the burners: If the fire is contained in one area of the grill, turn off the burners in that area. This will help prevent the fire from spreading.
  • Close the lid: If the fire is larger and cannot be contained to one area, close the lid of the grill. This will help cut off the oxygen supply to the fire and reduce the flames.
  • Disconnect the fuel source: If you are using a propane grill, turn off the propane tank and disconnect it from the grill. If you are using a charcoal grill, remove the charcoal from the grill.
  • Use a fire extinguisher: If the fire is still burning, use a fire extinguisher to put it out. Make sure you use the correct type of fire extinguisher for the type of fire you are dealing with. For grill fires, use a Class B fire extinguisher, which is designed for flammable liquids and gases.
  • Call for help: If the fire is too large to be put out with a fire extinguisher, call the fire department immediately.
  • Do not use water: Never use water to put out a grease fire on a grill. This can cause the fire to spread and create a dangerous situation.
  • Wait before cleaning: After the fire has been put out, wait until the grill has cooled down before cleaning it. This will prevent any remaining grease or debris from reigniting.

Remember to always be mindful of grill safety and take the necessary precautions to prevent accidents from happening.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

How To Have A Safe Bonfire 

5/11/2023 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Bonfires can be a fun way to socialize, relax and create memories, but it’s important to be safe.

Bonfires can be a fun way to socialize, relax and create memories, but it’s important to keep safety in mind to avoid accidents and injuries. Follow these tips: 

  • Choose a safe location: Choose a spot away from trees, shrubs, and other flammable objects. Keep at least a 10-foot radius around the fire clear of any objects that could catch fire, and be mindful of any overhanging branches or power lines.
  • Check the weather: Avoid lighting a fire in windy conditions, as this can increase the risk of the fire spreading. Also, check for any fire restrictions or bans in your area.
  • Use proper fuel: Do not use gasoline, lighter fluid, or other accelerants to start the fire. These can cause flare-ups and are extremely dangerous.
  • Supervise children and pets: Children and pets should be supervised at all times around the bonfire. Keep them at a safe distance from the fire and make sure they understand the dangers of playing near the flames.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher or water source nearby: In case of an emergency, it’s important to have a fire extinguisher or water source nearby. Keep a bucket of water, hose, or fire extinguisher within reach of the bonfire.
  • Never leave a fire unattended: Bonfires should never be left unattended. Always have someone present to monitor the fire and make sure it doesn’t get out of control.
  • Properly extinguish the fire: When it’s time to put out the fire, use water to fully extinguish the flames. Make sure all embers and coals are completely extinguished before leaving the fire unattended.

Remember, safety should always come first, so take the necessary precautions to prevent accidents and injuries.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

Can Cooking Grease Cause Fires?

5/9/2023 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo One common kitchen hazard is the risk of fires caused by cooking grease.

Cooking is a daily activity for many people, and while it can be a fun and satisfying experience, it can also be dangerous if proper safety measures are not taken. One common kitchen hazard is the risk of fires caused by cooking grease.

Cooking grease is the oil or fat that is left over after cooking, and it can be found in many different forms such as bacon grease, butter, vegetable oil, and more. This can also be a serious fire hazard if not handled properly.

The reason why cooking grease is so dangerous is that it is highly flammable. If the grease becomes too hot, it can ignite and start a fire. This can happen if you leave a pan on the stove unattended or if you overheat the grease while cooking.

To prevent cooking grease fires, it is important to take a few simple precautions:

  • Never leave hot grease unattended: When you are cooking with grease, it is important to stay in the kitchen and keep an eye on the pan at all times. If you need to step away, turn off the heat and remove the pan from the stove.
  • Use a splatter guard: A splatter guard is a mesh screen that is placed over the top of a pan to prevent hot grease from splattering out. This can help reduce the risk of a fire.
  • Keep a lid nearby: If a fire does break out, you should immediately cover the pan with a lid to smother the flames. This will help prevent the fire from spreading.
  • Store grease properly: After cooking with grease, it is important to store it in a safe and secure container. This can be a metal can or a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Never pour grease down the drain, as this can clog pipes and cause other problems.
  • Dispose of grease safely: When you are ready to dispose of the grease, wait for it to cool completely and then scrape it into a container that can be sealed. This can then be thrown away in the trash.

In addition to these precautions, it is also important to have a working fire extinguisher in the kitchen and to know how to use it. If the fire is too large or if you are not able to put it out, evacuate the building immediately and call 911.

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What Causes Microwave Fires?

5/4/2023 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo Microwave fires can be dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

Microwaves can pose safety hazards if not used correctly. One of the most dangerous risks associated with microwaves is the possibility of a fire. 

The leading cause of microwave fires is the use of inappropriate containers or dishes. Microwave-safe containers are designed to withstand the high heat generated by the microwave, while other containers may melt, warp, or even catch fire.

Common materials that are not suitable for microwaving include aluminum foil, metal, plastic containers that are not labeled as microwave-safe, and dishes with metallic or gold paint.

Another factor that can cause microwave fires is the buildup of grease or food residue inside the appliance. When food particles accumulate on the walls or ceiling of the microwave, they can overheat and catch fire. It is essential to clean your microwave regularly, especially after cooking greasy or fatty foods. To clean your microwave, use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe the interior surfaces, and avoid using abrasive cleaning agents.

Furthermore, overheating food can also lead to microwave fires. When food is cooked for too long, or if the microwave's power settings are set too high, the food can overheat and ignite.

Never leave your microwave unattended while cooking, as this can lead to overheating and potential fire hazards.

Lastly, a faulty or malfunctioning microwave can also cause fires. If your microwave is making unusual noises, sparks, or emits smoke, it is essential to stop using it immediately and have it inspected by a professional. 

Microwave fires can be dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. 

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

Do you have a fire safety plan? 

4/28/2023 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo A fire safety plan is essential for keeping you and your loved ones safe in the event of a fire.

A fire safety plan is essential for keeping you and your loved ones safe in the event of a fire.

Why do you need a fire safety plan?

A fire safety plan can help you and your loved ones stay safe during a fire. It can also help prevent injuries and property damage by ensuring that everyone knows what to do in the event of a fire. Having a plan in place can reduce panic and confusion during an emergency and increase the chances of everyone getting out safely.

How to create a fire safety plan

  • Draw a floor plan: Start by drawing a floor plan for your home or workplace. Identify all exits, including doors and windows, and ensure they are easily accessible.
  • Determine a meeting place: Choose a safe meeting place outside of your home or workplace where everyone can gather after evacuating. This could be a neighbor's house, a street corner, or a nearby park.
  • Assign responsibilities: Assign responsibilities to each person in your household or workplace. This could include tasks such as calling 911, grabbing important documents or belongings, or assisting others in evacuating.
  • Practice evacuation drills: Regularly practice evacuation drills with everyone in your household or workplace. This will help ensure that everyone knows what to do in the event of a fire and can evacuate safely and quickly.
  • Install smoke detectors: Install smoke detectors on every level of your home or workplace and test them regularly to make sure they are working correctly. Replace the batteries at least once a year.
  • Know how to use a fire extinguisher: Make sure that everyone in your household or workplace knows how to use a fire extinguisher and where it is located.
  • Review and update the plan: Regularly review and update your fire safety plan to ensure that it is still relevant and effective. Make changes as necessary, such as adding new exits or changing responsibilities.

By creating a plan and regularly practicing evacuation drills, you can increase your chances of getting out safely and prevent injuries and property damage. 

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What to do when a tree falls? 

4/26/2023 (Permalink)

tree in background with SERVPRO logo A fallen tree can cause property damage, power outages, and even personal injury.

A fallen tree can cause property damage, power outages, and even personal injury. 

If a tree falls here are the steps to take: 

  • Assess the situation: The first thing to do when a tree falls is to assess the situation. Check for any immediate danger, such as downed power lines or gas leaks. If you suspect a gas leak, evacuate immediately and call your gas company.
  • Call for help: If the fallen tree has caused damage or poses a danger to people or property, call for help. Contact your local emergency services or utility company. They can dispatch crews to assess the situation and make necessary repairs.
  • Stay away from the tree: If the tree has fallen across a road or path, do not attempt to move it yourself. Fallen trees can be heavy and unstable, and attempting to move them can be dangerous. Stay away from the tree and wait for professional help to arrive.
  • Document the damage: Take photos of any damage caused by the fallen tree. This will be useful when filing insurance claims or for repair purposes.
  • Clear debris: If the fallen tree has caused minor damage, you may be able to clear the debris yourself. Use caution and wear protective clothing, such as gloves and sturdy shoes. Use a chainsaw or hand saw to cut the tree into manageable pieces, and dispose of the debris according to local regulations.
  • Prevent future incidents: To prevent future incidents, inspect trees on your property regularly. Look for signs of decay or damage, such as cracks in the trunk or branches that are hanging low. Consider hiring a professional tree service to remove any trees that pose a danger.

When a tree falls, it's important to stay safe and take necessary precautions. Assess the situation, call for help, document the damage, clear debris if possible, and prevent future incidents. 

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

How to prepare for a rainstorm 

4/20/2023 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with blue box overlay Learn how to prepare for a rainstorm and what steps you can take to minimize damage.

Whether you live in an area prone to heavy rain or you're planning a trip during the rainy season, preparing for a rainstorm can help keep you safe and dry. 

Learn how to prepare for a rainstorm and what steps you can take to minimize damage.

  • Check the weather forecast: Before you head out, make sure to check the weather forecast. This will help you determine if a rainstorm is likely and when it is expected to arrive. You can plan your activities accordingly and be prepared for any changes in the weather.
  • Make a plan: If you live in an area prone to heavy rain, it's important to have a plan in case of a rainstorm. This includes knowing where to go if you need to evacuate and having an emergency kit with essentials such as food, water, and a first aid kit.
  • Protect your home: To protect your home from rain damage, make sure that your gutters are clear of debris and that your roof is in good condition. This will prevent water from seeping into your home and causing damage. You may also want to invest in sandbags to prevent flooding in low-lying areas.
  • Pack accordingly: If you're planning a trip during the rainy season, make sure to pack accordingly. Bring rain gear such as a waterproof jacket and boots, as well as an umbrella. You may also want to pack a change of clothes and waterproof bags to keep your belongings dry.
  • Secure loose items: Before a rainstorm arrives, make sure to secure any loose items outside, such as patio furniture or outdoor toys. This will prevent them from being blown away by the wind or causing damage during the storm.
  • Stay indoors: During a rainstorm, it's best to stay indoors if possible. Avoid driving unless it is necessary, as rain can make roads slippery and reduce visibility. If you do need to go outside, make sure to wear appropriate rain gear and stay away from downed power lines or standing water.
  • Stay informed: Finally, stay informed during a rainstorm. Listen to local news and weather reports for updates and alerts. Be aware of any potential dangers, such as flooding or landslides, and take appropriate action to stay safe.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

Bonfire safety tips

4/19/2023 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo Here are bonfire safety tips to keep you and your loved ones safe

Bonfires are a popular outdoor activity that can bring people together for a night of fun and relaxation. 

Here are bonfire safety tips to keep you and your loved ones safe:

  • Choose the right location: When selecting the location for your bonfire, make sure to choose an area that is at least 25 feet away from any structures or combustible materials. This includes buildings, trees, bushes, and anything else that can easily catch fire. Also, ensure that the area is flat and level to prevent the fire from spreading.
  • Clear the area around the bonfire: Before lighting the fire, clear the area around the bonfire of any debris, such as dry leaves, sticks, or branches. This will prevent sparks from igniting any nearby materials.
  • Use an appropriate container: When building a bonfire, use a container that is made of metal or brick. This will prevent the fire from spreading beyond the container. Never use a container made of plastic, as it can melt and cause the fire to spread.
  • Keep water or a fire extinguisher nearby: In case of an emergency, make sure to have a bucket of water or a fire extinguisher nearby. This will help you quickly extinguish the fire if it gets out of control.
  • Don't use accelerants: Never use accelerants, such as gasoline or lighter fluid, to start a bonfire. This can cause an explosion or a sudden flare-up, which can be dangerous.
  • Attend to the fire at all times: Never leave a bonfire unattended, especially if there are children or pets around. Assign a responsible person to monitor the fire at all times and make sure that it remains under control.
  • Extinguish the fire properly: When you're done with the bonfire, make sure to extinguish the fire completely. Pour water over the fire and stir the ashes to ensure that there are no hot spots that could reignite the fire.

Bonfires can be a fun activity, but it's important to prioritize safety to prevent accidents or injuries. 

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What happens if I don’t fix the water damage? 

4/18/2023 (Permalink)

water flooding in background with text overlay It is important to seek professional help to repair and restore your home to its pre-damaged condition.

Water damage can be caused by a variety of factors. If not addressed promptly, water damage can cause significant problems for your home and your health. 

  • Structural damage: Water can weaken the structural integrity of your home, causing warping, cracking, and even collapse of your floors, walls, and ceilings.
  • Mold growth: Water damage creates a perfect environment for mold to grow, which can lead to serious health problems such as respiratory issues and allergies.
  • Electrical hazards: Water can cause electrical wiring to malfunction or even short circuit, which can cause fires and pose a serious risk to your safety.
  • Odor: Water damage can cause unpleasant odors to develop, which can be difficult to eliminate without professional remediation.
  • Pest infestations: Water damage can attract pests such as rodents and insects, which can thrive in damp environments and cause further damage to your home.
  • Decreased property value: If left unprepared, water damage can decrease the value of your home and make it difficult to sell in the future.
  • Health hazards: Water damage can create a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, which can pose a serious health risk to you and your family.

It is important to seek professional help to repair and restore your home to its pre-damaged condition. 

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What is spring weather like in Boston MA? 

4/18/2023 (Permalink)

spring flowers background with SERVPRO logo overview One of the most notable features of springtime in Boston is the blooming of trees and flowers throughout the city.

Boston, Massachusetts is a city that experiences four distinct seasons throughout the year. Each season offers its unique charm, but springtime in Boston is particularly special. 

The spring season in Boston typically begins in March and lasts through May. During this time, temperatures can vary greatly, with average highs ranging from the mid-40s to the mid-60s Fahrenheit. 

One of the most notable features of springtime in Boston is the blooming of trees and flowers throughout the city. The iconic Boston Common and Public Garden, which covers over 70 acres in the heart of the city, comes to life with colorful tulips, daffodils, and cherry blossoms. The Arnold Arboretum, a 281-acre botanical garden located in Jamaica Plain, also boasts a stunning display of blooming trees and flowers during the spring season.

As the weather warms up, Bostonians and visitors alike take advantage of the many outdoor activities available in the city. Biking and walking along the Charles River Esplanade, which stretches for three miles along the banks of the Charles River, is a popular springtime activity. The Boston Harborwalk, a 43-mile pedestrian trail that winds along Boston’s waterfront, is also a great place to enjoy the spring weather.

Sports fans flock to Fenway Park to catch a Boston Red Sox game, which is an essential Boston experience. Additionally, the Boston Marathon, which takes place on the third Monday in April, is a beloved annual event that draws runners and spectators from around the world.

Boston is a season of renewal and rejuvenation. With mild temperatures, beautiful blooming flowers, and an abundance of outdoor activities, it’s a wonderful time to explore the city and enjoy all that it has to offer.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What should you do after a fire?

4/17/2023 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo A fire can be a traumatic and devastating event, it's important to take immediate action to start the process of recovery

A fire can be a traumatic and devastating event, it's important to take immediate action to start the process of recovery and ensure the safety of your home and family. 

  1. Contact your insurance company: One of the first things you should do after a fire is to contact your insurance company. They can help you start the claims process and provide guidance on what steps to take next.
  2. Assess the damage: Once it is safe to do so, assess the damage to your home. Look for any visible damage, including structural damage, water damage, and smoke damage. Take photos of the damage to provide to your insurance company.
  3. Secure your property: If your home is severely damaged, you may need to board up windows and doors or cover damaged areas to prevent further damage from weather or vandalism.
  4. Contact restoration professionals: A professional restoration company can help you with the cleanup, salvage, and restoration of your home and belongings. They can also help you assess the extent of the damage and provide guidance on the best course of action.
  5. Salvage what you can: If it is safe to do so, try to salvage any belongings that were not damaged by the fire. You may be able to save some items with proper cleaning and restoration.
  6. Address smoke damage: Smoke can cause extensive damage to a home, even in areas not directly affected by the fire. Be sure to address smoke damage to prevent health hazards and further damage to your home.
  7. Ensure safety: Before returning to your home, ensure that it is safe to do so. Check for gas leaks, electrical hazards, and other safety concerns.

By contacting your insurance company, assessing the damage, securing your property, contacting restoration professionals, salvaging what you can, addressing smoke damage, and ensuring safety, you can begin to rebuild and move forward after a fire.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What can storm damage do to a home?

4/14/2023 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with blue box overlay By being proactive and taking steps to protect your home, you can minimize the damage caused by severe storms and keep your family safe.

It's important to be aware of the potential dangers of storm damage and take steps to protect your home. 

  • Roof Damage: High winds, hail, and heavy rain can all cause damage to a home's roof. This can include missing or broken shingles, leaks, and even complete roof collapse in extreme cases.
  • Water Damage: Flooding, leaks, and standing water can cause extensive water damage to a home. This can lead to structural damage, mold growth, and other issues.
  • Structural Damage: High winds, tornadoes, and other severe weather events can cause significant structural damage to a home. This can include damage to walls, foundations, and support beams, which can compromise the safety of the home.
  • Window and Door Damage: High winds and hail can damage windows and doors, leaving your home vulnerable to further damage.
  • Electrical Damage: Lightning strikes and power surges can damage electrical systems in a home, leading to fire hazards and other safety concerns.
  • Tree Damage: Falling trees and branches can cause extensive damage to a home, including damage to the roof, walls, and other structures.
  • Car Damage: In severe storms, cars can be lifted or moved by high winds, causing them to crash into homes and other structures.

It's important to be aware of the potential dangers of storm damage and take steps to protect your home. By being proactive and taking steps to protect your home, you can minimize the damage caused by severe storms and keep your family safe.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What to do if there is mold in your walls

4/7/2023 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo Mold on your walls is not only unsightly, but it can also be a health hazard if left untreated.

Mold on your walls is not only unsightly, but it can also be a health hazard if left untreated. 

Here are some steps you can take to deal with mold on your walls:

  • Identify the cause of the mold: The first step in dealing with mold on your walls is to identify the underlying cause. Mold thrives in damp, humid environments, so it's important to identify any sources of moisture that may be contributing to the problem. Common causes of mold on walls include leaky pipes, roof leaks, high humidity levels, and poor ventilation.
  • Remove the mold: Once you have identified the cause of the mold, it's time to remove it from your walls. Depending on the severity of the mold, you may be able to clean it yourself using a mixture of water and bleach or vinegar. However, if the mold has spread over a large area or is particularly stubborn, it's best to call in a professional mold remediation company to ensure that it is completely removed.
  • Repair any damage: Once the mold has been removed, it's important to repair any damage to your walls. This may include replacing any damaged drywall or insulation, repairing leaks, or installing a dehumidifier to help control moisture levels.
  • Prevent future mold growth: To prevent mold from growing on your walls in the future, it's important to take steps to control moisture levels in your home. This may include repairing any leaks promptly, using a dehumidifier in areas with high humidity, and ensuring that your home is properly ventilated.

Dealing with mold on your walls can be a daunting task, but it's important to take action as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading and causing further damage. 

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

Grill Fire Safety Tips

4/7/2023 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo Grilling can be an enjoyable activity, but it's important to prioritize safety to prevent a grill fire.

Grilling is a popular outdoor activity that many people enjoy during the warmer months. A grill fire can happen quickly and without warning, but there are steps you can take to prevent them from occurring. 

Let’s discuss grill fire safety:

  • Choose the right location for your grill: When choosing where to place your grill, ensure that it is at least 10 feet away from your home or any other combustible structures. Keep it away from overhanging branches, deck railings, and other potentially flammable objects.
  • Clean your grill regularly: Cleaning your grill regularly can prevent grease buildup and reduce the risk of flare-ups. Grease fires can happen when grease and fat accumulate on the grates and drip pans. Make sure to clean your grill after every use, and occasionally deep clean it with a grill brush.
  • Check for gas leaks: If you have a gas grill, make sure to check the hoses and connections for leaks before every use. A gas leak can cause an explosion or fire, so it's important to be vigilant.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher nearby: In case of a fire, make sure to have a fire extinguisher nearby. Ensure that you know how to use it before you need it.
  • Be mindful of what you're cooking: Some foods, like fatty meats or foods marinated in oil, are more likely to cause flare-ups. Be mindful of what you're cooking and how you're cooking it. Keep a close eye on the grill, and use a spray bottle of water to douse any small flames.
  • Never leave the grill unattended: Never leave the grill unattended, especially if you have children or pets in the area. Accidents can happen quickly, and it's important to be present to address any issues that may arise.
  • Shut off the grill properly: After you're finished cooking, make sure to shut off the grill properly. Turn off the burners and close the gas valve if you have a gas grill. For a charcoal grill, spread the coals out and let them cool down completely before disposing of them in a metal container.

Grilling can be an enjoyable activity, but it's important to prioritize safety to prevent a grill fire. By following these tips and being mindful of your surroundings, you can ensure that your next cookout is a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What should I do to prepare for a thunderstorm?

3/28/2023 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with blue box overlay Staying informed, creating an emergency kit, securing your home, unplugging electronics, staying inside, and waiting for the storm to pass..

Thunderstorms are powerful weather events that can bring lightning, high winds, heavy rain, and hail. 

  1. Stay informed: One of the most important things you can do to prepare for a thunderstorm is to stay informed about the weather conditions in your area. Keep an eye on local weather reports and download a reliable weather app that can give you up-to-date information. 
  2. Create an emergency kit: Putting together an emergency kit is an excellent way to prepare for a thunderstorm. Your kit should include items like a flashlight, extra batteries, a first aid kit, bottled water, non-perishable food, a portable radio, and a phone charger. 
  3. Secure your home: It is essential to secure your home before a thunderstorm. Make sure your doors and windows are closed and locked and remove any objects that could become airborne in high winds, such as lawn furniture or outdoor decorations. 
  4. Unplug electronics: Lightning strikes can cause power surges that can damage your electronic devices. To prevent this, unplug your electronics before the storm arrives. 
  5. Stay inside: The best way to stay safe during a thunderstorm is to stay inside a sturdy building or a car. 
  6. Wait for the storm to pass: Thunderstorms can be intense but usually pass relatively quickly. Once the storm has passed, wait for a while before going outside to assess any damage or potential hazards. 

Preparing for a thunderstorm is essential to keeping yourself and your loved ones safe. Staying informed, creating an emergency kit, securing your home, unplugging electronics, staying inside, and waiting for the storm to pass are all critical steps to take. 

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What is considered a home rebuild?

3/23/2023 (Permalink)

Constrcution in background with green text and orange SERVPRO logo We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

When it comes to renovating your home, there are many options to consider. You could do a simple cosmetic update, such as repainting the walls or replacing the flooring. 

A home rebuild involves tearing down the existing structure and rebuilding it from scratch. This approach is usually taken when the existing home is outdated or has been damaged. 

So, what are some of the signs that a home rebuild might be the right choice for you?:

  1. Your current home is outdated or in poor condition. If your home is showing signs of wear and tear, such as a cracking foundation, leaking roof, or outdated electrical or plumbing systems, a complete home rebuild may be the best solution. 
  2. You want to customize your living space. One of the benefits of a home rebuild is the ability to design a home that meets your specific needs and tastes. Whether you want an open-concept living area, a spacious kitchen, or a master suite with a spa-like bathroom, a home rebuild allows you to create a home that reflects your unique lifestyle.
  3. You're willing to invest time and money in the project. A home rebuild is a major undertaking that requires careful planning, budgeting, and management. It's important to work with an experienced team of professionals.
  4. You have experienced a great loss and damage from fire, water, or storm damage in your building. When a disaster hits, this can be the time when rebuilding is critical. 
  5. You're prepared to live in temporary housing during the construction phase. A home rebuild can take several months or even years to complete, depending on the size and complexity of the project. During this time, you'll need to find alternative housing.

A home rebuild can be a daunting undertaking, but it can also be a rewarding one. If you're considering a home rebuild make sure to work with a team of experienced professionals to ensure a successful outcome.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

How long does it take for water damage to be fixed?

3/21/2023 (Permalink)

water flooding in background with text overlay Water damage is a common problem that many homeowners face.

Water damage is a common problem that many homeowners face. It can be caused by a variety of factors such as leaks, flooding, and burst pipes. Water damage can have severe consequences if not fixed promptly. 

In minor cases, such as a small leak, the damage can be fixed within a few hours or a day. However, for more severe cases such as a flooded basement, it can take several days or even weeks to fix the damage.

  1. The first step in fixing water damage is to identify the source of the water and stop it from causing further damage. This may involve shutting off the main water supply or fixing a broken pipe. Once the source of the water has been identified and fixed, the water damage restoration process can begin. The restoration process typically involves several stages, including water extraction, drying, and repair. The amount of time it takes to complete each stage depends on the extent of the damage.
  2. Drying is the next stage, and it involves removing any remaining moisture from the affected area. This can be done using dehumidifiers and fans. The duration of this stage depends on the extent of the water damage and the humidity levels in the affected area.
  3. Once the area has been dried, repairs can begin. This may involve replacing drywall, flooring, and other materials that were damaged by the water. The duration of this stage depends on the extent of the damage and the materials that need to be replaced.

If you experience water damage, it is best to contact a professional restoration company to ensure that the damage is fixed properly and efficiently.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

Does my insurance cover home damage in Foxborough?

3/20/2023 (Permalink)

House in background with orange box and SERVPRO logo Your insurance policy may provide coverage for water damage, but it's important to understand what is covered.

Home insurance provides financial protection against various risks that could cause damage or loss to your home, such as natural disasters, theft, and accidents. 

  1. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes can cause significant damage to your home. Depending on your policy, your insurance coverage may include protection against these types of events. 
  2. Home fires can be devastating, causing significant damage to your property and belongings. Your insurance policy may provide coverage for the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home, as well as replacing your damaged possessions. 
  3. Homeowners' insurance can provide coverage for stolen or damaged property due to theft or vandalism. This coverage typically includes damage to your home's structure and any personal property that has been stolen or damaged. 
  4. Accidents can happen at any time, and they can be costly to repair. Home insurance policies may provide coverage for accidental damage to your home, such as damage caused by a tree falling on your house or your child accidentally breaking a window. 

Your insurance policy may provide coverage for water damage, but it's important to understand what is covered, as some policies may exclude certain types of water damage.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What should I do if my house is affected by storm damage in Foxborough?

3/15/2023 (Permalink)

storm with green box and text overlay Storm damage can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, but taking these steps can help you navigate the process.

Natural disasters like storms can wreak havoc on homes, causing significant damage and posing safety hazards. Here's what you should do:

  1. If your home has suffered severe damage, it may be unsafe to stay inside. Look for signs of structural damage, such as cracks in the walls, ceilings, or foundation, and assess the damage to the roof, windows, and doors. 
  2. Take photos and videos of the damage to your home, both inside and out. This documentation will be important when filing an insurance claim.
  3. Your insurer will likely send an adjuster to assess the damage and determine the amount of compensation you're entitled to.
  4. Cover any holes in the roof or walls with tarps or boards, and use sandbags or other materials to block any openings where water could enter your home. Keep in mind that any repairs you make should be documented and kept for insurance purposes.
  5. Look for contractors who are licensed and insured, and who have experience with storm damage repairs. 
  6. Keep track of all communication with your insurance company and contractor, including emails, phone calls, and written correspondence. 
  7. Consider adding storm shutters or reinforcing your roof to make it more resistant to high winds. Keep important documents in a waterproof and fireproof safe.

Storm damage can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, but taking these steps can help you navigate the process.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What types of storms are there in spring Foxborough?

3/7/2023 (Permalink)

Storm with Lightning over white box with SERVPRO logo The spring season can bring with it a variety of weather patterns, including rainstorms, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and dust storms.

As the season transitions from winter to spring, it brings with it a variety of weather patterns that can be unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. One of the most notable weather events of the spring season is storms. 

  1. Rainstorms are characterized by heavy rainfalls, which can last for several hours or even days. They often occur as warm, moist air from the south collides with colder air from the north, leading to the formation of cumulonimbus clouds. While rainstorms can be beneficial for the environment, helping to replenish water supplies, they can also lead to flooding and landslides if the rainfall is too heavy. 
  2. Thunderstorms are characterized by the presence of thunder and lightning, which are caused by the discharge of electrical energy between the ground and the atmosphere. Thunderstorms can be dangerous, with the potential to produce strong winds, hail, and tornadoes. 
  3. Tornadoes are characterized by a rotating column of air that forms within a thunderstorm and can cause widespread damage, including uprooting trees, damaging buildings, and even destroying entire communities.  
  4. Dust storms are not as common as the other types of storms on this list, dust storms can occur during the spring season in arid regions. These storms are characterized by strong winds that pick up dust and dirt, leading to reduced visibility and potentially hazardous driving conditions. If you live in an area that is prone to dust storms, it's important to avoid driving during these conditions and to take precautions to protect your eyes and respiratory system from dust.

The spring season can bring with it a variety of weather patterns, including rainstorms, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and dust storms. 

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

How to prevent mold damage in Foxborough MA

3/5/2023 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

Mold grows in damp and humid environments, and it can thrive on various surfaces, including walls, ceilings, carpets, and furniture. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent mold damage in your home. 

  1. Keep your home dry: Mold thrives in damp and humid environments, so the best way to prevent mold damage is to keep your home dry. You can do this by fixing any leaks in your plumbing, roof, or windows. Make sure that your home is properly ventilated, especially in areas like the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room. 
  2. Clean and maintain your HVAC system: Your HVAC system plays a crucial role in maintaining the air quality in your home. It can also help to prevent mold growth. Make sure to clean and maintain your HVAC system regularly to prevent any buildup of dust or moisture, which can lead to mold growth. 
  3. Use mold-resistant products: When renovating or building your home, consider using mold-resistant materials such as drywall, paints, and insulation. These materials are specially designed to resist mold growth.
  4. Monitor indoor humidity levels: Mold thrives in humid environments, so it's important to keep an eye on indoor humidity levels. The ideal humidity level is between 30 and 50 percent. You can use a hygrometer to measure the humidity levels in your home. 
  5. Clean and dry any water damage promptly: Water damage is one of the leading causes of mold growth. If you experience any water damage in your home, it's important to clean and dry the affected area as soon as possible. 

Mold damage can be a significant problem for homeowners, but it's a problem that can be prevented. By keeping your home dry, maintaining your HVAC system, using mold-resistant products, monitoring indoor humidity levels, and cleaning and drying any water damage promptly, you can help to prevent mold growth and protect your home from mold damage. 

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What are the steps for a commercial rebuild in Foxborough MA?

3/5/2023 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

Commercial rebuilds can be an exciting and daunting undertaking for any business owner. It can be a chance to revamp your business and take it to the next level, but it requires careful planning and execution. 

Step 1: Define your goals and budget: Determine what changes you want to make and why. This will help you determine the scope of the project and the budget you'll need to allocate. 

Step 2: Hire a contractor: You will need to hire an experienced contractor to help you plan and execute the rebuild. Look for professionals with experience in commercial construction, and make sure to check their references and past projects. 

Step 3: Obtain permits and approvals: Before you can start construction, you'll need to obtain the necessary permits and approvals from the local building department. 

Step 4: Demolition and site preparation: Once you have all the necessary permits and approvals, you can start the demolition and site preparation process. This will involve removing any existing structures and preparing the site for construction.

Step 5: Construction: The construction phase involves building the new structure according to the plans created by your architect. This will include everything from framing and roofing to electrical and plumbing systems. 

Step 6: Inspections and final touches: After construction is complete, your building will need to be inspected to ensure that it meets all safety and building codes. Once the inspections are complete, you can begin adding the final touches, such as flooring, paint, and fixtures.

Step 7: Move-in and reopening: Once the final touches are complete, you can move back into the building and reopen your business. 

With the help of experienced professionals, you can transform your business and take it to the next level.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

What are the steps for water damage in Foxborough MA?

3/5/2023 (Permalink)

water flooding in background with text overlay If the damage is extensive, it's best to hire a professional restoration company to ensure your home is restored to its pre-damaged condition.

Water damage can be one of the most destructive problems a homeowner can face. Whether it's due to a burst pipe, a leaking roof, or flooding, water damage can cause extensive damage to your home, furniture, and personal belongings. 

Ensure your safety: The first step in dealing with water damage is to ensure your safety. If the water damage is severe, turn off the electricity, gas, and water supply to your home before entering the affected area. 

Document the damage: Before you start cleaning up the water, it's essential to document the damage for insurance purposes. Take pictures and videos of the damage to your home, furniture, and personal belongings. 

Remove standing water: The next step is to remove any standing water as quickly as possible. You can use a wet/dry vacuum to remove the water or hire a professional restoration company to do the job for you. 

Dry out the affected area: After removing the standing water, the next step is to dry out the affected area. You can use fans and dehumidifiers to speed up the drying process. If the water damage is extensive, it's best to hire a professional restoration company.

Clean and disinfect: Once the affected area is completely dry, it's essential to clean and disinfect the area to prevent mold growth. 

Repair and restore: The final step is to repair and restore any damage. This may include replacing drywall, flooring, or furniture. 

If the damage is extensive, it's best to hire a professional restoration company to ensure your home is restored to its pre-damaged condition.

We service Bellingham, Foxborough, Franklin, Millis, Norfolk, Wethersfield, and Wrentham, MA

SERVPRO Of Foxborough is The #1 Choice in Cleanup and Restoration for residential and commercial buildings’ fire, mold, water, and storm damage.

How To Get Rid Of Odor

2/15/2023 (Permalink)

mold with overlay box and SERVPRO logo It is important to take action as soon as possible to prevent the odor from getting worse and spreading to other areas of your home.

Odors can be unpleasant and difficult to remove, especially if they are deeply embedded in fabrics or other materials. Fortunately, there are several effective methods for odor removal that can help you get rid of unwanted smells in your home. 

  1. Ventilate the area: One of the easiest and most effective ways to remove odors is to ventilate the area. This can be done by opening windows and doors to let in fresh air, using a fan to circulate the air, or simply turning on your air conditioning or heating system to help remove any stagnant or stale air.
  2. Baking soda: Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that can help remove odors from a variety of surfaces. Simply sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda onto the affected area and let it sit for several hours or overnight. Then, vacuum or sweep up the baking soda and any residual odor.
  3. White vinegar: White vinegar is another effective natural deodorizer that can help remove stubborn odors. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and apply to the affected area. Let it sit for several hours, then wipe clean with a damp cloth.
  4. Activated charcoal: Activated charcoal is a powerful odor absorber that can help eliminate even the strongest of smells. Simply place a few pieces of activated charcoal in a container and leave it in the affected area for several hours or overnight. The charcoal will absorb the odor and leave the air smelling fresh and clean.
  5. Enzyme cleaners: Enzyme cleaners are specially designed to break down organic matter and eliminate odors. They can be used on a variety of surfaces, including carpets, upholstery, and clothing. Simply apply the enzyme cleaner to the affected area, let it sit for several hours, then wash or rinse as directed.
  6. Professional cleaning: If all else fails, it may be time to call in the professionals. Professional cleaning services have the tools and expertise to remove even the toughest odors, whether they are in your carpets, furniture, or air ducts. They can also help identify the source of the odor and provide advice on how to prevent it from returning in the future.

Whether you opt for natural remedies or professional cleaning services, it is important to take action as soon as possible to prevent the odor from getting worse and spreading to other areas of your home.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damage. 

What Are The Causes Of Fire?

2/15/2023 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo Fires are natural disasters that can occur in many different forms, from small brush fires to large-scale forest fires.

Fires are natural disaster that can occur in many different forms, from small brush fires to large-scale forest fires. They can happen at any time, and they can be devastating.

Causes of Fires

Fires can be caused by a wide range of factors, including natural causes such as lightning strikes, as well as human activities such as campfires, cooking, and smoking. In some cases, fires can also be caused by electrical faults or mechanical failures, such as faulty wiring or overheated equipment. In recent years, climate change has been identified as a major contributor to the increased incidence and severity of fires, as rising temperatures and changing weather patterns have created more favorable conditions for fires to occur.

Impacts of Fires

The impacts of fires can be far-reaching and long-lasting, affecting everything from the immediate safety of people and animals to the long-term health of ecosystems. In the short term, fires can cause injury and death to people and animals, as well as damage to property and infrastructure. In the long term, fires can have significant impacts on natural habitats, including loss of vegetation, changes in soil composition, and loss of biodiversity. Fires can also have a significant impact on the climate, releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Prevention of Fires

Preventing fires requires a multi-faceted approach, including education, awareness, and proactive measures. This includes educating people about the risks and causes of fires, as well as providing information on how to prevent them. Some of the key preventative measures include regular maintenance of electrical equipment, avoiding open fires in high-risk areas, and ensuring that campfires are extinguished completely before leaving the site. Other important steps include monitoring weather conditions and fire danger ratings, as well as being prepared to evacuate in the event of an emergency.

Fires are a natural disaster that can have significant impacts. While they can be difficult to prevent, there are many steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of fires and mitigate their impacts. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damage. 

What Causes Flooding in homes and buildings?

2/15/2023 (Permalink)

water flooding in background with text overlay It is important to ensure that communities are prepared for flooding

Flooding is a natural disaster that occurs when an area is overwhelmed by water, either from heavy rainfall or rising bodies of water. It can cause significant damage.

Causes of Flooding

Flooding can be caused by a variety of factors, including natural events and human activities. The most common natural cause of the flooding is heavy rainfall, particularly during prolonged periods of wet weather. This can lead to rivers and streams overflowing their banks, and low-lying areas becoming flooded.

Flooding can also be caused by rising sea levels, as well as coastal storms and hurricanes. These events can cause significant damage to coastal communities, particularly those in low-lying areas.

Human activities can also contribute to flooding. For example, the construction of buildings and other infrastructure can alter the natural flow of water, leading to increased flooding. Deforestation and other land use changes can also contribute to flooding, as they reduce the ability of soil to absorb water.

Impacts of Flooding

Flooding can have significant impacts on individuals, communities, and economies. The most immediate impact is damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure, such as roads and bridges. This can result in the displacement of residents, loss of livelihoods, and disruption of essential services.

Flooding can also have long-term impacts on the environment. For example, it can lead to soil erosion, which can reduce the fertility of agricultural land. It can also lead to water pollution, as floodwaters can carry contaminants into rivers and other bodies of water.

Finally, flooding can have significant economic impacts. In addition to the direct costs of repairing damage to infrastructure and homes, flooding can also disrupt supply chains and reduce economic activity in affected areas.

Measures to Mitigate the Effects of Flooding

There are a number of measures that can be taken to mitigate the effects of flooding. One approach is to implement natural solutions, such as restoring wetlands and other natural features that help to absorb and slow down floodwaters. This can help to reduce the impact of flooding on communities and the environment.

Another approach is to implement engineered solutions, such as building flood protection infrastructure like levees, flood walls, and stormwater management systems. These measures can help to prevent flooding in the first place, or to reduce the impact of flooding when it does occur.

Finally, it is important to ensure that communities are prepared for flooding. This can involve measures such as developing early warning systems, establishing emergency shelters, and educating residents on how to prepare for and respond to flooding events.

By understanding the causes and impacts of flooding, and implementing measures to mitigate its effects, we can work to protect our communities and reduce the impact of this devastating natural event.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damage. 

How Does Mold Damage Happen?

2/15/2023 (Permalink)

mold with overlay box and SERVPRO logo If you suspect mold damage in your building, consult with a professional remediation service to help you address the issue.

Mold is a type of fungus that thrives in damp and humid environments. It grows quickly and can spread rapidly, causing damage to the structure of a building and posing a health risk to its occupants. 

Causes of Mold Damage

Mold thrives in damp and humid conditions. This means that any area of a building that is exposed to moisture is at risk of developing mold. Some of the most common causes of mold damage include:

  1. Water leaks: Leaky pipes, roofs, and windows can all contribute to the growth of mold.
  2. Flooding: If a building is flooded, the excess water can create a perfect breeding ground for mold.
  3. Humidity: High levels of humidity in a building can create conditions that are ideal for mold growth.
  4. Poor ventilation: Without adequate ventilation, moisture can become trapped in a building, providing a perfect environment for mold to grow.

Effects of Mold Damage

Mold damage can have a number of negative effects on a building and its occupants. Some of the most common effects include:

  1. Structural damage: Mold can weaken the structure of a building, leading to cracks, warping, and other forms of damage.
  2. Health risks: Exposure to mold can lead to a number of health problems, including respiratory issues, allergic reactions, and skin irritation.
  3. Property damage: Mold can damage walls, floors, and other surfaces, requiring expensive repairs and replacements.

Prevention of Mold Damage

Preventing mold damage is much easier than dealing with it after it has already occurred. Here are some tips for preventing mold growth in your building:

  1. Keep humidity levels under control: Make sure that your building has adequate ventilation and use dehumidifiers to control humidity levels.
  2. Repair water leaks: Fix any leaks as soon as they are detected to prevent moisture from building up.
  3. Keep your building clean: Regular cleaning can help prevent mold growth by removing any spores that may be present.
  4. Inspect your building regularly: Regular inspections can help you identify any potential problems before they become major issues.

Remediation of Mold Damage

If you suspect that you have mold damage in your building, it is important to address the problem as soon as possible. Here are the steps involved in mold remediation:

  1. Identify the source of the problem: Determine the source of the moisture that is causing the mold growth.
  2. Contain the mold: Use barriers to prevent the mold from spreading to other areas of the building.
  3. Remove the mold: Use specialized equipment and cleaning agents to remove the mold.
  4. Repair any damage: Repair any damage that was caused by the mold growth.
  5. Take steps to prevent future mold growth: Take steps to prevent future mold growth by addressing any moisture problems and keeping the building clean.

By understanding the causes and effects of mold growth, as well as how to prevent and remediate it, you can protect your building and the people who use it. If you suspect mold damage in your building, consult with a professional remediation service to help you address the issue.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damage. 

The Rebuilding Home Process

2/15/2023 (Permalink)

rebuilding in background with SERVPRO logo Whether you are rebuilding due to a natural disaster or simply renovating an older home, there are several key factors to consider.

Rebuilding a home is a major undertaking, but it can also be a rewarding experience. Whether you are rebuilding due to a natural disaster or simply renovating an older home, there are several key factors to consider as you embark on this journey.

You'll need to assess the scope of the project. Will you be tearing down the existing structure and starting from scratch, or will you be working with the existing framework? This will depend on the condition of the home, your budget, and your overall goals.

Next, you'll want to consider the layout of the home. Are there any areas that you would like to expand or modify? Do you need to reconfigure the layout to better suit your lifestyle or family needs? This is a good time to work with an architect or designer to create a blueprint of your new home.

Once you have a clear plan for the layout, it's time to consider the materials and finishes you will use. This includes everything from the roofing materials to the flooring, cabinetry, and countertops. You'll want to choose materials that are durable, high-quality, and in line with your personal style.

As you move forward with the rebuilding process, it's important to stay organized and keep a close eye on your budget. You may encounter unexpected expenses, so it's important to have some contingency funds set aside.

You'll also want to work closely with your contractors and subcontractors to ensure that the project stays on track and within your desired timeline.

During the rebuilding process, it's important to keep the end goal in mind: creating a home that is comfortable, safe, and reflects your personal style. This can be a challenging process, but with the right team and the right approach, it can also be an exciting and rewarding journey.

Whether you are rebuilding due to a natural disaster or simply renovating an older home, it's important to take the time to carefully consider the scope of the project, the layout of the home, the materials and finishes you will use, and your budget. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Preventing Mold Damage: Essential Tips for a Healthy Home

2/5/2023 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo If you suspect mold growth in your home, it is important to have it inspected and professionally remediated to avoid further damage

Mold damage can be a major problem in many homes. It is important to understand the conditions that allow mold to thrive and what steps can be taken to prevent its growth.

Here are some tips to help you prevent mold damage in your home:

  1. Control humidity levels: Mold thrives in moist environments, so it is essential to keep indoor humidity levels low. Use a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air.
  2. Fix leaks: Promptly fix any leaks in your roof, walls, or plumbing to prevent water damage and mold growth.
  3. Keep surfaces clean and dry: Regularly clean and dry surfaces in high-risk areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. Use a mold-resistant cleaning solution to disinfect surfaces and prevent mold from growing.
  4. Increase ventilation: Ensure that your home has proper ventilation to help prevent mold growth. This can be achieved by opening windows and doors regularly, using exhaust fans, and keeping air vents clear.
  5. Inspect and maintain HVAC systems: Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems can become a breeding ground for mold if not properly maintained. Inspect them regularly and have them serviced by a professional if needed.
  6. Store items properly: Store items, especially paper products and organic materials, properly in sealed containers to prevent mold growth.
  7. Regularly inspect your home: Regular inspections of your home can help identify mold damage early, allowing you to take action before it becomes a bigger problem. Look for discoloration on walls and ceilings, a musty odor, or any other signs of moisture damage.

You can help prevent mold damage in your home, protecting your family's health and your home's structure. If you suspect mold growth in your home, it is important to have it inspected and professionally remediated to avoid further damage 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Discusses How To Prevent Flooding in a Basement

2/5/2023 (Permalink)

water flooding in background with text overlay Flooding in a basement can be a stressful and devastating experience. It can cause extensive damage to your property

Flooding in a basement can be a stressful and devastating experience. It can cause extensive damage to your property and belongings, and if not addressed promptly, it can also lead to mold growth.

There are many reasons why a basement can flood. Some common causes include:

  • Heavy rainfall: When there is an excessive amount of rainfall in a short period of time, it can cause water to seep into the basement through cracks in the foundation, windows, or doorways.
  • Overflowing gutters and downspouts: If your gutters and downspouts are clogged, water will overflow and can seep into the basement.
  • Sewer backup: A sewer backup occurs when wastewater from the sewer system enters your basement. This can be caused by a blockage in the sewer line, heavy rainfall, or a malfunction in the sewage system.
  • High water table: If the water table is high in your area, it can cause water to seep into the basement through the walls or floor.

To prevent basement flooding, there are several steps you can take:

  • Install a sump pump: A sump pump is a device that pumps water out of the basement when it reaches a certain level.
  • Check your gutters and downspouts regularly: Make sure they are clear of debris and are directing water away from the foundation of your home.
  • Install backflow valves: Backflow valves prevent sewer water from flowing back into your home.
  • Seal cracks in the foundation: If you find cracks in the foundation of your home, have them sealed to prevent water from seeping in.

If your basement is flooded, it's important to take immediate action to prevent further damage and to mitigate any health risks:

  • Turn off the electricity: If water has entered your basement, turn off the electricity to prevent electrical shock.
  • Remove water: If the water level is not too high, use a pump or wet vacuum to remove the water. If the water level is too high, call a professional to remove the water.
  • Clean and dry everything: Once the water has been removed, clean and dry all the items in the basement. This includes walls, floors, furniture, and other belongings.
  • Call in professionals: If the damage is extensive, it's best to call in a professional to assess the damage and make any necessary repairs.

Basement flooding can be a stressful and devastating experience, but by taking the steps to prevent it and knowing what to do if it occurs, you can minimize the damage and health risks associated with it.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough: How to Deal with Fire in the Workplace: Tips and Strategies

2/5/2023 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo Having a fire response plan in place and understanding the proper procedures to follow can help prevent damage.

A fire can happen at any time and place, and it is crucial for businesses to be prepared. Having a fire response plan in place and understanding the proper procedures to follow can help prevent damage. 

Here are some tips and strategies to help you deal with fire in your business:

  1. Establish a fire response plan: This should include the proper procedures to follow in case of a fire, such as evacuation procedures, and the designated meeting place for employees after evacuation.
  2. Install fire alarms and fire suppression systems: Fire alarms should be placed throughout the workplace, and fire suppression systems such as sprinklers should be installed to help put out the fire.
  3. Regularly inspect and maintain fire equipment: Regular inspections and maintenance of fire alarms, fire suppression systems and other fire equipment is essential to ensure they are functioning properly and can be used in the event of a fire.
  4. Conduct regular fire drills: Regular fire drills are important to help employees understand what to do in the event of a fire, and to ensure that everyone is prepared.
  5. Store flammable materials properly: Flammable materials should be stored in fireproof cabinets, away from heat sources and potential sources of ignition.
  6. Train employees: Employees should be trained on the proper procedures to follow in case of a fire, including how to evacuate the building, how to use fire extinguishers, and how to report the fire.
  7. Have an emergency evacuation plan: An emergency evacuation plan should be in place and clearly communicated to all employees. This should include the designated meeting place for employees after evacuation.

By following these tips and strategies, you can help prevent damage, minimize injury, and ensure the safety of everyone in your workplace in case of a fire. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Explains Winter Storm Damage

2/5/2023 (Permalink)

Winter with text box and Orange SERVPRO logo In the event that winter storm damage occurs, it is important to act quickly to prevent further damage.

While winter storms can be exciting for some, they can also cause significant damage to homes and businesses. Here are some common types of winter storm damage and tips for protecting your property.

  1. Roof damage: Heavy snow and ice can put a lot of weight on your roof, which can cause damage, including cracks, leaks, and even collapse. Regularly removing snow and ice from your roof can help prevent damage.
  2. Frozen pipes: When pipes freeze, they can burst and cause significant water damage to your home or business. To prevent this, make sure your pipes are properly insulated and kept at a temperature above freezing.
  3. Power outages: Winter storms can bring high winds and heavy snow that can cause power outages. Have backup power sources, such as a generator, on hand to ensure that you have power during a winter storm.
  4. Slips and falls: Ice and snow can make walkways and steps slippery, which can lead to falls and injury. Keep walkways and steps clear of snow and ice to prevent accidents.
  5. Vehicle damage: Winter storms can cause damage to your vehicle, including dents, scratches, and even engine damage. Store your vehicle in a garage or covered area to protect it from winter weather.

To protect your property from winter storm damage, it is important to be prepared. Regularly inspect your home or business for potential damage and make any necessary repairs. 

In the event that winter storm damage occurs, it is important to act quickly to prevent further damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Fire Restoration: The Steps to Take After a Fire

2/5/2023 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo The aftermath of a fire can be overwhelming, but with the right steps and professionals, it's possible to restore your property.

A fire can be a devastating experience. However, with the right steps and the right professionals, it's possible to restore your home or business to its pre-fire condition.

Step 1: Ensure Safety

Before entering your property, make sure it's safe to do so. Check with the fire department or your insurance company to see if it's okay to enter. If it is, wear protective gear, such as a mask and gloves, to protect yourself from soot and other harmful substances.

Step 2: Contact Your Insurance Company

As soon as possible, contact your insurance company to report the fire and start the claims process. They will guide you through the next steps and help you determine what is covered under your policy.

Step 3: Contact a Fire Restoration Professional

It's important to work with a professional fire restoration company as soon as possible. These professionals have the experience and equipment needed to properly clean up and restore your property. They can also work with your insurance company to ensure that everything is done correctly and efficiently.

Step 4: Clean Up and Restoration

The fire restoration process can include a variety of tasks, including cleaning up soot, removing damaged items, repairing structural damage, and restoring furniture and other personal items. The professionals you work with will assess the damage and determine the best course of action.

Step 5: Rebuild and Reconstruction

In some cases, the fire may have caused significant damage that requires rebuilding or reconstruction. If this is the case, the restoration professionals can work with you and your insurance company to rebuild your property to its pre-fire condition.

The aftermath of a fire can be overwhelming, but with the right steps and professionals, it's possible to restore your property. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project.

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares How to Deal with Fire and Smoke Damage in a Home or Business 

1/7/2023 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo The steps that firefighters take to control the fire will leave back ashes, fire loss, soot damage, smoke damage or air quality problems.

It is not common for fire loss, soot damage, or smoke damage problems to occur in any building.  

When a firefighter enters a fire in a home or a fire a business property, their first defense is to use lots of water to extinguish the fire. The steps that firefighters take to control the fire will leave back ashes, fire loss, soot damage, smoke damage or air quality problems. You will need to hire a professional to get the remainder of the damage taken care of.  SERVPRO of Foxborough is trained in a variety of different related clean-up including the latest professional equipment, tools, and procedures. 

With our fire cleanup efforts, the business can get back to business as soon as it is physically possible.

Smoke and fire damage situation is different for everyone, each situation requires a unique solution tailored to the specific conditions. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damage.

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Causes of a Flooded Basement.

1/7/2023 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo A flooded basement can occur anytime, especially from weather-related events such as heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt to older homes.

A flooded basement can occur anytime, especially from weather related events such as heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt to older homes. 

  • Foundation cracks
  • Broken basement windows
  • Poor-draining window wells
  • Sewer system problems
  • Sump pump problems
  • Improperly sealed basement walls
  • House located at the bottom of a slope
  • Weeping tile blockage
  • Overflowing rain gutters
  • Improper downspout locations
  • Appliance leaks
  • Water heater failure

Proper home maintenance can prevent the problems. Make sure to check rain gutters and remove all debris, and seal cracks in your foundation. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for water damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your water damage.

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Fire Damage and Restoration

1/7/2023 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo Here are top questions when it comes to fire damage.

Surviving a fire can be a traumatic and challenge. After the flames have been put out and the smoke has cleared, it’s time to begin restoring your property. 

Here are top questions when it comes to fire damage. 

  1. What Is the First Thing I Should Do After a Fire?: After the firefighters have put out the flames, it is a wise decision to call a fire damage restoration company immediately to begin the repairs.  
  2. Can I Inspect My Home After a Fire?: No, you will want stay out of your property following a fire. Homes affected by a blaze are considered unstable and unsafe.  
  3. How Do I Secure My Home After a Fire?: The damage restoration company can install board-ups and tarp covers to protect your home. 
  4. If the Fire Damage Is Minor, Can I Clean It Myself?: No, this can put you and your loved ones in danger. Exposure to smoke and soot from fires can cause breathing difficulties. 
  5. What Should I Do With the Water Used To Extinguish the Fire?: The fire damage repair team can extract the standing water using equipment such as sumps or extraction tools.
  6. Can Smoke Damage Be Removed? Smoke and soot damage on floors, walls, ceilings, and other surfaces might be tough to deal with, but they can be removed. 
  7. Do I Need To Move Out During the Restoration Process? Yes, living in a fire-damaged home can be more stressful and unsafe. 
  8. How Long Does Fire Damage Restoration Take?: The timeline for fire damage restoration project varies depending on the scope and severity of the damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damage. 

Reasons For Basement Stench

12/20/2022 (Permalink)

man cleaning basement Odor from a basement can be from a few different reasons

The reasons a basement may have a stench are extensive. Figuring out the problem can stop the odor, and allow for a fix before the issue becomes greater. Here are some of the most common reasons that basements smell bad, and how you can take action against the stench.

1. The Ground is Wet

One reason for an odor from a basement is that the ground is wet. Make sure that your sump pump is working properly to combat this issue from the water getting in the basement an growing mold. To check if your sump pump is working, open up your sump pump access door and look inside, and check if there is standing water or if the pump has been disconnected. In this case, secure it back into place. 

If this does not help resolve the ground moisture problem, look at other possible causes, such as cracks in foundation walls and floors; leaks from pipes; water damage from flooding caused by heavy rain or ice dams; or mold growth from to large moisture levels in clothes, closets, or bathrooms.

2. Poor Air Flow

Another reason for a basement stench is poor air flow. A basement is a closed space, which means that if you don’t have enough ventilation in your home, the air will become stagnant and begin to smell like mold or mildew. By ensuring that there are no blocked vents from insulation or water damage, this can be prevented.

Other factors that may contribute to this problem as well include dirt, dust and debris build up on walls and on the floor. This can create odor issues because this material needs to be cleaned out regularly in order for everything else inside your home, such as furniture, to not get ruined.

3. Sewer Gases

Sewer gases are caused by decomposing organic material in your home, and they can be a health risk to you and your family. Sewer gas smells like rotten eggs because it contains sulfur-based compounds. The same foul odor that hits you when you open a can of stinky cheese or an old pizza box is also present in your sewer system.

Sewer gas corrodes metal pipes and causes basement walls to mold or rot due to moisture buildup caused by condensation on them from moist air entering your home through cracks or gaps around windows or doors (or perhaps even through the foundation).

When sewer gases enter at the main stack—the pipe that brings fresh air into your home—they escape into other parts of the house rather than being vented back outside as they should be if there were no leaks anywhere else along its path (like under floors). This means that any openings between rooms could be letting these harmful gases into other areas where they'll linger until someone opens up doors/windows/ventilators again so they can vent outside instead!

Your basement could smell for a number of reasons. One of the main reasons for a smelly basement is water entering where it shouldn’t. If you experience water damage or need odor removal in your home or commercial business, call us today!

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Frozen Pipe Information

12/5/2022 (Permalink)

Green background with orange SERVPRO logo and title. If you are unsure about frozen pipes, make sure to call for assistance. We are open 24/7 and are happy to assist.

Winter months call for frozen pipes. It is important to know and understand what this means to prevent damage to your building.

Pipes will eventually unfreeze on their own naturally. However, this takes time and could actually lead to the pipe bursting. 

Here is what you should do if you suspect you have frozen pipes.

  1. Check with a neighbor to see if they’re experiencing frozen pipes too. If they have running water, it’s likely your pipes have frozen.
  2. Turn off the water immediately using the main shut-off valve.
  3. Open the faucet for water to flow through the pipe once the area is melted. 
  4. Apply heat around the pipe using a hair dryer. Keep all heat sources away from flammable materials.
  5. Once pipes are thawed, you can turn the water back on and check all joints for leaks.
  6. Check all pipes and joints for leaks or cracks.

If there are still issues, do not wait to address them, and contact an experienced water restoration company. 

If you are unsure about frozen pipes, make sure to call for assistance. We are open 24/7 and are happy to assist. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for water damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your water damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Holiday Safety Advice

12/5/2022 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo It is everyone’s favorite time of the year! With Christmas, there can be more fires than normal.

It is everyone’s favorite time of the year! With Christmas, there can be more fires than normal.

These decorations can have a risk though and electrocution is possible. With proper preparation and safe practices, you can avoid those dangerous situations while decorating.

Here are the safety tips you need to know.

  • A missing or broken bulb can lead to shocks or even fires. 
  • Replace any broken bulbs before you string up your home or tree. 
  • If you decorate your home's exterior, make sure to use a ladder that isn’t metal. 
  • Make sure to use lights that are labeled indoors for your indoor lights and ones labeled outdoors for your outdoor lights.
  • Check to make sure your lights are labeled as waterproof, especially outdoors. 
  • Always use an extension cord that is rated for outdoor use. 
  • Keep your cords from sitting on the ground. 
  • Make sure your light cord and your extension cord stay out of puddles or snow.
  • Keep your light strands off the ground. 
  • Don't make your lights a year-long attraction. Lights, including smart lights, should not be used for long terms. 
  • Leave cords out of doors and windows. The cord could become pinched. This can ruin the insulation around the wires and lead to a shock.

Should you experience a fire, call 911 immediately and call your local fire restoration company. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damages. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Is The Choice For Rebuilding Homes and Businesses

12/5/2022 (Permalink)

Fire in background with box and SERVPRO logo With the combined talent and experience of carpenters, electricians, and fire restoration services, homes can be successfully rebuilt.

A fire in a building is one of the most devastating things anyone faces. If you ever find yourself in this situation, take a deep breath and know it will be okay. 

We provide fire restoration services in SERVPRO of Foxborough every day. We know it is a huge project, but it’s easier to manage when you know what to expect. 

Whenever there is a fire, it is important to hire licensed professionals.

Here are steps to rebuilding a fire-damaged house. 

  1. Call your insurance company: It’s important to set the claims process in motion as soon as possible. You can ask for a preferred restoration company they have, or hire us. 
  2. Asses your building damage: Your restoration contractor can recommend a structural engineer to make sure it is safe to begin work. 
  3. Have the property secured: secure all but one entryway, and board up broken windows. 
  4. Address structural repairs: You will want experienced and professional carpenters to take care of heavy repairs. 
  5. Inspect and repair electricity: the fire might not have destroyed your entire home, but the electrical system must be inspected and repaired by a licensed electrician.
  6. Address problems with the fire damage: Your restoration contractor can find any additional problems such as mold growth in damp sheetrock, smoke stains and soot residue, and more. 
  7. Clean up by room: Fire restoration can take several months: The company will replace ruined sheetrock, restore fire-damaged floors and even help you salvage furnishings. It is important to not rush the process 
  8. Document everything: The cost to rebuild after a fire can be very expensive. Make sure to document everything for yourself and your insurance company. 

With the combined talent and experience of carpenters, electricians, and fire restoration services, homes can be successfully rebuilt. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for fire damage and restoration. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you updated on the project's status and ensure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damages. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Celebrates Thanksgiving

11/5/2022 (Permalink)

Thanksgiving gathering with SERVPRO logo. Thanksgiving Day is an annual national holiday in the United States and is a day to celebrate the harvest and other blessings of the past year.

Thanksgiving Day is an annual national holiday in the United States and is a day to celebrate the harvest and other blessings of the past year. It is a time for gathering with loved ones. However, oftentimes safety can be a concern when cooking. 

Here are the top safety tips:

  • Stay in the kitchen when you are cooking 
  • Stay home when cooking your turkey and check on it frequently.
  • Keep children away from the stove. 
  • Make sure kids stay away from hot food.
  • Keep knives out of the reach of children.
  • Keep matches and lighters out of the reach of children.
  • Never leave children alone in a room with a lit candle.
  • Keep the floor clear so you don’t trip.
  • Make sure your smoke alarms are working. 

Above all else, Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at SERVPRO of Foxborough

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuild. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damages.

SERVPRO of Foxborough Helps Businesses Prepare For Flooding

11/5/2022 (Permalink)

Business office with SERVPRO logo. Flooding happens often and it is critical that businesses are prepared. It is recommended to have flood insurance and tools that mitigate total loss.

Flooding happens often and it is critical that businesses are prepared. It is recommended to have flood insurance and tools that mitigate total loss in emergency situations. 

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), flooding occurs in over 90 percent of disasters, averaging 17 billion dollars of damage each year.

Here are some helpful tips: 

  • Analyze flood maps: FEMA is the most reliable resource for this. They provide flood maps that are updated regularly. 
  • Conduct risk analysis: Storms can completely destroy a given area. FEMA states that as little as one inch of flood water can cause $25,000 in damage. This can cause the company operations issues for an unforeseen amount of time.
  • Generate a disaster plan: Having a disaster plan is a  great way to maintain calmness. Train your employees with steps in your disaster plan. 
  • Obtain commercial flood insurance: You will want to establish your risk analysis. This will give you an idea of what type of commercial flood insurance to purchase. 
  • Protect business information: When flooding does occur, it can be hard to salvage equipment and paperwork. 
  • Purchase flood boards: If you are in a flood-prone area or at risk of flooding you will want to consider this. 
  • Raise electrical sockets, fuse boxes, and wiring: Moving electrical wiring to a safe height is simple. 
  • Install non-return valves: Businesses should consider the installation of non-return valves for drains. This can be an added layer of protection during flooding.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuild. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damages.

SERVPRO of Foxborough Helps Prepare For Winter Storms

11/5/2022 (Permalink)

Winter storm with SERVPRO logo. Winter storms can create a higher risk of car accidents, carbon monoxide poisoning, and more.

Winter storms can create a higher risk of car accidents, carbon monoxide poisoning, and more. 

They also create blizzard conditions, freezing rain, snow, ice, extreme cold, and high winds that can last for several days.

It is important to know what to do before the winter weather arrives. 

Here are some quick winter storm tips: 

  1. Install caulking and weather stripping around doors and windows. 
  2. Insulate pipes to reduce freezing. 
  3. Install and test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
  4. Pay attention to weather reports and warnings.
  5. Sign up for your community’s warning system such as Emergency Alert System (EAS) and NOAA Weather Radio.
  6. Gather supplies or restock your disaster supply kits.
  7. Remember the needs of your pets. 
  8. Have extra batteries for radios, flashlights, and cellphones.
  9. Create an emergency supply kit for your vehicle. Include jumper cables, sand, a flashlight (hand-crank or battery-operated), a first aid kit, etc. 
  10. If you must go outside, dress in layers. 

Winter storms are not fun, but it is mother nature and we can not prevent it. The best thing to do is be prepared for a storm. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuild. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damages.

SERVPRO of Foxborough Recognizes Fire Prevention Week

10/5/2022 (Permalink)

firefighter in background with white box and SERVPRO logo It is important for everyone to plan and practice a home fire escape. It is important everyone knows what to do when the smoke alarm sounds.

On October 9th, 1911 over 250 people died and buildings were destroyed by a fire. In 1922, President Harding proclaimed National Fire Prevention Week.

Here are some tips to help you with fire prevention.  

  • Install and maintain smoke detectors.
  • Have a fire escape plan and practice it with your family.
  • Keep matches and lighters out of the hands of children.
  • Have home heating systems and chimneys inspected?

It is important for everyone to plan and practice a home fire escape. It is important everyone knows what to do when the smoke alarm sounds. 

Have a plan for everyone in the home, and make sure they know what to do. Smoke alarms sense smoke well before you can, alerting you to danger, this is why it is important to have one in every bedroom.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuilding. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Explains Fire Prevention Day

10/5/2022 (Permalink)

Fire in background with orange box and SERVPRO logo It is important to create awareness of fires and know how to participate because we never know when a fire can happen.

On October 8, 1871, Mrs. O’Leary was in her barn, milking her cow. The cow kicked over a lamp, which started the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. When it was over, more than 300 people were killed, and over 17,000 structures were destroyed. This and other major fires caused a movement to proclaim this holiday, National Fire Prevention Day on October 9th.  (nfpa.org)

It is important to create awareness of fires and know how to participate because we never know when a fire can happen.  

  1. Fire departments around the country hold sessions and seminars to teach fire prevention and safety. 
  2. Schools have fire drills and hold lessons on fire prevention. 
  3. Families conduct an EDITH exercise (Exit Drills In The Home). If you need assistance with this, reach out to your local fire department. 
  4. Businesses should conduct fire drills. 
  5. Learn more about fires both nationally and locally. 

Fires are never something that anyone anticipates happening, but they happen more often than not.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuilding. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damage. 

Fall Safety From SERVPRO of Foxborough

10/5/2022 (Permalink)

Fall background with orange  SERVPRO logo Now that fall is here, it is a good idea for everyone in your home to refresh their fall fire safety tips.

Now that fall is here, it is a good idea for everyone in your home to refresh their fall fire safety tips.

These fire tips are especially important for children and families.

  • Check Smoke Detectors & Fire Extinguishers.
  • Change batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Verify that smoke detectors are working. 
  • Make sure that there are smoke detectors in your home.
  • Make sure everyone knows how to use a fire extinguisher.
  • Make Sure All Heating Sources Work Properly
  • Verify that everything you need to keep your home warm throughout fall and winter is working.
  • Make sure that any space heaters are surrounded by at least three feet of empty space.
  • Never place clothing or any other objects on a space heater.
  • Do not place space heaters near furniture or drapery.

If you aren’t sure about any of these tips, reach out to a local firefighter, they will be able to assist you and answer any questions.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuilding. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Halloween Safety

10/5/2022 (Permalink)

Green background with orange SERVPRO logo and title. More than twice as many children are killed in pedestrian-car crashes between the hours of 4 and 10 PM on Halloween.

More than twice as many children are killed in pedestrian-car crashes between the hours of 4 and 10 PM on Halloween. This is simply because drivers not being aware of their surroundings. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).

Kids love this holiday, and for a great reason. However, safety is important for everyone. Here are a few tips to help be safe this holiday:

  1. Wear bright clothes. If your costume is dark use reflectors. 
  2. Hold onto your child’s hand.
  3. Always try to cross crosswalks and be alert. 
  4. Look every which way before you do cross the street.
  5. Do not jaywalk. 
  6. Wait for the car to the first pass where you want to cross.
  7. All drivers should stay off their cell phones.
  8. If you are partying instead of trick or treating, stay sober or find another ride home.
  9. Wait behind other vehicles that are pulled over, because they may be dropping off children.
  10. Warn children that they are not to get into the car of anyone they do not know. 
  11. Make sure to have fun! 

Above all else, have fun and stay safe. After all, this holiday is met to be fun for free candy. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuilding. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Explains Fall Storm Safety

10/5/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Falling leaves are often the first signs of the fall season. As the piles of raked leaves build up, many are faced with how to dispose of them!

Falling leaves are often the first signs of the fall season. As the piles of raked leaves build up, many are faced with how to dispose of them! 

People like to burn leaves or throw trash onto piles, such as household garbage, construction debris, or old papers. This can actually cause more damage than good. 

Burning materials such as yard waste, grass clippings, and leaves may be permissible depending on your town’s ordinances. If you decide to burn leaves, do not use flammable liquids to ignite the debris. Keep an eye on the fire at all times and be prepared to extinguish it at any moment. Safety should always be the number one concern. 

There are plenty of safe alternatives for you to do instead of burning leaves.

  • You can recycle tree limbs, grass clippings, and leaves. 
  • You can also compost items into mulch or chipped them into landscaping material.
  • Many cities and towns provide a curbside collection of bagged leaves. Check with your local public works department.
  • Call a yard waste or junk removal service, they will take the debris to the dump or recycling center.

There are plenty of ways to get rid of your leaves this fall, it just depends on what works best for you. Remember safety first.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuilding. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Fire Safety

10/5/2022 (Permalink)

Black background with orange text and SERVPRO logo Everyone needs to know your family's escape plan. The National Fire Protection Association indicates 71% of Americans have a home fire escape plan

Cooking and heating are the leading causes of home fires during the winter months. Here are some quick and easy tips to help prevent a fire in and around your building. 

  • Be alert when cooking.
  • Stay in the kitchen while you are frying, grilling, boiling, or broiling food.
  • When simmering, baking, or roasting, check the food regularly and remain in the kitchen while cooking.
  • Keep anything that can catch fire away from your stovetop
  • Keep all flammables, like paper, clothing, bedding, drapes, or rugs, at least 3 feet from a space heater, stove, or fireplace.
  • Never leave portable heaters and fireplaces unattended.
  • Turn off heaters and make sure fireplace embers are extinguished before leaving the room
  • If you must use a space heater, place it on a level, nonflammable surface, like ceramic tile, not on a rug or carpet
  • Keep children and pets away from space heaters
  • Institute a “no smoking” policy in the house
  • Check all cords and replace any that are frayed or have bare wires
  • Switch to flameless candles
  • Use special alarms with strobe lights and bed shakers for people who are hard of hearing or deaf
  • Replace smoke alarms that are 10 or more years old
  • Make an Escape Plan

Everyone needs to know your family's escape plan. The National Fire Protection Association indicates that 71% of Americans have a home fire escape plan but only 47% have practiced it. Practice getting out with eyes closed, crawling low to the floor, and keeping your mouth covered

Always put your safety first; if you are not confident in your ability to use a fire extinguisher, get out and call 9-1-1. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuilding. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Tornado Safety

9/5/2022 (Permalink)

storm with green box and text overlay It is important to know what you can do in case of a storm. If a tornado warning is in effect, taking shelter is critical.

It is important to know what you can do in case of a storm. If a tornado warning is in effect, taking shelter is critical. 

Being completely underground is the best place to be in a tornado.  Always make sure the door is securely fastened.

If the entrance to your storm cellar is outside allow plenty of time to get to the shelter. If not, you may be exposed to wind, hail, rain, and lightning.

A basement is also a good shelter as long as it does not have access to doors or windows. 

Avoid seeking shelter underneath heavy objects, and use coverings such as pillows, blankets, sleeping bags, coats, etc to shield your head and body.

If you don't have an underground shelter, you need to find a location that is:

  • As close to the ground as possible
  • As far inside the building as possible
  • Away from doors, windows, and outside walls
  • In as small a room as possible

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuilding. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares What To Do If You Have a Tornado Warning

9/5/2022 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with blue box overlay If you have a tornado warning, shelter is critical for your safety. Have a safe room that is away from any doors or windows.

If you have a tornado warning, shelter is critical for your safety. Have a safe room that is away from any doors or windows.

If you don't have a safe room or basement, you should look around your home to determine the best place.

Here are Some Ideas:

  • Bathrooms might be a good shelter, but they should not have outside wall or windows. 
  • Closets are another option; it should be deep inside with no outside walls, doors or windows. 
  • A hallway is another great option. Be sure to shut all doors, and to create as many barriers as possible. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuilding. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damage. 

September is National Preparedness Month

9/5/2022 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo Each September we recognize National Preparedness Month. It was created to promote family and community disaster planning now.

Each September we recognize National Preparedness Month. It was created to promote family and community disaster planning now, but also in the future. 

Here are some tips to help plan: 

You need an emergency plan! Planning for emergencies is essential because they can happen to anyone at any time. 

If your emergency supply kit is already stocked, make sure that the items are not expired. For example, are the batteries still working? 

Make sure to cut back trees and shrubs that are too close to your house, so it can prevent damage in storm season. 

Make sure that those around you are prepared. Include your children in your preparedness drills and know your emergency plans of what to do if you need to evacuate or shelter in place.  

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuilding. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damage. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Storm Safety

9/5/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Everyone should be prepared in case of a disaster, as best as they can be.

Everyone should be prepared in case of a disaster, as best as they can be. If you haven't taken the time to think about how disasters could affect you, then it is time to become educated to help save you and your family. 

  1. Make sure you are always informed and receive important lifesaving alerts from your local community. 
  2. You can also receive wireless emergency alerts such as NOAA Weather Radio, or follow social media.
  3. Know which natural disasters can occur in your area and how to prepare in advance.
  4. Make sure you know where the nearest shelters are. You might also want to know evacuation routes.
  5. It is important to make a family emergency plan that can be put into action. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuilding. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damage.

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Safety Tips

9/5/2022 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo National Preparedness Month, which is September, encourages and reminds people to be prepared for disasters or emergencies in their communities.

National Preparedness Month, which is September, encourages and reminds people to be prepared for disasters or emergencies in their communities.

This is the time to find ways to help others understand more about preparing for disasters and reducing risks to health and the environment. 

Generator: Know ahead of time where you would run a generator. Generator exhaust is not good for you to inhale. Make sure to always put generators outside well away from doors, windows, and vents. 

Water: If drinking water is from a private well, know your contacts for inspecting the safety of your drinking water after a flood. 

Septic system: Make sure to know whom to call to have it inspected after a flood. 

Communities: Plan ahead for large amounts of disaster debris from damaged or destroyed buildings, supplies, trees or other green waste, or other materials. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuild. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damage.

Fire Safety Tips for Fall

9/5/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Fall is a great time for many people to enjoy the beautiful crisp weather, but along with that comes several dangers especially fires.

When the weather turns cold most people spend more time inside their homes. This is simply because people are using fireplaces, furnaces, and heaters to keep warm. However, make sure to understand the dangers that can come of it. 

Here are some tips to help prevent fires: 

  1. Service Your Furnace: Before the cold winter weather sets in, call your heating and cooling company to service your furnace. It is good to have an inspection to make sure everything is in working order and there are no leaks.
  2. Use Fireplaces Safely: Keep fire in its proper place by using a fireplace screen. This will keep sparks from flying out of the fireplace. 
  3. Use Caution with Space Heaters: A space heater can be an effective way to warm up a chilly room. Your space heater may require venting, so make sure you have vented it to the outdoors. There should be least three feet of empty area around space heaters.
  4. Reconsider Leaf Burning: Burning leaves produces dangerous and cancer-causing chemicals. Homeowners should avoid disposing of leaves this way. 
  5. Exercise Candle Caution: Candles are a great way to give a room some light, and also smell. They can also cause fires. Never leave candles burning unattended. 
  6. Change Smoke Alarm Batteries: It is wise to change the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors when you turn back your clocks for Daylight Saving Time.
  7. Safety Tips for Fall Driving: There's nothing more beautiful than a fall drive, but weather can cause dangerous roads. 

Fall is a great time for many people to enjoy the beautiful crisp weather, but along with that comes several dangers especially fires. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuild. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your fire damages.

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

9/5/2022 (Permalink)

Fall background with orange  SERVPRO logo Here are some home maintenance ideas that will keep your home running in peak condition all winter long.

It is time to get your house in shape for the cooler months ahead. Here are some home maintenance ideas that will keep your home running in peak condition all winter long.

Exterior Maintenance

  • You will want to check foundation for cracks and caulk such as where pipes or wires enter the house; this can save you money in the long run. 
  • Make sure you have storm windows and doors and remove screens. 
  • Inspect exterior walls to see if any paint is peeling or blistering on the house or outbuildings. Peeling paint is a sign that the existing paint film is failing. 
  • Make sure the roof is in good shape and make sure there are not any loose shingles. If not taken care of, damage can happen with deterioration to insulation, wood and drywall.

Interior Maintenance

  • Air from windows and doors are easy to find, make sure to apply weather stripping and caulk to areas that have air venting issues. 
  • Change the direction of your ceiling fan to create an upward draft that redistributes warm air from the ceiling.
  • Check basement windows for drafts, loose frames or cracked panes.
  • Vacuum internal parts of air conditioners. 
  • Clean your humidifiers regularly during the heating season. Bacteria and spores can develop in a dirty water tank resulting in unclean moisture.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is your premier choice for restoration and rebuild. Our teams are ready to respond 24 hours a week, any day of the year. When you bring us on the job our team of licensed contractors and certified technicians will work collaboratively with you throughout the duration of the project. They will keep you up to date on the status of the project and make sure that your expectations are met. We will help you to move forward and make it “Like it never even happened” for all of your storm damage.

SERVPRO of Foxborough Talks About Campfire Safety

8/14/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo A campfire is one of the most enjoyable parts of summer. However, if not properly built, maintained, and extinguished it can quickly become a hazard.

A  campfire is one of the most enjoyable parts of summer. However, if not properly built, maintained, and extinguished it can quickly become a hazard. It's important to understand how to safely enjoy your campfire.

  1. Know the rules: Before you strike a match, make sure you know the fire regulations of the campground. 
  2. Use the pit: Most campgrounds provide a fire pit to build a campfire. If a pit is provided, this is the only place you should build a campfire. If not, dig a fire pit in an open area away from overhanging branches.
  3. Build a safe campfire: Start the fire with dried leaves or grass that will easily catch fire. Next, add small twigs and sticks that are less than an inch. As the fire builds, add the largest pieces of wood to the fire. This keeps the fire burning for a longer period of time. 

Keep in mind that your fire does not have to be roaring. In fact, a small fire surrounded by rocks will do the job. Always make sure to take caution whenever you are creating a fire. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares How to Burn a Candle Safely

8/14/2022 (Permalink)

candles with green box and orange SERVPRO logo Many people enjoy having candles in their homes. It is important to know candle safety so that you can enjoy it without leading to a fire.

Many people enjoy having candles in their homes. It is important to know candle safety so that you can enjoy it without leading to a fire. 

  • Before burning, trim the wick to ¼ inch. Long or crooked wicks can cause uneven burning.
  • Use a candleholder designed for candle use. It should be heat resistant, sturdy, and large enough to contain drips.
  • Burn candles in a well-ventilated room.
  • When lighting a candle, use a long-reach lighter.
  • Keep your hair and loose clothing out of sight.
  • Never leave a candle unattended.
  • Never burn a candle near anything that can catch fire. 
  • Keep burning candles away from furniture, drapes, bedding, carpets, etc.
  • Keep candles out of the reach of children and pets. 
  • Never touch or move a candle while it is burning.
  • Place burning candles at least three inches apart from one another. 
  • Extinguish a candle if the flame becomes too high.
  • Never use a candle as a night light or while you are sleeping.
  • Use a candle snuffer to extinguish a candle.
  • Never use water to extinguish a candle; this can cause the wax to splatter.
  • Make sure the candle is completely out before leaving the room.

Fire safety is always important. It is good to know the safety precautions ahead of time. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares What You Should Do to Your Home Before Fall Starts

8/14/2022 (Permalink)

Fall background with orange  SERVPRO logo Consider everything you need to know before for the fall days in your home.

Consider everything you need to know before for the fall days in your home. 

  1. Clean your gutters: If they're clogged, you can end up with a flooded interior and damaged exterior. 
  2. Check for drafts: Weatherstripping is simple and probably the most cost-effective way to keep heating costs down.
  3. Drain your outdoor faucets: Drain and disconnect all garden hoses to prevent any water freezing. 
  4. Bring your outdoor furniture in: If you want to get another summer season out of it you should store it away.
  5. Change your filters: If your filters are clogged, it's harder to keep your home at the temperature you want it to be. 
  6. Change your batteries: Once a year you should be checking to make sure all smoke detectors and carbon monoxide devices are working. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Smoke Detector Tips

8/14/2022 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo Maintaining smoke alarms takes minutes, and it’s worth it for the peace of mind it provides.

A smoke detector is something that we do not think about often unless it’s sounding an alarm or making that annoying chirping noise.

It is one of the most important devices in your house and it can save your life in an emergency. Find out what you need to know about smoke detectors.

  1. You should check your smoke detectors monthly or at least twice a year.
  2. Most smoke detectors are powered by 9-volt batteries. To check these remove the plastic cap from the detector, replace the battery and press the test button. 
  3. Most smoke detectors last a maximum of 10 years, always check for a date stamped on the back. 

Three out of five home fire deaths result from fires in properties without working smoke alarms.

Furthermore, failing to check your smoke alarms regularly increases the likelihood that they’ll fail if a fire erupts.

Maintaining smoke alarms takes minutes, and it’s worth it for the peace of mind it provides. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Grill Safety

8/14/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Grill fires can start easily and spread quickly. Learn how you can help keep your home safe with these tips.

Grilling is a great way to enjoy the nice summer weather.  Grill fires can start easily and spread quickly. Learn how you can help keep your home safe with these tips.

  1. Only use grills outside: It may be tempting to set up your grill in your open garage, but they are strictly designed for outdoor use.
  2. Place your grill away from your home: You should avoid placing your grill outside the back door, or the deck because it can pose a potential fire hazard. 
  3. Make sure your grill is located on a flat surface: Grills on uneven surfaces can tip over easily and cause a fire. 
  4. Check your grill for leaks: A leak in the gas lines can cause propane to build up inside. 
  5. Always clean your grill after use: Using your grill often causes grease to build up, this can act as fuel and catch fire.
  6. Never leave your barbecue grill unattended while in use: When a grill is left unattended it can become a safety and fire hazard.
  7. Keep a spray bottle on hand: It’s common for grills to flare up as fat drips, and this can cause a section of the grill to remain on fire. 
  8. Always have a fire extinguisher close by It is simple to use, just point and spray to extinguish the fire. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Back To School Tips

8/8/2022 (Permalink)

school bus with green text box and orange SERVPRO logo The school will be starting back up soon and it is essential to remember some key tips that will help keep them safe and healthy.

The school will be starting back up soon and it is essential to remember some key tips that will help keep them safe and healthy throughout the school year.

Here are some tips to make sure your child safely travels to school: 

  1. Review your family's walking safety rules. Make sure to practice walking to school with your child.
  2. Walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing the traffic.
  3. Before crossing the street, stop and look left, right, and left again. 
  4. Make eye contact with drivers before crossing.
  5. Always cross streets at crosswalks or intersections
  6. Stay alert and avoid distractions.
  7. Teach your children school bus safety rules.
  8. Teach your children to stand 6 feet away from the curb
  9. Make eye contact with children who are crossing the street
  10. Never pass a bus loading or unloading children

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Tax-Free Information

8/8/2022 (Permalink)

School setting with orange SERVPRO logo The tax-free weekend comes once a year. This allows people to get school items tax-free, which could be a great deal of savings!

The tax-free weekend comes once a year. This allows people to get school items tax-free, which could be a great deal of savings! 

The sales tax holiday for 2022 will be held on Saturday, August 13, and Sunday, August 14. Retail items of up to $2,500, purchased in Massachusetts for personal use on these two days, will be exempt from sales tax.

If you spend more than $2,500 on an item, the entire amount paid for the item is subject to sales tax, not just the amount that exceeds that threshold. There is, however, an exemption with respect to clothing.  An item of clothing is generally exempt from the sales tax unless the item costs more than $175.  If it does, only the amount over $175 is subject to tax. If on the sales tax holiday, the price of an item of clothing exceeds $2,500, the first $175 is not subject to tax.

You can learn more here: 


SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough is Hiring A Production Technician

8/8/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working with green text box and orange SERVPRO logo SERVPRO of Foxborough is Hiring A Production Technician

Our main headquarters is conveniently located right off Route 495 in Hopkinton, MA. SERVPRO of Foxborough offers exciting employment opportunities and we are committed to development of our employees. We offer a variety of training and certification programs and encourage our employees to expand their knowledge base and skill sets. Our regional office, located in Lawrence, frequently hosts seminars to further help our staff and crew members succeed. 

The remediation services industry is an ever growing, multi-billion dollar industry and SERVPRO is a leader in this space. Our family of franchises is the second largest SERVPRO family in the Easter Massachusetts region and we are continuing to acquire new franchises.  We are always looking for hardworking team players who are not afraid to get their hands dirty and have a “can do” attitude to join our ever crew and grow their careers with us. Give us a call to start your career.

We are hiring for a production technician 

Primary Role: Perform services as assigned, following SERVPRO production guidelines. Communicate with the customer to make sure that all needs are met. Support crew chief and other production personnel as needed. Clean and maintain vehicles, equipment, warehouse and office areas as needed.

Results Expected: Production processes are performed according to guidelines and work orders. Communications to crew chief and customer are timely. Jobs are completed at or beyond customer expectations. Vehicles, equipment, and facilities remain clean, orderly, and working properly.

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. This company does not and will not discriminate in employment and personnel practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, age, national origin, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is the place for you! Contact us at (508) 370-4400 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares The Top 5 Summer Safety Tips

7/4/2022 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo Summer is a time for adventure! Before you start with the fun and games, keep in mind these important summer safety tips.

Summer is a time for adventure! Before you start with the fun and games, keep in mind these important summer safety tips.

  1. Water Safety: Drownings are number one of the leading causes of accidental deaths for children under five. To prevent this, parents are encouraged to keep a closer eye on their children, especially around water. Areas that are both in and out of the house should be kept closed off without supervision. Children participating in boating should always wear a life jacket. 
  2. Playgrounds: Spending time outdoors with your kids is a great way to enjoy the time. Certain activities on the playground are more dangerous than others. Parent supervision is important, to keep children from falling in playground areas. Almost half of all falls occur due to a lack of supervision.
  3. Heat Exposure: Summer heat can be dangerous. On a hot day leaving kids dehydrated can cause exhaustion, dizziness, and even vomiting. Extreme temperatures can induce heat stroke. Parents should be extremely cautious about keeping kids hydrated with water.
  4. Bicycles and Outdoors Sports: Bicycle injuries among kids 5-14 are more prevalent than any other sport. Children should always wear a helmet. Outdoor games such as skateboarding, rollerblading, etc should always stay on the right side of the road and go with the flow of traffic. Make sure to make eye contact with drivers before crossing.
  5. Fireworks: Fireworks are dangerous and never advised around kids. Children should also never be allowed to handle sparklers. Picking a unique spot to watch fireworks can be equally as enjoyable.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and help you with your damage. “Like it never even happened.”

What To Do If Your House Floods in SERVPRO of Foxborough

7/4/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Planning for a flood due to a storm is difficult, but you can take some small precautions to ensure your home is protected

Planning for a flood due to a storm is difficult, but you can take some small precautions to ensure your home is protected:

  • Keep your rain gutters and downspouts clear of leaves and debris.
  • Ensure downspouts direct water away from your basement or foundation.
  • Be certain the ground slopes are away from your home.
  • Watch for small leaks in your roof, windows, doors, and foundation and fix them promptly.

When the rain is extremely hard and lasts for a long time, this can cause water levels to rise, which will flood your home. Sandbagging and trenching can help in some cases, but if water finally does start getting into your home, further action steps are needed.

“What do I do if I get water in my basement?” 

At the first sign, that water is entering your home, cut the power to all outlets. Don’t forget to Unplug all machines and equipment such as freezers, heaters, lamps, and power tools. Put washers, dryers, freezers, etc. up on blocks to keep them out of the rising water.

  • If water has entered your home quickly contact your local utility company to cut the power to your home
  • If you have an electric sump pump, it is important that it stays plugged in. Shut off the gas or have your gas company do it for you if you aren’t sure how to do it.
  • A backup generator can be used to power additional pumps, water vacuums, and lights. Make sure that water has been cleaned up and isn’t destroying surrounding things. 
  • Contact your insurance company as soon as possible.
  • Install fans to move air and dry your basement once the bulk of the water is gone.
  • Contact a qualified flood restoration expert such as SERVPRO of Foxborough to determine what steps are necessary to repair your home from flood damage.

We are proud to serve our local communities:

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and help you with your damage. “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Things To Do Before Going On Vacation

7/4/2022 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo Here is a checklist to help keep your house safe while you are away on vacation.

You are getting ready to go on vacation for a week, and are all ready to go. After you are all packed and feel at ease, take the time to protect your home while you're on vacation. July and August are popular months when home burglaries peak.

Here is a checklist to help keep your house safe while you are away: 

  • Set timers on interior lights:  Don't allow your house to appear as if no one is home.
  • Power surges: Disconnect the computer, TV, stereo, and other electronics. You can also make sure they are plugged safely into a surge protector.
  • Don't make or socialize status updates: Never broadcast your location on social media. 
  • Alert your alarm company: If you have an automatic security system in place, let them know you will be away for an extended period of time. Make sure the alarm is set properly when you leave. 
  • Secure valuables: Put your jewelry or other valuables in a safe deposit box. 
  • Set the HVAC: Set your thermostat to lower your heat or air conditioning usage.
  • Protect your pipes: Make sure pipes in vulnerable areas such as attics, basements, and crawlspaces are insulated. 
  • Arrange for lawn care: Before you leave, trim tree branches that might allow access to a climbing burglar.
  • Stop newspapers and mail: Have them regularly picked up by a neighbor. 
  • Plan exterior lighting: Set these lights on timers to deter burglars.
  • Don't leave spare keys outdoors: Get rid of spare keys that are around the exterior of your home. 
  • Lock the garage: Secure the door and any entrances to the garage so they can’t enter your home from that access point. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and help you with commercial damage. “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Firework Safety

6/6/2022 (Permalink)

Fire in background with orange box and SERVPRO logo Fireworks can be very dangerous if they are not used properly, they can even cause a fire to your home.

The summer months are a great time for fireworks. Fireworks are designed to burn and produce motion or audible effects. Here are some firework safety tips that you should consider: 

  • Make sure there is adult supervision of all fireworks at all times
  • Always read and follow the manufacturer's directions
  • Use outdoors only
  • Always have water handy 
  • Never experiment or make your own fireworks
  • Light only one firework at a time 
  • Never give fireworks to small children
  • Dispose of fireworks properly by soaking them in water and then disposing of them in your trash can
  • Never throw or point fireworks at other people
  • Never carry fireworks in your pocket
  •  Never shoot fireworks in metal or glass containers.

Fireworks can be very dangerous if they are not used properly, they can even cause a fire to your home. If your house gets hit by a fire, call for restoration needs. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares How To Observe Lightning Safety Awareness Week

6/6/2022 (Permalink)

Black background with orange text and SERVPRO logo Lightning Safety Awareness Week helps to alert people that the outdoors are not safe during a thunderstorm.

Lightning happens more in the summer months and it can cause much damage to a building. It is important to take precautions to help prevent damage.

It is advised to stay indoors during a thunderstorm. It is important to have a safety plan in place should a thunderstorm arrive. It is important to be thoroughly aware of its dangers so that we can take the necessary precautions if we are ever caught in a storm.??

Lightning Safety Awareness Week helps to alert people that the outdoors are not safe during a thunderstorm. Lightning can strike from over 15 miles away and any delays in taking precautions can cause serious injury or fatality. Lightning Safety Awareness Week is important to spread awareness of lightning and lightning safety.

Here are some topics and links to help you become more informed during the week.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

New England SERVPRO® Owners Team Up with Red Sox

6/3/2022 (Permalink)

Baseball picture with logos A group of SERVPRO franchise owners in northern New England is proud to announce their collective sponsorship of the Boston Red Sox

A group of SERVPRO franchise owners in northern New England is proud to announce their collective sponsorship of the Boston Red Sox for the 2022 season. The SERVPRO owner group, which is made up of more than 30 SERVPRO franchise owners, is excited to come together and partner with their beloved Red Sox, making this sponsorship one of the first of its kind for SERVPRO. 

"This new deal illustrates the SERVPRO family's love for their local communities, fellow New Englanders, and America's favorite pastime," said Jesse Mathewson, SERVPRO Marketing Team Member. 

The sponsorship is marked by two LED signs that will illuminate SERVPRO's distinctive green and orange on the first and third baselines at every home game in historic Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox. The group will also sponsor National 

Clean-Up Day on September 17, including the pregame ceremony and in-park promotions when the Red Sox host the Kansas City Royals.

This isn't the first interaction between the Red Sox and the brand, as SERVPRO's certified restoration specialists had the honor of cleaning and sanitizing Fenway Park at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. 

"Being selected to assist an institution like Fenway Park, prioritizing safety above all else, following all IICRC guidelines and CDC protocols, was a privilege," Mathewson said. "Ever since that initial interaction with such a first-class organization, we knew we wanted to take the next step to make the partnership bigger."

SERVPRO's full spectrum of restoration, mitigation, construction, cleaning, and 

decontamination services are offered year-round, but one thing SERVPRO and the Boston Red Sox have in common is how each gears up during the Spring season. 

"Spring is the perfect time to have your residential or commercial property cleaned and sanitized by our team of certified technicians from our New England SERVPRO locations," Mathewson said. "We are proud to support the Red Sox and our local communities, not only with this sponsorship but with any emergency or upcoming services and projects this year."

"Our SERVPRO New England team is excited to cheer the Boston Red Sox to victory alongside our community! Let's go, Red Sox!"

SERVPRO of Foxborough Is the Damage Cleanup Restoration & Construction Company

6/3/2022 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo SERVPRO of Foxborough is the industry leader and is available 24 hours a day to provide property owners with emergency cleanup, restoration.

You cannot predict when the disaster will arrive at your commercial building. Knowing who to call when disaster strikes are the first step after commercial property damage such as a fire, water, or storm damage. SERVPRO of Foxborough is the industry leader and is available 24 hours a day to provide property owners with emergency cleanup, restoration, and construction needs.

When you face damage to your commercial properties SERVPRO of Foxborough will be there to help. We restore properties that have damage such as floods, toilet overflows, water leaks, and pipe breaks to sprinkler malfunctions. We will make it our priority to get your buildings back to working quickly.

SERVPRO of Foxborough understands that water damage is a huge inconvenience, but will work quickly so your business can get back to its normal day-to-day functioning. We have the equipment, training, and experience to find and dry the water before secondary damage sets in. 

We are proud to serve our local communities:

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Positive Reviews

5/8/2022 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo We are highly trained in the restoration field. Our customer's testimonials speak for themselves.

We are a restoration company and we hope you never have to call us. 

However, we take great pride in our services, customers, and team. We are highly trained in the restoration field. Our customer's testimonials speak for themselves. 

“I can't say enough good things about Kevin and Rodney. I was so impressed by how hard they worked to get my home back together. thank you so much.” --Julia

“Great company to work with after I experienced a home fire. Rodney and Amy were great in cleaning up the damage. mauritizo was great to work within the rebuild. thank you servrpo” -- Issy 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Helps The Local Community

5/8/2022 (Permalink)

Black background with orange text and SERVPRO logo Both the Disaster Remediation and Rebuild Teams of SERVPRO of Foxborough are highly skilled and professional.

Both the Disaster Remediation and Rebuild Teams of SERVPRO of Foxborough are highly skilled and professional. Our certified technicians and licensed contractors will be there for you throughout the entire project life cycle.  They collaborate with you, keep you informed, and make sure that your expectations are met. SERVPRO of Foxborough is your one-stop remediation to rebuild the shop. We will make it "Like it never even happened." 

We are close by and ready to respond immediately when you need cleaning or restoration services. For major storms and disasters, we can even call upon special Disaster Recovery Teams for additional resources.

We are proud to serve our local communities:

  • Franklin, MA
  • Millis, MA
  • Wrentham, MA
  • Foxborough, MA
  • Wethersfield, MA
  • Bellingham, MA
  • Norfolk, MA

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Hosts a Plumber Luncheon!

5/8/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo We love the community that we are a part of and thought it was a great time to host a plumber luncheon.

We love the community that we are a part of and thought it was a great time to host a plumber luncheon. It has been quite some time since we did one, thanks to COVID but now we are back! 

Come visit Republic Plumbing Supply Co. on May 10th for our plumber luncheon! Food, drinks, and a gift card raffle will be provided. You don't want to miss it! 

We look forward to seeing you there! 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Professional Help for Water Damage

4/9/2022 (Permalink)

Green background with orange SERVPRO logo and title. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your residential disaster needs to get it back to “Like it

When water damage happens at your property, you might want to clean it up yourself. The downside is that water migrates quickly. This can cause damage to your house. 

If a pipe breaks in a bathroom and gravity pulls the water downward. Then it runs under the tile floor.  It will go between the floor and exist into the living room all over a carpeted floor. If any moisture gets left in these areas, it can trigger issues such as mold. It is important to make sure you address these problems and hire a professional. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your residential disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Helps Prepare for a Flood

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo Here are a few ways to prepare for a flood.

There are several ways to prepare for a flood, though you can't fully prevent it. Here are a few ways to prepare for a flood:

  • Visit FEMA's Flood Map Service Center to know the types of flood risk in your area.  Also, make sure to sign up for your community’s warning system. 
  • Purchase or renew a flood insurance policy. It can take up to 30 days for a policy to go into effect so allow plenty of time.
  • Make a plan for your household that includes what to do, where to go, and what you will need to protect yourselves from flooding. Make sure to be aware of evacuation routes. 
  • Keep important documents in a waterproof container. Protect your property by moving valuables to higher levels. Also, consider a sump pump with a battery.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your residential disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Is The Disaster Remediation Company

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

Green background with orange SERVPRO logo and title. When damage strikes, you need a trusted remediation-to-rebuild expert.

When damage strikes, you need a trusted remediation-to-rebuild expert. Witnessing your home being consumed by water or fire can be traumatizing and overwhelming. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough offers a wide variety of commercial and residential restoration services to our clients. We have a team of certified and fully trained professionals who are ready to respond 24 hours a day, every day of the year, even on holidays to all emergencies.

Some of the services that we provide are:

  • Fire damage restoration
  • Restoration of water damage
  • Restoration of storm destruction
  • Mold damage restoration and others.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your residential disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough is IICRC Certified

3/10/2022 (Permalink)

iicrc logo SERVPRO of Foxborough is IICRC certified, making us the ideal damage restoration and cleaning company.

What does it mean to be IICRC certified? It means we strictly follow and enforce the latest and best industry practices and standards.

When someone receives an IICRC certification, they are held to the highest of industry standards. This helps keep industry standards high and helps establish a national standard.

When it comes to water damage, fire damage, and mold damage: There is nothing more important than making sure the job is taken care of by an expert. 

Unmatched in technical excellence, IICRC standards are developed to provide the highest quality concepts, terminology, and procedures recognized in the cleaning and restoration industry. 

That's why insurance professionals keep an IICRC graduate in their list of contacts, they know only the best receive IICRC certifications.  

Here are some of the many values an IICRC certified firm is expected to uphold:

Respect: An IICRC certified firm is expected to show respect to all customers and staff at all times.

Integrity: It is expected that all certified firms have and practice strong ethical principles. This goes for all aspects of the restoration industry; Marketing, Pricing, Scope of Work, Communication with all respective parties involved, and Execution of the scope of work! 

Responsibility: All IICRC certified firms are expected to treat the scope of work at customers' properties as if it were their own! Something we like to say at SERVPRO is; Treat all customer's properties as if it were the Pope's or it was the White House! 

Excellence: Performance, Leadership, and overall excellence are expected out of all IICRC certified firms! 

Expertise: To keep industry standards as high as possible, IICRC requires continuous education courses to be taken to keep the certification/license. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is here 24/7 to assist you with your damage restoration and reconstruction needs. Call us today, at (508) 533-5305

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares What To Do After A Flood

3/10/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo The basement of your home or the showroom of your dealership fills with water it is understandable to think extraction first.

When a thunderstorm arrives it is not uncommon for a flash flood to occur. The basement of your home or the showroom of your dealership fills with water it is understandable to think extraction first. 

However, the first priority should always be safety. Here are some steps to take to ensure health and safety: 

Reduce Additional Risks: Electricity can cause additional dangers with floods. If the power has gone out, and there’s standing water, you might be at risk for fire. Reach the fuse box and turn off the main power line, if it is safe to do. 

Avoid Contact With The Water: Floodwaters may appear clean. However, they could be contaminated with bacteria, sewage, or household chemicals that can be harmful. If you must enter the damaged area, use proper protective gear. 

Begin Cleanup & Mitigation: When storms damage your commercial or residential property the best thing to do is to call water remediation experts. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your mold disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Gives Back

3/3/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO team with green tshirts We believe in helping out causes that are close to our hearts.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is always all about giving back and helping our local community whenever possible. We believe in helping out causes that are close to our hearts.  

We are supporting the fight against cancer through For Kid's Sake Foundation. Malia has been fighting neuroblastoma, and her father Glen is a longtime friend of our owner, David. Check out the link below to see how you can support the charity! You got this, Malia!


SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with your mold disaster needs to get it back to “Like it never even happened.” 

Storm Flood Damage Can Cause Mold

2/14/2022 (Permalink)

mold on corner of wall Mold can result from water damage to a home, due to flooding

Flood-damaged homes are very likely to experience mold damage as moisture permeates the structure of the building for an extended period of time. Mold organisms are found almost everywhere and damp environments allow it to grow and spread through affected areas such as basements, walls, carpet, and wood. If you have a flood-damaged home, keep an eye out for discoloration on surfaces and musty odor.

If you notice mold in your home, there are things you can do.

- Get the moisture under control. After a flood, the water must be extracted and the structure dried.
All porous materials (drywall, carpeting, and ceiling tiles) with mold growth should be discarded.
- Appliances that contain insulation should be discarded as they may harbor mold spores that cannot be seen.
- Heating and air conditioning filters need to be changed. The system will need to be inspected by a professional and may need to be replaced.
- Non-porous materials and surfaces will need to be professionally cleaned depending on the extent of the damage.

Remember, if clean up is not handled appropriately, it is likely that the spores will spread.
If you experience a water damage and would like to avoid mold call in local assistance, contact SERVPRO of Foxborough at (774) 290-4300. We are available to help 24/7. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Snow Storm Damage Information

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

Winter with text box and Orange SERVPRO logo After the snowstorms happen in Massacheuttes we know the damage that may come with it. It is inevitable to get winter storms.

After the snowstorms happen in Massacheuttes we know the damage that may come with it. It is inevitable to get winter storms so you can’t always prevent the damage. Snow can cause water damage, and much more. 

Damage to your roof: Heavy snow can cause damage to your roof causing it to collapse. More importantly, when there is heavy snow on a tree it may cause it to fall onto your house or roof. 

Melting snow can cause floods: Even if the temperature does not rise above freezing, it can still melt. You can experience the same type of damage during a flood. Melting snow can go into areas that rain doesn't usually reach, which causes ice damage throughout your house. 

Freezing water can create cracks: Melting snow and ice can make their way into your roof and gutters. This can refreeze, which can cause significant damage to your home. 

There isn’t always a way to prevent damage from your home during a snowstorm, but it is important to know what can happen so you can be proactive should it happen. 

No matter how large or small your disaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with storm disasters. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Helps Restoration For Residential And Commercial Buildings

1/18/2022 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo SERVPRO will be there for you from the time you request services until the job has been completed to your satisfaction.

SERVPRO will be there for you from the time you request services until the job has been completed to your satisfaction. You can call on a project manager from your first point of contact and throughout the entire remediation process. They collaborate with you while working with our great team of technicians, carefully and expeditiously restoring your home or business to a like-new state. 

We take pride in our major advantages such as: 

  • 24-Hour Emergency Service
  • Faster to Any Size Disaster
  • Highly Trained Restoration Technicians
  • A Trusted Leader in the Restoration Industry
  •  Locally Owned and Operated
  •  Advanced Restoration and Cleaning Equipment

No matter how large or small your diaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Fire Safety

1/17/2022 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo Most electrical fires in homes are sparked off by incorrectly installed wiring or overloaded circuits. There are many things you can do at home to pre

The winter months are a popular time for fires, especially in homes. What Causes Electrical Fires?

Most electrical fires in homes are sparked off by incorrectly installed wiring or overloaded circuits. There are many things you can do at home to prevent fires. 

  1. New Appliance Setup

If you are setting up a new appliance by yourself without help from a professional electrician, you should double-check all your connections, and read the manual completely. Certain electrical appliances may require a voltage regulator.

  1. Extension Cords

These are the most common causes of electrical fires and can be easily preventable. To avoid this make sure the capacity of the extension cord matches the appliance; the total wattage of all devices connected should never exceed the extension cord capacity.

  1. Light Bulbs

Some fixtures may have specific bulbs to use such as incandescent bulbs, or fluorescent bulbs. To prevent an electrical fire, make sure that your light bulbs are used with electrical sockets.

  1. Power Cords

These have at least six outlets in the device with one main cord that plugs into a wall outlet. Most importantly, never have one power strip into another; this can start a fire and affect your circuit breakers.

No matter how large or small your diaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Uses Emergency Readiness Plan For Businesses

1/14/2022 (Permalink)

Black background with orange text and SERVPRO logo We never know when a disaster will happen, but it is important to have a plan ready.

Would your business be ready if a disaster hits? 

We never know when a disaster will happen, but it is important to have a plan ready. Without proper preparation, a minor emergency can have tragic consequences. That is why all employers should create a contingency plan.

An Emergency Readiness Plan must include the following:

  • A procedure for reporting emergencies
  • An evacuation plan
  • A way to account for all employees after the evacuation
  • Medical or rescue duties being performed by employees, if applicable

Your contingency plan could also include a description of the various alarms that will go off in the event of an emergency. Make sure that any disabled workers will be able to understand the alarm system.

You may also want to come up with an alternative location where everyone can gather in the event of a fire or other disaster. 

Once the plan is in place, select an employee to lead the facility. That person will oversee the evacuation procedures and decide when to activate them.

Your employees should also be trained so they understand the plan. Consider holding practice drills to test, and you can then adjust it accordingly.

No matter how large or small your diaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is Faster To Any Size Disaster

1/12/2022 (Permalink)

Orange background with text and SERVPRO logo We respond quicker with resources and are ready to help with all of your restoration needs.

We respond quicker with resources and are ready to help with all of your restoration needs. For major storms and disasters, we call upon special Disaster Recovery Teams for additional resources. 

There are many benefits when working with SERVPRO of Foxborough:

  • 24 Hour Emergency Service
  • We have technicians that are on call with specialized equipment 
  • We have advanced training to quickly restore your property 
  • We’re dedicated to responding immediately

In many restoration situations, immediate action is needed quickly. SERVPRO is strategically positioned to be faster to any size emergency. An immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

No matter how large or small your diaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough has Advanced Technology and Techniques

1/4/2022 (Permalink)

Green box with text and orange SERVPRO logo We respond immediately when you need restoration services for your home or business. SERVPRO of Foxborough has the training, equipment to help.

We respond immediately when you need restoration services for your home or business. SERVPRO of Foxborough has the training, equipment, and resources to handle any size disaster. 

Moisture Detection and Measurement Equipment: Scientific drying principles rely upon specialized equipment to detect, measure, and monitor a property’s moisture levels. Infrared cameras can help us detect water through a wall, ceiling, or floor.

Water Extraction Equipment: Powerful extraction equipment speeds the drying process by removing the bulk of the water.

Drying Equipment: Industrial strength air movers and dehumidifiers are needed to remove the remaining moisture from the ceiling, walls, and floors. 

Odor Removal and Deodorization: Water and fire damage often causes powerful odors. Our machines remove airborne contaminants and control the air quality during the restoration and cleanup process.

No matter how large or small your diaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO Hygrometer Fun Facts

12/11/2021 (Permalink)

hygrometer with text SERVPRO of Foxborough is here for you, 24/7/365

Hygrometer Fun Facts

Did you know that SERVPRO of Foxborough uses advanced technology to restore damaged properties to preloss condition more reliably, effectively, and quickly? For example, our water damage restoration technicians use scientific drying principles and state-of-the-art moisture detection equipment to detect, measure and monitor a property’s moisture levels. Hygrometers are used to measure the extent of moisture saturation in the damaged area.

The ancient Chinese constructed a prototype hygrometer in the Shang Dynasty (c.1600-1046 BCE), to study weather. Using a bar of charcoal and a clump of earth, the dry weight was recorded and then compared to the damp weight after being exposed to the air. They then measured the differences in weight to determine the humidity level.

SERVPRO technicians follow the guidelines and best practices set forth by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), and are required to undergo initial rigorous and ongoing training to stay up-to-speed with technological advancements in the restoration industry.

When you experience a water or fire damage emergency in the greater Boston area, SERVPRO of Foxborough is Here to Help. ® Our technicians are on call 24 hours a day and can usually be on-site within four hours of your call. Call us at (508) 533-5305. We’ll clean and restore your property damage, “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough is Independently Owned and Operated.

What Separates SERVPRO From Other Companies?

12/11/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO understands your situation. As an agent or adjuster, you have a responsibility to keep claims costs down while still providing the best services possible for your customers.

We are uniquely qualified to help. Our results create a measurable difference, giving you many competitive advantages.

Emergency Response to Claims

Restoring property is our first priority. Your customer will appreciate the immediate response and you will know everything is being done to limit the damage.

Pretesting Reduces Claims Expense

Restoring property is less expensive than replacing property. Claims Professionals know the rule is, "Restore whenever possible, replace only when necessary." We make sure pretesting is completed on every loss to determine restorability.

Claims Inventory Service

SERVPRO can provide an itemized loss inventory. You will receive an Excel formatted report and pictures of important items.

Superior, Time-Tested Training

Effective training is the best way to help ensure your customers receive the service they deserve. Our technicians are trained to IICRC standards in Fire and Water Cleanup and Restoration. In addition, continuing education classes are available to our staff and Insurance Clients at our state of the art IICRC Approved Training Facility

Vendor Qualification Compliance and Professionalism

If you call SERVPRO, we will use only qualified vendors to service your customer. That commitment resulted in:

  • A National Call Center to achieve prompt handling of the claim.
  • Implementation of best practices and job process programs.
  • National Accounts qualification criteria and annual compliance checks.
  • Crew and vehicle standards.
  • Insurance requirements.
  • File documentation requirements.
  • Quality assurance program.

Serving Adjusters and Their Clients

Our job is to reassure the customer, perform quality service and to report to you quickly. We know your job is to interpret the policy and adjust the claim... and not to deal with problems from vendors! Working together we strive to save you time so you can focus on priority files, while having complete control of every loss you are assigned. 24-hour emergency response, damage mitigation, loss assessment, and an electronic file are available to you within hours. 

Hard-earned results have made SERVPRO leaders in the fire and water cleanup and restoration industry. The SERVPRO System is geared to achieve customer satisfaction and mitigation results, adding to your company’s competitive advantage.

3 Tips for Sump Pump Maintenance in Foxborough, MA

12/9/2021 (Permalink)

sump pump SERVPRO of Foxborough is here for you, 24/7 to assist with any storm damage you may experience.

If you have a sump pump, chances are you understand the risks that storm damage can leave on your home. Keep your sump pump working fine using these few tips. 

Always Follow the Manufacturer's Recommended Use Instructions
Many water damage restoration companies recommend the pumps as a flood prevention method. When performing pump maintenance, it's important to always follow your manufacturer's recommended instructions. This includes making sure the cord is in good repair, and that the unit is plugged into a ground fault circuit interrupter. This can help ensure your pump correctly performs the intended job for its lifespan.

Regularly Check For, and Clean Out Any Debris
Another important step for maintaining your sump pump is to ensure the pump, the vent, the discharge pipe, and its intake screen remain clear of debris. Common clogs can be comprised of dirt, gravel, leaves, sticks, and other materials that may have gotten into the water. A clogged unit often has to work harder to do its job and is at greater risk of malfunction.

Perform Routine Maintenance on Your Pump
Regularly looking over your pump for any maintenance needs can help you prevent larger problems such as clogs and unit malfunction. Take the time to inspect the cord, and clear away any debris that could be a problem. If you find your pump is malfunctioning it's best to call a professional to service the unit.

Remember, maintaining your sump pump can help prevent costly water damage to your home. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for how to use, plug-in and clean your pump. Keeping your pump clear of debris can also help prevent clogs which may damage the unit. It's important to check for these things on a regular basis. If you have any questions, a professional might be able to help.

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Winter Storm Tips

12/7/2021 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with blue box overlay Winter storms can be dangerous and can cause damage to your house. If you experience damage to your home from a winter storm, give us a call.

The winter storm months can cause damage to a house. Winter snow, storm, and water can cause damage at any time, there is never a right way to prepare for this; however, you can take some notes. 

  • Listen to weather forecasts. Whenever you are expecting a winter storm or extreme cold, make sure to have items handy that you will need to keep warm. Make sure to get alerts from weather channels, so you can prepare quickly. 
  • Get your car ready. Have maintenance service on your vehicle as recommended, should a storm arise you will be prepared to drive for emergencies. 
  • Keep the gas tank near full to help avoid ice in the tank and fuel lines. Check the following during the winter months: heater, defroster, brakes, brake fluid, ignition, emergency flashers, exhaust, oil, and battery. 
  • Always be extra cautious for ice. Ice can vary in thickness because of temperature, water current, and snow cover. 

Winter storms can be dangerous and can cause damage to your house. If you experience damage to your home from a winter storm, give us a call. 

No matter how large or small your business diaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with disasters. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Ice Safety Tips

12/7/2021 (Permalink)

ice with blue text box and orange SERVPRO logo Ice and ice storms can cause a lot of damage to you, and your home. Make sure to take as many precautions as possible if there is a warning for ice.

During the winter months, ice safety is a concern for many. A lot of times, we can’t always prepare as quickly as we’d like for ice since the weather is unpredictable. It is important to know the basics and be sensible. Everybody needs to be careful around frozen lakes, rivers, and streams. 

There are several steps you can take to stay ice smart:

  • Keep away from unfamiliar paths. 
  • Avoid traveling at night, it is hard to see black ice. 
  • Never go on the ice alone. Have a buddy with you that can assist you should the need arise. 
  • Have an emergency kit handy. The kit should include lighter, waterproof matches, magnesium fire starter, pocketknife, compass. 
  • For your home, make sure to winterize your pipes
  • Make sure to prepare for a power outage if there is a winter storm advisory. 

Ice and ice storms can cause a lot of damage to you, and your home. Make sure to take as many precautions as possible if there is a warning for ice. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with disasters. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Assists With Fire Damage

12/7/2021 (Permalink)

blue background with white text and orange SERVPRO logo A fire to any home is devastation. We know how traumatic it can be, and are here to help you out.

A fire to any home is devastation. We know how traumatic it can be, and are here to help you out. There are three different fire damages that we have experienced and want to help you learn more about them so you can identify should fire damage ever arise.  

  1. Minor Fire Damage: This is when smoke residues affect only certain areas. Restoration may involve dry cleaning or wet cleaning of ceilings, walls, and floors.
  2. Medium Fire Damage: The amount of smoke residues is moderate. This has more materials that require wet cleaning, a large number of areas require repainting. Floors need refinishing. There might be heat damage to drywall, cabinets, and contents. Smoke odors are noticeable, possibly requiring additional deodorization procedures.
  3. Major Fire Damage: Fire and heat damage is severe near the source of the fire. Structural framing and finishes may be charred, requiring structural repairs. Smoke residues are distributed through a large portion of the building, and smoke odors are strong and possibly pungent. Emergency services are needed, such as boarding up the structure, establishing a source of electricity, winterizing the building in cold weather, and removing smoke-filled and charred debris. Restoration will involve extensive cleaning of the structure and probably require restorers to pack and move out all salvageable contents for off-site cleaning. Multiple methods of deodorization are needed to remove smoke odors.

No matter the severity of the damage to your commercial or residential property, SERVPRO of Foxborough is your one-stop fire remediation to rebuild shop! Our Disaster Remediation Team is on call 24 hours a day, every day of the year - even on holidays!

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with disasters. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Gives Back To The Community

12/7/2021 (Permalink)

Hands in background with green box and SERVPRO logo Our local SERVPRO Team is working to assist the Framingham Food Pantry here in Framingham, Massachusetts this holiday season.

Our local SERVPRO Team is working to assist the Framingham Food Pantry here in Framingham, Massachusetts this holiday season.

You can stop into our location (90 Elm Street Hopkinton, MA 01748)  with any of the following items: flour (2,4 or 5 lbs) canola oil, vegetable oil, and olive oil any size. They are also in need of personal hygiene items toothpaste, shampoo, and bars of soap. 

If you are not able to make it out to our location, you can make a donation right online: https://www.hopeworldwidema.org/framingham-food-pantry

We appreciate your help this holiday season! Happy Holidays! 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with disasters. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Christmas Safety

12/7/2021 (Permalink)

Christmas tree with SERVPRO logo Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but you should know safety tips during the year to protect your family. Holiday decorations can increase fires.

Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but you should know safety tips during the year to protect your family. Holiday decorations can increase your risk for a home fire. Nearly half of holiday decoration fires happen because decorations are placed too close to a heat source. Here are some safety tips: 

  1. Inspect holiday lights before you put them up, and throw away light strands that are frayed or have pinched wires. 
  2. Water your Christmas tree every day because a dry tree can catch on fire.
  3. Consider using battery-operated flameless candles. Make sure they are in stable holders and place them where they cannot be knocked down easily.
  4. If you are not near the candle, blow it out so you prevent a fire. Keep candles at least 12 inches away from anything that burns. 
  5. More than 1 in every 5 Christmas tree fires were caused by a heat source because it was too close to the tree. Make sure your tree is at least 3 feet away from heat sources like fireplaces, radiators, space heaters, candles, or heat vents. 

Happy Holidays from all of us at SERVPRO of Foxborough. We hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday season! 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with disasters. “Like it never even happened.” 

Prepare your Business with an Emergency Ready Plan from SERVPRO of Foxborough

12/7/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO emergency ready plan You can create your emergency ready plan today at ready.SERVPRO.com

No one ever plans on a disaster to strike, but you can prepare for it.

In the event of an emergency, the SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) can help minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action in place for your facility.  The ERP is a comprehensive document containing critical information about your business, including: Emergency Contact Information, Shut-off Valve Locations and Priority Area.  Our representatives will work with you to set up the plan.

Knowing what to do and who to call in advance and having a plan in place may help minimize the amount of time your business is inactive and gets you back in the building following a disaster.  The ERP is available online using your computer or a tablet.  You can download SERVPRO's free Ready Plan app to access this information anytime.  The SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile (ERP) will help ensure you and your businesses are "Ready for whatever happens."

SERVPRO of Foxborough offers complimentary Emergency READY Profiles for your businesses and commercial properties.  Please contact us today at (508) 533-5305 to get your profile started.

SERVPRO of Foxborough Serves Commercial Restoration 24/7

12/5/2021 (Permalink)

Building in background with dark text box and orange SERVPRO logo. We’ve earned the reputation as a trusted leader in the restoration industry and specialize in fire and water damage, specialty cleaning, and mold.

Your commercial property says a lot to potential clients and customers. It’s important to build trust and present your business as a safe, clean place to be. We’ve earned the reputation as a trusted leader in the restoration industry and specialize in fire and water damage, specialty cleaning, and mold.

Our highly-trained professionals understand the need to keep business going. We offer flexible solutions, working after hours or around the clock to complete your restoration project. We can clean up in a way that the damaged space can be safely isolated from functional space so that normal operations can proceed. This minimizes the downtime you have for your facility. 

We perform retail store cleaning and restoration services with care, helping to ensure all surfaces, displays, and merchandise are restored to preloss condition. 

With more than 50 years of experience in the restoration industry, SERVPRO has successfully restored many retail spaces, including National Chain Stores, Supermarkets, Shopping Malls, Department Stores, and Specialty Retailers.

No matter how large or small your business diaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with commercial disasters. “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Mold Remediation for Business

12/5/2021 (Permalink)

Business in background with green text box and orange SERVPRO logo Business owners facing a mold problem need to act quickly to help ensure the mold doesn’t spread further and cause excessive damage to their workplace

Business owners facing a mold problem need to act quickly to help ensure the mold doesn’t spread further and cause excessive damage to their workplace. We work closely with you and the occupants of your building so that remediation work can be performed while helping to minimize disruption to your business.

Time is most important when dealing with mold in your business. In as little as 48-72 hours, mold can begin to grow and spread throughout your property.

We respond quickly to your call to assess your situation and use advanced equipment and experience in mold mitigation to determine the source of your mold problem. Our goal is to safely complete the cleanup and restoration process with minimal disruption to your business operations.

Here are some quick tips if you suspect you have mold in your business: 

  1. Turn off the HVAC system, fans, or other air moving equipment you have in your business,
  2. Restrict access to the area with employees or customers. If the mold is contained in one room or area that has a door, close the door or cabinet to help with containment.
  3. Attempt to determine the water source and take appropriate action to stop the source.

No matter how large or small your business diaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with commercial disasters. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Offers Water Damage & Restoration for Businesses

12/5/2021 (Permalink)

Commercial in background with green box overlay and orange SERVPRO logo If you’re a business owner, any kind of water damage to your facility needs to be remedied quickly.

If you’re a business owner, any kind of water damage to your facility needs to be remedied quickly. Plus you will want the least amount of downtime to your daily business functions. We can help you get water damage repaired and restored in order to minimize downtime and prevent loss of revenue.

No matter how large or small the water damage is to your business, we have the experience and equipment to deal with it. Our professionals will work closely with you and the other occupants of your building during the restoration process.

Water damage to your industrial or commercial property can be particularly devastating. Not only is there the damage itself that needs to be repaired quickly, but there’s the disruption of your service to customers and employees, as well as the negative effect on revenue.

We want to help you understand the water damage to your commercial property so that you’re able to make the best decisions on moving forward with the restoration process. Whether you’re dealing with minor water damage to your commercial property or a large loss event, we develop a restoration plan that helps restore to its pre-damaged condition.

No matter how large or small your business diaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with commercial disasters. “Like it never even happened.”

Fire Damage Risks for Commercial Buildings

12/4/2021 (Permalink)

burned building SERVPRO of Foxborough can be reached at (508) 533-5305

Fire damage is a risk for any business. No matter what type of business you have, the problem is the same: A fire quickly decimates your building and puts your staff in danger. Flames can damage costly equipment and vital paperwork. Below are four top damage risks for local businesses:

  • Outdated Fire Safety Equipment Up to date fire safety equipment is a must. Having the correct tools on hand means you can act faster in the event of a blaze. Every office needs a fire alarm system and appropriate fire extinguishers on every level. Different extinguishers are suited to different types of fire, so SERVPRO recommends contacting a local fire extinguisher company to come onsite and do an assessment of your facility. Remember to test fire alarms and sprinklers regularly.
  • Electrical Equipment Offices have plenty of electrical equipment including computers, copy machines, phones, fax machines, and servers just to name a few. Electrical equipment is vital to the running of an office, but it is also a severe fire hazard. It does not take much for electronic items to spark and start a fire. Damaged or frayed cords, or worn out devices, are also a common fire source. It is a good system to all keep all electric devices in good working order.
  • Lack Of Training Your employees need to know how to avoid fire damage risks, for example by being careful with flammable liquids and not overloading sockets. Your staff also needs to know what to do in the event of a fire. SERVPRO of Foxborough recommends every local business have an Emergency Plan and we can provide you with our Emergency Ready Plan at no cost. Emergency Ready Plan is a free app that helps you plan what to do in the event of an emergency or disaster.
  • Combustible Materials Every office has combustible materials such as paper and cardboard. Paper waste and old boxes seem like harmless junk, but they quickly burn once alight. Put a protocol in place for regular emptying trash receptacles to outdoor trash bins.

Our SERVPRO Professionals are highly trained in property restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO's Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, our Professionals are equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. The SERVPRO training program includes the following:

  • IICRC Training
  • Employee Certification Training
  • e-Learnings

Where to Check For Mold in a Commercial Building

12/3/2021 (Permalink)

mold in corner SERVPRO of Foxborough is here to help facilitate the restoration process inside your commercial property

Many business owners dislike the notion that mold growth can occur in their own building. Because mold remediation can be costly, a diligent business owner in Foxborough, MA, myself know the likely places—bathrooms, basements, kitchens, and storage rooms—and keeps them clean and dry. But there are a number of other sneaky places where mold can grow. For true mold prevention, here are five to keep an eye on.

Business owners live with this nagging concern in the back of their heads: is there mold growth in the building? Because mold remediation can be costly, a diligent business owner in Foxborough, MA, knows the likely places—bathrooms, basements, kitchens, and storage rooms—and keeps them clean and dry. But there are a number of other sneaky places where mold can grow. For true mold prevention, here are five to keep an eye on.

1. Ceiling Tiles
If you notice discoloration on ceiling tiles, that indicates a leak which means that there is a prime environment for mold growth. Roof leaks, HVAC systems, and other mechanical systems that are prone to leaking or condensation make it more likely for your ceiling tiles to experience water damage.

2. Carpet
Spills drips, and floods can cause mold to grow on and under carpet. It's important to clean up water from carpet as quickly as possible to avoid damage. This includes proper drying and ventilation. When in doubt, contact a water damage restoration professional for help.

3. Electrical Equipment
Gaps around outlets and cables that allow moist air to flow in and out can cause mold. One mold prevention tip for these areas is to caulk around outlets and cable boxes.

4. Ductwork
During summer months when the air conditioning is running all day, moisture can build up inside and outside the ductwork of your HVAC system. If this happens, you'll ultimately be blowing mold into every room of your business. One prevention strategy is to be careful of where the temperature is set. Another is to replace ducts that have linings built in which tend to accumulate more debris and, therefore, mold.

5. Paper
Stacks of paper that are stored in even slightly damp environments can grow mold fairly quickly. If your office keeps a lot of paper on hand, be sure that it is stored in an area that is dry and well ventilated.
Mold prevention is an important aspect of running a safe business. Keep an eye on sneaky places where mold can grow in order to avoid costly remediation.

SERVPRO of Foxborough helps commercial buildings restore

12/2/2021 (Permalink)

Commercial building with green text overlay and SERVPRO logo No matter how large or small your business diaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends

SERVPRO of Foxborough helps commercial buildings with a wide variety of cleaning and restoration projects; these jobs are both large and small.

When your commercial property is hit with damage due to a storm, flood, fire, or another disaster, it can leave your employees in shock. It’s important to know that you have professional large-loss specialists to handle the restoration process as quickly as possible. We’re strategically located and prequalified to respond Faster to any size disaster.

There are many benefits when hiring SERVPRO: 

  • Available 24/7
  • Storms and other disasters can strike at any time of the day or night, so we can assist at all hours of the day. 
  • Our Disaster Recovery Teams are composed of elite technicians who have the training and resources to handle large-loss events.  
  • We serve industries such as hospitals, universities, and government facilities.
  • Each large loss project is managed by our project manager, and we are with you every step of the way.
  • We will help you navigate the insurance claims process and coordinate the necessary paperwork for a quicker, easier experience.

No matter how large or small your business diaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with commercial disasters. “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Prepares Businesses With Emergency Readiness Plan.

12/2/2021 (Permalink)

Firefighters with text and SERVPRO logo When disaster strikes your business, having a plan in place ahead of time for what may happen, can make all the difference.

When disaster strikes your business, having a plan in place ahead of time for what may happen, can make all the difference. The majority of businesses that come out stronger on the other side of an emergency are the ones that pre-planned for one. SERVPRO’s Emergency Ready Plan (ERP) can help give you and your employees peace of mind. 

With our Emergency Ready Plan, your business will be able to minimize interruption because you’ll know what to do and what to expect if any-sized disaster strikes. 

Here are some benefits for choosing SERVPRO for large loss events

  • Available 24/7, including all major holidays: Storms and other disasters can strike at any time of the day or night, so we are ready to help as soon as we’re needed.
  • Commercial Large Loss Division: Our Disaster Recovery Teams are composed of elite technicians who have the training and resources to handle large-loss events for industries that have included hospitals, universities, and government facilities.
  • Easier Insurance Claims Process: SERVPRO will help you navigate the insurance claims process and coordinate the necessary paperwork for a quicker, easier experience.

No matter the disaster, and how large or small it is, we can help you get your business back to a great state of mind. If you are ready to set up your Emergency Readiness Plan, give us a call today. 

No matter how large or small your business diaster is, we have you covered. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with commercial disasters. “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Celebrates Small Business Saturday

11/27/2021 (Permalink)

Shop in background with green overlay with SERVPRO logo We support and love all of our local small businesses not only today but throughout the year.

With the holidays here, people are trying to find the best deals for all of the items on family and friends. There is an entire day dedicated to the small local businesses: Small Business Saturday. We support and love all of our local small businesses not only today but throughout the year. 

This year, Small Business Saturday lands on November 27th. It is important to support local businesses especially after the year we have had. We can’t wait to see all the great sales from our local community. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Celebrates Thanksgiving

11/24/2021 (Permalink)

Thanksgiving food with green banner and SERVPRO logo Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends and family in Foxborough have a wonderful day!

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the United States. In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Native Americans shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. 

Here are some Thanksgiving safety tips:

  • Do not leave food cooking unsupervised.
  • Have a fire extinguisher nearby.
  • Do not leave candles burning unattended.
  • Do not burn candles near flammable items like curtains.
  • Follow instructions carefully when using a deep fryer.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends and family in Foxborough have a wonderful day!

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

Winter Weather Frozen Pipes in Foxborough, MA

11/24/2021 (Permalink)

green truck with snow Winter weather is approaching quickly, and it is best to be prepared.

With the winter season just around the corner, it is important to remember that the season's weather is more than just the common snow covered sidewalks and slippery roads. If you're a New Englander, freezing temps and heavy snow are as common in the winter as beautiful foliage in the fall or green grass in the Summer. With freezing temperatures comes the possibility of freezing pipes which can result in significant water damage to your home or commercial property.

Frozen pipes occur when exposed to freezing temps. Common areas for freezing pipes are basements, attics, garages, crawlspaces, or along exterior walls within a home. Additionally, outdoor water spigots are a regular place for cold weather exposure. A frozen pipe can burst at the point where the ice blockage inside the pipe is located, but usually the rupture is caused from the backflow of pressure between the water source and the blockage. 

If your home or commercial property experiences a burst pipe caused by the extreme cold temps that surround a winter storm, be sure to contact SERVPRO of Foxborough. We will make sure your property if properly dried mitigated in the affected areas to make it "Like it never even happened."

Flash Flooding Tips for Foxborough, MA

11/21/2021 (Permalink)

rain on window SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 to assist with damage restoration after a flash flood.

SERVPRO of Foxborough responds to flash flooding and storm damage emergencies in the Foxborough area. Here are some tips from our website on what to do and not do after flooding, while waiting for help to arrive:

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items
  • Remove and prop up wet upholstery and cushions
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place
  • Gather loose items from floors

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines, or other colored items on wet carpet or floors
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water
  • Don't use television or other household appliances
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging

Call Us Today!

When your Foxborough home or commercial business has a storm damage emergency, SERVPRO of Foxborough has a team of highly trained technicians on-call and ready to respond 24 hours a day. Call us today at (508) 533-5305.

Mold Clean-up in Foxborough, MA

11/21/2021 (Permalink)

mold on wall SERVPRO of Foxborough is here 24/7/365 to remediate damage that has occurred to a home or commercial property.

Mold often appears arbitrarily, and begins to affect buildings before many people are aware of it. Often, homeowners do not realize mold is present until it has entered the walls of a home, causing for more remediation to be necessary than it would if it was discovered earlier. 

Before we begin an inspection or start wiping down walls, there are some questions one of our inspectors here at SERVPRO will ask you about your Foxborough home, these answers can help us speed up the process to return your residence to its original state.

First, have you seen any mold and where is it? If you find black spots and streaks in your home, this is your visual sign that you have a fungi problem. It is where we'll start the inspection and begin using air quality meters to determine how contaminated the air has become. 

Next, have you smelled a musty odor? Often the first sign of a mold infestation, but not every type of mold spores releases an odor. Visual inspection is still the best way to find it. If the odor is the only outward sign, then the next questions become vital. 

Have you had recent water damage? If you have, this has raised the surrounding moisture level in the air and possibly the building material. A high moisture level is required for mold spores to expand and begin growing. They are inert and harmless otherwise. 

Answering these questions helps our response team establish containment zones faster and prepare your home for mold remediation and removal more efficiently. If you see, smell or just suspect mold because of recent water damage, call us today at (508) 533-5305 to get the remediation process started. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Provides Shopping Online Tips

11/19/2021 (Permalink)

laptop in background with green box overlay and SERVPRO logo Online shopping is blooming this year. Make sure to take steps to protect yourself when shopping online.

Online shopping is blooming this year. Make sure to take steps to protect yourself when shopping online especially during the holiday season.

It can be easy for scammers during the holidays more than at any other time. They can trick buyers into paying for goods they won’t receive or even obtain personal information. 

Here are some online shopping tips:

  • Think before you click: Beware of ads encouraging clicking and that re-direct you to another website. 
  • Do your homework: Prior to making a purchase, read reviews and learn more about a company. 
  • Consider your payment options: A credit card is much better than using a debit card. 
  • Watch your information: Be alert to the kinds of information being collected to complete your transaction.
  • Keep tabs on your bank: Set up alerts so that if your credit card is used, you will receive a text message.
  • Keep a clean machine: Be sure that all internet-connected devices like computers and smartphones are free from malware.
  • Use secure Wi-Fi: Public Wi-Fi to shop online is convenient, but you should use your phone as a hotspot.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Talks Winter Weather Safety

11/19/2021 (Permalink)

Winter storm with black box and SERVPRO logo We all know that winter in the Foxborough area can change quickly. Here are some important winter storm things to know.

We all know that winter in the Foxborough area can change quickly. Here are some important winter storm things to know. 

  • Winter Storm Warning: This is issued when hazardous weather is arriving such as heavy snow, freezing rain, or sleet. This is usually issued 12 to 24 hours beforehand.
  • Winter Weather Advisory: This is issued for accumulations of snow, freezing rain, and sleet.
  • Know Your Risk for Winter Storms: Pay attention to the weather and warnings of winter storms. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Helps Prepare For Water Damage.

11/17/2021 (Permalink)

Black background with orange text and SERVPRO logo Freezing temperatures and accumulation of snow in winter can cause water damage.

Freezing temperatures and accumulation of snow in winter can cause water damage. Water pipes can freeze and burst, ice dams can form on your roof, and many more issues can arise. There are safety measures to prevent water damage to your home in the winter.

Prevent Ice Dams

Ice dams are created when warm air in the attic heats the roof and melts the snow on the roof. You can prevent these: 

  • Have your gutters and downspouts cleaned, inspected. You want to make sure water will flow unobstructed in your drain system.
  • Insulate your attic properly. The heat in your home should not reach the attic. Make sure the attic floor is airtight by sealing openings.
  • Provide enough ventilation in the attic to keep the roof cool. 
  • Remove snow off your roof to prevent any water damage on the roof and into your home.

Other Winter Water Damage Safety Tips

  • Install water leak detectors on sump pumps, near water-bearing fixtures, and beneath pipes.
  • Inspect your hot water heater, washing machine, ice machine, and other appliances that can leak.
  • Disconnect outdoor hoses in the winter months. Having your hoses disconnected will prevent water from freezing in the line.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any water damage “Like it never even happened.”

How A Sump Pump Can Prevent Water Damage

11/16/2021 (Permalink)

From snowmelt runoff to river flooding to summer storms, groundwater has the potential to affect Massachusetts properties no matter the season.

Because water naturally migrates through soil, elevated moisture on the surface can spell trouble for crawlspaces, unfinished basements, and even basements with concrete flooring. When groundwater penetrates the floor of a basement, it can lead to mold or mildew growth, and if the seepage is extreme, it can cause flooding and damage to your belongings. 

So how do you keep your basement dry and mildew-free when those heavy rains strike? Installing a sump pump (or checking that your existing pump is in good working order) is one good option.

For houses at risk of underground wetness—which is over 60%, according to the American Society of Home Inspectors—sump pumps prevent damage by collecting that seeping groundwater and redirecting it to a discharge pipe pointed away from the structure’s foundation. To accomplish this, the pump sits in a pit dug at the lowest point of the basement or crawl space, and automatically turns on when the pit begins to fill with water. A one-way valve in the sump pump’s pipe, called a check valve, ensures that the water doesn’t run back. 

While sump pumps are not a cure-all for water damage in every home, they are certainly a viable option for homes in a number of climates and terrains. If you’re concerned about dampness or the smell of mildew in your basement, call SERVPRO of Foxborough today. Our technicians can perform a dry-out and mold inspection of the space, as well as help pinpoint the source of water so you can safely move forward with adding preventative measures, and maybe even a sump pump.

Reduce The Risk Of Frozen Pipes

11/13/2021 (Permalink)

Storm image in background with white box overlay The winter months are here and that means the cold, freezing Foxborough weather.

The winter months are here and that means the cold, freezing Foxborough weather. Unfortunately, with the cold weather comes the increased risk of the water in your home's pipes freezing. The expansion of the frozen water may cause damage to your home’s plumbing, or even rapture. Once the water thaws, your house will be flooded with water.

Here are steps that can be taken to minimize the risk of frozen pipes.   

  • Before temperatures reach freezing, insulate exposed and vulnerable pipes; install pipe sleeves or even wrap the pipes with newspaper.
  • Close the garage door to prevent cold air from coming in.
  • Open kitchen and bathroom cabinets to allow warm air to circulate around the pipes.
  • Allow the cold water to slowly drip from one of your faucets. 
  • Keep your home heated above 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Get a generator because deep freezes regularly cause power outages. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

Protect Your Property From Rainfall

11/13/2021 (Permalink)

Black background with orange text and SERVPRO logo Heavy rain and storms can cause damage to your Bellingham, MA commercial or residential property.

Heavy rain and storms can cause damage to your Bellingham, MA commercial or residential property. Storms can produce high winds and cause damage to your home. Even a small roof puncture or a cracked window from a tree limb can be enough to allow rainfall into your home. Heavy rain also raises the risk of flooding. The following tips will help keep your property safe and dry in the event of a storm:

  1. Consider options to protect your windows and entryways such as adding shutters and storm doors.
  2. Having a sump pump and dehumidifier handy can really help on days with heavy rain.
  3. Keep an eye on the trees closest to your home, sometimes damage can be prevented by trimming back the trees that pose a threat.
  4. Regularly check that rainwater is draining properly. If it isn’t, consider ways to redirect it such as adding gutters.

 SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough Electric Space Heaters Safety

11/8/2021 (Permalink)

Green background with orange SERVPRO logo and title. It’s that time of year where people start to use electric space heaters; these are a great way to stay warm, but can also cause a fire, heres tips.

It’s that time of year where people start to use electric space heaters; these are a great way to stay warm, but there are also things to know about electric space heaters to ensure that they don’t cause something like a fire. They are the only unvented space heaters that are safe to operate inside your home. Although electric space heaters avoid indoor air quality concerns, they still pose burn and fire hazards and should be used with caution.

For convection (non-radiant) space heaters, the best types incorporate a heat transfer liquid, such as oil. The heat transfer fluid provides some heat storage, allowing the heater to cycle less and to provide a more constant heat source.

Make sure you follow these general safety guidelines:

  1. Electric heaters should be plugged directly into the wall outlet. If an extension cord is necessary, use the shortest possible heavy-duty cord of 14-gauge wire or larger. 
  2. Buy a unit with a tip-over safety switch, which automatically shuts off the heater if the unit is tipped over.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Fire Damage Specialists

11/8/2021 (Permalink)

Dark black background with orange SERVPRO logo and title One of the worst feelings a home or business owner can face is the aftermath of fire damage.

One of the worst feelings a home or business owner can face is the aftermath of fire damage. The good news is that the damage may not be as bad as it seems. There are also highly trained and specialized experts ready at your fingertips! 

Your commercial or residential property home can look like it did before everything happened. We’re dedicated to responding immediately when you need help with fire or water damage. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces cost.

As water and fire damage specialists, we have the experience, the expertise, and the advanced training that enables us to get your property restored quickly and thoroughly.

  • Fire & Smoke Restoration Technician
  • Odor Control Technician
  • Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Technician
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions. When various materials burn, the soot and residue they create differ greatly and require a specific cleaning procedure. The steps listed below illustrate our process for the “typical” fire damage restoration.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Smoke Alarm Safety

11/8/2021 (Permalink)

Green background with orange SERVPRO logo and title. According to the National Fire Protection Association, three out of five home fire deaths resulted from fires without smoke alarms.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, three out of five home fire deaths resulted from fires in properties that did not have working smoke alarms.

Here are Smoke alarm safety tips

  • Install smoke alarms inside and outside of each bedroom. Every level of the home, including the basement, should have smoke alarms installed.
  • It is recommended to have interconnected smoke alarms so that when one smoke alarm goes off, they all go off at once.
  • Test all smoke alarms at least once a month by hitting the test button on the smoke alarm.
  • Smoke alarms should be installed on the ceiling or high up on a wall.
  • Replace all smoke alarms at 10 years of use.
  • Make sure to talk with your children about the importance of smoke alarms and what to do in case of a fire.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Grease Fire Safety

11/8/2021 (Permalink)

Dark black background with orange SERVPRO logo and title Grease from cooking can cause a fire. A fire needs 3 things to burn, Heat, Oxygen, and Fuel.

Grease from cooking can cause a fire. A fire needs 3 things to burn, Heat, Oxygen, and Fuel. A fire will keep growing until one of the hoses is removed. This can be a very dangerous fire and can spread quickly. 

The safest way to put out a grease fire burning in a pan is to remove the oxygen, by putting on Oven Mitts to protect your hands. You then want to get the lid that fits the pan and 'slide' it over the top of the burning pan. Make sure to shut off the burner to stop adding heat. Leave the pan alone, don't move it, and don't remove the lid until it has cooled completely.

A fire Extinguisher will release a lot of pressure, so start at a distance away and move towards the fire rather than up-close spraying directly onto the burning grease which could tip the pan and spread the fire. 

DO NOT move or carry the pan outside, it will fan the flames and risk spreading and/or catching your clothes on fire. When in doubt call 9-1-1 and get immediate assistance. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Fire Damage Facts

11/8/2021 (Permalink)

Green background with orange SERVPRO logo and title. Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.

Do you know that there are different kinds of smoke? Regardless of what kind of smoke you might be experiencing make sure to call for help before a fire gets out of hand; your safety is important. 

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins we will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. 

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.   

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Can your dryer cause a Fire?

11/8/2021 (Permalink)

Dark black background with orange SERVPRO logo and title Dryers can cause fires in any location. It is important to understand the different fire preventative tips.

Dryers can cause fires in any location. It is important to understand the different fire preventative tips. Here are some fire prevention tips from The National Fire Prevention Association

  • Has your dryer been installed and serviced by a professional? 
  • Do not use the dryer without a lint filter. 
  • Make sure you clean the lint filter before or after each load of laundry. 
  • Remove lint that has collected around the drum.
  • Rigid or flexible metal venting material should be used to sustain proper airflow and drying time.
  • Make sure the air exhaust vent pipe is not restricted and the outdoor vent flap will open when the dryer is operating. 
  • Keep dryers in good working order. 
  • Make sure the right plug and outlet are used and that the machine is connected properly. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Home Fires Facts

11/8/2021 (Permalink)

Green background with orange SERVPRO logo and title. Understanding the most common sources of home fires can help you reduce your risk of injury and property damage.

Fires can be created for a variety of things; however, items you use daily can be the most common sources of fire in your home. Understanding the most common sources of home fires can help you reduce your risk of injury and property damage.

  • A hot stove burner can cause grease on a pan or a burner to ignite.
  • A hot oven can ignite grease that has splashed or dripped onto the oven interior.
  • Food in close proximity to a glowing broiler coil is susceptible to combustion.
  • Small appliances, such as toasters and griddles, can ignite crumbs or grease.
  • A hot barbecue grill can ignite a nearby item, such as a landscape plant or wooden fence.
  • Frequently cleaning your cooking equipment and appliances, and observing all cooking activities will significantly minimize the likelihood of a cooking-related home fire.
  • Space heaters can overheat easily, make sure there is nothing nearby such as drapes, upholstery, or carpets. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Christmas Tree Safety

11/5/2021 (Permalink)

Christmas tree with SERVPRO logo Fires are very common around the holidays because of Christmas trees and lights.

Fires are very common around the holidays because of Christmas trees and lights. Roughly three-quarters of Christmas tree fires occur in December or January. (National Fire Protection Association). Here are some fire prevention tips: 

  • Use miniature lights, they help reduce the drying of the tree.
  • Always inspect light sets prior to placing them on the tree.
  • Do not overload electrical circuits.
  • Always turn off the lights when unattended.
  • If the tree is dry, remove it from the house.
  • Never burn any part of the tree in a fireplace. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Fire Tips: What You Can Do Until Help Arrives

11/5/2021 (Permalink)

house fire SERVPRO of Foxborough provides timely response with mitigation services ranging from fire, smoke, and soot removal to contents claims inventory

The first 48 hours after fire damage can make the difference between restoring versus replacing your property and personal belongings. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough provides timely response with mitigation services ranging from fire, smoke, and soot removal to contents claims inventory and document restoration. These services help ensure your property, belongings, and memories are restored to preloss condition when possible.

What You Can Do Until Help Arrives

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from spreading and additional damage from occurring.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs and high traffic areas and upholstery.
  • Coat chrome faucets, trim and appliances with petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpet.
  • Do not wash any walls or painted surfaces.
  • Do not shampoo carpet or upholstery.
  • Do not clean any electrical equipment.
  • Do not send clothing to a dry cleaner since improper cleaning may set smoke odor.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Fire Alarms: Vital Assets To Any House or Building

11/5/2021 (Permalink)

smoke alarm Smoke alarms are vital to every home and building

Fire alarms can save lives and every home should have more than one. In order to better prepare yourself for a potential emergency, it is essential to know the answers to the most frequently asked smoke alarm questions.

1. How many smoke alarms do you need?

While people tend to concern themselves over the possibility of fire and smoke damage, they should be more concerned with the number of alarms in their homes. You should have a signal in every bedroom and outside of every bedroom. You should also have smoke alarms installed on every level of your home. Keep in mind that this is the minimum and that you may want to have more.

2. How often should you replace the batteries?

The general rule is that you should replace fire alarm batteries at least once a year. Granted, the instructions may state that the batteries have a longer shelf life, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

3. When should you replace the smoke detector?

In order to provide the greatest defense against fire damage, you should replace your smoke detectors every 8 to 10 years. Obviously, this is dependent on the type of alarm and any guarantees. To keep track of the timeline, you can write the date of purchase on the alarm and even record it in a calendar app with a reminder to replace.

4. What type of smoke detector should you use?

While you can reach out to the fire department or a fire restoration company in the area to learn about the specific types of fire detectors, each can be put into two categories: ionized and photoelectric. Each one provides different strengths and weaknesses depending on the kind of fire and smoke, which is why you should have a mix of detectors in your home.

A fire alarm is a life-saving tool. Be sure to install them in your home today, for the safety of you and your loved ones.

SERVPRO of Foxborough Shares Thanksgiving Cooking Safety

11/4/2021 (Permalink)

Thanksgiving food with green banner and SERVPRO logo Cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires. Keep fire safety top of mind this holiday.

Cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires. The kitchen is more than normal during the holiday. Keep fire safety top of mind this holiday. Here are some tips for you to consider:

  • Stay in the kitchen when you are cooking.
  • Check on your turkey often.
  • Keep children at least three feet away from cooking.
  • Watch electric cords and make sure they aren’t dangling. 
  • Keep matches and lighters out of the reach of children.
  • Keep the floor clear so you don’t trip with hot items.
  • Make sure your smoke alarms are working. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Halloween Safety Tips

10/30/2021 (Permalink)

Halloween in background with orange text and SERVPRO logo Halloween is a fun day for children. They get to dress up and get free candy. However, along with Trick or Treating comes safety.

Halloween is a fun day for children. They get to dress up and get free candy. However, along with Trick or Treating comes safety.

Here are safety tips for this day:

  • Walk Safely: Make sure to cross the street at corners and use traffic signals or crosswalks. 
  • Put electronic devices down: Pay attention to your surroundings and keep your head up.
  • Walk on sidewalks: If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic.
  • Watch for cars: Look out for cars that are backing up. 
  • Wear bright colors: Make sure to have some reflective clothing and choose light colors so people can see you at night.
  • Drive safe: Take extra time to look for kids at intersections and hidden areas. 
  • Make sure to turn your headlights on so you can spot them from greater distances.
  • Popular trick-or-treating hours are 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Be especially alert for kids during those hours. 
  • Most of all have fun and be safe! Happy Halloween. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Honors National First Responders Day

10/28/2021 (Permalink)

Emergency room photo with orange text box and SERVPRO logo Did you know October 28th is National First Responders Day? This is a day to honor the men and women who put their lives first in helping others.

Did you know October 28th is National First Responders Day? This is a day to honor the men and women who put their lives first in helping others.

First responders are firefighters, police, emergency medical technicians (EMT), paramedics, and 911 operators. We honor this national day of gratitude.

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalFirstRespondersDay

This day provides you with an opportunity to recognize a first responder. 

  • Treat them to their favorite beverage 
  • Buy their next meal
  • Hand deliver a note and gift 

Connect with a first responder and thank them. Let them know you appreciate their dedication and sacrifice.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Flood Cuts in Water Damage Restoration

10/13/2021 (Permalink)

Woman in white standing above cut in wall Katie, a production technician, working on an area where a flood cut was made.

Water damage, if not treated quickly and efficiently, can damage flooring, walls/ceilings,  and personal belongings. If proper mitigation steps aren't started within 24-48 hours, mold and mildew may begin to form.  SERVPRO of Foxborough is here and "Faster to Any Size Disaster.”

During the water mitigation process some homes or businesses may require a flood cut. A flood cut is the simple process of cutting out drywall that has become saturated with water. These cuts, depending on the severity of damage, may be 2-4 feet from the floor. 

By removing the saturated drywall the wall cavities are able to dry properly thus preventing potential hidden mold concerns.  When our team of professionals performs these cuts they will ensure the cut is strait to aid in the reconstruction process.  After the cuts have been made, SERVPRO technicians will remove all debris including the drywall and any insulation that needs to be removed as part of the drying process. In many circumstances, the wall cavities and studs remaining will be treated with an antimicrobial product to help prevent mold and mildew grow.  

As an added benefit, SERVPRO of Foxborough has a rebuilds team that is highly experience in drywall, trim/finish work, and painting to help make the process seamless. Our goal is to remove as much stress from your plate as possible during this already difficult time. Rebuilds make our business a one-stop shop, ready to get our home back on its feet, to make the disaster "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO of Foxborough Honors Mental Health Day

10/10/2021 (Permalink)

Self care image in background with white box overlay Did you know World Mental Health Day is celebrated on October 10th? This is a time to raise awareness and support about mental health.

Did you know World Mental Health Day is celebrated on October 10th? This is a time to raise awareness and support about mental health.

Mental health is a demanding topic these days. People aren’t as shy anymore to address mental health issues. However, that doesn’t mean we should stop creating awareness. 

Mental health covers several areas: social, emotional, and psychological well-being. It can affect thoughts, feelings, and actions. Positive mental health will help decrease stress and life-changing for many.

HOW TO OBSERVE #MentalHealthDay

Mental health can impact anyone at one point or another. Discussing mental health with your loved ones helps.

  • Organizations host a variety of events about this topic. Events may include educational seminars, free mental health screenings, walk-a-thons, marathons, conferences, mass media promotions, and more. You can find some here: https://www.nami.org/Get-Involved/Awareness-events 
  • If you know someone who struggles with a mental health disorder, reach out to them and offer support. Knowing they have someone to reach out to can be life-changing. 
  • You can also donate to an organization: National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) and the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. 

Share this day on social media with #WorldMentalHealthDay.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Foxborough Gives Back During Breast Cancer Month

10/4/2021 (Permalink)

Holding Pink Ribbon with orange text box and SERVPRO logo October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month; this is a great time to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer and local communities.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month; this is a great time to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer and local communities. 

Each year in the United States, about 255,000 women get breast cancer and 42,000 women die from the disease.

Men also get breast cancer, but it is not very common. About 1 out of every 100 breast cancers diagnosed in the United States are found in a man. (CDC)

Here are ways to give back:

  • Make a Donation: This will help cancer patients get the medical help they need. 
  • Start a Fundraiser: Get involved with friends and family and make it fun.
  • Join a Race or Walk: This will help fund life-saving research, treatment, and education. 


SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”  

SERVPRO of Foxborough Honors Fire Prevention Week

10/4/2021 (Permalink)

Fire in background with white box and SERVPRO logo The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) designates one week, Sunday, October 3rd to Saturday, October 9th.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) designates one week, Sunday, October 3rd to Saturday, October 9th, each year to share fire safety topics. 

The goal of Fire Prevention Month is to raise fire safety awareness but to ensure safety. In 1922, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) named the second week of October Fire Prevention Week in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire in 1871. (First Alert) 

Fire safety awareness and education are important for families. Check your local fire department, sometimes they provide education to local communities. 

The NFPA's 2021 campaign for Fire Safety Month is "Learn The Sounds of Fire Safety. (NFPA)" 

Here are some ways to help protect your home and family:

  • Install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms 
  • Have fire extinguishers at home 
  • Have an emergency plan 
  • Have local numbers handy (insurance, restoration, doctors, vet, etc). 
  • Test alarms
  • Change the batteries
  • Know how to use a fire extinguisher

Unattended cooking is the #1 cause of home fires. (First Alert) 

Practice home safety, so you are prepared should a fire arise.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO Foxborough Celebrates Fall

9/22/2021 (Permalink)

Fall background with orange  SERVPRO logo and orange box overlay September 22nd is the autumnal equinox. Fall begins in the Northern Hemisphere whereas spring begins in the Southern Hemisphere.

September 22nd is the autumnal equinox. Fall begins in the Northern Hemisphere whereas spring begins in the Southern Hemisphere.

This is when darkness begins to win over daylight. Our hours of daylight have been slightly shorter each day since the summer solstice in June.

The next three months hours of daylight will continue to grow shorter. At the autumnal equinox, day and night are approximately equal in length.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO Foxborough Emergency Supply Kits For National Preparedness Month

9/22/2021 (Permalink)

First Aid Kit with Orange text box overlay and SERVPRO logo A supply kit should be prepared for potential disasters; you might not know when one might arrive. Make sure your family has the necessary food.

A supply kit should be prepared for potential disasters; you might not know when one might arrive. Make sure your family has the necessary food and supplies.  

Keep the kit up to date by having the food and water fresh.  It is typically best to store the kit, along with any pet supplies, in a closet.

Here is a basic emergency supply kit list:

  • Water (one gallon per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation)
  • Food (at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food)
  • Battery-powered radio and a NOAA Weather Radio
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Extra batteries
  • Dust mask (to help filter contaminated air)
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties (for personal sanitation)
  • Wrench or pliers (to turn off utilities)
  • Manual can opener (for food)
  • Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery
  • Non-prescription medications such as pain relievers
  • Prescription eyeglasses or contact lens solution
  • Infant formula, bottles, diapers, wipes and diaper rash cream
  • Pet food and extra water for your pet
  • Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records saved electronically 
  • Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person
  • Complete change of clothing appropriate for your climate 
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items
  • Paper cups, plates, paper towels and plastic utensils
  • Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children

Source; https://www.ready.gov/kit

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO Foxborough discusses National Preparedness Month

9/15/2021 (Permalink)

Storm with Lightning over white box with SERVPRO logo Natural disasters can happen at any time to a home or business. It is important to know the different types of disasters.

Natural disasters can happen at any time to a home or business. It is important to know the different types of disasters, and know if you can be affected by any of them. 

Wildfires: If there is a wildfire in the area, be ready to evacuate quickly since they spread rapidly. 

Hurricanes: Make sure to know where to go if asked to evacuate and how you will get there; it is important to act fast. 

Flooding: If you approach a flooded road, turn around, don't think you can handle it.

Drought: Learn to make conserving water a part of your daily life.

Extreme Heat Temperatures: Drink plenty of water; heat exhaustion is not good for your body.

Have a cell phone plugged into a backup battery pack if you know a disaster is coming and have backup batteries as needed.  

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO Foxborough Honors Grandparents Day

9/12/2021 (Permalink)

Grandparents with orange text and SERVPRO logo Sunday, September 12 is Grandparents Day. It is a special day for grandparents.

Sunday, September 12 is Grandparents Day. It is a special day for grandparents. 

We support Grandparents’ Day because both grandkids and grandparents natter. Grandchildren thrive when grandparents have a supporting relationship with them.

There is a special day for Mothers and Fathers so it makes sense to have one for grandparents too! They have a uniquely special bond, and this day is a great time to treasure that time together.

Make sure to spend time with your Grandparents not only today but as often as you can. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO Foxborough Honors 9-11

9/10/2021 (Permalink)

American Flag in background with white text box overlay September 11th is Patriot Day. It is an observed holiday in the United States. This day is to commemorate the lives of those who were lost.

September 11th is Patriot Day. It is an observed holiday in the United States. This day is to commemorate the lives of those who were lost in the terrorist attacks in 2001. 

On December 18th, 2001, this was declared Patriot Day. It is a yearly proclamation requesting that all flags be flown at half-staff. 

Americans are asked to honor those lost with a moment of silence at 8:46 AM, Eastern Standard Time. This is the time that the first airplane struck the World Trade Center. 

Please join us today remembering those at this designation time. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

Happy Labor Day From SERVPRO Foxborough

9/1/2021 (Permalink)

Workers in background with white text box overlay We hope that you have a healthy and safe Labor Day weekend and are able to enjoy time off.

Labor Day is Monday, September 6th. It is a day to tribute the contributions and achievements of the hard-working Americans.

Labor Day was created by the labor movement in the 19th century; it became a federal holiday in 1894. This is an annual celebration of workers and their achievements. It originated during one of American labor history’s most dismal chapters.

The Industrial Revolution in the United States on average had Americans working 12-hour days and seven-day weeks to make a basic living. Even children as young as 5 or 6 were working across the country.

People were faced with extremely unsafe working conditions, sanitary facilities, and uneven breaks.

Today it symbolizes the end of summer for many Americans. This is celebrated with parties, street parades, and festivals. 

We hope that you have a healthy and safe Labor Day weekend and are able to enjoy time off. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

Autumn Home Maintenance Safety Tips in Foxborough

8/30/2021 (Permalink)

House in background with orange SERVPRO logo and box. These are simple and easy little tips you can practice during the Autumn season to ensure safety all around you and your home.

As the weather starts to cool off you will find more people doing yard work. It can be therapeutic for people to work in their yard in these crisp months. 

Here are some safety tips should you decide to do yard work in the fall: 

Look Up Before Pruning Trees: Make sure you know the area before you start trimming your trees. Look for where power lines are before you set up your ladder.

Use Caution on Ladders: Your ladder should be placed on a flat, level surface. Make sure to wear appropriate footwear.

Clean Up Fallen Leaves: Check to make sure all walkways and driveways are clear of falling leaves, wet leaves can make for a slippery pedestrian hazard. 

These are simple and easy little tips you can practice during the Autumn season to ensure safety all around you and your home. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any storm damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Safety Tips for Fall Driving in Foxborough

8/27/2021 (Permalink)

Car in background with white text box overlay As the fall months are getting closer, the weather will be shifting, so it is important to drive cautiously in the coming months.

As the fall months are getting closer, the weather will be shifting, so it is important to drive cautiously in the coming months. Here are some tips for you to remember: 

Visibility May Be Poor: Falling leaves, rain, or fog can limit your vision sometimes. If you find your visibility limited, slow down or pull over.

Watch for Children: Make sure to use extra caution around leaves piled at the curbside. Children love playing in large piles of leaves that can sometimes be hidden.

Slow Down on Wet Pavement: Always keep a safe distance behind the car in front of you, especially in rainy conditions. 

Be Prepared for Changing Weather: Try to always be prepared for a change in the weather by bringing a warm coat, rain gear, and gloves. 

Should a storm arise and cause damage to your home give us a call. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any storm damage “Like it never even happened.”

Fire Safety Tips for Fall in Foxborough

8/24/2021 (Permalink)

Fireplace in background with white text box overlay There’s nothing cozier than spending time with a fireplace to keep you warm as the weather turns colder. It is important to know fire safety.

There’s nothing cozier than spending time with a fireplace to keep you warm as the weather turns colder. It is important to know some of the safety hazards: 

Have Your Furnace Serviced: Have your furnace inspected by your heating and cooling company during a new season. Have them check for leaks and ensure it is working properly. 

Be Careful Using Your Fireplace: Make sure your fireplace has a screen; screens are crucial, it keeps flying sparks safely inside the fireplace. 

Use Caution with Space Heaters: Space heaters are a great way to chill out. Just make sure that you allow at least three feet of empty space around the heater to prevent fires. 

Leaf Burning Could Be Dangerous: Burning leaves can be dangerous, make sure to wear a protective mask if you decide to do so. 

Exercise Candle Safety: Candles give a wonderful ambiance to a room but can also pose a fire hazard; never leave candles unattended. 

Take note of all the precautions in the fall months to prevent a fire. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Winterizing Your Kitchen in Foxborough

8/20/2021 (Permalink)

Kitchen in background with orange SERVPRO logo and text box Before you know it fall will be here; now is the time to plan ahead.

Before you know it fall will be here; now is the time to plan ahead. Apart from regular maintenance, it is time to wash the curtains, replace the shelf liners, and clean fixtures throughout your home.  Make sure to give your kitchen some attention:

  • Refrigerator: Remove all the contents, shelves, racks, bins, and trays, then wash everything with antibacterial cleaner. 
  • Stove: If your model is self-cleaning, then you know the drill. If not you can place a cup of ammonia in a ceramic dish in the oven overnight; be sure to wear gloves and open all nearby windows to prevent a fire.
  • Dishwasher: You will want to use some baking soda on a damp sponge and wipe down the interior liner.

These are super easy and efficient ways to clean your kitchen and prep for the new season. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any storm damage “Like it never even happened.”

Fall Cleaning Tips in Foxborough

8/18/2021 (Permalink)

leaves in background with white text box overlay Roof gutters are traces that route water off your roof, so it is really important to clean your gutters.

Roof gutters are traces that route water off your roof, so it is really important to clean your gutters. Clogged gutters can cause water to pool on your roof, which can lead to water damage and structural damage. Poor gutter maintenance leads to problems such as siding, windows, doors, and foundations.

Some gutters have leaf-catching systems, but even these gutters need to be checked. The best approach is to plan a day when you can check your gutters to make sure they are ready for the next season. 

If you want to manually clean your gutters the best time is the day after a light rain; damp leaves and dirt will come up easier.  If you are cleaning this yourself,  use a narrow trowel to scoop and dispose of it in the garbage bag. 

Next, use the hose to remove loose silt and anything else. If there's an obstruction in your downspout, use a plumber's snake.  Have a helper who can spot you on the ladder as needed. 

Take a look at how the water is draining from your roof. If you see large drips along the joints where sections of gutter are attached your gutters may need repair; give someone a call to check it out.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any storm damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Summer Fires Safety Tips in Foxborough

8/13/2021 (Permalink)

Fire in background with orange box and SERVPRO logo Fires can be caused in the summertime because of grilling outdoors, family gatherings, and celebrations.

Fires can be caused in the summertime because of grilling outdoors, family gatherings, and celebrations. There are different types of fires during the summer months: 

Grill fires: Fires from grills happen when there is mishandling of the igniting of the grill. Make sure that your grill is free of branches, roofs, or any overhang.

Air Conditioning Fires: Inadequate wiring can cause a fire. If your AC heats up, call for help immediately to ensure it doesn’t transfer to something nearby. 

Smoking Fires: Make sure to keep cigarettes properly put out before throwing them on the ground. 

Summer is a time to enjoy the outdoors, have fun, and have plenty of gatherings.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Summer House Safety in Foxborough

8/13/2021 (Permalink)

Windows in background with white text overlay There are still many cookouts, bonfires, and outdoor activities happening in the last weeks of summer. It is important to keep track of repairs.

There are still many cookouts, bonfires, and outdoor activities happening in the last weeks of summer. It is important to keep track of repairs and installations you can make throughout your home. 

We’ve put together all the tips you need to keep your family and home secure throughout the summer. 

  • Install sun shades to your windows to deflect heat.
  • Reseal any cracking caulk on external windows and doors to prevent any leaks. 
  • Inspect the outside of your home for cracks and any overhanging tree limbs that could fall during a storm. 
  • Protect yourself in the event of a flood from a summer storm by double-checking that you have flood insurance added to your home insurance policy.
  • Spray your yard home to protect it from insects, pests, and other creatures.
  • Schedule a yearly inspection to help catch termites and stop them in their tracks before they cause major damage to your home’s structure. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Fire prevention tips for your business in Foxborough

8/13/2021 (Permalink)

Commercial building in background with leaves and white text box overlay If you are looking for help in creating an Emergency Readiness Plan, contact us today for no cost. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7.

A fire can cause severe damage to business structures and more. The owner should focus on fire risk assessment, fire prevention, and education of the staff to help should a fire arise.

Here are three tips to consider:
1. Have fire protection equipment: Look into an automatic sprinkler system. This will provide primary fire protection for your business.
2. Fire safety in the workplace: Your employees are part of your team but they’re also essential assets to your business. Ensure that your employees know what to do if there's a fire.
3. Evacuation plan: Every business should post a fire evacuation plan in several spots around the workplace. In case of fire injuries, your staff should be familiar with the location of the first-aid kit.

If you are looking for help in creating an Emergency Readiness Plan, contact us today for no cost. SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

National Grilling Season in Foxborough

7/11/2021 (Permalink)

Grill in background with white overlay box and text Did you know that July is National Grilling Month? Summer is the time to enjoy the whole family together and fire up the grill.

Did you know that July is National Grilling Month? 

Summer is the time to enjoy the whole family together and fire up the grill. Enjoy the summer months by celebrating and entertaining with the best kinds of summer food.

Here are a few helpful tips for you during your grilling season: 

  • Keep your grill clean: Keeping your grill clean can extend the life of your grill and it can also help your food taste the best. Stuck on grease should be cleaned, this can cause large fires when cooking. 
  • Always preheat the grill: This helps prevent food from sticking to the grates. More importantly, it helps cook your food evenly. 
  • Wash your hands often: When handling raw meat, it is best to wash your hands with warm soapy water. 
  • Keep the food cold: Keep food cold until you are ready to cook. 
  • Monitor your grill: You should never leave your grill unattended, this can cause a large fire to anything nearby. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

National Pet Fire Safety Day in Foxborough

7/11/2021 (Permalink)

dog in background with orange text box and SERVPRO logo National Pet Fire Safety Day is July 15th. This is a day to learn how to keep your pet safe in a fire.

National Pet Fire Safety Day is July 15th.  This is a day to learn how to keep your pet safe in a fire. 

Here are some facts about pets and fires:

Pets cause over 1,000 house fires each year in the United States. It is important to make sure that there is nothing near by them that can start a fire. 

Did you know that there are nearly 360,000 house fires each year in the United States? It is important to prevent fires whenever possible. 

Over 40,000 pets die every year in house fires; awareness can save lives, just by having a plan should a fire arise is critical. 

The best tip should a fire arise is to have an escape plan that includes your pets. You will want to discuss who will be in charge of rescuing your pet in the event of a fire. Practicing fire drills can help your family,  but also ensures your pets are not forgotten.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

Back to School Safety Tips in Foxborough

7/11/2021 (Permalink)

Kids in background with white box overlay and text Summer is flying by and believe it or not, parents are starting to think about Back to School already. Here are safety tips for Back to School.

Summer is flying by and believe it or not, parents are starting to think about Back to School already. As the school year starts to arrive quickly we wanted to share some tips with you: 

  • Be on the lookout for school zone signals, and slow down to obey all traffic laws.
  • Always stop for school busses whenever applicable. 
  • Watch out for school crossing guards and obey their signals.
  • Be aware of children near schools, bus stops, sidewalks, in the streets, and in school parking lots.
  • Never pass other vehicles while driving in a school zone.
  • Avoid using a cell phone while driving in a school zone.
  • Make sure a supervisor is always present when children are at the school’s playground. 
  • Allow time for drop-off and pick up. Leave early enough to arrive at school at least 10 minutes prior to the start of school.
  • If your child is walking to school make sure they go straight home after school. 
  • Always use public sidewalks and streets when walking to school.
  • If your child is walking to school, have them walk with other students. 
  • Make sure to teach your children to recognize and obey traffic signals and signs.
  • Teach your children to only cross streets at designated crosswalks.
  • Make sure to enforce looking both ways before crossing the street.
  • Make sure the bus comes to a complete stop before getting on or off.
  • When riding the bus, make sure your child understands to remain seated.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you with any damage “Like it never even happened.”

Fireworks safety in Foxborough

6/8/2021 (Permalink)

fireworks background with white box and SERVPRO logo Fireworks Safety Month is in June. Summer months are exciting with celebrations of summer, vacations, and the Fourth of July.

Fireworks Safety Month is in June. Summer months are exciting with celebrations of summer, vacations, and the Fourth of July. 

It is a fun time for outdoor activities such as barbeques. However, many like to celebrate with fireworks. Fireworks are beautiful, but can also be dangerous. Fireworks’ safety should be taken heavily. Most fireworks injuries are reported between June 16 to July 16. 

It is important to learn about fireworks safety methods and instructions.

Speak up if you see others indulging in fireworks activities that are dangerous. 

Practice using fireworks safely. It’s a celebration of our protectors; the fire and health departments work hard for our comfort and safety; practice safe fireworks. 

Enjoy all of your summer celebrations, but practice the necessary safety precautions while doing it.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and get your home back to “Like it never even happened.” 

National Insurance Awareness Day in Foxborough

6/7/2021 (Permalink)

Houses in background with orange box and SERVPRO logo June 28 is National Insurance Awareness Day. It is a good idea to look over your yearly insurance coverages and deductibles

June 28 is National Insurance Awareness Day. It is a good idea to look over your yearly insurance coverages and deductibles; you never know when a disaster can strike in your home. This means it is a good day to evaluate your insurance coverage and assess your risk. 

It is important to review your policies and consider any life changes that might require updating your coverage. This can help you in the future should a disaster ever happen. 

Hurricane season started on June 1st. Do you need supplemental flood or wind insurance? Anywhere that it can rain, it can flood. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and get your home back to “Like it never even happened.”

Finish At The 50 Road Race in Patriot Place this September

6/4/2021 (Permalink)

logo for finish at the 50 The popular 5K race, hosted by Patriot Place and run by Harvard Pilgrim, will return this Labor Day weekend.

The Foxborough area is looking forward to the Finish At The 50 road race which is returning to Patriot Place this September. On Labor Day weekend this fall, the Harvard Pilgrim event will be finishing at the 50 yard line at Gillette Stadium, welcoming back runners to Patriot Place for the annual race. After last year's cancellation, the return of the popular 5K race is a sign of a return to normalcy, which is exciting for the community as a whole after a hard almost two years of the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the nation. Brian Earley, the vice president and general manager of Patriot Place, remarks that “The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has made incredible progress through the reopening process and we look forward to safely welcoming our runners back to this exciting annual event in 2021 and for years to come.” Registration to enter the race will be located on finishatthe50.com. 

SERVPRO of Foxborough celebrates nurses

5/6/2021 (Permalink)

Nurse in background with orange box overlay Tell someone about the excellent care you’ve received from a nurse. All it takes is a simple ‘thank you.’

Did you know National Nurses Day is observed every year on May 6th? Help us raise awareness of all nurses on this day. We acknowledge the vital role nurses play in society. 

National Nurses Week is May 6th and ends on May 12th. Nurses play a vital part in our community every day. We should not only celebrate and appreciate them during this time but every day. 

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalNursesDay

You can recognize nurses everywhere. 

Celebrate their dedication and commitment to their patients and career. 

Tell someone about the excellent care you’ve received from a nurse.

All it takes is a simple ‘thank you.’ 

When you visit a doctor, make sure to follow the instructions they give you and ask questions. Asking questions is always critical especially for your health. 

Give nurses you know a shout-out and thank them for their hard work.

Use #NationalNursesDay to share a story and recognition on social media.

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and get your home back to “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO of Foxborough celebrates Cinco De Mayo

5/5/2021 (Permalink)

Mexican food with white overlay Do you kow that Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for “fifth of May?” Many seem to enjoy and celebrate this day.

Do you kow that Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for “fifth of May?” Many seem to enjoy and celebrate this day. 

Cinco De May’s rooted history in the Franco-Mexican War in the early years of the American Civil War. In 1860s the communities took up the banner of the Cinco De Mayo celebration as a way to celebrate the cause of freedom.

In the United States displays of banners are hung and there are events highlighting Mexican culture, music, and dancing. Schools sometimes share special events to educate students about its historical significance. Many celebrate with Mexican products and services with an emphasis on beverages, food, and music.

Share your Mexican heritage and use #CincodeMayo to post on social media.

SERVPRO of Foxborough  is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and get your home back to “Like it never even happened.” 

SERVPRO of Norwood Foxborough is celebrating International Firefighters’ Day 2021

5/4/2021 (Permalink)

firefighters in background with orange box and SERVPRO logo Firefighters are our family, friends, and co-workers at SERVPRO of Foxborough.

The (NFFF) National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Observes International Firefighters’ Day 2021.

This day was established in 1999 to honor the lives of firefighters who died in a wildfire in Victoria, Australia. It helps to recognize the service and sacrifice that firefighters make daily. 

This day of recognition is the mission behind the NFFF. They help to honor and remember fallen firefighters. They assist families in rebuilding their lives but also are incredible for our community. 

Firefighters are our family, friends, and co-workers at SERVPRO of Foxborough. They respond to calls without any hesitation. They take amazing care of our community. Join us in thanking firefighters for all that they do. They work the front lines every day and our communities are made stronger by the dedication of these firefighters.

We appreciate them today and every day. Thank you for all that you do in the community.  

SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends to assist you and get your home back to “Like it never even happened.” 

Thanks to our SERVPRO of Foxborough administrative staff

4/25/2021 (Permalink)

Person at desk with laptop and books Thank you to our administrative staff at SERVPRO of Foxborough each and every day.

Administrative Professionals Day was April 21st. We did celebrate with our staff and are a little

late to post about it. We want to share this special day with our local community.

Administrative Professionals Day is a special day to recognizes assistants and office staff. They not only help the staff members every day but also are helpful for our customers at SERVPRO.

We strive to show appreciation to our staff whenever possible; they hold us all together. It is important to show appreciation throughout the year. There are fairly simple ways to recognize a team member: candy, coffee, or just a catered lunch.

Marcel Proust -- “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”

Thank you to our administrative staff at SERVPRO of Foxborough each and every day. Here at SERVPRO, we have the certified professionals you need to help restore your home or business. Contact us today at (508) 533-5305 for more information.

Spring Storm Tips for Foxborough, MA

4/25/2021 (Permalink)

Storm with Lightning over white box with SERVPRO logo Spring is here in Norwood West Roxbury. It is a fun time of year. However, spring can also mean strong storms.

Spring is here in Norwood West Roxbury. It is a fun time of year from the cook out’s, to sports, and gatherings. However, spring can also mean strong severe storms. There are some simple things you can do to prepare for storms before they happen.

Here are a few tips to consider:

  1. Trim trees: You will want to get rid of dead branches. They could end up being dangerous in a severe storm.

  2. Ensure sump pumps are working: Rainstorms can result in flooded basements. You will want to make sure they are working properly now, not when the storm comes.

  3. Secure backyard items: Move any large items that can be blown away with high winds such as patio furniture, lawn chairs, propane tanks, grills, flags, and poles, to your shed, or garage.

Be ready for power outages:

  1. Think ahead: Plan to have ice in your freezer before the storm arrives.

  2. Use a cooler: Add any food that you want to access easily to in the cooler. This will keep

    other items in the fridge without constantly opening the fridge.

  3. Extras: Check to make sure you have extra batteries, drinking water, and a good first-aid kit

    readily accessible.

If you find yourself in need of restoration for your home or business, give SERVPRO a call at (508) 533-5305, we respond faster to any size disaster.

Why Choose SERVPRO Foxborough - Never Closed

4/6/2021 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO of SERVPRO of Foxborough, we understand emergencies are not planned and they never occur at a good time. Emergencies rarely occur Monday through Friday between the hours of 9AM-5PM. If they could be predicted, there would be far fewer fire and water damage emergencies to remedy.

At SERVPRO of Foxborough, we're ready to assist with your emergency 24 hours a day, every day of the year, including holidays. No matter the time of the day, even when we receive a call in the middle of the night, our Disaster Remediation Teams are ready to provide service. 

Timely response is important when mitigating fire and water damage which is why our team is ready to respond when contacted. After hours emergency call are dispatched to our on-call staff and Disaster Remediation Team. They will immediately coordinate with our clients arrival time. We are truly a phone call or computer click away.

Calling SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305 as soon as possible after damage strikes your commercial or residential property will minimize the total damage and ensure a faster recovery. We will make it, "Like it never even happened."

Why Choose SERVPRO Foxborough - Cleanup After A Fire

3/9/2021 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO of Foxborough, we understand that many people do not realize just how common home fires are.  According to a survey conducted by the American Red Cross in 2019, many people overestimate their ability to react to a home fire and do not take the necessary steps to keep their loved ones safe.  The American Red Cross states that “Every day seven people in this country die in a home fire and another 36 people are hurt."  They also reported that during the most recent five year period, US fire departments responded to an estimated average of 354,400 home structure fires per year. These fires caused an annual average of 2,620 civilian deaths; 11,220 civilian fire injuries; and $6.9 billion in direct property damage.  It is important to recognize that home fires are the most common disaster people face in the United States. 

When a fire strikes there is little time to escape safely.  Generally, homeowners have approximately three minutes to escape a house fire that occurs at night. The earlier a smoke alarm alerts you of a fire, the more likely you will be able to react and get out without injury or loss of life. Having a plan in place and predetermined outdoor meeting place is an easy way to increase your family's chances of surviving a fire and practicing that plan increases your chances even further! 

Once everyone is safe and the fire is extinguished it is time to tackle the cleanup. Completely removing all water, smoke and soot are the critical first steps to take when mitigating fire damage disasters and requires a professional. Calling SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305 as soon as possible after fire damage stakes your commercial or residential property will minimize the total damage and ensure that unpleasant odors are not left behind. We will make it, "Like it never even happened."

Update on Nor'Easter (02/01/2021)

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

At 5 pm today, on February 1st, we're still in the thick of this current nor'easter. Snowfall rates this evening will increase at rates of 1-2 inches per hour as the temperatures drop below freezing. This will allow the bulk of the snow to accumulate. The snow will be thick, heavy and pasty. All of southern NE is under a winter storm warning except for Cape Cod and the Islands where warm air has intruded near the surface, causing the snow to turn to rain. In fact, the rain-snow line seems to be pressing westward both north of Boston and along the Southshore.

Tonight, in Hopkinton/Middlesex county, expect the snow to transition to an icy mix for a couple of hours, followed by rain. Tomorrow morning, areas north and west of Boston will experience sleet mixing with snow on the roadways. Conditions will improve as the storm pulls away to the north. Wednesday should improve with flurries possible in the am. Temps begin to warm into the 40's on Thursday and Friday. Another storm system is possible by early next week. We are following this current nor'easter very closely and will continue to post timely updates. As always, we are here to assist with any damages caused by snow, rain, winds, or any other occurrence. Do you have questions about our services? Check out our website, or call! We are here to help!

Planning To Reopen - Latest COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Update - Phase 3

1/14/2021 (Permalink)

The Baker Administration and the Department of Public Health developed a vaccine distribution timeline after extensive consultation with the Massachusetts Vaccine Advisory Group. This group is comprised of leaders from health care, the faith community, community organizations, local government, and others. 

The timeline reflects several priorities: protecting our most vulnerable, maintaining health care system capacity, and addressing inequities in health care access and COVID-19 burden. 

The current phased approach distribution of COVID-19 in MA is as follows: 

(NOTE: These timelines are estimates based on current COVID-19 regulations and production capabilities.)

Phase 3 April 2021

The vaccine is expected to be available to the general public, including:

  1. Higher education workers, including administrators, teaching and non-teaching staff;
  2. Bottled beverage industry workers;
  3. Veterinarians

Phase 3 Vaccination Settings:

Once the vaccine is available to the general public, public vaccine clinics will be available on the CDC’s interactive website: vaccinefinder.org. You will also be able to check with your primary care provider, local pharmacy or local health department.

Facts About COVID-19 Vaccination

  1. Can a COVID-19 vaccine make me sick with COVID-19?
    1. No. None of the authorized and recommended COVID-19 vaccines or COVID-19 vaccines currently in development in the United States contain the live virus that causes COVID-19. 
    2. There are several different types of vaccines in development. All of them teach our immune systems how to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19. Sometimes this process can cause symptoms, such as fever. These symptoms are normal and are a sign that the body is building protection against the virus that causes COVID-19. Learn more about how COVID-19 vaccines work.
    3. It typically takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity (protection against the virus that causes COVID-19) after vaccination. That means it’s possible a person could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 just before or just after vaccination and still get sick. This is because the vaccine has not had enough time to provide protection.
  2. After getting a COVID-19 vaccine, will I test positive for COVID-19 on a viral test?
    1. No. Neither the recently authorized and recommended vaccines nor the other COVID-19 vaccines currently in clinical trials in the United States can cause you to test positive on viral tests, which are used to see if you have a current infection.?
    2. If your body develops an immune response—the goal of vaccination—there is a possibility you may test positive on some antibody tests. Antibody tests indicate you had a previous infection and that you may have some level of protection against the virus. Experts are currently looking at how COVID-19 vaccination may affect antibody testing results.
  3. If I have already had COVID-19 and recovered, do I still need to get vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine
    1. Yes. Due to the severe health risks associated with COVID-19 and the fact that re-infection with COVID-19 is possible, vaccine should be offered to you regardless of whether you already had COVID-19 infection. CDC is providing recommendations to federal, state, and local governments about who should be vaccinated first.
    2. At this time, according to the CDC, it is not yet known how long someone is protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. More data is required.
  4. Will a COVID-19 vaccination protect me from getting sick with COVID-19?
    1. Yes. COVID-19 vaccination works by teaching your immune system how to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19, and this protects you from getting sick with COVID-19.
    2. Being protected from getting sick is important because even though many people with COVID-19 have only a mild illness, others may get a severe illness, have long-term health effects, or even die.
  5. Will a COVID-19 vaccine alter my DNA?
    1. No. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way. 

It is critical for all of us to remain vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. COVID-19 remains a highly transmissible disease. Individuals should continue to follow these universal precautions:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office While the administration continues to work with Federal and Local agencies to insure the safety and wellbeing of the residents of the Commonwealth during this ongoing pandemic and now manage the delivery of the much needed aid. 

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines required to ensure a safe environment for fellow members of our community. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Latest COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Update - Phase 2

1/13/2021 (Permalink)

The Baker Administration and the Department of Public Health developed a vaccine distribution timeline after extensive consultation with the Massachusetts Vaccine Advisory Group. This group is comprised of leaders from health care, the faith community, community organizations, local government, and others. 

The timeline reflects several priorities: protecting our most vulnerable, maintaining health care system capacity, and addressing inequities in health care access and COVID-19 burden. 

The current phased approach distribution of COVID-19 in MA is as follows: 

Phase 2 Feb 2021 – Mar 2021 

  1. Adults 65+
  2. Adults of any age with certain underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19. Severe illness from COVID-19 is defined as hospitalization, admission to the ICU, intubation or mechanical ventilation, or death.
  3. Individuals with 2 co-morbid conditions and/or age 75+
    1. Cancer
    2. Chronic kidney disease
    3. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
    4. Down Syndrome
    5. Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies
    6. Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant
    7. Obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 30 kg/m2 or higher but < 40 kg/m2)
    8. Severe Obesity (BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2)
    9. Pregnancy
    10. Sickle cell disease
    11. Smoking
    12. Type 2 diabetes mellitusAdults of any age with the following conditions are at increased risk of severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19:
    13. Asthma (moderate-to-severe)
    14. Cerebrovascular disease (affects blood vessels and blood supply to the brain)
    15. Cystic fibrosis
    16. Hypertension or high blood pressure
    17. Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from blood or bone marrow transplant, immune deficiencies, HIV, use of corticosteroids, or use of other immune weakening medicines
    18. Neurologic conditions, such as dementia
    19. Liver disease
    20. Overweight (BMI > 25 kg/m2, but < 30 kg/m2)
    21. Pulmonary fibrosis (having damaged or scarred lung tissues)
    22. Thalassemia (a type of blood disorder)
    23. Type 1 diabetes mellitus
  4. Other workers, including:
    1. Early education, K-12, transit, grocery, utility, food and agriculture, restaurant and cafe workers;
    2. Employees across the food, beverages, agriculture, consumer goods, retail, and foodservice sectors;
    3. Meatpackers;
    4. Sanitation, public works and public health workers, vaccine development workers, food pantry workers, Uber/Lyft/ride share services/pharmacy delivery drivers (under transit/transportation workers), workers in the passenger ground transportation industry (e.g. paratransit for people with Disabilities, food delivery, non-urgent medical transport);
    5. Convenience store workers (under grocery workers);
    6. Water and wastewater utility staff
    7. Court system workers (judges, prosecutors, defense attorney, clerks), other than court officers who are listed under first responders

Phase 2 Vaccination Settings:

  1. Most health care workers will be vaccinated at their place of employment
  2. First responders can visit mass.gov/FirstResponderVaccine for COVID-19 vaccine locations and more information
  3. Individuals living and working in long term care will be vaccinated as part of the Federal Pharmacy Partnership Program
  4. Vaccination for individuals in other congregate settings (e.g., group homes, shelters, corrections) will be coordinated by the management of those facilities
  5. Many additional vaccination administration sites will be made available for other populations

It is critical for all of us to remain vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. COVID-19 remains a highly transmissible disease. Individuals should continue to follow these universal precautions:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office While the administration continues to work with Federal and Local agencies to insure the safety and wellbeing of the residents of the Commonwealth during this ongoing pandemic and now manage the delivery of the much needed aid. 

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines required to ensure a safe environment for fellow members of our community. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Latest COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Update - Phase 1

1/12/2021 (Permalink)

The Baker Administration and the Department of Public Health developed a vaccine distribution timeline after extensive consultation with the Massachusetts Vaccine Advisory Group. This group is comprised of leaders from health care, the faith community, community organizations, local government, and others. 

The timeline reflects several priorities: protecting our most vulnerable, maintaining health care system capacity, and addressing inequities in health care access and COVID-19 burden. 

The current phased approach distribution of COVID-19 in MA is as follows: 

Phase 1 Dec 2020 – Feb 2021 

(Listed in order of priority)

  1. Clinical and non-clinical health care workers doing direct and COVID-facing care - including:
    1. COVID-19 testers, staff of test sites, urgent care centers, other clinics, school nurses, and public health nurses performing COVID-19 testing; 
    2. COVID-19 vaccinators and support staff for a COVID vaccination clinic including pharmacists, pharmacy interns, and pharmacy technicians, school nurses, and public health nurses supporting COVID-19 vaccination; 
    3. Medical Reserve Corps who are called up to vaccinate or other COVID facing direct care work; 
    4. COVID facing Hospice/palliative care professionals; 
    5. COVID facing laboratory staff; 
    6. COVID facing imaging professions;
    7. Emergent employees (manufacturing COVID vaccine)
    8. Sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE)
    9. Primary care providers
    10. Skilled nursing facility rapid response teams
  2. Long term care facilities, rest homes and assisted living facilities
  3. Emergency medical services, police, and fire - including:
    1. All inter-facility transport workers, MedFlight staff, college/university campus police, 911 Dispatch employees
    2. Federal law enforcement (including FBI, DEA, Coast Guard, federal court officers, U.S. Marshals Service, ATF, Federal Reserve Police, Homeland Security investigators)
    3. Court officers
    4. Harbormasters/Assistant Harbormasters
  4. Congregate care settings
    1. Corrections and shelters
    2. Patients and staff of SUD treatment programs (if program is residential)
    3. Patients and staff of Section 35 treatment programs
    4. Adults with autism, intellectual disabilities, and severe behavioral challenges in residential programs
  5. Home-based health care workers
    1. PT/OT/SLP therapists who work with medically complex home students
    2. Personal Care Attendants (PCAs)
    3. Home Health, hospice, and home care agency staff performing visits in the home
    4. Independent Nurses and Continuous Skilled Nursing staff performing visits in the home
    5. Aging Service agency staff performing regular visits in the home
    6. State Agency staff performing direct care in the home, including DCF Emergency Response Workers, DMH case managers and DDS care coordinators
    7. Mental and behavioral health providers providing in home treatment (e.g., ACCS integrated team, PACT, CBHI, ABA, ESP)
    8. Adult Foster Care and Group Adult Foster Care workers performing work in the home
    9. Independent Therapists (physical therapists, occupational therapists, Speech & Language therapists) performing work in the home
    10. Home-Based Respite and Individual/Family Support staff (DDS and DDS Self Directed)
  6. Health care workers doing non-COVID-facing care - including:
    1. Dentists/dental students, and dental hygienists (unless routinely working with COVID-19 positive or suspected patients such as Oral Surgeons covering the ER, in which case should be considered COVID-facing);
    2. Medical and nursing students (unless routinely working with COVID-19 positive or suspected patients, in which case should be considered COVID-facing);
    3. Inpatient and outpatient physical therapists (unless routinely working with COVID-19 positive or suspect patients, in which case should be considered COVID-facing);
    4. Interpreters who work in hospitals (unless routinely working with COVID-19 positive or suspected patients, in which case should be considered COVID-facing); 
    5. Behavioral health clinicians not already covered in congregate care or direct care; 
    6. Non-COVID facing Laboratory workers; 
    7. Blood donation workers; 
    8. Organ donation procurement worker; 
    9. Hospice/palliative care professionals; 
    10. Non-COVID facing Imaging Professionals;
    11. Dialysis center workers and patients; 
    12. Audiologists and speech and language pathologists (unless routinely working with COVID-19 positive or suspected patients, in which case should be considered COVID-facing);
    13. Podiatrists (unless routinely working with COVID-19 positive or suspected patients, in which case should be considered COVID-facing)
    14. Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) staff
    15. Audiologists
    16. SUD treatment program staff (if program is non-residential)
  7. Individuals who do not come into contact with patients (e.g., back office, remote work, administrative staff who do not come into contact with patients, laboratory researchers who do not come into contact with patients) are not prioritized in Phase 1 and should be prioritized in Phase 2 or Phase 3 depending on each individual’s age, comorbidity status, or other worker category.

Phase 1 Vaccination Settings:

  1. Most health care workers will be vaccinated at their place of employment
  2. First responders can visit mass.gov/FirstResponderVaccine for COVID-19 vaccine locations and more information
  3. Individuals living and working in long term care will be vaccinated as part of the Federal Pharmacy Partnership Program
  4. Vaccination for individuals in other congregate settings (e.g., group homes, shelters, corrections) will be coordinated by the management of those facilities
  5. Many additional vaccination administration sites will be made available for other populations

It is critical for all of us to remain vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. COVID-19 remains a highly transmissible disease. Individuals should continue to follow these universal precautions:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office While the administration continues to work with Federal and Local agencies to insure the safety and wellbeing of the residents of the Commonwealth during this ongoing pandemic and now manage the delivery of the much needed aid. 

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines required to ensure a safe environment for fellow members of our community. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Latest COVID-19 Vaccine Update

1/7/2021 (Permalink)

Governor Charlie Baker has voiced his concerns regarding the potential increase in COVID-19 cases coming out of the holiday season. Baker said while it remained too early to draw definitive conclusions, it appeared the state is seeing a uptick in coronavirus hospitalizations stemming from the December holidays.

He also shared the change in the average age of COVID-19 patients. At the beginning of November the average age of patients receiving hospitalization for COVID-19 was 61. The average age has increased significantly. Currently it is 71 years old.

In light of this new data Governor Baker announced that people age 75 or older had been moved higher up in the order of the state's vaccination plan; and that first responders will begin receiving vaccination shots next week.

The 75-plus age group is now part of Phase 2, Group 1 in the rollout, joining people with two co-morbid conditions as those considered at high risk for complications from COVID-19. They had previously been listed later in Phase 2. 

The change affects about 170,000 people and was recommended by the state's advisory board.

But the next set of people who will receive the vaccine are the state's roughly 45,000 first responders, the third of seven groups in Phase 1, who can begin to be vaccinated starting next Monday, Jan. 11.

"Police officers, firefighters EMTs and all first responders work in risky situations every day and this vaccine will protect them from COVID and the terrible illness that can come with it," Baker said during a press conference Monday.

There are three options for getting the vaccine, outlined on the state's first responder vaccination website:

  • Departments that meet certain criteria, like being able to vaccinate at least 200 first responders and store the doses on-site, can administer the shots themselves. 
  • More than 60 sites have been stood up to give first responders the vaccine.
  • The state is working on developing four mass vaccination sites that can vaccinate up to 2,000 people per day, the details of which are still yet to be released. Baker said it's likely those sites would continue to be used after first responders are vaccinated.

It is critical for all of us to remain vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. COVID-19 remains a highly transmissible disease. Individuals should continue to follow these universal precautions:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office While the administration continues to work with Federal and Local agencies to insure the safety and wellbeing of the residents of the Commonwealth during this ongoing pandemic and now manage the delivery of the much needed aid. 

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines required to ensure a safe environment for fellow members of our community. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Latest COVID-19 Update

1/6/2021 (Permalink)

At his press conference yesterday, Governor Charlie Baker reiterated the importance of remaining vigilant in following the Administration's guidelines to control the spread of COVID-19 and warned of the reality that the new, more contagious variant of the coronavirus has arrived in the state. 

"I think most of us are working on the assumption that it's here," Baker said at a press conference at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield. "There would be no reason not to."

Currently, four states have confirmed the presence of this new strand of the COVID-19 virus:

  1. New York
  2. Colorado
  3. California 
  4. Florida

The first U.S. case of the U.K. virus was detected by health officials in Colorado at the end of December in a man in his 20s. The most concerning aspect of this discovery was that this individual had no recent travel history.

Governor Baker shared the latest data on the spread of COVID-19 in Massachusetts:

  1. The number of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 has increased again, to 2,339.
  2. Of those hospitalized, 423 were listed as being in intensive care units
  3. Of those in ICU 258 are intubated

He assured residents that Department of Public Health is working closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to monitor the potential spread of this new variant into the Commonwealth.

He also took this time to remind residents that the rollback on coronavirus restrictions that took effect last month are still in affect until at least noon on Jan. 10. These include a crack down on gatherings and businesses and a requirement that hospitals halt most elective surgeries. The major impact of these rollbacks was a reduction in maximum capacity limits to 25% for the following:

  1. Restaurants
  2. Movie theaters and performance venues
  3. Casinos
  4. Offices
  5. Places of worship
  6. Retail businesses
  7. Fitness centers and health clubs
  8. Libraries
  9. Golf facilities
  10. Driving and flight schools
  11. Arcades
  12. Museums

Baker closed by reiterating the need for people to refrain from unnecessary social gatherings and follow guidelines set forth by the state. He said, "I'll go back to my little speech about how important it is for people to wear masks, maintain distance and recognize and appreciate that when you're not with the people you live with, you really ought to be very vigilant and careful and cautious about your physical engagement with other people," and that, "everything we can do to be vigilant is going to protect you and the members of your family from getting the virus or potentially giving it to someone else."

It is critical for all of us to remain vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. COVID-19 remains a highly transmissible disease. Individuals should continue to follow these universal precautions:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office While the administration continues to work with Federal and Local agencies to insure the safety and wellbeing of the residents of the Commonwealth during this ongoing pandemic and now manage the delivery of the much needed aid. 

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines required to ensure a safe environment for fellow members of our community. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Travel FAQ 18-26

1/5/2021 (Permalink)

The holiday season has past but travel risks remain. It remains important that we all do our best to continue to travel as responsibly and safely as possible. The Baker Administration has set forth guidelines to follow for those of us where travel is unavoidable this Holiday Season. The following are FAQ to help residents of the Commonwealth better understand the requirements. 

18.  May travelers from places other than lower-risk states be exempt from the Travel Order requirements if traveling for the purpose of running errands like going to the grocery store or pharmacy?

  • Travelers are exempt from the requirements to fill out the Travel Form and self-quarantine or obtain a negative COVID-19 test result if their travel is limited to brief trips for purposes that the Commissioner has designated as Critical Life Activities.  This allowance is limited to short, same-day trips across the border and back for the following purposes:  grocery shopping, visits to pharmacies, attending appointments with licensed health care providers including medical, dental, or mental health,, visiting persons receiving treatment in hospitals or residing in congregate care settings, attendance at day care or children’s camps, attending religious services and funerals or memorial services, or attending to the care needs of family members.
  • During such trips, travelers are instructed to wear face-coverings, maintain social distance, practice good hygiene, and adhere to all other COVID-19 rules and restrictions.

19.  I am a resident of RI attending a wedding in MA. Is the wedding considered a Commissioner’s Exemption under “religious services?”

  • The wedding service itself can be considered an exemption as a religious service.  However, any reception or celebration which either precedes or follows the ceremony is not exempted and requires either quarantining or a 72 hour negative test result in order to attend.

20.  Are parents, guardians, and children required to comply with the Travel Order if traveling for the purpose of managing shared custody of a child?

  • Children who travel into and out of Massachusetts because of transfers of custody or visitation between parents or guardians are exempt from the requirements of the order.  Parents and guardians may rely on the transitory travel exemption, provided they comply with its limitations. 

21.  Other states’ travel restrictions include exemptions for trips that last less than 24 hours. Does Massachusetts have a similar exemption?

  • No, there is no specific exemption for trips that last less than 24 hours.  Such short trips may be covered by exemptions like the ones for transitory travel or commuting for work or school. Travelers arriving from places other than lower-risk States must fill out the Travel Form and self-quarantine or obtain a negative test result if they do not meet one of these exemptions.

22.  I am looking to be exempt from the requirement to self-quarantine by obtaining a negative COVID-19 test, but I am unable to get tested in the state that I am traveling from. What can I do?

  • A traveler who is required to quarantine may be released from the obligation to continue quarantining upon obtaining proof of a COVID-19 negative test, which was administered after the person’s arrival in Massachusetts. Travelers are required to quarantine immediately upon arrival in Massachusetts but may temporarily break quarantine to receive testing.  Travelers must arrange for the test at their own expense and then are required to immediately continue quarantining until receiving a negative test result or the 10 days is complete.

23.  After completing the Travel Form, do I need to keep a copy of my submission on-hand?

  • You should keep the documentation with you.  If you obtained a negative COVID-19 test result to be exempt from the self-quarantine requirement you should be prepared to produce those results upon request.

24. I am traveling to Massachusetts from Puerto Rico (or some other United States Territory).  How does the Travel Order apply to me?

  • For the purposes of the Travel Order the following U.S. jurisdictions are treated as States:
    • District of Columbia
    • Puerto Rico
    • USVI
    • Guam
    • Northern Mariana Islands
    • American Samoa
  • None of these areas is currently classified as a lower-risk State, so travelers arriving from any of these places are required to fill out the Travel Form and self-quarantine or be prepared to produce a negative COVID-19 test result if they do not fall within one of the enumerated exceptions.

23.  My child attends day care or day camp in MA or RI.  Does he or she need to test or quarantine each day        

  • No. Children who travel into or out of Massachusetts to attend day care or day camps are not required to comply with the Travel Order, and a parent or guardian transporting the child may rely on the transitory travel exemption, provided they comply with its limitations.

24. I live in Rhode Island and have a child or other family member receiving specialized medical care in MA.  Can I visit them without quarantining or receiving a negative COVID test result?

  • Yes.  See response question number 18 above, which explains the Commissioner’s limited exception for Critical Life Activities.

 25. What are the Commissioner’s exceptions for Critical Life Activities?

  • grocery shopping
  • visits to pharmacies
  • attending appointments with licensed health care providers, including medical, dental, or mental health
  • visiting persons receiving treatment in hospitals or residing in congregate care facilities
  • attendance at day care or children’s camps
  • attending religious services, and funerals or memorial services
  • attending to the care needs of a family member

26. I am traveling into Massachusetts to participate in a clinical trial, am I exempt from the form and quarantine requirements?

Yes. Travelers coming to Massachusetts to participate in a clinical trial do not need to fill out the travel form and do not need to quarantine for 10 days.

Visitors are strongly urged to obtain a negative result before traveling to Massachusetts.

Testing for children, 10 years and younger, who are traveling with an adult from their household is not required.

Note: These requirements are in addition to Massachusetts requirements for wearing a mask or other face covering in both indoor and outdoor settings, any time you cannot socially distance and remain 6 feet from other people.

It is critical for all of us to remain vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. COVID-19 remains a highly transmissible disease. Individuals should continue to follow these universal precautions:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office While the administration continues to work with Federal and Local agencies to insure the safety and wellbeing of the residents of the Commonwealth during this ongoing pandemic and now manage the delivery of the much needed aid. 

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines required to ensure a safe environment for fellow members of our community. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Celebrating The Holidays Safely - Travel FAQ 10-17

12/31/2020 (Permalink)

As we continue to celebrate the holiday season it is important that we all do our best to do so as responsibly and safely as possible. The Baker Administration has set forth guidelines to follow for those of us where travel is unavoidable this Holiday Season. The following are FAQ to help residents of the Commonwealth better understand the requirements. 

10. I am a MA resident and I provide Critical Infrastructure Services.  I plan to go on vacation to Florida with my family. Do I need to quarantine when I return home from Florida?

  • Yes. Workers who travel from Massachusetts for personal or leisure reasons cannot rely on the Critical Infrastructure Worker exemption upon return. You must either quarantine or satisfy the testing rule. Your status as a Critical Infrastructure Worker does not allow you to break quarantine—even to do that specialized work—following travel for personal or leisure reasons.
  • Likewise, a Critical Infrastructure Worker who comes to Massachusetts for personal or leisure reasons cannot rely on the Critical Infrastructure Worker exemption upon arrival and must either quarantine or satisfy the testing rule.

11. I am dropping my child off at college in another state that is not considered lower risk. Do I need to quarantine when I come home?

  • It depends. If a parent/guardian/family member is entering a non-lower-risk state only to drop off the student and then immediately leaves the campus and the state, then they would meet the exemption of transitory travel.  If they are staying overnight, then they are subject to the quarantine requirement upon return or must meet the testing rule.

12. I am entering Massachusetts but do not need to fill out the travel form because I meet an exemption. Do I need written documentation demonstrating that I meet the exemption criteria?

  • No.

13. I am visiting my relative in Massachusetts. I live in a non-lower-risk state. I plan to quarantine in my relative’s home. Does my relative need to quarantine as well?

  • No. You should stay in a separate room from your relative. However, your presence in your relative’s home does not require your relative to quarantine.

14. I am traveling to MA from a non-lower-risk state and do not meet an exemption criteria. I previously had COVID-19, I isolated pursuant to CDC guidelines and was released from isolation, do I still need to quarantine or meet the testing rule?

  • Yes. You must quarantine upon arrival or meet the testing rule.
  • If you took a test within 72 hours of your arrival and it came back positive due to your previous infection, you can use the positive test result plus a note from your doctor documenting your previous diagnosis and recovery to satisfy the testing rule.

15. Can international travelers get tested in another country before arriving?

  • Yes, provided that they take a molecular (PCR) SARS-CoV2 test on a sample obtained 72 hours or less prior to arrival in Massachusetts that is authorized by their Government.

16. I am a MA resident and went on vacation to a non-lower-risk state. Can I get a test in that state 72 hours before I come home to avoid the quarantine requirement?

  • Yes, provided the test meets the DPH specifications.

17. I am a MA resident and I am required to travel from MA to a non-lower-risk state at the direction of the Military. Do I need to fill out the form and quarantine when I come home?

  • No. Massachusetts residents who go out of state for military work and then return back to Massachusetts meet the military exemption.

Visitors are strongly urged to obtain a negative result before traveling to Massachusetts.

Testing for children, 10 years and younger, who are traveling with an adult from their household is not required.

Note: These requirements are in addition to Massachusetts requirements for wearing a mask or other face covering in both indoor and outdoor settings, any time you cannot socially distance and remain 6 feet from other people.

It is critical for all of us to remain vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. COVID-19 remains a highly transmissible disease. Individuals should continue to follow these universal precautions:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office While the administration continues to work with Federal and Local agencies to insure the safety and wellbeing of the residents of the Commonwealth during this ongoing pandemic and now manage the delivery of the much needed aid. 

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines required to ensure a safe environment for fellow members of our community. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Celebrating The Holidays Safely - Travel FAQ 1-9

12/30/2020 (Permalink)

As we continue to celebrate the holiday season it is important that we all do our best to do so as responsibly and safely as possible. The Baker Administration has set forth guidelines to follow for those of us where travel is unavoidable this Holiday Season. The following are FAQ to help residents of the Commonwealth better understand the requirements. 

1. Does this apply to students arriving from other States or foreign countries to attend college or university or boarding school? 

  • Yes. The travel rule applies to all persons entering Massachusetts from any point of origin.  A student who enters Massachusetts from any place not included on the list of COVID-19 lower-risk States must quarantine for 10 days if the student cannot provide proof of a negative test result that meets the standards of the 72-hour test rule.

2. Does the rule apply to parents, guardians and family members who are dropping their students off for boarding school or college/university?

  • Yes. If a parent/guardian/family member is entering Massachusetts only to drop off the student and then immediately leaves the campus and the state, then they would meet the exemption of transitory travel.  If they are staying overnight, then they are subject to the requirements of the travel order. 
  • Parents, guardians, and family members who do not meet the transitory travel exemption and are coming into Massachusetts from any place other than a COVID-19 lower-risk State are required to either receive a negative test within 72 hours of coming into Massachusetts or quarantine for 10 days.

3. Where can I report concerns I may have about non-compliance with the order? 

4. If I develop symptoms but had a negative test what should I do?

  • The 72-hour test is a diagnostic test that is a point in time clinical measurement. If you develop symptoms, you may need to be tested again and may need medical attention.

5. I received a call that I should go into quarantine because I was exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. My test came back negative 3 days ago. Do I still need to quarantine?

  • Yes. If you were exposed to someone known to be COVID-19 positive, then you are at increased risk of becoming positive and will need to quarantine for 10 days in your home state.

6. I had an antigen test which was negative, do I need to be tested again? 

  • Yes, a negative antigen test must be confirmed by a negative result from an FDA EUA-approved molecular (PCR) SARS-CoV2 test on a sample obtained 72 hours or less prior to arrival in Massachusetts.

7. I plan to arrive in Massachusetts on, or before, July 31, 2020, do I need to fill out the travel form?

  • No

8. I am traveling with my children from a non-lower-risk State. I took a test and have my negative result. Do my kids need a test for COVID-19 as well?

  • It depends on each child’s age. If your child is 10 or younger, then the child does not need a test. If the child is 11 or older, then the child needs to be tested or will need to quarantine for 10 days, unless an exemption criteria applies.

9. I am a MA resident returning home after traveling to a state that is not considered lower risk.  I have proof of a negative test result on a sample taken before my out-of-state travel, and because I was out of state only for 48 hours, I am returning within 72 hours of the time the sample was taken. Can I use my negative test results taken before I left to satisfy the 72-hour testing rule and avoid quarantine?

  • No, you must quarantine or obtain a new test upon return, unless you meet another exemption.

Visitors are strongly urged to obtain a negative result before traveling to Massachusetts.

Testing for children, 10 years and younger, who are traveling with an adult from their household is not required.

Note: These requirements are in addition to Massachusetts requirements for wearing a mask or other face covering in both indoor and outdoor settings, any time you cannot socially distance and remain 6 feet from other people.

It is critical for all of us to remain vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. COVID-19 remains a highly transmissible disease. Individuals should continue to follow these universal precautions:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office While the administration continues to work with Federal and Local agencies to insure the safety and wellbeing of the residents of the Commonwealth during this ongoing pandemic and now manage the delivery of the much needed aid. 

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines required to ensure a safe environment for fellow members of our community. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Celebrating The Holidays Safely - Quarantine Guidance

12/23/2020 (Permalink)

As we continue to celebrate the holiday season it is important that we all do our best to do so as responsibly and safely as possible. The Baker Administration has set forth guidelines to follow for those of us where travel is unavoidable this Holiday Season. Visitors are strongly urged to obtain a negative result before traveling to Massachusetts. The following highlights the administration's  quarantine guidelines. 

Testing As An Alternative To Quarantine

You do not need to quarantine for 10 days if you took a test for COVID-19 and have received a negative result. The specimen for the test must have been collected no longer than 72 hours before your arrival in Massachusetts, and the testing must be by a method approved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Upon request, you must be able to demonstrate proof of the negative test result.

If you took a test prior to your arrival but have not received your negative result, you MUST quarantine until you receive the negative result. You may obtain a test at your own expense after your arrival in Massachusetts, but you MUST quarantine until you obtain a negative result. Use the COVID-19 testing map to find a site near you. 

Information about approved molecular tests can be found in the Department of Public Health Guidance. A negative result from an antigen test must be confirmed by a negative result from an FDA EUA-approved molecular (PCR) SARS-CoV2 test, on a sample obtained 72 hours or less prior to arrival in Massachusetts. Serology tests will not be accepted.

How to Quarantine

Travelers who do not fall within the one of the three exemption categories detailed above:

  1. coming from a lower-risk state,
  2. meeting the 72-hour testing rule, or
  3. meeting a limited circumstance-specific exemption, must quarantine beginning immediately upon arrival in Massachusetts.

The quarantine must continue for a period of 10 days unless the traveler leaves the State sooner. 

The requirements for quarantining are as follows:

  1. Travelers, along with their travel party, must separate from all other people for 10 days.
  2. Travelers must not be in public or otherwise leave the identified quarters.
  3. The living quarters must have a separate bathroom facility for each individual or family group. Access to a sink with soap, water, and paper towels is necessary. Cleaning supplies (e.g. household cleaning wipes, bleach) must be available in the bathroom.
  4. Travelers must have a way to self-quarantine from other household members if a fever or other symptoms develop, in a separate room(s) with a door.
  5. During the quarantine period, no one else should be in the living quarters other than those in the Travel Party, including hotel staff or delivery persons, as applicable.
  6. Food must be delivered to the living quarters.
  7. Travelers must have a sufficient supply of face masks or face coverings to wear and must be compliant with the Massachusetts masking order.
  8. Travelers are not to leave their living quarters except to receive urgent medical care.
  9. Travelers should engage in proper hygiene including washing hands frequently using soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  If soap and water are not available, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol may be used.
  10. Travelers should remain aware of potential COVID like symptoms including: fever (temperature over 100.0 degrees); cough; difficulty breathing; shortness of breath; chills; muscle or body aches; runny nose or nasal congestion; new loss of taste or smell; headache; nausea; vomiting or diarrhea. Travelers with any of these symptoms should immediately contact a healthcare provider.
  11. If no one in the Travel Party develops symptoms, then the travel party may continue with their normal activities after 10 days.

These requirements are in addition to Massachusetts requirements for wearing a mask or other face covering in both indoor and outdoor settings, any time you cannot socially distance and remain 6 feet from other people.

What Happens Visitors Develop COVID-19 Symptoms While In Massachusetts? 

The 72-hour test is a diagnostic test that is a point in time clinical measurement. If you develop symptoms, you may need to be tested again and may need medical attention.

Leaving Prior To Completion Of Quarantine

A traveler may choose to leave Massachusetts before the completion of their 10-day quarantine.

Testing for children, 10 years and younger, who are traveling with an adult from their household is not required.

Note: These requirements are in addition to Massachusetts requirements for wearing a mask or other face covering in both indoor and outdoor settings, any time you cannot socially distance and remain 6 feet from other people.

It is critical for all of us to remain vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. COVID-19 remains a highly transmissible disease. Individuals should continue to follow these universal precautions:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office While the administration continues to work with Federal and Local agencies to insure the safety and wellbeing of the residents of the Commonwealth during this ongoing pandemic and now manage the delivery of the much needed aid. 

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines required to ensure a safe environment for fellow members of our community. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Celebrating The Holidays Safely - Travel Guidance

12/22/2020 (Permalink)

As we continue to celebrate the holiday season it is important that we all do our best to do so as responsibly and safely as possible. The Baker Administration has set forth guidelines to follow for those of us where travel is unavoidable this Holiday Season. The following highlights those guidelines. 

10-Day Quarantine Requirement

All individuals entering the State of Massachusetts must quarantine for 10 days from the date of arrival in the Commonwealth unless the individual meets one of the criteria below:

  • 72-hour Testing Rule: The individual can produce, upon request, proof of a negative test result for COVID-19 from a test administered on a sample taken no longer than 72 hours before your arrival in Massachusetts.
  • Transitory travelThis includes people who are passing through Massachusetts and permits travelers to drive through the State or to connect to their airplane, bus or train, or to stop at a highway rest stop, but this exception extends only so long as is reasonably required for the traveler to complete their transit, make any necessary airplane, bus, or train connection, or make use of travel services such as at a highway rest stop.
  • Patients Seeking or Receiving Medical Treatment:  Patients who are traveling to Massachusetts to seek or receive specialized medical care from a physician located in the Commonwealth and persons accompanying and providing needed support to the patient.
  • Military Personnel: Any person who is required to travel to Massachusetts at the order or directive of a Federal or State military authority.
  • Workers Providing Critical Infrastructure Services: Workers who enter Massachusetts to perform critical infrastructure functions as specified in Version 3.1 of the listing published by the Federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency are exempt from quarantine while they are commuting to or from or while at work.  For the first 10-days after arrival, when the worker is not at work or commuting to work they must quarantine. Additional information may be found here: https://www.cisa.gov/publication/guidance-essential-critical-infrastructure-workforce. Workers who travel to or from Massachusetts for personal or leisure reasons cannot rely on this exemption.

Travelers visiting the state of Massachusetts may not need to quarantine for 10 days if they took a test for COVID-19 and have received a negative result. The specimen for the test must have been collected no longer than 72 hours before their arrival in Massachusetts, and the testing must be by a method approved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Upon request, visitors must be able to demonstrate proof of the negative test result.

Visitors who took a test prior to their arrival but have not received a negative result, MUST quarantine until a negative result is received. Visitors may obtain a test at their own expense after arrival in Massachusetts, but they MUST quarantine until they obtain a negative result. Use the COVID-19 testing map to find a site near you

Information about approved molecular tests can be found in the Department of Public Health Guidance. A negative result from an antigen test must be confirmed by a negative result from an FDA EUA-approved molecular (PCR) SARS-CoV2 test, on a sample obtained 72 hours or less prior to arrival in Massachusetts. Serology tests will not be accepted.

Visitors are strongly urged to obtain a negative result before traveling to Massachusetts.

Testing for children, 10 years and younger, who are traveling with an adult from their household is not required.

Note: These requirements are in addition to Massachusetts requirements for wearing a mask or other face covering in both indoor and outdoor settings, any time you cannot socially distance and remain 6 feet from other people.

It is critical for all of us to remain vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. COVID-19 remains a highly transmissible disease. Individuals should continue to follow these universal precautions:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office While the administration continues to work with Federal and Local agencies to insure the safety and wellbeing of the residents of the Commonwealth during this ongoing pandemic and now manage the delivery of the much needed aid. 

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines required to ensure a safe environment for fellow members of our community. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Celebrating The Holidays Safely - Guidance

12/17/2020 (Permalink)

As we enter the December holiday season, the Baker administration  urge residents of the Commonwealth to follow the public health guidance to help keep themselves and those around them safe. This year the administration is asking residents to:

  1. Limit in-person celebrations to household members only
  2. Postpone or cancel travel this holiday season. If you do choose to travel, be aware of and comply with Massachusetts travel order requirements.
  3. Follow the current state gathering size limits and sector-specific workplace safety standards.

Lower-Risk Celebrations And Activities

  1. Limit in-person holiday gatherings to only people you live with.
  2. Host a virtual holiday dinner with extended family or friends.
  3. Prepare foods for family and neighbors and deliver them in a no-contact way.
  4. Virtually attend your traditional holiday activities, such as a visit with Santa.
  5. Consider virtual caroling or reciting. Provide a link to your virtual caroling to the people you want to sing to.
  6. View holiday lights from your car with those you live with.

Higher-Risk Celebrations And Activities

  1. Any time you gather with others outside of your household, you increase the risk of contracting or spreading illness. All residents are discouraged from gathering.  Gatherings in Massachusetts are subject to gathering size limits.
  2. You are risking your health and others health if you host or participate in any in-person festivities if you or anyone in your household:
    1. has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and has not completed the isolation period;
    2. has symptoms of COVID-19;
    3. is waiting for COVID-19 viral test results;
    4. may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days; or
    5. is at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19, such as older adults or those with certain medical conditions.
  3. If in-person caroling or reciting, stay more than 25 feet from the people you are reciting or singing for and wear a mask. Remain outdoors while caroling.
  4. If you visit Santa Claus in person, wear a mask, stay 6 feet from Santa and others while in line, and make a reservation for your visit where available. 
  5. If viewing holiday lights outdoors, take a one-way walk with those you live with and maintain distance from others.

Other Recommendations And Guidance

  1. Always wear your mask and watch your distance. (Remove your mask only for eating and drinking.)
  2. For 10 days before and after holiday gatherings, monitor yourself closely for fever and other symptoms of COVID-19, minimize contact with other people, and leave home only for essential services like going to work, buying groceries, and appointments with doctors; OR,
  3. Obtain a negative result from a COVID-19 test, on a sample obtained within 72 hours of the celebration. Even with a negative test you must be vigilant about masking and distancing when you are around individuals you do not live with.
    1. Testing only indicates whether a person may have COVID-19 at the moment of the test. You can still become sick with COVID-19 after your test and before your celebration.
    2. Testing information can be found at www.mass.gov/GetTested
  4. Do not share food, drink, or any utensils, including serving utensils.
  5. Seat people with plenty of space (at least six feet) from one another while dining.
  6. Consider seating people at smaller tables in multiple rooms instead of around a large family table.
  7. Improve ventilation by opening windows and doors.
  8. If setting up outdoor seating under a tent, ensure guests are still seated with physical distancing in mind. Enclosed 4-wall tents will have less air circulation than open air tents and should be considered indoor spaces (check also fire codes for heating tents).
    • If outdoor temperature or weather forces you to put down the tent sidewalls, consider leaving one or more sides open or rolling up the bottom 12 inches of each sidewall to enhance ventilation while still providing a wind break.

With the first vaccines rolling into Massachusetts this week, the hope is that this request is a one-time sacrifice to help the state weather the winter season and return to normal next year.

The end is finally in-sight, however, it has yet to arrive. It is critical for all of us to remain vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. COVID-19 remains a highly transmissible disease. Individuals should continue to follow these universal precautions:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office While the administration continues to work with Federal and Local agencies to insure the safety and wellbeing of the residents of the Commonwealth during this ongoing pandemic and now manage the delivery of the much needed aid. 

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines required to ensure a safe environment for fellow members of our community. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Celebrating The Holidays Safely

12/16/2020 (Permalink)

Governor Charlie Baker has a message to the residents of the Commonwealth - Reconsider how you wish to celebrate the holiday season this year. After a spike in COVID-19 rates after Thanksgiving Governor Baker's administration and local communities were forced to reimpose certain safety restrictions. The Governor went so far as rolling back the state's current phase to Stage 1 of Phase 3. That is why the administration is urging residents against inter-household gatherings and travel for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s Eve in order to avoid a similar scenario playing out as the pandemic enters its first full winter season.

“After seeing what happened in the aftermath of that one day, Thanksgiving, I don’t think we should kid ourselves about the holidays in December,” Baker said during a press conference Tuesday afternoon at the Massachusetts State House.

The state’s Department of Public Health released updated guidance Tuesday for the December holidays, echoing previous guidelines for Halloween and  Thanksgiving but with a specific focus on limiting gatherings to members of the same household.

“It’s pretty simple,” Baker said Tuesday. “The safest way to celebrate this year is with members of your own household and to postpone or cancel any travel plans.

For those residents who do plan to travel should be prepared to comply with the state’s quarantine requirements for people entering and returning to Massachusetts.

Baker noted that the average number of new daily COVID-19 infections nearly doubled following Thanksgiving, as did the rate of positive tests in Massachusetts. This increase appears to have tapered off within the last several days and the Baker administration is doing its best to educate Massachusetts residents of the inherent risks involved when we let our guard down.

Similar to the Thanksgiving guidance, the guidelines encourage virtual gatherings only with extended family members and friends, as well as virtual Santa visits and caroling. Driving around to look at holiday lights in a car with members of your own family is also listed as a low-risk activity.

For those who are planning in-person versions of those events, the guidelines stress the importance of mask wearing and social distancing.

“It’s not a secret that we’re in a second surge here in Massachusetts,” Baker said. “And while hope is clearly right around the corner — arriving in dry ice in the form of the vaccine — it’s not here yet". 

With the first vaccines rolling into Massachusetts this week, the hope is that this request is a one-time sacrifice to help the state weather the winter season and return to normal next year.

The end is finally in-sight, however, it has yet to arrive. It is critical for all of us to remain vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. COVID-19 remains a highly transmissible disease. Individuals should continue to follow these universal precautions:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office While the administration continues to work with Federal and Local agencies to insure the safety and wellbeing of the residents of the Commonwealth during this ongoing pandemic and now manage the delivery of the much needed aid. 

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines required to ensure a safe environment for fellow members of our community. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Vaccine Update, First Responders

12/15/2020 (Permalink)

First responders at the State and local level have been on the front lines of providing support to their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the past year they have selflessly put the health and safety of themselves and their families at risk in order battle the Coronavirus pandemic. While there fight is far from over there is finally a light at the end tunnel. After a tumultuous nine months, Massachusetts has begun to receive doses of a newly authorized Coronavirus vaccine!

To assist our brave front line workers in their ongoing self-sacrificing struggle the initial, limited, quantities have been air-marked for medical staff. According to the Baker Administration the following hospitals received deliveries on Monday:

  • Boston Medical Center
  • Brockton Hospital
  • Cape Cod Hospital
  • Falmouth Hospital.

Additionally, the Administration has shared their schedule of expected deliveries for the remainder of this week. 

TUESDAY, December 15

  • Melrose Wakefield gets shipment, begins vaccinations
  • Tufts Medical Center begins vaccinations
  • Massachusetts General Hospital gets shipment
  • UMass Memorial Medical Center gets shipment
  • Boston Children’s Hospital gets shipment
  • Newton Wellesley Hospital gets shipment
  • South Shore Health gets shipment

WEDNESDAY, December 16

  • BMC begins vaccinations
  • MGH begins vaccinations
  • Beth Israel Lahey Health begins vaccinations

THURSDAY, December 17

  • UMass Memorial Medical begins vaccinations

Also, Lawrence General Hospital is expecting to receive a shipment and begin vaccinations this week. They estimate receiving the vaccine no later than Thursday.

And that is only the beginning of the good news! Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine is up for approval by the FDA on Thursday and if all goes as expected distribution could begin next week!

Governor Baker has outlined a phased approach for the distribution of the vaccinations in Massachusetts. During the first phase health care workers, elderly in long term care and first responders can expect to be given access to the vaccines. The vaccines will be made available to the general public in the second phase which is expected to begin sometime next spring.

The hospitals are all in the process of identifying, notifying and scheduling those who will get vaccinated first. The state expects a total of 59,475 doses to arrive in Massachusetts sometime this week. Another 40,000 doses will come in a second delivery to the state, earmarked for nursing home and assisted living residents and staff. By the end of December, the state expects a total of some 300,000 doses.

The end is finally in-sight, however, it has yet to arrive. It is critical for all of us to remain vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. COVID-19 remains a highly transmissible disease. Individuals should continue to follow these universal precautions:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office While the administration continues to work with Federal and Local agencies to insure the safety and wellbeing of the residents of the Commonwealth during this ongoing pandemic and now manage the delivery of the much needed aid. 

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines required to ensure a safe environment for fellow members of our community. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Risks Of Owning Older Properties

12/11/2020 (Permalink)

Trying to determine the extent of a water loss is a challenging process. When water gets loose inside your commercial or residential property, it will migrate far from the original plumbing break, roof leak, or appliance breakdown. Without the tools to detect the path the water followed, significant damage can go unnoticed. SERVPRO of Foxborough believes in the importance of training our staff and providing them with state-of-the-art moisture identification tools, both of which help avoid additional expense and secondary damage, why we offer our help. 

Water Detection Is A Science

The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification courses our managers and production technicians master covers the expected and unexpected behavior of water damage inside a Massachusetts property. Most building materials and contents are capable of hiding water damage when it is minor and manageable. Our training and experience allows us to trace water meanderings behind walls and built-in fixtures or under flooring to find and solve hidden water problems before the integrity of your property is compromised.

Aging Heating And Plumbing Plus Temperature Extremes Add Challenges

A large part of the Commonwealth’s charm and character are its historic residential and commercial properties. Unfortunately, along with charm comes old heating systems and worn out building materials. Rusted pipes and failing valves can slowly saturate the floor, going unnoticed at first. Roofs that were built to code 100 years ago may be subpar by today’s standards. Ice dams that develop this winter could allow moisture to seep into the attic, eventually traveling downwards into a main level ceiling or wall and may result in a mold infestation throughout your property. Our familiarity with this type of long-term damage is why SERVPRO of Foxborough can not only remediate the immediate water damage but also mitigate against any additional future damage.

State-Of-The-Art Equipment

The availability of and skill in using water detection tools are why SERVPRO of Foxborough Disaster Remediation Teams can outline the scope of water damage with accuracy and confidence. Infrared technology indicates the presence of water through temperature variations. Moisture meters establish relative levels of absorbed water in building materials. Periodic use of these tools throughout a water damage remediation project ensures we find and release liquids. Then our Applied Structural Drying (ASD)-certified technicians create an effective drying plan using the data, moving water out of structural components with temperature adjustments and air movement. Dehumidifiers capture the vaporized water for disposal. Moisture measurements continue until we reach designated levels, avoiding over or under drying.

Training and innovative equipment are two reasons why SERVPRO of Foxborough efficiently mitigates and remediates hidden water damage. Call us at (508) 533-5305 if you suspect your bungalow harbors damaging moisture.

The Bad Smell Of Water Damage

12/11/2020 (Permalink)

When water damage strikes your Millis, MA residential or commercial property you may think that removing the water and drying out the space and its contents are all that needs to be done. Not long after a water damage incident the wet building materials and contents will bring about unpleasant odors. Even after drying everything out not all odors completely disappear. That is why you need the experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough!

To begin with, most “deodorizers” are nothing more than masking agents. That means they simply cover any unpleasant smells. Over time, however, the affects of masking agents will wear off once again revealing any odors. Our Disaster Remediation Technicians are trained to understand and combat this common issue. They will instead use a combination of tools and techniques such as absorption and filtration agents, pairing agents, disinfectants, sanitizers, as well as electrically generated deodorizers.

Completely removing all water and drying all moisture are the critical first steps to take when mitigating water damage disasters. Preventing against additional secondary damage, such as odor and mold, requires a professional. Calling SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305 as soon as possible when water damage stakes your commercial or residential property will minimize the total damage and ensure that unpleasant odors are not left behind. We will make it, "Like it never even happened."

A Little Amount Of Water Equals Significant Damage

12/10/2020 (Permalink)

Even small amounts of water damage can lead to significant damage to your Bellingham, MA commercial or residential property. The primary reason is DIY restoration. To the untrained eye, everything may look dried out but hidden moisture may remain which could cause a mold infestation. If you see visible mold, your best move is to leave it alone because when you disturb mold by trying to remove it you can inadvertently spread mold spores throughout your home. Mold spores are microscopic and when you try to clean them, the mold can release tiny spores which become airborne and can circulate inside your home.

What To Do

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
  • Contact SERVPRO of Foxborough for mold remediation services.

What Not To Do

  • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
  • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
  • Don’t attempt to dry the area yourself.
  • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.

About Our Mold Remediation Services

SERVPRO of Foxborough specializes in mold cleanup and restoration; in fact, it’s a cornerstone of our business.  Our Disaster Remediation Teams are highly trained restoration professionals with access to specialized state-of-the-art equipment. They are also trained in the proper techniques to remediate mold without cross contaminating unaffected areas of your property. 

If you suspect your commercial or residential property has a mold infestation call the experts of SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. We will make it, "Like it never even happened."

Getting To Know Ice Dams

12/10/2020 (Permalink)

One of the major causes of property damage during the winter months in New England are ice dams. Ice dams form on the eaves of sloped roofs. Freezing of melted snow at the eave impedes the drainage of melt-water, adding to the ice dam an so on. Because the drainage of the melt-water is impeded water may find its way under protective roofing materials and into the building.

How They Occur

Ice dams occur on heated buildings with sloping roofs in cold climates with deep snow accumulation. Ice dams on roofs form when accumulated snow forms an insulating layer under cold conditions that would cause the freezing point to be within the snow layer, if it were not subject to melting. Instead, building heat coming through the roof's surface melts the snow resting on it. This causes melt-water to flow down the roof, until it reaches below a place on the roof's surface that is below freezing—typically at the eaves where there is no building heat. When the melt-water reaches the frozen surface, ice accumulates, growing a barrier that impedes further passage of melt-water off the roof. Ice dams may result in leaks through the roofing material, possibly resulting in damaged ceilings, walls, roof structure and insulation, damage or injury when the ice dam falls off or from attempts to remove ice dams.

The melting of roof snow comes from the combination of three basic causes:

  1. Air temperatures well below freezing.
  2. A thick layer of dry snow, which has good insulating capabilities.
  3. Heat from the building coming through the roof.

Generally, ice dams occur when the under-roof temperature is above 30 °F (−1 °C) and the outdoor air temperature is below 22 °F (−6 °C).

Factors Of Increased Risk

While ice dams simply need the ideal weather conditions to form there are additional factors that will increase the likelihood of ice dams forming. They are:

  1. Old/damaged roofs
  2. Lack of or improperly installed rubberized asphalt underlayment 
  3. Damaged or blocked gutters
  4. Insufficient or improperly installed insulation

When ice dams form on your commercial or residential property;


  1. Clear all snow with a wheeled roof rake
  2. Place calcium chloride ice melt in panty hose, tie into small balls and place them in a row, approximately one foot apart, across the top of the ice dam
  3. If necessary us a rubber mallet to break the ice
  4. Hire a professional

Do Not

  1. Use a shovel to remove the snow
  2. Attempt to break the ice with a hammer or any hard object
  3. Use rock salts
  4. Any type of external heat source

If ice dams form on your commercial or residential property and cause water damage call the experts of SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. We will make it, "Like it never even happened."

Planning To Reopen - Understanding The Rollback

12/10/2020 (Permalink)

On Tuesday Gov. Charlie Baker declared that Massachusetts will soon roll back a single step within the current phase of its economic reopening plans, as cases continue to spike across the state. The changes officially begin on Sunday, Dec. 13 and will impact restrictions on the number of people allowed inside facilities and implement new rules related to masks and dining. He explained that the move back to "step one, phase three" will reduce capacity limits at nearly all businesses — including gyms, museums, office spaces, restaurants and arcades — to 40%.

Additionally, he also announced that masks must now be worn at all times inside workplaces unless a worker has a medical exemption or is in a private space. Lastly, outdoor events in every municipality no longer may host gatherings with more than 50 people.

The new orders called for restaurants to reduce the number of people who can be seated at any table to six, as well as to set 90-minute limits for diners. Patrons must wear masks as they order food and whenever they are not eating or drinking. Musical performances will no longer be allowed in restaurants. Food courts will close again. For the communities that were, however, deemed "lower risk," and did move into "step 2," the state permitted the following:

  • Indoor performance venues to open with 50% capacity with a maximum of 250 people
  • Outdoor performance venues capacity to increase to 50%, with a maximum of 250 people
  • Trampolines, obstacles courses, roller rinks and laser tag to open, with capacity at 50%
  • Fitting rooms open at retail stores
  • Gyms, museums, libraries and driving and flight schools to increase capacity to 50%

Now, Baker's most recent order means all communities that adopted any of the above measures will need to shut those activities down by Sunday. 

"The state of Massachusetts is being tested once again," Baker said, "the days of most people doing most of the right things are probably not enough," he added. Tuesday's announcement came just one day after the governor told reporters that starting Friday, hospitals would begin canceling some non-urgent, inpatient elective surgeries and appointments.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Storm Damage Risks To Your Property

12/9/2020 (Permalink)

When a good old fashioned New England winter storm or cold temperatures strike, your commercial or residential property may be at risk of storm damage. Among the worst type of storm damage is water, which can take a few forms, including:

  1. Water and ice damage from clogged gutters
  2. Frozen outdoor hoses causing burst valves
  3. A pipe break in exposed plumbing

Clean The Gutters 

Commercial and residential property owners need to regularly clean the gutters. Leaves and debris can cause ice dams during a winter storm, leading to serious water damage. It can force water under eaves and destroy a roof.

Once water gets into unprotected areas, it can cause tons of havoc inside. Plus, mold can grow from wet building materials, and if it gets bad enough, your operations might be shut down while it’s cleaned up. Gutter guards can also help prevent ice dams.

Hoses Can Cause A Plumbing Disaster

Rubber hoses are great tools to help with outside cleanup and landscaping. If left outside during the frigid winter months any residual water in them will freeze. Make sure they are taken in if the weather is supposed to drop below 30 degrees. The water valve can take short excursions below freezing, but not long ones. If you expect a deep freeze, protect the valve with an outdoor foam faucet cover.

Exposed Plumbing 

Virtually every New England winter comes with a prolonged cold spell that will cause burst pipes for many property owners. Properly insulate any exposed copper piping to reduce the risk of water inside them freezing. Also, do not let the temperature inside your property drop below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 

If your commercial or residential property suffers storm damage this winter call the Disaster Remediation experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. We will help you make it "Like it never even happened."

Planning To Reopen - Rollback

12/9/2020 (Permalink)

Last week Governor Baker announced that beginning Friday, December 4th, hospitals in Massachusetts will “curtail” elective inpatient procedures in an effort to free up staff and beds as the commonwealth braces for a new surge of coronavirus cases in the Commonwealth.

This means that medical centers will need to cease procedures that impact their inpatient capacity. The measure does not apply in cases where canceling or delaying treatment would negatively impact a patient’s health.

Data released by the state Department of Public Health on Sunday shows the seven-day average of the number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients has risen consistently over the past month, jumping from 491 patients on Nov. 6 to 936 patients on Nov. 26, Thanksgiving Day, to 1,312 patients on Dec. 5, the last date with available data.

In response to this negative trend the state opened a field hospital at the DCU Center in Worcester and plans are in the works to launch another such facility in Lowell.

Additionally, yesterday, Governor Baker announced, amid the swelling COVID-19 hospitalizations, a statewide rollback of the Massachusetts reopening process.

According to the Governor, all cities and towns will be required to go back to the first step of Phase 3 of the reopening, along with several other more “targeted” restrictions.

In addition to requiring indoor performance venues, certain retail fitting rooms, and recreational attractions like roller rinks, trampoline parks, laser tag venues, and escape rooms across the state to close, rolling back to the first step of Phase 3 also reduces capacity limits for a variety of sectors — including retail stores, gyms, offices, places of worship, movie theaters, and museums — from 50 percent to 40 percent of their maximum occupancy.

Previously, the Baker administration had allowed communities with lower rates of COVID-19 to move to the second step of Phase 3. According to the state’s website, there were already 58 communities in Massachusetts not deemed lower-risk that had to remain in or move back to the first step of Phase 3 (though others, like Boston, had voluntarily stayed in the first step). Under the new order, which takes effect Sunday, all 351 cities and towns in the state have to go back to the first step.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Safely Heat Your Property This Winter

12/8/2020 (Permalink)

Winter time in New England brings with it cold temperatures. Most property owners do not think about the risks inherent with heating their Foxborough, MA commercial or residential properties especially when space heaters are used.

Small space heaters are typically used when the main heating system is inadequate or to offset high heating costs or to simply supplement inadequate heating in one room. Space heater capacities generally range between 10,000 Btu and 40,000 Btu per hour.

Safety is a top consideration when using space heaters. According to the U.S. Department of Energy the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that more than 25,000 residential fires every year are associated with the use of space heaters, resulting in more than 300 deaths. In addition, an estimated 6,000 people receive hospital emergency room care for burn injuries associated with contacting the hot surfaces of room heaters, mostly in non-fire situations.

When buying and installing a small space heater, follow these guidelines:

  1. Only purchase newer model heaters that have all of the current safety features. Make sure the heater carries the Underwriter's Laboratory (UL) label.
  2. Choose a thermostatically controlled heater, because they avoid the energy waste of overheating a room.
  3. Select a heater of the proper size for the room you wish to heat. Do not purchase oversized heaters. Most heaters come with a general sizing table.
  4. Locate the heater on a level surface away from foot traffic. Be especially careful to keep children and pets away from the heater.

Combustion Space Heaters

Unvented combustion units are not recommended for use inside your home, because they introduce unwanted combustion products into the living space—including nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and water vapor—and deplete air in the space. 

Vented units are designed to be permanently located next to an outside wall, so that the flue gas vent can be installed through a ceiling or directly through the wall to the outside. Look for sealed combustion or "100% outdoor air" units, which have a duct to bring outside into the combustion chamber. Sealed combustion heaters are much safer to operate than other types of space heaters, and operate more efficiently because they do not draw in the heated air from the room and exhaust it to the outdoors. They are also less likely to backdraft and adversely affect indoor air quality.

In addition to the manufacturer's installation and operating instructions, you should follow these general safety guidelines for operating any combustion space heater:

  • For liquid-fueled heaters, use only the approved fuel. Never use gasoline! Follow the manufacturer's fueling instructions. Never fill a heater that is still hot. Do not overfill the heater -- you must allow for the expansion of the liquid. Only use approved containers clearly marked for that particular fuel, and store them outdoors.
  • Have vented space heaters professionally inspected every year. If the heater is not vented properly, not vented at all, or if the vent is blocked, separated, rusted, or corroded, dangerous levels of carbon monoxide (CO) can enter the home causing sickness and death. CO also can be produced if the heater is not properly set up and adjusted for the type of gas used and the altitude at which it is installed.

Electric Space Heaters

Electric space heaters are generally more expensive to operate than combustion space heaters, but they are the only unvented space heaters that are safe to operate inside your home. Although electric space heaters avoid indoor air quality concerns, they still pose burn and fire hazards and should be used with caution.

For convection (non-radiant) space heaters, the best types incorporate a heat transfer liquid, such as oil, that is heated by the electric element. The heat transfer fluid provides some heat storage, allowing the heater to cycle less and to provide a more constant heat source.

When buying and installing an electric space heater, you should follow these general safety guidelines:

  1. Electric heaters should be plugged directly into the wall outlet. If an extension cord is necessary, use the shortest possible heavy-duty cord of 14-gauge wire or larger. Always check and follow any manufacturer’s instructions pertaining to the use of extension cords.
  2. Buy a unit with a tip-over safety switch, which automatically shuts off the heater if the unit is tipped over.

All of us at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you to heat your commercial or residential property safely this winter. If fire dose strike, we are here to help you make it "Like it never even happened." Call our experts today at (508) 533-5305!

How To Protect Your Property From Wind Damage

12/8/2020 (Permalink)

Top 6 Ways To Protect Your Home From Wind Damage

Wind storms in Walpole, MA can be very damaging to your commercial or residential property. It is critical to prepare ahead of time. Routinely checking, fixing or updating areas around your property can make the difference between hundreds dollars and thousands of dollars in damages.  

Here are six ways to prepare your property before the next storm hits:

  1. Check your roof
    • Shingles should be nailed down properly and all secured together
    • Replace any missing shingles immediately
  2. Check warehouse and garage doors 
    • This may mean hiring a company to inspect your doors to ensure it is properly secured and functioning well
  3. Secure all outdoor items
  4. Ensure your gutters are properly secured and clean.
    • Clogged cutters can create water damage to your property. They are also more likely to break in a high wind storm if they are weakened by heavy debris.
  5. Storm proof windows 
    • Installing storm proof windows can make a big difference in protecting your property from high winds and hail from a storm
    • If you don’t have storm proof windows, consider installing steel or aluminum shutters to protect them from flying debris
  6. Maintain trees around your property
    • Trimming trees and removing dead trees can help prevent large branches falling during a wind storm

Be sure to routinely check and maintain your property before the next storm hits.  If you do find yourself in need of help after a storm, call SERVPRO of Foxborough we specialize in restoration and storm damage repair. Call us after a storm and we will make it, "Like it never even happened." 

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Manufacturing Part 4 of 4

12/8/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).


These sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards, and in conjunction with the COVID-19 Order No. 53, for Manufacturing Activities are issued to provide owners and operators of manufacturing sites and workers and contractors with instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19. Employers are encouraged to have workers continue to telework if feasible. These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the operator of the manufacturing site is accountable for adhering to all local, state and federal requirements relative to manufacturing activities. The operator of the manufacturing site is also responsible for staying abreast of any updates to these requirements.

Hygiene Protocols

  1. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, and allow sufficient break time for workers to wash hands to frequently; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative
  2. Supply workers at workplace location with adequate cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes)
  3. Require regular and not less than daily cleaning and sanitation of all high-touch areas such as workstations, door handles, and restrooms 
  4. Avoid sharing materials / equipment (e.g., goggles) or disinfect equipment between use
  5. Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers of the hygiene and safety protocols 

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Whenever possible employees should wear gloves, according to Standard Precautions, when it can be reasonably anticipated that contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials, mucous membranes, non-intact skin, potentially contaminated skin or contaminated equipment could occur.
    1. Gloves are not a substitute for hand hygiene.
    2. If your task requires gloves, perform hand hygiene prior to donning gloves, before touching the patient or the patient environment.
    3. Perform hand hygiene immediately after removing gloves.
  2. Change gloves and perform hand hygiene during patient care, if:
    1. gloves become damaged
    2. gloves become visibly soiled with blood or body fluids following a task
    3. moving from work on a soiled body site to a clean body site on the same patient or if another clinical indication for hand hygiene occur
  3. Never wear the same pair of gloves in the care of more than one patient
  4. Carefully remove gloves to prevent hand contamination

Cleaning And Disinfecting 

  1. Clean commonly touched surfaces in restrooms (e.g., toilet seats, doorknobs, stall handles, sinks, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers) frequently and in accordance with CDC guidelines
  2. Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of site (after each shift, and more frequently if feasible)
  3. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning
  4. Conduct frequent disinfecting of heavy transit areas, heavy machinery and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, handrails, shared tools, bathrooms, elevators)
  5. In event of a positive case, shut down site for a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current guidance
  6. Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible

Recommended Best Practices

  • Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Restoring Your Property After A Fire

12/7/2020 (Permalink)

When your residential or commercial is hit by a fire, your top priority is ensuring everyone's safety. Once everyone is safe and the fire has been put out, getting your property cleaned and repaired becomes the priority. In some cases, especially when the fire was small, property owners may believe restoration is a DIY opportunity. Here are four reasons why the correct course of action is to enlist professional fire remediation help:

Water Removal

1. Most property owners do not realize that a primary component of fire damage remediation is water remediation. Standing water left behind after the fire extinguishing efforts can have severe ramifications. Moisture  and standing water will cause damage to furniture, electronics, clothing, drywall, ceilings, flooring, and more. Water removal must be done quickly. The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough utilize water pumps, wet-vacs, high-velocity fans and dehumidifiers to extract the water and moisture quickly, thereby mitigating the damage. Fire damage unfortunately, has collateral damage.

Smoke Damage

The smoke damage that results from a fire can be quite substantive. In fact, the smoke left behind can become embedded in your furniture, flooring, carpets, and walls. If left unaddressed, this smoke damage can remain in your property for years. Soot, another by-product of specific fires, needs special attention for proper clean up to avoid staining of walls and furniture. Effectively removing smoke necessitates the use of professional procedures and products that fire restoration specialists from SERVPRO of Foxborough have in their arsenal.

Salvageable Goods

In many cases, property owners who seek to complete the remediation process on their own will throw away items that are salvageable. Don't make this mistake. Instead, allow SERVPRO of Foxborough to assist you with this aspect of the restoration process. This inventories affected household items and classifies them into non-salvageable, salvageable or questionable lists. Items can be containerized and cleaned by our IICRC-trained technicians.

Time Efficiency

When property owners take on the restoration process themselves saving money is usually the driving factor. Unfortunately, the trade-off to the cost savings is lost time and poor results. Rest assured, when you partner with experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough the job will be done right. Our teams will work tirelessly to ensure that the work is completed as efficiently as possible.

After a fire SERVPRO of Foxborough is here to help you make it "Like it never even happened." Call our experts today at (508) 533-5305!

Damage To Your Commercial Property - You Need SERVPRO

12/4/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Foxborough restores damaged businesses in the surrounding Metrowest area. What sets us apart is our appreciation for our customers and understanding the importance of getting your business back up and running after any size disaster.

Through our many years servicing our communities we have developed valuable relationships with local businesses to help them plan for emergency response, disaster recovery, and business continuity. We are a locally owned and operated SERVPRO family offranchises. Here are some of the ways we help our commercial clients after they suffer a loss.

  1. Identifying your businesses or offices priorities
  2. Expediting the insurance process and meeting specific requirements tailored to your insurance company
  3. We have the expertise, specialize training, certification, and resources available to handle any size loss
  4. Deodorizing and sanitization
  5. Providing a one-stop-shop offering restoration and rebuild services
  6. 4000 sq ft warehouse full of equipment to handle any size commercial disaster.

Commercial buildings are also public spaces which require special considerations during these challenging times.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning".

If disaster strikes your commercial property call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Potential Water Damage Risks To Your Commercial Property

12/3/2020 (Permalink)

As we head into the winter months here in New England most commercial property owners focus on preparing for the first snow storm and the cold weather to follow. The reality is, it is the fluctuation in the weather that increases the risk of water damage to your Foxborough, MA commercial Property. 

Commercial buildings often feature flat roofs exposing retail centers, schools, and warehouses to an overhead flooding hazard when snow and ice liquefy. When roof drains malfunction because of ice dams, and the frozen ground surrounding a building is unable to absorb more liquid, water will find its way inside.  

Fluctuating Outdoor Temperatures Increase Risk 

Cold, slushy water exacerbated by overnight freezes can impede your property's water drainage systems. It also can cause ice dams to form. Both of these scenarios increase the risk of water damage to your commercial property.  

If several feet around your commercial building becomes an ice-filled moat, temperature fluctuation can result in flood damage. Additionally, bulging ceiling tiles may be hiding a frozen ticking time bomb that, when melted quickly, may put undue stress on your structure or building materials and ultimately end up finding its way inside.

Outside, a visual inspection can show water blocked from flowing down drain spouts by debris or ice dams instead of sheeting down the exterior. These fluids find ways inside the building through permeable building materials like concrete and masonry. Walls become soaked, insulation packs down, and floodwater collects at the lowest level. 

Should your commercial property suffer water damage this winter, contact SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305! We will help you make it, "Like it never even happened."

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Manufacturing Part 3 of 4

12/3/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).


These sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards, and in conjunction with the COVID-19 Order No. 53, for Manufacturing Activities are issued to provide owners and operators of manufacturing sites and workers and contractors with instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19. Employers are encouraged to have workers continue to telework if feasible. These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the operator of the manufacturing site is accountable for adhering to all local, state and federal requirements relative to manufacturing activities. The operator of the manufacturing site is also responsible for staying abreast of any updates to these requirements.

Staffing And Operations

  1. Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions including hygiene and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including: 
    1. Social distancing, hand-washing, proper use of face coverings 
    2. Self-screening at home, including temperature and symptom checks 
    3. Importance of not coming to work if ill 
    4. When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe 
    5. Which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting and suffering from a severe case of the virus 
  2. Facilities must screen workers at each shift by ensuring the following: 
    1. Worker is not experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea 
    2. Worker has not had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for  COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, while that person was symptomatic
    3. Worker has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official 
    4. Workers who fail to meet the above criteria must be sent home 
  3. Facilities with highly manual work should reopen in gradual / phased approach, adjusting operations and work scheduling (working teams with different schedules or designated staggered arrival / departure time) to reduce density in the facility, minimize contact across workers and prevent congestion
  4. Limit visitors and service providers on site; shipping and deliveries should be completed in designated areas, outside the facility if possible
  5. Log everyone who comes in contact with site to enable contact tracing, including temporary visitors (e.g., those doing material drop-offs)
  6. For guidance on business-sponsored travel, refer to the Commonwealth's current out-of-state travel order. Employers are strongly discouraged from requiring or allowing business-related travel to destinations other than those appearing on the Department of Public Health’s list of COVID-19 lower risk States. Employers that permit employer-paid or - reimbursed travel to those States should take measures to ensure employees comply with this order. Employers are also urged to strongly discourage their employees from taking leisure travel to destinations not included on the list of COVID-19 lower-risk States
  7. Workers must stay home if feeling ill
  8. Workers who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home
  9. Encourage workers to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer 
  10. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing. If the employer is notified of a positive case at the workplace, the employer shall notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the workplace is located and assist the LBOH as reasonably requested to advise likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. Testing of other workers may be recommended consistent with guidance and / or at the request of the LBOH
  11. Post notice to worker and customers of important health information and relevant safety measures as outlined in the Commonwealth’s Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplace
  12. Manufacturing sites should maintain operating hours that allow for on-going off-hour sanitation and cleaning
  13. Additional on-site amenities and services may only open and operate when those amenities or services would otherwise be authorized to operate under the Commonwealth’s Phased Reopening Plan and then must adhere to all sector-specific safety protocols, available on the Reopening Plan website, applicable to the amenity or service. 

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Facilities with highly manual work should reopen in gradual / phased approach, adjusting operations and work scheduling (working teams with different schedules or designated staggered arrival / departure time) to reduce density in the facility, minimize contact across workers and prevent congestion
  2. Workers who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home
  3. Encourage workers to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  4. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Fire Safety Tips For Commercial Property Owners

12/2/2020 (Permalink)

Nothing can disrupt a business more than a fire. The damage to a commercial property and its contents can be catastrophic. While it is impossible to completely avoid a disaster, careful planning can minimize the effects to your business and your bottom line. Here are a few fire safety tips to follow to mitigate against fire damage.

Fire Prevention

  1. Keep your work area free of waste paper, trash and other items that can easily catch fire
  2. Check on your electrical cords. If a cord is damaged in any way, replace it. Try not to lay cords in places where they can be stepped on, as this will contribute to deterioration of the protective outside coating.
  3. Don't overload your circuits
  4. Turn off electrical appliances at the end of each day
  5. Keep heat producing equipment away from anything that might burn (i.e. copiers, coffee makers, computers)

In The Event Of A Fire

  1. Upon finding a fire, call 911 immediately
  2. Close doors when exiting to help limit the spread of smoke and fire throughout the building
  3. Never use elevators during an evacuation
  4. Follow the escape plan and meet at a predetermined place outside of your building and away from danger. Conduct a headcount to ensure all of your staff has evacuated.

Should your business suffer fire damage, contact SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305! We will help you make it, "Like it never even happened."

Winter Water Damage

12/2/2020 (Permalink)

Many potential threats to your Wrentham, MA commercial property lurk during the winter months here in the Commonwealth. Biting cold snaps rarely deter customers from visiting your store front. Even though the rain will soon turn to snow, flooding of your commercial property is still a real possibility!

While snowmelt alone can lead to some compromising flood damaged homes and businesses, there are more direct paths for substantial water losses. Identifying and eliminating potential areas of high risk, like poor insulation, will help to reduce the risk of water damage to your commercial property this winter season.

Ice Dams 

It is always ideal to ensure that your commercial property remains adequately heated. The interior temperature should never drop below 55 degrees fahrenheit. Inadequate insulation in the attic will allow heat to easily escape making heating your property a challenge. An improperly insulated attic can also lead to ice damming on the roof. This phenomenon is a result of melting snow by heating the roof internally in frigid temperatures outside. This frozen dam continues to back up, damaging roofing materials and allowing water to flow back into the structure. 

Frozen Pipes  

The basement area of your property is often the most susceptible to freezing. Make sure that any exposed plumbing is properly insulated. Stagnant water freezes faster than moving water. Slightly turning on restroom faucets allowing the water to drip will help prevent pipes from freezing. If your commercial property has a kitchen area with cabinets, leaving the doors of cabinets with pipes in them slightly open will also help to minimize the risk.    

Should your business suffer water damage, contact SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305! We will help you make it, "Like it never even happened."

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Manufacturing Part 2 of 4

12/2/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).


These sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards, and in conjunction with the COVID-19 Order No. 53, for Manufacturing Activities are issued to provide owners and operators of manufacturing sites and workers and contractors with instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19. Employers are encouraged to have workers continue to telework if feasible. These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the operator of the manufacturing site is accountable for adhering to all local, state and federal requirements relative to manufacturing activities. The operator of the manufacturing site is also responsible for staying abreast of any updates to these requirements.

Social Distancing

  1. Ensure separation of 6 feet or more between individuals at fixed working positions unless this distance is unsafe due to the particular nature of the manufacturing work or the configuration of the workspace
    1. Manual work: reengineer workstations to increase distance between workers; install visual distancing markers on workstations to delineate 6 feet separations; place markers throughout facility to guide movement of individuals
    2. Close or reconfigure worker common spaces and high density areas of facilities where workers are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms, eating areas) to allow physical distancing
    3. Cafeterias must practice physical distancing and appropriate hygiene measures and may allow indoor and / or outdoor seating according to Restaurant guidance
    4. Designate assigned working areas (e.g., floor, building, factory zone) to individuals where possible to limit movement throughout the facility and limit contact between workers
    5. Improve ventilation for enclosed spaces where possible (e.g., open doors and windows)
  2. Stagger lunch and break times, regulating maximum number of people in one place and ensuring at least 6 feet of physical distancing during any meeting
  3. Face coverings are required for all workers, except where doing so may introduce a safety hazard to workers or where an individual is unable to wear a face covering due to a medical condition or disability
  4. Establish directional pathways to manage worker flow for foot traffic, to minimize contact (e.g., one-way entrance and exit to rooms, one-way pathways). Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies 
  5. Minimize the use of confined spaces (e.g., elevators, control rooms, vehicles) by more than one individual at a time; all workers in such spaces at the same time are required to wear face coverings
  6. Physical partitions separating workstations must be installed for areas that cannot be spaced out. Physical partitions must be at least 6 feet in height

Recommended Best Practices

Designate assigned working areas (e.g., floor, building, factory zone) to individuals where possible to limit movement throughout the facility and limit contact between workers

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

We Handle All Categories Of Commercial Remediation

12/1/2020 (Permalink)

When water, fire, or weather damage occurs to your Walpole, MA commercial property there are many factors to consider when determining the remediation techniques and equipment required.  Our project managers will assess the area and will categorize the damage into one of three different levels to ensure the appropriate level of resources are allocated to the project. 

Level 1 - 15,000 Sq Ft Or Less

A small commercial property that suffers damage to the entirety of its structure falls into this category. Examples of commercial properties that would fall into this category:

  1. Small retail or office building
  2. Restaurant
  3. Church
  4. Other small commercial properties

This level of loss can also be one smaller portion of a much larger building.

Level 2 - 15,000 to 60,000 square feet affected

A medium-sized commercial property that suffers damage to the entirety of its structure falls into this category. Examples of commercial properties that would fall into this category:

  1. Multi-family property
  2. Commercial warehouse
  3. Sporting venue
  4. Small apartment building. 

Similar to Level 1, this level of loss can also be a medium-sized portion of a much larger structure.

Level 3 - Greater Than 60,000 Sq Ft

These are referred to as “large losses.” While these are less common, because they occur in large buildings and the damage is far more extensive, they are by far the most financially costly and disruptive to the daily operations of a business. Examples of commercial properties that would fall into this category:

  1. Large commercial buildings
  2. High-rise apartment buildings
  3. Hospitals
  4. Schools.

Sometime the damage is spread across multiple, adjacent storefronts or smaller buildings. Those instances would fall into this category too.

Regardless of the size of your commercial property or the amount of damage incurred, the Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are equipped and ready to deliver all levels of commercial disaster remediation. When disaster strikes your commercial property call the experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. Not only are we "Faster to any size disaster" but we will make it "Like it never even happened," and get you back to business as usual in the quickest, most efficient way possible. 

Is Your Business Protected From Disaster

12/1/2020 (Permalink)

Most business owners have insurance that covers damage to the property, structure, and its contents. However, when disaster strikes your Foxborough, MA commercial property the losses incurred may extend to revenue. According to the Insurance Information Institute many business owners fail to think about how they would keep their business afloat if they were forced to temporarily close. Business income (interruption) coverage also known as business income coverage (BI), can help with operating expenses during the period of restoration, and includes:

  1. Lost net income (based on financial records)
  2. Mortgage, rent and lease payments
  3. Loan payments
  4. Taxes
  5. Employee payroll

The III recommends that business owners should make sure the policy limits are sufficient to cover their company for more than a few days. After a major disaster, it can take more time than many people realize to get “back in business.”

Guidelines For Coverage

Generally, the best way to estimate future profits to determine the right amount of coverage is to use your business's gross earnings and projections. Remember, if business income interruption costs exceed the coverage limit chosen you will have to pay out of pocket for any extra expenses.

Extra Expense Insurance

Business income (interruption) insurance can also include extra expense, which will cover anything beyond the normal day-to-day operating expenses that are necessary to keep a business solvent. Instances of extra expenses include:

  • Renting a temporary place of business while the original place of business is being restored
  • Replacement of hardware, technology and furniture
  • Paying overtime for employees or hiring more employees
  • Leasing equipment

Extra expense insurance can be bundled in a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP), as a separate insurance policy or as a rider to a commercial property policy.

When disaster strikes your commercial property call the experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. We are "Faster to any size disaster".

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Manufacturing Part 1 of 4

12/1/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).


These sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards, and in conjunction with the COVID-19 Order No. 53, for Manufacturing Activities are issued to provide owners and operators of manufacturing sites and workers and contractors with instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19. Employers are encouraged to have workers continue to telework if feasible. These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the operator of the manufacturing site is accountable for adhering to all local, state and federal requirements relative to manufacturing activities. The operator of the manufacturing site is also responsible for staying abreast of any updates to these requirements.

Standards For Responsible Manufacturing Activities In Massachusetts

No manufacturing activity shall occur without meeting the State mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces as applied to manufacturing facilities in this document. These sector specific COVID-19 Workplace Safety Standards for Manufacturing apply to all manufacturing (essential and non-essential) in operation during the COVID-19 public health emergency until rescinded or amended by the State. The operator of each manufacturing site or facility shall be responsible for meeting these standards.

The following workplace specific safety standards are organized around four distinct categories covering Social Distancing, Hygiene Protocols, Staffing and Operations, and Cleaning and Disinfecting.

Hygiene Protocols  

  1. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, and allow sufficient break time for workers to wash hands to frequently; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative
  2. Supply workers at workplace location with adequate cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes)
  3. Require regular and not less than daily cleaning and sanitation of all high-touch areas such as workstations, door handles, and restrooms
  4. Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers of the hygiene and safety protocols
  5. Avoid sharing materials / equipment (e.g., goggles) or disinfect equipment between use

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When soap and running water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% alcohol.
  2. Always wash hands that are visibly soiled.
  3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  4. Practice good respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Retail Part 4 of 4

11/24/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Retail Businesses

These updated workplace safety standards, and in conjunction with the COVID-19 Order No. 53, for Retail Businesses are posted in advance of their effective date to allow Retail Businesses time to prepare to operate in compliance with these mandatory health and safety standards. Retail Businesses remain subject to the previously issued October 29, 2020 safety standards until these revised workplace safety standards go into effect on November 6, 2020.

Hygiene Protocols

  1. Disinfect shared equipment, such as cash registers, intercoms, tagging machines before use by another employee
  2. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, wherever possible and encourage frequent handwashing; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative
  3. Supply workers at workplace location with adequate cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes)
  4. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol shall be made available at entrances and throughout floor areas for both workers and customers
  5. Avoid sharing equipment and supplies between workers
  6. Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers of hygiene and safety protocols

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Stock up on cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes)
  2. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers stations throughout floor areas for both workers and customers

Cleaning and Disinfecting 

  1. Clean commonly touched surfaces in restrooms (e.g., toilet seats, doorknobs, stall handles, sinks, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers) frequently and in accordance with CDC guidelines
  2. Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of site (at least daily and more frequently if feasible)
  3. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning
  4. Conduct frequent disinfecting of heavy transit areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, bathrooms, baskets, carts, staff break rooms)
  5. In event of a positive case, shut down site for a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current CDC guidance
  6. Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible
  7. Once returned or tried on by customers, remove clothing from service for 24 hours (before it can be returned by staff and handled by another customer)

Recommended Best Practices

  • Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Winter Can Bring Storm Damage To Your Property

11/23/2020 (Permalink)

Winter in New England is almost here, which means folks in Foxborough, MA are eagerly awaiting the first big snow storm. While most people assume the only disruptions blizzards can bring are travel difficulties and requiring quality time with the snowblower, they can actually have a significant affect on your property. Damage to your home caused by blizzards can be severe and difficult to repair. Winter storms and blizzards in the Commonwealth can bring about many hazards we need to prepare for.


Snow is, of course, typically the primary component to any winter storm. During blizzards, it can accumulate quickly on roofs and other structures associated with your commercial or residential property. If left unattended, this additional weight could compromise the structural integrity of your roof. If there are any trees near your property, snow accumulation can potentially result in bringing the trees down on top of your property. In either case, the damage can be significant; the situation is also exacerbated by the colder temperatures during the winter months.


Aside from the obvious slipping hazards ice creates, it can also be extremely problematic for your property. Melting caused by the natural insulating properties of snow can result in ice dams, which can lead to significant moisture intrusion into your property. If left undetected or untreated, this moisture intrusion result in a significant mold infestation.


Blizzards often bring high winds along to the party, which can easily lead to damage to your property. Aside from the potential for superficial damage, object becoming airborne are projectiles that could easily break windows, or damage siding or shingles; in any case, the end result is intrusion of the outside elements, which can lead to significant problems down the road.

If your commercial or residential property suffers storm damage this winter, call the Disaster Remediation experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. We will help you make it "Like it never even happened."

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Retail Part 3 of 4

11/23/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Retail Businesses

These updated workplace safety standards, and in conjunction with the COVID-19 Order No. 53, for Retail Businesses are posted in advance of their effective date to allow Retail Businesses time to prepare to operate in compliance with these mandatory health and safety standards. Retail Businesses remain subject to the previously issued October 29, 2020 safety standards until these revised workplace safety standards go into effect on November 6, 2020.

Staffing And Operations

The following workplace specific guidance is organized around four distinct categories covering Staffing and Operations.

  1. Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions including hygiene 4 and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including:
    1. Social distancing, hand-washing, proper use of face coverings
    2. Self-screening at home, including temperature and symptom checks
    3. Importance of not coming to work if ill
    4. When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe 
    5. Which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting and suffering from a severe case of the virus 
  2. Facilities must screen workers at each shift by ensuring the following: 
    1. Worker is not experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough,shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting ordiarrhea 
    2. Worker has not had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19
    3. Worker has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official
    4. Workers who fail to meet the above criteria must be sent home
  3. Adjust workplace hours and shifts (leverage working teams with different schedules or staggered arrival / departure) to minimize contact across workers and reduce congestion at entry points
  4. Businesses should reduce operating hours to allow for on-going off-hour sanitation and cleaning
  5. Limit visitors and service providers on site; shipping and deliveries should be completed in designated areas
  6. Workers shall not appear for work or complete a shift if feeling ill
  7. Workers who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home
  8. Workers are strongly encouraged to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  9. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing. If the employer is notified of any positive case at the workplace, the employer must immediately notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the workplace is located. Employers must assist the LBOH with contact tracing efforts, including advising likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. Testing of other workers may be recommended consistent with guidance and / or at the request of theLBOH
  10. Post notice to workers and customers of important health information and relevant safety measures as outlined in the Commonwealth’s Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplace
  11. For in-home delivery of products, such as furniture and appliances, screen customers for symptoms prior to workers entering the house. Delay delivery if customer indicates potential COVID-19 positive person in the household
  12. Limit visitors and service providers on site; shipping and deliveries should be completed in designated areas
  13. Limit employee movement to discrete work zones to minimize overlap where possible

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Workers who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home
  2. Workers are strongly encouraged to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  3. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing
  4. Limit employee movement to discrete work zones to minimize overlap where possible

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

How To Clean Contaminated Floodwater

11/20/2020 (Permalink)

Category three water is the worst type of water loss that can affect a property. The water ruins anything porous it touches, and the longer it remains left untreated, the more damage that it does. Fast action is needed to enable the best outcome for the home and contents. 

Potentially Contaminants Floodwater

When groundwater is the cause of the flood damage in your commercial or residential property, there can be many types of problems present within the water. As the water travels, it picks up everything it comes in contact with and brings it along. The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough regularly perform restoration services on flood loss that contains one or more pathogenic, toxigenic, or other harmful agents. Additionally, all types of mud and debris may potentially be in the water too.

Damage To Flooring

The outcome of your flooring after a floodwater disaster is dependent on how fast the cleanup efforts began. After groundwater enters a home, it migrates into any area that offers the least resistance. Our expert technicians know from experience some of the most common places affected by floodwater are:

  • Under tile
  • Behind baseboards
  • Through floor joists into basements or crawlspaces
  • Within carpet 
  • Subfloor

Thorough Extraction of Floodwater Is Critical

After a floodwater event the timer starts ticking on the level of damage. For example, if the water gets extracted quickly after the initial water loss event, there is a higher chance that the rapid response works to inhibit the level of damage to the structure. 

Because of the contaminated nature of this water, the certified technicians of SERVPRO of Foxborough will apply treatments to lessen the contagions present before beginning mitigation. When handling this type of loss, our teams wear protective clothing, including eye protection and respirators. This is because harmful pathogenic elements can enter the body through the eyes or aspiration. 

It is not unusual for the original amount of water to have receded and migrated into the structure. The professionals at SERVPRO of Foxborough understand the movement of water within a home and use their moisture detection equipment to determine the true scope of the area that needs mitigation.  

Controlled Demolition

When groundwater wicks into sheetrock, it rapidly deteriorates, and to save as much as possible of the structure, rather than remove the entire portion of the wall space, our technicians measure several inches above the waterline and cut away the destroyed part. This action serves the dual purpose of removing damaged materials and opening up the wall cavities for complete drying. 

While ceramic tile with sealed grout tends to have the best outcome from flood loss, adhesive tiles tend to delaminate rapidly and may need removal. We will inspect any removed materials for the potential for cleaning and reuse to save the property owner the cost of replacement. 

When contaminated water saturates carpet, it is almost always a loss as it cannot get returned to a sanitized state for reuse. Due to the weight of wet carpet, we will extract and sometimes dry the carpet before cutting it into strips for disposal as a biohazard. 

If your home has flooding damage from a backup, call the Disaster Remediation experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. We will help you make it "Like it never even happened."

Hail Can Cause Damage To Your Home

11/19/2020 (Permalink)

Hailstorms can happen year-round and can vary greatly in severity. In fact, damage from hail is among the top homeowners claims annually, with approximately one in 35 homes reporting a claim. Surprisingly, hailstorms cause close to $1 billion in damages. The damage is mainly to roofs and cars. Hailstorms can cause dents in aluminum siding, shingles and gutters or even crack vinyl siding, asphalt roofs or wood shakes.

Hailstones come in different shapes and sizes and can be anywhere from .2 inches to 6 inches in size and weigh more than 1 pound. Three factors contribute to making a hailstorm especially dangerous:

  1. The size of the stones
  2. The frequency with which they fall
  3. The wind speed

While hailstorms are not easily predicted, there are a few ways to prepare for them to lessen future damage. The first thing to check is your roof. You will want to look for any missing or worn shingles and get those replaced. If you know hail is on the way, try and get your car to the garage or a covered area if possible. During a hailstorm, you will want to stay inside and avoid skylights or any other glass windows/doors in your home.

It is a good idea to check with your insurance carrier to see what is covered on your current policy and consider adding hail damage. If you think your home has been damaged by a hail storm it is a good idea to have a the professionals of SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305 to inspect your roof and siding. We will alert you to any issues that may open your home to the threat of water and mold damage. 

SERVPRO's Three C's

11/18/2020 (Permalink)

Beyond fire & water, SERVPRO of Foxborough technicians are trained and experienced in biohazard decontamination – always adhering to the cleaning and decontamination standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities. With more than 50 years of experience, from formulating and creating our proprietary cleaning products to taking the utmost care while disinfecting, we will ensure you and your business are set up to inspire consumer confidence as the economy continues to reopen.

Consult, Clean, and Certify

When the stakes are this high, you want a partner who has developed an industry leading, proprietary training program, cleaning solutions, and remediation processes over decades. We’ve cleaned up some of the most challenging biohazards imaginable. The program is grounded with our 3 C’s: Consult, Clean, and Certify.

  1. Consult – Every business is different, which is why you’ll be assigned a Cleaning Protocol Consultant who understands your business and will create a cleaning program to meet your specific needs. This program will be developed based on your business type, size of space, amount of high frequency touch points, foot traffic and congestion points.
  2. Clean – Based on your specific business needs, your location will undergo a thorough deep clean using exclusive cleaning products, according to protocols set forth by the CDC. Our technicians have years of experience and they go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform. Cleanup procedures generally include cleaning of porous and non-porous surfaces, disinfecting of non-porous surfaces, cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, tools, and/or supplies used for cleanup process, and disposal of hazardous materials.  In the event of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 event, we will be there cleaning within 24 hours to ensure you get back to business as quickly as possible. 
  3. Certify - Once your business location has been Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you will gain access to proprietary signage, digital emblems, and other collateral that communicates that you’ve selected a higher standard of clean available to help protect your employees and customers.

Whatever your needs, remediation, professional cleaning or rebuild, we are Here to Help 24 hours a day, every day of the year, including holidays!  Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today at (508) 533-5305 and we will help you make it, “Like it never even happened.”

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Retail Part 2 of 4

11/18/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Retail Businesses

These updated workplace safety standards for Retail Businesses are posted in advance of their effective date to allow Retail Businesses time to prepare to operate in compliance with these mandatory health and safety standards. Retail Businesses remain subject to the previously issued October 29, 2020 safety standards until these revised workplace safety standards go into effect on November 6, 2020.

Social Distancing and Capacity Limits

The following workplace specific guidance is organized around four distinct categories covering Social Distancing and Capacity Limits.

  1. Require face coverings at all times for all workers and customers, except where unsafe due to medical condition or disability
  2. Each business must monitor customer entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to the greater of the following:
    1. 50% of the building’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder
    2. Buildings for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow up to 10 persons (including staff) per 1,000 square feet of accessible space
    3. In any case, no enclosed space within the building shall exceed occupancy of 10 persons per 1,000 square feet
    4. All occupancy counts and calculations shall include customers, staff, and other workers
  3. Operators of enclosed shopping malls and other indoor, multi-tenant retail spaces must monitor customer and worker entries and exits to common areas and limit occupancy of common areas at all times to 50% of maximum permitted occupancy levels
  4. Within enclosed shopping malls and other indoor multi-tenant retail spaces:
    1. Retailers or restaurants serving food shall adhere to the latest restaurant protocols. Food court seating may be open provided that restaurant protocols, including spacing and cleaning of tables, are followed. In accordance with the COVID-19 Order No. 53 restaurants and food courts must close to the public no later than 9:30 pm and may not re-open to the public before 5:00 am the following day, although restaurants may continue to provide take-out service after 9:30pm.
    2. Any additional seating areas must remain closed 
    3. Any children’s play areas must be closed
    4. All arcades must follow the standards for Arcades and Other Indoor and Outdoor Game and Recreation Businesses 
  5. If the store offers delivery, curbside pickup capabilities, or limited “appointment only shopping,” customers should be encouraged to use those methods before coming into the store
  6. Grocery stores and retail stores with a pharmacy department must provide dedicated hours at least one hour each day of operation, in the early morning, for adults 60 years of age and older. These hours must be conspicuously posted
  7. Other retail stores are encouraged to offer exclusive hours or other accommodations for those in high-risk populations as defined by the CDC
  8. Ensure separation of 6 feet or more between individuals where possible: 
    1. Close or reconfigure worker common spaces and high density areas where workers are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms, eating areas) to allow social distancing
    2. Physical partitions must separate workstations that cannot be spaced out (partitions must be at least 6 feet in height) 3
    3. Install physical barriers for checkout stations where possible, otherwise maintain 6 feet distance where not possible
    4. Install visual social distancing markers to encourage customers to remain 6 feet apart (e.g., lines outside of the stores if applicable, lines to make payments, lines to use the restroom) 
    5. Mark rooms and hallways to indicate 6 feet separation 
  9. Establish directional aisles to manage customer flow for foot traffic, if possible, to minimize contact (e.g., one-way entrance and exit to the store, one-way aisles). Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies
  10. Contactless payment methods are encouraged
  11. Self-serve, unattended buffets, topping bars, and other communal serving areas (such as salad bars) must remain closed. Retailers must eliminate any open free samples or tastings. Self-serve beverage stations must comply with the following guidelines:
    1. Hand sanitizer must be made available next to beverage stations and operators must instruct customers to use before pouring beverages
    2. Only straws and stirrers individually wrapped in cellophane or paper are allowed
    3. Cups and lids must be from single pull dispenser or other method to minimize contact
    4. Sweeteners, sugars and creamers must be individual packets
    5. Floor markers must be installed to achieve social distancing 
    6. Use of personal mugs and cups are not allowed
    7. Frequent disinfecting of the beverage station must take place, even during busy times
  12. Individual retailers must not allow sampling or application of personal goods (makeup, perfume, lotion) unless they provide single-use applicators or have a no-touch option.
  13. In Phase 3 Step 1, fitting rooms may be opened for use by businesses for which their operation is necessary.
  14. In Phase 3 Step 2, fitting rooms may be open for use by all retail businesses.
  15. Any clothing tried on by a customer must either be quarantined for 24 hours or thoroughly steam cleaned prior to returning to the floor
  16. Stagger staff lunch and break times, regulating max number of people in one place and ensuring at least 6 feet of physical distancing

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Finish Strong

11/17/2020 (Permalink)

As 2020 comes to an end we find ourselves in the same situation as we were in the beginning of the year. Positive COVID-19 tests are once again on the rise, and, even though there are promising news on the vaccine front, we are still months away from having the public inoculated. It is more important than ever to practice preventative cleaning and we are here to help!

When SERVPRO of Foxborough comes into your space we are able to disinfect your space with EPA approved products. We provide disinfecting services for COVID-19 as well as general detailed cleanings for unoccupied homes collecting dust. 

Our Disinfectant services include:

  1. Spray certain affected areas with EPA approved hospital grade disinfectant. This mist will eradicate any aerosolized particles allowing for a safer entry of decontamination personnel.
  2. Use EPA approved Hospital Grade disinfectant.  
  3. Surface wiping of critical contact areas. Fixtures, keyboards, phones, door handles, certain contents within the affected area are hand wiped. 
  4. Technicians will wear half face respirators with, coveralls, goggles and gloves.

We also offer a detailed floor to ceiling deep cleaning, from base molding to crown molding including: content manipulation, steam cleaning of drapes, carpets and upholstered furniture if needed. We would clean every square foot leaving your home in immaculate condition. 

We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, including holidays. If you have any questions please call SERVPRO of Foxborough, (508) 533-5305. We will make it though this together!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Retail Part 1 of 4

11/17/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Retail Businesses

These updated workplace safety standards for Retail Businesses are posted in advance of their effective date to allow Retail Businesses time to prepare to operate in compliance with these mandatory health and safety standards. Retail Businesses remain subject to the previously issued October 29, 2020 safety standards until these revised workplace safety standards go into effect on November 6, 2020.

These sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards for Retail Businesses are issued to provide owners and operators of Retail Businesses and workers and customers with instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19 as retail stores transition from curbside pickup and delivery only to browsing and in-store transactions with restrictions.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the owner or operator for each retail business is accountable for staying abreast of any updates to these requirements.

Facilities Permitted to Open to the Public by Community Status

  • Food Courts
    • Open, but required to close between 9:30 pm – 5:00 am except for take-out
    • Open, but required to close between 9:30 pm – 5:00 am except for take-out
  • Fitting Rooms
    • Open in businesses for which their operation is necessary
    • Open for all retail stores

Standards for Responsible Retail Businesses in Massachusetts

  1. In accordance with the COVID-19 Order No. 53, Requiring Early Closing for Certain Businesses and Activities, no retail business may sell or provide alcohol of any kind between the hours of 9:30 pm and 5:00 am and no entity operating under a marijuana retailer license may sell adult use cannabis or adult use cannabis products of any kind between the hours of 9:30pm and 5:00 am.
  2. No activity in Retail Businesses can occur without meeting these sector specific COVID-19 workplace 2 safety standards for Retail Businesses. These standards apply, until rescinded or amended by the State, to all Retail Businesses except for Farmers’ Markets, which shall continue to be governed by Department of Public Health Guidance. These standards supersede and replace earlier issued Department of Public Health guidance governing grocery stores and pharmacies. 
  3. These standards do not supersede the updated stay at home order issued on Friday, November 6th. It is critically important that everybody follows the new order which can be found on the Mass.gov website. 

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

4 Causes Of Burst Pipes

11/16/2020 (Permalink)

Burst pipes are a common occurrence in the Commonwealth as the colder months set in. Many residents and workers are in buildings where the pipes are potentially older than their grandparents! When water pipes burst it may be preceded by a loud pop sound. Regardless, the result is can be major flooding in your Walpole, MA commercial or residential property. There are four main reasons why burst pipes occur:

  1. Frozen Pipes
  2. Moving Pipes
  3. Water Pressure
  4. Corrosion

Frozen Pipes

During the Winter months, serious issues can arise for the water supply pipes. Cold temperatures cause contraction to occur. Ice has more volume than water, so when water freezes inside a pipe it expands and increases pressure inside the pipe. The pressure builds resulting in a  burst in the pipe. The burst will occur at the weakest point in the pipe, with pressure bursting right out of the side of the pipe wall.

To prevent frozen pipes, make sure that the temperature inside your property stays above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Moving Pipes

Pipes can actually move around within the walls if they’re not properly secured especially when the water is suddenly turned on or off. One way to know for sure is if you can hear your water pipes making noise inside the walls or floors. If your pipes sound like they’re clanging against each other, it’s called a water hammer. What you’re hearing is that the pipes are moving back and forth due to not being held into place properly. Gradually, these pipes become weakened in the joints until one pipe fails. This causes the water pipe to break and flood your property.

Water Pressure

Water pressure must be kept at a normal setting in order for your water supply pipes to function properly. Any noticeable increase in the water pressure can translate to a burst pipe. As pressure increases, the pipes will cave in and separate, causing a rupture. Not sure if your water pressure is above too high?

  1. The water pressure in most homes is between 30-50 psi to avoid damage to pipes and plumbing fixtures.
  2. Monitor it by attaching a pressure gauge to a sink spout and turning on the faucet. The pressure will move the needle on the gauge and display the water pressure in psi (pounds per square inch).
  3. If your home’s water pressure is too high, a SERVPRO of Foxborough technician can install a pressure reducing valve to bring it down to safer levels.


Pipes are meant to last a long time and provide decades worth of reliable service, but they do not last indefinitely. Over time, buildings experience corrosion which can mean that pipes will show signs of failure or decay. Corrosion is caused by an imbalance of pH in the water. At first, this seems to be a minor issue, but it takes its tolls on the pipes over the years. 

Many water supply pipes are made of galvanized iron, the minerals inside the water slowly wear down the galvanized coating and expose the iron pipe beneath. In time, the iron turns to rust and gradually clogs the interior of the pipe which prevents water from getting through. As a result, your pipe may burst or the water flow may be stopped entirely.

If you experience a burst pipe, the first step is to turn off the Water Main. Then call the water remediation experts of SERVPRO of Foxborough to remediate the water damage. and to determine the cause of the burst pipe at (508) 533-5305. We will make it, "Like it never even happened."

5 Commercial Property Water Risks

11/13/2020 (Permalink)

When the weather turns extreme, it’s natural to worry about water damaging your Walpole, MA commercial property. Unfortunately, even when the weather is seemingly perfect, there are other culprits that can cause water damage. Here are five potential causes of water issues to watch out for.


A broken pipe can happen for numerous reasons, including freezing temperatures, pressure changes, water supply deterioration. Water stains, bulging walls, musty odors, or damaged tiles are indicators that there may be a leaking pipe that requires a water repair.

Sprinkler System Issues

Vital as the first line of defense, if not properly maintained, a sprinkler system can lead to extensive damage, especially if a broken pipe is the issue. Along with accidental activation, which results in 100s of gallons of water pouring down, neglected systems can slowly leak.

Faulty Appliances or Equipment

Along with major systems like HVAC and water heaters, any dishwasher or equipment that uses water on the property could be the source of a lingering musty odor. Regular maintenance, inspections, and cleaning are necessary to keep them working properly.

Sewer and Toilet Backups

Regardless if the cause is improperly flushing items, flooding overfilling the sewer drain or issues with the city’s mainline, toilet and sewer water is not regular water. Full of contaminants, cleaning it up requires extra considerations. If these types of issues arise, it’s best to call a trusted plumber to determine the problem to help keep it from happening again.

Structural Damage

Buildings may be built to last, but they are not invincible. Any part of it not doing what it should could let water seep in. Before the next rain, inspect the building for broken windows, leaky roofs, and foundation issues. Improper drainage, such as clogged gutters, can quickly lead to big foundational problems.

Regardless of the cause, immediately addressing the water damage is necessary to limit the destruction. If water has damaged your commercial property call the water remediation experts of SERVPRO of Foxborough of (508) 533-5305 today! We will make it "Like it never even happened." 

Planning To Reopen - New Orders And Advisories, Part 2 of 2

11/13/2020 (Permalink)

Beginning on Friday, November 6, 2020, all residents of Massachusetts are advised to stay home between the hours of 10pm and 5am.

COVID-19 case numbers in our state are rising and the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 related hospitalizations and COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) census have more than doubled over the past 2 months.  Social gatherings are contributing to these increases.  Left unchecked, the current COVID-19 case growth poses a risk to our healthcare system.   Intervention is warranted to moderate case growth and preserve hospital capacity.  It’s more important than ever to follow guidance from local, state, and federal officials on how to stop the spread of the virus.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Masks And Face Coverings

All persons in the Commonwealth over the age of five years old are required to wear a mask or cloth face covering over their mouth and nose when in a public location, weather indoors or outdoors. Mask or face coverings are encouraged but not required for children between the ages of two and five.

Public locations include any place open to the public including, but not limited to:

  1. Grocery stores
  2. Pharmacies and other retail stores
  3. Public transportation, taxis, in other ridesharing vehicles
  4. Public streets and ways
  5. Locations that host indoor or outdoor events, activities, or performances

Masks or cloth face coverings are also required when in a carpool with non-household members.

NOTE:  Medical–grade masks should be reserved for healthcare workers and first responders. 

Customers, visitors, attendees, etc. refusing to wear a mask or cloth face covering for non-medical reasons are to be declined entry to the facility. 

Masks And Face Coverings - Exceptions

  1. Any person with a medical or disabling condition.
  2. In situations where a face covering would impede communication by or with persons with hearing impairments or similar disabilities.
  3. When alone in a vehicle or only with other household members
  4. Places of employment - Employees who request accommodations to not have to wear a face covering while at work due to a medical or disabling condition must provide their employer with documentation to verify the condition.
  5. Schools - Students unable to wear a face covering due to a medical or disabling condition and are expected to participate in in in-person learning must provide documentation verifying the condition.

Limitations To Gatherings

The following limitations apply to indoor and outdoor gatherings including, without limitation, all social, community, civic, public, and leisure events as well as conferences, conventions, fundraisers, and other similar events or assemblies. Members of the same household, one assemble together with no other non-household members present, do not constitute a gathering and are not be subject to these limitations.

Social Distancing

In addition to the capacity restrictions all participants in indoor and outdoor gatherings, including gatherings at private residence,must maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance from every other participant in the gathering, except where participants are members of the same household. A gathering shall violate his provision wear, no matter the number of participants present, conditions or activities at the gathering are such that it is not reasonably possible for all participants to maintain this degree of separation. 

Gatherings At Private Residences

Indoor gatherings at private residences and in any other place not falling within the definition of an event venue or public setting are limited to a maximum of 10 people.

Outdoor gatherings at private residences and in any other place not falling within the definition of an event venue or public setting are limited to a maximum of 25 people.

Gatherings At Event Venues And In Public Settings

Indoor gatherings at event venues or in public settings are limited to a maximum of 25 people.

The following capacity limitations shall apply to outdoor gatherings at event venues or in public settings:

  1. In lower risk communities or in any successor order gatherings at event venues or in public settings are limited to a maximum of 100 persons in a single venue or space.
  2. In communities that do not qualify as lower risk communities, gatherings at event venues or in public settings are limited to a maximum of 50 persons in a single venue or space.

Exceptions To Limitation Restrictions

  1. Religious activities provided that such gatherings follow the COVID-19 safety rules and capacity limitations for Places of Worship
  2. Outdoor gatherings for the purpose of political expression 

Notification Of Exposure Risk

For outdoor gatherings in lower risk communicate communities where more than 50 attendees are anticipated, the operator of the event venue shall provide notice to the local Board of Health in the municipality where the gathering is located at least one week before the event is scheduled, or otherwise as soon as possible where one week notice is not practical due to the nature of the event.

For events held in public spaces like parks were more than 50 attendees are anticipated, the event organizer shall be responsible for providing this notice.

Time Limitation

All gatherings, no matter the size or location, must end and participants must disperse by 9:30 PM, with the exceptions of religious gatherings and political gatherings. 

Face Coverings

Masks or face coverings are encouraged at all gatherings private and public.

Contact Tracing

If a host or event venue is notified that an event attendee or event worker has tested positive for COVID-19 the event host or event venue must immediately notify the Local Board of Health in the municipality where the event took place. Host and event venues must assist the Department of Public Health and Local Board of Health with contact tracing in case investigations, including, upon request, providing list of attendees at social gatherings and their contact information. Event hosts and venues who fail to timely report positive cases or “cooperate with contact tracing and case investigations may be subject to the penalties. 

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Protect Your Property From Rainfall Damage

11/12/2020 (Permalink)

Heavy rain and storms can cause substantial damage to your Bellingham, MA commercial or residential property, especially if you aren't prepared. Storms can produce high winds causing fallen branches, and trees. There is always the possibility that when a storm hits, there will be damage to a property. Even a small roof puncture or a cracked window from a tree limb can be enough to allow rainfall to trickle (or pour) into your home. A downed tree can cause serious damage to your roof, siding and windows. Heavy rain also raises the risk of flooding. The following tips will help keep your property safe and dry in the event of a storm:

  1. Consider options to protect your windows and entryways such as adding shutters, rain diverters and storm doors.
  2. Having a sump pump and dehumidifier handy can really help on days with heavy rain or high humidity.
  3. Keep an eye on the trees closest to your home. Of course, you don’t want to cut into every tree but sometimes damage can be prevented by trimming back the trees that pose a threat.
  4. Regularly check that rainwater is draining properly. If it isn’t, consider ways to redirect it such as adding gutters or consulting a contractor.
  5. Regularly check your home for potential weaknesses especially in the roof, siding and windows. Even a small opening can let in rainwater so catching and repairing these issues before a storm hits is important and will save you money.

If water has damaged your commercial or residential property call the water remediation experts of SERVPRO of Foxborough of (508) 533-5305 today! We will make it "Like it never even happened." 

Planning To Reopen - New Orders And Advisories

11/12/2020 (Permalink)

Beginning on Friday, November 6, 2020, all residents of Massachusetts are advised to stay home between the hours of 10pm and 5am.

COVID-19 case numbers in our state are rising and the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 related hospitalizations and COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) census have more than doubled over the past 2 months.  Social gatherings are contributing to these increases.  Left unchecked, the current COVID-19 case growth poses a risk to our healthcare system.   Intervention is warranted to moderate case growth and preserve hospital capacity.  It’s more important than ever to follow guidance from local, state, and federal officials on how to stop the spread of the virus.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Updated Stay-At-Home Advisory

It is critically important that everybody follows the steps listed below, not just for their own health and safety, but for the health and safety of their family and loved ones as well. The following are excerpts from Governor Baker's executive order which can be downloaded from the Mass.gov website. 

NOTE: In order to comply with this advisory, between the hours of 10pm and 5am, you must:

  1. Only leave home to go to work or school, or for essential needs such as seeking emergency medical care, going to the grocery store or pharmacy, picking up take-out food, or receiving deliveries.  If you do leave home, practice social distancing by staying 6 feet away from others and wearing a face covering.
  2. Not have gatherings in your home with anybody outside of your household.
  3. Comply with all Governor’s Orders, including orders requiring face coverings, limiting gatherings, and mandating early closure of businesses.
  4. Practice social distancing and avoid touching surfaces frequently touched by others if you go outside to get fresh air.
  5. Use remote modes of communication like phone or video chat instead of visiting friends or family.

Taking these steps is critical to preventing the spread of the virus, protecting the lives of you and your loved ones, and preserving our acute care hospital and other health care systems’ capacity.

Early Closure of Businesses And Activities

All businesses, facilities, or activities included within the categories listed below must close their premises to the public each day no later than 9:30 PM and may not re-open their premises to the public before 5 AM the following day (the “mandatory closing period”). Except as otherwise specifically permitted, during the daily mandatory closing period, businesses, facilities, or activities within the categories listed below may not admit customers, patrons, or members of the public to their premises or otherwise offer, provide, or permit in-person, on premises services or activities.

Operations of affected businesses, facilities, or activities may keep their premises open to employees and other workers during the mandatory closing period and otherwise conduct business activities and operations that do not involve admitting customers, patrons, or members of the public to the premises.                                                    

Businesses, facilities, and activities subject to the daily mandatory closing period: 

  1. Restaurants, take-out and delivery of food and non-alcoholic beverages may continue
  2. Arcades and other indoor and outdoor recreation
  3. Indoor and outdoor events
  4. Indoor and outdoor theaters, movie theaters, and performance venues
  5. Drive-in movie theaters
  6. Youth and adult amateur sports activities
  7. Golf facilities
  8. Recreational boating and boating businesses
  9. Outdoor recreational experiences and educational activities
  10. Casinos, horse racing tracks, and simulcast facilities
  11. Driving and flight schools
  12. Zoos, botanical gardens, wildlife reserves, and nature centers
  13. Close contact personal services
  14. Fitness centers and health club
  15. Indoor and outdoor pools
  16. Museums, cultural and historical facilities, guided tours

Categories of businesses, facilities, and activities listed above are each authorized and directed to amend all relevant rules, guidance documents, and protocols to incorporate the mandatory closing period requirement.

Restriction On Service And Sale Of Alcohol

During the daily mandatory closing period no person, business, organization, establishment, premises, or service holding or operating under a license issued pursuant to the general laws may sell, serve or provide alcohol of any kind to any person or entity. This restriction applies to all retailers, restaurants, private clubs, catering halls, events, and delivery services license to offer alcohol services or retail sale pursuant to the general laws.

Retail Sale Of Adult-Use Cannabis

During the daily mandatory closing period no individual, business, organization, establishment, premises, or entity holding or operating under a marijuana retailer license may sel adult-use cannabis or adult-use cannabis products of any kind to any person or entity.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

The SERVPRO Protocol

11/11/2020 (Permalink)

Damage of any kind to your Foxborough, MA residential or commercial property can be stressful for owners, property managers, employees and tenants. Property damage, equipment damage, document loss and temporary displacement or business closure are just some of the issues that you may experience. Timely response and thorough mitigation can alleviate these concerns.

24 Hours

The first 24 hours can make the difference between restoring versus replacing your business property and belongings. SERVPRO of Foxborough 1-4-8 Service Response Guidelines can prevent fire and water damage from creating long term problems.


  • 1 - Within 1 hour from notice of loss, a SERVPRO of Burlington/ Middlebury Professional contacts you to arrange for services.
  • 4 - Within 4 hours of loss notification, a SERVPRO of Burlington/ Middlebury professional is on-site to start mitigation services.
  • 8 - Within 8 business hours of on-site arrival, a verbal briefing of the scope is communicated to the appropriate person.

If you need timely, professional remediation services or simply need answers to questions about fire, smoke, or water damage call the Disaster Remediation Teams of SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. We are here to help you make it. "Like it never even happened."

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Places Of Worship, Part 3 of 3

11/11/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Places Of Worship

These sector specific COVID-19 safety standards for Places of Worship and Religious Services are issued to provide instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19 as the number of persons attending in-person services increases.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the operator of a Place of Worship is responsible for adhering to all local, state and federal requirements.

Contributions And Communal Food, Drink, And Sacraments

  1. Places of worship are encouraged to modify the means to collect any financial contributions from attendees so as to eliminate shared contribution trays and baskets and to minimize contact. Consider setting up a no-touch method to collect contributions, and encouraging contributions through mail or electronic means
  2. Places of worship are encouraged to modify communal rituals, like taking communion or passing of the peace, so as to limit contact with others. Consider distributing, where applicable, prepackaged communion or sacraments
  3. Places of worship shall not have communal gathering pre or post service (e.g., coffee hours or other food services)
  4. Places of worship may allow small gatherings (such as support group meetings) to be held with 25 persons or fewer
  5. Places of worship running food pantries or other prepackaged food distribution may continue to do so 

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Places of worship are encouraged to modify the means to collect any financial contributions from attendees so as to eliminate shared contribution trays and baskets and to minimize contact
  2. Consider setting up a no-touch method to collect contributions, and encouraging contributions through mail or electronic means
  3. Places of worship are encouraged to modify communal rituals, like taking communion or passing of the peace, so as to limit contact with others
  4. Consider distributing, where applicable, prepackaged communion or sacraments

Nurseries and Childcare

Any childcare services should follow the latest EEC child-care guidance, available on the EEC Reopening Site.

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Arrange the physical space to promote physical distancing
  2. Eliminate materials that increase the likelihood of transmission

Cleaning and Disinfecting and Hygiene Protocols

  1. Places of worship shall be cleaned and disinfected between each service, including disinfection of heavy transit areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, bathrooms, microphones, shared instruments)
  2. If a Place of worship learns that an individual with COVID-19 attended a service or otherwise entered the place of worship, it shall conduct a deep cleaning and disinfecting consistent with the Centers for Disease Control guidance
  3. Places of worship shall ensure that attendees and workers have access to handwashing facilities, including soap and running water, and allow workers sufficient break time to wash hands, as necessary. They are also encouraged to make alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol available, if possible

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible
  2. Post visible signage throughout the building to remind attendees of hygiene and safety protocols

Notification Of Positive Case 

If a Place of worship learns that an attendee or worker or other worker has tested positive for COVID-19, it shall notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the place of worship is located and assist the LBOH as reasonably requested to advise likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Is Your Sewer System A Flood Risk?

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

A sewer backup can result in flooding that may cause thousands of dollars in damaged to floors, walls and electric wiring to your Wrentham, MA commercial or residential property. Excessive rain, snow, coastal storms, storm surges can overwhelm old or blocked sewer systems causing severe flood damage. Flood damage can develop quickly and without warning. Complete details on what causes sewer issues and how to prevent catastrophes such as flooding can be found on the FEMA Ready.gov website.

Potential Sewer Issues

Most common causes of sewer issues are:

  • Tree roots that crack and block the pipes
  • Aging systems that weren’t built to handle a rapid increase in housing
  • Blockages in the city sanitary mains that aren’t found in time and back up water into homes through floor drains
  • Combined pipelines that have to deal with stormwater and raw sewage

How To Prevent a Blockage

Avoid a sewer backup by taking some preventative measures. Perform regular maintenance. Schedule routine sewer cleaning and inspection approximately every two years. Video cameras can used to find cracks and any other issues in your pipe system. Have a professional clean out any residue that may clog your lines.

Preventative Measures

  • Always discard grease and paper products correctly.
  • Don’t pour any oil based products down the drain. Use a disposable container and properly throw it away.
  • French drains or a sump pumps connected to your sewer system debris from storm damage could get into the system and block the water flow. Ensuring a proper release for these systems is critical to preventing possible flood damage.
  • Ensure your lines are plastic as they resist corrosion and are harder for tree roots to break through.

If your home has flooding damage from a backup, call the Disaster Remediation experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. We will help you make it "Like it never even happened."

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Places Of Worship, Part 2 of 3

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Places Of Worship

These sector specific COVID-19 safety standards for Places of Worship and Religious Services are issued to provide instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19 as the number of persons attending in-person services increases.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the operator of a Place of Worship is responsible for adhering to all local, state and federal requirements.

Social Distancing Seating

  1. Seating
    1. Attendees who are not part of the same immediate household must be seated at least 6 feet apart. Members of the same immediate household are permitted to sit together and less than 6 feet apart
    2. If there is fixed seating, rows should be blocked off and kept empty to allow for sufficient distancing between rows 
    3. Places of worship are encouraged to place tape or other visual distancing markings on seating to delineate 6 ft separations and to post signage indicating the maximum number of persons permitted per row 
    4. Promote ventilation for enclosed spaces where possible. For example, consider opening windows and doors to allow airflow
  2. Entering and Exiting
    1. Places of worship are encouraged to take steps to encourage orderly entering and exiting of services in a manner that encourages social distancing. For example: 
      1. Signage or floor markings should be posted to have one-way aisles or otherwise direct attendees to follow certain pathways for entering and exiting the service
      2. If a line forms outside of the service, those waiting should be directed to maintain social distancing. Tape or other markings on the ground outside of Places of worship should be placed to encourage attendees to maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet
      3. Staff should direct people in high traffic areas to help maintain social distancing
      4. Officiants or other staff should direct successive, row-by-row exiting

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Places of worship are encouraged to modify the means to collect any financial contributions from attendees so as to eliminate shared contribution trays and baskets and to minimize contact
  2. Consider setting up a no-touch method to collect contributions, and encouraging contributions through mail or electronic means
  3. Places of worship are encouraged to modify communal rituals, like taking communion or passing of the peace, so as to limit contact with others
  4. Consider distributing, where applicable, prepackaged communion or sacraments

Face Coverings

  1. All attendees and staff must wear face coverings or masks in accordance with COVID-19 Order No. 31 and the Department of Public Health’s Guidance while inside and while entering and exiting places of worship or otherwise participating in in-person services, except where a person is unable to wear a face covering or mask because of a medical or disabling condition
  2. A leader or celebrant engaged in conducting the service or making an address may remove his or her face covering while doing so, provided that he or she is able to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from other persons present; installation of protective, plexi-glass or other transparent barriers is recommended for lecterns and other points of address 3
  3. For children between age 2 and 5, the wearing of a face covering or mask is at the discretion of the child’s parent or guardian. Children under the age of 2 should not wear a face covering or mask
  4. A person who declines to wear a face covering or mask because of a medical or disabling condition shall not be required to produce documentation verifying the condition
  5. Place of worship may refuse entry to a person who refuses to wear a face covering or mask for non-medical reasons

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Attendees should use  anything that covers your nose and mouth.
  2. Attendees face coverings should be multiple layers
  3. Attendees masks should fit snugly, be secured with ties or ear straps, and not restrict breathing.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

How To Handle Fire Damage Residue

11/5/2020 (Permalink)

If your commercial or residential Wrentham, MA has suffered fire damage what happens once the charred items get removed from the site? The next step is to clean the surfaces of the impacted area. Attention to the surface is as essential as the type of smoke damage being removed will require different tools and techniques.

Trained Professionals

Some might think that simply grabbing your household cleaning solution will do the trick. The reality is that may exasperate the damage! The certified Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough will carefully test surfaces to ensure the chosen method of removal has no adverse effect on the article getting cleaned. Just as some surfaces can get damaged by the use of water, others can deteriorate after exposure to certain solvents. The three critical steps in using solvents to dissolve residues are:   

  1. Wash the surface with the solvent; this action suspends the particles
  2. Rinse the surface from both solvent and smoke residues being careful about the disposal
  3. Dry the surface 

This type of cleaning brings responsibilities towards the community and environment for safe disposal of the cleaning solvents used in this type offire and smoke damage removal. SERVPRO of Foxborough technicians are always careful to adhere to local, state, and federal regulations. Some of the main rules are:  

  1. The solvents can never get disposed of within the sewer or septic system as the dry-cleaning solvents, in particular, is an industrial waste product  
  2. Also, the cleaning wastes should never get disposed of in storm drains or gutters
  3. Wastewater used in cleaning that does not contain solvents can get disposed of through a treated sewer line, toilet, or utility sink  

After a fire SERVPRO of Foxborough is here to help you make it "Like it never even happened." Call our experts today at (508) 533-5305!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Places Of Worship, Part 1 of 3

11/5/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Places Of Worship

These sector specific COVID-19 safety standards for Places of Worship and Religious Services are issued to provide instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19 as the number of persons attending in-person services increases.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the operator of a Place of Worship is responsible for adhering to all local, state and federal requirements.

General Standards

These standards apply to all Places of Worship and Religious Services, and all services and activities including regular and holiday services, weddings, funerals, wakes, support group meetings, and other related gatherings.

Places of Worship shall communicate to members and workers that they should not attend services in person if any of the following are true:

  1. Member or worker is experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  2. Member or worker has had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, while that person was symptomatic
  3. Member or worker has been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official

Persons who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home.

Places of Worship are encouraged to hold services virtually or outdoors and to ensure that attendees who are not from the same immediate household are spaced at least 6 feet apart. When conducting services, places of worship must abide by the following requirements.

Occupancy Limitations 

For indoor services, places of worship must monitor member entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to the greater of the following:

  1. 50% of the building’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder
  2. Buildings for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow 10 persons (including staff) per 1,000 square feet of accessible space
  3. In any case, no enclosed space (e.g. a single room, basement) within the building may exceed occupancy of 10 persons per 1,000 square feet
  4. All occupancy counts and calculations shall include attendees, staff, and other workers 

If feasible, places of worship are encouraged to arrange online sign-up for services in advance in order to monitor and limit the number of attendees

Recommended Best Practices

  • If feasible, places of worship are encouraged to arrange online sign-up for services in advance in order to monitor and limit the number of attendees

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Office Spaces Part 4 of 4

11/4/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Office Spaces

These sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards for Office Spaces are issued to provide businesses and other organizations operating within general use office spaces and workers in these office spaces with instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19. Employers are encouraged to have workers continue to telework if feasible.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the operator of the office space is accountable for adhering to all local, state and federal requirements. The operator of the office space is also responsible for staying abreast of any updates to these requirements. 

According to the state of Massachusetts no activity in office spaces can occur without meeting the following sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards. These standards apply to all businesses and other organizations operating in general use office space until rescinded or amended by the State.

Cleaning And Disinfecting

  1. Always read and follow the directions on the label to ensure safe and effective use.Wear skin protection and consider eye protection for potential splash hazards
    Ensure adequate ventilation
    Use no more than the amount recommended on the label
    Use water at room temperature for dilution (unless stated otherwise on the label)
    Avoid mixing chemical products
    Label diluted cleaning solutions
    Store and use chemicals out of the reach of children and pets

  2. Always read and follow the directions on the label to ensure safe and effective use
    1. Wear skin protection and consider eye protection for potential splash hazards
    2. Ensure adequate ventilation
    3. Use no more than the amount recommended on the label
    4. Use water at room temperature for dilution (unless stated otherwise on the label)
    5. Avoid mixing chemical products
    6. Label diluted cleaning solutions
    7. Store chemicals safely according to the warning labels
  3. Clean commonly touched surfaces in restrooms (e.g., toilet seats, doorknobs, stall handles, sinks, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers) frequently and in accordance with CDC guidelines
  4. Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of site (at least daily and more frequently if feasible)
  5. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning
  6. Conduct frequent disinfecting of heavy transit areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, elevator buttons, staircases, vending machine, bathrooms)
  7. Clean shared spaces (e.g., conference rooms) between use and supply cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes)
  8. In event of a positive case, shut down site for a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current CDC guidance
  9. Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible
  10. Clean commonly touched surfaces in restrooms (e.g., toilet seats, doorknobs, stall handles, sinks, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers) frequently and in accordance with CDC guidelines
  11. Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of site (at least daily and more frequently if feasible)
  12. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning Conduct frequent disinfecting of heavy transit areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, elevator buttons, staircases, vending machine, bathrooms)
  13. Clean shared spaces (e.g., conference rooms) between use and supply cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes) In event of a positive case, shut down site for a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current CDC guidance
  14. Diluted household bleach solutions can be used if appropriate for the surface. Unexpired household bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted:
    1. Use bleach containing 5.25%–8.25% sodium hypochlorite. Do not use a bleach product if the percentage is not in this range or is not specified.
    2. Follow the manufacturer’s application instructions for the surface, ensuring a contact time of at least 1 minute.
    3. Ensure proper ventilation during and after application.
    4. Check to ensure the product is not past its expiration date.
    5. Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser. This can cause fumes that may be very dangerous to breathe in.
  15. Prepare a bleach solution by mixing:
    1. 5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) of 5.25%–8.25% bleach per gallon of room temperature water or
    2. 4 teaspoons of 5.25%–8.25% bleach per quart of room temperature water
  16. Bleach solutions will be effective for disinfection up to 24 hours.
  17. Alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol may also be used.
  18. For electronics such as tablets, touch screens, keyboards, remote controls, and ATM machines, remove visible contamination if present.
    1. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products.
    2. Consider use of wipeable covers for electronics.
    3. If no manufacturer guidance is available, consider the use of alcohol-based wipes or sprays containing at least 70% alcohol to disinfect touch screens. Dry surfaces thoroughly to avoid pooling of liquids.

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Need Help Eliminating Odor From Fire Damage?

11/4/2020 (Permalink)

One of the worst feelings a Walpole, MA property owner can face is the aftermath of fire damage. The good news is that the damage may not be as bad as it seems and help is nearby! 

Imagine a scenario where, after extensive fire damage restoration your Walpole commercial or residential property home finally looks like it did before everything happened. However, what can you do if it still smells like smoke, even weeks later? Sometimes restorations are not as thorough as they should be, that is why you need to call the fire remediation experts at t SERVPRO of Foxborough.

Reasons For Odor 

The malodor of burning plastics, wood, and other materials can linger in the air for weeks after a fire, and it could happen because:

  1. The malodor was not dealt with on a particle-level, using advanced equipment
  2. Putrid smells linger behind on the walls, and sealant paint is needed
  3. Bits of greasy soot may have been missed, trapping the odor

The fire remediation professionals at SERVPRO of Foxborough are committed to removing all the signs of fire damage that we can. It is always our goal to leave your home feeling like it did before the fire happened. Our Institution of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration-certified technicians can identify problem areas and use advanced equipment to remediate the damage.


Our technicians have access to advanced equipment that can help reduce and remove lingering odors. We can:

  1. Use hydroxyl generators to eliminate volatile organic compounds from the air
  2. Use thermal foggers, to trap scent-causing particles and neutralize them
  3. Set up air scrubbers with HEPA filters to filter the malodor out of the particles in the air and trap them
  4. Use sealant paints

If your commercial or residential property still smells like fire damage even weeks after clean up, give the experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough a call at (508) 533-5305. We will make it ”Like it never even happened."

Start A Chimney Fire Safely

11/3/2020 (Permalink)

It is once again that time of year in Foxborough, MA when the temperature is beginning to dip. It is barley November and we have already had our first snow fall of the winter season! For those of us who like to snuggle with our loved ones in front of a cosy fire, now is the time to make sure we are doing so safely.

Cleaning Your Chimney

Did you know that chimney's need cleaning at least once a year? Heavily used chimney's may need multiple cleanings each year! Now is a great time to check because you don't want to start a fire for the first time in the winter without performing maintenance. If you are unsure about if your chimney needs sprucing, all you got to do is take a flashlight and look into your chimney. Take a knife and scrape a bit of soot off of the wall, if it is more than 1/8 inches thick then it is time to call a cleaning company. For those of you DIYers, or if finding a reputable company is proving difficult, here are some steps to take to increase the safety of your chimney.

Steps To Take

  1. Check for nesting animals and critters who may have made a home in your chimney
  2. The next step is to measure the chimney. It's okay to overestimate but try to be as accurate as possible. This can be accomplished by climbing on the roof and measuring down or measuring up through the fireplace.
  3. Measure the size and shape of the flue. Generally they are round or square.


  1. Chimney brush,
  2. Goggles,
  3. Broom and dustpan
  4. Face mask 

Where To Start

  1. Clean from top down with weighted brush using up and down motions to scrape away debris.
  2. Cleaning from the bottom up requires a partner on the roof to help scrub with. Additionally you will need a pulley system (like this one found on Amazon). Be careful when sweeping and discarding the debris. Now your chimney is ready for winter nights!

Regardless if you call in a professional or attempt the task yourself it is important that your chimney is clean to reduce the risk of a fire in your home.  If a fire damages your home this winter call SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305. We will make it ”Like it never even happened."

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Office Spaces Part 3 of 4

11/3/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Office Spaces

These sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards for Office Spaces are issued to provide businesses and other organizations operating within general use office spaces and workers in these office spaces with instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19. Employers are encouraged to have workers continue to telework if feasible.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the operator of the office space is accountable for adhering to all local, state and federal requirements. The operator of the office space is also responsible for staying abreast of any updates to these requirements. 

According to the state of Massachusetts no activity in office spaces can occur without meeting the following sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards. These standards apply to all businesses and other organizations operating in general use office space until rescinded or amended by the State.

Staffing and Operations Cont.

  1. Workers must wear face coverings when social distancing of 6 feet is not possible, except where unsafe due to medical condition or disability
  2. Employers are encouraged to have workers continue to telework if feasible; external meetings should be remote to reduce density in the office
  3. Employers should establish adjusted workplace hours and shifts for workers (if working in person, leverage working teams with different schedules or staggered arrival / departure) to minimize contact across workers and reduce congestion at entry points
  4. Limit visitors and service providers on site; shipping and deliveries should be completed in designated areas
  5. For guidance on business-sponsored travel, refer to the Commonwealth's current out-of-state travel order: mass.gov/MAtraveler. Employers are strongly discouraged from allowing business related travel to destinations other than those appearing on the Department of Public Health’s list of COVID-19 lower risk States. Employers that permit employer-paid or -reimbursed travel to those States should take measures to ensure employees comply with this order. Employers are also urged to strongly discourage their employees from taking leisure travel to destinations not included on the list of COVID-19 lower-risk States
  6. Workers must stay home if feeling ill
  7. Workers who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home or arrange an alternate work assignment
  8. Workers are strongly encouraged to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  9. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing. If the employer is notified of a positive case at the workplace, the employer shall notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the workplace is located and assist the LBOH as reasonably requested to advise likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. Testing of other workers may be recommended consistent with guidance and / or at the request of the LBOH
  10. Post notice to workers and customers of important health information and relevant safety measures as outlined in the Commonwealth’s Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplace
  11. Offices should maintain operating hours that allow for on-going off-hour sanitation and cleaning
  12. Allow water fountains to be used as refill stations only, provided that social distancing can be maintained. Workers should bring their own water bottles
  13. Additional on-site amenities and services may only open and operate when those amenities or services would otherwise be authorized to operate under the Commonwealth’s Phased Reopening Plan and then must adhere to all sector-specific safety protocols, available on the Reopening Plan website, applicable to the amenity or service. Examples include: 
    • Cafeterias: Must follow the latest restaurant guidance

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Employers are encouraged to have workers continue to telework if feasible; external meetings should be remote to reduce density in the office
  2. Workers who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home or arrange an alternate work assignment
  3. Workers are strongly encouraged to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  4. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Office Spaces Part 2 of 4

10/30/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Office Spaces

These sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards for Office Spaces are issued to provide businesses and other organizations operating within general use office spaces and workers in these office spaces with instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19. Employers are encouraged to have workers continue to telework if feasible.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the operator of the office space is accountable for adhering to all local, state and federal requirements. The operator of the office space is also responsible for staying abreast of any updates to these requirements. 

According to the state of Massachusetts no activity in office spaces can occur without meeting the following sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards. These standards apply to all businesses and other organizations operating in general use office space until rescinded or amended by the State.

Hygiene Protocols

  1. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, wherever possible and encourage frequent handwashing; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative
  2. Supply workers at workplace location with adequate cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes)
  3. Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers of the hygiene and safety protocols
  4. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol should be made available at entrances and throughout floor areas for workers
  5. Require regular and not less than daily cleaning and sanitation of all high-touch areas such as workstations, door handles, and restrooms
  6. Avoid sharing office materials / equipment or disinfect equipment between use (e.g., telephones, fax machines)

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Provide hand washing capabilities throughout the workplace
  2. Ensure frequent hand washing by employees and adequate supplies to do so
  3. Provide regular sanitization of high touch areas, such as workstations, equipment, screens, doorknobs, restrooms throughout work site

Staffing and Operations

  1. Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions including hygiene and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including:
    1. Social distancing, hand-washing, proper use of face coverings
    2. Self-screening at home, including temperature and symptom checks 
    3. Importance of not coming to work if ill 
    4. When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe
    5. Which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting and suffering from a severe case of the virus
  2. Facilities must screen workers at each shift by ensuring the following:
    1. Worker is not experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
    2. Worker has not had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, while that person was symptomatic
    3. Worker has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official
    4. Workers who fail to meet the above criteria must be sent home
  3. Adjust workplace hours and shifts (leverage working teams with different schedules or staggered arrival / departure) to minimize contact across workers and reduce congestion at entry points
  4. Maintain a log of workers and customers to support contact tracing (name, date, time, contact information) if needed

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Office Spaces Part 1 of 4

10/29/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Office Spaces

These sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards for Office Spaces are issued to provide businesses and other organizations operating within general use office spaces and workers in these office spaces with instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19. Employers are encouraged to have workers continue to telework if feasible.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the operator of the office space is accountable for adhering to all local, state and federal requirements. The operator of the office space is also responsible for staying abreast of any updates to these requirements. 

According to the state of Massachusetts no activity in office spaces can occur without meeting the following sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards. These standards apply to all businesses and other organizations operating in general use office space until rescinded or amended by the State.

Social Distancing 

  1. Each office must monitor customer and worker entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to the greater of the following:
    1. 50% of the building’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder
    2. Buildings for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow 10 persons (including staff) per 1,000 square feet of accessible space
    3. In any case, no enclosed space within the facility may exceed occupancy of 10 persons per 1,000 square feet
    4. All occupancy counts and calculations shall include customers, staff, and other workers
  2. Businesses and other organizations may exceed this maximum occupancy level based on a demonstrated need for relief based on public health or public safety considerations or where strict compliance may interfere with the continued delivery of critical services
  3. Ensure separation of 6 feet or more between individuals unless this creates a safety hazard due to the nature of the work or the configuration of the workspace
    1. Close or reconfigure worker common spaces and high density areas where workers are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms, eating areas) to allow 6 feet of physical distancing; redesign work stations to ensure physical distancing (e.g., separate tables, use distance markers to assure spacing)
    2. Cafeterias must practice physical distancing and appropriate hygiene measures and may allow indoor and /or outdoor seating according to Restaurant guidance
    3. Physical partitions separating workstations must be installed for areas that cannot be spaced out. Physical partitions must be at least 6 feet in height
    4. Establish directional hallways and passageways for foot traffic if possible, to minimize contact. Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies
    5. Limit visitors where feasible, and avoid congregation in common areas (e.g., lobbies)
    6. Mark rooms and hallways to indicate 6 feet separation 
  4. Designate assigned working areas (e.g., floor, building) to individuals where possible to limit movement throughout the facility and limit contact between workers
  5. Stagger work schedules and improve ventilation for enclosed spaces where possible (e.g., open doors and windows)
  6. Limit meeting sizes, ensure 6 feet of social distancing, and encourage remote participation
  7. Stagger lunch and break times, regulating maximum number of people in one place and ensuring at least 6 feet of physical distancing
  8. Minimize the use of confined spaces (e.g., elevators, control rooms, vehicles) by more than one individual at a time; all workers in such spaces at the same time are required to wear face coverings

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Designate assigned working areas (e.g., floor, building) to individuals where possible to limit movement throughout the facility and limit contact between workers

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Museums And Guided Tours Part 4 of 4

10/28/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Museums And Guided Tours

These sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety are issued to provide owners and operators of these facilities and workers and visitors with instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19 as Museums re-open. Facilities addressed under the term “Museum” below include Museums, Aquariums, indoor and outdoor Historic Spaces and Sites, and Guided Tours.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the owner or operator for each Museum is accountable for staying abreast of any updates to these requirements.

No activity at Museums shall occur without meeting these sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards. These standards apply until rescinded or amended by the State. Owners of Museums, Cultural and Historical Facilities, and Guided Tours shall be responsible for meeting these standards.

Staffing and Operations Cont. 

  1. Facilities must screen workers at each shift by ensuring the following: 
    1. Worker is not experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough,shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
    2. Worker has not had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19
    3. Worker has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official
    4. Workers who fail to meet the above criteria must be sent home
  2. Maintain a log of workers and visitors to support potential contact tracing (name, date, time, contact information)
  3. Workers shall not appear for work or complete a shift if feeling ill
  4. Workers who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home
  5. Workers are strongly encouraged to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  6. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing. If the employer is notified of any positive case at the workplace, the employer shall notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the workplace is located.
  7. Employers must assist the LBOH with contact tracing efforts, including advising likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. Testing of other workers may be recommended consistent with guidance and / or at the request of the LBOH
  8. Post notice to workers and visitors of important health information and relevant safety measures as outlined in the Commonwealth’s Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces
  9. Interactive exhibits (i.e., touch and feel exhibits, play areas) should be closed or be configured with 6 feet of distancing clearly marked and receive frequent cleaning and disinfection. Hand hygiene station (soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer) should be accessible to promote safe use
  10. Additional on-site amenities and services may only open and operate when those amenities or services would otherwise be authorized to operate under the Commonwealth’s Phased Reopening Plan and then must adhere to all sector-specific safety protocols, available on the Reopening Plan website, applicable to the amenity or service. Examples include:
    1. Restaurants: Must follow the latest restaurant guidance
    2. Gift shops: Must follow the latest retail guidance
    3. Performance venues: Must follow the latest performance venue guidance 
    4. Events: Must follow the latest indoor and outdoor events guidance

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Workers who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home
  2. Workers are strongly encouraged to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  3. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing

Cleaning and Disinfecting

  1. Clean commonly touched surfaces in restrooms (e.g., toilet seats, doorknobs, stall handles, sinks, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers) frequently and in accordance with CDC guidelines
  2. Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of site (at least daily and more frequently if feasible)
  3. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning
  4. Conduct frequent disinfecting of heavy transit areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, bathrooms, ticket counters, staff break rooms)
  5. In event of a positive case, shut down site for a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current CDC guidance
  6. Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible

Recommended Best Practices

  • Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Museums And Guided Tours Part 3 of 4

10/27/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Museums And Guided Tours

These sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety are issued to provide owners and operators of these facilities and workers and visitors with instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19 as Museums re-open. Facilities addressed under the term “Museum” below include Museums, Aquariums, indoor and outdoor Historic Spaces and Sites, and Guided Tours.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the owner or operator for each Museum is accountable for staying abreast of any updates to these requirements.

No activity at Museums shall occur without meeting these sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards. These standards apply until rescinded or amended by the State. Owners of Museums, Cultural and Historical Facilities, and Guided Tours shall be responsible for meeting these standards.

Group Size Limitations For Guided Tours

  1. Each tour operator using a bus or other vehicle (such as a trolley, harbor cruise vessel, or duck boat) must limit occupancy at all times to 50% of the tour, vehicle or vessel’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the relevant municipal record holder
  2. Occupancy limitations for boat tours using vessels with open deck space that can be used to accommodate passengers shall be determined in accordance with the formula used to set charter boat occupancy limits, outlined in the Workplace Safety and Reopening Standards for For-Hire and Charter Vessels
  3. Tours of spaces for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record must limit occupancy based on the Indoor and Outdoor Event guidance on the Reopening Website
  4. All occupant counts and calculations shall include customers and workers
  5. Groups of passengers should be separated on the vehicle by empty seats. If that is not possible, vehicles should stagger open rows
  6. Tour operators must limit group size in walking tours to groups of no more than 10 persons, excluding guides, Recommend limiting tour parties to members of the same household only
  7. Guides and guests should maintain 6 feet of distance and wear face coverings

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Museums are encouraged to offer exclusive hours or other accommodations for those in high-risk populations as defined by the CDC
  2. Encourage online ticket sales and contactless payment methods if possible
  3. Consider using timed entry tickets / reservations and imposing time limits for visits to ensure compliance with occupancy limits
  4. Recommend limiting tour parties to members of the same household only

Hygiene Protocols

  1. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, wherever possible and encourage frequent handwashing; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative Supply workers at workplace location with adequate cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes)
  2. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol should be made available at entrances, exits, and throughout floor areas for both workers and visitors
  3. Avoid sharing equipment and supplies between workers 
  4. Disinfect shared equipment before use by another employee
  5. Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers of hygiene and safety protocols

Staffing and Operations 

  1. Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions including hygiene and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including:
    1. Social distancing, hand-washing, proper use of face coverings
    2. Self-screening at home, including temperature and symptom checks
    3. Reinforce that staff shall not coming to work if ill
    4. When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe
    5. Which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting and suffering from a severe case of the virus
  2. Adjust workplace hours and shifts (leverage working teams with different schedules or staggered arrival / departure) to minimize contact across workers and reduce congestion at entry points
  3. Facilities should maintain operating hours that allow for on-going off-hour sanitation and cleaning
  4. Limit visitors and service providers on site; shipping and deliveries should be completed in designated areas

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Museums And Guided Tours Part 2 of 4

10/23/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Museums And Guided Tours

These sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety are issued to provide owners and operators of these facilities and workers and visitors with instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19 as Museums re-open. Facilities addressed under the term “Museum” below include Museums, Aquariums, indoor and outdoor Historic Spaces and Sites, and Guided Tours.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the owner or operator for each Museum is accountable for staying abreast of any updates to these requirements.

No activity at Museums shall occur without meeting these sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards. These standards apply until rescinded or amended by the State. Owners of Museums, Cultural and Historical Facilities, and Guided Tours shall be responsible for meeting these standards.

Staffing And Operations

  1. Require face coverings for all workers and visitors, except where unsafe due to medical condition or disability
  2. In Phase 3, Step 1 each museum must monitor visitor entries and exits and limit occupancy for each building open to the public at all times to: 
    1. 40% of the museum’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder 
    2. Facilities for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow up to 8 persons (including staff) per 1,000 square feet of accessible indoor or outdoor space
    3. In any case, no enclosed space within the facility shall exceed occupancy of 8 persons per 1,000 square feet 
  3. In Phase 3 Step 2, each facility must monitor visitor entries and exits, ensure social distancing, and limit occupancy at all times to:
    1. 50% of the facility’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder
    2. Facilities for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow up to 10 persons per 1,000 square feet of accessible indoor or outdoor space
    3. In any case, no enclosed space within the facility shall exceed occupancy of 10 persons per 1,000 square feet
  4. All occupant counts and calculations shall include customers, staff, and other workers
  5. Post clearly visible signage regarding the need to maintain 6 feet of social distancing and not to enter a room until that distancing can be maintained
  6. Museums are encouraged to offer exclusive hours or other accommodations for those in high risk populations as defined by the CDC
  7. Ensure separation of 6 feet or more between individuals where possible:
    1. Close or reconfigure worker common spaces and high density areas where workers are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms, eating areas) to allow social distancing
    2. Physical partitions must separate workstations that cannot be spaced out (partitions must be at least 6 feet in height)
    3. Install physical barriers for ticket counters, checkout stations, etc. where possible o Install visual social distancing markers to encourage visitors to remain 6 feet apart (e.g., lines outside of the museum if applicable, lines to make payments, lines to use the restroom)
    4. Mark exhibit rooms and hallways to indicate 6 feet separation
  8. Establish directional pathways to manage visitor flow for foot traffic, if possible, to minimize contact (e.g., one-way entrance and exit to rooms / exhibits, one-way pathways). Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies
  9. Stagger lunch and break times, regulating max number of people in one place and ensuring at least 6 feet of physical distancing
  10. Encourage online ticket sales and contactless payment methods if possible
  11. Consider using timed entry tickets / reservations and imposing time limits for visits to ensure compliance with occupancy limits
  12. Encourage the use of electronic versions of guide materials (such as brochures and gallery guides) where possible. All physical guide materials (such as paper brochures, gallery guides, and audio guides) must be discarded or sanitized between use. Any self-serve racks must be removed, and all materials must be handed out individually

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Museums And Guided Tours Part 1 of 4

10/22/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Museums And Guided Tours

These sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety are issued to provide owners and operators of these facilities and workers and visitors with instructions to help protect against the spread of COVID-19 as Museums re-open. Facilities addressed under the term “Museum” below include Museums, Aquariums, indoor and outdoor Historic Spaces and Sites, and Guided Tours.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data and matrix upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, and the owner or operator for each Museum is accountable for staying abreast of any updates to these requirements.

No activity at Museums shall occur without meeting these sector specific COVID-19 workplace safety standards. These standards apply until rescinded or amended by the State. Owners of Museums, Cultural and Historical Facilities, and Guided Tours shall be responsible for meeting these standards.

Social Distancing And Capacity Limits

  1. Require face coverings for all workers and visitors, except where unsafe due to medical condition or disability 
  2. In Phase 3, Step 1 each museum must monitor visitor entries and exits and limit occupancy for each building open to the public at all times to:
    1. 40% of the museum’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder 
    2. Facilities for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow up to 8 persons (including staff) per 1,000 square feet of accessible indoor or outdoor space
    3. In any case, no enclosed space within the facility shall exceed occupancy of 8 persons per 1,000 square feet 
  3. In Phase 3 Step 2, each facility must monitor visitor entries and exits, ensure social distancing, and limit occupancy at all times to:
    1. 50% of the facility’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder
    2. Facilities for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow up to 10 persons per 1,000 square feet of accessible indoor or outdoor space
    3. In any case, no enclosed space within the facility shall exceed occupancy of 10 persons per 1,000 square feet
  4. All occupant counts and calculations shall include customers, staff, and other workers
  5. Post clearly visible signage regarding the need to maintain 6 feet of social distancing and not to enter a room until that distancing can be maintained
  6. Museums are encouraged to offer exclusive hours or other accommodations for those in high risk populations as defined by the CDC
  7. Ensure separation of 6 feet or more between individuals where possible:
    1. Close or reconfigure worker common spaces and high density areas where workers are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms, eating areas) to allow social distancing
    2. Physical partitions must separate workstations that cannot be spaced out (partitions must be at least 6 feet in height)
    3. Install physical barriers for ticket counters, checkout stations, etc. where possible
    4. Install visual social distancing markers to encourage visitors to remain 6 feet apart (e.g., lines outside of the museum if applicable, lines to make payments, lines to use the restroom)
    5. Mark exhibit rooms and hallways to indicate 6 feet separation
  8. Establish directional pathways to manage visitor flow for foot traffic, if possible, to minimize contact (e.g., one-way entrance and exit to rooms / exhibits, one-way pathways). Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies
  9. Stagger lunch and break times, regulating max number of people in one place and ensuring at least 6 feet of physical distancing
  10. Encourage online ticket sales and contactless payment methods if possible
  11. Consider using timed entry tickets / reservations and imposing time limits for visits to ensure compliance with occupancy limits
  12. Encourage the use of electronic versions of guide materials (such as brochures and gallery guides) where possible. All physical guide materials (such as paper brochures, gallery guides, and audio guides) must be discarded or sanitized between use. Any self-serve racks must be removed, and all materials must be handed out individually

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Museums are encouraged to offer exclusive hours or other accommodations for those in high-risk populations as defined by the CDC
  2. Encourage online ticket sales and contactless payment methods if possible

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Fitness & Health Clubs Part 3 of 3

10/21/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Fitness Centers And Health Clubs

The state of Massachusetts defines Fitness Centers and Health Clubs as any fitness facility that provides access to and/or instruction of personal fitness training, including but not limited to fitness activities such as:

  1. Weight and resistance training
  2. Crosstraining
  3. Yoga
  4. Spin classes
  5. Boot camp training

Indoor and outdoor athletic facilities, such as those for gymnastics, tennis, and swimming (whether a standalone facility or part of a Fitness Center or Health Club) must follow the Youth and Adult Sports guidance and the Pools guidance, available on the EEA Reopening Site.

Staffing And Operations Cont.

  1. Clearly designate staff responsible for sanitizing, cleaning, and supervision during each shift
  2. Workers must stay home if feeling ill
  3. If the employer is notified of a positive case at the workplace, the employer shall notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the workplace is located and assist the LBOH as reasonably requested to advise likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. Testing of other workers may be recommended consistent with CDC or DPH guidance and / or at the request of the LBOH
  4. Post notice to workers and visitors of important health information and relevant safety measures as outlined in the Commonwealth’s Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplace
  5. Close or mark lockers to enforce 6 feet social distancing, especially in locker rooms. Lockers should be sanitized after each use. Gyms should provide sanitizing wipes near the lockers or in the locker room
  6. Individual and communal shower areas may open but should be limited to 50% capacity. Social distancing of at least 6 feet is required for all individuals in shower and locker room areas. Showers that accompany pools may follow guidance for pools located on the Reopening Website
  7. Require that towels be stored in clearly labeled (clean vs. soiled) sanitary containers. Appropriate temperatures should be used when washing and drying towels. Employees must wear proper protective equipment (gloves and face covering) while handling towels. Towels should not be shaken out
  8. Operations of related services may be allowed to open and must follow sector-specific safety protocols for each setting. Some examples include: 
    1. In-facility child-care: Must follow child-care guidance
    2. Bars/food services: Must follow restaurant guidance
    3. Pools: Must follow pool guidance 
    4. Athletic facilities (e.g., tennis courts): Must follow adult and youth sports guidance
    5. Massage: Must follow close contact personal services guidance
    6. Saunas, hot-tubs, and steam rooms: May not open before Phase 4
  9. Fans should not be used indoors and should only be used for outdoor classes if directed away from other customers
  10. For indoor and outdoor sports guidance, please refer to the EEA Reopening Site

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Consider creating “shifts” for customers engaging in unstructured exercise (i.e., open weight rooms) by using a reservation system in order to enforce occupancy limits
  2. Workers who are particularly high risk to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home
  3. Encourage workers to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  4. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing
  5. Consider setting aside specific hours of operation exclusively for vulnerable populations
  6. Limit employees to discrete work zones to minimize overlap where possible

Cleaning And Disinfecting

  1. Clean commonly touched surfaces in restrooms (e.g., toilet seats, doorknobs, stall handles, sinks, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers) frequently and in accordance with CDC guidelines
  2. Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of site (at least daily, and more frequently if feasible)
  3. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning
  4. Conduct frequent disinfecting of heavily transited areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, handrails, equipment, etc.)
  5. In the event of a positive case of a worker, customer or vendor shut down site and wait 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current CDC guidance
  6. Disinfect all fitness equipment or mutually-touched objects (e.g., spin shoes, jump ropes, dumbbells, etc.) immediately after each use. At no point should customers come in contact with objects that others have touched without first being disinfected according to CDC guidance

Recommended Best Practices

  • Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Fitness & Health Clubs Part 2 of 3

10/20/2020 (Permalink)

Lower risk Massachusetts communities have been permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan. The Commonwealth defines "Lower-risk communities"  as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reportsClick here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Fitness Centers And Health Clubs

The state of Massachusetts defines Fitness Centers and Health Clubs as any fitness facility that provides access to and/or instruction of personal fitness training, including but not limited to fitness activities such as:

  1. Weight and resistance training
  2. Crosstraining
  3. Yoga
  4. Spin classes
  5. Boot camp training

Indoor and outdoor athletic facilities, such as those for gymnastics, tennis, and swimming (whether a standalone facility or part of a Fitness Center or Health Club) must follow the Youth and Adult Sports guidance and the Pools guidance, available on the EEA Reopening Site.

Hygiene Protocols

  1. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, and allow enough break time for workers to wash hands frequently; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative
  2. Distribute hand sanitizer and disposable wipes abundantly throughout the space for workers and customers to disinfect their hands and equipment before and after use
  3. Place disposable wipes next to each piece of large equipment (such as treadmills, bikes, rowing machines) and next to each area containing smaller equipment (such as free weights)
  4. Require trainers to wash hands before and after each training session and sanitize frequently during each session
  5. All equipment must be sanitized between uses. No equipment shall be used by another customer or returned to the storage rack / container without being sanitized
  6. Encourage customers to use one piece of equipment at a time (e.g., limit circuit training or “super sets” with multiple pieces of equipment) in order to facilitate required sanitizing. Facilities must provide sanitization supplies at each piece of equipment in order for customers to clean in between each use
  7. If sanitation (or the monitoring thereof by employees) of any piece of equipment is not possible or practical, this equipment shall be closed off
  8. Encourage customers to use their own personal exercise equipment (such as spin shoes, jump ropes, yoga mats, etc.) when possible. If shared items are used, they must be sanitized in between each use
  9. Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers and customers of hygiene and safety protocols
  10. Allow water fountains to be used as refill stations only, provided that social distancing can be maintained. Customers and workers should bring their own water bottles or purchase from the business. Customers are not to drink directly from the water fountain

Staffing Operations

  1. Encourage outdoor exercise, classes, sessions, etc. where possible, so long as appropriate physical distancing is maintained at all times and any equipment used is sanitized after each use
  2. Personal trainers should maintain six feet of distance from clients to the extent possible and should minimize any prolonged close contact. Personal trainers must wear face coverings. Any equipment used during the personal training session must be sanitized after each use, or at the end of the session if the client was the only person who used the equipment during the session
  3. Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions including hygiene and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including:
    1. Social distancing, hand-washing, proper use of face coverings
    2. Self-screening at home, including temperature and symptom checks
    3. Reinforcing that staff should not come to work if sick
    4. When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe 
    5. Which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting and suffering from a severe case of the virus
  4. Adjust workplace hours and shifts (working teams with different schedules or staggered arrival / departure) to minimize contact across workers and reduce congestion
  5. Require customers to sign up for classes in advance
  6. Facilities must screen workers at each shift by ensuring the following: 
    1. Worker is not experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
    2. Worker has not had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, while that person was symptomatic
    3. Worker has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official
    4. Workers who fail to meet the above criteria must be sent home
  7. Maintain a log of workers and customers to support potential contact tracing (name, date, time, contact information)
  8. Close or limit waiting areas and, for class-based activities with distinct session times, ask customers to wait outside or in cars until 10 minutes prior to their class
  9. Schedule 30-minute windows between classes to allow for thorough cleaning and appropriate ventilation of the fitness room, and to discourage congestion

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Fitness & Health Clubs Part 1 of 3

10/16/2020 (Permalink)

Last Monday, October 5, lower risk Massachusetts communities will be permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan.

Lower-risk communities are defined as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reports. Click here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Fitness Centers And Health Clubs

The state of Massachusetts defines Fitness Centers and Health Clubs as any fitness facility that provides access to and/or instruction of personal fitness training, including but not limited to fitness activities such as:

  1. Weight and resistance training
  2. Crosstraining
  3. Yoga
  4. Spin classes
  5. Boot camp training

Indoor and outdoor athletic facilities, such as those for gymnastics, tennis, and swimming (whether a standalone facility or part of a Fitness Center or Health Club) must follow the Youth and Adult Sports guidance and the Pools guidance, available on the EEA Reopening Site.

Social Distancing And Capacity Limits

  1. Require face coverings for all workers and visitors, except where unsafe due to medical condition or disability, or when engaging in strenuous fitness activity in accordance with the rules below
  2. Customers wearing face coverings during fitness activity must maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet. If customers cannot wear a face covering during strenuous fitness activity, distancing of at least 14 feet must be maintained,
  3. In Phase 3 Step 1, each facility must monitor visitor entries and exits, ensure social distancing, and limit occupancy at all times to:
    1. 40% of the facility’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder
    2. Facilities for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow 8 persons per 1,000 square feet of accessible indoor or outdoor space
    3. In any case, no enclosed space within the facility shall exceed occupancy of 8 persons per 1,000 square feet
  4. In Phase 3 Step 2, each facility must monitor visitor entries and exits, ensure social distancing, and limit occupancy at all times to:
    1. 50% of the facility’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder
    2. Facilities for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow up to 10 persons per 1,000 square feet of accessible indoor or outdoor space
    3. In any case, no enclosed space within the facility shall exceed occupancy of 10 persons per 1,000 square feet
  5. All occupancy counts and calculations shall include visitors, staff, and other workers
  6. Arrange all equipment (weights, machines, treadmills, bikes, etc.) so exercise areas are spaced out at least 14 feet apart. If spacing of equipment is not possible, equipment must be blocked off or closed to maintain 14 feet of distancing. Spacing of machines may be adjusted to at least 6 feet apart if barriers are installed
  7. Consider installing plastic barriers between equipment where possible. Barriers must extend high enough to effectively block respiration from someone using the equipment. If barriers are installed, they must be cleaned regularly.
  8. In group fitness classes, 14 feet of physical distancing must be maintained between attendees at all times. If physical barriers are installed to separate group fitness equipment, 6 feet of physical distancing must be maintained
  9. Install visual markers (boundaries, walkways, signage, etc.) to encourage customers to remain at least 6 feet apart while moving throughout the space
  10. Establish directional pathways to manage visitor flow for foot traffic, to minimize contact (e.g., one-way entrance and exit to rooms, oneway pathways). Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies
  11. Stagger lunch and break times for workers, regulate the maximum number of people in one place and ensure at least 6 feet of physical distancing between workers
  12. Close or reconfigure common spaces and high-density areas of facilities where workers are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms and eating areas) to allow 6 feet of physical distancing
  13. Close or reconfigure other common spaces where customers are likely to congregate or where social distancing is not possible, such as lobbies and waiting areas
  14. Install physical partitions in areas where physical distancing is not possible, such as service counters

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Consider installing plastic barriers between equipment where possible. Barriers must extend high enough to effectively block respiration from someone using the equipment. If barriers are installed, they must be cleaned regularly
  2. Consider establishing “workout zones” to encourage spacing of customers using free weights, dumbbells, etc.
  3. Contactless payment and sign-in methods are encouraged

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Certified Technicians

10/15/2020 (Permalink)

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are trained and certified. What does that mean? 


Restoration industry standards are set by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification Board (IICRC). It is a non-profit group overseeing the qualification of the restoration, remediation and cleaning trade. When a technician obtains a program mitigation certificate from the IICRC, he or she is held to the highest standards. Not only does this keep industry standards high, but it also establishes a recognized national standard, and that is why insurance agents and adjusters keep the graduates on their preferred vendor's lists. Here are a few of the values our certified technicians are expected to uphold.


Technicians are taught that working with clients and staff that everyone treats respectfully can elevate the job site. It can also help bring out natural abilities and let inborn qualities shine.


Valuing integrity, the expectation is that all graduating technicians will have strong ethical principles. Dealing honestly and upholding high values is important in developing an honorable reputation within the cleaning and restoration industry.


Once at a job, all IICRC certified technicians are expected to work as if the property were their own. This includes completing the job promptly and using the best tools available to finish the job.


Service, leadership, and duty are all part of what the graduate is expected to bring to the office each day. Our technicians are also taught to hold high standards in service, on the job and off.


To keep standards, values, and expertise high, the board continues to hold classes to improve industry knowledge. As new and improved tools become available, they are incorporated into the classes. Also, certification is a lifelong process of self-improvement and gaining professional knowledge. Our technicians must obtain 14 hours of education every four years.

The IICRC helps hold trained technicians of the cleaning and restoration industry to a high standard. At SERVPRO of Foxborough we value and understand the importance of certification. That is why our technicians are certified, and that is the SERVPRO Difference.

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Close Contact Personal Services Part 3 of 3

10/15/2020 (Permalink)

Last Monday, October 5, lower risk Massachusetts communities will be permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan.

Lower-risk communities are defined as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reports. Click here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Close Contact Personal Services - Cleaning And Disinfecting

  1. Establish and maintain cleaning protocols specific to the business
  2. When an active employee is diagnosed with COVID19, cleaning and disinfecting must be performed
  3. Disinfection of all common surfaces must take place at intervals appropriate to said workplace
  4. Clean commonly touched surfaces in restrooms (e.g., toilet seats, doorknobs, stall handles, sinks, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers) frequently and in accordance with CDC guidelines
  5. Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of site (at least daily, and more frequently if feasible)
  6. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning
  7. Conduct frequent disinfecting of heavily transited areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, handrails, headrests, armrests, etc.)
  8. In the event of a positive case of a worker, patron or vendor shut down site for a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current CDC guidance
  9. Disinfect or replace tools, implements and surfaces between customers (e.g., tables, finger bowls, chairs and headrests, spatulas, clippers, spacers, styling tools)
  10. If tools cannot be disinfected (i.e., porous tools such as nail files, buffers, drill bits, etc.), they must be discarded after use
  11. Disinfect chair, table, and/or workstation between customers or use disposable plastic coverings for each customer, observing contact time on label for disinfectant to work properly
  12. Launder all linens, towel drapes and smocks in hot soapy water and dry completely regularly and between each use
  13. Routine cleaning and disinfection procedures (e.g., using cleaners and water to pre-clean surfaces prior to applying an EPA-registered, hospital-grade disinfectant for appropriate contact times as indicated on the product's label).
  14. If performing emergency dental procedures, follow standard practices for disinfection and sterilization of dental devices contaminated with SARS-CoV-2, as described in the CDC Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities, 2008 and Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health Care Settings – 2003.
  15. In some emergency procedures appropriate cleaning and disinfecting techniques from bloodborne pathogen practices should be used, including protecting vacuum lines with liquid disinfectant traps and high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters or filters of equivalent or superior efficiency and which are checked routinely and maintained or replaced as necessary.

Note: Workers who perform cleaning and disinfection in healthcare may require PPE and/or other controls to protect them simultaneously from chemical hazards posed by disinfectants and from human blood, body fluids, and other potentially infectious materials to which they have occupational exposure in the healthcare environment. Employers may need to adapt guidance from this Dentistry workers and Employers section, the Environmental Services Workers and Employers section, and the interim guidance for workers and employers of workers at increased risk of occupational exposure, in order to fully protect workers performing cleaning and disinfection activities in healthcare workplaces.

Recommended Best Practices

  • Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Properly Clean Soot Damage

10/14/2020 (Permalink)

Damage from a fire can be traumatic. Removing damaged or ruined items is just the beginning of the restoration process. Improperly cleaning soot and smoke residue can result in more damage to your Walpole, MA residential or commercial property. The best course of action, call the experts. 

The Disaster Remediation teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough have considerable training in identifying different kinds of residues and odor particles, which helps them pinpoint the ideal cleanup procedures for your fire damaged home.

What Is Soot

Soot is a smoke that has settled on surfaces as a residue. There are four different kinds of smoke residue: 

  • Dry smoke residues
  • Wet smoke residues
  • Protein smoke residues
  • Fuel oil smoke residues 

Each Type Of Residue Must Be Cleaned Differently 

All fires burn differently, which means they leave behind different kinds of residues. Many variables determine what kinds of residues are left behind. Still, SERVPRO of Foxborough  technicians have the experience to outline the best cleanup process, and they know which products are necessary to eliminate the specific residues. 

How To Approach Cleanup

  • Find and identify the residues
  • Identify the surfaces on which residues are present
  • Capture and remove the residues
  • Properly dispose of the residues 

Cleaning Techniques 

We use both air and fluids to remove residues, depending on the residue types and where they are present. Our Disaster Remediation Teams may use vacuuming to remove some residues, while others are captured and dissolved in different cleaning solutions. They also understand how to remove these residues after completing the cleanup process. 

Has your residential or commercial property suffered fire damage? Call the experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough today – (508) 533-5305. We will make it “Like it never even happened.”

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Close Contact Personal Services Part 2 of 3

10/14/2020 (Permalink)

Last Monday, October 5, lower risk Massachusetts communities will be permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan.

Lower-risk communities are defined as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reports. Click here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Close Contact Personal Services - Hygiene Protocols

  1. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, and allow enough break time for workers to wash hands frequently; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative
  2. Supply workers at workplace location with adequate cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, disinfectant)
  3. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol shall be made available at entrances and throughout floor areas for both workers and customers
  4. Require glove changes and handwashing before and after each customer
  5. Do not permit sharing of tools and supplies between workers (e.g., clippers, spacers, brushes, needles, etc.). All tools must be cleaned between each customer
  6. Workers should change into a clean smock or gown between each customer. Consider using disposable capes and smocks. Reusable capes, towels, gowns should be laundered between each use
  7. Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers and customers of hygiene and safety protocols

Staffing & Operations

  1. Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions including hygiene and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including:
    1. Social distancing, hand-washing, proper use of face coverings
    2. Self-screening at home, including temperature and symptom checks 
    3. Reinforcing that staff shall not come to work if sick 
    4. When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe 
    5. Which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting and suffering from a severe case of the virus
  2. Facilities must screen workers at each shift by ensuring the following:
    1. Worker is not experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea 
    2. Worker has not had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19
    3. Worker has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official
    4. Workers who fail to meet the above criteria must be sent home
  3. Adjust workplace hours and shifts (working teams with different schedules or staggered arrival / departure) to minimize contact across workers and reduce congestion
  4. Require customers to make an appointment in advance to receive service
  5. Close waiting areas and ask customers to wait outside or in cars until it is time for their appointment
  6. Maintain a log of workers and customers to support potential contact tracing (name, date, time, contact information)
  7. Remove non-essential amenities (e.g., magazines, customer-facing water or coffee, coat rooms, etc.)
  8. Workers shall not appear for work or complete a shift if feeling ill
  9. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing. If the employer is notified of any positive case at the workplace, the employer must immediately notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the workplace is located. Employers must assist the LBOH with contact tracing efforts, including advising likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. Testing of other workers may be recommended consistent with guidance and / or at the request of the LBOH
  10. Post notice to workers and customers of important health information and relevant safety measures as outlined in the Commonwealth’s Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplace
  11. Businesses should maintain operating hours that allow for on-going off-hour sanitation and cleaning
  12. Limit visitors and service providers on site; shipping and deliveries should be completed in designated areas

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Workers who are who are at high risk from COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control should be encouraged to stay home or should have work assignments shifted to reduce contact with customers and co-workers
  2. Workers are strongly encouraged to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  3. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing
  4. Limit employee movement to discrete work zones to minimize overlap where possible

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Even Small Leaks Can Lead To Large Losses

10/13/2020 (Permalink)

Even the smallest spills and leaks can lead to major damage in your Foxborough, MA residential or commercial property. Not properly cleaning up after a spill can cause mold growth. Ignoring a small water leak can, over time, can cause damage to building materials such as floors, walls, insulation and may even result in structural damage. 

Not every water spill is serious enough to call a professional water cleanup company, but it's important for you to know how to properly take care of any spills or small leak. If you act fast and understand how to clean up, you can prevent any secondary damage. 

For example, a fish tank that leaks or breaks and a gallons of water spill onto the floor. Here are some of the things you'll need to properly clean the area:

  1. Shop vacuum (wet/dry vac) 
  2. Pumps
  3. Towels
  4. Box fan/s 
  5. Air movers
  6. Dehumidifier - If you don't have one you can rent from your local tool rental business. It's best to have an industrial strength dehumidifier, but in a pinch a household is better than no dehumidifier at all.

Most property owners may have some of the necessary tools and may even think that is enough. Unfortunately, that is usually not the case. There are no short cuts to take during the drying process.

As soon as you see the spill, and IF IT IS SAFE TO DO SO:

  1. Identify and stop the source of water
  2. Cleaning up the mess right away with a a pump or shop vacuum if you have one
  3. Use towels to dry the rest of the water
  4. ONLY IF ALL WATER HAS BEEN REMOVED AND IT IS SAFE TO DO SO, place box fans or a dehumidifiers near the damaged area and them on.    

The fact is that it is NOT always safe to clean up water damage. From contaminated water to the possibility of electrocution the risk of harming oneself is real. That is why you need the help of certified professionals.

If water has damaged your commercial or residential property call the experts at SERVPRO of FoxboroughWe will make it "Like it never even happened," at (508) 229-2061 for remediation services. 

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Close Contact Personal Services Part 1 of 3

10/13/2020 (Permalink)

Last Monday, October 5, lower risk Massachusetts communities will be permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan.

Lower-risk communities are defined as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reports. Click here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Close Contact Personal Services 

This is a reminder that Barber Shops and Hair Salons, originally authorized to open in Phase 1 of the Re-Opening Plan, are subject to these workplace safety standards.

Close Contact Personal Service are defined as any personal service typically delivered through close physical contact with the customer, including but not limited to:

  • hair salons and barber shops; as permitted to open in Phase 1 of the Re-Opening Plan
  • hair removal services; including laser services, depilatory salons, waxing services, threading, and electrolysis services 
  • massage, body treatments, eastern treatment, energy therapies and other body work therapies
  • skin care services; including peels, facials, serums, Botox and filler
  • nail care services; including nail salons
  • other hair services; including hair replacement services, scalp treating services 
  • makeup salons
  • makeup application services;
  • tanning salons; including other businesses that provide spray tanning and tanning beds; and
  • tattoo, piercing, and body art services

Note: personal trainers should follow fitness center and health club guidance for Phase 3, available on the Massachusetts Reopening Site Saunas, hot tubs, and sensory float tanks must remain closed


Face coverings are required for all customers and workers, except where an individual is unable to wear a face covering due to a medical condition or disability

  • For skin or beard care that occurs on the face, the customer may temporarily remove the face covering but must immediately put the face covering back on for the remainder of the visit. Require workers to wear gloves, gowns or smocks, and prescription glasses, safety glasses or goggles Ensure separation of 6 feet or more between individuals where possible:
  • Close or reconfigure common spaces and high density areas where workers and patrons are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms and eating areas for workers; lobbies and workstations for customers) to allow social distancing 
  • Arrange workstations so work areas are spaced out at least 6 feet apart
  • Physical partitions must separate workstations that cannot be spaced out (partitions must be at least 6 feet in height)
  • Install physical barriers for checkout stations where possible, otherwise maintain 6 feet distance where not possible
  • Install visual social distancing markers to encourage customers to remain 6 feet apart (e.g., checkout lines, lines to use the restroom)
  • Mark rooms and hallways to indicate 6 feet separation Stagger lunch and break times for workers, regulate the maximum number of people in one place, and ensure at least 6 feet of physical distancing Establish directional pathways to manage visitor flow for foot traffic, to minimize contact (e.g., one-way entrance and exit to rooms, one-way pathways). Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies No guests should accompany the customer during the personal service except for persons serving as caretakers or guardians. Guests must observe all other requirements of customers, including wearing a face covering and maintaining 6 feet of separation from other persons present

Recommended Best Practices

Contactless payment methods are encouraged Encourage curbside pickup or delivery of any retail items purchased by customers not already on the premises for a service appointment, and follow the Retail Business guidance for customers seeking retail purchases instead of or in addition to personal services

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Restaurants Part 3 of 3

10/9/2020 (Permalink)

As of this past Monday, October 5, lower risk Massachusetts communities will be permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan.

Lower-risk communities are defined as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reports. Click here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Restaurants - Staffing & Operations Cont.

  1. Anyone showing signs of illness may be denied entry
  2. Workers must stay home if feeling ill
  3. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing. If the employer is notified of any positive case at the workplace, the employer must immediately notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the workplace is located. Employers must assist the LBOH with contact tracing efforts, including advising likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. Testing of other workers may be recommended consistent with guidance and / or at the request of the LBOH
  4. Notify workers that they may not work if they test positive for COVID-19 (they should be isolated at home) or are found to be a close contact of someone with COVID-19 (they should be quarantined at home)
  5. Post notice to workers and customers of important health information and relevant safety measures as outlined in the Commonwealth’s Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplace
  6. Designate the Person in Charge (105 CMR 590) for each shift to oversee implementation of the guidelines in this document
  7. Restaurants will be allowed to maximize outdoor dining space, including patios and parking lots where available, where municipal approval is obtained
  8. Additional on-site amenities and services shall only open and operate when those amenities or services would otherwise be authorized to operate under the Commonwealth’s Phased Reopening Plan and then must adhere to all sector-specific safety protocols, available on the Reopening Plan website, applicable to the amenity or service. Examples include:
    1. Darts, arcade games, and other indoor games: Must follow the Arcades & Other Indoor & Outdoor Game & Recreation Businesses guidance, including the requirement that active use of pool tables and other games involving patrons not seated at tables is not permitted in areas where food service is provided.
    2. Musical and other performances: Must follow the latest Theater and Performance Venue guidance, including distance between performers and between performers and attendees. Any performers arriving from other states must follow the Commonwealth’s current out-of-state travel order. Performances at indoor venues in Step 1 communities may not include singing or the playing of wind or brass instruments. Performances at indoor venues in step 2 communities may not include singing, but may include the playing of wind or brass instruments in accordance with the performance venue guidance 
    3. Dance floors: Must remain closed until Phase 4 
    4. Gift shops: Must follow the latest retail guidance 
    5. Events hosted at restaurants must follow the Indoor and Outdoor Events guidance, including the capacity limitations in that guidance.

Recommended Best Practices - Staffing & Operations

  1. Encourage use of technological solutions where possible to reduce person-to-person interaction (e.g., contactless payment, mobile ordering, text on arrival for seating)
  2. Workers who are particularly high risk to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home or arrange an alternate work assignment
  3. Workers are strongly encouraged to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  4. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing

Cleaning & Disinfecting

  1. Clean commonly touched surfaces in restrooms (e.g., toilet seats, doorknobs, stall handles, sinks, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers) frequently and in accordance with CDC guidelines
  2. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning
  3. Conduct frequent disinfecting of heavy transit areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, elevator buttons, staircases)
  4. Implement procedures to increase cleaning / disinfecting in the back-of-house. Avoid all food contact surfaces when using disinfectants. Food contact surfaces must be cleaned and sanitized before use with a sanitizer approved for food contact surfaces. Non-food contact surfaces must be frequently cleaned
  5. In the event of a presumptive or actual positive COVID-19 case of a worker, patron, or vendor, the restaurant must shut down site for a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current CDC guidance

Recommended Best Practices - Cleaning & Disinfecting

  1. Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Restaurants Part 2 of 3

10/8/2020 (Permalink)

As of this past Monday, October 5, lower risk Massachusetts communities will be permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan.

Lower-risk communities are defined as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reports. Click here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Restaurants - Hygiene Protocols

  1. All workers must wash their hands frequently, and table servers must wash their hands or apply hand sanitizer between each table interaction
  2. Restaurants must ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, and allow sufficient break time for workers to wash hands frequently; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative
  3. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol shall be made available at entrances, exits, and in the dining area
  4. Restaurants must supply workers at workplace location with adequate cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes) Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers and customers of hygiene and safety protocols
  5. Self-serve, unattended buffets, topping bars, drink stations, and other communal serving areas must remain closed
  6. Condiments and similar products (e.g., salt, pepper, and salad dressing) should not be pre-set on tables and should instead only be provided upon request either in single-serving portions (e.g., individual packages or cups) or in serving containers that are sanitized between each use
  7. Menus must be one of the following:
    1. paper, single-use menus disposed after each use
    2. displayed menu (e.g., digital, whiteboard, chalkboard)
    3. electronic menus viewed on customers’ phones / mobile devices,
    4. laminated reusable menus sanitized between each use
  8. Utensils and place settings must be either single-use or sanitized after each use; utensils should be rolled or packaged
  9. Tables should not be pre-set to reduce opportunity for exposure
  10. Tables and chairs must be cleaned and sanitized thoroughly between each seating

Staffing & Operations

  1. When possible, reservations or call ahead seating should be encouraged; managers must ensure that diners waiting for tables do not congregate in common areas or form lines
  2. When taking reservations and when seating walk-in customers, restaurants should retain a phone number of someone in the party for possible contact tracing
  3. Restaurants may not provide customers with buzzers or other devices to provide alerts that seating is available or orders are ready; restaurants should instead use no-touch methods such as audio announcements, text messaging, and notices on fixed video screens or blackboards
  4. Alcoholic beverages may only be served for on-site consumption if accompanied by food prepared on-site. Potato chips, pretzels, and other pre-packaged, shelf stable foods, or other food prepared off-site, do not constitute food “prepared onsite.”
  5. For each customer, an item of prepared food must be ordered at the same time as an initial alcoholic beverage(s) order. One or more shareable food item(s) may be ordered, as long as it/they would sufficiently serve the number of people at the table.
  6. Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions including hygiene and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including: 
    1. Social distancing, hand-washing, and requirement and proper use of face coverings 
    2. Modifying practices for serving in order to minimize time spent within 6 feet of customers 
    3. Self-screening at home, including temperature or symptom checks 
    4. Reinforcing that staff shall not come to work if sick
    5. When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe 
    6. Which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting and suffering from a severe case of the virus
  7. Restaurant operators should establish adjusted workplace hours and shifts for workers to minimize contact across workers and reduce congestion at entry points
  8. Limit visitors and vendors on site; shipping and deliveries should be completed in designated areas
  9. Workers shall not appear for work or complete a shift if feeling ill
  10. Restaurants must screen workers at each shift by ensuring the following:
    1. Worker is not experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea 
    2. Worker has not had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19
    3. Worker has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official 
    4. Workers who fail to meet the above criteria must be sent home

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Updated MA Safety, Restaurants Part 1 of 3

10/7/2020 (Permalink)

As of this past Monday, October 5, lower risk Massachusetts communities will be permitted to move into Step II of Phase III of Governor Baker's reopening plan.

Lower-risk communities are defined as cities and towns that have not been designated in the “red” category in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health weekly reports. Click here to see the list of communities not designated as lower-risk communities.

To assist business owners we will be sharing highlights of the State's Updated Safety Standards and Reopening Guidelines for impacted sectors.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).


The state of Massachusetts defines “Restaurant” as an establishment that provides seated food service that is prepared on-site and under a Food Service Establishment , for food service establishments that cook, prepare and serve food, intended for immediate consumption, as permitted and issued by a municipal authority pursuant to 105 CMR 590.000. Potato chips, pretzels, and other similar pre-packaged, shelf stable foods, or other food prepared off-site, do not constitute food “prepared on-site.”
Restaurants must comply with the following sector specific social distancing rules for providing dining services in all customer seating areas:
  1. Require face coverings for all customers and workers at all times, except where an individual is unable to wear a face covering due to medical condition or disability
  2. Customers must wear face coverings unless seated at tables
  3. While indoor table service is permitted, restaurants are encouraged to structure operations to operate as much as possible through outdoor table service and to strictly limit indoor table service in order to assure effective compliance with social distancing requirements and to limit activities within confined spaces
  4. Restaurants must comply with the following sector specific social distancing rules for providing dining services in all customer seating areas:
    1. Tables must be positioned so to maintain at least a 6 foot distance from all other tables and any high foot traffic areas (e.g., routes to bathrooms, entrances, exits); tables may be positioned closer if separated by protective / non-porous barriers (e.g., structural walls or plexi-glass dividers) not less than 6 feet high installed between tables and high foot traffic areas
    2. The size of a party seated at a table cannot exceed 10 people 
  5. Bar seating is permitted provided that either: 
    1. There are no active work areas or working staff behind the bar at least 6 ft away; or 
    2. There is a physical barrier (e.g. Plexiglas) separating customers from the bar space that is at least 30 inches high and a gap/opening at the bottom of the barrier is allowed for food and drink service as long as the gap/opening is no more than 8 inches high 
    3. In addition, parties must be seated at bars (no standing customer service) and parties must be spaced at least 6 feet from other parties
    4. Subject to any applicable building and fire code requirements, bar areas may be re-configured to accommodate table seating that complies with all spacing and other requirements in these COVID-19 safety standards. Tables must not be placed within 6 feet of the staffed bartending area. 
  6. All customers must be seated; eat-in service to standing customers (e.g., around bar areas) is prohibited
  7. Restaurants may provide carry-out or delivery service, but all safety standards for table separation, size of party, and hygiene must be maintained for any indoor or outdoor table seating that is available to carry-out patrons
  8. All other amenities and areas not employed for food and beverage service (e.g., dance floors, pool tables, playgrounds, etc.) must be closed or removed to prevent gathering of customers. 
  9. Recreation amenities which are allowed to open in Step 1 of Phase III (such as arcade games) may be open if adhering to all safety protocols in the Arcades & Other Indoor & Outdoor Game & Recreation Businesses including the requirement that active use of pool tables and other games involving patrons not seated at tables is not permitted in areas where food service is provided. 
  10. Ensure separation of 6 feet or more between all individuals (workers, vendors, and customers) unless this creates a safety hazard due to the nature of the work or the configuration of the workspace 
  11. Close or reconfigure worker common spaces and high density areas where workers are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms, eating areas) to allow 6 feet of physical distancing; redesign work stations to ensure physical distancing (e.g., separate tables, stagger workstations on either side of processing lines so workers are not face-to-face, use distance markers to assure spacing including in the kitchen area) 
  12. Establish directional hallways and passageways for foot traffic if possible, to minimize contact (e.g., one-way entrance and exit to the restaurant). Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies 
  13. Prohibit lingering in common areas (e.g., waiting areas, bathrooms) and ensure social distancing in common areas by marking 6 feet spacing with tape or paint on the floor and signage 
  14. All customer-facing workers (e.g., servers, bus staff) must minimize time spent within 6 feet of customers

Recommended Best Practices

  1. Designate assigned working areas to workers where possible to limit movement throughout the restaurant and limit contact between workers (e.g., assigning zones to servers)
  2. Stagger work schedules and staff meal and break times, regulating maximum number of people in one place and ensuring at least 6 feet of physical distancing
  3. Minimize the use of confined spaces (e.g., elevators, vehicles) by more than one individual at a time
  4. Valet parking operations should be avoided unless necessary due to physical or geographic constraints or in order to accommodate individual guests with disabling conditions
  5. Valets must be provided with hand sanitizer and should use sanitizer before and after parking vehicles

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - DESE Vocational Education Guidance, Part 3

10/6/2020 (Permalink)

By now the vast majority of school districts have begun the 20-21 academic year and every reasonable precaution has been taken to ensure the safest possible environment for our students. Much of the discussion has focused on the traditional classroom setting, but how has the current COVID-19 pandemic affected Vocational schools were learning requires hands-on, in-person, group learning? The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has offered guidance for vocational technical schools and comprehensive schools offering vocational technical programs. The guidance includes appropriate safety measures to promote the safety of students, teachers, and staff. This guidance may also be used as a reference for other related programs, such as Innovation Pathways and Connecting Activities. The following highlights DESE guidance. For complete details click here.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Culinary Arts

Culinary arts programs should follow both the DESE reopening guidance and the Massachusetts Safety Standards and Checklist for Restaurants. In implementing these guidelines, culinary arts programs should:

  1. Limit customers. Culinary sites should only serve internal guests (e.g., staff and students) within a dine-in restaurant setting for the first two months.
  2. Setup online ordering for curbside pick-up for external customers. This will enable a broader customer base to buy food at the restaurant while limiting the number of external customers entering the building.
  3. Designate meal pick-up sites. In order to further limit interaction with customers, sites should identify a single area where meals will be picked up.
  4. Setup disinfecting stations. These should be available at the front and back of the house for students and staff.

Early Education And Care

Early education and care programs should follow both the DESE reopening guidance and the Massachusetts Child and Youth Serving Programs Reopen Approach. High school students in early childhood education and care programs may participate in practicums and cooperative education placements with the following safeguards:

  1. Sites follow guidelines issued by the Department of Early Education and Care,
  2. The high school student’s school district must be in the designated green/unshaded zone
  3. The childcare placement must be in the designated green/unshaded zone.


Cosmetology programs must abide by both the DESE reopening guidance and the Massachusetts Safety Standards and Checklist for Close Contact Personal Services. In implementing these guidelines, cosmetology programs should:

  1. Limit customers. Cosmetology sites should only serve classmates and staff for the first two months of operations and not permit external customers. Use of mannequins should be prioritized as feasible.
  2. Limit services.Haircuts and other services are permitted if the individuals are not face-to-face for extended periods of time, so long as DESE and industry safety standards are followed. These standards include wearing masks, gloves, gowns or smocks, and prescription glasses, safety glasses, or goggles.

Automotive Technology And Automotive Collision

Automotive technology and automotive collision programs must abide by both the DESE reopening guidance and the Massachusetts Reopening Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces. In implementing these guidelines, automotive technology and automotive collision programs should:

  1. Provide appointment-based services only. For services provided to external customers (i.e., the public), service should be by appointment only to limit interaction.
  2. Minimize public entry to the building. Create drop-off and pick-up procedures that do not require personal interaction, such as key drop-boxes. If customer interactions are needed, they must occur outside of the building.
  3. Consider online payment systems. If feasible and to limit interaction with customers, consider using or creating online booking systems with automotive service signature and credit card payment options.

Graphic Communications And Marketing

Graphic communications and marketing programs must abide by boththe DESE reopening guidance and the Massachusetts Reopening Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces.In implementing these guidelines, graphic communications and marketing programs should:

  1. Limit external customers. For external customers, graphic communications and marketing programs should utilize virtual operations.
  2. Provide appointment-based services only. For services provided to external customers, service should be by appointment only to limit interaction.
  3. Minimize public entry to the building. Create pick-up procedures for graphic communications and marketing products that do not require personal interaction.

It is important to note that CVTE specific guidance from the Massachusetts DESE is intended to be in place ONLY for the first two months of the school year. This is consistent with the way many CVTE programs already operate, in which the initial months of the school year are dedicated to training and preparing students for work in program settings. The Department will provide additional guidance in the coming months based on updated state guidance and COVID-19 trends.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - DESE Vocational Education Guidance, Part 2

10/5/2020 (Permalink)

By now the vast majority of school districts have begun the 20-21 academic year and every reasonable precaution has been taken to ensure the safest possible environment for our students. Much of the discussion has focused on the traditional classroom setting, but how has the current COVID-19 pandemic affected Vocational schools were learning requires hands-on, in-person, group learning? The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has offered guidance for vocational technical schools and comprehensive schools offering vocational technical programs. The guidance includes appropriate safety measures to promote the safety of students, teachers, and staff. This guidance may also be used as a reference for other related programs, such as Innovation Pathways and Connecting Activities. The following highlights DESE guidance. For complete details click here.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

CVTE Program Specific Guidance

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has compiled program specific guidance for CVTE schools. This guidance provides additional considerations on how to effectively apply the guidance above to CVTE programs, including exploratory programs, cooperative education (co-ops), clinical placements, and internships.

Health And Safety Practices

In DESE’s initial fall school reopening guidance, the goal was to identify the safe return of as many students as possible to in-person school. This required the establishment of new health and safety recommendations to be followed in our schools this fall. DESE medical advisors have indicated that it is not one mitigation strategy, but a combination of several strategies that will substantially reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in school settings. These measures include staying home when sick, symptom screening, physical distancing, use of masks, frequent hand hygiene, creating student cohorts as feasible, and improving ventilation as feasible. 

Career/vocational technical education programs must adhere to DESE's and other agencies’ COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, BUT ALSO, adhere to the federal and state guidelines for safe workplaces, and industry-specific protocols when and where ever applicable.

Additionally, CVTE programs should follow the below guidance.

  1. Maintain safe student collaboration. Student collaboration, such as group projects, is a core part of vocational technical education. Student collaboration is permitted if modified to accommodate all applicable health and safety guidelines. Programs will need to modify projects so that students can work collaboratively while still wearing masks and maintaining 6 feet of distance when feasible; 3 feet being the minimum distance allowed.
  2. Use proper eye protection. When used, face shields do not replace eye protection. Industry-standard eye protection must still be used when required.
  3. Use proper hand coverings. Technical programs must follow industry guidelines on the use of protective hand coverings (gloves).
  4. Focus on safety training. Consider designating “Safety September” to focus on safety training, including establishing new protocols necessary to mitigate COVID-19 for each CVTE program, with regular updates.
  5. Prepare outdoor workspaces. When possible, it is preferable for students to work outdoors. Make sure any outdoor work sites are outfitted with the required safety equipment. For instance, a work site may require fire extinguishers, Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protected outlets, and first aid kits, among other items.
  6. Provide safe transportation. Student transportation (by van, bus, or other approved vehicle) should follow the same capacity guidelines, health and safety guidelines, and cleaning and disinfecting guidelines outlined in DESE’s Fall Reopening Transportation Guidance.
  7. Maintain safe equipment and materials sharing practices. Sharing equipment and materials should be minimized when feasible, but it is permitted as outlined in DESE’s Guidance for Courses Requiring Additional Safety Considerations.
  8. Minimize personal belongings onsite. Students should come to their class/program/technical area prepared and in uniform each day. Programs should follow the locker guidance in the Fall Reopening Facilities and Operations Guidance.
  9. All customers or visitors must comply with DESE and industry health and safety standards, including wearing masks at all times.

It is important to note that CVTE specific guidance from the Massachusetts DESE is intended to be in place ONLY for the first two months of the school year. This is consistent with the way many CVTE programs already operate, in which the initial months of the school year are dedicated to training and preparing students for work in program settings. The Department will provide additional guidance in the coming months based on updated state guidance and COVID-19 trends.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - DESE Vocational Education Guidance

10/1/2020 (Permalink)

By now the vast majority of school districts have begun the 20-21 academic year and every reasonable precaution has been taken to ensure the safest possible environment for our students. Much of the discussion has focused on the traditional classroom setting, but how has the current COVID-19 pandemic affected Vocational schools were learning requires hands-on, in-person, group learning? The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has offered guidance for vocational technical schools and comprehensive schools offering vocational technical programs. The guidance includes appropriate safety measures to promote the safety of students, teachers, and staff. This guidance may also be used as a reference for other related programs, such as Innovation Pathways and Connecting Activities. The following highlights DESE guidance. For complete details click here.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Career/Vocational Technical Education (CVTE) Programs Health And Safety Requirements – ZERO Tolerance

For administrators, educators, staff and students there is a ZERO tolerance policy for entering school property if you are sick. 

Administrators, educators, and staff exhibiting any of the symptoms below once at school are required to report this to their supervisor and COVID-19 POC (via phone, text or email) right away, head home and follow the established protocols. Students exhibiting any of the symptoms below once at school are required to report this to their instructor and follow established protocols.

Anyone showing signs or complaining about such symptoms, should be directed to the school Nurse.

COVID-19 Typical Symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Sore Throat

Self-certify Prior To Arriving On School Property

For administrators, educators, staff and students will self-certify that they:

  1. Have no signs of a fever or a measured temperature above 100.3 degrees or greater, a cough or trouble breathing within the past 24 hours.
  2. Have not had "close contact" with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for about 15 minutes, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, while that person was symptomatic.
  3. Have not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official.

Guidance To Prevent Exposure & Limit Transmission 

  1. No handshaking
  2. Wash hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol
  3. School Districts should develop cleaning and decontamination procedures that are posted and shared. These Procedures must cover all areas including tools, gates, equipment, vehicles, etc. and shall be visibly posted.
  4. Instructors and students must implement social distancing by maintaining a minimum distance of 6-feet f
  5. Avoid face to face meetings whenever possible
  6. All groups must be kept a minimum of 6’ apart at all times to eliminate the potential of cross contamination
  7. Each shop should have laminated COVID-19 safety guidelines and hand washing instructions
  8. All restroom facilities should be cleaned and handwashing stations must be provided with soap, hand sanitizer and paper towels
  9. All surfaces should be regularly cleaned, including surfaces, door handles, tools, equipment, etc.
  10. All common areas are to be regularly cleaned and disinfected at least once a day but preferably twice a day
  11. Faculty and students must use their own water bottle, No Sharing
  12. Please maintain Social Distancing separation during breaks and lunch
  13. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands
  14. To avoid sharing germs, faculty and students are required to clean up after themselves. DO NOT make others responsible for moving, unpacking and packing up your personal belongings
  15. If you or a family member is feeling ill, stay home!

Wash Stations

All shop areas without ready access to an indoor bathroom MUST install Wash Stations.

  1. Install hand wash stations with hot water, if possible, and soap at fire hydrants or other water sources to be used for frequent handwashing for all faculty and students
  2. All faculty and students must help to maintain and keep stations clean
  3. Garbage barrels will be placed next to the hand wash station for disposal of tissues/towels

Where these guidance does not meet or exceed the standards put forth by local municipalities everyone shall abide by the most stringent procedure available.

All infractions must be reported to the appointed COVID-19 Officer to ensure appropriate protocols are followed.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Baker Announcement - Phase 3, Step 2

9/30/2020 (Permalink)

Governor Charlie Baker has announced that effective Monday, October 5th, lower risk communities will be permitted to move into Step 2 of Phase 3 of the Commonwealth’s reopening plan. All other communities will remain in Phase 3, Step 1. Additionally, he issued a revised gatherings order.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Communities At Risk

The Baker administration defines lower risk communities as cities and towns that have not been a “red” community in any of the last three weekly Department of Public Health (DPH) weekly reports.

According to the most recent report there were 17 new coronavirus-related deaths reported, bringing the state’s death toll to 9,135 with 126,408 confirmed cases.

Based on the average daily cases per 100,000 residents, each city or town has been designated as a higher risk (red), moderate risk (yellow), or lower risk (green) community. Communities with fewer than five cases are not given a designation.

Fifteen cities and towns now fall in the Department of Public Health’s highest-risk category for COVID-19 transmission;
  1. Chelsea
  2. Everett
  3. Framingham
  4. Holliston
  5. Lawrence
  6. Lynn
  7. Marlborough
  8. Nantucket
  9. New Bedford
  10. Revere
  11. Saugus
  12. Tyngsborough
  13. Winthrop
  14. Worcester
  15. Wrentham are

All considered to be in the red category. Dedham, Lynnfield, Monson, and Plainville were all in the red last week but have since been moved down to moderate risk.

To view the latest DPH weekly report click here.

Phase 3, Step 2 Update

Effective October 5, a limited number of sectors will be eligible to reopen, with restrictions, in Step II of Phase III for lower risk communities only:

  • Indoor performance venues will be permitted to open with 50% capacity with a maximum of 250 people. 
  • Outdoor performance venue capacity will increase to 50% with a max of 250 people.
  • For arcades and indoor and outdoor recreation businesses, additional Step II activities like trampolines, obstacle courses, roller rinks and laser tag will also be permitted to open and capacity will increase to 50%.
  • Fitting rooms will be permitted to open in all types of retail stores.  
  • Gyms, museums, libraries and driving and flight schools will also be permitted to increase their capacity to 50%.

Revised Gatherings Order

  • The limit for indoor gatherings remains at a maximum of 25 people for all communities.
  • Outdoor gatherings at private residences and in private backyards will remain at a maximum of 50 people for all communities.
  • Outdoor gatherings at event venues and in public settings will have a limit of 50 people in Step I communities, and a limit of 100 people in lower risk, Step II communities.

We will be sharing the updates to the industry specific guidance and protocols for a range of Phase 1, 2, and 3 businesses as the administration issues them.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE Family Fact Sheet, Part 3 of 3

9/29/2020 (Permalink)

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) continues to publish guidance for schools and districts. The following highlights the guidance for schools administrators and districts to use as they work with families to help students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) recover as much as possible from the school disruptions that occurred because of COVID-19. To view the documentation in full You can find the guidance here: Mass DESE COVID-19 Resources.

This Fact Sheet summarizes the main points in DESE’s guidance for families. DESE encourages families to keep in touch with your child’s educators and administrators, and to talk about what the new guidance means for you and your child. If you belong to your local Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC), you can also collaborate with your school and district to plan and put in place policies and practices that will help all students with IEPs, in addition to your own child.

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Your Child’s Right To Implementation Of Their IEP And A Free And Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

It is important for you to know that special education laws provide that every student with an IEP must have a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). The U.S. Department of Education has made clear that students with IEPs must receive FAPE even during the pandemic. However, FAPE may look different because of COVID-19. For example, to protect the health and safety of students and their educators, when schools were closed in the spring your child probably received special education instruction and services by using a computer or phone, instead of being in a classroom.

You Wanted Your School To Conduct Special Needs Testing, But The Process Was Impacted By COVID-19

When school buildings unexpectedly closed because of the pandemic, schools were unable to assess students in person. This was true for students of any age, whether in pre-school or older. Going forward, districts must complete evaluations to determine the need for special education services as soon as possible, and talk with you about how best to meet the timelines for testing and holding IEP meetings so that you know whether your child is eligible, and so that students receive the services they need.

If the evaluation shows that your child is eligible for special education services, the IEP Team will develop an IEP for your child. As you and the other members of the IEP Team discuss your child’s needs during the IEP meeting, one decision you will make together is whether your child will need COVID-19 Compensatory Services because of the delays in testing and holding an IEP meeting. This is true for all students newly eligible for special education services whose eligibility determination was delayed due to the pandemic, including young children referred by Early Intervention.

Your Child Has Moved From One District To Another Or Is Attending A New Charter or Vocational/Technical School

If your child will attend a district, charter school, or vocational technical school in school year 2020-21 that is different from the district or school they attended in Spring 2020, then the new district or school is responsible for convening the IEP Team to decide whether your child needs COVID-19 Compensatory Services and/or New IEP Services. The new district or school might invite a representative from your former district or school to attend, because the former districts will pay for COVID-19 Compensatory Services.

Your Child Attends A Collaborative Or Approved Special Education School

If your child is in an out-of-district placement, the district responsible for your child’s special education program will convene an IEP meeting. The district will work with the collaborative or the approved special education school to make sure the Team has all the information it needs to consider whether your child needs COVID-19 Compensatory Services or New IEP Services.

Your district should include a representative of the collaborative or approved special education school in any planning conversations even if you decide not to convene an IEP meeting and instead discuss your child’s needs with an administrator.

Your Child Is Or Will Be 22 Years Old Between March 17 And December 23, 2020

If your child is turning 22 by December 23rd or turned 22 when school buildings were closed, you and the other members of the IEP team can work together to make your child’s transition to adult life as smooth as possible. DESE’s guidance indicates that it will be important to convene an IEP meeting, even if your child’s 22nd birthday has already passed, if:

  1. Your child was unable to access services during the unexpected suspension of in-person education.
  2. Your child regressed or failed to make effective progress during remote learning.
  3. Your child has significant difficulty with transitions and changes in routine, and there is concern that the suspension of in-person education will result in an unduly challenging move to adult agency services if no additional school services are provided.
  4. No connections, or minimal attempts at connections, have been made to relevant adult agencies such as the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission, the Department of Developmental Services, or the Department of Mental Health.
  5. You and your child have been unable to follow through on identified transitional services with adult agencies because of COVID-19, or the adult agency(ies) have been unable to follow through with you because of COVID-19.
  6. Your child had been expected to fulfill the requirements for the competency determination by their 22nd birthday but was unable to do so because in-person education was suspended.

If your child is over age 14, your child will be invited to attend the IEP meeting as well. If they will be receiving services from an adult agency, the district will invite a representative from that agency to attend, too. It’s important that school staff and agency staff communicate and collaborate with you to help your child.

At the meeting, you, your child, and the other IEP Team members will keep your child’s transition needs and plans for adult life in mind when considering whether your child needs COVID-19 Compensatory Services.

Keep in mind that you also have the option to not request an IEP meeting, if you feel that your child’s needs can be met through an informal meeting as described above in this Fact Sheet, or if you feel that your child has already successfully transitioned to adult life and has no more need of school services.

Legal rights

If you are interested in learning more about your and your child’s rights, please see the Parent's Notice of Procedural Safeguards

Questions About DESE’s Guidance

For questions related to this Fact Sheet please contact DESE’s

Problem Resolution Office at 781-338-3700 or compliance@doe.mass.edu

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE Family Fact Sheet, Part 2 of 3

9/28/2020 (Permalink)

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) continues to publish guidance for schools and districts. The following highlights the guidance for schools administrators and districts to use as they work with families to help students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) recover as much as possible from the school disruptions that occurred because of COVID-19. To view the documentation in full You can find the guidance here: Mass DESE COVID-19 Resources.

This Fact Sheet summarizes the main points in DESE’s guidance for families. DESE encourages families to keep in touch with your child’s educators and administrators, and to talk about what the new guidance means for you and your child. If you belong to your local Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC), you can also collaborate with your school and district to plan and put in place policies and practices that will help all students with IEPs, in addition to your own child.

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Your Child’s Right To Implementation Of Their IEP And A Free And Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

It is important for you to know that special education laws provide that every student with an IEP must have a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). The U.S. Department of Education has made clear that students with IEPs must receive FAPE even during the pandemic. However, FAPE may look different because of COVID-19. For example, to protect the health and safety of students and their educators, when schools were closed in the spring your child probably received special education instruction and services by using a computer or phone, instead of being in a classroom.

Starting With Data

All decisions about the COVID-19 Compensatory Services your child may need must be individualized and based on information and data. Because your child has spent several months in your full-time company, schools and districts should prioritize collecting data and information from you. You can give your school partners important information about your child’s access to learning, engagement, attention, behavior, progress, skills, home experiences, and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on them. The Team needs to learn from you whether your child had difficulty accessing services remotely because of their disability, because of problems with the Internet or computer devices, because your child needed to have an interpreter or materials translated, or for any other reason.

After your child’s IEP Team (which includes you)looks at all of the information and data on your child’s progress toward meeting IEP goals, the Team will determine whether your child needs these services and supports.

Deciding What Support Your Child Needs

DESE recommends that you and the other members of the IEP Team use questions like these to guide your conversations during the Team meeting. Not necessarily all of them will need to be asked and answered to decide whether your child needs COVID-19 Compensatory Services.

  1. Were some services on your child’s IEP not offered? Were there services on the IEP that your child did not access remotely when in-person education was suspended?
  2. Did your child lose any skills?
  3. Did your child fail to make effective progress toward achieving their IEP goals?
  4. Did your child fail to make effective progress in the general curriculum?
  5. Does your child need additional supports and/or services temporarily to help recover from the time they did not access services remotely?
  6. What kinds of General Education Recovery Supports will your school or district offer? Will the General Education Recovery Support be enough to help your child regain skills and knowledge that were affected when in-person education was postponed because of COVID-19?
  7. Will your child need COVID-19 Compensatory Services? What kinds? How much? It is important to note that these services may not be the exact same number of IEP service hours they missed; however, the services must address your child’s individual needs. The goal of COVID-19 Compensatory Services is to help your child recover from educational disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. You and the other members of the IEP team will discuss which services will be necessary to do that.
  8. Will your child need new IEP Services? What kinds? How much? You may decide with your school partners that your child needs a re-evaluation or a new testing if your child has not yet been tested in the new area of suspected disability.

Having An IEP Team Meeting Or Talking To The District Without Convening The IEP Team

There are two ways that you and the school district can discuss and decide whether your child needs COVID-19 Compensatory Services. The first is having an IEP meeting. The meeting can be with the full IEP Team, or if you decide that it’s not necessary to have an IEP meeting with everybody on the Team, you can meet with only some Team members. For example, you might feel that as long as you have your child’s written math assessment, you don’t need to speak with your child’s math teacher, even though that teacher would normally attend at Team meeting. The school needs to have your permission to have an IEP meeting without the usual members present.

Another option is for you and the school district together to choose not to convene an IEP meeting and discuss your child’s need for COVID-19 Compensatory Services with your school more informally. In this case, you may feel that your child’s needs can be met fully and efficiently by talking informally with your school. It is the parent’s choice whether to skip the IEP meeting and instead discuss their child’s need for COVID-19 Compensatory Services with an administrator. If you decide that an IEP meeting is unnecessary, your district will document this with you in writing. Any decision about services or supports will also be documented in writing by the district as is explained below.

Documenting The Support Your Child Needs

The different kinds of support your child needs can be documented in different ways.

  1. All children can use the General Education Recovery Support offered by their school. Schools and districts are not required to write down and give you a list of the general education recovery support your child will receive, but it is a good idea to talk about these services with your child’s IEP Team. If you have questions about general education recovery support, it is a good idea to reach out to your child’s teacher or the school principal to find out more about how the school is helping all students return to learning this fall.
  2. If you and the other members of your child’s IEP team agree at an IEP meeting or through an informal meeting that your child needs COVID-19 Compensatory Services, the district must write down the type and amount of service(s), how often the service(s) will happen and for how long, and how your child’s progress will be monitored, and whether transportation is needed in order to access those services. The district should use DESE’s form, Notice of Proposed School District Action/N1, or meeting notes, and give you a copy in your home language.

During the current school year, your child might receive COVID-19 Compensatory Services in person or remotely.

  1. Any New IEP Services needed because your child has new disability-related needs will be documented on the IEP form or IEP Amendment Form.

Included in Part 3 - Testing, Moving From Districts, Attending A Collaborative, and If Your Child Is The Age Of 22.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE Family Fact Sheet, Part 1 of 3

9/25/2020 (Permalink)

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) continues to publish guidance for schools and districts. The following highlights the guidance for schools administrators and districts to use as they work with families to help students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) recover as much as possible from the school disruptions that occurred because of COVID-19. To view the documentation in full You can find the guidance here: Mass DESE COVID-19 Resources.

This Fact Sheet summarizes the main points in DESE’s guidance for families. DESE encourages families to keep in touch with your child’s educators and administrators, and to talk about what the new guidance means for you and your child. If you belong to your local Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC), you can also collaborate with your school and district to plan and put in place policies and practices that will help all students with IEPs, in addition to your own child.

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Your Child’s Right To Implementation Of Their IEP And A Free And Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

It is important for you to know that special education laws provide that every student with an IEP must have a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). The U.S. Department of Education has made clear that students with IEPs must receive FAPE even during the pandemic. However, FAPE may look different because of COVID-19. For example, to protect the health and safety of students and their educators, when schools were closed in the spring your child probably received special education instruction and services by using a computer or phone, instead of being in a classroom.


In its guidance to schools and districts, DESE defined three kinds of services to help students with IEPs recover from school disruptions caused by the pandemic when the Governor ordered that in-person education was stopped, beginning in March 2020:

General Education Recovery Support

This is support that schools and districts may give to all students, including students with IEPs, to help them regain the skills and knowledge they lost when in-person instruction was suspended in the spring because of the pandemic, and to help them be well emotionally and socially.

COVID-19 Compensatory Services

These are special education instruction and services provided in addition to your child’s ongoing IEP services. If your child regressed or did not make effective progress in meeting their IEP goals because of the pandemic, these services will specifically address the effects of delayed, interrupted, suspended, or inaccessible IEP services.

New IEP Services

Your child may need additional special education services to address new areas of disability-related need. If so, these are called “New IEP Services” and your child’s IEP Team will discuss and include these new services in your child’s IEP.

Prioritizing students

While all students’ education was affected by the sudden shift to remote instruction and service delivery, some students with IEPs experienced more significant challenges than others. DESE is asking schools and districts to prioritize specific students when determining the need for these services. These specific groups of students are:

  1. Students with complex and significant needs:
    1. students already identified as “high needs” through the IEP process on the form entitled “Primary Disability/Level of Need-PL 3.”What a student’s level of need is depends on (1) where the student receives services (in or out of the general education classroom); (2) whether services are provided by general educators, special educators, paraprofessionals, or related service providers; and (3) the percent of time during the school day that the student receives special education services.
    2. students who could not engage in remote learning due to their disability-related needs or lack of technology;
    3. students who primarily use aided and augmentative communication (AAC);
    4. students who are homeless;
    5. students in foster care or congregate care; and
    6. students dually identified as English Learners;
  2. Preschool-aged children whose eligibility evaluations or start of preschool special education services have been delayed or interrupted; and
  3. Students who turned 22 during the suspension of in-person education or who will turn 22 during the first three months of the 2020-21 school year, and whose transition programs were interrupted or suspended before they aged out.

The Department has recommended that parents and the IEP Team work together to make decisions about COVID-19 Compensatory Services for students in these high priority groups by December 15, 2020.

For students who are not in the high priority groups, school staff will take some time to observe your child to see how they are adjusting to the new educational environment this fall. They will also review data and communicate with you about your child’s learning and emotional needs.Schools and districts will work with you to make sure your child has the services and supports they need.

Included in Part 2 - Starting Data, Deciding Appropriate Support Level, How To Meet During COVID-19, and Supporting Documentation

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE Guidance For Student Groups And Events

9/24/2020 (Permalink)

As the Commonwealth, School Districts and local communities continue to manage the ever-changing pandemic environment and create some semblance of normalcy for our children it is important to understand how the need for safety impacts student groups and events. The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has issued guidance to help school districts and parents to navigate these uncharted waters. Below are excerpts from the DESE's recommendations. To view recommendations in their entirety click here.  

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Guidance For Student Groups and School Events For School Year 2020-2021

According to the Massachusetts DESE’s and the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs the following guidance is intended to aid districts and schools in planning for the possible need to mixing of cohorts and school events that may require additional safety considerations.

Student activities provide important opportunities to develop leadership and teamwork skills, engage in new experiences, and serve their community. We strongly encourage schools and districts to continue providing these opportunities to students this fall. Adaptations to these activities, however, are necessary to support the safety of students and staff.

Specifically, this guidance covers:

  1. Student activities before and after school
    • Non-athletic student groups
    • Non-athletic interschool competitions
    • Volunteering
  2. Gatherings with outside participants
  3. Leaving school grounds

Note: As the DESE continues to monitor COVID-19 trends and the latest medical research the need to amend these guidelines may arise. Districts and schools should also reference the extensive reopening guidance issued by DESE for more information on core health and safety practices that schools must adopt this fall.

Specific guidance by type of activity

Non-Athletic Student Groups

Non-athletic student group meetings are likely to involve increased mixing between student cohorts. This may be more relevant for elementary students, who likely will have stricter cohorts. Whenever feasible and to the maximum extent possible, these meetings should be held virtually.

For in-person meetings, we recommend the following guidelines:

  1. Group meetings should be supervised by staff and must abide by DESE’s core health and safety guidelines (including masks, physical distance, frequent handwashing).
  2. Groups that work collaboratively (e.g., student newspaper, yearbook) should abide by the shared equipment guidance previously released in the Guidance for Courses Requiring Additional Safety Considerations During School Year 2020-2021.
  3. Group sizes should be reduced and work organized into cohorts to the extent feasible.

Non-Athletic Inter-school Competitions

Whenever feasible and to the maximum extent possible, inter-school competitions should be held virtually. There are online resources to support these virtual interactions. In-person interschool competitions are permitted if at least 6 feet of distance can be maintained between individuals and participants and attendees wear masks at all times.

  1. If an interschool competition is held in person, it must abide by the guidelines below for large gatherings and leaving school grounds.
  2. To the maximum extent feasible, interschool competitions should:
    • Not share equipment
    • Be held outdoors, if possible
    • Shorten events or reduce participants
    • Incorporate protective equipment in a safe manner to further reduce spread of respiratory particles


  1. Any volunteer activities must abide by DESE’s core health and safety guidelines (including masks, physical distance, frequent handwashing).
  2. Consider volunteer activities that are outdoors and do not require person-to-person interaction (e.g., planting flowers in a park).
  3. Consider virtual volunteer service (e.g., younger student mentor program, pen pals).

General guidance for gatherings with outside participants or leaving school grounds

Gatherings of 10 or More That Include Outside Participants

Whenever feasible and to the maximum extent possible, these gatherings should be moved online. Online events can be held where all participants are virtual, or where students and staff are in person, but audiences are virtual.

In-person gatherings (such as events and performances) should be discouraged and must abide by the following safety requirements. Only essential, student-centered events should be held in person, such as student group activities or inter-school competitions. 

Gatherings of 10 or more that include outside participants, such as in-person events, inter-school competitions, and field trips, typically involve families and others outside of the school community, including people who may be in higher risk groups. As a result, it is important to put in place additional safety considerations.

  1. Whenever feasible and to the maximum extent possible, hold all events or competitions outdoors.
  2. Masks are required except when unsafe due to age, medical condition, or disability.
  3. All participants must maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance from every other participant in the gathering, aside from participants who are members of the same household. Additional physical distancing requirements for specific activities can be found in DESE’s Guidance for Courses Requiring Additional Safety Considerations During School Year 2020-2021.
  4. Limit attendees to the extent feasible:
    • Indoor gatherings are limited to 8 persons per 1,000 square feet of accessible, indoor floor space and never more than 25 persons in a single, enclosed indoor space.
    • Outdoor gatherings are limited to 25 percent of the maximum permitted occupancy of the facility or space, or 8 persons per 1,000 square feet if no occupancy limitation is on record, and never more than 50 persons in a single outdoor space.
  5. For outdoor performances involving singing or brass or wind instruments, there must be at least 25 feet of distance between performers and the first row of the audience.
  6. Indoor performances, including theater, band, or orchestra, are not permitted at this time, but may be in the future in accordance with state guidelines.
  7. Attendees should be informed in the weeks leading up to and including the day of the event, and at the entrance to the event, that they must not attend if they are feeling unwell or showing any symptoms of COVID-19.
  8. Consider scheduling multiple events, if needed, to allow for physical distancing.
  9. If the event is ticketed, tickets should be sold online in advance, if possible. Consider touchless payment for in-person ticket sales,and use handwashing before and after transactions.
  10. Establish directional pathways to manage visitor flow for foot traffic in order to minimize contact (e.g., one-way entrance and exit to shows, one-way pathways). Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies.
  11. Encourage the use of electronic versions or no-touch displays in place of commonly touched physical materials (such as programs or playbills) where possible. All commonly touched physical materials must be discarded or sanitized between use.
  12. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, wherever possible, and encourage frequent handwashing; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60 percent alcohol may be used as an alternative.

Leaving School Grounds

Whenever feasible and to the maximum extent possible, consider virtual alternatives to leaving school grounds. Generally, it is not recommended to hold organized school trips leaving school grounds.

However, the risk level of leaving school grounds depends on the type of activity and transportation for the trip. All trips leaving school grounds must comply with all health and safety guidance, including physical distancing, mask wearing, hand washing, and sanitation.

  1. If a school trip includes walking or a brief ride that abides by transportation guidelines, takes place where significant interaction with the public is not expected, and abides by the health and safety guidelines, it is permitted. For example, students may walk to a nearby park to observe plant and animal life during science class.
  2. If a school trip includes a long bus ride (more than three hours one way), results in close interaction with additional people (e.g., within 6 feet of outside chaperones or the public), or cannot abide by the health and safety guidelines, it is not permitted.
  3. Field trips can pose an additional risk due to the need to travel offsite and the need for additional chaperones. Ideally, all field trips should be held virtually.
  4. Out of state travel is not recommended. If an out of state trip occurs, it must abide by the state COVID-19 travel order.

Consider how to adjust open campus policies (i.e., when older students are permitted to leave school campus during the school day) to better support health and safety guidelines, such as ensuring students follow health and safety guidelines upon entering or re-entering school.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE - Update to the Child Nutrition Program Waiver

9/23/2020 (Permalink)

The following is an update which was released yesterday, September 22, 2020, by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regarding the Child Nutrition Program. To view the update in its entirety click here.

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Frequently Asked Questions

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

On June 25, 2020 MA DESE Commissioner Jeffrey Riley announced school reopening guidance that created school opening options for MA school districts. Schools may start the year with full remote learning, hybrid remote and in person learning or full in person learning. School districts are required to submit to MA DESE a plan for all three options to be used at any point during the school year. The continuum of fall reopening models has created historic uncertainty for students, families, and schools. It is unclear how many schools will reopen in September with full remote learning and for how long.

Specific Program Requirements To Be Waived 

The State agency is requesting to waive the requirement that children must be present with parents or guardians in order for children to receive FFVP during COVID-19 that was included in the USDA FNS Q&A SP12-2020 under question 4 released on April 9, 2020.

Food Pick Up

Elementary schools offering FFVP foods in a non-congregate setting may not provide these foods to parents or guardians unless they are accompanied by their child(ren). Section 19(b) of the NSLA requires schools participating in the FFVP to make fresh fruits and vegetables available “to students.” Because the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (P.L. 116-127) did not include FFVP as a “qualified program,” the nationwide waiver allowing parents to pick up meals for children at non-congregate sites does not apply to FFVP.

Alternative Procedures And Anticipated Impact On Program Operations

If approved, the State agency will allow SFAs who are offering remote learning services to continue to utilize their FFVP grant funds by purchasing additional fruits and vegetables to be provided to children with the Child Nutrition Program meals. The funds will not be used to purchase components of the unitized meal. FFVP funds will continue to be used to purchase additional fresh fruits and vegetables to increase student exposure to these foods. SFAs will be instructed to follow the same food safety procedures they are currently using. 

The State agency will continue to monitor FFVP reimbursement requests to ensure that the purchases and administrative costs are appropriate to the Program.  There are no impacts on technology, State systems, or monitoring.

State Regulatory Barriers

There are currently no State level regulatory barriers related to this specific issue.

Anticipated Challenges 

MA DESE does not anticipate that the implementation of this waiver will pose any challenges at the State or sponsor level since the sponsoring organizations are currently distributing remote meals successfully to parents under SFSP/SSO. Alternatively, high needs children will continue to benefit from increased access to fresh fruits and vegetables and schools can use already encumbered resources.

Proposed Monitoring

MA DESE will continue to closely monitor program operators and sites during the application and administrative review process.  All aspects of operation will be reviewed according to regulations and guidance. MA DESE will require corrective action as necessary to ensure Program integrity. 

Proposed Reporting 

No later than September 30, 2021, the MA DESE will report to USDA the number of sponsors, sites and overall impact of this waiver.

Link to a copy of the notice of the waiver;


While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE FAQ From The Commissioner's Desk

9/22/2020 (Permalink)

As schools reopen, common questions continue to arise from district and school leaders on how to implement the guidance that the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education issued over the summer. The DESE will continue to issue an intermittent FAQ, developed in collaboration with the Department of Public Health, regarding these questions. The information below provides further clarifications on the following topics: when to consider suspending in-person instruction, whether alternative diagnoses can negate the need for a COVID test, guidance for safely hosting ACT or SAT tests, and mask usage. 

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How do we know if we need to suspend in-person learning for our school or district?

There is no one threshold or metric that indicates a school or district should suspend in-person learning. District and school leaders can work closely with DESE’s COVID Reporting Unit (781-338-3500) when there is a positive case in their district to determine the appropriate next steps. These next steps can include implementing existing DESE protocols to notify close contacts for testing and isolation, conferring with local public health and/or the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to determine if transmission is occurring in the class or school, or seeking advice on whether to suspend in-person learning for that class, grade, or school. It is important to note that these decisions need to be made based on local context, occur in collaboration with DESE and the local board of health, and may be based on the following factors:

  1. If there is a need for an extensive cleaning of the building or other facility mitigation
  2. If the mobile testing unit results, or other test results, suggest widespread transmission is occurring
  3. If there are widespread absences among students and staff due to illness
  4. If the school is in a district reported as “red” on the DPH health metric for the past three weeks, and risk of transmission to students and/or staff is increased

The school department and the local board of health may have other local factors that are important to consider when making this decision.

2) Does a symptomatic child with an alternative diagnosis, such as a strep throat, still need a COVID test before returning to school?

In order to protect schools from the introduction of COVID, testing of symptomatic individuals should be the default practice. Students with acute onset of new symptoms (especially respiratory symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, sore throat) or fever should almost always receive a negative COVID test before returning to school. Health care providers have clinical discretion to consider chronic illnesses or symptoms such as headache and abdominal or gastrointestinal symptoms and use clinical judgment to defer testing when an alternative cause is firmly established.

3) Can schools host SAT and ACT tests?

Districts and school leaders have asked questions on how to safely administer SAT and ACT tests during the 2020-2021 school year, especially as many students were not able to take these tests as anticipated last spring. As long as the testing is sponsored by or administered by the school or district, this testing can occur in alignment if DESE health and safety guidelines for gatherings with outside participants (available hereare followed. Key health and safety requirements for gatherings with outside participants include maintaining at least six feet of distance between individuals, wearing masks at all times, proper hand hygiene, and a capacity limitation of 8 persons per 1,000 square feet and never more than 25 individuals in a single, enclosed indoor space.

4) What masks are recommended?

DESE has received a number of queries on the recommended types of masks from educators. Masks should cover the nose and mouth and fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face. Masks should be secured with ties or ear loops and include multiple layers of fabric. If students are not able to wear a mask due to medical, behavioral, or other challenges, they may consider wearing a face shield. Transparent masks may be the best option for both teachers and students in classes for deaf and hard of hearing students. They may also be useful for teachers and younger students who rely on visual or facial cues.

5) How can masks be safely removed?

When putting on and taking off a mask, do not touch the front of it. Only handle the ties or ear loops. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after removing a mask, and before putting on a mask. Be careful not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing the mask. Masks should be placed on napkins or paper towels (with the inside face up) when removed for meals or mask breaks. Masks should be washed regularly. More information on how to wash masks can be found visiting the CDC website or clicking here.

6) How should mask breaks be conducted?

It is recommended that students have at least two mask breaks per day (e.g. mealtime and recess). As it is recommended that students younger than second grade wear masks, it is important to note that they may need additional mask breaks during the day. Mask breaks should be held outdoors, if feasible. Students must be at least 6 feet apart during mask breaks. Hand washing facilities or hand sanitizer must be available when entering and leaving this space. Students should remove masks as outlined above.

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE FAQ Special Education Qs 40-44

9/18/2020 (Permalink)

The way in which our children learn and our educators teach to begin this school year will be will challenging for both to say the least. Regardless of the reopening model chosen by your school district, all schools will be providing remote learning to some extent. Parents whose children require special education in the COVID-19 environment may be struggling with how these necessary changes may impact the ability of school districts to meet their children's needs.  The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has put together a FAQ to help parents navigate these uncharted waters. 

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

The Massachusetts DESE recommends that districts and schools select high quality, and subject areas.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Special Education Related Services, and Models of Learning

Strategies for Engaging Families

40) In what ways is family engagement important to focus on at this time? 

Family engagement is crucial for the healthy growth of children and youth. Quality family engagement has a lasting effect on a child’s social-emotional health as well as school readiness and academic success.

Research shows that families want their children to do well and that they believe school is important. Partnering with families improves students’ grades and motivation, helps student academic achievement. Partnering with families also helps teachers learn more about students' needs, which is information they can apply toward better meeting those needs. Engaging families can be done through phone calls, emails, texts and web-based activities. 

41) What should we focus on to strengthen family engagement as schools reopen?

One of the first steps is to build partnerships with families. It will be important to continue to build and strengthen your relationships with families during the school reopening process. Building relationships encourages fundamental practices that include but are not limited to:

  1. Recognizing and respecting the uniqueness of each family,
  2. Keeping families and youth voices and perspectives at the center, and
  3. Planning and implementing activities with families and youth and not for families and youth.

42) How do we build a partnership with families?

  1. Talk with families using clear language.
  2. Communicate in the primary language of the home, using interpreters and translating documents, when appropriate.
  3. Make sure to limit educational jargon and consider the translation needs of the family.
  4. Be honest in your conversation. If you do not know an answer to a question, you can let the family know that you will get back to them.
    • Be sure to follow up with the family.
  5. Discuss concerns and offer suggestions, supports and resources.
  6. Plan next steps together.

43) What are strategies we can use to build relationships with families during the school reopening process?

Schools and community organizations play a crucial role in establishing and strengthening shared connections with families. the Department has developed STRENGTHENING PARTNERSHIPS: A Framework for Prenatal through Young Adulthood Family Engagement in Massachusetts.  Five Guiding Principles form the basis of this Framework and provide a foundation for creating, within systems and organizations, a culture that values and thrives on family engagement.

  1. Each family is unique, and all families represent diverse structures.
  2. Acknowledging and accepting the need to engage all families is essential for successful engagement of diverse families and includes recognizing the strengths that come from their diverse backgrounds.
  3. Building a respectful, trusting, and reciprocal relationship is a shared responsibility of families, practitioners, organizations, and systems.
  4. Families are their child’s first and best advocate.
  5. Family engagement must be equitable.

The Flamboyan Foundation has developed strategies to build relationships and partnerships with families:

  1. Be Authentic
  2. Center on the student
  3. Learn and focus on what is important to the family
  4. Offer frequent and consistent communication
  5. Reach out to all families

44)  Are there resources available to help build relationships with families during the school reopening process?

There are many resources that provide ideas and strategies for building relationships with families. You can also work with your Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) to be part of the process of strengthening Family Engagement.When building relationships with families, please consider that some parents/guardians are limited English proficient and may need translations or interpretations to be able to effectively engage in this collaborative work.

You may find the following resources helpful now and in the future:

  1. The Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN) provides resources and trainings for families and educators and has focused their work to address the school reopening process
  2. Massachusetts Prenatal through Young Adult Family Engagement Framework
  3. Massachusetts Family, School, and Community Partnership Fundamentals (the Fundamentals)
  4. Family and Community Engagement Requirements of ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act)

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE FAQ Special Education Qs 36-39

9/17/2020 (Permalink)

The way in which our children learn and our educators teach to begin this school year will be will challenging for both to say the least. Regardless of the reopening model chosen by your school district, all schools will be providing remote learning to some extent. Parents whose children require special education in the COVID-19 environment may be struggling with how these necessary changes may impact the ability of school districts to meet their children's needs.  The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has put together a FAQ to help parents navigate these uncharted waters. 

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

The Massachusetts DESE recommends that districts and schools select high quality, and subject areas.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Special Education Related Services, and Models of Learning

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)

36) Will districts continue to receive referrals to Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)? 

Yes, districts should continue to accept referrals from families, caregivers, and Early Intervention (EI) programs, in accordance with Child Find requirements. EI programs will refer all children who are potentially eligible for ECSE and who will be turning 3. EI regulations require the EI program to make referrals at least 90 days before the child’s third birthday.

37) Do districts need to complete the eligibility process for children referred from EI? 

Districts must accept and act on referrals from EI providers. This includes attending the virtual Transition Planning Conference (TPC), reviewing existing and EI assessments, and conducting an evaluation of the child to determine if the child is eligible for special education services.

For districts that were unable to complete the eligibility process without a face-to-face assessment, an extension of EI services was made available for children who turned 3 between March 15, 2020 and August 31, 2020. For those students, EI services can continue until special education eligibility determination can be completed and the child has transitioned to special education, or until October 15, 2020. Because many districts may have been unable to conduct evaluations, convene IEP meetings, and initiate services by the child’s third birthday, and children may have been supported through this extension of EI services, districts can expect an increased number of children for whom they need to complete the eligibility determination process and an increased number of children needing special education services. District leaders should be prepared to complete the transition process, have completed assessments, and an IEP signed for this group of students by October 15, 2020.

38) How can schools and districts complete the eligibility process for young children if they cannot complete a face-to-face assessment?

Schools and districts are encouraged to consider any and all evaluation information that is already available, and conduct additional assessments that are needed, as appropriate for the child under consideration.Schools and districts should make a decision regarding the feasibility of completing the eligibility determination process on an individual basis. Use the following guide for each child to determine if the eligibility process can be completed. See above for further guidance related to assessments.

For some young children, face-to-face assessments will be necessary to determine eligibility. If assessments cannot be completed, and the child has been identified as potentially eligible for ECSE by Early Intervention providers, the following special considerations should be discussed with families:

  1. Provide learning opportunities in general education preschool, if available.
  2. Consult with Regional Consultation Program (RCP) specialists to provide resources to families and/or schools and districts.
  3. Connect with Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) grantees for families to receive supports and remote playgroup opportunities.
  4. Collaborate with local EI programs on how to support the transition. With concurrence from the family, EI programs may complete additional assessments that may facilitate the process for determining eligibility. The EI program may request a waiver from the DPH to support and prepare the family for the transition. The waiver is not intended for the continuation of Individuals Family Service Plan (IFSP) services after the child’s third birthday.

39) What are the service options for children who are transitioning from EI to ECSE?

After eligibility is determined, there are options for the provision of services.

  1. IEP teams can decide to:
    1. Continue the IFSP for one year after the child is found eligible for ECSE. Services are considered Part B services and are provided by local schools and districts.
    2. Contract with EI providers to provide services and to support EC transition.
  2. Write an IEP
    1. Your staff can provide services, or
    2. District, and EI staff can collaboratively provide services to support EC transition.
  3. Write a partial IEP and conduct an extended evaluation.

Additional resources are available from the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA), including information about eligibility determinations and transitions.

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE FAQ Special Education Qs 31-35

9/16/2020 (Permalink)

The way in which our children learn and our educators teach to begin this school year will be will challenging for both to say the least. Regardless of the reopening model chosen by your school district, all schools will be providing remote learning to some extent. Parents whose children require special education in the COVID-19 environment may be struggling with how these necessary changes may impact the ability of school districts to meet their children's needs.  The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has put together a FAQ to help parents navigate these uncharted waters. 

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

The Massachusetts DESE recommends that districts and schools select high quality, and subject areas.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Special Education Related Services, and Models of Learning

Bureau of Special Education Appeals (BSEA) Information

31) How should schools and districts communicate with and send documents to the BSEA? 

During the COVID-19 crisis, the BSEA is maintaining minimal staff onsite. Therefore,administrative tasks that are not governed by timelines may take longer to fulfill (e.g., processing rejected IEPs). With regard to notice of rejected IEPs, if mailing or faxing documents is not feasible, notice of rejected IEPs can now be sent via email to BSEA at BSEArejectedIEPs@mass.gov. By contrast, hearing requests must still be faxed or sent via U.S. mail.

Consistent with BSEA Standing Order 20-02C, to ensure timely receipt of submissions during the COVID-19 pandemic, Hearing Officers and Mediators may permit the submission of correspondence and documents electronically, in addition to paper filing (via fax or regular mail). Electronic submissions to BSEA must be simultaneously copied to all other parties. All hearing requests must be submitted via mail, fax, or hand delivery.

32) Can parties obtain an extension of due process hearing timelines?

While the IDEA provides that a final decision on a due process complaint must be issued not later than 45 days after the expiration of the 30-day resolution period, a hearing officer can grant an extension of time beyond the required timelines at the request of either party for good cause. The COVID-19 emergency does not per se constitute good cause; the hearing officer will make a case by case determination on requests for extension including considerations that may be COVID-19 related.

33) Are BSEA proceedings, including mediations, occurring remotely or in person?

Effective March 15, 2020, and consistent with BSEA Standing Order 20-01C, the BSEA is conducting all proceedings remotely/virtually until further notice. This includes mediations, facilitated IEP meetings, settlement conferences, pre-hearing conferences, and hearings.The BSEA will contact parties as the date of the scheduled proceeding approaches to make necessary arrangements. Any request for change of date, location, or medium for holding due process hearings will continue to be considered on a case by case basis by the hearing officer.

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)

34) Do schools and districts need to complete developmental screenings as outlined in 603 CMR 28.03(1)(d)?

Yes. Schools and districts are required to complete Preschool Screenings for three and four-year-old children and for all children who are of age to enter kindergarten. Such screening shall be designed to review a child's development and to assist in identification of those children who should be referred for an evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services. The Department recognizes that schools and districts are conducting virtual interviews with families and caregivers to begin gathering information until in-person screening can occur, using current health and safety requirements.

35) Is there any specific guidance for submission of Child Outcome Summary (COS)/Indicator 7 data?

Data collection schedules and school or district cohort assignments are unchanged for Indicator 7/Early Childhood COS. Data for the COS will continue to be collected using the data collection schedule and cohort assignments. Schools and districts responsible for submitting COS data can expect to receive a letter by early October with information regarding data collection, timelines, and resources. 

As schools and districts are implementing their reopening plans, special education services and supports to students, ECSE programs can continue to report on each child’s outcomes for the COS. Meetings with team members to discuss progress and outcomes should be included in the planning process.

Additional resources for ECSE: 

Below are links to additional resources regarding special education and remote learning that may be helpful.

If you have concerns about the submission, please contact both;

Martha Daigle at Martha.S.Daigle@mass.gov  Carla Corina at corina.eval@outlook.com

to discuss individual circumstances.

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE FAQ Special Education Qs 26-30

9/15/2020 (Permalink)

The way in which our children learn and our educators teach to begin this school year will be will challenging for both to say the least. Regardless of the reopening model chosen by your school district, all schools will be providing remote learning to some extent. Parents whose children require special education in the COVID-19 environment may be struggling with how these necessary changes may impact the ability of school districts to meet their children's needs.  The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has put together a FAQ to help parents navigate these uncharted waters. 

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

The Massachusetts DESE recommends that districts and schools select high quality, and subject areas.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Special Education Related Services, and Models of Learning

Out-of-District Placements and Approved Special Education Schools and Programs

26) How can residential programs for students with IEPs maintain health and safety during the COVID-19 outbreak? 

The health and safety of the students and employees in residential schools is of utmost concern during the COVID-19 pandemic.The Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) issued guidance, most recently updated on April 14, 2020, addressing the specific procedures and protocols for residential, congregate care, and shelter providers. This guidance includes background on COVID-19, protective measures, ways to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19, cases and suspected cases in residents or employees, and information on testing, reporting COVID-19 cases, providing care to residents, personal protective equipment, deep cleaning, and monitoring the emotional health of employees. EOHHS will update this guidance as needed.

State and Federal Monitoring and Assistance

27) Will data submission timelines be enforced for Tiered Focused Monitoring activities and State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report indicators?

Tiered Focused Monitoring

Due date for submission of the Public School Tiered Focused Monitoring self-assessments and Indicator data has been extended to October 30, 2020:

  • Special education self-assessment?
  • Civil rights self-assessment?
  • English learner education self-assessment?
  • Indicator data submission for Indicators 11, 12 & 13?

Contact Tim Gallagher at

Phone: 781-338-3717 Email: Timothy.Gallagher2@mass.gov 

with questions related to the special education self-assessment, civil rights self-assessment and Indicator data submission.

Contact Sibel Hughes at

Phone: 781-338-3569    Email: Sibel.Hughes@mass.gov

with questions related to the English learner education self-assessment.

Indicator 7

See section on Early Childhood Special Education Services section for more information.

Indicator 14

Deadlines for Indicator 14 data submission have changed this year. The submission date is November 16, 2020. Schools and districts in Cohort 2 will use an online survey to learn about the further education and employment outcomes of their former students with IEPs. In July, the Department emailed all Cohort 2 special education administrators with detailed instructions for this year’s Indicator 14 data collection. For additional information, please contact Amanda Green at 781-338-3368 or Amanda.C.Green@mass.gov.

28) Will data submission timelines be enforced for program and mid-cycle reviews for collaboratives and approved special education day and residential programs in WBMS? 

Self-assessments for the 2020-2021 WBMS data submission for collaboratives and approved special education day and residential programs are due on August 24, 2020. Please contact Jannelle Roberts at:


with questions or to discuss the individual circumstances of your collaborative or approved special education school if an extension is necessary.

29) Given the COVID-19 situation, can the period of availability for IDEA Part B grant funds be extended?

The U.S. Department of Education has approved Massachusetts’ waiver request for the extension to obligate IDEA FY19 funds.This means that FY19 IDEA funds (fund codes 240 & 262) set to expire on September 30, 2020 can now be used until September 30, 2021. If a school or district has any unexpended FY19 fund code 240 &fund code 262 funds, the Department urges the school or district to continue to spend down these funds first. If the district still has unexpended FY19 funds and would like to continue to use the funds until September 30, 2021, the Department’s Grants Management Office will automatically handle the obligation period adjustments for the school or district. Schools and districts do not need to take any extra steps to secure this additional time. Schools and districts may contact the Federal Grant Programs office with any questions at 


30) With the extended period of availability of funds, can the district have a second year (until September 30, 2021) to carry over any unspent FY19 proportionate share funds?

The extended period of availability of FY19 funds does not change the spending requirements and time frame in IDEA regarding the expenditure of a proportionate share of a district’s IDEA Part B funds on equitable services for parentally placed private school students with disabilities attending a private school located in the district, or eligible homeschool students. The district’s equitable services obligation must be spent in the year in which funds were appropriated or obligated during a carry-over period of one additional year. See Electronic Code of Federal Regulations 

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE FAQ Special Education Qs 20-25

9/11/2020 (Permalink)

The way in which our children learn and our educators teach to begin this school year will be will challenging for both to say the least. Regardless of the reopening model chosen by your school district, all schools will be providing remote learning to some extent. Parents whose children require special education in the COVID-19 environment may be struggling with how these necessary changes may impact the ability of school districts to meet their children's needs.  The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has put together a FAQ to help parents navigate these uncharted waters. 

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

The Massachusetts DESE recommends that districts and schools select high quality, and subject areas.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Special Education Related Services, and Models of Learning

IEP Meetings, Timelines, and Other Procedural Requirements

20) Can the Department offer flexibility to schools and districts on meeting procedural timelines?

On April 27, 2020, U.S. Secretary of Education DeVos issued a report to Congress, declining to recommend waivers to the core tenets of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This means that IDEA procedural timelines remain in effect. The Department has issued guidance to schools and districts on this topic. For more information, see COVID Special Education Technical Advisory 2020-2.

21) A student’s IEP expired during the period when in-person instruction was suspended. Will the IEP still be in effect?

Yes. The current IEP will remain in effect until a new IEP is developed and accepted, irrespective of the expired date reflected in the IEP form.

22) If the annual review of a student’s IEP is due, or if an IEP Team determines an IEP meeting is needed, how should the district hold the meeting if an in-person meeting is not possible?

IDEA regulations contemplate that IEP meetings may be held via telephone and/or video conference. Districts should continue to convene IEP Team meetings using these alternative means of meeting participation, if necessary. To convene an IEP meeting using telephone or video conferencing, districts must ensure that all IEP Team members, particularly those whose participation is required under IDEA, have access to necessary technology and accommodations to allow remote participation. Rather than using personal telephone lines or cell phones, school and district personnel may choose to use a third-party platform. For limited English proficient parents, districts must also ensure that interpreters are provided for IEP Team meetings and translate documents, when appropriate.

If required members of the IEP Team are unable to attend, IDEA regulations provide that Team members can be excused with agreement from the family, if:

  1. The district and the family agree, in writing, that the attendance of the Team member is not necessary because the member’s area of the curriculum or related services is not being modified or discussed; or
  2. The district and the family agree, in writing, to excuse a required Team member’s participation and the excused member provides written input into the development of the IEP to the family and the IEP Team prior to the meeting.

23) Should schools continue to issue student Progress Reports?

Yes. Schools, districts, collaborative programs, and approved special education schools must continue to issue student Progress Reports at least as often as report cards or progress reports are provided for students without disabilities in accordance with Special Education Laws.Progress Reports can be sent to families in multiple ways, e.g., U.S. mail, email, student information systems, or online communication platforms, and must be translated for families if necessary.

24) Should schools continue to maintain student health records?

Yes. Even though not all schools maintain electronic health records, schools should continue to maintain nursing documentation per the Department of Public Health (DPH). Records can be maintained through paper logs and/or by entering calls into the Student Information Management System (SIMS). DPH understands that it may not be possible for nurses to transfer all paper logs into electronic systems and encourages retaining all paper logs.

25) Should schools continue to submit Chapter 688 referrals for secondary students with severe disabilities?

Yes. Schools must continue to submit Chapter 688 referrals via the Virtual Gateway. These referrals are essential so that adult agencies (Department of Developmental Services, Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commissioner, Department of Mental Health, Massachusetts Commission for the Blind, Department of Children and Families, and Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard or Hearing) can request the appropriate amount of funding from the legislature to serve students with IEPs who will turn 22 and are eligible for adult agency services. 688 referrals should be completed by the district two years before the student’s anticipated date of exit, but even late referrals are useful.

Districts should submit with the referral form, at a minimum, the student’s most recent IEP and three-year evaluation. Parent consent during this emergency can be in the form of wet signature or e-signature, email, or verbal consent documented in district staff notes. Questions about 688 filing or referral should be sent to:                     

Kathy Stern

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE FAQ Special Education Qs 15-19

9/10/2020 (Permalink)

The way in which our children learn and our educators teach to begin this school year will be will challenging for both to say the least. Regardless of the reopening model chosen by your school district, all schools will be providing remote learning to some extent. Parents whose children require special education in the COVID-19 environment may be struggling with how these necessary changes may impact the ability of school districts to meet their children's needs.  The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has put together a FAQ to help parents navigate these uncharted waters. 

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

The Massachusetts DESE recommends that districts and schools select high quality, and subject areas.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Special Education Related Services, and Models of Learning

Monitoring Student Progress

15) How can student progress be monitored during hybrid or remote learning?

Educators, service providers, parents/guardians, and students should review a student’s IEP to review the goals and objectives and identify the types of data that can be collected from the student, the family, and the home environment and develop a plan to collect ongoing data. Using the basic tenets of progress monitoring, school staff can reimagine their roles in a remote context, e.g., by using a tracking sheet to collect data from student videos, by interviewing parents/guardians and students, or by using assessments.

There are many resources to aid in this work, for example:

  1. The Texas Education Agency Phase 4 Remote Learning Plan Monitoring
  2. Student Progress Monitoring Tool for Data Collection and Graphing
  3. Measuring and Reporting Progress Toward Mastery of Annual Goals
  4. Data Collection During Distance Learning

Using Google Drive to Collect Data for IEP Goals

If parents/guardians are asked to assist with progress monitoring, please consider that some parents/guardians are limited English proficient and may need translations or interpretations to be able to effectively learn how to collect and communicate monitoring data to their school or district liaison.

16) How does the cancellation of the Spring 2020 administration of the MCAS impact competency determination requirements for students with IEPs who are anticipated to remain in secondary school until their 22nd birthday?

For general guidance on graduation for students with IEPs, please see the Department’s 2018 advisory, Secondary Transition Services and Graduation with a High School Diploma. Grade 12 students who were enrolled or received a certificate of attainment in March or End-of-Year SIMS and grade SP students who earned a certificate of attainment in End-of-Year SIMS are eligible to be considered for the modified competency determination (CD) if they have not yet passed one or more of the high school MCAS tests. Districts must certify the successful completion of at least one qualifying course via the ‘Competency Determination’ application in the DESE Security Portal, per instructions that have been shared with school or district administrators. The Security Portal application will be available through Friday, August 21, 2020. For further information, schools and districts should contact data@doe.mass.edu or visit DESE’s related guidance.

Schools and districts should also keep in mind that the MCAS appeals process is still available.

17) How does the cancellation of the Spring 2020 administration of the MCAS impact competency requirements for students with IEPs who do not meet the criteria referenced in the previous question?

For general guidance on graduation for students with IEPs, please see the Department’s 2018 advisory, Secondary Transition Services and Graduation with a High School Diploma. Schools and districts should also keep in mind that the MCAS appeals process is still available.

IEP Meetings, Timelines, and Other Procedural Requirements

18) Do schools need to make changes to the student’s IEP in order to provide services during a hybrid or remote model during the 2020-2021 school year?

No. It is not necessary to convene an IEP Team before providing learning opportunities and services to students with IEPs if a school or district is using a hybrid or remote model at the beginning of the school year. Additionally, it is not necessary to amend the IEP for the purpose of delivering hybrid or remote services. Please download the Special Education, Related Services, and Models of Learning for the Department’s recommendation for written documentation of modified in-person, hybrid, or remote instruction.

19) What should schools and districts do if a family does not respond to outreach or refuses services?

Schools and districts should make repeated and varied attempts to reach out and engage families. In these cases, schools and districts should document all attempts to engage with families. All communication should be in the primary language of the home, using interpreters and translating documents, when appropriate.

If a parent/guardian does not accept services for their son/daughter, the school or district should ask that the parent/guardian document this refusal in writing. If the parent/guardian does not submit anything in writing, the school or district should also document a summary of the conversation or issue a letter summarizing the conversation to ensure clear communication

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE FAQ Special Education Qs 9-14

9/9/2020 (Permalink)

The way in which our children learn and our educators teach to begin this school year will be will challenging for both to say the least. Regardless of the reopening model chosen by your school district, all schools will be providing remote learning to some extent. Parents whose children require special education in the COVID-19 environment may be struggling with how these necessary changes may impact the ability of school districts to meet their children's needs.  The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has put together a FAQ to help parents navigate these uncharted waters. 

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

The Massachusetts DESE recommends that districts and schools select high quality, and subject areas.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Special Education Related Services, and Models of Learning

9) What must schools and districts do to fulfill their responsibilities under IDEA equitable services?

IDEA equitable services requirements have not changed.Schools and districts remain responsible for all IDEA equitable services requirements, irrespective of whether the school or district is implementing an in-person, remote, or hybrid model of instruction and service delivery. Schools and districts should continue to engage in meaningful consultation with approved special education private school representatives and parents/guardians of parentally-placed private school students with disabilities, including parents/guardians of homeschool students, and include as part of consultation what, if any, changes in service delivery may be implemented in the new school year based on the instructional and service delivery model(s) implemented by the school or district.Consultation with the parents/guardians should be in the primary language of the home, using interpreters and translating documents, when appropriate.If changes are made to students’ service delivery, schools and districts must include those changes in the service plans developed in collaboration with students’ parents/guardians. As part of consultation, schools and districts should also discuss whether any unspent FY 20 funds will be carried over into FY 21.  

10) Should a school or district continue to provide in-person services to students with disabilities that have been prioritized for in-person instruction if their districts have received a designation of "red" based on cases per 100,000?

If a district receives a red designation for a high average daily case rate in the Department of Public Health’s weekly update, the decision to continue to provide in-person instruction to vulnerable students (including those with disabilities, English learners, and students who have not engaged with remote learning) needs to be made at the local level. Solely receiving a red designation does not in any way automatically mean that all in-person services have to be discontinued. In fact, DESE recommends that districts continue to provide as much in-person instruction as possible to vulnerable students using the key safety protocols outlined in our reopening guidance.

11) Will all students with IEPs be eligible for compensatory services because of the disruption of in-person instruction and service delivery from March 17 until the end of the 2020-2021 school year?

Whether a student is entitled to receive compensatory services because of the suspension of in-person instruction in the spring due to COVID-19, is a fact-specific and individualized determination to be made by the IEP Team. The Department has issued guidance on this topic. For more information, see COVID-19 Special Education Technical Assistance Advisory 2021-1.

12) If a student is presenting with behavior that requires them to be physically restrained and a staff member must restrain the student, should the student continue to wear a mask?

Schools and districts are required to implement preventive and proactive behavioral supports and interventions to prevent the need for a physical restraint. The Department maintains a commitment to the reduction of physical restraint in schools and reminds schools and districts that all relevant regulatory procedures, as outlined in 603 CMR 46.00, must be followed prior to, during, and subsequent to any physical restraint. If a student does need to be physically restrained, a mask should not be on the face of the student. If the student was wearing a mask prior to being placed in a physical restraint, the mask should be removed as soon as is practical and safe. Students in physical restraints should not wear masks, regardless of the behaviors they are exhibiting because masks may restrict airflow, preventing staff from effectively monitoring the student’s breathing, and the mask might be inhaled or swallowed by the student.

13) May homeschool students receive special education services delivered by the school or district, pursuant to the IEP?

Yes. Homeschool plans must be reviewed and approved in advance by the school or district, including the special education portion of the plan. Schools and districts are responsible for providing special education services to homeschool students pursuant to the IEP. Services may be provided in-person or through remote learning; communication with families is essential for understanding how services will be provided.This communication should be in the primary language of the home, using interpreters and translating documents, when appropriate.

Educational Resources

14) How can educators and administrators find resources to support remote and hybrid learning?

The Department has created and is continuously updating a spreadsheet with resources for educators and administrators, to assist them in their work with students and families.This spreadsheet can be found on the COVID-19 resources page of the Office of Special Education Planning and Policy Development (SEPP).

In addition, the Department provides information regarding special education guidance on the special education webpage. Other guidance issued by the Department can be found on the COVID-19 Guidance/On the Desktop Messages webpage.Nationally, USED has designated the National Center for Systemic Instruction (NCSI) as a resource hub for remotely-provided special education services and supports. NCSI’s resource library has been specifically created to share instructional resources and service delivery solutions.

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE FAQ Special Education Qs 5-8

9/8/2020 (Permalink)

The way in which our children learn and our educators teach to begin this school year will be will challenging for both to say the least. Regardless of the reopening model chosen by your school district, all schools will be providing remote learning to some extent. Parents whose children require special education in the COVID-19 environment may be struggling with how these necessary changes may impact the ability of school districts to meet their children's needs.  The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has put together a FAQ to help parents navigate these uncharted waters. 

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

The Massachusetts DESE recommends that districts and schools select high quality, and subject areas.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Special Education Related Services, and Models of Learning

5) How can schools and districts notify and document the implementation of a student’s IEP if the delivery of services is different than described in the student’s IEP(i.e.,in circumstances where the school or district is providing services through an in-person, remote, or hybrid learning model that may look different than traditionally delivered due to COVID-19)?

Teachers or IEP liaisons should contact students’ parents/guardians as soon as possible to discuss how a given student’s IEP service will be delivered if different than described in the student’s IEP, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Using input from that discussion, teachers or liaisons must provide parents/guardians with written documentation containing specific information about how IEP services will be delivered promptly at the start of the 2020-2021 school year. Examples of written documentation include the use of an N1,DESE’s sample “COVID-19 Special Education Learning Plan”, letter,or other means of written communication. Translations of this resource will be made available to schools and districts on DESE’s website.

This documentation should include how and where specialized services are being provided. If the remote model or remote portion of the hybrid model are being employed, this documentation should also include when the specialized services are being provided in remote. This documentation should be dated to reflect when services began. If plans change, revision dates should be added to the plan. This written documentation does not constitute an IEP amendment, and students retain stay-put rights through their IEP. Though parental consent is not required to implement the modified in-person, hybrid, or remote special education services plan, it is recommended for schools and districts to keep families informed of any changes in service delivery. Schools and districts can deliver written notification to families in multiple ways, e.g., U.S. mail, email, student information systems, or online communication platforms. Each communication should be in the primary language of the home, using interpreters and translating documents, when appropriate.

6) What types of services can be provided remotely? 

The U.S. Department of Education (USED) has stated that the IDEA does not mandate specific methodologies. Where technology itself imposes a barrier to access or where educational materials simply are not available in an accessible format, educators may still meet their legal obligations by providing children with IEPs equally effective alternate access to the curriculum or services provided to other students. For example, if a teacher who has a blind student in her class is working from home and cannot distribute a document accessible to that student, she can distribute to the rest of the class an inaccessible document and, if appropriate for the student, read the document over the phone to the blind student or provide the blind student with an audio recording of a reading of the document aloud. The Department encourages parents/guardians, educators, and administrators to collaborate creatively to continue to meet the needs of students with IEPs. Consider practices such as distance instruction, tele-therapy and tele-intervention, meetings held on digital platforms, online options for data tracking, and documentation. 

7) How can related services be provided during the suspension of in-person education? 

Related services can be provided remotely to students in accordance with the guidelines of their respective professional boards. Schools and districts should document the provision of related services in their written notification to parents.This communication should be in the primary language of the home, using interpreters and translating documents, when appropriate.

8) If a school or district chooses a hybrid or remote model, how does this impact special education students who receive services in community-based settings and students who participate in inclusive concurrent enrollment programs at institutions of higher education?

Although in-person participation in community-based programs and inclusive concurrent enrollment programs at institutions of higher education may be limited at this time, schools and districts should make best efforts to develop plans collaboratively with community-based providers, colleges, parents/guardians, and students in order to allow students access to as much programming as possible during COVID-19. Current health and safety requirements must remain a priority when making decisions about the extent to which transition services may be provided in the community. However, it is highly recommended that in-person transition services resume as soon as it is safe to do so with the proper health and safety measures in place.

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE FAQ Special Education Qs 1-4

9/4/2020 (Permalink)

The way in which our children learn and our educators teach to begin this school year will be will challenging for both to say the least. Regardless of the reopening model chosen by your school district, all schools will be providing remote learning to some extent. Parents whose children require special education in the COVID-19 environment may be struggling with how these necessary changes may impact the ability of school districts to meet their children's needs.  The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has put together a FAQ to help parents navigate these uncharted waters. 

Please note supplemental information can be found on the Department's website at DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

The Massachusetts DESE recommends that districts and schools select high quality, and subject areas.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Special Education Related Services, and Models of Learning

1: How will schools and districts provide special education and related services to students with IEPs as schools reopen during this period of public health crisis from COVID-19?

As schools reopen, schools and districts must continue to provide a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) consistent with the need to protect the health and safety of students and staff. Students with IEPs must receive all services documented in their IEPs even if services are being delivered in a different service model (i.e.,modified in-person, hybrid or remote). The Department has recommended that certain categories of students be prioritized for in-person instruction even if schools and districts are operating in a hybrid or remote model. Specifically, preschool-age students with IEPs and students with disabilities who have been prioritized for in-person instruction should receive in-person instruction to the greatest extent feasible.

2: How will schools and districts provide special education and related services to students with IEPs during periods when a school or district is providing instruction a hybrid or remote model because of COVID-19?

Even if schools or districts are operating in a hybrid or remote model, educators and administrators must make every effort to continue to provide up to full-time in person instruction for students with disabilities, particularly preschool-aged students and those with who have been prioritized for in-person instruction.If in-person instruction cannot be provided, students must receive special education instruction and related services necessary to provide FAPE through an Instruction and Services model of delivery (e.g., structured lessons, tele-therapy, video-based lessons, etc.).

For school year 2020-2021, remote special education services must include the following components:

  1. A regular and consistent schedule of classes, interventions, services, and therapies as required by the student’s IEP, offered synchronously and/or asynchronously;
  2. Structured learning time designed so that the student can access state standards; and
  3. Frequent interactions with teachers and other staff members to ensure participation and engagement.

The consistent schedule of classes, interventions, services, and therapies must include time interacting directly with teachers and related service providers on a regular basis, as well as some independent work time, as appropriate, and opportunities for interacting with classmates. Synchronous remote lessons or tele-therapy sessions can be provided via telephone or video conferencing. Students might also benefit from asynchronous pre-recorded videos of lessons to follow at home. For students receiving the majority of their daily instruction through special education, teachers and therapists should assign supplemental work (beyond lessons taught synchronously or asynchronously) during the school day that can be accomplished independently with guidance from and accountability to the teacher or therapist.For more detailed information, please see the Comprehensive Guidance on Fall 2020 Special Education Services. For guidance and for specific resources on educating students with IEPs, please see Additional Resources for Supporting Students with Disabilities for All Educators and Providers.

3: How often should schools and districts communicate with parents/guardians during the 2020-2021 school year? 

The Department strongly recommends that schools and districts cultivate excellent two-way communication with families. Schools and districts should ensure that appropriate staff(e.g., classroom teacher, special education teacher, or other service provider) communicate regularly with parents/guardians.The frequency and type of communication will vary depending on the child’s individual needs, the availability of the Team member, and the mode of communication.

The Department recommends that school and district personnel document their communication with families.Communication can include direct conversations, office hours, emails, texts, and webinars for parents/guardians.The communication should be in the primary language of the home, using interpreters and translating documents, when appropriate.

4: How can schools and districts complete the special education initial eligibility process if they cannot complete a face-to-face assessment?

Schools and districts are encouraged to consider any and all evaluation information that is already available, and conduct additional assessments that are needed, as appropriate, for the child under consideration for special education eligibility.

Schools and districts should make a decision regarding the feasibility of completing the eligibility determination process on an individual basis. Professionals should use their best judgment in determining whether the existing data review provides sufficient information for some aspects of a student’s evaluation and, if not sufficient, developing a plan for completing all special education assessments in-person or remotely.

Based on professional judgment, it may be determined that a special education assessment or parts of an assessment may be conducted remotely. Factors involved in professional judgment and supporting a determination as to whether a special education assessment can be conducted remotely include:

  1. Referring to guidance of the relevant professional organization(s) of the particular evaluator conducting the assessment at the state or national level.
  2. Consulting the assessment’s publisher regarding technical/interpretive guidelines for remote administration.
  3. Relying on evaluators as to whether an entire assessment or parts of an assessment may be conducted remotely.
  4. Taking into consideration current knowledge and circumstances of the student and making individualized decisions.
  5. Consulting with the special education administrator.
  6. Considering the use of alternative assessment tools to assess all areas of suspected disability.
  7. Continuing to monitor for developments in the manner assessments can be conducted remotely and, as developments emerge, revisit earlier decisions not to assess, as appropriate.

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE Remote Learning Guidance

9/3/2020 (Permalink)

By now most parents of the Commonwealth know which of the three possible education models their school districts have chosen to begin the 2020-2021 academic year. The possibilities are:

  1. In-person - learning with new and enhanced safety requirements
  2. Hybrid - some combination of In-person (with new and enhanced safety requirements) and remote learning
  3. Remote - 100% remote learning environment

The way in which our children learn and our educators teach to begin this school year will be will challenging for both to say the least. Regardless of the reopening model chosen by your school district, all schools will be providing remote learning to some extent. To ensure that our children's learning experience is not diminished by these significant changes to their leaning structure the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has offered the following guidance to be used when developing the curriculum for hybrid and remote learning models.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

The Massachusetts DESE recommends that districts and schools select high quality, comprehensive curriculum and instructional materials when developing the curriculum for remote based learning. There are many resources available that provide supplemental virtual content that educators can incorporate in a way that builds upon their current curriculum, enhances student engagement, voice, and choice, and that meets specific needs for delivering instruction remotely. Below is a list of vetted virtual content resources for various grade spans and subject areas.

Vetted Virtual Content Grades K-2 

  1. Reading Foundational Skills
    1. Flyleaf - Publishing
    2. EVERFI - Free Early Literacy Digital Lessons
    3. Heggerty - Phonemic Awareness Curriculum
  2. Engaging With Complex Text and Writing
    1. Core Knowledge - Language Arts
    2. EL Education - Literacy Education
    3. Great Minds - K-8
    4. In K-2, this should entail read-aloud with discussion and response to text
  3. Independent Reading or Listening
    1. Epic - Trackable Personalize Daily Reading
    2. Rivet - Rewards Based Reading App
    3. Stories Podcast - Audio Book Style Podcast
    4. Local libraries’ digital lending services
  4. Math
    1. Great Minds - K-8
    2. Khan Academy - K-12 Personalized Digital Learning
    3. ST Math - Early Learning through Middle School Math
    4. ZEARN Math - K-5 Digital Math Curriculum
  5. Science, Technology and Engineering
    or History and Social Science
    1. C3 Inquires - K-12 Inquiry Based Social Studies Curriculum
    2. KidCitizen - K-12 Interactive Government and Civil Engagement Curriculum
    3. Mystery Science - K-5 Science Video Lessons
    4. NSTA Daily Do - K-12 Remote Learning Curriculum
    5. Next Generation Science - K-12 Science Unit Lessons
  6. Arts and Physical Education
    1. BrainPop Jr. - Music
    2. Carle’s Art Studio - Visual Art
    3. PBS - Theatre
    4. PBS - Dance
  7. Exploration and Play
    1. Young children learn through exploration and play, such as building with blocks, exploring nature, pretend play, and games. Schools should support students in grades K-2 to learn through play at home and can provide resources such as:
      1. Family Reading Games - You Tube
      2. Boston Children’s Museum Play and Learning Activities

Vetted Virtual Content Grades 3-5

  1. Reading Foundational Skills
    1. Florida Center for Reading Research
  2. Engaging With Complex Text and Writing
    1. Core Knowledge - Language Arts
    2. EL Education - Literacy Education
    3. Great Minds - K-8
  3. Independent Reading or Listening
    1. Epic - Trackable Personalize Daily Reading
    2. Rivet - Rewards Based Reading App
    3. Local libraries’ digital lending services
  4. Math
    1. Great Minds - K-8
    2. Khan Academy - K-12 Personalized Digital Learning
    3. ST Math - Early Learning through Middle School Math
    4. ZEARN Math - K-5 Digital Math Curriculum
  5. Science, Technology and Engineering 
    1. Mystery Science - K-5 Science Video Lessons
    2. NSTA Daily Do - K-12 Remote Learning Curriculum
    3. Next Generation Science - K-12 Science Unit Lessons
  6. History and Social Science
    1. C3 Inquires - K-12 Inquiry Based Social Studies Curriculum
    2. KidCitizen - K-12 Interactive 
  7. Arts and Physical Education
    1. NAEA’s Remote Learning Toolkit - National Art Education Association for Visual Arts Educators - Visual Art
    2. PBS - Theatre 
    3. PBS - Dance
    4. Smithsonian Folkways - Music

Vetted Virtual Content Grades 6-8

  1. ELA/Literacy
    1. CommonLit - Free Digital Reading Curriculum
    2. EL Education - Literacy Education
    3. Great Minds - K-8
  2. Math
    1. Carnegie Learning - Continuous Digital Learning Resources
    2. Great Minds - K-8
    3. Khan Academy - K-12 Personalized Digital Learning
    4. Illustrative Math
      1. ST Math
      2. Kendall Hunt
      3. LearnZillion
      4. McGraw-Hill
  3. Science, Technology and Engineering 
    1. Concord Consortium - Interactive STEM Activities
    2. NSTA Daily Do - K-12 Remote Learning Curriculum
    3. Next Generation Science - K-12 Science Unit Lessons
  4. History and Social Science
    1. C3 Inquires - K-12 Inquiry Based Social Studies Curriculum
    2. Facing History - Helping Students Learn From Humanity's Past Mistakes
    3. iCivics - Delivers Engaging, and Equitable Civic Curriculum
    4. Stanford History Education Group - Investigative Historical Curriculum
  5. World Languages, Digital Literacy, Computer Science, and/or Electives
    1. Code.- Computer Science Learning Portal
    2. Digital Citizenship - Learn How To Navigate The Digital World
  6. Arts and Physical Education
    1. Citizen DJ - Music/Theatre/Media Arts 
    2. NAEA’s Remote Learning Toolkit - National Art Education Association for Visual Arts Educators - Visual Art
    3. PBS - Theatre 
    4. PBS - Dance
    5. Smithsonian Folkways - Music
  7. Independent Reading
    1. Project Gutenberg - Online Library of Free Books
    2. Local libraries’ digital lending services

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE Available Resources, Materials and Considerations For High Schools

9/2/2020 (Permalink)

By now most parents of the Commonwealth know which of the three possible education models their school districts have chosen to begin the 2020-2021 academic year. The possibilities are:

  1. In-person - learning with new and enhanced safety requirements
  2. Hybrid - some combination of In-person (with new and enhanced safety requirements) and remote learning
  3. Remote - 100% remote learning environment

The way in which our children learn and our educators teach to begin this school year will be will challenging for both to say the least. Regardless of the reopening model chosen by your school district, all schools will be providing remote learning to some extent. To ensure that our children's learning experience is not diminished by these significant changes to their leaning structure the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has offered the following resources, materials as well as guidance to consider when developing curriculum for high school students.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Resources Available To School Districts

Providing students and teachers with access to stronger curricular materials can be a powerful way to narrow opportunity gaps and accelerate student learning at scale. During these difficult times school and district leaders lack the time and information necessary to make well-informed decisions about curriculum. 

The CURATE project is DESE's response to this opportunity and need. The project's goal is to make it easier for schools and districts to lay a foundation of great curricular materials in every classroom, so that teachers can focus on making those materials work for the students they know best.

View quick reference guides on critical components of curriculum:

  1. Assessing your curriculum landscape
  2. Aligning curriculum to Massachusetts standards
  3. Ensuring curricular coherence

View the rubrics CURATE panels use to evaluate curricular materials (English Language Arts and Literacy; Mathematics; Science and Technology/Engineering)

  1. CURATE English Language Arts & Literacy Rubric
  2. CURATE Mathematics Rubric
  3. CURATE Science & Technology/Engineering Rubric

High-Quality Instructional Materials and Remote

It is paramount to ensure that every student in Massachusetts has access to a safe and supportive school environment that cultivates academic curiosity and confidence. Students have equitable access to an excellent education. Students read meaningful texts across content areas, work on complex real-world problems, participate in the arts, and share their ideas through speaking and writing using evidence, all in an effort to understand the world, their personal identities and their roles in the world.

Instruction is most powerful when educators have strong content knowledge and access to high-quality instructional materials and professional learning that promote inclusive practice accessible to all students, including English learners and students with disabilities; support authentic, engaging, and interdisciplinary student learning experiences; and invest families and students in their learning.

To support standards-based learning, we believe that every student should engage:

  • with grade-appropriate text every day
  • with meaningful real-world problems every day
  • in scientific conversations using data every week

DESE’s is offering a 5-Part online module series though its Center for Instructional Support. This seriesreviews key instructional practices and provides tips and strategies for remote teaching aligned to the Standards and Indicators of Effective Practice and the MA Curriculum Frameworks for ELA/Literacy, Math, History/Social Science, and Science.

To inquire about registering for this series contact: 

Claire Abbott @ Claire.J.Abbott@mass.gov

The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is sharing recommendations for high-quality materials that support all district contexts and include free resources (open education resources). CCSSO runs the High-Quality Instructional Materials and Professional Development (IMPD) Network that currently supports eight states
(Delaware, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Wisconsin) to significantly increase the number of
districts selecting high-quality, standards aligned instructional materials and to increase the number of pre-service and in-service teachers
receiving professional development grounded in the use of those materials. To view their recommendations click here.

Special Considerations for Grades 9-12

High school schedules differ from those of younger students in that coursework completion and grading “fuels” a high school transcript that is used to provide information and give access to opportunity for post-secondary life in college and career. Also, in high school, courses are typically taken just once, and that content will not be repeated in their educational career. Thus, it is critical that high school students receive schedules based on their individual credit and course content needs.

Students should enroll in courses according to the school’s normal requirements and processes, with the goal of mastering grade-level skills and building college and career readiness. School officials, in counsel with the student and reflecting on that student’s skills and priorities, should design a full and appropriate schedule for each individual student. Then the student should receive remote instruction and coursework for each of those courses commensurate with what they would have received in person. While high school schedules are much more varied than schedules at other educational levels, schools should assure that students are accessing the skills and knowledge detailed in the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for their grade level. In cases where schools have limited teaching staff to support remote courses (such as for particular courses), districts may consider purchasing individual courses with certified educators provided, such as through a partnership with Commonwealth Virtual Schools. Click here to visit the website.

Schools and districts should also consider student agency throughout the scheduling process. High school students should have an opportunity to plan for their academic, personal/social, and career success through an individual planning process such as My Career and Academic Plan. This may include scheduled time with school counselors and other engaged educators to meet the needs of college and career planning in both a group and individual setting.  

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE 3 Critical Areas For Successful Remote Learning

9/1/2020 (Permalink)

By now most parents of the Commonwealth know which of the three possible education models their school districts have chosen to begin the 2020-2021 academic year. The possibilities are:

  1. In-person - learning with new and enhanced safety requirements
  2. Hybrid - some combination of In-person (with new and enhanced safety requirements) and remote learning
  3. Remote - 100% remote learning environment

The way in which our children learn and our educators teach to begin this school year will be will challenging for both to say the least. Regardless of the reopening model chosen by your school district, all schools will be providing remote learning to some extent. To ensure that our children's learning experience is not diminished by these significant changes to their leaning structure the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has identified three (3) critical areas to focus on when developing the upcoming educational curriculum.

  1. High-quality Curriculum And Instructional Materials
  2. Organizing Student Schedules For Structured Learning Time
  3. Organizing Educator Time To Maximize Time With Students

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

High-quality Curriculum And Instructional Materials

According to the DESE, more than ever, strong curricular materials are critical during this uncertain time.  Studies have shown that districts that have coherent, high-quality curriculum have been able to pivot more easily and have seen more coherence among teachers during the pandemic. They help teachers align their expectations to state standards designed to keep students on track for success while providing guidance on how to tailor instruction to individual students’ needs. They are engaging, challenging, and culturally-relevant. Additionally, compared to other popular interventions, simply upgrading learning materials is a more cost-effective option. 

The Department has compiled a number of resources to support districts in selecting and using high-quality curriculum and instructional materials and in supporting teachers to bring them to life, especially in hybrid or remote learning environments. Visit the DESE website to view these recommendations.

Organizing Student Schedules For Structured Learning Time

All students, including those learning remotely, must receive at least the minimum amount of required instruction for the 2020-2021 school year:

  1. 850 hours for elementary schools, or 5 hours per day over 170 days
  2. 935 hours for secondary schools, or 5.5 hours per day over 170 days

Throughout the school day and week, students learning remotely should experience a combination of instructional activities, such as:

  1. live, synchronous instruction
  2. small group or individual academic support
  3. asynchronous, independent work time

Students should also have access to teachers or staff members at a regularly scheduled time to monitor ongoing progress and needs. With family input, schools should create and adhere to a consistent schedule of synchronous and asynchronous learning time for each child.

During asynchronous periods, schools should provide clear expectations for what students should be working on, what they need to submit, and when any assignments are due. Schools should take into consideration student and family schedules and allow for flexibility for students to complete asynchronously assigned tasks based on family schedules (such as in the evenings, on the following day, or at the end of a week). Students and families should clearly understand how attendance will be taken, how they will receive feedback on work completed asynchronously, and how they will be evaluated (such as grades).

Whether they are engaging in synchronous or asynchronous work, students learning remotely should have access to rigorous, relevant content; spend time in a range of content areas, including specials and enrichment; and have opportunities to exercise their voice and choice in activities.

Organizing Educator Time To Maximize Time With Students

For districts and schools operating an in-person or hybrid learning model, educators and staff members may be stretched across multiple learning environments, limiting their ability to directly engage with all students at all times. In these cases, it may be necessary for a district or school to supplement live teacher instruction and support with asynchronous, student-directed content. In these scenarios, it is recommended that:

  1. Students have opportunities to connect with adults from school as often as possible but at least once a day, for both relationship-building and academic support.
  2. Schools provide as much synchronous instruction and/or direct support as possible.
  3. Teachers provide regular, targeted, individualized or small-group instruction to students who are not meeting grade-level standards or who need additional support.

Districts and schools that are operating fully remotely are not limited by the same staffing constraints that in-person and hybrid models may experience.In this model, it is recommended that:

  1. Educators provide direct services to students for a comparable amount of time as they would typically provide in person, with students receiving direct instruction, support, or having access to a teacher for the majority of the scheduled school day.
  2. Schools and districts maximize the use of all educators to support students, including teaching or co-teaching a class, working with students individually or in small groups, facilitating independent work time, hosting advisory or office hours, providing feedback on student work, meeting with students and families, etc.
  3. Educators incorporate a variety of instructional activities, including those that allow students to move away from or turn off their screens and those that include physical movement, reading, writing, and working with physical materials.

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE Protocol, Staff is Symptomatic

8/31/2020 (Permalink)

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has worked closely with Governor Baker's administration, public health officials, and community leaders to develop guidelines to follow should a specific COVID-19 scenario arise in a school district. As parents face the difficult decision about if and how their child will return to school this fall we believe it is critical for parents to understand the totality of any potential risks that exists and know in advance what the contingency plans are. The Massachusetts DESE has issued guidance for schools, districts, and individualized education program teams that identifies potential scenarios along with case specific protocols for responding to each specific COVID-19 scenarios.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Protocol: Staff Member Is Symptomatic At Home

Staff members should monitor themselves at home each morning for the most common symptoms of COVID-19 (see list, CDC Covid-19 symptom checker). According to the Massachusetts DESE the following protocols should be inplace and executed upon should a staff member determine that they are symptomatic at home.

  1. If the staff member determines that they DO NOT have any symptoms: 
    • They are cleared to go into work.
  2. If the staff member determines that they DO HAVE symptoms: 
    1. They should not go to work.
    2. They must contact the COVID-19 POC and/or other absence reporting mechanism established by the school.
    3. Current Massachusetts DPH guidance is that all symptomatic individuals in Massachusetts, even those with mild symptoms, should be tested. An individual who does not wish to be tested may return to school ten (10) days from start of symptoms, as long as their symptoms have improved and they have been without fever for at least 24 hours prior to their return to school without the use of fever reducing medication.
    4. The staff member should get tested at one of Massachusetts’s test sites. Sites may require pre-screening, a referral, and/or an appointment.
    5. Isolate at home until test results are returned.
    6. Proceed as follows according to test results:
      1. If test results are NEGATIVE:
        • Staff member may return to school after they have tested negative for COVID-19, have improvement in symptoms, and have been without fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. If a provider makes an alternative diagnosis for the COVID-19-like symptoms, the individual may return to school based on the recommendations for that alternative diagnosis (e.g., influenza or strep pharyngitis).
      2. If test results are POSITIVE:
        1. Staff member should remain at home (except to get medical care), monitor their symptoms, notify the school, notify personal close contacts, assist the school in contact tracing efforts, and answer the call from local board of health or Massachusetts Community Tracing Collaborative. Most people who have relatively mild illness will need to stay in self-isolation for at least ten (10) days and until at least three (3) days have passed with no fever and improvement in other symptoms. FOLLOW STEPS UNDER:  “Protocol: Student or staff tests positive for COVID-19.”

Protocol: Staff Member Is Symptomatic At School

Staff members should monitor themselves at home each morning for the most common symptoms of COVID-19 (see list, CDC Covid-19 symptom checker). As noted above, staff should be encouraged not to come to school if they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.

According to the Massachusetts DESE the following protocols should be inplace and executed upon should a staff member determine that they are symptomatic at home.

  1. If a staff member suspects any symptoms during the day, they should follow the school’s protocols for getting another adult to cover their class mid-day, if needed, and see the school nurse (or school medical point of contact) to be evaluated for symptoms.
  2. Upon evaluation if the staff member displays NO SIGNS of symptoms:
    • The staff member should follow the school’s standard protocols for being excused due to illness.
  3. Upon evaluation if the staff member displays ANY SIGNS of symptoms:
    1. Current Massachusetts DPH guidance is that all symptomatic individuals in Massachusetts, even those with mild symptoms, should be tested. An individual who does not wish to be tested may return to school ten (10) days from start of symptoms, as long as their symptoms have improved and they have been without fever for at least 24 hours prior to their return to school without the use of fever reducing medication.
    2. The staff member should get tested at one of Massachusetts’s test sites. Sites may require pre-screening, a referral, and/or appointment.
    3. Isolate at home until test results are returned.
    4. Proceed as follows according to test results:
      1. If the test results are NEGATIVE:
        • Staff member may return to school after they have tested negative for COVID-19, have improvement in symptoms, and have been without fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. If a provider makes an alternative diagnosis for the COVID-19-like symptoms, the individual may return to school based on the recommendations for that alternative diagnosis (e.g., influenza or strep pharyngitis).
      2. If the test results are POSITIVE:
        1. Staff member should remain at home (except to get medical care), monitor their symptoms, notify the school, notify personal close contacts, assist the school in contact tracing efforts, and answer the call from local board of health or Massachusetts Community Tracing Collaborative. Most people who have relatively mild illness will need to stay in self-isolation for at least 10 days and until at least 3 days have passed with no fever and improvement in other symptoms. FOLLOW STEPS UNDER: “Protocol: Student or staff tests positive for COVID-19.”

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE Protocol, A Student Is Symptomatic At School

8/27/2020 (Permalink)

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has worked closely with Governor Baker's administration, public health officials, and community leaders to develop guidelines to follow should a specific COVID-19 scenario arise in a school district. As parents face the difficult decision about if and how their child will return to school this fall we believe it is critical for parents to understand the totality of any potential risks that exists and know in advance what the contingency plans are. The Massachusetts DESE has issued guidance for schools, districts, and individualized education program teams that identifies potential scenarios along with case specific protocols for responding to each specific COVID-19 scenarios.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Protocol: Student Is Symptomatic At School

According to the Massachusetts DESE the following protocols should be inplace and executed upon should a student become symptomatic while at school.

Although families are the most important first line of defense for monitoring symptoms, teachers will play an important role in referring possible symptomatic students to the school nurse or other medical point of contact. (Note: This will require training for teachers.)

  1. Teacher must ensure the student is wearing a mask that fully covers nose and mouth at all times.
  2. Teacher calls the nurse or school medical point of contact to inform them that they have a possible case. Nurse or school medical point of contact comes to get the student from class.
  3. Nurse (or school medical point of contact) should evaluate the student for symptoms (see list, CDC Covid-19 symptom checker).
    1. If ANY Covid-19 symptoms exist:
      1. Place the student in the designated medical waiting room. This space must be supervised. If feasible, schools are encouraged to provide individual students with their own waiting room. If more than one student is in the same waiting room at a time, each student must be at least 6 feet apart (and should be spaced as far apart as possible) and wearing a surgical mask (non-N95 and non-cloth) while in the medical waiting room. If a student does not already have a surgical mask, the school should provide one. Schools must also be equipped with the PPE for the staff involved with supervision of the waiting room. Strict mask wearing covering the nose and mouth at all times for every person in the room must be enforced. Students can work on individual schoolwork or other activities while in the medical waiting room.
      2. Contact caregiver for pick-up.
        1. Caregiver can pick up the student during the day
          • Student waits to be picked up in the medical waiting room. Caregivers must wear a mask/face covering when picking up their student. Students should not ride the school bus to get home. Caregivers and students should wash their hands upon arriving at home and change their clothes as a precaution.
        2. Caregiver cannot pick up the student during the day:
          • The student should wait in the medical waiting room until the end of the day to be picked up by caregiver. The student should not go home on a school bus with other students.
      3. Current Massachusetts DPH guidance is that all symptomatic individuals in Massachusetts, even those with mild symptoms, should be tested. An individual who does not wish to be tested may return to school ten (10) days from start of symptoms, as long as their symptoms have improved and they have been without fever for at least 24 hours prior to their return to school without the use of fever reducing medication.
      4. Student should get tested at one of Massachusetts’s test sites. Sites may require pre-screening, a referral, and/or appointment.
      5. Isolate at home until test results are returned.
      6. Proceed as follows according to test results:
        1. IF NEGATIVE: Students may return to school after they have tested negative for COVID-19, have improvement in symptoms, and have been without fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. If a provider makes an alternative diagnosis for the COVID-19-like symptoms, the individual may return to school based on the recommendations for that alternative diagnosis (e.g., influenza or strep pharyngitis).
        2. IF POSITIVE: Student must remain at home (except to get medical care), monitor their symptoms, notify the school, notify personal close contacts, assist the school in contact tracing efforts, and answer the call from local board of health or Massachusetts Community Tracing Collaborative. Most people who have relatively mild illness will need to stay in self-isolation for at least ten (10) days and until at least three (3) days have passed with no fever and improvement in other symptoms. FOLLOW STEPS UNDER:Protocol: Student or staff tests positive for COVID-19.”
    2. If NO Covid-19 symptoms exist:
      • If the evaluation shows the student does not have any symptoms, send the student back to class.

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE Protocol, A Student Is Symptomatic On The Bus

8/26/2020 (Permalink)

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has worked closely with Governor Baker's administration, public health officials, and community leaders to develop guidelines to follow should a specific COVID-19 scenario arise in a school district. As parents face the difficult decision about if and how their child will return to school this fall we believe it is critical for parents to understand the totality of any potential risks that exists and know in advance what the contingency plans are. The Massachusetts DESE has issued guidance for schools, districts, and individualized education program teams that identifies potential scenarios along with case specific protocols for responding to each specific COVID-19 scenarios.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Protocol: Student Is Symptomatic On The Bus

According to the Massachusetts DESE the following protocols should be inplace and executed upon should a student become symptomatic while on the bus.

Although families are the most important first line of defense for monitoring symptoms, bus drivers and bus monitors also play an important role in flagging possible symptomatic students. Note: This will require training for bus drivers (and bus monitors, if applicable).

  1. If symptoms are noticed as the student is getting on the bus and if there is a caregiver present, do not allow student to board the bus. The caregiver should then Follow: “Protocol: Student is symptomatic at home.”
  2. If student is already on the bus, ensure student is masked and the student keeps mask on covering nose and mouth at all times. If the student does not have a mask, the bus driver should be equipped to provide one. 
  3. Ensure other students keep their masks on covering their nose and mouth at all times. Ensure student keeps required physical distance from other students.
  4. If not already open, windows should be opened as fully as possible, weather permitting.
  5. Bus driver/monitor should call ahead to the bus service dispatch. The bus service dispatch should be equipped with appropriate cell phone numbers for school and district personnel (nurse or other medical personnel). The dispatch should contact the school to inform the school nurse (or school medical point of contact) ofa possible symptomatic child.
  6. School nurse (or school medical point of contact) should meet the bus as it arrives, wearing a mask. As practical, student with possible symptoms should exit the bus first.
  7. Bus should be cleaned / disinfected.
  8. Nurse (or school medical point of contact) should evaluate the student for symptoms (see list above: CDC list of common symptoms of COVID-19).
    1. If the student displays any of the common symptoms of COVID-19 the nurse should place the student in the designated medical waiting room. This space must be supervised.  If feasible schools are encouraged to provide individual students with their own waiting room. If more than one student is in the same waiting room at a time, each student must be at least 6 feet apart (and should be spaced as far apart as possible) and wearing a surgical mask (non-N95 and non-cloth) while in the medical waiting room. If a student does not already have a surgical mask, the school should provide one. Schools must also be equipped with the PPE for the staff involved with supervision of the waiting room. Strict mask wearing covering the nose and mouth at all times for every person in the room must be enforced. Students can work on individual schoolwork or other activities while in the medical waiting room.
      1. Contact caregiver for pick-up.
        1. If the caregiver CAN PICK UP the student during the day:
          • Student waits to be picked up in the medical waiting room. Caregivers must wear a mask/face covering when picking up their student. Students should not ride the school bus to get home. Caregivers and students should wash their hands upon arriving at home and change their clothes, as a precaution.
        2. If the caregiver CAN NOT PICK UP the student during the day:
          1. The student should wait in the medical waiting room until the end of the day to be picked up by caregiver. The student should not go home on a school bus with other students.
      2. Current Massachusetts DPH guidance is that all symptomatic individuals in Massachusetts, even those with mild symptoms, should be tested. An individual who does not wish to be tested may return to school ten (10) days from start of symptoms, as long as their symptoms have improved and they have been without fever for at least 24 hours prior to their return to school without the use of fever reducing medications.
      3. Student should get tested at one of Massachusetts’s test sites. Sites may require pre-screening, a referral, and/or an appointment.
      4. Isolate at home until test results are returned.
      5. Proceed as follows according to test results:
        1. IF NEGATIVE:Students may return to school after they have tested negative for COVID-19, have improvement in symptoms, and have been without fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. If a provider makes an alternative diagnosis for the COVID-19-like symptoms, the individual may return to school based on the recommendations for that alternative diagnosis (e.g., influenza or strep pharyngitis).
        2. IF POSITIVE:Student should remain at home (except to get medical care), monitor their symptoms, notify the school, notify personal close contacts, assist the school in contact tracing efforts, and answer the call from local board of health or Massachusetts Community Tracing Collaborative. Most people who have relatively mild illness will need to stay in self-isolation for at least 10 days and until at least 3 days have passed with no fever and improvement in other symptoms.FOLLOW:Protocol: Student/staff tests positive for COVID-19.
    2. If the student DOES NOT display any of the common symptoms of COVID-19 the nurse should:
      • Send the student to class

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE Protocol, A Student Is Symptomatic At Home

8/25/2020 (Permalink)

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has worked closely with Governor Baker's administration, public health officials, and community leaders to develop guidelines to follow should a specific COVID-19 scenario arise in a school district. As parents face the difficult decision about if and how their child will return to school this fall we believe it is critical for parents to understand the totality of any potential risks that exists and know in advance what the contingency plans are. The Massachusetts DESE has issued guidance for schools, districts, and individualized education program teams that identifies potential scenarios along with case specific protocols for responding to each specific COVID-19 scenarios.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Protocol: Student Is Symptomatic At Home

According to the Massachusetts DESE the following protocols should be inplace and executed upon should a student become symptomatic at home.

  1. Family should monitor students at home each morning for the most common symptoms of COVID-19 (see CDC's list).
    1. If no the student shows no signs of symptoms  
      • Send student to school.
    2. If the student shows signs of symptoms
      1. Do not send the student to school.
      2. Call the school’s COVID-19 point of contact and inform them student is staying home due to symptoms.
      3. Current Massachusetts DPH guidance is that all symptomatic individuals in Massachusetts, even those with mild symptoms, should be tested. An individual who does not wish to be tested may return to school ten (10) days from start of symptoms, as long as their symptoms have improved and they have been without fever for at least 24 hours prior to their return to school without the use of fever reducing medication.
      4. The student should get tested at one of Massachusetts’s test sites. Sites may require pre-screening, a referral, and/or an appointment.
      5. Isolate at home until test results are returned.
      6. Proceed as follows according to test results:
        1. NEGATIVE: Students may return to school after they have tested negative for COVID-19, have improvement in symptoms, and have been without fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. If a provider makes an alternative diagnosis for the COVID-19-like symptoms, the individual may return to school based on the recommendations for that alternative diagnosis (e.g., influenza or strep pharyngitis).
        2. POSITIVE: Student should remain at home (except to get medical care), monitor their symptoms, notify the school, notify personal close contacts, assist the school in contact tracing efforts, and answer the call from local board of health or Massachusetts Community Tracing Collaborative. Most people who have relatively mild illness will need to stay in self-isolation for at least 10 days and until at least 3 days have passed with no fever and improvement in other symptoms.
        3. FOLLOW STEPS UNDER:Protocol: Student / staff tests positive for COVID-19.

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE Protocol, Multiple Cases In School District

8/24/2020 (Permalink)

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has worked closely with Governor Baker's administration, public health officials, and community leaders to develop guidelines to follow should a specific COVID-19 scenario arise in a school district. As parents face the difficult decision about if and how their child will return to school this fall we believe it is critical for parents to understand the totality of any potential risks that exists and know in advance what the contingency plans are. The Massachusetts DESE has issued guidance for schools, districts, and individualized education program teams that identifies potential scenarios along with case specific protocols for responding to each specific COVID-19 scenarios.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Protocol: Presence OF Multiple Cases In The School or School District

According to the Massachusetts DESE the following protocols should be inplace and executed upon should multiple cases of COVID-19 arise within  a school system or school district.

  1. If there is more than one confirmed COVID-19 case (students or staff) in the school at one time, or if there is a series of single cases in a short time span, school leaders and the superintendent should work with the local board of health to determine if it is likely that there is transmission happening in school.
  2. For each individual case, FOLLOW STEPS UNDER: Protocol: Student or staff tests positive for COVID-19.” (see our previous blog) Note that when there is one isolated case, the student’s close contacts will need to stay home and be tested, not the whole school.
  3. When there is suspected in-school transmission beyond one cohort or a small number of cohorts, school and district leaders must consult with the local board of health as to proposed next steps. These steps should include a review of the specific COVID-19 public health metrics for the municipality and could lead to, for example:
    1. making a decision to close part of the school or the entire school for a short time (e.g. 1-3 days) for an extensive cleaning or other facility mitigation,or 
    2. OR - making a decision to close the school partially or fully for the longer duration of a 14-day quarantine period.
  4. Should there be circumstances where there are multiple cases in multiple schools, school and district leaders must consult with the local board of health as to proposed next steps. These steps should include a review of the specific COVID-19 public health metrics for the municipality and could lead to: 
    1. making a decision to a shut down the district for a short time (e.g. 1-3 days) for an extensive cleaning or other facility mitigation
    2. OR making a decision to shut down the district for the longer duration of a 14-day quarantine period.
  5. Before a final decision is made on a school or district closure, the superintendent must consult with DESE for further guidance.
    1. Russell Johnston, Senior Associate Commissioner, Russell.Johnston@mass.gov, 781-605-4958.
    2. Anne Marie Stronach, Senior Advisor to the Commissioner – Rapid Response, Anne.marie.stronach@mass.gov, 781-873-9514.
  6. If the decision is made to close for some number of days, the school and/or district should send clear information and instructions to families and staff:
    1. Informing them that it is possible COVID-19 is being transmitted in the school and/or district
    2. Noting that there may be more potential cases that are not yet symptomatic
    3. Recommending students quarantine and not have contact with others
    4. Reminding families of the importance of not having contact with higher-risk individuals (e.g., grandparents)
    5. Reminding families of the list of COVID-19 symptoms for which to monitor
    6. Ensuring that remote learning is immediately provided to all students
  7. Before bringing students back to school:
    1. Check inventory levels of needed supplies (e.g., disposable masks, soap, hand sanitizer, cleaning products); re-order replacement inventory
    2. Consider a school-wide refresher training on the importance of correct hygiene procedures (masks, physical distance, handwashing)
    3. Reiterate the critical nature of masks, physical distancing, and hand hygiene when students return to school

Protocol: Presence Of Significant Number Of New Cases In A Municipality

According to the Massachusetts DESE the following protocols should be inplace and executed upon should a significant rise in the number of new cases of COVID-19 occur within municipality.

  1. In the case of significant municipal outbreak, as determined by the local board of health or DPH, the superintendent and school leaders must consult with the local board of health to determine whether it is appropriate to close a specific school, schools, or an entire district.
  2. Again, before a final decision is made on a school or district closure, the superintendent must consult with DESE for further guidance.
    1. Russell Johnston, Senior Associate Commissioner, Russell.Johnston@mass.gov, 781-605-4958.
    2. Anne Marie Stronach, Senior Advisor to the Commissioner – Rapid Response, Anne.marie.stronach@mass.gov, 781-873-9514.

Protocol: State-wide Changes To Reopening Phases

According to the Massachusetts DESE the following protocols should be inplace and executed upon should any change in the Commonwealth's Reopening Phase plan occur.

  1. Governor Baker has announced that the Commonwealth will remain in Phase 3 of Reopening Massachusetts in significant part to help support an overall environment for the safe return to our schools for as many students, staff and teachers as possible.
  2. If Massachusetts moves back into a prior phase, or further changes are made in Phase 3, DESE (in consultation with the Massachusetts COVID-19 Command Center) will communicate with school districts and schools to determine whether in-person school should continue. As the transmission of the virus can vary due to local circumstances and actions, these potential recommendations may be by locality, region or statewide.

NOTE: According to Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, DESE Protocol, Positive Test Result

8/21/2020 (Permalink)

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has worked closely with Governor Baker's administration, public health officials, and community leaders to develop guidelines to follow should a specific COVID-19 scenario arise in a school district. As parents face the difficult decision about if and how their child will return to school this fall we believe it is critical for parents to understand the totality of any potential risks that exists and know in advance what the contingency plans are. The Massachusetts DESE has issued guidance for schools, districts, and individualized education program teams that identifies potential scenarios along with case specific protocols for responding to each specific COVID-19 scenarios.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass DESE, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Protocol: Student or Staff Tests positive for COVID-19

According to the Massachusetts DESE the following protocols should be inplace and executed upon should a student or staff member test positive for COVID-19.

  1. The student or staff member must remain at home (except to get medical care), monitor their symptoms, notify the school, notify personal close contacts, assist the school in contact tracing efforts, and answer the call from local board of health or Massachusetts Community Tracing Collaborative. For most people who have relatively mild illness, they will need to stay in self-isolation for at least 10 days and until at least 3 days have passed with no fever and improvement in other symptoms.
  2. The student’s parent/caregiver or the staff member informs the proper school official (e.g. the COVID-19 school leader) that the individual has tested positive for COVID-19.
  3. The designated COVID-19 school leader should notify others as pre-determined by the school (e.g., school leadership, school nurse or school medical point of contact, building management, maintenance).
  4. Determine whether the student or staff member was on the premises during the time frame that started two days prior to symptom onset (or testing positive if not symptomatic) until the time of isolation.
    1. If so, promptly close off areas visited by the COVID-19 positive individual until such areas can be cleaned and disinfected, if they have not been cleaned and disinfected already.
    2. Promptly clean and disinfect the student’s or staff member’s classroom and any other facilities (e.g., extracurricular facilities) visited by the individual, if that has not been done already.
    3. Promptly clean and disinfect the bus(es) the student or staff member was on, if any, and if not already done.
  5. Communicate with families and staff of close contacts:
    1. The school should identify the student’s or staff member’s possible “close contacts” based on the assigned seating charts and proximity related to class activities. Close contacts are defined as only those who have been within 6 feet of distance of the individual for at least fifteen minutes, while the person was infectious. This definition is for students, teachers and other staff.  The infectious period begins two days before symptom onset (or two days prior to the date of the positive test if asymptomatic) and includes up until the time the student/staff/teacher was isolated. Consider students and staff members who were close contacts in class, other school spaces, on the school bus, or at extracurricular activities.
    2. Send a communication to the staff/teachers and families of students of close contacts that there has been a positive test without naming the individual student or staff member who tested positive.
    3. Communications sent to families/staff should:
      1. Inform them there was a positive test (without identifying the specific individual who tested positive) in the student’s class/bus or other activity.
      2. Explain that since the student/staff were within 6 feet of the person with a positive test for 15 minutes or more, they are considered a “close contact” and therefore should be tested. Having assigned seating and keeping up-to-date seating charts will help identify who should be instructed to be tested: specifically, those who were sitting next to the student, plus any others who also had close contact with the student.)
      3. Instruct close contacts to isolate prior to their test and while waiting for the results. In general, as the highest yield test will be a few days after the exposure, ideally, the test should occur no sooner than day 4 or 5 after the last exposure. (In other words, if an exposure lasted several days, the best time to test is 4 or 5 days after the end of the exposure period.)
      4. Close contacts should be tested for COVID-19 at one of Massachusetts’s test sites. Sites may require pre-screening, a referral, and/or an appointment.
      5. Close contacts are asked to communicate their test results to the school. They should not return to school until they have quarantined for 14 days. This includes close contacts who receive a negative test result or who choose not to be tested.
      6. Remind families and/or staff of the importance of not having contact with higher-risk individuals (e.g., grandparents and those with underlying medical conditions).
      7. Remind families and/or staff of the list of COVID-19 symptoms for which to monitor.
    4. If the school finds out about the original COVID-19 positive test in the middle of a school day:
      1. The school should quickly identify the individuals who may be “close contacts” of the student and notify students and their families.
      2. Make sure the students who could be considered close contacts are wearing masks, including students in pre-kindergarten through first grade. Extra masks as may be needed should be provided by the school. Enforce strict physical distancing. Require students to wash their hands.
      3. Caregivers of close contacts may pick students up prior to the end of the day. Caregivers must wear a mask/face covering when picking up their student. Students who are close contacts and students with any symptoms should not ride the school bus to get home. Caregivers and students, as well as staff, should wash their hands upon arriving at home and change their clothes as a precaution.
      4. Close contacts should not come back to school until they have quarantined for 14 days and are asked to communicate their test results to the school.
    5. As feasible, to assist with contact tracing, make a list including phone number and email of any other close contacts the student or staff member had, beginning two days before the onset of symptoms (or positive test if asymptomatic)until individual was isolated.
  6. If other in the school test positive: Perform all steps under this protocol for that person. Also follow:Protocol: Presence of multiple cases in the school.” (next blog)
  7. If no others in the school test positive: Close contacts are asked to communicate their test results to the school. They should not return to school until they have quarantined for 14 days. This includes close contacts who receive a negative test result or who choose not to be tested.

NOTE: areas of the school visited by the COVID-19 positive individual must be closed off and/or cleaned and disinfected. The area can be used 12 hours after cleaning/disinfecting has occurred.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EECMass DESE, and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, State Guidelines - Hygiene, Isolation, Testing, PPE, Communication

8/19/2020 (Permalink)

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

Governor Baker's administration provided the following guidance to help communities develop their individual plans which were submitted last Friday, August 14th.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Handwashing and Hand Sanitizing

Handwashing removes pathogens from the surface of the hands. While handwashing with soap and water is the best option, alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60 percent ethanol or at least 70 percent isopropanol) may be utilized when handwashing is not available. As has always been the case, handwashing should be used whenever hands are visibly soiled and after using the bathroom. The state's initial requirements and related guidance are as follows:

  1. Students and staff are required to exercise hand hygiene (handwashing or sanitizing) upon arrival to school, before eating, before putting on and taking off masks, and before dismissal. 
  2. Handwashing: When handwashing, individuals should use soap and water to wash all surfaces of their hands for at least 20 seconds, wait for visible lather, rinse thoroughly, and dry with an individual disposable towel.
  3. Hand sanitizing: If handwashing is not feasible, hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent ethanol or at least 70 percent isopropanol content can be used.
  4. Hand sanitizer should be applied to all surfaces of the hands and in sufficient quantity that it takes 20 seconds of rubbing hands together for the sanitizer to dry.
  5. Hand sanitizer should be placed at key locations (e.g., building entrances, cafeteria, classrooms).

COVID-19 Related Isolation Space

In order to minimize transmission of COVID-19, schools must ensure they have an isolated space available for students displaying COVID-19 symptoms. The state's initial requirements and related guidance are as follows:

  1. Schools are required to designate a COVID-19 related isolation space that is separate from the nurse’s office or other space where routine medical care is provided.
  2. A student who shows COVID-19 symptoms during the school day should be moved to the specific room pre-designated for medical-related isolation until they can be picked up by a family member.
  3. More information about steps to safely discharge students will be provided in future guidance.

COVID-19 Testing in Schools

At this time, the administration dose not recommend in-school testing. Rather, it is recommended that students’ families discuss testing with their health care provider. As the accuracy of point-of-care testing develops, this guidance may change.


Districts and schools should work with parents to ensure that students are current on all standard vaccinations before they return to in-person school. In addition, health providers strongly recommend all students and staff get their regular flu vaccine. Whereas for COVID-19 it appears children are less likely to be infected with and to transmit COVID-19, this is not the case for influenza, where children are frequent transmitters. Therefore, ensuring all students, teachers, and staff receive the seasonal flu vaccine is an extremely high priority. The Department of Public Health will be issuing updated guidance regarding vaccines for schools and parents.

Health and Safety/PPE Supplies

Per the initial supply guidance issued by Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, schools should have an inventory of standard healthcare supplies (e.g., masks and gloves). Use of additional supplies may be optional based on type of tasks performed (e.g., teachers do not need to wear gloves while teaching but may need to during necessary contact with students, such as when providing physical support to students with disabilities). All districts are eligible for federal CARES Act funds to support these purchases.

Communication Structures

Each school district should identify a COVID-19 Response Leader Point of Contact (POC). The COVID-19 response leaders should coordinate with key district and school personnel on planning efforts over the summer and be a key part of the implementation as schools open. 

Establish planning and implementation teams with POC's for the following essential domains:

  1. Teaching and learning, including plans for in-person learning, hybrid learning, and remote learning, including technology needs and training.
  2. Student supports, including addressing mental health and trauma.
  3. Special education, English learners, and other special student populations. 
  4. Personnel and staffing, including managing staff assignments, supporting staff with high risk medical conditions, addressing the need for possible additional staff to assist with instruction, possible additional needs for tutors, and ways to provide additional support including recruitment of volunteers as needed.
  5. Facilities and operations, including cleaning and sanitation, classroom and building set-up and flow, and food services. 
  6. Transportation, including bus transportation capacity and safety protocols, management of increased traffic flow from families who decide to drop off/pick up their children, promotion of alternatives such as walking and biking.
  7. Additional domains appropriate to each school and district.

Communication Plans and Structures

Develop and begin implementing a plan for communicating more intensively with students, families, staff, and the community. This plan should include both two-way proactive communication (e.g., providing information and receiving feedback) and emergency communication. Consider creating and practicing communication systems with parents, students, all staff, facility and/or grounds management, and emergency medical services. Ensure translation of any information published by the school into the primary language spoken by the parent/guardian and make interpretation services available for two-way communication. 

Establish connections and a process to work with local boards of health so that all parties are up to date on various statewide and local guidance and plans (e.g., health and safety updates, COVID-19 testing availability, availability of flu vaccines, etc.). 

Family Survey

Develop a family survey to support school reopening planning and scheduling. Districts should consider surveying families multiple times throughout the summer and potentially into the school year. Districts and schools can use the survey to help determine:

  1. Children who will return to school in the fall in-person
  2. Children who will continue remote learning and for what reasons
  3. Children who need internet/technology access, and/or other technical support or one-on-one guidance 
  4. Children who will need bus transportation
  5. Families who are planning to use alternate transportation (e.g., drop off and pick up their children, have their children walk or bike)
  6. Families who will need food assistance and other essential services

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EEC and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, State Guidelines - Distancing, Grouping, Screening

8/18/2020 (Permalink)

According to the CDC, in lieu of a vaccine or therapeutic drug, mitigation is the greatest weapon communities can wield to slow the spread of a virus with pandemic potential such as COVID-19. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new, (and some data suggests evolving) coronavirus.

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

Governor Baker's administration provided the following guidance to help communities develop their individual plans which were submitted last Friday, August 14th.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Physical Distancing

Physical distancing is another important practice that helps mitigate transmission of the virus. While the U.S. federal CDC has recommended maintaining a physical distance of six feet between individuals, the World Health Organization’s (WHO)guidance states approximately three feet. There is no precise threshold for safety; indeed, studies suggest that physical distancing of three feet or more leads to reduced transmission, with additional distance providing additional protection. For instance, in a study of household transmission in China, keeping at least three feet of distance was associated with one-fourth the number of transmissions. It is important to note that six feet distancing is emphasized in public health advisories especially when no mask/face covering is worn.

Baker's administration encourages districts and schools to aim for six feet of distance between individuals where feasible. At the same time, a minimum physical distance of three feet has been established when combined with the other measures outlined in this list of safety requirements. Because of the reduced susceptibility in children and lower apparent rates of transmission, establishing a minimum physical distance of three feet is informed by evidence and balances the lower risk of COVID-19 transmission and the overarching benefits of in-person school.

The state's guidance is based on review of the physical distance guidance for many other states and countries. In addition to the WHO, several other countries including Denmark, France, China, and Hong Kong recommend one meter (approximately three feet) distance in schools. The United Kingdom is also changing its guidance to one meter of distance beginning July 4, replacing previous guidance of two meters.

Finally, this guidance is for fall reopening and is predicated on the Commonwealth continuing to progress through the phases of reopening with low COVID-19 public health metrics. It will be critical to continue to take into account the community context of COVID-19 prevalence into the fall and winter. Where the community prevalence of COVID-19 is of concern, increased distancing will need to be considered.

Initial Requirements and Related Guidance 

  1. As reviewed and advised by the Massachusetts COVID-19 Command Center Medical Advisory Group, schools should aim for a physical distance of six feet when feasible, and three feet is the minimum distance allowed. Schools should 10 seek to maximize physical distance among individuals within their physical and operational constraints.
  2. To the extent possible, aim for desks to be spaced six feet apart (but no fewer than three feet apart) and facing the same direction. Again, schools should seek to maximize physical distance between desks within their physical and operational constraints.
  3. Alternative spaces in the school (e.g., cafeteria, library, and auditorium) should be repurposed to increase the amount of available space to accommodate the maximum distance possible.
    • In these larger spaces, establishing consistent cohorts/classes with separation between the cohorts/classes provides another option to maximize these spaces safely.
  4. Additional safety precautions are required for school nurses and/or any staff supporting students with disabilities in close proximity, when distance is not possible: These precautions must include eye protection (e.g., face shield or goggles) and a mask/face covering. Precautions may also include gloves and disposable gowns or washable outer layer of clothing depending on duration of contact and especially if the individual may come into close contact with bodily fluids.

Student Groups

To minimize the number of students who would potentially be exposed in the event of a COVID-19 event, to the extent feasible, elementary schools should aim to keep students in the same group throughout the day and middle and high schools are encouraged to minimize mixing student groups to the extent feasible.

  1. Cohorts: Schools should divide students into small groups that remain with each other throughout the day, with smaller cohort sizes preferred. Schools should look for ways to isolate cohorts of students and prevent inter-group contact to the extent feasible.
  2. Capacity: There are no required maximums on cohort or group sizes, so long as schools adhere to the physical distancing requirements above. (This guidance for the fall will replace previous summer guidance at the start of the school year, assuming positive health metrics hold.)

Screening Upon Entry:

Checking for symptoms each morning by families and caregivers is critical and will serve as the primary screening mechanism for COVID-19 symptoms. Schools should provide information to families in their primary language to support them in conducting this symptom check and families should not send their children to school if they exhibit COVID19 symptoms. We will be providing a checklist of symptoms and other guides to districts and schools to help families and students.

  1. Screening procedures are not required at the point of entry to the school. However, school staff (as well as bus drivers) should observe students throughout the day and refer students who may be symptomatic to the school healthcare point of contact.
  2. As noted in previous guidance, temperature checks are not recommended as screening for all students due to the high likelihood of potential false positive and false negative results.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EEC and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, State Guidelines - Background and Facial Coverings

8/17/2020 (Permalink)

This past Friday, August 14th, the State of Massachusetts required all School districts to submit their education plans for the coming academic school year. Each school district was required to submit plans that cover all three potential scenarios:

  1. In-school, traditional setting
  2. Hybrid, scaled down, in-school paired with remote learning
  3. 100% remote learning

Governor Baker's administration provided the following guidance to help communities develop their individual plans.

According to the administration both education and medical groups agree that we must keep in mind both the risks associated with COVID-19 for in-person school programs and the known challenges and consequences of keeping students out of school for extended periods of time. While remote learning has improved over the course of the school closures, there is no substitute for in-person instruction when it comes to the quality of students’ academic learning. In-person school plays an equally important role in our ability to support students’ social-emotional needs, including their mental and physical health.

According to the CDC, in lieu of a vaccine or therapeutic drug, mitigation is the greatest weapon communities can wield to slow the spread of a virus with pandemic potential such as COVID-19. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new, (and some data suggests evolving) coronavirus.

The following highlights CDC's recommended goals and guiding principles to be considered when formulating our plans to reopen our schools.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

The current state of the COVID-19 pandemic is continually evolving. What is true today may not be tomorrow. At this time, the evidence suggests schools have not played a significant role in COVID-19 transmission and that children, particularly younger children, are less likely than adults to be infected with COVID-19.

Furthermore, if they become infected, it appears children may be less likely to transmit COVID-19 to others. Based on these initial findings, the health and safety requirements throughout this guidance, as well as considering the key features of school programming at different grade spans, the current evidence supports a safe in-person return to school with implementation details varying for elementary schools (including pre-kindergarten programs), middle schools, and high schools.

Schools Do Not Appear To Have Played A Major Role In COVID-19 Transmission.

In a review of COVID clusters, only 4% (8 of 210) involved school transmission. In a case study from New South Wales Australia, after 18 cases were found in schools (12 in high schools and 6 in primary schools), only 0.3% of student contacts were infected (1 in 695 individuals in 10 high schools and 1 in 168 individuals in primary schools). No teachers or staff were infected.

In General, Rates Of COVID-19 Infection Are Lower For Children Than For Adults.

Based on an analysis of data from six countries, children under 20 are half as susceptible to COVID-19 infection than adults. Furthermore, although children under the age of 18 make up 22% of the U.S. population, they account for less than 2% of all cases of COVID-19. In Massachusetts, children under the age of 19 were about four times less likely than the population at large to be diagnosed with COVID-19. Children are more likely to be asymptomatic, however, which underscores the importance of health behaviors for everyone (masks/face coverings, distancing, handwashing, surface cleaning).

If Exposed, Children May Be Less Likely To Become Infected With COVID-19

A meta-analysis of studies from several countries found that children were only 44% as likely as adults to become infected after exposure (note: pre-print study). In China, in households with COVID-19 exposure, children under the age of 18 were infected at a rate of 4% compared with 17% for adults.

If Infected, It Appears Children May Be Less Likely To Infect Others

Most transmissions are from adults to children, rather than vice versa; this is different from some other respiratory viruses. In a U.S. study of 15 households, 73% of transmissions were from adult-to-child (the remaining were child-to-child or child-to-adult).

Health And Safety Requirements And Related Guidance For In-Person Learning

The health and safety of students and staff are everyone's top priority when making the decision to reopen schools for in-person learning this fall. The following health and safety requirements have been developed in collaboration with infectious disease physicians, pediatricians and public health experts from the Massachusetts General Brigham Health System and the Massachusetts chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics. Our process has included a thorough review of guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO), as well as available medical literature on COVID-19 related to children and school settings. Finally, the MA COVID-19 Command Center Medical Advisory Board, made up of physicians and other health experts, has carefully reviewed the health and safety requirements for in-person learning outlined in this section.

At this time, these are the health and safety practices that will enable the safe reopening of schools for in-person learning this fall. These requirements will be modified as needed. In addition to required practices, we have also included guidance on best practices where applicable.

As general background, COVID-19 spreads when people are in relatively close proximity, through respiratory droplets generated through coughing, sneezing, or talking to an infected person. Among the most effective preventive measures – when used consistently and in combination – are masks/face coverings, physical distancing, handwashing, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces.

Masks/face coverings

As the primary route of transmission for COVID-19 is respiratory, masks or face coverings are among the most critical components of risk reduction. Masks/face coverings protect the general public against COVID-19 infection, with a recent retrospective study estimating near 80% effectiveness in reducing COVID-19 transmission, especially when worn prior to symptom onset. In the United States, states advising face masks/face coverings be worn in public saw a decline in their COVID-19 growth rates, and community-wide mask/face covering usage contributed to control of COVID-19 in Hong Kong. At this time, our initial requirements and related guidance are as follows:

  1. Students in grade 2 and above are required to wear a mask/face covering that covers their nose and mouth. Students in kindergarten and grade 1 should be encouraged to wear a mask/face covering. Face shields may be an option for those students with medical, behavioral, or other challenges who are unable to wear masks/face coverings. Transparent masks may be the best option for both teachers and students in classes for deaf and hard of hearing students. They may also be useful for teachers and younger students who rely on visual / facial cues.
  2. Adults, including educators and staff, are required to wear masks/face coverings.
  3. Exceptions to mask/face covering requirements must be made for those for whom it is not possible due to medical conditions, disability impact, or other health or safety factors.
  4. Mask breaks should occur throughout the day. Breaks should occur when students can be six feet apart and ideally outside or at least with the windows open. Further guidance on mask breaks including duration and frequency will be forthcoming, as well as more information about properly removing and putting on masks.
  5. Masks/face coverings should be provided by the student/family, but extra disposable face masks should be made available by the school for students who need them. Reusable masks/face coverings provided by families should be washed by families daily. Districts and schools with families experiencing financial hardship and unable to afford masks/face coverings should endeavor to provide masks for students through grant funds described earlier in this document. 
  6. Masks/face coverings are required to be worn by everyone on the bus during school bus transportation.
  7. Transparent face coverings provide the opportunity for more visual cues and should be especially considered as an alternative for younger students, students who are deaf and hard of hearing, and their teachers.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EEC and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, Reopening Plans Due Today

8/14/2020 (Permalink)

Today marks the state-imposed deadline for school districts across Massachusetts to submit their fall reopening plans. The state's education department directed school districts to prepare plans for three different reopening models: in-person, remote or a mix of the two. Several districts have already opted for online-only or hybrid versions of in-person and remote learning.

This comes at a time when the Commonwealth is seeing a rise COVID-19 case counts. The Department of Public Health confirmed 210 new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday and 273 more cases on Sunday, along with the announcement of 31 recent COVID-19 deaths between the two days. The number of daily new cases, which had generally settled at fewer than 200 a day earlier in the month, has been above 200 each of the last four days.

To find out your town's reopening plan click here.

There has been push back from unions and parents regarding any model with any form of in-person learning. Currently there are at least 31 districts in Massachusetts that have already decided against having kids return to class at all at this time. These districts will begin the new school year offering remote learning only. To 

To find out if your school district has decided to offer remote learning only click here.

The most challenging aspect of the coming school year is that, state wide, Massachusetts may have lost more than a quarter of the available space at child care centers. This is sure to complicate life for parents who will need child care services this coming school year. To help, the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) has created a geographic search tool to help you find licensed child care programs. You can search by both geographic area and child care program type. Unfortunately, some licensed programs choose to not be listed in EEC's searchable directory. If a program that you are looking for doesn't appear in your search results, you can call your local EEC office to confirm whether the program is licensed. 

NOTE: According to the CDC, in lieu of a vaccine or therapeutic drug, mitigation is the greatest weapon communities can wield to slow the spread of a virus with pandemic potential such as COVID-19. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new (and some data suggests evolving) coronavirus.

COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA, Mass EEC, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEAMass EEC and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, Helping Children Cope with Changes in School Routines

8/13/2020 (Permalink)

The COVID-19 pandemic can be stressful for most of us, especially our children. Fear and anxiety about what could happen can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions children. Public health actions, such as social distancing, cancelation of school sports and remote learning can make children feel isolated and lonely leading to increased levels of stress and anxiety. Parents, however, understand that these actions are necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and keep our communities safe.

As communities finalize their academic plans for the coming school year it is clear that, whatever the solution is, returning to a traditional school setting is not an option. Regardless of your child’s age, this realization can have traumatic effects on them. They may feel upset, depressed or have other strong emotions. Some children react right away, while others may show signs of difficulty much later.

According to the CDC, creating a support system and helping our children cope with the stresses resulting from the changes in our lifestyles caused by the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic is vital to their mental wellbeing. The following highlights influential factors to a child's emotional wellbeing, common reactions children exhibit, and how to help them cope. 

NOTE: According to the CDC, in lieu of a vaccine or therapeutic drug, mitigation is the greatest weapon communities can wield to slow the spread of a virus with pandemic potential such as COVID-19. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new (and some data suggests evolving) coronavirus.

COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

(See our Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Factors that Influence the Emotional Impact on Children During a Pandemic

The prolonged separation from school, family, and friends can create a great amount of stress and anxiety for children. The emotional impact of a pandemic on a child depends on a child’s characteristics and experiences, the social and economic circumstances of the family and community, and the availability of local resources. Not all children respond in the same ways. Some might have more severe, longer-lasting reactions. The following specific factors may affect a child’s emotional response:

  1. Direct involvement with the pandemic (i.e. have they or someone they care about been infected)
  2. Previous traumatic or stressful event
  3. Belief that the they or a loved one may die
  4. Loss of a family member, close friend, or pet
  5. Separation from caregivers
  6. Physical illness
  7. How parents and caregivers respond
  8. Family resources
  9. Relationships and communication among family members
  10. Repeated exposure to mass media coverage of the pandemic
  11. Ongoing stress due to the change in familiar routines and living conditions
  12. Cultural differences
  13. Community resilience

Common Reactions

How a child reacts and the common signs of distress can vary according to the child’s age, previous experiences, and how the child typically copes with stress. The common reactions to distress will fade over time for most children. Children who were directly exposed to the effects of a pandemic can become upset again; behavior related to the event may return if they see or hear reminders of what happened. If children continue to be very upset or if their reactions hurt their schoolwork or relationships then parents may want to talk to a professional or have their children talk to someone who specializes in children’s emotional needs. Learn more about common reactions to distress:

  1. Infants to 2 Year Olds
    • Infants may become more cranky. They may cry more than usual or want to be held and cuddled more.
  2. 3 to 6 Year Olds
    • Preschool and kindergarten children may return to behaviors they have outgrown. For example, toileting accidents, bed-wetting, or being frightened about being separated from their parents/caregivers. They may also have tantrums or a hard time sleeping.
  3. 7 to 10 Year Olds
    • Older children may feel sad, mad, or afraid that the pandemic will never end. Peers may share false information with them, worsening their fears. Parents or caregivers must correct the misinformation as soon as possible. Older children may focus on details of the pandemic and want to talk about it all the time or not want to talk about it at all. Also, they may have trouble concentrating.
  4. Preteens and Teenagers
    • Some preteens and teenagers respond to stressful situations by acting out. This could include reckless driving, and alcohol or drug use. Others may become afraid to leave the home. They may resent the inability to spend time with their friends. They can feel overwhelmed by their intense emotions and feel unable to talk about them. Their emotions may lead to increased arguing and even fighting with siblings, parents/caregivers or other adults.
  5. Children with Special Needs
    • Children who need continuous use of a breathing machine or are confined to a wheelchair or bed or are at a higher risk of infection, may have stronger reactions to pandemic such as COVID-19. They might have more intense distress, worry or anger than children without special needs because they have less control over day-to-day well-being than other people. The same is true for children with other physical, emotional, or intellectual limitations. Children with special needs may need extra words of reassurance, more explanations about the event, and more comfort and other positive physical contact such as hugs from loved ones.

How to Help Children Cope with a Pandemic

While it is necessary for parents to stay informed about the effects of the pandemic to their local communities and the world around them it is equally important to understand that children can become more distressed if they see and hear constant, negative reminders of the current reality in the media. Parents should consider limiting the amount of exposure your children get to media coverage. 

Setting a good example for your children by managing your stress through healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating healthy, exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, and avoiding drugs and alcohol, is critical for parents and caregivers. When you are prepared, rested, and relaxed you can respond better to unexpected events and can make decisions in the best interest of your family and loved ones.

The following tips can help reduce stress before, during, and after a disaster or traumatic event such as a pandemic.


  1. Talk to your children so that they know you are prepared to keep them safe.
  2. Review safety plans. Having a plan will increase your children’s confidence and help give them a sense of control.


  1. Stay calm and reassure your children often.
  2. Talk to children about what is happening in a way that they can understand.
  3. Keep it simple and appropriate for each child’s age.


  1. Provide children with opportunities to talk about what they went through or what they think about it.
  2. Encourage them to share concerns and ask questions.
  3. Encouraging them to take action directly related to the pandemic. For example, they could make masks or hand sanitizer. This will help your children feel a sense of control and enable them to better manage their feelings. 
  4. It is difficult to predict how some children will respond to traumatic events. Because parents, teachers, and other adults see children in different situations, it is important for them to work together to share information about how each child is coping after a traumatic event.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, How to Prepare for an Outbreak

8/12/2020 (Permalink)

As it becomes closer to the decision making point for local communities and parents regarding the 20-21 academic year it is important to note that no amount of preparation and mitigation will eliminate the risk of potential transmission of COVID-19 within our school systems. Therefore, it is important for communities to have a response plan in place and for parents to be aware of the plan. The following is CDC's guidance for school administrators and community leaders to follow when developing their response plans.

NOTE: According to the CDC, in lieu of a vaccine or therapeutic drug, mitigation is the greatest weapon communities can wield to slow the spread of a virus with pandemic potential such as COVID-19. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new (and some data suggests evolving) coronavirus.

COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

How to Develop a COVID-19 Response Plan

Schools should be prepared for COVID-19 outbreaks in their local communities and for individual exposure events to occur in their facilities, regardless of the level of community transmission, for example a case associated with recent travel to an area with sustained COVID-19 transmission. The pictured decision tree can be used to help schools determine which set of mitigation strategies may be most appropriate for their current situation.

When a Confirmed Case has Entered a School

Any school in any community might need to implement short-term closure procedures regardless of community spread if an infected person has been in a school building. If this happens, CDC recommends the following procedures regardless of the level of community spread:

Coordinate with Local Health Officials. 

Once learning of a COVID-19 case in someone who has been in the school, immediately notify local health officials. These officials will help administrators determine a course of action for their child care programs or schools.

Dismiss Students and Most Staff for 2-5 Days. 

This initial short-term dismissal allows time for the local health officials to gain a better understanding of the COVID-19 situation impacting the school and allows the local health officials to help the school determine appropriate next steps, including whether an extended dismissal duration is needed to stop or slow further spread of COVID-19.

  1. Local health officials’ recommendations for the scope (e.g., a single school, multiple schools, the full district) and duration of school dismissals will be made on a case-by-case basis using the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 and the specific cases in the community.
  2. During school dismissals, also cancel extracurricular group activities, school-based afterschool programs, and large events (e.g., assemblies, spirit nights, field trips, and sporting events).
  3. Discourage staff, students, and their families from gathering or socializing anywhere. This includes group child care arrangements, as well as gathering at places like a friend’s house, a favorite restaurant, or the local shopping mall.

Communicate with Staff, Parents, and Students

Coordinate with local health officials to communicate dismissal decisions and the possible COVID-19 exposure.

  1. This communication to the school community should align with the communication plan in the school’s emergency operations plan.
  2. Plan to include messages to counter potential stigma and discrimination.
  3. In such a circumstance, it is critical to maintain confidentiality of the student or staff member as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.

Clean and Disinfect Thoroughly

  1. Close off areas used by the individuals with COVID-19 and wait as long as practical before beginning cleaning and disinfection to minimize potential for exposure to respiratory droplets. Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area. If possible, wait up to 24 hours before beginning cleaning and disinfection.
  2. Cleaning staff should clean and disinfect all areas (e.g., offices, bathrooms, and common areas) used by the ill persons, focusing especially on frequently touched surfaces.
  3. If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.
  4. For disinfection most common EPA-registered household disinfectants should be effective.
    1. A list of products that are EPA-approved for use against the virus that causes COVID-19 is available here. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products (e.g., concentration, application method and contact time, etc.).
    2. Additionally, diluted household bleach solutions can be used if appropriate for the surface. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper ventilation. Check to ensure the product is not past its expiration date.
    3. Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser. Unexpired household bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted.  
    4. Prepare a bleach solution by mixing:
      1. 5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) bleach per gallon of water or
      2. 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water
  5. Additional information on cleaning and disinfection of community facilities such as schools can be found on CDC’s website.

Make Decisions About Extending the School Dismissal. 

Temporarily dismissing child care programs and K-12 schools is a strategy to stop or slow the further spread of COVID-19 in communities.

  1. During school dismissals (after cleaning and disinfection), child care programs and schools may stay open for staff members (unless ill) while students stay home. Keeping facilities open:
    1. Allows teachers to develop and deliver lessons and materials remotely, thus maintaining continuity of teaching and learning
    2. Allows other staff members to continue to provide services and help with additional response efforts.
  2. Decisions on which, if any, staff should be allowed in the school should be made in collaboration with local health officials.
  3. Child care and school administrators should work in close collaboration and coordination with local health officials to make dismissal and large event cancellation decisions. Schools should not be expected to make decisions about dismissal or canceling events on their own. School dismissals and event cancellations may be extended if advised by local health officials. The nature of these actions (e.g., geographic scope, duration) may change as the local outbreak situation evolves.
  4. Administrators should seek guidance from local health officials to determine when students and staff should return to schools and what additional steps are needed for the school community. In addition, students and staff who are well but are taking care of or share a home with someone with a case of COVID-19 should follow instructions from local health officials to determine when to return to school.

Implement Strategies to Continue Education and Related Supports for Students

  1. Ensure continuity of education.
    1. Review continuity plans, including plans for the continuity of teaching and learning. Implement e-learning plans, including digital and distance learning options as feasible and appropriate.
    2. Determine, in consultation with school district officials or other relevant state or local partners:
      1. If a waiver is needed for state requirements of a minimum number of in-person instructional hours or school days (seat time) as a condition for funding
      2. How to convert face-to-face lessons into online lessons and how to train teachers to do so
      3. How to triage technical issues if faced with limited IT support and staff
      4. How to encourage appropriate adult supervision while children are using distance learning approaches
      5. How to deal with the potential lack of students’ access to computers and the Internet at home.
  2. Ensure continuity of meal programs.
    1. Consider ways to distribute food to students.
    2. If there is community spread of COVID-19, design strategies to avoid distribution in settings where people might gather in a group or crowd. Consider options such as “grab-and-go” bagged lunches or meal delivery.
  3. Consider alternatives for providing essential medical and social services for students.
    1. Continue providing necessary services for children with special healthcare needs, or work with the state Title V Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) Program.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, Decision Making Tool

8/11/2020 (Permalink)

As schools begin to reopen across the nation, parents, guardians, and caregivers will be making decisions based on numerous factors, such as individual preferences, health concerns, work situations, and school considerations. When making decisions about school for your family, there are many things to think about beyond academics, such as access to school meal programs, social services, extended day childcare, extra-curricular activities, social-emotional support from peers and educators, and transportation. Parents, guardians, and caregivers will be thinking about numerous factors, such as individual preferences, health concerns, work situations, and school considerations.

Many schools are offering parents and guardians a choice between in-person and virtual modes of instruction. CDC's Decision-Making Tool for Parents and Guardians is designed to help you think through school re-entry and the choices that your child’s school is offering.

According to the CDC, in lieu of a vaccine or therapeutic drug, mitigation is the greatest weapon communities can wield to slow the spread of a virus with pandemic potential such as COVID-19. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new (and some data suggests evolving) coronavirus.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Household and Community Risks for COVID-19

If you, your child, or a household member are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19, you will need to weigh the benefits, risks, and feasibility of the educational options available. The table below will help you to assess your risk for COVID-19. If your response to any of the following 3 scenarios it true the risk of COVID infection is high. 

  1. My child has an underlying condition that increases the risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
  2. I live with someone, or my child’s caregiver, is at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 due to age or underlying medical conditions.
  3. The level of community spread in my area is high.

Decision-Making Tool 

Choosing whether or not to send your child back to school can be difficult. When weighing decisions about your child returning to school, it is important to consider your family’s unique needs and situation and your comfort level with the steps your school is taking to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Some considerations may include the specific risks to members of your household if a child were to become infected in school, as well as access to school meal programs, social services, extended day childcare services and extra-curricular activities, social-emotional support from peers and educators, and school transportation.

These questions address your views about how your school is preparing for school year 2020-2021 and are designed to help you weigh the risks and benefits of available educational options before you make decisions. If you answer “unsure” to any items regarding your school’s plan, consider reaching out to your school administrator for more information.

  1. I feel comfortable with my school’s reopening plans for reducing risk of spreading COVID-19.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  2. I believe my school has the resources needed to effectively implement their reopening plan (e.g., staffing, supplies, training).
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  3. I feel comfortable with my school’s plan if a student or staff member test positive for COVID-19.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  4. I believe my school has a plan to provide an effective program of instruction every day of the regular school week (generally five days).
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  5. I am satisfied with how my school communicates with families about the changes it is considering.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  6. I am satisfied with how my school is addressing parents’ or caregivers’ concerns and questions.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  7. My child knows how to properly wear a mask and understands the importance of doing so.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  8. My child can wear a mask for an extended period of time, if required by the school.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  9. My child has a reliable mode of transportation to and from school (e.g., school bus, carpool, walk/bike, public transit).
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  10. I am comfortable with how my child’s mode of transportation to and from school is reducing the risk of spreading COVID-19 (e.g., decreased bus/transit capacity, wearing masks, increased cleaning and disinfecting practices).
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree

Virtual/At-Home Learning Feasibility

These questions assess whether learning would be feasible for you and your child.

  1. I am able to work while my child is not in school (i.e., can still successfully do my job or I am able to telework).
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  2. I have access to reliable internet and a device, such as a computer or tablet, which my child can use for virtual learning.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  3. I can supervise or identify someone who can supervise my child during periods of virtual/at home learning.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  4. My child has a space where I live that is free of distractions during school hours.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  5. My school provides a virtual learning option that allows students to have real-time interactions with their teachers (e.g., have live instruction).
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  6. My child’s learning style and needs are compatible with digital modes of learning.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree

Academic and Social-Emotional Wellbeing

These questions assess your belief in your child's ability to succeed, both academically and socially, in a remote learning environment.

  1. My child will be able to keep up academically through virtual/at-home learning.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  2. My child will receive quality education through virtual/at-home learning.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  3. My child will be sufficiently engaged during prolonged periods of virtual/at-home learning.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  4. My child will be able to stay socially connected during prolonged periods of virtual/at-home learning.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  5. My child will be able to keep up academically through virtual/at-home learning.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  6. My child will receive quality education through virtual/at-home learning.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  7. My child will be sufficiently engaged during prolonged periods of virtual/at-home learning.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  8. My child will be able to stay socially connected during prolonged periods of virtual/at-home learning.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  9. If my child needs specialized adaptive communication devices, equipment, or learning aides, I am able to have them where I live.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree

School-Based Services

These questions review some school-based services that your family may be using. You may want to consider whether you have been able to access these services through a virtual/at home learning option, your satisfaction with the services to date, and whether you would prefer to receive these services in school. If your child is at higher risk for severe illness and relies on school-based services that are only available on site, you may want to have additional conversations with your school to address concerns you may have.

  1. If your child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or other specialized learning or behavior plan…
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  2. My child is able to receive the required IEP learning accommodations through a virtual/at-home learning option that meets my family’s needs.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  3. If your child receives school-based learning services (e.g., tutoring before or after school) …
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  4. My child is able to receive needed school-based learning services through a virtual/at-home learning option that meets my family’s needs.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  5. If your child receives school-based nutrition services (e.g., school breakfast or lunch) …
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  6. My child has an alternative to the nutrition services provided in schools that adequately meets our family’s needs (Your school district’s child nutrition website may have this information).
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  7. If your child receives school-based behavioral services (e.g., social skills training, occupational therapy, speech/language therapy) …
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  8. My child is able to receive needed behavioral services through a virtual/at-home option that meets my family’s needs.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  9. If your child receives school-based emotional or mental health services…
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  10. My child is able to receive needed emotional or mental health services through a virtual/at-home option that meets my family’s needs.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  11. If your child attends after care (including after school clubs and activities) provided by the school…
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree
  12. My child has an alternative to the after-care services provided by schools that adequately meets my family’s needs.
    • Does not Apply
    • Disagree
    • Unsure
    • Agree

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, Communication and Planning for Cases

8/10/2020 (Permalink)

As the state, local communities and families struggle to understand and plan for the best, safest, course of action to take regarding the reopening of our schools we will be doing our best to share with our communities the most up-to-date guidance regarding best practices to reopen our school systems in the most responsible and safe way possible.

According to the CDC, in lieu of a vaccine or therapeutic drug, mitigation is the greatest weapon communities can wield to slow the spread of a virus with pandemic potential such as COVID-19. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new (and some data suggests evolving) coronavirus.

The following highlights CDC's guidelines for regular communication between community leaders and parents as well as the anticipation of and planning for potential cases of COVID-19.

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Communicate with Families, Staff, and other Stakeholders

When preparing to go back to school, regular communication should be used to update students, families, teachers, and staff about academic standards, meal program services, and access to other school-based essential services that students and families rely on.

Regular communication with families, staff, and other partners should include:

  1. Updates about the status of COVID-19 in the school and community
  2. Notification when there are COVID-19 cases in the school (when communicating about the health status of students, schools should take care to avoid disclosing personally identifiable information and should follow all applicable privacy requirements, including those of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
  3. Explanation of what parents, students, teachers, and staff can expect when returning to school; in particular, communicating about:
    1. The importance of staying home when sick and staying home to monitor symptoms if close contact occurred with a person who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.
    2. Considerations for COVID-19 symptom screenings
    3. Types of social distancing measures being implemented
    4. When students, teachers, staff and/or visitors will be expected to wear cloth face coverings and whether cloth face coverings will be available from the school.
    5. Everyday healthy hygiene practices that will be implemented upon reopening (e.g., students, teachers, staff staying home when sick, hand hygiene, cleaning frequently touched surfaces)
  4. Actions being taken to prevent SARS-Cov-2 transmission in buses, school buildings and facilities
  5. Actions that families and households can take to help prevent the spread of COVID-19
  6. Actions families can take to manage anxiety about COVID-19
  7. Decisions about operational status, potential use of virtual learning if COVID-19 cases are identified among students, teachers, or staff, and
  8. Guidance on caring for someone who is sick and for parents, guardians, and caregivers who are sick
  9. Guidance on how to reduce stigma. Fear and anxiety about a disease can lead to social stigma, which is negative attitudes and beliefs toward people, places, or things

Families and students who had to make alternative arrangements with community providers to receive services (e.g., physical or occupational therapy, speech therapy, mental health services) during periods of school closures may need additional support and communication to establish a transition plan upon returning to school. Additionally, some families may have experienced significant hardship that now increases the number of students who need or qualify for some services, such as school meal programs. Schools can take actions to identify, support, and communicate with families who need to initiate new services as schools prepare to open.  Administrators can work with community partners to plan for additional school-based services and programs during the transition back to normal schedules in anticipation of an increased need for mental health services.

Expect, and Plan for, Cases of COVID-19 in Communities

International experiences have demonstrated that even when a school carefully coordinates, plans, and prepares, cases may still occur within the community and schools. Expecting and planning for the occurrence of cases of COVID-19 in communities can help everyone be prepared for when a case or multiple cases are identified.

Schools should be prepared for COVID-19 cases and exposure to occur in their facilities. Collaborating with local health officials will continue to be important once students are back to school, as they can provide regular updates about the status of COVID-19 in the community and help support and maintain the health and wellbeing of students, teachers, and staff. Having a plan in place for maintaining academic instruction and ensuring students have access to special services is also critical.

Making Decisions About School Operations

Administrators should make decisions in collaboration with local health officials based on a number of factors, including the level of community transmission, whether cases are identified among students, teachers, or staff, what other indicators local public health officials are using to assess the status of COVID-19, and whether student, teacher, and staff cohorts are being implemented within the school.

There are specific strategies schools can implement based on the level of community transmission reported by local health officials:

  1. If there is no to minimal community transmission, reinforcing everyday preventive actions, ensuring proper ventilation within school facilities, including buses, and maintaining cleaning and disinfection practices remain important. These actions can help minimize potential exposure. Schools should also monitor absenteeism among teachers, staff, and students to identify trends and determine if absences are due to COVID-19, symptoms that led to quarantine, concerns about being in the school environment and personal health and safety, or positive test results. Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 should stay home and self-isolate for the timeframe recommended by public health officials. Anyone who has had close contact with someone who has tested positive or is symptomatic for COVID-19 should be tested and stay home until receiving a negative result, or stay home and monitor for symptoms.
  2. If there is minimal to moderate community transmission, schools should follow the actions listed above, and continue implementing mitigation strategies such as social distancing, use of cloth faced coverings, reinforcing everyday preventive actions, and maintaining cleaning and disinfection. This also can include ensuring that student and staff groupings/cohorts are as static as possible and that mixing groups of students and staff is limited.
  3. If there is substantial, controlled transmission, significant mitigation strategies are necessary. These include following all the actions listed above and also ensuring that student and staff groupings/cohorts are as static as possible with limited mixing of student and staff groups, field trips and large gatherings and events are canceled, and communal spaces (e.g., cafeterias, media centers) are closed.
  4. If there is substantial, uncontrolled transmission, schools should work closely with local health officials to make decisions on whether to maintain school operations. The health, safety, and wellbeing of students, teachers, staff and their families is the most important consideration in determining whether school closure is a necessary step.  Communities can support schools staying open by implementing strategies that decrease a community’s level of transmission. However, if community transmission levels cannot be decreased, school closure is an important consideration. Plans for virtual learning should be in place in the event of a school closure.


Each community is unique. Appropriate mitigation strategies should be based on the best available data. Decision making will vary based on the level of community transmission and local circumstances.

  1. No one strategy is sufficient.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, Mitigation Across Settings and Sectors

8/7/2020 (Permalink)

As the state, local communities and families struggle to understand and plan for the best, safest, course of action to take regarding the reopening of our schools we will be doing our best to share with our communities the most up-to-date guidance regarding best practices to reopen our school systems in the most responsible and safe way possible.

According to the CDC, in lieu of a vaccine or therapeutic drug, mitigation is the greatest weapon communities can wield to slow the spread of a virus with pandemic potential such as COVID-19. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new (and some data suggests evolving) coronavirus.

The following highlights CDC's recommended mitigation strategies to consider in communities with local COVID-19 transmission across settings and sectors when developing your communities' plan to responsibly and safely reopen school systems.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Mitigation Across Settings and Sectors

Cross-cutting community mitigation strategies can be organized into the following categories:

  1. Promoting behaviors that prevent spread
  2. Maintaining healthy environments
  3. Maintaining healthy operations
  4. Preparing for when someone gets sick

Presuming a community is not sheltering-in-place, cross-cutting strategies outlined below should be implemented to the extent possible, and in accordance with the amount of ongoing community transmission. 

Important Note: Not all bullets are relevant to each setting or sector.  The bullets are meant to be illustrative of community mitigation measures to consider. 

Promote Behaviors that Prevent Spread

  1. Educate people to stay home when sick or when they have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19
  2. Teach and reinforce practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette
  3. Teach and reinforce the use of cloth face coverings to protect others (if appropriate)
  4. Ensure adequate supplies are easily available (e.g., soap, hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, paper towels) to support healthy hygiene behavior
  5. Post signs or posters and promote messaging about behaviors that prevent spread

Maintain Healthy Environments

  1. Intensify cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces
  2. Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air
  3. Ensure all water systems are safe to use
  4. Modify layouts to promote social distance of at least 6 feet between people – especially for persons who do not live together
  5. Install physical barriers and guides to support social distancing if appropriate
  6. Close communal spaces, or stagger use and clean and disinfect between use
  7. Limit sharing of objects, or clean and disinfect between use

Maintain Healthy Operations

  1. Protect people at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19
  2. To cope with stress, encourage people to take breaks from the news, take care of their bodies, take time to unwind and connect with others, particularly when they have concerns
  3. Maintain awareness of local or state regulations
  4. Stagger or rotate scheduling
  5. Create static groups or “cohorts” of individuals and avoid mixing between groups
  6. Pursue virtual events. Maintain social distancing at any in-person events, and limit group size as much as possible
  7. Limit non-essential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations, especially with those who are not from the local area
  8. Encourage telework and virtual meetings if possible
  9. Consider options for non-essential travel in accordance with state and local regulations
  10. Designate a COVID-19 point of contact
  11. Implement flexible and non-punitive leave policies
  12. Monitor absenteeism and create a back-up staffing plan
  13. Train staff on all safety protocols
  14. Consider conducting daily health checks such as temperature screening or symptom checking
  15. Encourage those who share the facilities to also adhere to mitigation strategies
  16. Put in place communication systems for:
    1. Individuals to self-report COVID-19 symptoms, a positive test for COVID-19, or exposure to someone with COVID-19
    2. Notifying local health authorities of COVID-19 cases
    3. Notifying individuals (employees, customers, students, etc.) of any COVID-19 exposures while maintaining confidentiality in accordance with privacy laws
  17. Notifying individuals (e.g, employees, customers, students) of any facility closures

Prepare for When Someone Gets Sick

  1. Prepare to isolate and safely transport those who are sick to their home or to a healthcare facility
  2. Encourage individuals who are sick to follow CDC guidance  for caring for oneself and others who are sick
  3. Notify local health officials of any case of COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  4. Notify those who have had close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 and advise them to stay home and self-monitor for symptoms, and follow CDC guidance if symptoms develop
  5. Advise individuals who are sick when it would be safe for them to return based on CDC's criteria to discontinue home isolation
  6. Close off areas used by someone who is sick. Wait >24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting. Ensure safe and correct use and storage of EPA-approved disinfectants, including storing products securely away from children.


Each community is unique. Appropriate mitigation strategies should be based on the best available data. Decision making will vary based on the level of community transmission and local circumstances.

  1. No one strategy is sufficient.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, Mitigation Levels and Factors to Consider

8/6/2020 (Permalink)

Wile things have improved as emergency orders have loosened, the news cycle constantly reminds us that we are not in the clear. On the contrary, one slight miss step and a new COVID-19 "hot spot" emerges on the map. For the vast majority of our "Planning to Reopen" series of blogs our main focus has been on sifting through the tsunami of information and sharing that which would best help the business owners of Commonwealth protect themselves, their employees, and their customers. We feel, now, it is time to pivot. 

As the state, communities and families struggle to understand what this all means and the best, safest, course of action to take we will be doing our best to share with our communities the most up-to-date guidance regarding best practices to reopen our school systems in the most responsible and safe way possible.

According to the CDC, in lieu of a vaccine or therapeutic drug, mitigation is the greatest weapon communities can wield to slow the spread of a virus with pandemic potential such as COVID-19. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new (and some data suggests evolving) coronavirus.

The following highlights CDC's recommended levels of mitigation and factors to consider when developing your communities' plan pertaining to safely reopening our schools.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Level of Mitigation 

The goal of community mitigation is to slow the potential spread of COVID-19 and to protect all individuals, especially those at increased risk for severe illness, while minimizing the negative impacts of these strategies. We all know that every community presents unique challenges. The guidance below will help decision makers formulate the appropriate levels of mitigation based on their community specific transmission characteristics.

  1. Mitigation Level - Shelter In Place
    • Community Transmission Level
      • Substantial, uncontrolled transmission
    • Identifiable Community Characteristics
      • Large scale, uncontrolled community transmission, including communal settings 
  2. Mitigation Level - Significant mitigation
    • Community Transmission Level
      • Substantial, controlled transmission
    • Identifiable Community Characteristics
      • Large scale, controlled community transmission, including communal settings 
  3. Mitigation Level - Moderate mitigation
    • Community Transmission Level
      • Minimal to moderate community transmission
    • Identifiable Community Characteristics
      • Sustained transmission with high likelihood or confirmed exposure within communal settings and potential for rapid increase in cases
  4. Mitigation Level - Low mitigation
    • Community Transmission Level
      • No to minimal community transmission
    • Identifiable Community Characteristics
      • Evidence of isolated cases or limited community transmission, case investigations underway; no evidence of exposure in large communal setting

Factors to Consider

Decision making will vary based on the level of community transmission and local circumstances. The guidance below identify factors for decision makers to consider when formulating the appropriate levels of mitigation based on their community specific transmission characteristics.

  1. Epidemiology
    1. Level of community transmission: more extensive mitigation will be needed when there is greater community transmission
    2. Number and type of outbreaks in specific settings or with vulnerable populations, including, but not limited to nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, correctional facilities, meat and poultry processing plants, and the homeless population
    3. Severity of the disease
    4. Impact of the level of community transmission and any outbreaks on delivery of healthcare or other critical infrastructure or services
    5. Epidemiology in surrounding jurisdictions
  2. Community Characteristics
    1. Size of community and population density
    2. Level of community engagement and support
    3. Size and characteristics of vulnerable populations
    4. Access to healthcare
    5. Transportation infrastructure (e.g., availability and use of mass transit)
    6. Type of business or industry
    7. Congregate settings (e.g., correctional facilities, homeless shelters)
    8. Planned large events/gatherings, such as sporting events
    9. Relationship of community to other communities (e.g., transportation hub, tourist destination, volume of commuting, and other attributes)
  3. Healthcare Capacity
    1. Healthcare workforce
    2. Number of healthcare facilities (including ancillary healthcare facilities)
    3. Testing activity
    4. Intensive care capacity
    5. Availability of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  4. Public Health Capacity
    1. Public health workforce and availability of resources to implement strategies (e.g., resources to detect, test, track, and isolate cases)
    2. Available support from other state/local government agencies and partner organizations


Each community is unique. Appropriate mitigation strategies should be based on the best available data. Decision making will vary based on the level of community transmission and local circumstances.

  1. No one strategy is sufficient.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools, Goals and Guiding Principals

8/5/2020 (Permalink)

This has been an unprecedented year. Wile things have improved as emergency orders have loosened, the news cycle constantly reminds us that we are not in the clear. On the contrary, one slight miss step and a new COVID-19 "hot spot" emerges on the map. For the vast majority of our "Planning to Reopen" series of blogs our main focus has been on sifting through the tsunami of information and sharing that which would best help the business owners of Commonwealth protect themselves, their employees, and their customers. We feel, now, it is time to pivot. 

As the state, communities and families struggle to understand what this all means and the best, safest, course of action to take we will be doing our best to share with our communities the most up-to-date guidance regarding best practices to reopen our school systems as safely as possible.

According to the CDC, in lieu of a vaccine or therapeutic drug, mitigation is the greatest weapon communities can wield to slow the spread of a virus with pandemic potential such as COVID-19. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new, (and some data suggests evolving) coronavirus.

The following highlights CDC's recommended goals and guiding principles to be considered when formulating our plans to reopen our schools.  

NOTE: COVID-19 is highly transmissible. Individuals should follow these universal precautions regardless of the extent of mitigation needed:

  1. Follow healthy hygiene practices
  2. Stay at home when sick
  3. Practice social distancing 
  4. Use a cloth face covering (with some exceptions) in community settings when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).


The goal of community mitigation is to slow the potential spread of COVID-19 and to protect all individuals, especially those at increased risk for severe illness, while minimizing the negative impacts of these strategies. 

Implementation is based on:

  1. Emphasizing individual responsibility for implementing recommended personal-level actions
  2. Empowering businessesschools, and other settings to implement appropriate actions
  3. Prioritizing settings that provide critical infrastructure services
  4. Minimizing disruptions to daily life to the extent possible and ensuring access to health care and other essential services.

Guiding principles

Each community is unique. Appropriate mitigation strategies should be based on the best available data. Decision making will vary based on the level of community transmission and local circumstances.

  1. No one strategy is sufficient.
  2. Protecting the public’s health is paramount
  3. Until broad-scale testing is widely implemented or we have a more comprehensive and precise measure of disease burden, states and communities should assume some community transmission or spread is occurring
  4. Mitigation strategies should be feasible, practical, and acceptable; they should be tailored to the needs of each community and implemented in a manner that minimizes both morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 and does not create or exacerbate any health disparities.
  5. Community mitigation efforts must aim to reduce the rate at which someone infected comes in contact with someone not infected, or reduce the probability of infection if there is contact. 
  6. The characteristics of the community and its population, health system and public health capacity, and the local capacity to implement strategies are important when determining community mitigation strategies. 
  7. As communities adjust mitigation strategies, they should ensure that the healthcare system capacity will not be exceeded.
  8. Precautions should be taken to protect health care professionals and other critical infrastructure workers. Communities need to assure healthcare systems have adequate staffing, a surplus of inpatient and ICU beds, and critical medical equipment and supplies such as PPE.
  9. Public health system capacity relies on detecting, testingcontact tracing, and isolating those who are or might be sick, or have been exposed to known or suspected COVID-19 cases; it is important to stop broader community transmission and prevent communities from having to implement or strengthen further community mitigation efforts.
  10. Attention should be given to people who are at higher risk for severe illness when determining and adjusting community mitigation strategies.
  11. Certain settings and vulnerable populations in a community are at particularly high risk for transmission. This includes but is not limited to congregate settings such as nursing homes and other long-term care facilitiescorrectional facilities, and the homeless population.
  12. Progressively evaluate mitigation strategies to scaled up or down, depending on the evolving local situation, and what is feasible, practical, and legal in a jurisdiction.
  13. Any signs of a cluster of new cases or a reemergence of broader community transmission should result in a re-evaluation of community mitigation strategies and a decision on whether and how mitigation might need to change.
  14. Presuming a community is not sheltering-in-place cross-cutting community mitigation strategies can be organized into the following categories:
    1. promoting behaviors that prevent spread
    2. maintaining healthy environments
    3. maintaining healthy operations
    4. preparing for when someone gets sick. 
  15. Community mitigation strategies should be layered upon one another and used at the same time—with several layers of safeguards to reduce the spread of disease and lower the risk of another spike in cases and deaths.
  16. Communities need to decide the level of risk that is acceptable and make informed choices about implementing mitigation plans accordingly.
  17. Individuals make choices about following the behavioral practices that are recommended. Compliance (and NonCompliance) to community mitigation decisions must be monitored closely as they will have a direct impact the overall success of any mitigation plan to slow the spread of COVID-19.
  18. Travel patterns within and between jurisdictions will impact efforts to reduce community transmission. Coordination across state and local jurisdictions is critical – especially between jurisdictions with different levels of community transmission.

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Our Schools

8/4/2020 (Permalink)

This has been an unprecedented year. Wile things have improved as emergency orders have loosened, the news cycle constantly reminds us that we are not in the clear. On the contrary, one slight miss step and a new COVID-19 "hot spot" emerges on the map. For the vast majority of our "Planning to Reopen" series of blogs our main focus has been on sifting through the tsunami of information and sharing that which would best help the business owners of Commonwealth protect themselves, their employees, and their customers. We feel, now, it is time to pivot. 

Six months ago we were forced to do the unthinkable, close our school systems with the hope that, come fall, we would be able to reopen them and return to our normal. We now know that is not a viable option. 

As the state, communities and families struggle to understand what this all means and the best, safest, course of action to take we will be doing our best to share with our communities the most up-to-date guidance regarding best practices to reopen our school systems as safely as possible.  

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

Below we have provided excerpts from the CDC's white paper weighing the importance of reopening our schools versus the risks of doing so. To view the complete paper, click here

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

According to the CDC, it is important to consider the full spectrum of benefits and risks of both in-person and virtual learning options. 

Known Physical Risks

The best available evidence indicates if children become infected:

  1. They are far less likely to suffer severe symptoms
  2. Death rates among school-aged children are much lower than among adults 

Known Non-Physical Risks

At the same time, the harms attributed to closed schools on the social, emotional, and behavioral health, economic well-being, and academic achievement of children, in both the short- and long-term, are well-known and significant. 

The in-person school environment does the following:

  1. Provides educational instruction
  2. Supports the development of social and emotional skills
  3. Creates a safe environment for learning
  4. Addresses nutritional needs
  5. Facilitates physical activity

Known Inequities

Further, the lack of in-person educational options disproportionately harms low-income and minority children and those living with disabilities. 

COVID-19 and Children

The best available evidence indicates that COVID-19 poses relatively low risks to school-aged children.  Children appear to be at lower risk for contracting COVID-19 compared to adults. 

As of July 17, 2020, the United States reported that children and adolescents under 18 years old account for:

  1. Less than 7 percent of COVID-19 cases
  2. Less than 0.1 percent of COVID-19-related deaths

Current data collected from scientific studies and international studies suggests the rate of infection among younger school children, and from students to teachers, has been low, especially when proper precautions are followed.  Additionally, there have also been few reports of children being the primary source of COVID-19 transmission among family members which is consistent with data from both virus and antibody testing. This data suggesting that children are not the primary drivers of COVID-19 spread in schools or in the community.

Educational Instruction

Extended school closure can lead to severe learning loss, particularly for students with heightened behavioral needs. We know that, for many students, long breaks from in-person education are harmful to the learning process. Many studies document the adverse effects summer breaks have on students academic progress, this is known as “summer slide.”

The Unfortunate Reality of Remote Learning

Disparities in educational outcomes caused by school closures are a particular concern for low-income and minority students and students with disabilities.  Many low-income families do not have the capacity to facilitate distance learning (e.g. limited or no computer access, limited or no internet access), and may have to rely on school-based services that support their child’s academic success. Data showed that through late April, student progress in math decreased by about half, with the negative impact more pronounced in low-income communities. 

Furthermore remote learning makes absorbing information more difficult for students with disabilities, developmental delays, or other cognitive disabilities.  In particular, students who:

  1. Hard of hearing
  2. Deaf
  3. Have low vision
  4. Blind
  5. ADHD (and other learning disorders)
  6. As well as other physical and mental disabilities 

Social and Emotional Skill Development

In addition to a structure for learning, schools provide a stable and secure environment for developing social skills and peer relationships, particularly the development of language, communication, social, emotional, and interpersonal skills.

In an in-person school environment, children more easily learn how to develop and maintain friendships, how to behave in groups, and how to interact and form relationships with people outside of their family.  In school, students are also able to access support systems needed to recognize and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, appreciate others’ perspectives, and make responsible decisions. Such routine in-person contacts provide opportunities to facilitate social-emotional development that are difficult, if not impossible, to replicate through distance learning.  

Additionally, extended closures can be harmful to children’s mental health and can increase the likelihood of:

  1. Lower levels of depression
  2. Thoughts about suicide
  3. Social anxiety
  4. Sexual activity
  5. Lower levels of self-esteem
  6. Increased likelihood of substance use 

Negative Impacts of Prolonged Quarantine

Studies have conducted on pandemics around the world suggest a strong association between length of quarantine and:

  1. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  2. Avoidance behavior
  3. Anger

Mental Health and Social Services

In-person schooling provides children with access to a variety of mental health and social services, including speech language therapy, and physical or occupational therapy to help the physical, psychological, and academic well-being of the child. School counselors are trained in the mental health needs of children and youth and can recognize signs of trauma that primary caregivers are less able to see because they themselves are experiencing the same family stresses.  

Without in-person schooling, many children can lose access to these important services. For those individuals who have a diagnosable mental, behavioral or emotional condition that substantially interferes with or limits their social functioning, schools play an integral role in linking them to care and necessary support services.

For children with intellectual or physical disabilities, nearly all therapies and services are received through schools.  These vital services are difficult to provide through distance learning models.  As a result, more children with disabilities have received few to no services while schools have been closed.


Extended school closures deprive children who live in unsafe homes and neighborhoods of an important layer of protection from neglect as well as physical, sexual, and emotional maltreatment and abuse. 


Schools are essential to meeting the nutritional needs of children with many consuming up to half their daily calories at school.  Nationwide more than 30 million children participate in the National School Lunch Program and nearly 15 million participate in the School Breakfast Program.  While schools have implemented strategies to continue meal services during this pandemic the sad reality is that these strategies are not sustainable in the long term. 

Physical Activity

Many children may not be sufficiently physically active outside of the context of in-school physical education (PE) and other school-based activities.  With schools closed, children may not have sufficient opportunities to participate in organized and safe physical activities such as those existing within the within our school systems, such as:

  1. Recess
  2. Classroom engagements
  3. Safe, organized sports
  4. After school programs


Schools provide safe, supportive learning environments and critical services for students and families that, studies have shown, can not be equitably duplicated with remote learning. The best available evidence from countries that have opened schools indicates that, in areas with low community transmission, COVID-19 poses low risks to school-aged children and suggests that children are unlikely to be major drivers of the spread of the virus. 

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols for reopening our schools we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for the new school year.

Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every community has access to the resources necessary to meet the strict cleaning guidelines to ensure a safe environment for our children. For those communities, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your schools, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Construction, Part 4

7/31/2020 (Permalink)

As we continue to execute Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business it is paramount that we remain steadfast in our resolve to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 when and wherever possible. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining worker infection protocol, identification of exposure, notification, quarantine and sanitation requirements and returning to work for Construction Businesses.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The following guidance were updated based on the new COVID-19 Travel Order (July 24):

  1. Construction (below)
  2. Indoor and Outdoor Events
  3. Laboratories
  4. Lodging
  5. Manufacturing
  6. Office Space
  7. Theater & Performance Venues

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Construction Business owner to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Do all you can to maintain your good health by: getting adequate sleep; eating a balanced, healthy diet, avoid alcohol; and consume plenty of fluids. Please Note: This document is not intended to replace any formalized procedures currently in place with the General Contractor.

Where these guidance does not meet or exceed the standards put forth by the General Contractor, everyone shall abide by the most stringent procedure available.

A site-specific COVID-19 Officer (who may also be the Health and Safety Officer) shall be designated for every site. The Contractor’s site specific project COVID-19 Officer shall submit a written daily report to the Owner’s Representative. The COVID-19 Officer shall certify that the contractor and all subcontractors are in full compliance with these guidelines.

Any issue of non-compliance with these guidelines shall be a basis for the suspension of work. The contractor will be required to submit a corrective action plan detailing each issue of non-conformance and a plan to rectify the issue(s). The contractor will not be allowed to resume work until the plan is approved by the Owner. Any additional issues of non-conformance may be subject to action against the contractor's prequalification and certification status.

Worker Infection Protocol

It is the responsibility of approved construction business owners, and/or general contractors to have the following protocols in place and for staff and workers to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. Zero tolerance for sick workers reporting to work.
  2. Employees should be instructed that even those with mild symptoms of respiratory infection (cough, shortness of breath, sore throat) or fever should stay off work.
  3. Contractors shall take immediate steps to limit infections at the job site in the event that a worker discovered to have tested positive for COVID-19 or has COVID-19 related symptoms.

Although it is understood that contractors are enforcing Work Site Risk Prevention Practices including social distancing rules and use of PPE, consistent with guidelines it is also recognized that there may be occasions where someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who has COVID-19 symptoms has been present in a work area. Prompt identification and isolation of potentially infectious individuals is a critical step in protecting workers, vendors, visitors, and others at a worksite.

Identification of Exposure

It is the responsibility of approved construction business owners, and/or general contractors to have the following protocols in place and for staff and workers to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. The Business owner or Contractor shall direct workers with COVID-19 related symptoms to leave the jobsite immediately and contact their healthcare provider. The Massachusetts Department of Health (DPH) or a local board 8 of health will make appropriate notifications to those who had direct prolonged contact with the COVID19 positive workers.
  2. The business owner or Contractor shall work with the local board of health to identify any potential job site exposures, including: 
    1. Other workers, vendors, inspectors, or visitors to the work site with close contact to the individual
    2. Work areas such as supply cabinets and designated work stations or rooms
    3. Work tools and equipment
    4. Common areas such as break rooms and tables, vending machines, and sanitary facilities

Notification and Quarantine Requirements

It is the responsibility of approved construction business owners, and/or general contractors to have the following protocols in place:

  1. As provided by law, the identity of the worker must be kept confidential
  2. Upon learning of an infection, the contractor must immediately notify the designated COVID-19 safety officer, the site safety officer, and the owner

Sanitation Requirements

It is the responsibility of approved construction business owners, and/or general contractors to have the following protocols in place:

  1. After a worker with COVID-19 related symptoms has been asked to leave the job site, the contractor shall take immediate steps to sanitize common areas and direct work places. This includes all on-site bathrooms facilities, any break facilities, and any other common areas on the job site that may have been in close contact with the infected worker.
  2. Sanitation will be conducted with personnel, equipment, and material approved for COVID-19 sanitization.
  3. Identified areas should remain isolated from workers until sanitation process has been completed and area is deemed safe for use.

Returning to Work

It is the responsibility of approved construction business owners, and/or general contractors to have the following protocols in place:

  1. All impacted workers should follow CDC and DPH recommended steps concerning return to work. Workers who are considered close contacts to a COVID-19 case by public health authorities should not return for 14 days and are subject quarantine by public health.
  2. Workers who leave during the work day due to COVID-19 symptoms and develop COVID-19 as confirmed by laboratory testing or diagnosis by a healthcare provider shall not return to the site until either released from isolation by healthcare provider or public health official.

In All Cases

It is the responsibility of approved construction business owners, and/or general contractors to have the following protocols in place:

  1. Keep all employee names confidential as required by law
  2. Other employees may be sent home while a workspace is being cleaned but will return to work after cleaning unless advised otherwise by a health care provider
  3. Other employees should be asked to contact their health provider if they have any questions
  4. Remind other employees to continue to practice proper sanitation and monitor for flu like symptoms

Additional Link;

Construction Business MA COVID-19 Checklist

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Construction, Part 3

7/30/2020 (Permalink)

As we continue to execute Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business it is paramount that we remain steadfast in our resolve to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 when and wherever possible. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to wash stations, limiting exposure to COVID-19, and working in 1-3 family residences  for Construction Businesses.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The following guidance were updated based on the new COVID-19 Travel Order (July 24):

  1. Construction (below)
  2. Indoor and Outdoor Events
  3. Laboratories
  4. Lodging
  5. Manufacturing
  6. Office Space
  7. Theater & Performance Venues

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Construction Business owner to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Do all you can to maintain your good health by: getting adequate sleep; eating a balanced, healthy diet, avoid alcohol; and consume plenty of fluids. Please Note: This document is not intended to replace any formalized procedures currently in place with the General Contractor.

Where these guidance does not meet or exceed the standards put forth by the General Contractor, everyone shall abide by the most stringent procedure available.

A site-specific COVID-19 Officer (who may also be the Health and Safety Officer) shall be designated for every site. The Contractor’s site specific project COVID-19 Officer shall submit a written daily report to the Owner’s Representative. The COVID-19 Officer shall certify that the contractor and all subcontractors are in full compliance with these guidelines.

Any issue of non-compliance with these guidelines shall be a basis for the suspension of work. The contractor will be required to submit a corrective action plan detailing each issue of non-conformance and a plan to rectify the issue(s). The contractor will not be allowed to resume work until the plan is approved by the Owner. Any additional issues of non-conformance may be subject to action against the contractor's prequalification and certification status.

Wash Stations

It is the responsibility of approved construction business owners, and/or general contractors to have the following protocols in place and for staff and workers to adhere to the following at all times:

All site-specific projects with outside construction sites without ready access to an indoor bathroom MUST install Wash Stations. 

  1. Install hand wash stations with hot water, if possible, and soap at fire hydrants or other water sources to be used for frequent handwashing for all onsite employees
  2. All onsite workers must help to maintain and keep stations clean
  3. If a worker notices soap or towels are running low or out, immediately notify supervisors
  4. Garbage barrels will be placed next to the hand wash station for disposal of tissues / towels

Limiting Exposures

It is the responsibility of approved construction business owners, and/or general contractors to have the following protocols in place and for staff and workers to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. Workers should follow the General On-the-Job Guidance to Prevent Exposure & Limit the Transmission of the Virus of the COVID-19 Employee Health, protection, guidance and prevention guide.
  2. In addition, Contractors should advise workers of best practice to limit exposures off the construction site.
  3. When leaving a construction site for breaks, lunch, or other reasons are required to wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol before leaving the site and must maintain social distancing and wear face coverings if traveling to other locations off the construction site. Frequent use of handwashing or alcohol-based 8 hand sanitizers should be encouraged and handwashing facilities and / or alcohol-based hand sanitizers should be made readily available at work sites. 

Construction and Remodeling in 1-3 Family Residences

For construction and remodeling work in 1-3 family residential constructions, the following modifications apply:

  1. The contractor does not need to designate a site-specific COVID-19 Officer (who may also be the Health and Safety Officer) for every site if there are 5 or less workers at the site at any given time. Instead, the contractor may designate a COVID-19 Officer for all such small sites in a given city or town who shall be in daily contact with each of the sites to ensure that the contractor and all subcontractors are in full compliance with this safety guidance. This COVID-19 safety officer shall prepare a written daily report covering all the small sites in each city or town and make a copy of that report available to a municipal official and / or the owner of the residence upon request
  2. If the project has restroom facilities / porta-potties they must be cleaned and handwashing stations must be provided with soap, hand sanitizer and paper towels. For outside construction sites without ready access to an indoor bathroom, the contractors must either install Wash Stations with hot water, if possible, and soap at fire hydrants or other water sources to be used for frequent handwashing for all onsite employees or provide each employee and subcontractor with a sufficient quantity of hand sanitizer to allow for frequent handwashing

Additional Link;

Construction Business MA COVID-19 Checklist

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Construction, Part 2

7/29/2020 (Permalink)

As we continue to execute Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business it is paramount that we remain steadfast in our resolve to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 when and wherever possible. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to guidance to prevent exposure & limit the transmission of the COVID-19 and work site risk prevention practices for Construction Businesses.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The following guidance were updated based on the new COVID-19 Travel Order (July 24):

  1. Construction (below)
  2. Indoor and Outdoor Events
  3. Laboratories
  4. Lodging
  5. Manufacturing
  6. Office Space
  7. Theater & Performance Venues

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Construction Business owner to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Guidance to Prevent Exposure and Limit Transmission

It is the responsibility of approved construction business owners to have the following protocols in place and for staff to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. No handshaking
  2. Wash hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol
  3. Contractor and State Agency Field Offices are locked down to all but authorized personnel
  4. Each jobsite should develop cleaning and decontamination procedures that are posted and shared. These Procedures must cover all areas including trailers, gates, equipment, vehicles, etc. and shall be posted at all entry points to the sites, and throughout the project site.
  5. A "No Congregation" policy is in effect, individuals must implement social distancing by maintaining a minimum distance of 6-feet from other individuals
  6. Avoid face to face meetings – critical situations requiring in-person discussion must follow social distancing 
  7. Conduct all meetings via conference calls, if possible.
  8. Do not convene meetings of more than 10 people. Recommend use of cell phones, texting, web meeting sites and conference calls for project discussion
  9. All individual work crew meetings / tailgate talks should be held outside and follow social distancing
  10. Please keep all crews a minimum of 6 feet apart at all times to eliminate the potential of cross contamination
  11. At each job briefing / tool box talk, employees are asked if they are experiencing any symptoms, and are sent home if they are
  12. Each jobsite should have laminated COVID-19 safety guidelines and handwashing instructions
  13. All restroom facilities / porta-potties should be cleaned and handwashing stations must be provided with soap, hand sanitizer and paper towels
  14. All surfaces should be regularly cleaned, including surfaces, door handles, laptops, etc.
  15. All common areas and meeting areas are to be regularly cleaned and disinfected at least once a day but preferably twice a day
  16. Be sure to use your own water bottle, and do not share
  17. To avoid external contamination, we recommend everyone bring food from home
  18. Please maintain Social Distancing separation during breaks and lunch
  19. Cover coughing or sneezing with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash hands, if no tissue is available then cough into your elbow
  20. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands
  21. To avoid sharing germs, please clean up after Yourself. DO NOT make others responsible for moving, unpacking and packing up your personal belongings
  22. For guidance on business-sponsored travel, refer to the Commonwealth's current out-of-state travel order.
  23. Employers are strongly discouraged from requiring or allowing business-related travel to destinations other than those appearing on the Department of Public Health’s list of COVID-19 lower risk States.
  24. Employers that permit employer-paid or - reimbursed travel to those States should take measures to ensure employees comply with this order.
  25. Employers are also urged to strongly discourage their employees from taking leisure travel to destinations not included on the list of COVID-19 lower-risk States
  26. If you or a family member is feeling ill, stay home!

Work Site Risk Prevention Practices

It is the responsibility of approved construction business owners to have the following protocols in place and for staff to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. At the start of each shift, confirm with all employees that they are healthy
  2. We will have a 100% glove policy from today going forward.
  3. All construction workers will be required to wear cut-resistant gloves or the equivalent
  4. Use of eye protection (safety goggles / face shields) is recommended
  5. In work conditions where required social distancing is impossible to achieve affected employees shall be supplied PPE including as appropriate a standard face mask, gloves, and eye protection
  6. All employees should drive to work site / parking area in a single occupant vehicle. Contractors / State staff should not ride together in the same vehicle
  7. When entering a machine or vehicle which you are not sure you were the last person to enter, make sure that you wipe down the interior and door handles with disinfectant prior to entry
  8. In instances where it is possible, workers should maintain separation of 6 feet from each other per CDC guidelines
  9. Multi person activities will be limited where feasible (two person lifting activities)
  10. Large gathering places on the site such as shacks and break areas will be eliminated and instead small break areas will be used with seating limited to ensure social distancing.
  11. Contact the cleaning person for your office trailer or office space and ensure they have proper COVID- 19 sanitation processes.
  12. Increase their cleaning visits to daily
  13. Clean all high contact surfaces a minimum of twice a day in order to minimize the spread of germs in areas that people touch frequently. This includes but is not limited to desks, laptops and vehicles

Additional Link;

Construction Business MA COVID-19 Checklist

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Construction

7/28/2020 (Permalink)

As we continue to execute Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business it is paramount that we remain steadfast in our resolve to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 when and wherever possible. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to The following workplace specific safety standards are organized around four distinct categories covering enforcement and oversight and employee health for Construction Businesses.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The following guidance were updated based on the new COVID-19 Travel Order (July 24):

  1. Construction (below)
  2. Indoor and Outdoor Events
  3. Laboratories
  4. Lodging
  5. Manufacturing
  6. Office Space
  7. Theater & Performance Venues

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Construction Business owner to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Enforcement and Oversight

It is the responsibility of approved construction business owners to have the following protocols in place and for staff to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. A site-specific COVID-19 Officer (who may also be the Health and Safety Officer) shall be designated for every site except as provided below for construction and remodeling in 1-3 family residences
  2. Except as provided below for construction and remodeling in 1-3 family residences, the Contractor’s site-specific project COVID-19 Officer shall submit a written daily report to the Owner's Representative. The COVID-19 Officer shall certify that the contractor and all subcontractors are in full compliance with sections B to D, inclusive (the COVID-19 Construction Safety Guidance)
  3. For large, complicated construction projects a city or town may additionally require the Owner to develop and submit a site-specific risk analysis and enhanced COVID-19 safety plan, which may include additional requirements to address risks specific to the project or type of project. The city or town shall review and approve such plan and may require such projects to pause construction until such a risk analysis and plan is submitted and approved. Once such an enhanced COVID-19 safety plan is approved, a violation of the plan shall be treated the same as a violation of the COVID-19 Construction Safety Guidance
  4. For all projects undertaken, managed or funded by a state agency or authority there shall be joint enforcement responsibility between the project’s public Owner and the city or town where the project is located. The Owner of a public project has the lead responsibility for compliance and enforcement including frequent on-site inspections by an employee or contractor of the state agency or authority who is familiar with the COVID-19 Construction Safety Guidance and is authorized to enforce that guidance and shut down work at the site if violations are found. The Owner of the project is required to notify the municipality where the work is taking place whenever a site is shut down or of any violations of the COVID-19 Construction Safety Guidance and the resulting corrective action plan, as well as to provide copies of the COVID-19 Officer’s written daily reports upon request. While the public Owner has the lead responsibility for enforcement, cities and towns retain the authority to take enforcement action against public projects found not in compliance with the COVID-19 Construction Safety Guidance, including the authority to order the project to shut down until a corrective action plan is developed, approved and implemented
  5. Cities and towns are authorized to enforce the COVID-19 Construction Safety Guidance using their public health staff, building inspectors or any other appropriate official or contractor
  6. Cities and towns may enforce the safety and distance protocols including, if multiple violations are found, requiring the Owner and / or Contractor to safely secure the site and pause construction activities until a corrective action plan is prepared, submitted and approved by the city or town 
  7. The city or town may require the Owner of a large, complicated private project to pay for an independent, third party inspector or inspection firm (or to pay into a pool to pay for such inspections). The third party inspector shall be accountable solely to the city or town and shall be responsible for enforcement on behalf of the city or town. A city or town may require private projects to pause construction until such a third-party inspector has been secured

Employee Health Protection – ZERO TOLERANCE

It is the responsibility of approved construction business owners and managing staff to implement a ZERO TOLERANCE FOR SICK WORKERS at all times.

  1. Owners and managing staff must make employees aware that if they have any signs of illness they must stay home
  2. Owners and managing staff must make employees aware that if they become ill or feel sick after arriving at work they must go home immediately
  3. Owners must mandate to ALL employees, IF YOU SEE SOMEONE SICK, SEND THEM HOME
  4. All employees, if you are exhibiting any of the symptoms below, you are to report this to your supervisor (via phone, text or email) right away, and head home from the job site or stay home if already there
  5. All employees, ff you notice a co-worker showing signs or complaining about such symptoms, he or she should be directed to their supervisor (via phone, text or email) and asked to leave the project site immediately COVID-19 Typical Symptoms:
    1. Fever 
    2. Cough
    3. Shortness of Breath
    4. Sore Throat

Self-certify Prior to Shift

Prior to starting a shift, it is the responsibility of all approved construction business employees to self-certify to their supervisor that they:

  1. Have no signs of a fever or a measured temperature above 100.3 degrees or greater, a cough or trouble breathing within the past 24 hours
  2. Have not had "close contact" with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for about 15 minutes, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, while that person was symptomatic
  3. Have not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official

Employees exhibiting symptoms or unable to self-certify should be directed to leave the work site and seek medical attention and applicable testing by their health care provider. They are not to return to the work site until cleared by a medical professional.

Additional Link;

Construction Business MA COVID-19 Checklist

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Close Contact Personal Services, Part 2

7/27/2020 (Permalink)

As we continue to execute Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business it is paramount that we remain steadfast in our resolve to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 when and wherever possible. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to The following workplace specific safety standards are organized around four distinct categories covering staffing and operations, and cleaning and disinfecting for Close Contact Personal Services Businesses.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Barber Shops and Hair Salons, originally authorized to open in Phase 1 of the Re-Opening Plan, are now subject to these workplace safety standards for Close Contact Personal Services. Also, Personal Trainers have their own category of guidelines to follow.

Close Contact Personal Services are defined as any personal service typically delivered through close physical contact with the customer, including but not limited to:

  1. hair salons and barber shops; as permitted to open in Phase 1 of the Re-Opening Plan 
  2. hair removal services; including laser services, depilatory salons, waxing services, threading, and electrolysis services 
  3. massage, body treatments, eastern treatment, energy therapies and other body work therapies
  4. skin care services; including peels, facials, serums, Botox and filler 
  5. nail care services; including nail salons
  6. other hair services; including hair replacement services, scalp treating services 
  7. makeup salons
  8. makeup application services
  9. tanning salons; including other businesses that provide spray tanning and tanning beds;
  10. tattoo, piercing, and body art services Indoor and outdoor event spaces

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Close Contact Personal Service Business owner to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Staffing and Operations

It is the responsibility of approved close contact personal services business owners and staff to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions including hygiene and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including:
    1. Social distancing, hand-washing, proper use of face coverings
    2. Self-screening at home, including temperature and symptom checks
    3. Reinforcing that staff should not come to work if sick
    4. When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe
    5. Which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting and suffering from a severe case of the virus
  2. Facilities must screen workers at each shift by ensuring the following:
    1. Worker is not experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
    2. Worker has not had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, while that person was symptomatic
    3. Worker has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official
    4. Workers who fail to meet the above criteria must be sent home
  3. Adjust workplace hours and shifts (working teams with different schedules or staggered arrival / departure) to minimize contact across workers and reduce congestion
  4. Require customers to make an appointment in advance to receive service
  5. Close waiting areas and ask customers to wait outside or in cars until it is time for their appointment
  6. Maintain a log of workers and customers to support potential contact tracing (name, date, time, contact information)
  7. Remove non-essential amenities (e.g., magazines, customer-facing water or coffee, coat rooms, etc.)
  8. Workers may not appear for work if feeling ill
  9. Workers who are who are at high risk from COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control should be encouraged to stay home or should have work assignments shifted to reduce contact with customers and co-workers 
  10. Workers are strongly encouraged to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer 4
  11. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing.
  12. If the employer is notified of a positive case at the workplace, the employer shall notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the workplace is located and assist the LBOH as reasonably requested to advise likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. Testing of other workers may be recommended consistent with guidance and / or at the request of the LBOH
  13. Post notice to workers and customers of important health information and relevant safety measures as outlined in the Commonwealth’s Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplace
  14. Businesses should maintain operating hours that allow for on-going off-hour sanitation and cleaning
  15. Limit visitors and service providers on site; shipping and deliveries should be completed in designated areas
  16. Limit employee movement to discrete work zones to minimize overlap where possible 

Cleaning and Disinfecting 

It is the responsibility of approved close contact personal services business owners and staff to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. Clean commonly touched surfaces in restrooms (e.g., toilet seats, doorknobs, stall handles, sinks, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers) frequently and in accordance with CDC guidelines
  2. Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of site (at least daily, and more frequently if feasible)
  3. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning
  4. Conduct frequent disinfecting of heavily transited areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, handrails, headrests, armrests, etc.)
  5. In the event of a positive case of a worker, patron or vendor shut down site and wait 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current CDC guidelines
  6. Disinfect or replace tools, implements and surfaces between customers (e.g., tables, finger bowls, chairs and headrests, spatulas, clippers, spacers, styling tools)
  7. If tools cannot be disinfected (i.e., porous tools such as nail files, buffers, drill bits, etc.), they must be discarded after use
  8. Disinfect chair, table, and/or workstation between customers or use disposable plastic coverings for each customer, observing contact time on label for disinfectant to work properly
  9. Launder all linens, towel drapes and smocks in hot soapy water and dry completely regularly and between each use
  10. Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible

Additional Link;

Close Contact Personal Care Business MA COVID-19 Checklist

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Close Contact Personal Services

7/23/2020 (Permalink)

As we continue to execute Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business it is paramount that we remain steadfast in our resolve to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 when and wherever possible. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to social distancing and hygiene protocols for Close Contact Personal Services Businesses.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Barber Shops and Hair Salons, originally authorized to open in Phase 1 of the Re-Opening Plan, are now subject to these workplace safety standards for Close Contact Personal Services. Also, Personal Trainers have their own category of guidelines to follow.

Close Contact Personal Services are defined as any personal service typically delivered through close physical contact with the customer, including but not limited to:

  1. hair salons and barber shops; as permitted to open in Phase 1 of the Re-Opening Plan 
  2. hair removal services; including laser services, depilatory salons, waxing services, threading, and electrolysis services 
  3. massage, body treatments, eastern treatment, energy therapies and other body work therapies
  4. skin care services; including peels, facials, serums, Botox and filler 
  5. nail care services; including nail salons
  6. other hair services; including hair replacement services, scalp treating services 
  7. makeup salons
  8. makeup application services
  9. tanning salons; including other businesses that provide spray tanning and tanning beds;
  10. tattoo, piercing, and body art services Indoor and outdoor event spaces

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Close Contact Personal Service Business owner to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Social Distancing

It is the responsibility of approved close contact personal services business owners and staff to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. Ensure separation of 6 feet or more between individuals where possible:
    1. Close or reconfigure common spaces and high density areas where workers and patrons are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms and eating areas for workers; lobbies and workstations for customers) to allow social distancing
    2. Arrange workstations so work areas are spaced out at least 6 feet apart
    3. Physical partitions must separate workstations that cannot be spaced out (partitions must be at least 6 feet in height) 
    4. Install physical barriers for checkout stations where possible, otherwise maintain 6 feet distance where not possible
    5. Install visual social distancing markers to encourage customers to remain 6 feet apart (e.g., checkout lines, lines to use the restroom)
    6. Mark rooms and hallways to indicate 6 feet separation 
  2. Stagger lunch and break times for workers, regulate the maximum number of people in one place, and ensure at least 6 feet of physical distancing 
  3. Require face coverings for all customers and workers, except where an individual is unable to wear a face covering due to a medical condition or disability
  4. Establish directional pathways to manage visitor flow for foot traffic, to minimize contact (e.g., one-way entrance and exit to rooms, one-way pathways)
  5. Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies
  6. Require workers to wear gloves, gowns or smocks, and prescription glasses, safety glasses or goggles
  7. Contactless payment methods are encouraged
  8. Encourage curbside pickup or delivery of any retail items purchased by customers not already on the premises for a service appointment, and follow the Retail Business guidance for customers seeking retail purchases instead of or in addition to personal services
  9. No guests should accompany the customer during the personal service except for persons serving as caretakers or guardians
  10. Caretakers or guardians should observe all other requirements of customers, including wearing a face covering and maintaining 6 feet of separation from other persons present

Hygiene Protocols 

It is the responsibility of approved close contact personal services business owners and staff to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, and allow enough break time for workers to wash hands frequently; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative
  2. Supply workers at workplace location with adequate cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, disinfectant)
  3. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol should be made available at entrances and throughout floor areas for both workers and customers
  4. Require glove changes and handwashing before and after each customer
  5. Do not permit sharing of tools and supplies between workers (e.g., clippers, spacers, brushes, needles, etc.)
  6. All tools must be cleaned between each customer
  7. Workers should change into a clean smock or gown between each customer
  8. Consider using disposable capes and smocks
  9. Reusable capes, towels, gowns should be laundered between each use
  10. Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers and customers of hygiene and safety protocols

Additional Link;

Close Contact Personal Care Business MA COVID-19 Checklist

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Indoor/Outdoor Event Businesses

7/22/2020 (Permalink)

As we continue to execute Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business it is paramount that we remain steadfast in our resolve to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 when and wherever possible. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to social distancing, hygiene protocols, staffing and operations, and cleaning and disinfecting for Indoor or Outdoor Event businesses (such as a wedding, party, etc.) that do not have sector specific guidelines to follow.

Examples of such indoor and outdoor event businesses include but are not limited to events held at:

  1. Indoor and outdoor event spaces
  2. Ballrooms
  3. Private party rooms
  4. Public places (like parks)

Large capacity event venues and activities organized to draw together large crowds must continue to remain closed until Phase IV.

This includes venues used for group or spectator sports, entertainment, business, and cultural events including:

  1. Stadiums, arenas, and ballparks
  2. Dance floors
  3. Exhibition and convention halls 
  4. Street festivals and parades and agricultural festivals
  5. Road races and other large, outdoor organized amateur or professional group athletic events

Any event that is held for the primary purpose of watching a performance must follow the Theaters and Performance Venues guidance.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Indoor and Outdoor Event Business owner to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Social Distancing

It is the responsibility of approved indoor and outdoor events business owners and staff to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. 8 persons per 1,000 square feet of accessible, indoor floor space, and no more than 25 persons
  2. Each operator of an outdoor event must monitor attendee entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to:
    1. 25% of the facility’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder, and no more than 100 persons
    2. Facilities for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow 8 persons per 1,000 square feet of accessible space, and no more than 100 persons 
  3. Occupancy counts in all cases must include all attendees, staff, or other workers
  4. Ensure separation of 6 feet or more between individuals where possible
    1. Close or reconfigure worker common spaces and high density areas where workers are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms, eating areas) to allow social distancing
    2. Physical partitions must separate workstations that cannot be separated by 6 feet or more (partitions must extend to at least 6 feet in height)
    3. For customer facing enterprises, install visual social distancing markers to encourage customers to remain 6 feet apart (e.g., lines to make payments, lines to use the restroom) and physical barriers for checkout stations where possible
    4. Mark rooms and hallways to indicate 6 feet separation
  5. Stagger lunch and break times for workers, regulate the maximum number of people in one place, and ensure at least 6 feet of physical distancing
  6. Require face coverings for all workers and attendees, except where an individual is unable to wear a face covering due to a medical condition or disability

Hygiene Protocols

It is the responsibility of approved indoor and outdoor events business owners and staff to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site for both event attendees and workers, including soap and running water, and allow sufficient break time for workers to wash hands frequently; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative
  2. Supply workers at workplace location with adequate cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes)
  3. Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers and event attendees of hygiene and safety protocols
  4. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol should be made available at entrances and throughout floor areas for workers and attendees
  5. Provide regular sanitation of high touch areas, such as workstations, equipment, screens, doorknobs, restrooms throughout work site

Staffing and Operations

It is the responsibility of approved indoor and outdoor events business owners and staff to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions including hygiene and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including:
    1. Social distancing, hand-washing, proper use of face coverings
    2. Self-screening at home, including temperature and symptom checks 
    3. Importance of not coming to work if ill 
    4. When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe 
    5. Which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting and suffering from a severe case of the virus
  2. Adjust workplace hours and shifts (working teams with different schedules or staggered arrival / departure) to minimize contact across workers and reduce congestion
  3. Workers may not come in to work if feeling ill
  4. Encourage workers who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control to stay home or re-assign duties to reduce contact with other workers and attendees
  5. Encourage workers to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  6. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing.
  7. If the employer is notified of a positive case at the workplace, the employer shall notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the workplace is located and assist the LBOH as reasonably requested to advise likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine.
  8. Testing of other workers may be recommended consistent with guidance and / or at the request of the LBOH
  9. Post notice to workers and attendees of important health information and relevant safety measures as outlined in the Commonwealth’s Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplace
  10. Maintain a log of workers and attendees to support contact tracing (name, date, time, contact information) if needed 
  11. Whether seated or standing, attendees should not gather in groups of more than 6 people 
  12. Remove non-essential amenities (magazines, customer-facing water or coffee, close coat rooms, etc.) in waiting or other common areas 
  13. Additional on-site amenities and services may only open and operate when those amenities or services would otherwise be authorized to operate under the Commonwealth’s Phased Reopening Plan and then must adhere to all sector-specific safety protocols, available on the Reopening Plan website, applicable to the amenity or service. Examples include: 
    1. Food services: Must follow the latest restaurant guidance, provided however that staffed buffets and passed food service is permitted. Self-serve, unattended buffets, topping bars, drink stations, and other communal serving areas must remain closed
    2. Bars: Must remain closed until Phase 4, provided however that drink service may be provided by servers 
    3. Musical and other performances: Must follow the latest theater and performance venue guidance, including distance between performers and between performers and attendees. Performances at indoor venues may not include singing or the playing of wind or brass instruments 
    4. Dance floors: Must remain closed until Phase 4

Cleaning and Disinfecting

It is the responsibility of approved indoor and outdoor events business owners and staff to adhere to the following at all times:

  1. Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of site (at least daily, and more frequently if feasible)
  2. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning 
  3. Conduct frequent disinfecting of high traffic areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, rolling carts, bathrooms) 
  4. In the event of a positive case, shut down the site for a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with CDC guidance
  5. Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible

Additional Link;

Indoor and Outdoor Event Business MA COVID-19 Checklist

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Museums, Cultural and Historical Facilities and Guided Tours, Part 2

7/21/2020 (Permalink)

Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business is in effect. Strict rules are in place for the third phase of a four-phase economic reopening in Massachusetts. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to staffing and operations, and cleaning and disinfecting for Museums, Cultural and Historical Facilities and Guided Tours.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Theater and Performance Venues  Business owner to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Staffing and Operations

It is the responsibility of approved museums, cultural and historical facilities and guided tours business owners and staff to adhere to the greater of the following at all times:

  1. Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions including hygiene and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including:
    1. Social distancing, hand-washing, proper use of face coverings
    2. Self-screening at home, including temperature and symptom checks
    3. Importance of not coming to work if ill
    4. When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe
    5. Which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting and suffering from a severe case of the virus
  2. Adjust workplace hours and shifts (leverage working teams with different schedules or staggered arrival / departure) to minimize contact across workers and reduce congestion at entry points
  3. Facilities should maintain operating hours that allow for on-going off-hour sanitation and cleaning
  4. Limit visitors and service providers on site; shipping and deliveries should be completed in designated areas
  5. Facilities must screen workers at each shift by ensuring the following:
    1. Worker is not experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea 
    2. Worker has not had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means:
      1. living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19
      2. Caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19
      3. Being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more
      4. Coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 while that person was symptomatic
    3. Worker has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official
    4. Workers who fail to meet the above criteria must be sent home
  6. Maintain a log of workers and visitors to support potential contact tracing (name, date, time, contact information) 
  7. Workers must not appear for work if feeling ill
  8. Workers who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home
  9. Workers are strongly encouraged to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  10. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing.
  11. If the employer is notified of a positive case at the workplace, the employer shall notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the workplace is located and assist the LBOH as reasonably requested to advise 4 likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. Testing of other workers may be recommended consistent with guidance and / or at the request of the LBOH
  12. Post notice to workers and visitors of important health information and relevant safety measures as outlined in the Commonwealth’s Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces
  13. Interactive exhibits (i.e., touch and feel exhibits, play areas) should be closed or be configured with 6 feet of distancing clearly marked and receive frequent cleaning and disinfection.
  14. Hand hygiene station (soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer) should be accessible to promote safe use
  15. Additional on-site amenities and services may only open and operate when those amenities or services would otherwise be authorized to operate under the Commonwealth’s Phased Reopening Plan and then must adhere to all sector-specific safety protocols, available on the Reopening Plan website, applicable to the amenity or service. Examples include:
    1. Restaurants: Must follow the latest restaurant guidance
    2. Gift shops: Must follow the latest retail guidance
    3. Performance venues: Must follow the latest performance venue guidance
    4. Events: Must follow the latest indoor and outdoor events guidance

Cleaning and Disinfecting

It is the responsibility of approved museums, cultural and historical facilities and guided tours business owners and staff to adhere to the following cleaning and disinfecting guidelines:

  1. Clean commonly touched surfaces in restrooms (e.g., toilet seats, doorknobs, stall handles, sinks, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers) frequently and in accordance with CDC guidelines
  2. Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of site (at least daily and more frequently if feasible)
  3. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning
  4. Conduct frequent disinfecting of heavy transit areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, bathrooms, ticket counters, staff break rooms)
  5. In event of a positive case, shut down site for a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current CDC guidelines
  6.  Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible

Additional Link;

Museums and Cultural Facilities and Guided Tours MA COVID-19 Checklist

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDC, EPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Museums, Cultural and Historical Facilities and Guided Tours

7/17/2020 (Permalink)

Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business is in effect. Strict rules are in place for the third phase of a four-phase economic reopening in Massachusetts. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to social distancing, guided tour group size and hygiene protocol for Museums, Cultural and Historical Facilities and Guided Tours.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Theater and Performance Venues  Business owner to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Social Distancing

It is the responsibility of approved museums, cultural and historical facilities and guided tours business owners and staff to monitor customer entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to the greater of the following:

  1. Each museum must monitor visitor entries and exits and limit occupancy for each building open to the public at all times to:
    1. 40% of the museum’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder
    2. Facilities for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow 8 persons (including staff) per 1,000 square feet of accessible indoor or outdoor space
    3. In any case, no enclosed space within the facility may exceed occupancy of 8 persons per 1,000 square feet
    4. All occupant counts and calculations shall include customers, staff, and other workers
  2. Post clearly visible signage regarding the need to maintain 6 feet of social distancing and not to enter a room until that distancing can be maintained
  3. Museums are encouraged to offer exclusive hours or other accommodations for those in high risk populations as defined by the CDC
  4. Ensure separation of 6 feet or more between individuals where possible:
    1. Close or reconfigure worker common spaces and high density areas where workers are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms, eating areas) to allow social distancing
    2. Physical partitions must separate workstations that cannot be spaced out (partitions must be at least 6 feet in height)
    3. Install physical barriers for ticket counters, checkout stations, etc. where possible
    4. Install visual social distancing markers to encourage visitors to remain 6 feet apart (e.g., lines outside of the museum if applicable, lines to make payments, lines to use the restroom)
    5. Mark exhibit rooms and hallways to indicate 6 feet separation 
  5. Establish directional pathways to manage visitor flow for foot traffic, if possible, to minimize contact (e.g., one-way entrance and exit to rooms / exhibits, one-way pathways).
  6. Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies
  7. Stagger lunch and break times, regulating max number of people in one place and ensuring at least 6 feet of physical distancing
  8. Require face coverings for all workers and visitors, except where unsafe due to medical condition or disability
  9. Encourage online ticket sales and contactless payment methods if possible
  10. Consider using timed entry tickets / reservations and imposing time limits for visits to ensure compliance with occupancy limits
  11. Encourage the use of electronic versions of guide materials (such as brochures and gallery guides) where possible.
  12. All physical guide materials (such as paper brochures, gallery guides, and audio guides) must be discarded or sanitized between use.
  13. Any self-serve racks must be removed, and all materials must be handed out individually

Group Size Limitations for Guided Tours 

It is the responsibility of approved museums, cultural and historical facilities and guided tours business owners and staff to monitor guided group tour sizes to the greater of the following:

  1. Each tour operator using a bus or other vehicle (such as a trolley, harbor cruise vessel, or duck boat) must limit occupancy at all times to 50% of the tour, vehicle or vessel’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the relevant municipal record holder
  2. Occupancy limitations for boat tours using vessels with open deck space that can be used to accommodate passengers shall be determined in accordance with the formula used to set charter boat occupancy limits, outlined in the Workplace Safety and Reopening Standards for For-Hire and Charter Vessels
  3. Tours of spaces for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record must limit occupancy based on the Indoor and Outdoor Event guidance on the Reopening Website
  4. All occupant counts and calculations shall include customers and workers
  5. Groups of passengers should be separated on the vehicle by empty seats. If that is not possible, vehicles should stagger open rows
  6. Tour operators must limit group size in walking tours to groups of no more than 10 persons (including guides).
  7. Recommend limiting tour parties to members of the same household only 
  8. Guides and guests should maintain 6 feet of distance and wear face coverings

Hygiene Protocols

It is the responsibility of approved museums, cultural and historical facilities and guided tours business owners and staff to monitor hygiene of guests and staff to the greater of the following:

  1. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, wherever possible and encourage frequent handwashing; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative
  2. Supply workers at workplace location with adequate cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes)
  3. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol should be made available at entrances, exits, and throughout floor areas for both workers and visitors
  4. Avoid sharing equipment and supplies between workers
  5. Disinfect shared equipment before use by another employee
  6. Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers of hygiene and safety protocols

Additional Link;

Museums and Cultural Facilities and Guided Tours MA COVID-19 Checklist

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA, Mass EEA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Theaters and Performance Venues, Part 2

7/16/2020 (Permalink)

Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business is in effect. Strict rules are in place for the third phase of a four-phase economic reopening in Massachusetts. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to social distancing and hygiene protocol for Theaters and Performance Venues

In Step 1 of Phase 3, only outdoor Theater and Performance Venues and indoor movie theaters may reopen. Drive-in movie theaters may continue to operate under guidance issued for Drive-In Movie Theaters. Other indoor Theater and Performance Venues must remain closed until authorized to open at a later point in time. Large capacity event venues must continue to remain closed until Phase IV. This includes venues used for group or spectator sports, entertainment, business, and cultural events including:

  1. Stadiums, arenas, and ballparks
  2. Exhibition and convention halls 

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Theater and Performance Venues  Business owner to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Staffing and Operations 

It is the responsibility of approved theaters and performance venues business owners and staff to monitor customer entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to the greater of the following:

  1. Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions including hygiene and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including:
    1. Social distancing, hand-washing, proper use of face coverings
    2. Self-screening at home, including temperature and symptom checks
    3. Importance of not coming to work if ill
    4. When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe 
    5. Which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting and suffering from a severe case of the virus
  2. Venues must screen workers at each shift by ensuring the following:
    1. Worker is not experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
    2. Worker has not had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, or coming in 4 direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, while that person was symptomatic
    3. Worker has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official
    4. Workers who fail to meet the above criteria must be sent home
  3. Adjust workplace hours and shifts (leverage working teams with different schedules or staggered arrival / departure) to minimize contact across workers and reduce congestion at entry point
  4. Limit worker movement to discrete work zones to minimize overlap where possible
  5. Venues should maintain operating hours that allow for on-going off-hour sanitation and cleaning
  6. Limit visitors and service providers on site; shipping and deliveries should be completed in designated areas
  7. Maintain a log of workers and visitors to support potential contact tracing (name, date, time, contact information)
  8. Workers who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home
  9. Workers are strongly encouraged to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  10. Workers may not appear for work if feeling ill
  11. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19, to disclose to the employer of the office for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing.
  12. If the employer is notified of a positive case at the workplace, the employer shall notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the workplace is located and assist the LBOH as reasonably requested to advise likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. Testing of other workers may be recommended consistent with guidance and / or at the request of the LBOH
  13. Post notice to workers and customers of important health information and relevant safety measures as outlined in the Commonwealth’s Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplace
  14. Stagger event times (such as theater showings) to avoid congregation of customers in different groups and to allow for thorough cleaning of the activity space (e.g., seating areas or tables) before new customers arrive
  15. Encourage advanced reservations and digital ticketing where possible
  16. Workers should facilitate organized entrance and exit between events where audiences are arranged in rows or other large groups to prevent unnecessary congregation of customers
  17. Facilities should develop a seating plan for which customers can reserve spots ahead of time and which is adjustable to the size of the booking party allowing couples and small groups to sit together while maintaining at least 6 feet of distance from other individuals/groups
  18. Instruct customers to limit seating groups only to related or associated members of same party
  19. Additional on-site amenities and services may only open and operate when those amenities or services would otherwise be authorized to operate under the Commonwealth’s Phased Reopening Plan and then must adhere to all sector-specific safety protocols, available on the Reopening Plan website, applicable to the amenity or service. Examples include:
    1. Restaurants/food service: Must follow the latest restaurant guidelines
    2. Gift shops: Must follow the latest retail guidelines
    3. Performer hair and makeup: Must follow the latest close contact business guidance
  20. In Step 1, food service is only permitted at outdoor venues
  21. Intermissions should be avoided in order to limit time of performance and to prevent congregating and close contact with others
  22. Reconfigure lobbies to discourage congregation of customers before, during, or after shows

Cleaning and Disinfecting 

It is the responsibility of approved theaters and performance venues business owners and staff to monitor customer entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to the greater of the following:

  1. Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of site (at least daily and more frequently if feasible)
  2. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning
  3. Conduct frequent disinfecting of heavy transit areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, bathrooms, seats, ticket counters, staff break rooms)
  4. In event of a positive case, shut down site for a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current CDC guidance
  5. Open windows and doors to increase air flow where possible
  6. Disinfect seating areas and any other mutually-touched objects immediately after each use.
  7. At no point should customers come in contact with objects that others have touched without first being disinfected according to CDC guidelines

Additional Link;

Theater and Performance Venues MA COVID-19 Checklist

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA, Mass EEA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Theaters and Performance Venues

7/15/2020 (Permalink)

Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business is in effect. Strict rules are in place for the third phase of a four-phase economic reopening in Massachusetts. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to social distancing and hygiene protocol for Theaters and Performance Venues

In Step 1 of Phase 3, only outdoor Theater and Performance Venues and indoor movie theaters may reopen. Drive-in movie theaters may continue to operate under guidance issued for Drive-In Movie Theaters. Other indoor Theater and Performance Venues must remain closed until authorized to open at a later point in time. Large capacity event venues must continue to remain closed until Phase IV. This includes venues used for group or spectator sports, entertainment, business, and cultural events including:

  1. Stadiums, arenas, and ballparks
  2. Exhibition and convention halls 

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Theater and Performance Venues  Business owner to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Social Distancing

It is the responsibility of approved theaters and performance venues business owners and staff to monitor customer entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to the greater of the following:

Indoor movie theaters must monitor customer entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to:

  1. 40% of each individual theater or screening room’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder, and never more than 25 persons in a single enclosed, indoor space
  2. Venues for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow 8 persons per 1,000 square feet of accessible space, and never more than 25 persons in a single enclosed, indoor space
  3. Each outdoor venue must monitor customer entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to 25% of the venue’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder, but in no event may the venue admit or host more than 100 persons
  4. All occupant counts and calculations for indoor and outdoor venues must include customers, workers, and any other persons present
  5. Post clearly visible signage regarding the need to maintain 6 feet of social distancing and not to enter a room until that distancing can be maintained
  6. Venues must put markers outside of the building to ensure 6 feet of distance for customers who are waiting outside to enter
  7. Venues are encouraged to offer exclusive hours or other accommodations for those in high-risk populations as defined by the CDC
  8. Ensure separation of 6 feet or more between individuals where possible:
    1. Close or reconfigure worker common spaces and high density areas where workers are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms, eating areas, backstage areas) to allow social distancing
    2. Physical partitions must separate workstations that cannot be spaced out (partitions must be at least 6 feet in height)
    3. Install physical barriers for ticket stations where possible, otherwise maintain 6 feet distance where not possible
    4. Install visual social distancing markers to encourage customers to remain 6 feet apart (e.g., lines for equipment if applicable, checkout lines, lines to use the restroom)
  9. Establish directional pathways to manage visitor flow for foot traffic, to minimize contact (e.g., one-way entrance and exit to shows, one-way pathways). Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies
  10. Reconfigure seating areas to ensure 6 feet distancing between customers not in the same group
    1. Distance shall be measured from the closest boundary of one customer recreation or seating area to the closest boundary of another customer recreation or seating area
    2. This may require blocking every other row of seats and staggered seating within rows
  11. Limit group sizes to no more than 10 people for groups attending together
  12. Stagger lunch and break times for workers, regulating max number of people in one place and ensuring at least 6 feet of physical distancing
  13. Require face coverings for all workers and customers, except where unsafe due to medical condition or disability
  14. Contactless payment methods and / or digital ticketing are encouraged
  15. Special protocols should be followed for close contact between live performers:
    1. Encourage performers to wear face coverings during performances if possible
    2. Performers should remain at least 6 feet apart. Any activity requiring performers to be closer than 6 feet must be as brief as possible
    3. Activities that require prolonged direct contact (e.g. intimate scenes, fight scenes) are discouraged
    4. Prohibit direct interaction between performers and audience before, during, or after performances (including backstage and post-performance meet and greets)
  16. For outdoor live performances, singing and the playing of brass and wind instruments is discouraged. For performances involving singing or brass or wind instruments, special distancing should be followed:
    1. At least 10 feet between performers
    2. At least 25 feet between performers and first row of the audience
  17. Encourage the use of electronic versions or no-touch displays in place of commonly touched physical materials (such as menus and playbills) where possible. All commonly touched physical materials must be discarded or sanitized between use
  18. Any self-serve racks or containers for these materials should be removed, and instead all materials must be handed out individually by workers

Hygiene Protocols

It is the responsibility of approved theaters and performance venues business owners and staff to monitor customer entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to the greater of the following:

  1. Disinfect shared equipment before use by another worker
  2. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, wherever possible and encourage frequent handwashing; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative
  3. Supply workers at workplace location with adequate cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes)
  4. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol should be made available at entrances, exits and throughout floor areas for workers, performers, and customers
  5. Avoid sharing equipment and supplies between workers including performers
  6. Post visible signage throughout the site to remind customers and workers of hygiene and safety protocols
  7. Prohibit any mutual touching of customer or worker equipment without sanitation between uses
  8. Audience members should wear face coverings while seated during the performance unless unsafe due to disability or medical condition

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA, Mass EEA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Indoor Recreation Businesses, Part 2

7/14/2020 (Permalink)

Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business is in effect. Strict rules are in place for the third phase of a four-phase economic reopening in Massachusetts. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to hygiene protocol, staffing and operation, and cleaning and disinfecting Indoor Recreation Businesses approved for reopening during Phase 3.

Approved indoor recreational business are:

  • batting cages
  • driving ranges
  • go-carts
  • bowling alleys
  • rock–climbing walls

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Indoor Recreational Business owner to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Hygiene Protocols

It is the responsibility of approved indoor recreational activity business owners and staff to monitor customer entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to the greater of the following:

  1. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, wherever possible and encourage frequent handwashing; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative
  2. Supply workers at workplace location with adequate cleaning products (e.g., sanitizer, disinfecting wipes)
  3. Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers of hygiene and safety protocols
  4. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol should be made available at entrances, exits and throughout floor areas for both workers and customers
  5. Avoid sharing equipment and supplies between workers
  6. Disinfect shared equipment between uses by customers or workers
  7. Prohibit any mutual touching of customer or worker equipment without sanitation between uses
  8. Require that any equipment that cannot be disinfected between use to be removed from service for 24 hours before it can be used by another customer

Staffing and Operations

It is the responsibility of approved indoor recreational activity business owners and staff to monitor customer entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to the greater of the following:

  1. Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions including hygiene and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including: 
    1. Social distancing, hand-washing, proper use of face coverings
    2. Self-screening at home, including temperature and symptom checks
    3. Importance of not coming to work if ill
    4. When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe
    5. Which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting and suffering from a severe case of the virus 
  2. Facilities must screen workers at each shift by ensuring the following:
    1. Worker is not experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
    2. Worker has not had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, while that person was symptomatic
    3. Worker has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official
    4. Workers who fail to meet the above criteria must be sent home
  3. Adjust workplace hours and shifts (leverage working teams with different schedules or staggered arrival / departure) to minimize contact across workers and reduce congestion at entry point
  4. Maintain a log of workers and visitors to support potential contact tracing (name, date, time, contact information)
  5. Businesses are encouraged to offer exclusive hours or other accommodations for those in high risk populations as defined by the CDC
  6. Workers who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home
  7. Limit worker movement to discrete work zones to minimize overlap where possible
  8. Workers may not appear for work if feeling ill
  9. Workers are strongly encouraged to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  10. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19, to disclose to the employer of the office for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing.
  11. If the employer is notified of a positive case at the workplace, the employer shall notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the workplace is located and assist the LBOH as reasonably requested to advise likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. Testing of other workers may be recommended consistent with guidance and / or at the request of the LBOH
  12. Post notice to workers and customers of important health information and relevant safety measures as outlined in the Commonwealth’s Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplace
  13. Businesses should maintain operating hours that allow for on-going off-hour sanitation and cleaning
  14. Limit visitors and service providers on site; shipping and deliveries should be completed in designated areas
  15. Stagger activity / event times / encourage reservations (such as for bowling lanes) to avoid congregation of customers in different groups and to allow for thorough cleaning of the activity space (e.g., seating areas or tables) before new customers arrive 
  16. Encourage advanced reservations and digital ticketing where possible 
  17. For group activities, do not combine persons or small groups with other non-related or nonassociated persons or small groups
  18. Additional on-site amenities and services may only open and operate when those amenities or services would otherwise be authorized to operate under the Commonwealth’s Phased Reopening Plan and then must adhere to all sector-specific safety protocols, available on the Reopening Plan website, applicable to the amenity or service. Examples include:
    1. Restaurants: Must follow the latest restaurant guidelines
    2. Gift shops: Must follow the latest retail guidelines
    3. Pools: Must follow the latest pool guidelines  
    4. Arts and entertainment: Must follow the latest performance arts guidance
    5. Bars: Must remain closed until Phase 4

Cleaning and Disinfecting

It is the responsibility of approved indoor recreational activity business owners and staff to monitor customer entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to the greater of the following:

  1. Clean commonly touched surfaces in restrooms (e.g., toilet seats, doorknobs, stall handles, sinks, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers) frequently and in accordance with CDC guidelines
  2. Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of site (at least daily and more frequently if feasible)
  3. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning
  4. Conduct frequent disinfecting of heavy transit areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, bathrooms, table tops, ticket counters, staff break rooms)
  5. In event of a positive case, shut down site for a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current CDC guidelines
  6. Open windows and doors to increase air flow where possible
  7. Disinfect all recreation equipment and other objects distributed to customers (e.g., golf putters, pool cues, etc.) immediately when returned after each use. Shared equipment provided to customers may not be re-distributed without first being disinfected according to CDC guidelines
  8. Disposable wipes should be place next to each piece of equipment that cannot be returned to staff (e.g., pool tables, dart boards) for disinfecting. Customers are encouraged to wipe down equipment before and after use in addition to frequent disinfection by staff
  9. If sanitation (or the monitoring thereof by employees) of any piece of equipment is not possible or practical, this equipment should be closed off

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA, Mass EEA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Indoor Recreation Businesses

7/13/2020 (Permalink)

Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business is in effect. Strict rules are in place for the third phase of a four-phase economic reopening in Massachusetts. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to social distancing for Indoor Recreation Businesses approved for reopening during Phase 3.

Approved indoor recreational business are:

  • batting cages
  • driving ranges
  • go-carts
  • bowling alleys
  • rock–climbing walls

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Indoor Recreational Business owner to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Social Distancing

It is the responsibility of approved indoor recreational activity business owners and staff to monitor customer entries and exits and limit occupancy at all times to the greater of the following:

  1. 40% of the building’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder
  2. Buildings for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow 8 persons (including staff) per 1,000 square feet of accessible, indoor space o In any case, no enclosed space within the building may exceed occupancy of 8 persons per 1,000 square feet
  3. All occupant counts and calculations shall include customers, staff, and other workers
  4. Post clearly visible signage regarding the need to maintain 6 feet of social distancing and not to enter a room until that distancing can be maintained
  5. Ensure separation of 6 feet or more between individuals where possible: 
    1. Close or reconfigure worker common spaces and high density areas where workers are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms, eating areas) to allow social distancing o Physical partitions must separate workstations that cannot be spaced out (partitions must be at least 6 feet in height)
    2. Install physical barriers for checkout stations where possible, otherwise maintain 6 feet distance where not possible
    3. Install visual social distancing markers to encourage customers to remain 6 feet apart (e.g., lines to enter the building, lines for equipment if applicable, checkout lines, lines to use the restroom)
    4. Mark rooms and hallways to indicate 6 feet separation
  6. Stagger lunch and break times, regulating max number of workers in one place and ensuring at least 6 feet of physical distancing
  7. Require face coverings for all workers and customers, except where unsafe due to medical condition or disability
  8. Establish directional pathways to manage visitor flow for foot traffic, to minimize contact (e.g., one-way entrance and exit to rooms / recreation areas, one-way pathways).
  9. Post clearly visible signage regarding traffic policies
  10. Reconfigure seating / recreation areas to ensure 6 feet distancing between customers not in the same group 
  11. Distance shall be measured from the closest boundary of one customer recreation area to the closest boundary of another customer recreation area
  12. Limit group sizes for group activities or group bookings to no more than 10 people
  13. Contactless payment methods and / or digital ticketing are encouraged
  14. Encourage the use of electronic versions or no-touch displays in place of commonly touched physical materials (such as menus and pricing brochures) where possible.
  15. All commonly touched physical materials must be discarded or sanitized between use
  16. Any self-serve equipment or other physical materials should be removed, and instead all materials must be handed out individually by employees

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA, Mass EEA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Fitness Centers and Health Clubs Part 2

7/10/2020 (Permalink)

Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business is in effect. Strict rules are in place for the third phase of a four-phase economic reopening in Massachusetts. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to staffing, operations, cleaning and disinfecting for Fitness Centers and Health Clubs.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Fitness Centers and Health Club to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Staffing and Operations 

Managers and staff of Fitness Centers and Health Clubs must adhere to the following:

  1. Encourage outdoor exercise, classes, sessions, etc. where possible, so long as appropriate physical distancing is maintained at all times and any equipment used is sanitized after each use
  2. Personal trainers should maintain six feet of distance from clients to the extent possible and should minimize any prolonged close contact. Personal trainers must wear face coverings.
  3. Any equipment used during the personal training session must be sanitized after each use, or at the end of the session if the client was the only person who used the equipment during the session
  4. Provide training to workers on up-to-date safety information and precautions including hygiene and other measures aimed at reducing disease transmission, including:
    1. Social distancing, hand-washing, proper use of face coverings
    2. Self-screening at home, including temperature and symptom checks
    3. Reinforcing that staff should not come to work if sick o When to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe
    4. Which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting and suffering from a severe case of the virus
  5. Adjust workplace hours and shifts (working teams with different schedules or staggered arrival / departure) to minimize contact across workers and reduce congestion
  6. Require customers to sign up for classes in advance
  7. Facilities must screen workers at each shift by ensuring the following:
    1. Worker is not experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100.0 and above) or chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, fatigue, headache, muscle/body aches, runny nose/congestion, new loss of taste or smell, or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
    2. Worker has not had “close contact” with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. “Close contact” means living in the same household as a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, caring for a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, being within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more, or coming in direct contact with secretions (e.g., sharing utensils, being coughed on) from a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, while that person was symptomatic
    3. Worker has not been asked to self-isolate or quarantine by their doctor or a local public health official
    4. Workers who fail to meet the above criteria must be sent home
  8. Maintain a log of workers and customers to support potential contact tracing (name, date, time, contact information)
  9. Limit employees to discrete work zones to minimize overlap where possible
  10. Close or limit waiting areas and, for class-based activities with distinct session times, ask customers to wait outside or in cars until 10 minutes prior to their class
  11. Schedule 30-minute windows between classes to allow for thorough cleaning and appropriate ventilation of the fitness room, and to discourage congestion
  12. Consider creating “shifts” for customers engaging in unstructured exercise (i.e., open weight rooms) by using a reservation system in order to enforce occupancy limits
  13. Clearly designate staff responsible for sanitizing, cleaning, and supervision during each shift
  14. Workers who are particularly high risk to COVID-19 according to the Centers for Disease Control (e.g., due to age or underlying conditions) are encouraged to stay home
  15. Encourage workers to self-identify symptoms or any close contact to a known or suspected COVID-19 case to the employer
  16. Workers must stay home if feeling ill
  17. Encourage workers who test positive for COVID-19 to disclose to the workplace employer for purposes of cleaning / disinfecting and contact tracing. If the employer is notified of a positive case at the workplace, the employer shall notify the local Board of Health (LBOH) in the city or town where the workplace is located and assist the LBOH as reasonably requested to advise likely contacts to isolate and self-quarantine. Testing of other workers may be recommended consistent with CDC or DPH guidance and / or at the request of the LBOH
  18. Post notice to workers and visitors of important health information and relevant safety measures as outlined in the Commonwealth’s Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplace
  19. Close or mark lockers to enforce 6 feet social distancing, especially in locker rooms. Lockers should be sanitized after each use. Gyms should provide sanitizing wipes near the lockers or in the locker room
  20. Close all communal and individually partitioned showers. Showers that accompany pools may follow guidance for pools located on the Reopening Website
  21. Consider setting aside specific hours of operation exclusively for vulnerable populations
  22. Require that towels be stored in clearly labeled (clean vs. soiled) sanitary containers. Appropriate temperatures should be used when washing and drying towels. Employees must wear proper protective equipment (gloves and face covering) while handling towels. Towels should not be shaken out
  23. Operations of related services may be allowed to open and must follow sector-specific safety protocols for each setting. Some examples include:
    1. In-facility child-care: Must follow child-care guidance
    2. Bars/food services: Must follow restaurant guidance o Pools: Must follow pool guidance
    3. Athletic facilities (e.g., tennis courts): Must follow adult and youth sports guidance
    4. Massage: Must follow close contact personal services guidance
    5. Saunas, hot-tubs, and steam rooms: May not open before Phase 4
  24. Fans should not be used indoors and should only be used for outdoor classes if directed away from other customers
  25. For indoor and outdoor sports guidance, please refer to the EEA Reopening Site

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Managers and staff of Fitness Centers and Health Clubs must adhere to the following:

  1. Clean commonly touched surfaces in restrooms (e.g., toilet seats, doorknobs, stall handles, sinks, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers) frequently and in accordance with CDC guidelines
  2. Conduct frequent cleaning and disinfection of site (at least daily, and more frequently if feasible)
  3. Keep cleaning logs that include date, time, and scope of cleaning
  4. Conduct frequent disinfecting of heavily transited areas and high-touch surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, handrails, equipment, etc.)
  5. In the event of a positive case of a worker, customer or vendor shut down site and wait 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting of the workplace in accordance with current CDC guidelines
  6. Open windows and doors to increase airflow where possible
  7. Disinfect all fitness equipment or mutually-touched objects (e.g., spin shoes, jump ropes, dumbbells, etc.) immediately after each use. At no point should customers come in contact with objects that others have touched without first being disinfected according to CDC guidelines

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA, Mass EEA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3, Fitness Centers and Health Clubs

7/9/2020 (Permalink)

Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business is in effect. Strict rules are in place for the third phase of a four-phase economic reopening in Massachusetts. The following outlines the workplace safety standards pertaining to social distancing and hygiene protocols for Fitness Centers and Health Clubs.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

These standards are minimum requirements only and are not exclusive or exhaustive. The public health data for disease prevention upon which these guidelines are based can and does change frequently, it is the responsibility of each Fitness Centers and Health Club to stay abreast of any updates to these requirements.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDAMass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Fitness Centers and Health Clubs

Fitness Centers and Health Clubs are defined by the state as any fitness facility that provides access to and/or instruction of personal fitness training, including but not limited to fitness activities such as:

  1. Weight and resistance training
  2. Cross training
  3. Yoga
  4. Martial arts
  5. Spin classes
  6. Boot camp training

Additionally, both indoor and outdoor athletic facilities (whether a standalone facility or part of a Fitness Center or Health Club) used for gymnastics, tennis, and swimming must follow the EEA's Youth and Adult Sports guidance and the Pool guidance.

Standards for Responsible Fitness Centers and Health Clubs

No activity in Fitness Centers and Health Clubs shall occur without meeting these sector specific COVID19 workplace safety standards. These standards apply to all Fitness Centers and Health Clubs until rescinded or amended by the State. The owner of the Fitness Center or Health Club shall be responsible for meeting these standards. While these standards permit the operation of both indoor and outdoor fitness facilities, Fitness Centers and Health Clubs are strongly encouraged to offer outdoor classes / activities to reduce the risk of disease transmission.

Social Distancing

  1. Each facility must monitor visitor entries and exits, ensure social distancing, and limit occupancy at all times to:
    1. 40% of the facility’s maximum permitted occupancy as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record holder
    2. Facilities for which no permitted occupancy limitation is on record may allow 8 persons per 1,000 square feet of accessible indoor or outdoor space
    3. In any case, no enclosed space within the facility may exceed occupancy of 8 persons per 1,000 square feet
    4. All occupancy counts and calculations shall include visitors, staff, and other workers
  2. All equipment (weights, machines, treadmills, bikes, etc.) mus be arranged so exercise areas are spaced out at least 14 feet apart. Spacing of machines may be adjusted to at least 6 feet apart if barriers are installed
  3. If possible install plastic barriers between equipment.
    1. Barriers must extend high enough to effectively block respiration from someone using the equipment
    2. Barriers must be cleaned regularly
  4. If spacing of equipment is not possible, equipment should be blocked off (e.g., every other machine) to maintain 14 feet distancing
  5. Install visual markers (boundaries, walkways, signage, etc.) to encourage customers to remain at least 6 feet apart while moving throughout the space
  6. Establish directional pathways to manage visitor flow for foot traffic, to minimize contact (e.g., one-way entrance and exit to rooms, one-way pathways). Post clearly visible signage regarding these policies
  7. If possible establishing “workout zones” to encourage spacing of customers using free weights, dumbbells, etc.
  8. Stagger lunch and break times for workers, regulate the maximum number of people in one place and ensure at least 6 feet of physical distancing between workers
  9. Close or reconfigure common spaces and high-density areas of facilities where workers are likely to congregate (e.g., break rooms and eating areas) to allow 6 feet of physical distancing
  10. Close or reconfigure other common spaces where customers are likely to congregate or where social distancing is not possible, such as lobbies and waiting areas
  11. Require face coverings for all workers and visitors, except where unsafe due to medical condition or disability
  12. If customers cannot wear a face covering during strenuous fitness activities, physical distancing must be at least 14 feet.
  13. If customers are wearing face coverings during fitness activities, physical distancing must be at least 6 feet
  14. Install physical partitions in areas where physical distancing is not possible, such as service counters
  15. Contactless payment and sign-in methods are encouraged
  16. In group fitness classes, 14 feet of physical distancing must be maintained between attendees at all times. If physical barriers are installed between group fitness equipment, 6 feet of physical distancing should be maintained

Hygiene Protocols

  1. Ensure access to handwashing facilities on site, including soap and running water, and allow enough break time for workers to wash hands frequently; alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol may be used as an alternative
  2. Distribute hand sanitizer and disposable wipes abundantly throughout the space for workers and customers to disinfect their hands and equipment before and after use
  3. Disposable wipes should be placed next to each piece of large equipment (such as treadmills, bikes, rowing machines) and next to each area containing smaller equipment (such as free weights)
  4. Require trainers to wash hands before and after each training session and sanitize frequently during each session
  5. All equipment must be sanitized between uses. No equipment should be used by another customer or returned to the storage rack / container without being sanitized
  6. Encourage customers to use one piece of equipment at a time (e.g., limit circuit training or “super sets” with multiple pieces of equipment) in order to facilitate required sanitizing.
  7. Facilities must provide sanitization supplies at each piece of equipment in order for customers to clean in between each use
  8. If sanitation (or the monitoring thereof by employees) of any piece of equipment is not possible or practical, this equipment should be closed off
  9. Encourage customers to use their own personal exercise equipment (such as spin shoes, jump ropes, yoga mats, etc.) when possible.
  10. If shared items are used, they must be sanitized in between each use
  11. Post visible signage throughout the site to remind workers and customers of hygiene and safety protocols
  12. Allow water fountains to be used as refill stations only, provided that social distancing can be maintained.
  13. Customers and workers should bring their own water bottles or purchase beverages from the business

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA, Mass EEA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3 Businesses

7/8/2020 (Permalink)

We are officially in Phase 3 of Governor Charlie Baker's administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business. Strict rules are in place for the third phase of a four-phase economic reopening in Massachusetts. Businesses that return in Phase 3 must follow safety restrictions, most notable of which will be limits on capacity. This phase will be comprised of two smaller steps.The following outlines the two steps, changes to restrictions and Step 1 businesses approved to reopen.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA,  Mass EEA and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

Opening of Phase 3 Enterprises

 Businesses and other organizations that are designated as Phase 3 enterprises (identified below) are permitted to open and operate from their physical workplaces and facilities according to the progressive two-step schedule. Phase 3 enterprises may open those promises to workers, customers, and the public only one authorized under the two-step schedule and provided that they comply with all workplace safety rules and standards.

Step One

July 6, 2020, Phase 3 enterprises  that are designated as Step 1 enterprises on schedule I may open they’re breaking water iMessage to workers, customers, and the public; provided, however, if for any premises located with the city of Boston, step one of phase 3 shall commence on July 13, 2020.

Step Two

If the public health data reflects continue positive progression, step two will be announced by a subsequent phase 3 order. Effective upon the commencement of step two, phase 3 enterprises that are designated as step 2 enterprise is on schedule they may be open in their brick-and-mortar promises to workers, customers, and public

Adjustments to Restrictions on Organized Sports Activities and Programs

The Secretary of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) will continue to issue sector specific rules to implement COVID-19 safety measures for both organized youth and adult amateur sports activities and shall continue to issue COVID-19 sector-specific rules and any other safety standards for operations of and participants in outdoor recreational activities. Visit EEA website regularly for updates to restrictions.

The specific restrictions on amateur organization organized sports itemized in paragraphs A-D of section 3 of COVID-19 order 35 have been rescinded. Accordingly the secretary of the EEA will continue to work with the Department of Health to determine ongoing, appropriate Sep 1 and Step 2 allowances, rules, and restrictions that

  • Permit games, scrimmages, and tournaments for both two-contact and contact sports
  • Establish appropriate limitations on the number of persons that may participate at one time in and organize sports activity with a single facility or a single court, field, or other playing surface
  • Open indoor athletic facilities for used by both youths and adults

Visit EEA website regularly for updates to restrictions.

Newly Reopened Businesses Premises

Phase 3 enterprises that are authorized under to open their brick-and-mortar premises to workers, customers, and the public shall be required to self-certify that they are in compliance with all generally acceptable COVID-19 workplace safety rules and any applicable sector-specific rules. Before opening a break-and-the mortar premises under the terms of this order the enterprise shall

  • Bring the workplace into full compliance with all applicable COVID-19 workplace safety rules and all Sector-Specific Rules applicable to the individual workplace
  • Complete the required self-certification to verify compliance with all applicable Sector-Specific Rules and make the self-certification available for inspection upon a request by State of Local authorities
  • Post on the premises all applicable public notices and advisories that are required to be displayed

Phase 3 Step One Businesses

  • Post secondary/higher ed/vocational-tech/trade/occupational schools - general operations
  • Casino gaming floors
  • Horse racing tracks and simulcast facilities
  • Indoor recreational athletic facilities for general use (not limited to youth programs)
  • Fitness centers and health clubs including
    • Cardio/weight rooms/locker rooms/inside facilities
    • Fitness studios (yoga, barre, cross–fit, spin classes, general fitness studios)
    • Museums
    • Indoor historic spaces/sights
    • Aquariums
    • Outdoor theaters and other outdoor performance venues NOT designated as Phase 4 enterprises
    • Movie theaters
    • Sightseeing and other organized tours (bus tours, duck tours, harbor cruise, whale watching)
    • Motion picture, television, and video streaming production
    • Fishing and hunting tournaments and other amateur or professional derbies
    • Outdoor event spaces used for gatherings and celebrations including those in parks, reservations, and other outdoor spaces NOT designated as Phase 4 enterprises
    • Indoor event spaces such as meeting rooms, ballrooms, and private party rooms – only when used for functions or events permitted under sector any specific rules for indoor and outdoor events
    • Indoor non-athletic instructional classes in arts/education/life skills for persons 18 years or older
    • Indoor recreational activities with low potential for a contact
      • batting cages
      • driving ranges
      • go-carts
      • bowling alleys
      • rock–climbing walls

While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA Mass EEA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

Planning To Reopen - Phase 3

7/7/2020 (Permalink)

As of Monday, July 6th, Governor Charlie Baker officially began Phase 3 of the administration's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for business. This move allows gyms, museums, movie theaters and more to resume some operations even as COVID-19 cases surge in other parts of the country.

Strict rules are in place for the third phase of a four-phase economic reopening in Massachusetts. Businesses that return in Phase 3 must follow safety restrictions, most notable of which will be limits on capacity. Additionally, Governor Baker made clear that Phase 3 "will last significantly longer than the other phases. He also noted that this phase will be comprised of two smaller steps.The following highlights Phase 3 guidelines.

As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

(See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

The Department of Public Health (DPH) also issued updated guidance to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Step One of Phase 3

Key public health data, such as new cases and hospitalizations, have been closely monitored and has seen a decline allowing for Phase 3 to begin on July 6th. Phase 3 will begin on July 13 in Boston.

Since mid-April, the 7-day average for the positive COVID-19 test rate is down 94 percent, the 3-day average of hospitalized patients is down 79 percent and the number of hospitals in surge is down 86 percent. 

More than 1,000,000 total COVID-19 tests have been administered, and testing continues throughout the state.

The following businesses will be eligible to reopen in Step One of Phase 3, subject to industry-specific rules concerning capacity and operations: 

  • Movie theaters and outdoor performance venues;
  • Museums, cultural and historical sites; 
  • Fitness centers and health clubs;
  • Certain indoor recreational activities with low potential for contact;
  • Professional sports teams, under the authority of league-wide rules, may hold games without spectators
  • Full guidance and list of businesses eligible to reopen in Step One of Phase 3 can be found by visiting the Mass.Gov website or clicking here. Businesses and sectors set to begin opening in Phase 3 are subject to compliance with all mandatory safety standards.

    Revised Gatherings Order

    Under the updated gatherings order, indoor gatherings are limited to eight people per 1,000 square feet, but should not exceed 25 people in a single enclosed, indoor space.

    Outdoor gatherings in enclosed spaces are limited to 25 percent of the facility’s maximum permitted occupancy, with a maximum of 100 people in a single enclosed outdoor space. This includes community events, civic events, sporting events, concerts, conventions and more. This order does not apply to outdoor, unenclosed gatherings if proper social distancing measures are possible.

    This revised order does not supersede previously issued sector guidance, and is effective beginning Monday, July 6. It will be effective Monday, July 13 in the City of Boston.

    Public Health Guidance

    In Phase 3, health care providers may continue to provide in-person procedures and services as allowed in Phase 2, with the addition of certain group treatment programs and day programs. These programs include adult day health, day habilitation programs, and substance abuse services day treatment and outpatient services. Certain human services programs can reopen including community based day services for adults with intellectual and cognitive disabilities and psychosocial rehabilitation clubhouses.        

    Health care providers are subject to compliance with all mandatory safety standards, and must continue to utilize prioritization policies established in Phase II for care delivery and scheduling, as well as monitor patient volume for non-essential, elective procedures and services.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements, Part 14

    7/2/2020 (Permalink)

    There are many support systems that must be inplace to successfully reopen the state of Massachusetts. One of the essential support systems that must be ready for Governor Charlie Baker's plan to reopen the Commonwealth is child care and youth programs. This blog highlights the administration's preparation minimum requirements as well as additional strategies for reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission and required activity limitation for recreational camps and programs as outlined in Governor Charlie Baker's administration's guidelines for reopening child and youth programs.

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care. As more is learned about the virus guidelines are updated accordingly. Those charged with planning to reopen child and youth programs should check the both the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the CDC website regularly to make sure that they are following the latest guidance. 

    Programs that are unable to must make the following changes to their operations or remain closed and reopen at a later date.

    Preparing for Recreational Camps and Programs

    Program managers and staff of recreational camps and programs permitted to operate during the current phase must prepare the camp environment to promote the new health and safety requirements and to facilitate infection control activities.

    1. Contact facility management and other programs sharing facility space to discuss if and how new requirements can be implemented and plan to address any challenges.
    2. Prepare the materials and equipment to be used by children to minimize sharing and promote physical distancing.
    3. Shared items that cannot be cleaned or disinfected must be removed from activity rotation.
    4. Prepare all cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting solutions and store them in a locked closet or compartment that is accessible to staff in each area of the camp, but inaccessible to campers.
    5. Ensure that supplies for hand hygiene are adequate, accessible, and placed appropriately throughout the camp space.
    6. Prepare the camp space to ensure physical distancing required by the phase are met.
      1. Camps must consider physical building capacity limitations and the total number of children anticipated to be in any one area throughout the day and during inclement weather.
      2. Decisions about organization of the camp space must be guided by the camp’s ability to implement adequate and consistent physical distancing, especially in terms of utilization of common spaces that need to be shared by campers and staff.
      3. Camp enrollment must be based on the number of individuals that may be housed in an emergency. Emergency shelter occupancy shall have sufficient space to provide 6 ft. of separation between individuals.
    7. Program managers must increase staffing to ensure supervision of campers in the case of potential need for quarantine of staff with symptoms or illness as well as supervising youth with symptoms. Refer to Healthcare Personnel:Occupational Exposure & Return to Work Guidance for requirements on quarantine and returning to employment..
    8. Recreational camps must ensure a minimum of 2 properly trained Health Care Supervisors are present at all times at camp in the event a camper becomes symptomatic while at camp. 
    9. Staff members age 65 or older or with serious underlying health conditions should assess their risk to determine if they should stay home or follow additional precautions.
    10. Ensure that there are adequate provisions for the storage of children and staff belongings so that they do not touch.
    11. Ensure that ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible by opening windows and doors, using fans, and other methods unless doing so creates a hazard.
    12. Ensure water systems and features (e.g., cooling systems) are safe to use after a prolonged facility shutdown to minimize the risk of Legionnaires’ disease and other diseases associated with water.

    Additional Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Transmission for Recreational Camps and Programs

    In addition to the strategies highlighted in one of our previous blogs (click here to view) program managers and staff of recreational camps and programs must apply these additional guidelines.

    1. Camp cohorts may not exceed maximum group size in place at the time of operations. Cohorts must not be combined at any time.
    2. The same staff member must be assigned to the same group of children each day for the duration of the program session (if weekly or monthly) and at all times while in care.
    3. Staff must not float between groups either during the day or from day-to-day, unless needed to provide supervision of specialized activities such as swimming, boating, archery, or firearms, or to provide staff with breaks.
    4. Camps may not congregate staff/campers in a way that does not allow for six feet of physical distancing between individuals.
    5. Staff should limit their contact with one another unless they are in the same cohort.
    6. Staff meetings should be conducted remotely, when possible.
    7. Camps may need to stagger the use of communal spaces in order to ensure physical distancing requirements. For example, camps must add extra meal shifts if necessary to maintain physical distancing and maximum group sizes in the dining hall or dining area.
    8. Camps must monitor all individuals that staff and children come into contact with during the course of the camp day in the potential case of exposure.
    9. While all camps serving youth and children must designate an isolation room or space, camps must prepare for the possibility of needing to isolate multiple campers. If possible, camps must create multiple, separate isolation rooms and spaces so symptomatic individuals can also physical distance from each other.

    Activity Limitations for Recreational Camps and Programs

    Program managers and staff must ensure that all activities are conducted in accordance with physical distancing, masking and sanitation requirements and following the guidance below.

    1. All sports activities must follow applicable Standards for Businesses and Other Entities Providing Outdoor Adult Sports Supervised Youth Sports Leagues, Summer Sports Camps.
    2. Minimize equipment sharing, and clean and disinfect shared equipment (such as balls and pucks) and at the end of each activity by products recommended by the CDC.
    3. Personal equipment, such as helmets and pads, shall not be shared.
    4. Activities should be outside when possible.
    5. Camps can use their own, private, swimming pools and beach front in accordance with guidance.
    6. Camps may not use community pools or beaches.
    7. Campers must use their own dedicated personal floatation devices which camps may provide.
    8. Camp operators that supply Personal Floatation Devices (PFD) to campers must clean and disinfect the PFD in accordance with US Coast Guard guidance.
    9. Camps may not take campers on field trips or for other offsite travel.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements, Part 13

    7/1/2020 (Permalink)

    There are many support systems that must be inplace to successfully reopen the state of Massachusetts. One of the essential support systems that must be ready for Governor Charlie Baker's plan to reopen the Commonwealth is child care and youth programs. This blog highlights the administration's general guidance as well as the minimum planning requirements for recreational camps and programs as outlined in Governor Charlie Baker's administration's guidelines for reopening child and youth programs.

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care. As more is learned about the virus guidelines are updated accordingly. Those charged with planning to reopen child and youth programs should check the both the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the CDC website regularly to make sure that they are following the latest guidance. 

    Programs that are unable to must make the following changes to their operations or remain closed and reopen at a later date.

    General Guidance for Recreational Camps and Programs

    Recreational Camps and Programs must operate under the following guidance as well as all other applicable state, CDC, and/or local municipal guidance. Residential Camps and other overnight stays are not permitted until further notice.

    1. Recreational Camps and Programs may operate with activity restrictions and limited opening for groups ≤12.
    2. Camps may have multiple groups of 12 campers and counselors, provided physical distancing is maintained between and within groups.
    3. Camps may not exceed the camper to counselor ratios in in Camp Regulations 105 CMR 430.101.
    4. Visitors (including parents) and volunteers are not permitted.
    5. Recreational Camps must comply with 105 CMR 430 Minimum Standards for Recreational Camps for Children: State Sanitary Code Chapter IV as well as any additional more restrictive MA state or local requirements or orders in response to COVID-19. Camps are responsible for ensuring their operations are updated to comply with new guidance and orders.

    Planning for Recreational Camps and Programs

    Program managers and staff of all camps that are allowed to operate during the current phase must ensure the following planning requirements are met.

    1. Recreational Camps and Programs plans must be updated to address how they will meet the new health and safety requirements associated with COVID-19.
    2. For Recreational Camps, plans must be included into Staff Training and Orientation and provided in writing and included in or in addition to the written camp Health Care Policy and other relevant procedures (105 CMR 430.159).
    3. Elements planning for Recreational Camps and Programs must include the following:
      1. A plan to address cleaning, disinfecting, sanitizing and frequency. This must include a daily staff cleaning schedule to ensure that all areas, materials, furniture, and equipment are properly cleaned, sanitized, or disinfected.
      2. A plan for identifying and handling sick, symptomatic, and exposed children and staff that includes but is not limited to daily screening checks, location of screening activities, and staff responsible for screening. All staff conducting screenings should be trained to do so by the Health Care Consultant.
      3. A plan for the isolation and discharge of sick, symptomatic, and exposed children or staff, including procedures for contacting parents immediately, criteria for seeking medical assistance, transportation of a child/staff who has developed symptoms related to COVID-19 mid-day and who rely on camp transportation, mitigation of transmission until the sick individual can safely leave the camp, and immediately notifying the local board of health.
    4. Program managers and staff of recreational camps and programs must ensure that their sick leave policies are flexible and promote the importance of staff not coming to work if they have a frequent cough, sneezing, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or recent loss of taste or smell, or if they or someone they live with has been diagnosed with COVID-19. (3) Recreational Camps and
    5. Program managers must designate a senior camp staff person to be responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns. Employees should know who this person is and how to contact them.
    6. Program managers and staff of recreational camps and programs must develop a plan for food service. Snacks and meals should be brought from home, be pre-packaged, or be ready to serve in individual portions to minimize handling and preparation. Where this is not feasible, staff must prepare and serve meals. Meals should not be served family style.
    7. Program managers and staff of recreational camps and programs must develop a plan for safe vendor deliveries, if applicable. Noncontact delivery protocols must be arranged whenever possible.
    8. Program managers and staff of recreational camps and programs must develop a plan for handling camp closings and staff absences.
    9. Program managers and staff of recreational camps and programs must develop a plan outlining the lines of communication between staff and parents, local board of health, the Department of Public Health Community Sanitation Program, and other appropriate audiences.
    10. Program managers and staff of recreational camps and programs must develop a plan for sharing information and guidelines with parents that includes the following:
      1. A system to check with parents daily on the health status of their children when children are dropped off at the facility.
      2. Email addresses and home, work, and mobile phone numbers from parents of children at the camp so that staff can reach them at any time.
      3. A tested communication system with parents, children at the camp, all staff, facility and/or grounds management, and emergency medical services.
      4. Information on COVID-19 including symptoms, transmission, prevention, and when to seek medical attention. Encouraging parents to share the information with their children as appropriate.
      5. Provide parents with information on the camp’s policies for preventing and responding to infection and illness. This must be given to the camper’s parents/guardians and not just provided on a website. Provide information in the primary languages spoken by the parents, if possible
    11. Program managers and staff of recreational camps and programs must develop safe pickup/drop off procedures to maintain physical distancing and prevent the mixing of campers.
      1. Explain new procedures with parents prior to the first drop-off.
      2. Confirm the pickup person is camper’s parent, legal guardian, or other individual designated in writing to have permission to pick up the camper.
    12. A transportation plan for limited camp transportation, if needed, provided that transportation conforms with the minimum requirements for Transportation. To view the administration's minimum requirements for transportation visit our previous blog by clicking, here
    13. Camps must have contingency plans for arranging for transportation for a sick camper, in the case that parents are unable to pick up their children, and for staff, in case they are unable to transport themselves.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements, Part 12

    6/30/2020 (Permalink)

    Child care and youth-serving programs remain a critical component in Governor Charlie Baker's overall plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts and get the residents of the Commonwealth back to work. This blog highlights the minimum requirements for food preparation as well as caring for children with special needs, vulnerable children, and infants and toddlers as outlined in Governor Charlie Baker's administration's guidelines for reopening child and youth programs.

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care. As more is learned about the virus guidelines are updated accordingly. Those charged with planning to reopen child and youth programs should check the both the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the CDC website regularly to make sure that they are following the latest guidance. 

    Programs that are unable to must make the following changes to their operations or remain closed and reopen at a later date.

    Ensuring Food Safety

    Program managers and their staff must follow these food safety guidelines.

    1. Whenever possible, snacks must be pre-packaged or ready to serve in individual portions to minimize handling and preparation. Meals shall not be served family style.
    2. To minimize potential spread of infection and to promote physical distancing, cafeterias and group dining rooms must be avoided. If there are no alternatives, programs must adequately physical distance during meals and add extra meal shifts.
    3. Multiple children shall not use the same serving or eating utensils. Each child must have an individual cup to use.
    4. Sinks used for food preparation must not be used for any other purposes.
    5. Staff must ensure children wash hands prior to and immediately after eating.
    6. Staff must wash their hands before preparing food and after helping children to eat.
    7. Tables, chairs, high chairs, and high chair trays used for meals need to be cleaned and sanitized before and after use.
    8. All food contact surfaces, equipment, and utensils used for the preparation, packaging, or handling of food products must be washed, rinsed, and sanitized before each use.
    9. Programs must frequently clean non-food contact surfaces, such as doorknobs, tabletops, and chairs using sanitizers approved by the EPA for use against COVID-19 and for food-contact surfaces. 
    10. Following the product label use directions for enveloped viruses, as indicated by the approved emerging viral pathogen claim on the master label.
    11. If the directions for use for viruses/viricidal activity list multiple contact times or dilutions, use the longest contact time or most concentrated solution.
    12. Be sure to follow the label directions for FOOD CONTACT SURFACES when using the chemical near or on utensils and food contact surfaces.

    Identify and Understand Children's Healthcare Needs

    To ensure that programs are adequately prepared to provide safe and appropriate services to children with special needs and vulnerable children, program managers and staff must take following steps.

    1. Review medical information submitted by parents and determine whether and how many high-risk children are in attendance.
    2. Reach out to parents of high-risk children and encourage them to discuss with their healthcare provider about whether the program is a safe option for the child and if additional protections are necessary.
    3. Discuss with the parent any concerns they have with the new protocols and how you can best help their child understand and adhere as close as possible to the health and safety requirements.

    Supporting Children with Special Needs

    Children with special needs will require unique supports in programs that may make it less possible to practice physical distancing and will require ample staff support to carry out the necessary hygiene practices. Program managers and staff must ensure that the program is adequately staffed and that staff are prepared and properly trained to accommodate children’s needs.

    1. Staff must be prepared to provide hands-on assistance to children with special needs for activities of daily living such as feeding, toileting, and changing of clothes.
    2. staff who care for children requiring hands-on assistance for routine care activities, including toileting, diapering, feeding, washing, or dressing, and other direct contact activities must wear a long-sleeved, button down, oversized shirt over their clothing and wear long hair up or tied back during all activities requiring direct contact with a child.
    3. Staff must change outer clothing if body fluids from the child get on it. Staff must change the child’s clothing if body fluids get on it. Soiled clothing must be placed in a plastic bag until it can be sent home with the child to be washed.
    4. Staff must be adequately trained and prepared to support children with health care needs with the necessary provisions of health care such as administration of medication needed throughout the day, tube feedings, blood sugar checks, and allergies to certain foods.
    5. For more invasive procedures, staff must protect themselves by wearing a gown or other body covering (e.g., an oversized button-down, long sleeved shirt, etc.), eye protection, and mask.
    6. Children with special needs may be unable to comply with face covering because of intellectual, behavioral, or sensory issues. To minimize the risk of infection for children who are unable to wear a face covering, physical distancing must be maintained whenever possible and staff must wear a face covering at all times, including when working with a child who is unable to wear a face covering.
    7. Programs serving children who are deaf or hard of hearing are encouraged to consider the use of transparent face coverings to facilitate the reading of lips and facial expressions.
    8. Staff-to-child ratios must be higher for programs serving children with special needs, given their need for more individualized attention.
    9. Groupings for children with special needs must be assigned based on the developmental level of the child and the impact of the disability on the child with regard to their ability to adhere to PPE requirements and physical distancing rather than their chronological age.
    10. Smaller groups must be formed where the child requires more hands on assistance and a higher number of staff required to care for the children. Some children with special needs will require 1:1 assistance. Programs must refer to individual treatment plans or IEPs when assessing required ratios.

    Caring for Infants and Toddlers

    Infants and toddlers will need to be held. Staff must practice stringent hygiene and infection control practices to keep themselves and the young children they care for healthy and safe while in care.

    1. Staff who care for infants and toddlers should wear protective covering, like a long-sleeved, button down, oversized shirt over their clothing and wear long hair up or tied back during all activities requiring that a toddler is held.
    2. Staff must change outer clothing if body fluids from the child get on it.
    3. Staff must change the child’s clothing if body fluids get on it.
    4. Soiled clothing must be placed in a plastic bag until it can be sent home with the child to be washed.
    5. All staff must follow safe and sanitary diaper changing procedures. Procedures must be posted in all diaper changing areas, and must include:
      1. Prepare (includes gathering all supplies, washing hands, and putting on gloves).
      2. Clean the child.
      3. Remove trash (soiled diaper, wipes, and gloves).
      4. Wash hands. Put on clean gloves, if wearing.
      5. Replace clean diaper.
      6. Wash child’s hands.
      7. Clean up diapering station.
      8. Remove and dispose of gloves.
      9. Wash hands.
    6. During washing and feeding activities, staff must protect themselves by wearing a gown or other body covering (e.g., an oversized button-down, long sleeved shirt, etc.) and eye protection where available. Staff with long hair must tie their hair back so it is off the collar and away from the reach of the child.
      1. Child care providers must wash their hands, neck, and anywhere touched by a child’s secretions.
      2. Child care providers must change the child’s clothes if secretions are on the child’s clothes. They must change the button-down shirt, if there are secretions on it, and wash their hands again.
      3. Contaminated clothes must be placed in a plastic bag or washed in a washing machine.
      4. Infants and toddlers and their providers must have multiple changes of clothes on hand.
    7. As infants and toddlers are not able to verbalize when they don’t feel well, staff must be attentive to any changes in a very young child’s behavior. If the child starts to look lethargic, and is not eating as well, staff must notify the parent to determine whether the child’s pediatrician must be contacted. If a toddler is showing signs of respiratory distress and having difficulty breathing, staff must call 911 and notify the parents immediately.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements, Part 11

    6/29/2020 (Permalink)

    Child care and youth-serving programs remain a critical component in Governor Charlie Baker's overall plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts and get the residents of the Commonwealth back to work. This blog highlights the minimum requirements for general on strategies for reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 as well as transportation as outlined in Governor Baker's administration's guidelines for reopening child and youth programs.

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care. As more is learned about the virus guidelines are updated accordingly. Those charged with planning to reopen child and youth programs should check the both the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the CDC website regularly to make sure that they are following the latest guidance. 

    Programs that are unable to must make the following changes to their operations or remain closed and reopen at a later date.

    Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Transmission of COVID-19

    Program managers and their staff must attempt to maintain at least 6 feet of distance at all times and limit contact between individuals and groups, whenever possible. When 6 feet is not possible, individuals should wear masks or cloth face coverings.

    1. In order to encourage a distance of 6 feet between individuals, programs must have a minimum of 42 square feet per child, with 144 sq. ft. per child being the ideal to maintain proper physical distancing.
    2. (2) Physical distancing must be encouraged for children and staff at all times, including but not limited to:
      1. During transitions (e.g., waiting for bathrooms)
      2. During meal times (e.g., if a cafeteria or group dining room is typically used, serve meals in classrooms instead. Put each child’s meal on a plate, to limit the use of shared serving utensils. If classroom must be used, clean and disinfect tables between meal shifts.)
      3. While traveling to and from the outdoors
      4. During all activities
      5. During sleep, rest, or quiet play time (i.e. space out seating and bedding)
      6. While using transportation (e.g., buses)
    3. Limiting regular immediate contact (such as shaking or holding hands, hugging, or kissing), as well as by mediated contact.
    4. Stagger drop offs/pick-ups
    5. Store children’s belongings in a manner where they do not touch. Individually labeled storage containers, cubbies, or separate; designated areas must be used.
    6. Stagger recess and play outside one group at a time.
    7. Refrain from games and activities that encourage physical contact or proximity of less than 6 feet, like tag or circle time.
    8. Spaces for children must be organized in a way that allows staff to enforce and maintain consistent physical distancing guidelines. Physically rearrange the room to promote individual play, including setting up individual play activity stations like puzzles and art. Space activity areas/centers as far apart as possible.
    9. Ensure adequate supplies to minimize sharing of high touch materials to the extent possible (art supplies, equipment, etc. assigned to a single child per use) or limit use of supplies and equipment by one group of children at a time and clean and disinfect between uses. If possible, touchless trash cans should be utilized and located throughout the program space.
    10. Limit gatherings, events, and extracurricular activities to those that can maintain physical distancing. Support proper hand hygiene. Do not host events that encourage non-essential adults to visit the program.
    11. Close communal use spaces, such as game rooms or dining halls, if possible. If this is not possible, stagger use and disinfect in between uses or divide into two rooms. Programs may have multiple groups of ten, provided physical distancing is maintained between and within groups. When dividing rooms, create a clear barrier with cones, chairs, tables, etc. to ensure a minimum six feet of distance.
    12. Where possible, arrange for administrative staff to telework from their homes.
    13. Programs must limit travel off the premises for all children and staff. Programs must limit travel outside of the program, including canceling all field trips and inter-agency, or program, groups and activities. Hiking and outdoor activities may be conducted on program grounds.
    14. Activities that require or may require direct staff support or close contact must not be conducted, except where necessary to support participation for children with special needs.
    15. Limit the number of children permitted to use pool facilities at the same time. Determinations must consider how many people can be at the pool facility and still maintain 6 feet distancing.


    Group transportation should only be provided during the phased reopening when there is no other option to transport children to and from the program. Programs intending to provide transportation services shall follow the guidance below.

    1. Parents must screen their children for symptoms prior to boarding a vehicle.
    2. Physical distancing and group size requirements outlined above must be maintained while in transit. Because close seating on vehicles makes person-to-person transmission of respiratory viruses more likely, programs providing transportation to child care facilities must maximize space between riders (e.g., one rider per seat in every other row) and follow requirements for wearing masks or face coverings. Windows must be kept open.
    3. If not possible nor comfortable to open windows, set ventilation system to high. Do not recirculate conditioned air.

    Developing a Transportation Plan

    Program managers and staff intending to provide transportation must develop a transportation plan for following health and safety protocols. Additional requirements are as follows.

    1. Plans must include protocols for screening drivers, monitors, and/or children.
    2. Plans must include strategies for transporting children that may have become sick but rely upon transportation provided by programs.
    3. Plans must include strategies for minimizing the time children are in group transportation.
    4. Plan must include schedule for routine cleaning of vehicles, detailed below.
    5. Drivers and monitors must be trained on the transportation plan prior to reopening.
    6. Prior to sending kids by bus, staff must perform at a minimum a visual wellness check and symptom screen.
    7. Staff should assist children with washing or sanitizing hands upon arrival after exiting the bus, van, or vehicle and prior to departure before boarding the bus, van, or vehicle.

    Screening Protocols

    Designated staff must screen each driver and monitor before entering the vehicle following screening protocols. For a highlight of the minimum guidelines for screening protocols visit our previous blog by clicking, here.

    Routine Cleaning of Vehicles

    Program managers and staff must ensure the interior of each vehicle is be cleaned and either swept or vacuumed thoroughly after each morning and evening route and disinfected at least once each day.

    1. Clean the area prior to disinfection to remove all surface matter.
    2. Use EPA-Registered Products for Use Against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (the cause of COVID-19) to clean high-touch surfaces, including buttons, handholds, pull cords, rails, steering wheels, door handles, shift knobs, dashboard controls, and stanchions.
    3. Dust- and wet-mop vehicle floors.
    4. Remove trash.
    5. Wipe heat and air conditioner vents.
    6. Spot cleaning walls and seats.
    7. Dust horizontal surfaces.
    8. Clean spills.
    9. If soft or porous surfaces (e.g., fabric seats, upholstery, carpets) are visibly dirty, clean them using appropriate cleaners and then disinfect soft or porous surfaces using EPA Registered Antimicrobial Products for Use Against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
    10. Staff should be trained to use disinfectants in a safe and effective manner and to clean up potentially infectious materials and body fluid spills.

    Precautions for Transportation Operators

    Program managers and staff must make sure transportation operators take the following precautions when transporting children.

    1. For transit operators, potential sources of exposure include having close contact with a vehicle passenger with COVID-19, by contacting surfaces touched or handled by a person with COVID-19, or by touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.
    2. Request passengers avoid standing or sitting within 6 feet of the vehicle driver, wherever possible.
    3. Drivers and monitors must wear masks or face coverings. Riders over the age of 2 should be encouraged to wear masks or face coverings. For highlights of the guidance regarding masks and face coverings visit our blog by clicking, here.
    4. Avoid touching surfaces often touched by vehicle passengers.
    5. Use gloves if required to touch surfaces contaminated by bodily fluids.
    6. Proper hand hygiene is an important infection control measure. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially:
      1. After going to the bathroom
      2. Before eating
      3. After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
      4. Upon entering and exiting the vehicle.
      5. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
    7. Practice routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces, including surfaces in the driver cockpit commonly touched by the driver.
    8. Ensure drivers and monitors have adequate supplies of soap, paper towels, tissues, hand sanitizers, cleaning supplies, and garbage bags.

    Driver/Monitor Who Are Sick

    If driver and/or monitor are sick, they must stay home and not come to work. Do not schedule them to work if they are sick.

    Transportation for Children with Special Needs and Vulnerable Children

    Program managers and staff must ensure the following transportation protocols are adhered to so as to ensure that children with special needs and vulnerable children who rely on transportation will be able to access program services.

    1. Screenings must be conducted before children, vehicle drivers, and vehicle staff board the bus.
    2. Transportation practices must adhere to physical distancing guidelines, as discussed above.
    3. Vehicle drop off must be adjusted to meet physical distancing guidelines. Vehicles must off load and load one vehicle at a time, unless the location allows for enough distance between vehicles.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements, Part 10

    6/26/2020 (Permalink)

    Child care and youth-serving programs remain a critical component in Governor Charlie Baker's overall plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts and get the residents of the Commonwealth back to work. To prepare for successful reopening of child care programs, recreational camps, and youth programs the Governor Baker's administration has developed minimum guidelines for reopening child and youth programsThe following highlights the minimum requirements for general cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting indoor and outdoor play areas, after potential exposure in day programs as well as additional considerations that should be taken.

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care. As more is learned about the virus guidelines are updated accordingly. Those charged with planning to reopen child and youth programs should check the both the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the CDC website regularly to make sure that they are following the latest guidance. 

    Programs that are unable to must make the following changes to their operations or remain closed and reopen at a later date.

    Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting Indoor Play Areas

    Program managers must have staff charged with cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting indoor play areas must follow these guidelines.

    1. Children’s books, like other paper-based materials such as mail or envelopes, are not considered a high risk for transmission and do not need additional cleaning or disinfection procedures. Programs should conduct regular inspection and disposal of books or other paper-based materials that are heavily soiled or damaged.
    2. Machine washable cloth toys cannot be used at all.
    3. Toys that children have placed in their mouths or that are otherwise contaminated by body secretions or excretions must be set aside until they are cleaned by hand by a person wearing gloves. Clean with water and detergent, rinse, sanitize with an EPA-registered sanitizer, and air-dry or clean in a mechanical dishwasher.
    4. For electronics, such as tablets, touch screens, keyboards, and remote controls, remove visible contamination if present. Consider putting a wipeable cover on electronics. Follow manufacturer’s instruction for cleaning and disinfecting. If no guidance, use alcohol-based wipes or sprays containing at least 70% alcohol. Wait in accordance with manufacturer’s directions and then dry surface thoroughly or allow to air dry. Provide cleaning materials for older children to clean their own electronics.

    Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting Outdoor Play Areas

    Program managers must have staff charged with cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting outdoor play areas must follow these guidelines.

    1. Communal parks and playgrounds must not be utilized. This includes public offsite playgrounds as well as playgrounds shared by multiple programs or houses. Playgrounds shared by multiple programs and houses may be used provided there is a plan for proper cleaning and disinfection between each group’s use.
    2. High touch surfaces made of plastic or metal, including play structures, tables and benches, should be frequently cleaned and disinfected.
    3. Cleaning and disinfection of wooden surfaces or groundcovers (mulch, sand) is not recommended.
    4. Communal pools must not be utilized.
    5. Programs may use their own indoor and outdoor swimming pools in accordance with guidance.
    6. All pools must meet the regulatory requirements of the state of Massachusetts' sanitary codes for minimum standards for swimming pools as well as any additional more restrictive MA state or local requirements or orders in response to COVID-19.
    7. Handrails and pool ladders must be disinfected frequently throughout the program day.

    Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting After Potential Exposure in Day Programs

    If staff suspects a potential exposure, they must conduct cleaning and disinfecting as follows.

    1. Close off areas visited by the ill persons. Open outside doors and windows and use ventilating fans to increase air circulation in the area. Wait 24 hours or as long as practical before beginning cleaning and disinfection.
    2. Programs must plan for availability of alternative space while areas are out of use. 
    3. Cleaning staff must clean and disinfect all areas such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, shared electronic equipment (e.g., tablets, touch screens, keyboards) used by the ill persons, focusing especially on frequently touched surfaces.

    Additional Considerations

    The state requires that those managing child care and youth programs to consider the following precautions.

    1. Staff clothing must not be worn again until after being laundered at the warmest temperature possible.
    2. Programs must comply with OSHA’s standards on Bloodborne Pathogens, including proper disposal of regulated waste and PPE.
    3. Programs shall follow CDC infection control guidelines designed to protect individuals from exposure to diseases spread by blood, bodily fluids, or excretions that may spread infectious disease.
    4. Health precautions include, but are not limited to, the use of PPE, proper disposal containers for contaminated waste, handwashing and proper handling of bodily waste.
      1. Non-latex gloves shall be provided and used for the clean-up of blood and bodily fluids
      2. Used gloves and any other materials containing blood or other bodily fluids shall be thrown away in a lined, covered container. Only material saturated/dripping with blood is considered medical waste and must be stored and disposed of pursuant to the regulations. Materials such as band-aids, tissues and others with minimal blood are not considered medical waste
      3. Contaminated clothing shall be sealed in a plastic container or bag, labeled with the child’s name, and returned to the parent at the end of the day
      4. Sharps waste shall be stored and disposed of in appropriate sharps containers with the word biohazard and the universal biohazard symbol.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements, Part 9

    6/25/2020 (Permalink)

    Child care and youth-serving programs remain a critical component in Governor Charlie Baker's overall plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts and get the residents of the Commonwealth back to work. To prepare for successful reopening of child care programs, recreational camps, and youth programs the Governor Baker's administration has developed minimum guidelines for reopening child and youth programsThe following highlights the minimum requirements for general cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting.

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care. As more is learned about the virus guidelines are updated accordingly. Those charged with planning to reopen child and youth programs should check the both the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the CDC website regularly to make sure that they are following the latest guidance. 

    Programs that are unable to must make the following changes to their operations or remain closed and reopen at a later date.

    Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting Resources and Supplies

    The following is information about what supplies must be used for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting.

    1. Programs must use EPA-registered disinfectants and sanitizers for use against COVID-19. Follow directions on the label, including ensuring that the disinfectant or sanitizer is approved for that type of surface (such as food-contact surfaces).
    2. When EPA-approved disinfectants are not available, a dilute bleach solution can be used. For example, add 1/3 cup of household bleach to 1 gallon of water OR 4 teaspoons of bleach per quart of water. Alternatively, a 70% alcohol can be applied.
    3. All bleach and water dilutions must be freshly mixed every 24 hours. Bleach solutions must be prepared daily to ensure their ability to safely sanitize or disinfect. When preparing sanitizing or disinfecting dilutions always add bleach to water. This helps to avoid bleach splashes caused by adding water to bleach. Use either the sanitizing or the disinfecting dilution as specified above.
    4. Many cleaning agents can be irritants and trigger acute symptoms in children with asthma or other respiratory conditions. Programs must not prepare cleaning solutions in close proximity to children.
    5. Check the label to see if your bleach is intended for disinfection, and ensure the product is not past its expiration date. Unexpired household bleach will be effective against COVID-19 when properly diluted. Some bleaches, such as those designed for safe use on colored clothing or for whitening may not be suitable for disinfection.
    6. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper ventilation. Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser. Leave solution on the surface for at least 1 minute.
    7. Programs shall use child-safe cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting solutions and children should never be present when mixing solutions.
    8. Only single use, disposable paper towels shall be used for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting. Sponges shall not be used for sanitizing or disinfecting.
    9. All sanitizing and disinfecting solutions must be labeled properly to identify the contents, kept out of the reach of children, and stored separately from food items. Do not store sanitizing and disinfecting solutions in beverage containers.
    10. Avoid aerosols, because they contain propellants that can affect breathing. Pump or trigger sprays are preferred.

    Proper Usage of Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting Supplies

    Proper guidelines must be followed when cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting. Staff responsible for cleaning should understand and adhere to the proper use and application of all solutions used. 

    1. All sanitizing and disinfecting solutions must be used in areas with adequate ventilation and never in close proximity to children as to not trigger acute symptoms in children with asthma or other respiratory conditions. Do not spray chemicals around children. If possible, move children to another area or have someone distract them away from the area where a chemical is being used.
    2. To ensure effective cleaning and disinfecting, always clean surfaces with soap and water first, then disinfect using a diluted bleach solution, alcohol solution with at least 70% alcohol, or an EPA approved disinfectant for use against the virus that causes COVID-19. Cleaning first will allow the disinfecting product to work as intended to destroy germs on the surface.
    3. Use all cleaning products according to the directions on the label. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for concentration, application method, and contact time for all cleaning and disinfection products.
    4. Surfaces and equipment must air dry after sanitizing or disinfecting. Do not wipe dry unless it is a product instruction. Careful supervision is needed to ensure that children are not able to touch the surface until it is completely dry.
    5. Keep all chemicals out of the reach of children both during storage and in use.
    6. Keep chemicals in their original containers. If this is not possible, label the alternate container to prevent errors.
    7. Do not mix chemicals. Doing so can produce a toxic gas.

    General Guidelines for Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting

    Program staff charged with cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting must follow these general guidelines.

    1. Intensify the program’s routine cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting practices, paying extra attention to frequently touched objects and surfaces, including doorknobs, bathrooms and sinks, keyboards, and bannisters.
    2. Clean and disinfect toys and activity items, including sports and specialty camp activity equipment (e.g. and climbing walls), used by children more frequently than usual and take extra care to ensure that all objects that children put in their mouths are removed from circulation, cleaned, and sanitized before another child is allowed to use it.
    3. While cleaning and disinfecting, staff must wear gloves as much as possible. Handwashing or use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after these procedures is always required, whether or not gloves are used.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements, Part 8

    6/24/2020 (Permalink)

    Child care and youth-serving programs are a critical component in Governor Charlie Baker's overall plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts and get the residents of the Commonwealth back to work. To prepare for reopening child care programs, recreational camps, and youth programs the administration has developed minimum guidelines for reopening child and youth programsThe following highlights the minimum requirements for personal protective equipment (PPE) and face masks or coverings.

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care. As more is learned about the virus guidelines are updated accordingly. Those charged with planning to reopen child and youth programs should check the both the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the CDC website regularly to make sure that they are following the latest guidance. 

    Programs that are unable to must make the following changes to their operations or remain closed and reopen at a later date.

    Face Masks and Coverings

    Those managing the daily operations of childcare and youth programs should encourage the wearing of masks or cloth face coverings during the program day. Whenever 6 feet of physical distancing is not possible, masks must be worn.

    1. To slow the spread of COVID-19, program staff are encouraged to wear a cloth face covering while serving children and interacting with parents and families. Program staff are required to wear a cloth face covering whenever 6 feet of physical distancing is not possible. Programs are encouraged to consider the use of transparent face coverings to allow for the reading of facial expressions, which is important for child development.
    2. When possible and at the discretion of the parent or guardian of the child, programs should encourage the wearing of masks or cloth face coverings for children age 2 and older who can safely and appropriately wear, remove, and handle masks. Additional guidance on use of face coverings and masks by children is as follows:
      1. Children under the age of 2 years should not wear face coverings or masks.
      2. When children can be safely kept at least 6 feet away from others, then they do not need to be encouraged to wear a mask.
      3. Masks must not be worn while children are eating/drinking, sleeping, and napping. Strict and consistent physical distancing must be practiced at all times during these activities. Masks do not need to be worn while engaging in active outdoor play, if children are able to keep physical distance from others.
      4. Children 2 years of age and older must be supervised when wearing a mask. If wearing the face covering causes the child to touch their face more frequently, staff must reconsider whether the mask is appropriate for the child.
    3. Families should provide their children with a sufficient supply of clean masks and face coverings for their child to allow replacing the covering as needed. These families must have a plan for routine cleaning of masks and face coverings, clearly mark masks with child’s name and room number, if applicable, and clearly distinguish which side of the covering should be worn facing outwards so they are worn properly each day. If families are unable to provide masks, programs should provide masks for children and youth, as necessary. Masks and face coverings must be routinely washed (at least daily and any time the mask is used or becomes soiled) depending on the frequency of use. When possible, masks must be washed in a washing machine in hot water and dried fully before using again. If a washing machine is unavailable, masks must be washed with soap and hot water and allowed to dry fully before using again.
    4. If using a disposable mask, follow CDC guidance on proper daily removal. Grasp bottom ties or elastics of the mask, then the ones at the top, and remove without touching the front. Discard in a waste container and wash hands or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer immediately. 
    5. Staff must enforce the wearing of face masks by parents or guardians when on the premises and at all times during drop-off and pick-up. Programs must regularly remind families and staff that all individuals are encouraged to adhere to the CDC’s recommendations for wearing a mask or cloth face covering whenever going out in public and/or around other people.
    6. Staff must teach and reinforce use of cloth face coverings among all program staff. Face coverings are most essential at times when physical distancing is not possible. Staff must be frequently reminded not to touch the face covering and to wash their hands frequently. Information must be provided to all staff on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings.

    Exceptions to Use of Face Masks/Coverings

    Exceptions for wearing face masks include situations that may inhibit an individual from wearing a face mask safely. These may include, but are not limited to:

    1. Children under the age of 2 years
    2. Children who cannot safely and appropriately wear, remove, and handle masks
    3. Children who have difficulty breathing with the face covering or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the cover without assistance
    4. Children with severe cognitive or respiratory impairments that may have a hard time tolerating a face mask
    5. Children where the only option for a face covering presents a potential choking or strangulation hazard
    6. Individuals who cannot breathe safely with a face covering, including those who require supplemental oxygen to breathe
    7. Individuals who, due to a behavioral health diagnosis or an intellectual impairment, are unable to wear a face covering safely
    8. Individuals who need to communicate with people who rely upon lip-reading.

    When to Use Gloves

    Staff must wear gloves when appropriate and at all times during the following activities. Program managers should consult with a child’s medical records and identify any allergies when determining type of gloves to use. Handwashing or use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after these procedures is always required, whether or not gloves are used.

    1. Diapering
    2. Food preparation
    3. Screening activities requiring contact
    4. Applying sunscreen.

    After removing gloves for any reason, hand hygiene should be performed with alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water. Additionally, as a means to reduce cross-contamination, disposable gloves should always be discarded after the following instances.

    1. Visible soiling or contamination with blood, respiratory or nasal secretions, or other body fluids occurs.
    2. Any signs of damage (e.g., holes, rips, tearing) or degradation are observed.
    3. Maximum of four hours of continuous use.
    4. Disposable glove “re-use” is not permitted as previously removed gloves have an increased risk of both tearing and contamination.
    5. Gloves should be removed following activities where glove usage is required including diapering, food preparation, applying sunscreen, and screening activities requiring contact.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements, Part 7

    6/23/2020 (Permalink)

    Governor Charlie Baker believes that, "one way you reduce the size of the problem that you have in the fall is by doing everything you can to squeeze as much of the heat out of the virus as you possibly can between now and then." Due to this belief, the beginning of Phase 3 of his plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts has been delayed for at least one week and will start no sooner than July 6. In preparation for the beginning of Phase 3 we will continue to share the administration's minimum guidelines for reopening child and youth programs as the preparedness of these programs is vital to the overall success of reopening the Commonwealth. The following highlights the minimum requirements for acceptable hygiene and health practices.

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care. As more is learned about the virus guidelines are updated accordingly. Those charged with planning to reopen child and youth programs should check the both the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the CDC website regularly to make sure that they are following the latest guidance. 

    Programs that are unable to must make the following changes to their operations or remain closed and reopen at a later date.

    Resources and Supplies

    Child care and youth program managers must plan ahead to ensure that the program has adequate supplies to promote frequent and effective hygiene behaviors. Programs must have the following materials and supplies:

    1. Handwashing facilities with soap, water, and disposable paper towels must be readily accessible to all children and staff. Post handwashing instructions near every handwashing sink and where they can easily be seen by children and staff. (2)
    2. Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol may be utilized at times when handwashing is not available, as appropriate to the ages of children and only with written parent permission to use.6 Hand sanitizer must be stored securely and used only under supervision of staff. Staff must make sure children do not put hands wet with sanitizer in their mouth and must teach children proper use. 6 While hand sanitizer may be used by children over 2 years of age with parental permission, handwashing is the preferred and safer method.
    3. Hand hygiene stations must be set up at the entrance of the premises, so that children can clean their hands before they enter. If a sink with soap and water is not available, provide hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol next to parent sign-in sheets and allow use in accordance with the guidelines above. If hand sanitizer use is not appropriate or not approved and there is no soap and water at the entrance, children must be instructed to go to the nearest handwashing station upon entry. Keep hand sanitizer out of children’s reach and supervise use.
    4. If possible, place sign-in stations outside the program space and have contactless sign in, such as application or web based. If pens are required, they must be disinfected between uses or must be provided for individual only use.

    When to Wash Hands

    Children and staff must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer often, making sure to wash all surfaces of their hands (e.g., front and back, wrists, between fingers). Reinforce to staff and children that they must be regularly washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and should wash hands whenever the following criteria are met:

    1. Upon entry into and exit from program space
    2. When coming in to the program space from outside activities
    3. Before and after eating
    4. After sneezing, coughing or nose blowing
    5. After toileting and diapering
    6. Before handling food
    7. After touching or cleaning surfaces that may be contaminated
    8. After using any shared equipment like toys, computer keyboards, mouse, climbing walls
    9. After assisting children with handwashing;
    10. Before and after administration of medication
    11. Before entering vehicles used for transportation of children
    12. After contact with facemask or cloth face covering
    13. Before and after changes of gloves.

    Cover Coughs or Sneezes

    Children, families, and staff should avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth. Cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and clean hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer (if soap and water are not readily available and with parental permission and careful supervision as appropriate to the ages of the child).

    Additional Healthy Habits

    Child care and youth program managers are encouraged to teach, model, and reinforce the following healthy habits with both staff and children.

    1. Staff must know and follow the steps needed for effective handwashing (use soap and water to wash all surfaces of their hands for at least 20 seconds, wait for visible lather, rinse thoroughly and dry with individual disposable towel).
    2. Build in monitored handwashing for children at all necessary times throughout the day (e.g., upon arrival, before and after meals, after toileting and diapering, after coughing and sneezing, after contact with bodily fluids). Post visual steps of appropriate handwashing to assist children or cue them to sing the "Happy Birthday" song TWICE (approx. 20 seconds) as the length of time they need to wash their hands.
    3. Assist children with handwashing.
    4. Keep hand sanitizer out of the reach of children and monitor use closely. Due to its high alcohol content, ingesting hand sanitizer can be toxic for a child. Supervise children when they use hand sanitizer to make sure they rub their hands until completely dry, so they do not get sanitizer in their eyes or mouth.
    5. Explain to children why it is not healthy to share drinks or food, particularly when sick. 
    6. Teach children to use tissue to wipe their nose and to cough inside their elbow. They must wash their hands with soap and water immediately afterwards.
    7. Ask parents and caregivers to wash their own hands and assist in washing the hands of their children before dropping off, prior to coming for pick up, and when they get home.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements, Part 6

    6/22/2020 (Permalink)

    Even though we learned that Governor Charlie Baker has delayed the beginning of Phase 3 of his plan to reopen the Commonwealth for at least one week there is still work to be done. We will continue to share the administration's  minimum guidelines for reopening child and youth programs  as the preparedness of these programs is vital to the overall success of reopening the state of Massachusetts. The following highlights the minimum requirements for isolation and discharge of sick children and or staff. 

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care. As more is learned about the virus guidelines are updated accordingly. Those charged with planning to reopen child and youth programs should check the both the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the CDC website regularly to make sure that they are following the latest guidance. 

    Programs that are unable to must make the following changes to their operations or remain closed and reopen at a later date.

    Isolation and Discharge

    Programs must take the following actions to prepare for a potential exposure.

    1. Designate a separate space to isolate children or staff who may become sick, with the door closed (or a solid barrier) if possible. Isolated children must be supervised at all times. A private or separate bathroom must be made available for use by sick individuals only. Others must not enter isolation room/space without PPE appropriate to the care setting. A location with an open window and/or good air circulation is optimal. In family child care settings with one adult, staff should isolate children who may become sick using a barrier to maintain adequate supervision of all children.
    2. If your facility does not have designated isolation rooms/spaces, determine a pre-specified location/facility to which you will be sending patients presenting with COVID-19 symptoms.
    3. Have an emergency back-up plan for staff coverage in case a child or staff becomes sick.
    4. Know the contact information for the local board of health in the city or town in which the program is located.
    5. Have masks and other cloth face coverings available for use by children and staff who become symptomatic, until they have left the premises of the program.
    6. Designate a separate exit from the exit used to regularly exit for those being discharged due to suspected infection.

    Symptomatic - Children

    If a child becomes symptomatic, programs must follow the protocols below:

    1. Immediately isolate from other children and minimize exposure to staff.
    2. Whenever possible, cover children’s (age 2 and older) noses and mouths with a mask or cloth face covering.
    3. Contact the child’s parents and have the child picked up as soon as possible.
    4. Follow the program’s plan for the transportation of a child who has developed symptoms and who relies on program transportation.

    Symptomatic - Staff

    If a staff member becomes symptomatic, they must cease child care duties immediately and be removed from others until they can leave. Staff must regularly self-monitor during the day to screen for new symptoms. If new symptoms are detected among a staff member, follow the requirements above for Isolation and Discharge and Symptomatic - Children.

    Sick Children or Staff

    Children and or Staff who are COVID-19 positive or symptomatic and presumed to have COVID-19 must not return until they have met the criteria for discontinuing home isolation and have consulted with a health care provider. Determine the date of symptom onset for the child/staff. Determine if the child/staff attended/worked at the program while symptomatic or during the two days before symptoms began. Identify what days the child/staff attended/worked during that time to determine all who had close contact with the sick individual during those days. 

    If an individual tests positive for COVID-19 but is asymptomatic, isolation may be discontinued when at least 10 days have passed from the date of the positive test, as long as the individual remains asymptomatic. 

    Notifying Required Parties

    In the event that a program experiences an exposure, programs must notify the following parties.

    1. Employees and families about exposure but maintain confidentiality.
    2. Local board of health if a child or staff is COVID-19 positive.
    3. Funding and licensing agencies if a child or staff member has tested positive.


    In the event that a staff member or child is exposed  or has potentially been exposed to a sick or symptomatic person, the following protocols must be followed.

    1. If a child or staff has been exposed to COVID-19, regardless of whether the individual has symptoms or not, the child or staff must not be permitted to enter the program space and must be sent home. Exposed individuals must be directed to stay home for at least 14 days after the last day of contact with the person who is sick. The program must consult the local board of health for guidance on quarantine for other children and staff and what additional precautions will be needed to ensure the program space is safe for continued child care services.
    2. If an exposed child or staff subsequently tests positive or their doctor says they have confirmed or probable COVID-19, they must be directed to stay home for a minimum of 10 days from the 1st day of symptoms appearing AND be fever-free for 72 hours without fever reducing medications AND experience significant improvements in symptoms. Release from isolation is under the jurisdiction of the local board of health where the individual resides.
    3. If a child’s household member or staff’s household member tests positive for COVID-19, the child or staff must self-quarantine for 14 days after the last time they could have been exposed.


    If an exposed child or staff remains asymptomatic and/or tests negative for COVID-19 they must remain in quarantine and continue to monitor for the full 14 days.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements, Part 5

    6/18/2020 (Permalink)

    This is the fifth blog detailing the minimum guidelines for reopening child and youth programs. We are in Phase 2 of Governor Charlie Baker's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts. It is important to note that these are minimum requirements to reopen. Contact the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care (EEC) to identify any additional guidelines that may impact your program's ability to reopen. It is also a good idea to work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    Minimum Requirements - Screening and Monitoring of Children and Staff

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care. As more is learned about the virus guidelines are updated accordingly. Those charged with planning to reopen child and youth programs should check the both the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the CDC website regularly to make sure that they are following the latest guidance. 

    Programs that are unable to must make the following changes to their operations or remain closed and reopen at a later date.


    Programs must screen all staff and children, every day, before they are permitted to enter the child care space following the requirements below.

    1. Establish a single point of entry to the program to ensure that no individual is allowed to enter the building until they successfully pass the screening.
    2. Designate specific program staff to conduct all screening activities, and establish a designated screening area (e.g., a side room or enclosed area close to the point of entry) that will allow for more privacy in order to ask questions confidentially. Unless a physical barrier, such as a plexiglass screen, is used, the space used for screening must allow for physical distancing of childcare staff from child/family while screening is being conducted (i.e. at least 6 feet of separation).
    3. Health check responses must be recorded and maintained on file.
    4. Verbally screen children and parents asking the following questions. If any of the below are yes, the child must not be allowed to enter the building. The child must return home with their parent or caregiver. 
      1. Today or in the past 24 hours, have you or any household members had any of the following symptoms?
        1. Fever (temperature of 100.0?F or above), felt feverish, or had chills?
        2. Cough?
        3. Sore throat?
        4. Difficulty breathing?
        5. Gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting)?
        6. Fatigue? (Fatigue alone should not exclude a child from participation.)
        7. Headache?
        8. New loss of smell/taste?
        9. New muscle aches?
        10. Any other signs of illness?
      2. In the past 14 days, have you had close contact (being within 6 feet of an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 for more than 10 minutes) with a person known to be infected with the novel COVID-19?
    5. Staff must make a visual inspection of each child for signs of illness, which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity), fatigue, or extreme fussiness. Confirm that the child is not experiencing coughing or shortness of breath. In the event a child is experiencing shortness of breath or extreme difficulty breathing, call emergency medical services immediately.
    6. All staff, parents, children, and any individuals seeking entry into the program space must be directed to self-screen at home, prior to coming to the program for the day. If the program is a family child care program, all household members must self-screen before coming into the child care space.
      1. Self-screening shall include checking for symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal symptoms, new loss of taste/smell, muscle aches, or any other symptoms that feel like a cold. Anyone with a fever of 100.0?F or above or any other signs of illness must not be permitted to enter the program.
      2. Parents and staff must sign written attestations daily regarding any household contacts with COVID-19, symptoms (e.g., fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste, or diarrhea), or if they have given children medicine to lower a fever.
      3. Individuals who decline to complete the screening will not be permitted to enter the program space.

    Regular Monitoring

    Staff must actively visually monitor children throughout the day for symptoms of any kind, including fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, abdominal pain, and unexplained rash. Children who appear ill or are exhibiting signs of illness must be separated from the larger group and isolated until able to leave the facility. Programs must have a non-contact or temporal thermometer on site to check temperatures if a child is suspected of having a fever (temperature above 100 degrees F). Special care must be taken to disinfect the thermometer after each use.

    If any child or staff appears to have severe symptoms, call emergency services immediately. Before transferring to a medical facility, notify the transfer team and medical facility if the individual is suspected to have COVID-19. Severe symptoms include the following: extreme difficulty breathing (i.e. not being able to speak without gasping for air), bluish lips or face, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, severe persistent dizziness or lightheadedness, new confusion or inability to rouse someone, or new seizure or seizures that won’t stop.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements, Part 4

    6/17/2020 (Permalink)

    As we continue to follow Governor Charlie Baker's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts we have been sharing the administrations minimum guidelines for reopening child and youth programs. This is the fourth installment.

    While it is our hope that the information we have, and will continue to share, is beneficial to the business community of the Commonwealth it is important to note that this particular topic is intended to help parents as well. This blog (and past blogs) should be used as a baseline for parents to use when choosing a provider to ensure that the environment they are placing their children into is indeed a safe one.The following highlights the minimum requirements for group sizes and staffing ratios. 

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    Minimum Requirements - Group Size and Staffing Ratios

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care. As more is learned about the virus guidelines are updated accordingly. Those charged with planning to reopen child and youth programs should check the both the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the CDC website regularly to make sure that they are following the latest guidance. 

    Programs that are unable to must make the following changes to their operations or remain closed and reopen at a later date.

    Group Sizes

    Group sizes must be restricted to a maximum of 10 children. If additional adults are required to support supervision of children during breaks, they must be assigned to only one cohort of children and not between cohorts. Guidance to maintain these group sizes includes the following:

    1. Children must remain with the same group each day and at all times while in care.
      1. When suitable to children’s ages and developmental level, siblings in attendance at the same time must be kept in the same group.
      2. Groups must not be combined at any time.
    2. The same staff must be assigned to the same group of children each day for the duration of the program session (if weekly or monthly) and at all times while in care. Staff must not float between groups either during the day or from day-to-day, unless needed to provide supervision of specialized activities.

    Required Staffing Ratios and Maximum Group Sizes

    In order to provide the level of supervision required to adhere to the following health and safety requirements, the following child-to-staff ratios must be maintained at all times during the program day. Number of adults assigned to each cohort of children should be minimized, appropriate to the needs of the program and the children. Most importantly, adults should not move between cohorts of children. The following guidance does not apply to caring for children with special needs.

    1. Infant (Birth – 14 months)
      1. 1 adult for every 3 infants or 2 adults for every 7 infants
      2. Maximum group size 7
    2. Toddler (15 – 32 months)
      1. 1 adult for every 4 toddlers or 2 adults for every 9 toddlers
      2. Maximum group size 9
    3. Preschool ≥33 months (not yet attending Kindergarten)
      1. 1 adult for every 10 preschoolers, however, it is recommended to have the maximum number of adults possible
      2. Maximum group size 10
    4. School Age (Attending Kindergarten and up)
      1. 1 adult for every 10 school age children
      2. Maximum group size 10
    5. Family Child Care and Multi-Age** (All Age Groups)
      1. 1 adult for every 6 children or 2 adults for every 8 children
      2. Maximum group size 8

    ** Multi-age groups may include no more than three children younger than two years old, including at least one toddler who is walking independently. Additional children must be older than 24 months. 

    Supporting Children with Special Needs

    Children with special needs will require unique supports in programs that may make it less possible to practice physical distancing and will require ample staff support to carry out the necessary hygiene practices. Programs must ensure that the program is adequately staffed and that staff are prepared and properly trained to accommodate children’s needs.

    1. Staff-to-child ratios must be higher for programs serving children with special needs, given their need for more individualized attention.
    2. Groupings for children with special needs must be assigned based on the developmental level of the child and the impact of the disability on the child with regard to their ability to adhere to PPE requirements and physical distancing rather than their chronological age.
    3. Smaller groups must be formed where the child requires more hands on assistance and a higher number of staff required to care for the children.
    4. Some children with special needs will require 1:1 assistance.
    5. Programs must refer to individual treatment plans or IEPs when assessing required ratios.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements, Part 3

    6/16/2020 (Permalink)

    In anticipation of Governor Charlie Baker's expected announcement of details for Phase 3 of his plan to reopen the Commonwealth we are continuing to share the administrations  minimum guidelines for reopening child and youth programs. The following highlights the minimum requirements for operations and staffing. 

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    Minimum Requirements - Operations and Staffing

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care. As more is learned about the virus guidelines are updated accordingly. Those charged with planning to reopen child and youth programs should check the both the Massachusetts department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the CDC website regularly to make sure that they are following the latest guidance. 

    Programs that are unable to must make the following changes to their operations or remain closed and reopen at a later date.

    Daily Operations

    1. Cancel all field trips, inter-group events, and extracurricular activities.
    2. Avoid holding activities involving multiple groups attending at the same time and strictly enforce the restrictions on non-essential visitors. This includes parent volunteers, coaches and consultants. Nonessential adults must be prevented from entering the premises.
    3. For each child enrolled, programs must maintain on file a physician’s, nurse practitioner’s, or physician’s assistant’s certification that the child has been successfully immunized in accordance with the current DPH’s recommended schedules. 
    4. For each child with a chronic medical condition that has been diagnosed by a licensed Health Care Practitioner, programs must maintain an individual health care plan (IHCP). The plan shall describe the chronic condition, its symptoms, any medical treatment that may be necessary while the child is in care, the potential side effects of that treatment, and the potential consequences to the child’s health if the treatment is not administered. 


    1. Programs must meet all staffing requirements per the authorizing entity for their specific program type. Staffing requirements for child and youth-serving summer programs may be relaxed for reopening under the authority of the authorizing entity.
    2. Provide staff with information about COVID-19, including how the illness is spread, how to prevent its spread, symptoms, and when to seek medical assistance for sick children or employees. 
    3. Have a system to monitor absenteeism to identify any trends in employee or child absences due to illness, as this might indicate spread of COVID-19 or other illness. 
    4. Have a plan for securing trained back-up staff in order to maintain sufficient staffing levels.
    5. Ensure that their sick leave policies are flexible and promote the importance of staff not coming to work if they have a frequent cough, sneezing, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or recent loss of taste or smell, or if they or someone they live with has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
    6. Designate a staff member to be responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns. Employees must know who this person is and how to contact them.
    7. Create a communication system for staff and families for self-reporting of symptoms and notification of exposures and closures.
    8. Encourage all staff age 65 or older or with serious underlying health conditions to talk to their healthcare provider to assess their risk and to determine if they must stay home or follow additional precautions. 
    9. Train staff in all areas to ensure protocols are implemented safely and effectively in all programs.
    10. Develop policies for worker protection and provide training to all cleaning staff on site prior to providing cleaning tasks. Training must include when to use PPE, what PPE is necessary, how to properly put on, use, and take off PPE, and how to properly dispose of PPE.
    11. Ensure workers are trained on the hazards of the cleaning chemicals used in the workplace in accordance with Occupational Safety Hazard Administration (OSHA)’s Hazard Communication standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). (12)
    12. Educate staff and workers performing cleaning, laundry, and trash pick-up activities to recognize the symptoms of COVID-19 and provide instructions on what to do if they develop symptoms. At a minimum, any staff must immediately notify their supervisor and the local health department if they develop symptoms of COVID-19. The health department will provide guidance on what actions need to be taken.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements, Part 2

    6/12/2020 (Permalink)

    As the we continue to advance through the second phase of Governor Charlie Baker's plan to reopen the Commonwealth it becomes increasingly important to develop guidelines that focus on the health ans safety of  our communities while allowing for the needs of families with children to be met. The state has set forth guidance for reopening child and youth programs during Phase 2. 

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    Minimum Requirements - Planning

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care. Programs should also check the CDC website regularly to make sure that they are following the latest CDC guidance. 

    Programs that are unable to adhere to the following requirements must remain closed and reopen at a later date.


    Programs must prepare the program environment to promote the new health and safety requirements and to facilitate infection control activities.

    1. Prepare the materials and equipment to be used by children to minimize sharing and promote distancing. Remove items that cannot be easily washed (e.g., stuffed animals, pillows) or that encourage children to put the toy in their mouths (e.g., play food, pretend utensils). If programs allow children to bring in items from home, they should have a plan in place to ensure the cleanliness of these items and should carefully monitor use to ensure that these objects are not shared between children. Shared items that cannot be cleaned or disinfected at all (e.g., playdough) must be removed from activity rotation. Remove all communal water, sand, and sensory tables and activities that bring children in close proximity with each other using shared materials.
    2. Prepare all cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting solutions and identify a safe place for storage that is accessible to staff in each area of the program, but out of reach of children. Ensure that supplies for hand hygiene are adequate and placed appropriately throughout the program space, including in all group, transition (e.g., hallways), and common spaces.
    3. Prepare the program space to promote physical distancing. Programs must consider the physical building capacity limitations and the total number of children anticipated to be in any one area. Decisions about organization of the program space must be guided by the program’s ability to implement adequate and consistent physical distancing, especially in terms of utilization of common spaces that need to be shared by all children. Areas occupied by individual groups must be defined by permanent walls, movable walls, or other partitions. Programs with large spaces must consider using barriers to create clearly defined and separate areas for small groups of children. Program staff must review the physical distancing requirements for children in the program and be prepared to support children with adjustment to new systems and routines.
    4. Ensure that there are adequate provisions for the storage of child and staff belongings so that they do not touch.
    5. Close drinking fountains that require contact for use. Motion activated or touchless drinking fountains are acceptable for use only when filling cups, water bottles, or other receptacles. 
    6. Ensure that ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible by opening windows and doors, using fans (must be inaccessible to young children), and other methods. Do not open windows and doors if doing so poses a safety or health risk (e.g., allows pollen in or exacerbates asthma symptoms) to children using the facility. In rooms located above the first floor, windows must be either inaccessible to children or protected with a window guard. 
    7. Take steps to ensure that all water systems and features (e.g., cooling systems) are safe to use after a prolonged facility shutdown to minimize the risk of Legionnaires’ disease and other diseases associated with water.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Child Programs Minimum Requirements

    6/11/2020 (Permalink)

    In part one of second phase of Governor Charlie Baker's plan to reopen the Commonwealth the administration along with the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the Department of Public Health (DPH) have been working closely with the CDC, community leaders and medical experts to develop solutions that balance the needs of children and families with public health and safety. As we have discussed in one of our previous blogs, as the residents of Massachusetts slowly go back to work it becomes increasingly important that safe childcare options exists. The following highlights the State's guidance for reopening child and youth programs during Phase 2. 

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    Phase 2 has been divided into two parts. Beginning today, Monday, June 8, child care may begin the process of opening reopen under certain restrictions including, but not limited to COVID-19 Order No. 35former COVID-19 Orders and sector-specific COVID-19 workplace safety rules .

    Minimum Requirements - Planning

    These requirements apply to all child and youth-serving programs, including recreational summer programs, recreational summer camps for children, municipal or recreational youth programs not traditionally licensed as camps, family child care, and center-based child care.

    EEC licensing regulations are currently being reviewed and amended to allow programs the maximum flexibility to reopen, until such time, implementation of the Minimum Health and Safety Requirements are sufficient for reopening programs in good standing prior to the closure due to COVID-19. In addition to the following requirements, it is recommended that programs frequently check the CDC website to ensure they are implementing the most current CDC guidance.

    Programs that are unable to adhere to the following requirements must remain closed and reopen at a later date.


    Programs must develop plans prior to reopening (and maintain them once reopened) to address how they will meet the new health and safety requirements. Programs must identify all the ways reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic might affect the program and develop a plan of action. Elements of this planning must include the following:

    1. A cleaning plan that identifies what items must be cleaned, sanitized, or disinfected and with what frequency. This must include a daily cleaning schedule for staff (before, during, and after programming) to ensure that all areas, materials, furniture, and equipment used for child care are properly cleaned, sanitized, or disinfected. Programs must also have a plan in place to obtain and maintain inventory of essential cleaning supplies.
    2. A plan for identifying and handling sick, symptomatic, and exposed children and staff that includes but is not limited to daily screening checks, location of screening activities, staff responsible for screening, and barriers for screening.
    3. A plan for the isolation and discharge of sick, symptomatic, and exposed children or staff, including procedures for contacting parents immediately, criteria for seeking medical assistance, transportation of children or staff who have developed symptoms related to COVID-19 mid-day and who rely on program transportation, and mitigation of transmission until a sick individual can safely leave the program.
    4. A plan to work with their local and state health departments to ensure appropriate local protocols and guidelines are followed, such as updated/additional guidance for cleaning and disinfection and instructions and availability of COVID-19 testing.
    5. A plan for safe vendor deliveries, if applicable. Non-contact delivery protocols must be arranged whenever possible.
    6. A plan for transportation that includes how to implement infection control strategies during transportation, including during boarding and disembarking, and a plan to maintain physical distancing and hand hygiene practices.
    7. A plan for handling program closings, staff absences, and gaps in child attendance. The plan must include procedures to alert local health officials about large increases in child and staff absences or substantial increases in respiratory illnesses (like the common cold or the “flu,” which have symptoms similar to symptoms of COVID-19). Programs must determine how the facility will communicate with staff and parents and identify who will be responsible to inform the funding agency, local board of health, and other appropriate audiences.
    8. A plan for the administration of medication including a plan for the treatment of children with asthma and other chronic illness. Nebulizer use must be prohibited as it can increase risk of the virus being aerosolized.
    9. A plan for coordinating space and facilitate support services for children, including when identified on an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). A space should be made available to allow for service delivery to occur, whenever possible.
    10. A plan for sharing information and guidelines with parents that includes the following:
      1. A system to check with parents daily on the status of their children when children are dropped off at the facility. 
      2. Ensuring information and communication can be provided in the primary languages spoken by the parents.
      3. Obtaining email addresses and home, work, and mobile phone numbers from parents of children at the program so that the program can reach them at any time.
      4. Creating and testing communication systems with parents, children at the program, all staff, facility and/or grounds management, and emergency medical services.
      5. Providing parents with information on COVID-19 including symptoms, transmission, prevention, and when to seek medical attention. Encouraging parents to share the information with their children as appropriate.
      6. Providing parents with guidance on how to share information with their children in developmentally appropriate ways and encouraging parents to share the information with their children, as appropriate.
      7. Providing parents with information on the program’s policies for preventing and responding to infection and illness.
      8. Identifying a person responsible for sharing information to parents if and when an exposure occurs, and how that information will be communicated.

    While the administration continues to work with communities to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Health and Human Services

    6/10/2020 (Permalink)

    As we begin the second phase of Governor Charlie Baker's plan to reopen the Commonwealth it becomes increasingly important that, while we continue to move towards normal, we are aware of the risks inherent of doing so and remain vigilant in our fight against COVID-19. In part one of Phase 2 health care, behavioral health, dental and vision practitioners are allowed to incrementally resume certain in-person visits. 

    The following highlights guidance for reopening Health and Human Services during Phase 2. 

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    Phase 2 has been divided into two parts. Beginning today, Monday, June 8, the following can reopen under certain restrictions including, but not limited to COVID-19 Order No. 35former COVID-19 Orders and sector-specific COVID-19 workplace safety rules .

    Health care providers may incrementally resume in-person elective, non-urgent procedures and services, including routine office visits, dental visits, and vision care, subject to ongoing compliance with public health and safety standards. All other in-person medical, behavioral health, dental and vision services may resume, except for elective cosmetic procedures and in-person day programs (currently slated to resume as part of Phase 3).

    Expanding in-person visitation should be done cautiously. The decision to do so should be determined solely on clinical judgment and any care that can be appropriately delivered via telehealth should not resume in-person. Priority should go to urgent services, chronic disease management, and preventive care and should promote equitable access to care for all.

    According to these guidelines in order to resume services, health care providers must attest to and meet a range of infection control and public health criteria for how they deliver services:

    • In order to provide non-emergency care, health care providers must attest to continuing to meet specific requirements to reopen or expand services including adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), infection control readiness, screening for COVID symptoms, and social distancing protocols. These attestation documents are posted online. 
    • Health care providers must establish and adhere to a prioritization policy for scheduling in-person services that maximizes telehealth, focuses on high-priority preventive services, chronic disease management, pediatric care and immunizations, and urgent procedures that lead to high risk or significant worsening of the patient’s condition if deferred. 
    • For non-essential, elective invasive procedures and services, providers must attest to monitoring patient volume to ensure they can meet CDC and other public health guidance regarding environmental infection controls and to limit overall pressure on the health care system. 
    • Hospitals will be required to continue to meet the requirement of having at least 20% capacity available (based on a 7-day average of the hospital’s or hospital system’s available, staffed adult ICU and medical/surgical inpatient beds, including surge beds that can be staffed in 12-24 hours). 
    • Additionally, health care providers should consider delaying/deferring certain non-urgent services that are expected to require significant PPE resources, result in hospital/ICU care or post-acute care, or that result in significant aerosolization.

    Modifications have been made to the guidance for visitation with family and loved ones.  

    • specific requirements for social distancing and infection control must be adhered to.
    • Parents/guardians for children, birth partners, 2 and companions for individuals with disabilities continue to be allowed and are not considered visitors.
    • Exceptions for hospitals and nursing facilities for compassionate/end of life visits will continue.
    • All visitation is subject to infection control protocol, social distancing, and face coverings, and given the diversity of the facilities and programs, there are specific timetables for each.

    Each congregate care program will be reaching out to families with specific details on scheduling a visit with their loved ones as the start date nears. The timeline is as follows; 

    • On June 5, skilled nursing facilities, rest homes and assisted living residences began limited outdoor visitation of up to 2 visitors. 
    • On June 10, hospitals can resume limited inside visitation of 1 person. 
    • On June 10, human services adult residential programs and group homes operated by the Department of Developmental Services, Department of Mental Health, Department of Public Health, Massachusetts Commission for the Blind, and Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission can resume limited outdoor visitation. 
    • One week after the start of Phase 2, the Soldiers’ Homes will begin limited outdoor visitation, as long as infection rates continue to remain stable. 
    • On or before June 30, human services children and youth residential programs operated by the Department of Children and Families, Department of Mental Health, Department of Youth Services, and licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care can resume outdoor visitation.

    While the administration continues to work with providers to implement best practices and protocols we will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Begins

    6/9/2020 (Permalink)

    At his press conference on Monday, Governor Charlie Baker announced his decision to begin Phase 2 of his reopening plan for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As of Monday, June 8th, residents of the Commonwealth will be able to go inside retail stores, children will be able to head to playgrounds and participate in sports programs while restaurants can serve people outside. His decision to begin Phase 2 was based on his observation of a downward trajectory of state wide coronavirus statistics in terms of new cases and hospitalizations.

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    Phase 2 has been divided into two parts. Beginning today, Monday, June 8, the following can reopen under certain restrictions including, but not limited to COVID-19 Order No. 35former COVID-19 Orders and sector-specific COVID-19 workplace safety rules .

    • Childcare facilities and day camps
    • Driving and flight school
    • Funeral homes, with occupancy limits
    • Higher education classes including post-secondary, vocational tech and occupation schools may allow students to complete required courses for graduation.
    • Historical spaces may reopen outdoor facilities. No guided tours allowed nor can they host functions or gatherings.
    • Hotels and other lodgings, though they may not host events, functions or meetings
    • Outdoor recreation including pools, playgrounds and driving ranges
    • Personal services, such as home cleaning, window washing, education tutoring and career coaching, with social distancing mandated
    • Restaurants, offering only outdoor dining and takeout
    • Retail, with occupancy limits
    • Sports: Professional teams may continue practices starting Monday, though no games or public admission is allowed. Youth sports and adult amateur leagues may resume as well.
    • Warehouses and distribution centers


    • Diners can only be served outdoors with table 6 feet apart and away from high foot traffic areas.
    • Tables will be allowed to be closer together only if protective barriers are in place.
    • No more than six people can sit at a table.
    • Take-out service will still be allowed with safety standards in place because of the allowance of outdoor dining.

    Retail Stores

    • Retail stores can open at 40% of maximum occupancy (8 people (including staff)/1,000 sq ft)
    • Enclosed shopping malls and other indoor multi-tenant retail spaces having restaurants or retailers serving only food and beverage can only offer take-out or delivery service.
    • Indoor seating areas, including food courts, must be closed.
    • Children’s play areas and arcades must remain closed.
    • When necessary for people to line up to enter a store, retailers must put markers outside to ensure a six-foot distance between customers waiting to get inside.
    • Shoppers must practice social distancing
    • Shoppers must wear face coverings
    • Stores should install physical barriers at checkout stations where possible and to put up visual social distance markers in places like lines to check out or lines to use the bathroom.
    • Sampling stations for items like makeup and perfume are not allowed and fitting rooms will remain closed.
    • After serving a customer, employees have to disinfect shared equipment with supplies provided by the employer.
    • Disinfection and cleaning logs must also be kept showing the business is following protocols.

    Health Care  

    • Providers can resume in-person services including annual visits, dental visits and vision care.
    • Elective cosmetic procedures and in-person day programs will not be allowed until Phase 3.
    • The State health officials urged all to consider tele-health options when possible.
    • On June 10, hospitals can allow one visitor at a time per patient. If a patient is in an ambulance, one person can accompany them.

    Sports Teams

    • Amature and youth sprots teams can begin practicing.
    • Outdoor athletic facilities will open for youth and adult activities
    • Indoor athletic facilities will reopen for sports programs only including sports camps for children under the age of 18.
    • Adult and unsupervised youth activities are still not allowed.
    • Locker rooms for indoor facilities will remain closed.
    • Groups comprising of coaches, staff and participants may not excede 10 people.
    • Contact sports can only have no-contact drills and practices.
    • Non-contact sports can hold games, but contact sports cannot have inter-team games, scrimmages, or tournaments. 

    Day Camps

    • Camps and childcare facilities can open but this does not include overnight camps.
    • Temperatures for children and staff need to be checked daily before entering facilities.
    • Parents will also have to answer several questions about the child’s health and the health of people in a home.
    • Groups will be restricted to 10 with staff saying with the same group of children during the day.
    • Children and staff members over the age of 2 are encouraged to wear face coverings or masks when 6 feet of social distancing is not possible.

    Hotels and Motels

    These business may reopen, but under a series of conditions. These conditions include, but are not limited to;

    • Staff and patrons must follow social distancing of a distance of at least six feet.
    • Physical barriers that are at least six feet tall must separate workstations, according to the state’s protocols.
    • Markers should be added on the floor to direct guests to stay six feet apart.
    • Face coverings are required for all workers and guests in hallways and common areas.
    • The number of people riding in an elevator should be limited.
    • Gatherings of 10 people or more are prohibited during work hours, per the protocols.
    • Entrance doors should be propped open, if possible, or are automated. When not possible entrance doors should be operated by a worker that is frequently washing or sanitizing hands.
    • Valet should be avoided unless it is necessary because of physical or geographic constraints in order to accommodate individual guests with disabling conditions.
    • Workers should not open the doors of cars or taxis.

    Currently, the second step of Phase 2 will allow for the reopening of businesses;

    • Hair removal and replacement
    • Nail care
    • Skincare
    • Massage therapy
    • Makeup salons and makeup application services
    • Tanning salons
    • Tattoo, piercing and body art services
    • Personal training, with restrictions

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Certified SERVPRO Clean

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Outdoor Dining

    6/5/2020 (Permalink)

    A vast majority of family owned, small businesses are restaurants. Owning a restaurant is not only hard work and long hours, it is also, statistically speaking, the most difficult industry to turn a profit. In order to do so, restaurateurs need their dinning rooms to be at or near full occupancy. That is why it is extremely important for these entrepreneurs to completely understand the new rules of the game in order to maximize occupancy during Phase 2 of Governor Charlie Baker's plan to re-open the Commonwealth.    

    At the beginning of Phase 2 restaurants will be authorized to provide outdoor table service (in accordance to local municipality regulations) and if the public health data reflects continued positive progression a subsequent Phase 2 Order will be issued at a later date which will authorize restaurants to commence indoor table service. The following are the details from the current COVID-19 Order No. 35.   

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    According to COVID-19 Order No. 35 restaurants will be authorized to provide outdoor table service at the commencement of Phase II of the Commonwealth’s phased re-opening of workplaces.  In each case, restaurants will be required to comply with sector-specific COVID-19 workplace safety rules for restaurants.

    Outdoor Table Service

    According to COVID-19 Order No. 35 outdoor table service is deemed as any service that is provided outside the restaurant building envelope, whether on a sidewalk, patio, deck, lawn, parking area, or other outdoor space.  Outdoor table service may be provided under awnings or table umbrellas or other cover from the elements, provided, however, that at least 50 percent of the perimeter of any covered dining space must remain open and unobstructed by any form of siding or barriers at all times.

    In spite of the provisions of zoning laws, any special permits, in accordance with variances or other approvals, or other general or special law to the contrary, a city or town may approve requests for expansion of outdoor table service, including in the description of licensed premises as described below. Restaurantures looking for clarifications or exceptions should contact the offices of their Mayor, Board of Selectmen for the process to follow for approving such requests. 

    In order to provide improved opportunities for outdoor table service, for any type of license that permits the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption, contact your local licensing authority (“LLA”). They may grant approval for a change in the description of the licensed premises for the purpose of permitting outdoor alcohol service. Authorization of such an exception is at the discretion of your local LLA and will not require review or approval by the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission prior to issuance.  

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Organized Sports

    6/4/2020 (Permalink)

    Along with businesses, Phase 2 of Governor Charlie Baker's plan to re-open the Commonwealth also addresses changes to restrictions on organized adult and youth sporting activities. For those of us who enjoy competitive team sports this is welcomed news! The following highlights the changes outlined in the Governor's COVID-19 Order No. 35.  

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    According to COVID-19 Order No. 35 the Secretary of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (“EEA”) shall issue guidance to implement these directives and all generally applicable COVID-19 workplace standards for organizers of youth and adult sports programs and operators of facilities that host those programs.  Organizers of youth and adult sports programs shall follow the EEA guidance; provided, however, that when the program is governed by formal league rules or other binding agreements or affiliations, the organizer shall comply with any COVID-19 and other health and safety rules applicable under those authorities.  The requirements of items (1) – (4) below shall apply in all circumstances.

    Amateur Sports

    According to COVID-19 Order No. 35 effective immediately, organizers of sports activities and programs for youths and adults and facilities that host such programs or activities may open their premises to employees to begin preparations, consistent with the provisions of Section 1, for authorized Phase 2 activities.  In addition to complying with generally applicable COVID-19 workplace safety rules, organizers of sports activities and programs for youths and adults and facilities that host such programs or activities shall be subject to the following directives during Phase 2:

    1. Programs for contact sports must limit activities exclusively to no-contact drills and practices. Programs for no contact sports where ordinary play allows for social distancing may include ordinary play. 
    2. Games, scrimmages, and tournaments shall not be permitted for any organized sports activities.
    3. Programs must separate participants into groups of no more than 10 participants, including coaches and staff.
    4. Indoor athletic facilities shall be open and available exclusively for the use of supervised sports programs, including sports camps, for youths under the age of 18.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2 Preparations

    6/3/2020 (Permalink)

    As we anticipate the transition into Phase 2 of Governor Charlie Baker's plan to re-open the Commonwealth we have compiled an updated list of enterprises that may receive the "green light" to once again open their doors for business. Regardless of Governor Baker's decision to move forward it is important to note that business must meet each of the following criteria first;

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    According to COVID-19 Order No. 35 all Phase II, III, and IV enterprises will be required to comply with general and, where applicable, sector-specific COVID-19 workplace safety rules administered by DPL, DPH, and local boards of health.  Workplace safety rules will include a variety of mandatory context-specific COVID-19 safety measures such as occupancy limitations, operational modifications, social distancing rules, and specialized cleaning requirements.

    (IMPORTANT: this list is not complete and it is regularly updated by state and local municipalities. Its intended purpose is to serve only as a helpful reference.)

    Phase 2 enterprises that meet all of the aforementioned criteria specified above, in any COVID-19 Order and including:

    • Retail Stores including stores in enclosed shopping malls
    • Restaurants providing seated food service prepared on-site and under retail food permits issued by municipal authorities pursuant to 105 CMR 590.000, including beer gardens/wineries/distilleries meeting these criteria
    • Hotels, motels, inns, and other short-term lodgings (no events, functions, or meetings)
    • Limited organized youth and adult amateur sports activities and programs—no contact and no games or scrimmages, and indoor facilities limited to youth programs
    • Professional sports practice and training programs--no inter-team games and no admission for the public
    • Personal Services provided at a fixed place of business or at a client location
      • Step 1: Services involving no close personal contact (photography, window washers, individual tutoring, home cleaning, etc.)
      • Step 2: Services involving close personal contact (massage, nail salons, personal training for individuals or no more than 2 persons from same household, etc.)
    • Non-athletic instructional classes in arts/education/life skills for youths under 18 years of age in groups of fewer than 10
    • Driving schools and flight schools
    • Outdoor historical spaces—no functions or gatherings and no guided tours
    • Funeral homes—increased capacity to permit 40% occupancy for one service at a time within the facility
    • Warehouses and distribution centers
    • Golf facilities including outdoor driving ranges
    • Other outdoor recreational facilities
      • pools, playgrounds and spray decks
      • mini golf, go karts, batting cages, climbing walls, ropes courses
    • Post-Secondary/Higher Ed/Vocational-Tech/Trade/Occupational Schools
      • for the limited purposes of permitting students to complete a degree, program, or prerequisite for employment, or other similar requirement for completion, for summer youth programming including athletic facilities, and any necessary supporting services
    • Day Camps including sports and arts camps
    • Public libraries

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 2

    6/2/2020 (Permalink)

    Yesterday at his press conference, Governor Charlie Baker, whent into greater detail regarding the next Phases of his plan. He provided a detailed list of businesses and activities that fall into Phases II, III, and IV of the Commonwealth’s Re-Opening Plan. The Order permits all Phase II enterprises, including retail, to begin preparations to safely resume operation in advance of the start of the second phase.  In addition to the retail sector, the Executive Order details further requirements for the safe resumption of amateur youth and adult sports and outdoor dining. The Governor will continue to review public health trend data this week prior to making his announcement on June 6th as to exactly when Phase 2 will begin. Presently, the earliest possible date the Commonwealth will transition into Phase 2 is June 8th. 

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    Effective immediately, the Executive Order permits Phase II businesses to reopen their physical workplaces to workers only to conduct necessary preparations prior to the start of Phase II.  Preparations include but are not limited to completing a COVID-19 Control Plan, implementing sector-specific protocols, and complying with Mandatory Workplace Safety Standards. 

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Beaches

    6/1/2020 (Permalink)

    We all have a collective responsibility to ensure that when we do choose to out we do so with the safety of ourselves and others around us. Remaining vigilant, following public health directives and using common sense to protect yourself, your family, your neighbors, and vulnerable populations across the Commonwealth is the best way to mitigate against the potential spread of COVID-19.

    The state of Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA) has provided guidelines that apply to beaches during Phase 1 of the Commonwealth’s Reopening. The following are safety and re-opening standards for the use of coastal and inland beaches in the Commonwealth for Phase 1 of the Commonwealth’s Reopening. All beach visitors should adopt these specific guidelines. Additional property specific guidelines may also be posted at entrance points to beach areas and on relevant social media/websites. 

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    All beach visitors over the age of 2, whether indoors or outdoors, should wear a face covering or mask when they cannot maintain 6 feet of distance between themselves and others, unless they have a medical condition preventing them from doing so. Masks are not required to be worn while swimming. No groups larger than 10 are allowed to gather on shore or in the water.

    To allow for adequate social distancing for ingress, egress, and transit across the beach, beach capacity should be managed to accommodate a minimum of 12 ft distance between toweling/beach blanket groups. There will be limits on parking lot capacity to accommodate adequate social distancing based on an assessment by the beach manager. There should be no loitering, tailgating or any other social activities in parking lots.

    Picnic areas should be closed if social distancing cannot be maintained and sanitization cannot be performed between use.

    When Visiting Beaches

    • Visitors are required to maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet or more at all times and visitors should maintain at least 12 ft minimum distance between toweling/beach blanket areas.
    • Organized games should not be allowed including, but not limited to, volleyball, Kan Jam, spikeball, football, soccer, Kadima, and bocce.
    • Visitors shall abide by social distancing standards for bathroom lines and follow any established visual guidelines for maintaining a 6’ distance in all restroom facilities.
    • Visitors shall keep a minimum distance of 6 feet from lifeguards and between the public and lifeguard stands unless in the case of an emergency.
    • Indoor shower facilities and changing facilities will remain closed in Phase 1. 
    • Water fountains and water refill stations will remain closed in Phase 1.
    • Trash disposal at beaches is available to the discretion of the city or town it is located in and/or the managing organization.
    • Visitors of beaches should expect limited or no trash disposal receptacles.
    • When visiting beaches without trash receptacles, visitors should adhere to a strict “carry in, carry out” policy and take waste with them.
    • Shuttle services to the beach are closed in Phase 1.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Mountain Biking and Cycling

    5/29/2020 (Permalink)

    As we head into the summer months and the weather continues to warm it will become increasingly enticing to break free from the confines of our homes and venture into the great outdoors! However, the unfortunately reality is that until a treatment or vaccine for COVID-19 is available, life will not return to normal. We each have a collective responsibility to ensure that when we do choose to out we do so with the safety of ourselves and others around us. Remaining vigilant, following public health directives and using common sense to protect yourself, your family, your neighbors, and vulnerable populations across the Commonwealth is the best way to mitigate against the potential spread of COVID-19.

    The state of Massachusetts has provided guidelines to follow as we once again explore the outside world. 

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    The Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA) has provided guidelines that apply to mountain biking and trail cycling at parks, forests, and outdoor recreational centers during Phase 1 of the Commonwealth’s Reopening.

    Individuals partaking in mountain biking and trail cycling at parks, forest, and outdoor facilities should comply with assemblage guidance, wear face covering where social distancing is not possible, and adhere to any property-specific guidance. Any person over the age of 2, whether indoors or outdoors, to wear a face covering or mask when they cannot maintain 6 feet of distance between themselves and others, unless they have a medical condition preventing them from doing so. No groups larger than 10 are allowed to gather or cycle together.

    When driving to a location with your bicycle in tow follow the lot user capacity and restrictions determined by land manager and the local municipality. 

    • Lingering in parking areas is prohibited.
    • Parking outside of designated assigned parking is discouraged (i.e., parking along a roadway instead of the parking lot) unless it facilitates social distancing in order to provide access to the open space where otherwise designated parking is not available and is legal to do so.
    • Illegally parked cars will be ticketed and may be towed.
    • Ridesharing/carpooling to outdoor recreational activities with out-of-household members is strongly discouraged.

    While mountain biking or cycling cyclists should;

    • practice social distancing at all times based upon recommendation of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) and the CDC. 
    • Cyclists should ride only in groups from the same household, and groups should be no larger than 10 people
    • Cyclists should not gather in groups or loiter at any time.
    • When encountering other trail users, cyclists should maintain recommended social distancing by stopping and moving off the trail as to maintain proper distance. If unable to do so, cyclists should wear appropriate face covering. 
    • Cyclists should be prepared with a face covering or mask where social distancing cannot be achieved. 
    • Cyclists must consider the likelihood of being attended to by an emergency or essential worker due to injury or an unforeseen circumstance.  
    • Gatherings such as sanctioned group rides, sanctioned trail work, or races should be prohibited until such time as social distancing protocols have been lifted by the MDPH or guidelines have been placed on approved gathering size.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Parks, Open Space, Outdoor Education Programs

    5/28/2020 (Permalink)

    As we head into the summer months and the weather continues to warm it will become increasingly enticing to break free from the confines of our homes and venture into the great outdoors! However, the unfortunately reality is that until a treatment or vaccine for COVID-19 is available, life will not return to normal. We each have a collective responsibility to ensure that when we do choose to out we do so with the safety of ourselves and others around us. Remaining vigilant, following public health directives and using common sense to protect yourself, your family, your neighbors, and vulnerable populations across the Commonwealth is the best way to mitigate against the potential spread of COVID-19.

    The state of Massachusetts has provided guidelines to follow as we once again explore the outside world. 

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    The Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA) has provided guidelines to follow for all visitors to parks and any open spaces. According to the Massachusetts EOEEA all visitors over the age of 2 to parks and open space, as well as those participating in outdoor education programs should wear a face covering or mask when they cannot maintain 6 feet of distance between themselves and others. Groups larger than 10 are not allowed to gather together. Allowable activities in parks and open spaces and other designated areas such as rail trails, multi-use paths, and bike paths are;

    • Walking
    • Hiking
    • Biking
    • Running 
    • Yoga, Tai Chi, etc.

    Visitors should always practice CDC social distancing standards by remaining 6 feet away from others as well as  adhering to all site-specific rules, regulations, and posted signage regarding permitted uses. When on trails, walker and hikers should move aside and leave room for others to pass, and cyclists and runners should alert other users when approaching and wait for others to step aside before passing. Remember to always wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after visiting public spaces.

    Athletic fields and athletic courts can be utilized only for non-contact sports, with no shared equipment. Visitors should not engage in any type of pick-up games, organized games or tournaments.

    Athletic Fields Guidelines:

    • Users should sanitize hands before and after play, not share equipment, and clean and wipe down equipment.
    • When engaged in play, users should avoid touching other users’ equipment in separate areas.
    • Users waiting to utilize a section or area of the field should wait outside the field of play until previous users have vacated the facility to ensure proper social distancing and prevent accidental contact of other users’ equipment.

    Athletic Courts (Non-Contact) Guidelines:

    • Users should sanitize hands before and after play, not share equipment and clean and wipe down equipment, including racquets, balls, and water bottles.
    • Users waiting to utilize a court should wait outside the court’s gates/fence until previous users have vacated the facility to ensure proper social distancing and prevent accidental contact of other users’ equipment.

    Picnic Areas and Grills

    Picnic and grill areas should be closed if social distancing cannot be maintained and sanitizing protocols cannot be performed between use.

    The availability of trash disposal receptacles and restrooms facilities will be at the discretion of local municipalities. As such, visitors of public parks, reservations, and open spaces should expect limited or no trash disposal receptacles. When visiting public properties without trash receptacles, visitors should adhere to a strict “carry in, carry out” policy and take waste with them. When access to public restrooms has been granted users should abide by CDC social distancing standards for bathroom lines and follow any established visual guidelines for maintaining a 6 ft distance in all restroom facilities. Users must wash or sanitize their hands when finished.

    Dog Walking

    When permissible dog walkers should adhere to the following guidelines.

    • All dog walkers and their dogs should practice social distancing, and users should provide appropriate space for others and/or their dogs to pass when necessary.
    • Social distancing for dogs means that dogs not part of the same household should be kept at least six feet apart and avoid interacting with other dogs and other people from separate households. 
    • Dog walkers should not share toys, treats, or other materials with dogs that are not within the same household.
    • Dog walkers should supply their own bags associated with dog waste in the event there are none available on site and remove dog and other waste and dispose of it either in a designated receptacle onsite or at another appropriate location.
    • Dog walkers should supply their own water and other needs for their pets in the event there are none available onsite.
    • All users of dog parks and their dogs should practice social distancing of at least six or more feet.
    • All visitors of dog parks should maintain enough control over their pets via leash or voice control to comply with social distancing guidelines and site-specific rules and regulations.
    • Dog park amenities, including shared water dishes, toys, and other materials, should not be used by dogs or handled by visitors.
    • Visitors of dog parks should supply their own bags associated with dog waste in the event there are none available onsite and take dog waste with them if designated trash receptacles are not available for normal use. 

    Community Gardens

    Those who choose to visit community gardens should, in addition to following social distancing guidelines,  avoid utilizing communal tools, hoses, and other equipment, and avoid the sharing of personal equipment whenever possible. Additionally, users are responsible for sanitizing items before and after each use. When social distancing guideline can not be followed visitors should only visit and utilize plots with members of their same household. 

    Organized Educational Programs

    Organized educational programs, activities and outdoor public art installations may occur in outdoor spaces during Phase 1 only if the program does not require individual participants to share equipment or make physical contact in order to engage in the activity, subject to the following guidelines.

    • To allow for adequate social distancing for the activity, as well as ingress and egress, the layout of the class should be managed to accommodate a minimum of 12 ft distance between each individual activity station.
    • Facial coverings are required, and instructor and participants must always comply with all social distancing requirements and remain 6 ft apart. Programs must be conducted without shared equipment, tools or materials
    • Activities must be limited to gatherings of no more than 10, including instructor or leader.
    • Organizers must use a pre-registration process to ensure group size.
    • Instructors must be familiar with all protocols and procedures to maintain a safe activity, e.g. monitoring physical distancing, not allowing participants without facial coverings, disinfecting tables before and after use in accordance with CDC guidelines.
    • Temporary signage will be posted to inform the public of public health guidelines and standards of behavior during program
    • If using outdoor displays or tables when possible add protective barriers and disinfect before and after use.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Standards To Be Met

    5/27/2020 (Permalink)

    We are in the middle of week two of Phase 1 of Governor Baker's plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts for businesses. If you have any uncertainty as to when your business is cleared to reopen visit the state of Massachusetts list of businesses and industries. Keep in mind that the list is not an exhaustive list of all possible businesses that can open in each phase; and it may be updated from time to time. Remember, in order to reopen, business must meet the Department of Public Health (DPH) and the COVID-19 Command Center's new Mandatory Workplace Safety Standards in consultation with the Reopening Advisory Board. These new standards will apply universally to all workplaces that are open in Phase 1, and are designed to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission to employees and customers during the first phase of reopening, and are applicable to all sectors and industries. The following is an overview of;

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    Social Distancing

    • All persons, including employees, customers, and vendors should remain at least six feet apart to the greatest extent possible, both inside and outside workplaces
    • Establish protocols to ensure that employees can practice adequate social distancing
    • Provide signage for safe social distancing
    • Require face coverings or masks for all employees

    Hygiene Protocols

    • Provide hand washing capabilities throughout the workplace
    • Ensure frequent hand washing by employees and adequate supplies to do so
    • Provide regular sanitization of high touch areas, such as workstations, equipment, screens, doorknobs, restrooms throughout work site

    Staffing and Operations

    • Provide training for employees regarding the social distancing and hygiene protocols
    • Employees who are displaying COVID19-like symptoms do not report to work
    • Establish a plan for employees getting ill from Covid-19 at work, and a return-to-work plan.

    Cleaning and Disinfecting

    • Establish and maintain cleaning protocols specific to the business
    • When an active employee is diagnosed with COVID19, cleaning and disinfecting must be performed
    • Disinfection of all common surfaces must take place at intervals appropriate to said workplace

    Sector Specific Safety Protocols and Best Practices

    Mandatory safety protocols and recommended best practices for sectors that are eligible to open in Phase 1. Additional sector guidance for future phases will be issued at a later date. Businesses operating to provide Essential Services, as defined in the Governor's March 23, 2020 Executive Order, updated on March 31, April 28 and May 15, may remain open and have until May 25, 2020 to comply with their industry’s sector-specific protocols (if applicable).

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Preparing For Shortages

    5/26/2020 (Permalink)

    As the state of Massachusetts continues to slowly reopen for business it is important to prepare for potential shortages for PPE such as masks, shields, and hand sanitizers. We have already experiences shortages of these essential items. As demand increases, it stands to reason that these shortages will remain and most likely increase. In order for the Commonwealth to continue reopen it is imperative for businesses to be prepared for this inevitable reality and to have alternative solutions in place. 

    Here are three DIY solutions that can be used to combat potential shortages or supply chain break downs.

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).


    We are all aware that N-95 respirators (the CDC-recommended masks) have been in short supply for months. Already, the PPE supply has become such a crisis that some of us are turning to social media to ask for hand-sewn surgical masks. While these masks are not as effective as N-95 masks the CDC considers similar alternatives such as a bandana or scarf as a last resort.

    The following is a link to an easy to follow DIY video from Time Magazine explaining how to make a face mask for coronavirus.

    Hand sanitizer 

    According to the CDC washing your hands vigorously with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is the best defense against the spread of infectious diseases like coronavirus. The second best, especially for those situations when you washing your hands is not an option, is using a hand sanitizer. Businesses wanting to create a safe environment for their most valued assets, their employees and customers, are sure to be stocking up on this liquid gold.

    Here is a link to an easy to follow DIY how to make your own hand sanitizer video from WCVB Boston. When making your own sanitizer remember that according to the CDC the alcohol content must be at least 60 percent.


    The notion that you can get the virus through your eyes isn't new, but it has been little discussed compared with the risk of infection through the nose and mouth. The CDC says that while the nose and mouth are the main avenues by which someone catches the coronavirus, "it may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes."

    Face shields have long been required equipment for many procedures in hospitals. Doctors and nurses wear them when intubating Covid-19 patients and during surgeries that may cause blood and bone fragments to fly out. Face shields can be resterilized and cleaned easily with a simple alcohol wipe or rinse with soap and hot water and can be reused as long as there are no cracks. Some experts suggest the use of both masks and shields. In Singapore, preschool students and their teachers will be provided with face shields when hey return to school. Similar recommendations are being made in the state of Philadelphia and California. 

    Here is a link to an easy to follow DIY how to make your own face shield video from Doctor George Yang. 

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 1 Caring For Our Infants and Toddlers

    5/21/2020 (Permalink)

    As residents of the Commonwealth begin to head back to work the need for safe child care is paramount. Governor Baker has also shed additional light on the importance of safe daycare services as residents of Massachusetts return to work. 

    The following steps are recommended by the CDC to when caring for infants and toddlers in the child care industry.

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCEPAFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).


    When diapering a child, wash your hands and wash the child’s hands before you begin, and wear gloves. Follow safe diaper changing procedures. Procedures should be posted in all diaper changing areas. Steps include:

    • Prepare (includes putting on gloves)
    • Clean the child
    • Remove trash (soiled diaper and wipes)
    • Replace diaper
    • Wash child’s hands
    • Clean up diapering station
    • Wash hands

    After diapering, wash your hands (even if you were wearing gloves) and disinfect the diapering area with a fragrance-free bleach that is EPA-registered as a sanitizing or disinfecting solution. If other products are used for sanitizing or disinfecting, they should also be fragrance-free and EPA-registered. If the surface is dirty, it should be cleaned with detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.

    If reusable cloth diapers are used, they should not be rinsed or cleaned in the facility. The soiled cloth diaper and its contents (without emptying or rinsing) should be placed in a plastic bag or into a plastic-lined, hands-free covered diaper pail to give to parents/guardians or laundry service.

    Washing, feeding, or holding a child

    It is important to comfort crying, sad, and/or anxious infants and toddlers, and they often need to be held. To the extent possible, when washing, feeding, or holding very young children: Child care providers can protect themselves by wearing an over-large button-down, long sleeved shirt and by wearing long hair up off the collar in a ponytail or other updo.

    • Child care providers should wash their hands, neck, and anywhere touched by a child’s secretions.
    • Child care providers should change the child’s clothes if secretions are on the child’s clothes. They should change the button-down shirt, if there are secretions on it, and wash their hands again.
    • Contaminated clothes should be placed in a plastic bag or washed in a washing machine.
    • Infants, toddlers, and their providers should have multiple changes of clothes on hand in the child care center or home-based child care.
    • Child care providers should wash their hands before and after handling infant bottles prepared at home or prepared in the facility. Bottles, bottle caps, nipples, and other equipment used for bottle-feeding should be thoroughly cleaned after each use by washing in a dishwasher or by washing with a bottlebrush, soap, and water.

    Healthy hand hygiene behavior

    • All children, staff, and volunteers should engage in hand hygiene at the following times:
      • Arrival to the facility and after breaks
      • Before and after preparing food or drinks
      • Before and after eating or handling food, or feeding children
      • Before and after administering medication or medical ointment
      • Before and after diapering
      • After using the toilet or helping a child use the bathroom
      • After coming in contact with bodily fluid
      • After handling animals or cleaning up animal waste
      • After playing outdoors or in sand
      • After handling garbage
    • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If hands are not visibly dirty, alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol can be used if soap and water are not readily available.
    • Supervise children when they use hand sanitizer to prevent ingestion.
    • Assist children with handwashing, including infants who cannot wash hands alone.
      • After assisting children with handwashing, staff should also wash their hands.
    • Place posters describing handwashing steps near sinks. Developmentally appropriate posters in multiple languages are available from CDC.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCEPAFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 1 Caring For Our Children

    5/20/2020 (Permalink)

    As residents of the Commonwealth begin to head back to work the need for safe child care is paramount. Governor Baker has also shed additional light on the importance of safe daycare services as residents of Massachusetts return to work. 

    The following steps are recommended by the CDC to effectively clean and disinfect in the child care industry.

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDCFDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    Clean and Disinfect

    According to the CDC Caring for Our Children (CFOC) provides national standards for cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection of educational facilities for children. Toys that can be put in the mouth should be cleaned and sanitized (see below). Other hard surfaces, including diaper changing stations, door knobs, and floors can be disinfected.

    Intensify cleaning and disinfection efforts:

    • Facilities should develop a schedule for cleaning and disinfecting. An example can be found here.
    • Routinely clean, sanitize, and disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently touched, especially toys and games. This may also include cleaning objects/surfaces not ordinarily cleaned daily such as doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, countertops, nap pads, toilet training potties, desks, chairs, cubbies, and playground structures. Use the cleaners typically used at your facility. Guidance is available for the selection of appropriate sanitizers or disinfectants for child care settings.
    • Use all cleaning products according to the directions on the label. For disinfection, most common EPA-registered, fragrance-free household disinfectants should be effective. A list of products that are EPA-approved for use against the virus that causes COVID-19 is available here. If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for concentration, application method, and contact time for all cleaning and disinfection products.
    • If possible, provide EPA-registered disposable wipes to child care providers and other staff members so that commonly used surfaces such as keyboards, desks, and remote controls can be wiped down before use. If wipes are not available, please refer to CDC’s guidance on disinfection for community settings.
    • All cleaning materials should be kept secure and out of reach of children.
    • Cleaning products should not be used near children, and staff should ensure that there is adequate ventilation when using these products to prevent children from inhaling toxic fumes.

    Clean and Sanitize Toys

    • Toys that cannot be cleaned and sanitized should not be used.
    • Toys that children have placed in their mouths or that are otherwise contaminated by body secretions or excretions should be set aside until they are cleaned by hand by a person wearing gloves. Clean with water and detergent, rinse, sanitize with an EPA-registered disinfectant, rinse again, and air-dry. You may also clean in a mechanical dishwasher. Be mindful of items more likely to be placed in a child’s mouth, like play food, dishes, and utensils.
    • Machine washable cloth toys should be used by one individual at a time or should not be used at all. These toys should be laundered before being used by another child.
    • Do not share toys with other groups of infants or toddlers, unless they are washed and sanitized before being moved from one group to the other.
    • Set aside toys that need to be cleaned. Place in a dish pan with soapy water or put in a separate container marked for “soiled toys.” Keep dish pan and water out of reach from children to prevent risk of drowning. Washing with soapy water is the ideal method for cleaning. Try to have enough toys so that the toys can be rotated through cleanings.
    • Children’s books, like other paper-based materials such as mail or envelopes, are not considered a high risk for transmission and do not need additional cleaning or disinfection procedures.

    Clean and Disinfect Bedding

    • Use bedding (sheets, pillows, blankets, sleeping bags) that can be washed. Keep each child’s bedding separate, and consider storing in individually labeled bins, cubbies, or bags. Cots and mats should be labeled for each child. Bedding that touches a child’s skin should be cleaned weekly or before use by another child.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Phase 1

    5/19/2020 (Permalink)

    After being shut down for more than two months, yesterday, Governor Charlie Baker presented his long awaited response to reopening the state of Massachusetts. Manufacturing and construction businesses can reopen immediately. Places like offices, hair salons and car washes can reopen next Monday ONLY IF those businesses meet a series of state-mandated health and safety requirements. The pace of Massachusetts' phased-in reopening plan will be determined by six public health metrics. Baker said each phase of the reopening plan will last "at least three weeks," but that the timeline could change depending on how those metrics trend.

    (See our "Planning to Reopen series of blogs for more information regarding CDC, FDA, and OSHA safety requirements). To review the administration's reopening guidance from the state click here. To view Governor Baker's full report click here).

    Governor Baker also shed additional light on the importance of safe daycare services as employees return to work. Screening is an important component of any well rounded plan to open safely. The following are CDC approved examples aimed to help Child Care services implement the necessary levels of screening. 

    (As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.)

    CDC Examples of screening methods - social distancing

    • Ask parents/guardians to take their child’s temperature either before coming to the facility or upon arrival at the facility. Upon their arrival, stand at least 6 feet away from the parent/guardian and child.
    • Ask the parent/guardian to confirm that the child does not have fever, shortness of breath or cough.
    • Make a visual inspection of the child for signs of illness which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity), fatigue, or extreme fussiness.

    According to the CDC, you do not need to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) if you can maintain a distance of 6 feet.

    CDC Examples of screening methods - barrier/partition controls

    • Stand behind a physical barrier, such as a glass or plastic window or partition that can serve to protect the staff member’s face and mucous membranes from respiratory droplets that may be produced if the child being screened sneezes, coughs, or talks.
    • Make a visual inspection of the child for signs of illness, which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity), fatigue, or extreme fussiness.
    • Conduct temperature screening (follow steps below)
      • Perform hand hygiene
      • Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
    • Put on disposable gloves.
    • Check the child’s temperature, reaching around the partition or through the window.
    • Make sure your face stays behind the barrier at all times during the screening.
    • When performing a temperature check on multiple individuals, ensure that you use a clean pair of gloves for each child and that the thermometer has been thoroughly cleaned in between each check.
    • If you use disposable or non-contact (temporal) thermometers and you did not have physical contact with the child, you do not need to change gloves before the next check.
    • If you use non-contact thermometers, clean them with an alcohol wipe (or isopropyl alcohol on a cotton swab) between each client. You can reuse the same wipe as long as it remains wet.

    CDC Examples of screening methods - personal protective equipment

    If social distancing or barrier/partition controls cannot be implemented during screening, personal protective equipment (PPE) can be used when within 6 feet of a child.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Reliance on PPE alone is a less effective control and more difficult to implement given training requirements and potential PPE shortages.

    • Upon arrival, wash your hands and put on a facemask, eye protection (goggles or disposable face shield that fully covers the front and sides of the face), and a single pair of disposable gloves. A gown could be considered if extensive contact with a child is anticipated.
    • Make a visual inspection of the child for signs of illness, which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity), fatigue, or extreme fussiness, and confirm that the child is not experiencing coughing or shortness of breath.
    • Take the child’s temperature.
      • When performing a temperature check on multiple individuals, ensure that you use a clean pair of gloves for each child and that the thermometer has been thoroughly cleaned in between each check.
      • If you use disposable or non-contact (temporal) thermometers and did not have physical contact with an individual, you do not need to change gloves before the next check.
      • If you use non-contact thermometers, clean them with an alcohol wipe (or isopropyl alcohol on a cotton swab) between each client. You can reuse the same wipe as long as it remains wet.
    • After each screening, remove and discard PPE, and wash hands.
    • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol or wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
    • If hands are visibly soiled, soap and water should be used before using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
    • If your staff does not have experience in using PPE:
      • Check to see if your facility has guidance on how to don and doff PPE. The procedure to don and doff should be tailored to the specific type of PPE that you have available at your facility.
      • Follow the CDC recommended sequences for applying and removing PPE.  

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Child Care, Steps To Take

    5/18/2020 (Permalink)

    Governor Charlie Baker will be announcing the first phase of his plan to reopen the state of Massachusetts today. As residents of the Commonwealth head back to work the need for safe child care is paramount. The following steps are recommended by the CDC to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19 an to ensure the safety of children, parents and employees.

    As always, work with your local health officials to determine a set of strategies appropriate for your community’s situation.

    6 steps to take

    In order to ensure the safety of children, parents and employees during the COVID-19 pandemic child care programs should take these necessary steps:

    Social distancing strategies

    • If possible, child care classes should include the same group each day, and the same child care providers should remain with the same group each day. If possible consider creating a separate classroom or group for the children of healthcare workers and other first responders. 
    • Cancel or postpone special events such as festivals, holiday events, and special performances.
    • Consider whether to alter or halt daily group activities that may promote transmission.
      • Keep each group of children in a separate room.
      • Limit the mixing of children, such as staggering playground times and keeping groups separate for special activities such as art, music, and exercising.
      • If possible, at nap time, ensure that children’s naptime mats (or cribs) are spaced out as much as possible, ideally 6 feet apart. Consider placing children head to toe in order to further reduce the potential for viral spread.
    • Consider staggering arrival and drop off times and/or have child care providers come outside the facility to pick up the children as they arrive. Your plan for curb side drop off and pick up should limit direct contact between parents and staff members and adhere to social distancing recommendations.
    • If possible, arrange for administrative staff to telework from their homes.

    Parent drop-off and pick-up

    • Hand hygiene stations should be set up at the entrance of the facility, so anyone entering can clean their hands before they enter. Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol next to parent sign-in sheets. Keep hand sanitizer out of children’s reach and supervise use. If possible, place sign-in stations outside, and provide sanitary wipes for cleaning pens between each use.
    • Consider staggering arrival and drop off times and plan to limit direct contact with parents as much as possible.
      • Have child care providers greet children outside as they arrive.
      • Designate a parent to be the drop off/pick up volunteer to walk all children to their classroom, and at the end of the day, walk all children back to their cars.
      • Infants could be transported in their car seats. Store car seat out of children’s reach.
    • Ideally, the same parent or designated person should drop off and pick up the child every day. If possible, older people such as grandparents or those with serious underlying medical conditions should not pick up children, because they are more at risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

    Clean and disinfect

    Caring for Our Children (CFOC) provides national standards for cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection of educational facilities for children. Toys that can be put in the mouth should be cleaned and sanitized. Other hard surfaces, including diaper changing stations, door knobs, and floors can be disinfected.

    The CDC recommends considerations to take to intensify cleaning and disinfection efforts:

    • Create a schedule
    • Ensure cleaning supplies are kept out of the reach of the children
    • Sanitize Toys
    • Clean and disinfect bedding

    Screen children upon arrival 

    Persons who have a fever of 100.40 (38.00C) or above or other signs of illness should not be admitted to the facility. Encourage parents to be on the alert for signs of illness in their children and to keep them home when they are sick. Screen children upon arrival, if possible.

    There are several methods that facilities can use to protect their workers while conducting temperature screenings. The most protective methods incorporate social distancing (maintaining a distance of 6 feet from others) or physical barriers to eliminate or minimize exposures due to close contact to a child who has symptoms during screening.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Child Care, Preparedness and Planning

    5/15/2020 (Permalink)

    During his Thursday press conference Governor Charlie Baker set new targets for the expansion of coronavirus testing capacity in Massachusetts but fell short of calling for universal testing as part of the plan. He still did not shed any light on which industries will be "green lighted" come Monday. What we do know is that schools will not be. So, as we head back to work the need for safe child care options are paramount. 

    To help our communities ramp up their ability to meet these growing needs we will be focusing on guidelines for safely opening child care programs.

    General Preparedness and Planning

    According to the CDC, no matter the level of transmission in a community, every child care program should have a plan in place to protect staff, children, and their families from the spread of COVID-19. As you think about how your facility will deal with the impact of COVID-19, it is important to work with your local health officials, school districts, child care licensing boards/bodies, child care accreditation bodies, health consultants, and other community partners to determine the most appropriate plan and action. 

    Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

    Plan ahead to ensure adequate supplies to support hand hygiene behaviors and routine cleaning of objects and surfaces. If you have difficulty in obtaining these supplies, please contact your local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) Agency to learn more about service organizations in your community who may have additional resources. Your local CCR&R Agency can be found under “Resources” at Child Care Aware of America.

    Encourage staff to take everyday preventive actions to prevent the spread of respiratory illness.

    • Wash hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
    • Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
    • Remember to supervise young children when they use hand sanitizer to prevent swallowing alcohol.
    • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
    • Cover cough and sneezes.
    • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering when you have to go out in public.
    • Cloth face coverings should NOT be put on babies and children under age two because of the danger of suffocation.

    Require sick children and staff to stay home

    No matter the symptoms or their severity these difficult times require a steadfast and unwavering response to potential contagion. Evidence suggests that COVID-19 manifests itself differently case-by-case therefore extreme caution must be taken in any case of potential illness. This will require educating your staff and clientele. Unfortunately, this may also necessitate the refusal of admission to those, staff and clients, showing signs of illness.

    • Communicate to parents the importance of keeping children home when they are sick.
    • Communicate to staff the importance of being vigilant for symptoms and staying in touch with facility management if or when they start to feel sick.
    • Establish procedures to ensure children and staff who come to the child care center sick or become sick while at your facility are sent home as soon as possible.
    • Keep sick children and staff separate from well children and staff until they can be sent home.
    • Sick staff members should not return to work until they have met the criteria to discontinue home isolation.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Transit Stations

    5/14/2020 (Permalink)

    This is the ninth installment in a series of blogs that we hope will help our communities begin to prepare for the state of Massachusetts to reopen. During his Wednesday press conference Governor Charlie Baker said he expects to announce a decision on whether to extend or lift the current stay-at-home advisory on Monday. While any change in the stay-at-home advisory  remains uncertain it is important to continue our preparations for reopening the Commonwealth.

    To get a head of the curve the following is the CDC's industry specific best practices for reopening Transit Stations.   

    What to know

    For transit station workers, potential sources of exposure include having close contact with a transit passenger with COVID-19, by touching surfaces contaminated with coronavirus, or by touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. The CDC's understanding of how the virus spreads is evolving. Most evidence shows that the virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person:

    • Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
    • Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.

    How to protect transit workers

    • Limit close contact with others by maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet, when possible.
    • Avoid touching surfaces often touched by transit passengers.
    • Practice routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces, following the directions on the cleaning product’s label.
    • Use gloves if required to touch surfaces contaminated by body fluids.
    • Proper hand hygiene is an important infection control measure. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
    • Key times to clean hands in general include:
      • Before, during, and after preparing food
      • Before eating food
      • After using the toilet
      • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
    • Additional times to clean hands on the job include:
      • Before and after work shifts
      • Before and after work breaks
      • After touching frequently touched surfaces
      • After putting on, touching, or removing cloth face coverings
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.

    What to clean 

    Perform routine cleaning and disinfection of all frequently touched non-porous surfaces within the transit station on a daily basis. These include kiosks, ticket machines, turnstiles, benches, handrails, garbage cans, door handles, payphones, restroom surfaces (e.g., faucets, toilets, counters), elevator buttons, and system maps. If the surfaces are visibly dirty, they should be cleaned prior to disinfectant application. For soft or porous surfaces, remove any visible contamination if present and clean with appropriate cleansers indicated for use on these surfaces.

    Appropriate disinfectants include

    • EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products for Use Against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, are expected to be effective against COVID-19 based on data for harder to kill viruses. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products (e.g., concentration, application method, and contact time). A list of products with EPA-approved emerging viral pathogens claims is available at: Approved Disinfectants
    • Diluted household bleach solutions prepared according to the manufacturers label for disinfection can be used if appropriate for the surface. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper ventilation. Check to ensure the product is not past its expiration date. Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser. Unexpired household bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted.
    • Alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol.

    It is important to remember to wear the personal protective equipment (PPE) required for using the cleaning and disinfection products according to the product manufacturer’s instructions. Also, after removing PPE, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Work uniforms worn during cleaning and disinfecting should be laundered afterwards. When possible, launder items using the warmest appropriate water setting for the items and dry items completely. Once again, clean your hands after handling laundry by washing your hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDCFDAOSHA and the Governor's office to follow as we prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Food Services

    5/13/2020 (Permalink)

    This is the eighth installment in a series of blogs that we hope will help our communities begin to prepare for the state of Massachusetts to reopen.

    Tuesday, during his press conference, Governor Baker seemed determined not to reveal any new information about what specific types of businesses might be allowed to reopen first. As it stands, next Monday the Reopening Advisory Board will present its full report. At that time we will learn which activities and industries are deemed to be safe to resume in each phase. Included will be protocols for how different industries should operate to ensure public safety.

    To get a head of the curve the following is the FDA's industry specific best practices for Retail Food Stores, Restaurants, and Food Pick-Up/Delivery Services. 

    Managing Employee Health

    • Instruct employees with symptoms associated with COVID-19 to report them to their supervisors. Instruct sick employees to stay home and to follow the CDC’s What to do if you are sick with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Consult with the local health department for additional guidance. 
    • If an employee is sick at work, send them home immediately. Clean and disinfect surfaces in their workspace. Others at the facility with close contact (i.e., within 6 feet) of the employee during this time should be considered exposed.  
    • Instruct employees who are well, but know they have been exposed to COVID-19, to notify their supervisor and follow CDC-recommended precautions (see below).
    • Inform fellow employees of their possible exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace, if an employee is confirmed to have COVID-19, while maintaining confidentiality.
    • Implement workplace controls to reduce transmission among employees, such as those described below which can be found in the CDC's Guidance for Implementing Safety Practices for workers who may have had exposure to a person thought or known to have COVID-19.
      • Employers - Pre-screen (e.g., take temperature and assess symptoms prior to starting work).
      • Employers - Disinfect and clean work spaces and equipment, and consider more frequent cleaning of high touch surfaces.
      • Employees - Regularly self-monitor (e.g., take temperature and assess symptoms of coronavirus).
      • Employees - Wear a mask or face covering.
      • Employees - Practice social distancing and stay at least 6 feet from other people whenever possible.
    • For additional information when employees may have been exposed to COVID-19, refer to CDC’s Guidance for Implementing Safety Practices for workers who may have had exposure to a person thought or known to have COVID-19.
    • For additional information on employee health and hygiene and recommendations to help prevent worker transmission of foodborne illness, refer to FDA’s Employee Health and Personal Hygiene Handbook.
      • If FDA recommendations differ from CDC’s regarding employee health and COVID-19, follow CDC.
    • For returning previously sick employees to work, refer to CDC's Guidance for Discontinuation of Home Isolation for persons with COVID-19.
    • Follow CDC and FDA information on PPE (i.e., gloves, face masks/coverings, and protective gear).
    • Understand risk at the workplace — use OSHA’s Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19.
    • Frequently review the CDCFDA and OSHA websites for updates to their guidelines.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDC, FDA, OSHA and the Governor's office to follow to prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - 4 Phased Approach

    5/12/2020 (Permalink)

    This is the seventh installment in a series of blogs that we hope will help our communities begin to prepare for the state of Massachusetts to reopen. Yesterday, Governor Baker revealed his 4-stage approach to reopening the state's economy in a COVID-19 world.


    1. Start - "We're looking at industries that are more naturally set up to have little face-to-face interactions and workplaces that are better able to manage face-to-face customer interactions with certain conditions."
    2. Cautious - "We plan to have more industries with more face-to-face interactions resume operations, again with conditions."
    3. Vigilant - "Where we can allow for loosening of some of the restrictions from the earlier phases if, in fact, the public health data continues to conform to the terms we're all pursuing."
    4. New Normal - "We all know life will be different but as the medical and life sciences communities make progress in developing treatments or vaccines, we can really begin to put this virus into the rear-view mirror."

    Reopening the state of Massachusetts requires all of us to move forward together using recommended best practices and maintaining safe daily habits in order to reduce our risk of exposure to COVID-19. Here are some important reminders from the CDC to follow to ensure we continue to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 within the Commonwealth.

    Maintain safe behavioral practices

    We have all had to make significant behavioral changes to reduce the spread of COVID-19. To reopen Massachusetts, we will need to continue these practices:

    • social distancing (specifically, staying 6 feet away from others when you must go into a shared space)
    • frequently washing hands or use alcohol-based (at least 60% alcohol) hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available
    • wearing cloth face coverings
    • avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth
    • staying home when sick
    • cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces

    It’s important to continue to follow federal, state, and local guidance for reopening Massachusetts. Check this resource for updates on COVID-19. This will help you change your plan when situations are updated.

    Consider practices that reduce the potential for exposure

    It is also essential to change the ways we use public spaces to work, live, and play. We should continue thinking about our safety and the safety of others.

    To reduce your exposure to or the risk of spreading COVID-19 after reopening your business or facility, consider whether you need to touch certain surfaces or materials. Consider wiping public surfaces before and after you touch them. These types of behavioral adjustments can help reduce the spread of COVID-19. There are other resources for more information on COVID-19 and how to Prevent Getting Sick.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDC to follow to prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Implementation

    5/8/2020 (Permalink)

    This is the sixth installment in a series of blogs that we hope will help our communities begin to prepare for the state of Massachusetts to reopen. Please keep in mind the purpose of these CDC  guidelines are to serve as a foundation for your planning.

    Implement your plan

    Once you have a plan, it’s time to take action. Read all manufacturer’s instructions for the cleaning and disinfection products you will use. Put on your gloves and other required personal protective equipment (PPE) to begin the process of cleaning and disinfecting.

    Clean visibly dirty surfaces with soap and water

    The CDC recommends that you clean surfaces and objects using soap and water prior to disinfection. Always wear gloves appropriate for the chemicals being used for routine cleaning and disinfecting. Follow the directions on the disinfectant label for additional PPE needs. When you finish cleaning, remember to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.

    Clean or launder soft and porous materials like seating in an office or coffee shop, area rugs, and carpets. Launder items according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using the warmest temperature setting possible and dry items completely.

    Use appropriate cleaning or disinfectant products

    The EPA has approved cleaning and disinfectant products that when applied according to the manufacturer’s label, are effective for use against COVID-19. Follow the instructions on the label for all cleaning and disinfection products for concentration, dilution, application method, contact time and any other special considerations when applying.

    Follow the directions on the label

    Follow the instructions on the label to ensure safe and effective use of the product. Many product labels recommend keeping the surface wet for a specific amount of time. The label will also list precautions such as wearing gloves and making sure you have good ventilation during use of the product. Keep all disinfectants out of the reach of children.

    Maintain and revise your plan

    This is the most essential step to take to ensure that we open the Commonwealth safely. Continue to update your plan based on updated guidance and your current circumstances. No plan is perfect and many times we forget things during the planning process. Make certain that if steps or items to be cleaned or disinfected are found to have been accidentally omitted from the pan that they are included to the plan as soon as they are discovered. Do not assume that, "we will remember the changes." Also, update the plans for any changes to the workplace. Additionally, your plan will need to be updated should your first choice of cleaner/disinfectant is in short supply or becomes no longer available. 

    Continue to take steps to reduce your risk of exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19 during daily activities. Do not loose sight of the need for routine cleaning and disinfecting as they are an equally important part of reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Remember, the "frequency of use" will dictate the levels of cleaning and disinfecting that will be necessary to ensure a safe environment for your employees and customers. For example, certain surfaces and objects in public spaces, such as shopping carts and point of sale keypads, should be cleaned and disinfected before each use.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDC to follow to prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Identify What Needs To Be Disinfected

    5/7/2020 (Permalink)

    This is the fifth installment in a series of blogs that we hope will help our communities begin to prepare for the state of Massachusetts to reopen. Please keep in mind the purpose of these CDC  guidelines are to serve as a foundation for your planning.

    Determine what needs to be disinfected

    Following your normal routine cleaning, you can disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects using a product from EPA’s list of approved products that are effective against  COVID-19.  It is important to make sure that the appropriate disinfectants are used.

    Disinfecting hard and non-porous materials 

    Some examples:

    • Glass
    • Metal
    • Plastic

    Cross reference the list of approved products to  determine the most appropriate disinfectant for the surface or object to be cleaned. Pay special attention to the personal protective equipment (PPE) that may be needed to safely apply the disinfectant as well as the manufacturer’s recommendations concerning any additional hazards. Remember to keep all disinfectants out of the reach of children. Please visit CDC’s website on How to Clean and Disinfect for additional details and warnings.

    According to the CDC frequently touched surfaces and objects will require routine disinfection. Some examples are:

    • tables and countertops
    • doorknobs and handles
    • light switches
    • desks
    • phones
    • keyboards
    • toilets, faucets and sinks
    • gas pump handles
    • touch screens and pens
    • ATM and Credit Card machines

    Disinfecting soft and porous material, carpet, rugs, or seating areas

    Soft and porous materials are generally not as easy to disinfect as hard and non-porous surfaces. The EPA has also approved a limited list of products for disinfection of soft and porous materials. The CDC recommends that soft and porous materials which are not frequently touched should only be cleaned or laundered, following the directions on the item’s label, using the warmest appropriate water setting. Find more information on CDC’s website on Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility for developing strategies for dealing with soft and porous materials.

    Each business or facility will have different surfaces and objects that are frequently touched by multiple people. For example the CDC has provided specific guidance for transit stations. To view the CDC's cleaning and disinfection guidance for transit stations click here.

    Consider the resources and equipment needed

    Keep in mind the availability of cleaning and disinfection products and appropriate PPE. Always wear gloves appropriate for the chemicals being used for cleaning and disinfecting. Follow the directions on the disinfectant label for additional PPE needs. In specific instances, personnel with specialized training and equipment may be required to apply certain disinfectants such as fumigants or fogs. For more information on appropriate PPE for cleaning and disinfection, see CDC’s website on Cleaning and Disinfection for Community Facilities.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDC to follow to prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Identify What Needs To Be Cleaned

    5/6/2020 (Permalink)

    This is the fourth installment in a series of blogs that we hope will help our communities begin to prepare for the state of Massachusetts to reopen. Please keep in mind the purpose of these CDC guidelines are to serve as a foundation for your planning. 

    Determine what needs to be cleaned

    According to the CDC some surfaces only need to be cleaned with soap and water. For example, surfaces and objects that are not frequently touched should be cleaned and do not require additional disinfection. Additionally, disinfectants should typically not be applied on items used by children, especially any items that children might put in their mouths. Many disinfectants are toxic when swallowed. In a household setting, cleaning toys and other items used by children with soap and water is usually sufficient. Find more information on cleaning and disinfection toys and other surfaces in the childcare program setting at CDC’s Guidance for Childcare Programs that Remain Open.

    These questions will help you decide which surfaces and objects will need normal routine cleaning.

    Outdoor Areas

    Generally, outdoor areas require normal routine cleaning and disinfection is not necessary. Spraying disinfectant on sidewalks and in parks is not an efficient use of disinfectant supplies and has not been proven to reduce the risk of COVID-19 to the public. You should maintain existing cleaning and hygiene practices for outdoor areas.Certain outdoor areas and facilities, such as bars and restaurants, may have additional requirements. More information can be found on FDA’s website on Food Safety and COVID-19.

    According to the CDC no evidence has been shown suggesting that the virus that causes COVID-19 can spread directly to humans from water in pools, hot tubs, spas, or water play areas. The CDC recommends proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (chlorine or bromine) of pools, hot tubs, spas, and water playgrounds to ensure safe usage. However, there are additional concerns with outdoor areas that may be maintained less frequently, including playgrounds, or other facilities located within local or state parks. For more information, visit CDC’s website on Visiting Parks & Recreational Facilities.

    The 7 Day Guidleine

    If your workplace, school, or business has been unoccupied for 7 days or more, it will only need your normal routine cleaning to reopen the area. This is because the virus that causes COVID-19 has not been shown to survive on surfaces longer than this time.

    Keep in mind that there are many public health considerations, not just COVID-19 related, when reopening public buildings and spaces that have been closed for extended periods. For example, take measures to ensure the safety of your building water system

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDC to follow to prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Developing A Plan

    5/5/2020 (Permalink)

    This is the third installment in a series of blogs that we hope will help our communities begin to prepare for the state of Massachusetts to reopen. Please keep in mind the purpose of these CDC guidelines are to serve as a foundation for your planning. 

    Developing Your Plan

    Evaluate your workplace, school, home, or business to determine what kinds of surfaces and materials make up that area. Most surfaces and objects will just need normal routine cleaning. Frequently touched surfaces and objects like light switches and doorknobs will need to be cleaned and then disinfected to further reduce the risk of germs on surfaces and objects.

    • First, clean the surface or object with soap and water.
    • Then, disinfect using an EPA-approved disinfect.
    • If an EPA-approved disinfectant is unavailable, you can use 1/3 cup of bleach added to 1 gallon of water, or 70% alcohol solutions to disinfect. Do not mix bleach or other cleaning and disinfection products together. Find additional information at CDC’s website on Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility.

    You should also consider what items can be moved or removed completely to reduce frequent handling or contact from multiple people. Soft and porous materials, such as area rugs and seating, may be removed or stored to reduce the challenges with cleaning and disinfecting them. Find additional reopening guidance for cleaning and disinfecting in the Reopening Decision Tool.

    It is critical that your plan includes how to maintain a cleaning and disinfecting strategy after reopening. Develop a flexible plan with your staff or family, adjusting the plan as federal, state, tribal, territorial, or local guidance is updated and if your specific circumstances change.

    Keep in mind, if you oversee staff in a workplace your plan should include considerations about the safety of custodial staff and other people who are carrying out the cleaning or disinfecting. These people are at increased risk of being exposed to the virus and to any toxic effects of the cleaning chemicals. Your plan should include training for the following;

    • Appropriate PPE for cleaning and disinfecting 
    • Cleaning of PPE and/or proper disposal if necessary
    • How to safely apply disinfectants
    • How to properly dispose of contaminated materials that can not be safely cleaned

    For more information on concerns related to cleaning staff, visit the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s website on Control and Prevention.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDC to follow to prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Reminders

    5/4/2020 (Permalink)

    This is the second installment in a series of blogs that we will hope will help our communities begin to prepare for the state of Massachusetts to reopen. Please keep in mind the purpose of these CDC guidelines are to serve as a foundation for your planning. The following are some important reminders to keep in mind as we plan to reopen in the safest possible manner. 

    Reminders about COVID-19 and Reducing the Risk of Exposure:

    • Coronaviruses on surfaces and objects naturally die within hours to days. Warmer temperatures and exposure to sunlight will reduce the time the virus survives on surfaces and objects.
    • Normal routine cleaning with soap and water removes germs and dirt from surfaces. It lowers the risk of spreading COVID-19 infection.
    • Disinfectants kill germs on surfaces. By killing germs on a surface after cleaning, you can further lower the risk of spreading infection. EPA-approved disinfectants are an important part of reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19. If disinfectants on this list are in short supply, alternative disinfectants can be used (for example, 1/3 cup of bleach added to 1 gallon of water, or 70% alcohol solutions).
    • Store and use disinfectants in a responsible and appropriate manner according to the label.  Do not mix bleach or other cleaning and disinfection products together–this can cause fumes that may be very dangerous to breathe in. Keep all disinfectants out of the reach of children.
    • Do not overuse or stockpile disinfectants or other supplies.  This can result in shortages of appropriate products for others to use in critical situations.
    • Always wear gloves appropriate for the chemicals being used when you are cleaning and disinfecting. Additional personal protective equipment (PPE) may be needed based on setting and product. For more information, see CDC’s website on Cleaning and Disinfection for Community Facilities.
    • Practice social distancing, wear facial coverings, and follow proper prevention hygiene, such as washing your hands frequently and using alcohol-based (at least 60% alcohol) hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDC to follow to prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Planning To Reopen - Cleaning

    5/1/2020 (Permalink)

    This is the first installment in a series of blogs that we will hope will help our communities begin to prepare for the state of Massachusetts to reopen. Please keep in mind the purpose of these CDC guidelines are to serve as a foundation for your planning. To reduce the risk of a Covid-19 infestation having a plan in place to execute and monitor is necessary. These guidelines are part of the larger United States Government plan and focus on cleaning and disinfecting public spaces, workplaces, businesses, schools, and can also be applied to your home.

    Cleaning and disinfecting public spaces including your workplace, school, home, and business will require you to:

    • Develop your plan
    • Implement your plan
    • Maintain and revise your plan

    Reopening the Commonwealth requires both, remaining vigilant in adhering to social distancing and other daily habits, as well as, reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by cleaning and disinfecting. The EPA has compiled a list of disinfectant products that can be used against COVID-19, including ready-to-use sprays, concentrates, and wipes. 

    The following is a general framework for cleaning and disinfection practices to use in your planning.

    1. Normal routine cleaning with soap and water will decrease how much of the virus is on surfaces and objects, which reduces the risk of exposure.
    2. Disinfection using EPA-approved disinfectants against COVID-19 can also help reduce the risk.  Frequent disinfection of surfaces and objects touched by multiple people is important.
    3. When EPA-approved disinfectants are not available, alternative disinfectants can be used (for example, 1/3 cup of bleach added to 1 gallon of water, or 70% alcohol solutions). Do not mix bleach or other cleaning and disinfection products together. This can cause fumes that may be very dangerous to breathe in.  Keep all disinfectants out of the reach of children.

    We will continue to share with you guidance from the CDC to follow to prepare for reopening. Also, we at SERVPRO of Foxborough know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Stay At Home Extension

    4/30/2020 (Permalink)

    At the beginning of the week, Gov. Charlie Baker, shared some optimistic news, "We have flattened the curve." While this news fanned the flames of hope for many here in the Commonwealth it was not without caution that our descent to the bottom will not be a quick one and that we must remain vigilant in our response to the Covid-19 pandemic and he extended the state’s stay-at-home advisory and non-essential business closure to May 18 as well as the ban on gatherings of 10 or more people. Baker also announced the formation of a 17-member advisory board that will develop a plan to reopen the state on a "phased basis."

    While this was not exactly the news we all were hoping to hear, a silver lining remains. Barring any unforeseen Covid-19 spike businesses can begin to plan for the possibility of reopening. Of course in the beginning this will not be "business-as-usual". There will most assuredly be some level of restrictions to ensure the safety of employees and customers. That is where we can help.

    To help in this process we will be sharing with you guidance from the CDC to follow as we prepare for reopening. We at SERVPRO of Foxborough also know that not every business has access to the resources necessary to meet these strict guidelines. For those businesses, we are here to help!

    Specialized Training

    The Disaster Remediation Teams at SERVPRO of Foxborough are specialists in cleaning services and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards. We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work of "normal daily cleaning". Call SERVPRO of Foxborough today for a free consultation - (508) 533-5305.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Have You Lost Your Healthcare Coverage

    4/23/2020 (Permalink)

    More than 4.4 million Americans filed for unemployment last week alone. Sadly, the number of Commonwealth residents who are finding themselves on the sidelines out of the work force continues to grow at a record pace, including over 80,000 new claims in Massachusetts. According to U.S. Department of Labor statistics released Thursday over 80,000 new claims were filed in Massachusetts. While the claims in the Bay State are down from the prior week when a little over 100,000 people filing new claims, the despairing reality is that, in total, over the past five weeks more than 650,000 people in Massachusetts have filed for jobless benefits. This means that during the worst pandemic in over 100 years hundreds of thousands of Bay Staters most likely lack the health coverage necessary to shield them from financial ruin should they or a family member contract COVID-19.

    Health Insurance Coverage for Unemployed

    If you need insurance, you may qualify for coverage through the Health Connector if you’ve lost coverage from a job. An extended enrollment period is available through May 25, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Apply today and get covered –

    • Enroll by April 23rd - Coverage begins May 1st
    • Enroll by May 23rd - Coverage begins June 1st
    • Enroll by May 25th - Coverage begins July 1st

    The Health Connector is a state agency and health insurance marketplace that makes coverage available to people who recently lost their insurance from their employer. Most people who apply through the Health Connector can get a plan for a low monthly cost, and some people even qualify for a $0 monthly payment.

    All Health Connector plans cover services like doctor visits, emergency care, physical therapy, and prescription drugs.

    In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, an extended enrollment period is available through May 25, 2020 for qualified Massachusetts residents who are uninsured.

    When you fill out an application online, you’ll find out right away if you qualify for a health plan from the Health Connector or coverage through MassHealth. Visit the MassHealth FAQ to learn more.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    CARES Act Payment Or Scam

    4/22/2020 (Permalink)

    As our collective financial uncertainty continues to grow during these uncertain times many of us have questions regarding relief promised to us by our political leaders. In response to the great lockdown necessitated by COVID-19, the federal government passed a $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill. The intent of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) provides financial support to individuals and businesses.

    The CARES Act included many components including direct stimulus checks to Americans. Individuals who qualify will receive a one-time remittance of:

    • $1,200 for individuals
    • $2,400 for married couples
    • $500 for each dependent child 16-years-old or younger

    Check the Status of Your Stimulus Payment through the IRS

    The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) launched the Get My Payment tool for Americans to check the status of their Economic Impact Payment stimulus checks, a minimum of $1,200 each for single filers with an adjusted gross income of $75,000 or less.

    Beware of Stimulus Check Scams

    Unfortunately there are those who will try to take advantage of the current pandemic and try to steal your personal financial information. Be smart, use common sense and do not open or respond to any unsolicited inquiries. One known scam brought to light by The Michigan Cyber Command Center (MC3) is a phishing email circulating, appearing to be from the U.S. Small Business Administration. The email contains a malicious attachment named


    For more information regarding Financial Aid during these difficult times, for yourself or your business, visit the Neponset River Regional Chamber  website.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Financial Aid

    4/21/2020 (Permalink)

    A lot has been discussed regarding the importance of reopening America and how to do so responsibly. The proposed three phase Federal guideline offers State and local Governments a roadmap to follow. Ultimately, however, the decision resides with each state. Over the past week Governor Baker has classified Massachusetts as, “one of the country’s hot spots for the coronavirus” and that he is looking for, “14 days of steady declines in positive coronavirus tests before the state can open up again.”

    What does this mean for the citizens of the Commonwealth who have been, and will continue to be, impacted by the state’s closure? If you are unemployed due to the coronavirus pandemic, an independent contractor or a small business owner struggling to pay the bills, here are some useful links:   

    Pandemic Unemployment Assistance

    To assist individuals who cannot work due to the impact of COVID-19, the Baker-Polito administration has filed emergency legislation and emergency regulations that allow people impacted by COVID-19 to collect unemployment if their workplace is shut down.

    Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) provides up to 39 weeks of unemployment benefits to individuals who are unable to work because of a COVID-19-related reason but are not eligible for regular or extended unemployment benefits.

    For more information and to apply click, Apply for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance

    Self-Employed, 1099ers & Independent Contractors

    Independent contractors and self-employed workers can apply for forgivable loans through the Payroll Protection Program - a $349 million segment of the $2 trillion federal CARES Act. Independent contractors receiving 1099-MISC forms and self-employed individuals are eligible to apply for these, potentially 100 percent, forgivable loans.

    REQUIREMENT: You must have been in operation on Feb. 15, 2020, your business must have been harmed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and you must submit required documentation along with your loan application.

    Small Business Owners

    The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has issued updated guidance that it will provide initial EIDL loan disbursements of up to $15,000, in addition to the advance of up the $10,000 detailed in the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program Guide.

    The U.S. Chamber sent a letter to Capitol Hill urging members of congress to swiftly increase funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) in addition to renewing funding for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program.

    Here are the funding options available to small businesses:

    For more information regarding Financial Aid during these difficult times, for yourself or your business, visit the Neponset River Regional Chamber  website.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! Rest assured, we will continue to do our best to keep you up-to-date and informed!

    Creating Visions Of Your Child's Future

    4/16/2020 (Permalink)

    It is hard not to be overwhelmed with the abundance of information there is regarding the unfathomable reality we are all facing. While the oceans of information and changes we are making are necessary, they may be having a negative impact to our collective mental well being. Children especially not only need help understanding the world around them, but most importantly, need reassurance that this too will pass.

    For those of us with a full house looking for any activity to pass the time (other than binge watching Netflix originals) here is suggestion: create a Vision Board!

    A Vision Board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal. It can also be a visualization tool that sets an intention for what our children want, might need and how they want to feel. By displaying images and inspirational words that matter to our children, they are creating a visual representation of what they want and will continually reinforces that.

    This simple exercise can serve as a fun family activity and a wonderful coping tool that will take our children’s attention away from their current struggles and help them to focus on, and shape, their future!  Here are some of the things that you will need to get started:


    1. Poster board or a cork board
    2. Construction paper
    3. Plenty of Magazines
    4. Scissors
    5. Gel Pens
    6. Glue, tape or thumbtacks

    Vision Board Guidance

    Try to keep directions to a minimum and let your children dream big! Have them focus on how they want to feel, not just on material things they may want. Come up with a series of open ended questions that will help guide them. Then let them run with it! Here are some examples of open ended guiding questions:


    1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
    2. Where would you like to travel to this year?
    3. What fun activities would you like to do?
    4. If you can help someone, how would you do it?
    5. Who do you love?
    6. What makes you feel loved?

    Anything that inspires and motivates them is fair game. When the Vision Boards are complete talk to your children about their creations and hang them for all to see. Let them know that they can make changes to their boards whenever they like and remember to discuss any changes they make with them.

    During these challenging times, much like inspirational quotes or sayings, using Vision Boards to help focus on our futures is a healthy coping strategy to employ. Doing so can greatly improve your families’ collective mental well being.    

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together!

    Answering Your Child's Questions

    4/14/2020 (Permalink)

    As time passes and we continue to self quarantine and remain steadfast in our fight against the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) it is only natural for children to ask questions. Those questions, and perhaps fears, will only increase as States decide to close schools permanently for the 2019-2020 school year. The CDC has provided facts about COVID – 19 for discussions with children. When you are having these discussions remember to try to keep the information you share age appropriate. Also, remind your children that everyone in your community along with school officials are working hard to keep everyone safe and healthy.

    What is COVID-19?

    • COVID-19 is the short name for “coronavirus disease 2019.” It is a new virus. Doctors and scientists are still learning about it.
    • Recently, this virus has made a lot of people sick. Scientists and doctors think that most people will be ok, especially kids, but some people might get pretty sick.
    • Doctors and health experts are working hard to help people stay healthy.

    What can I do so that I don’t get COVID-19?

    • You can practice healthy habits at home, school, and play to help protect against the spread of COVID-19:
      • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow. If you sneeze or cough into a tissue, throw it in the trash right away.
      • Keep your hands out of your mouth, nose, and eyes. This will help keep germs out of your body.
      • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Follow these five steps—wet, lather (make bubbles), scrub (rub together), rinse and dry. You can sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice.
      • If you don’t have soap and water, have an adult help you use a special hand cleaner.
      • Keep things clean. Older children can help adults at home and school clean the things we touch the most, like desks, doorknobs, light switches, and remote controls. (Note for adults: you can find more information about cleaning and disinfecting on CDC’s website.)
      • If you feel sick, stay home. Just like you don’t want to get other people’s germs in your body other people don’t want to get your germs either.

    What happens if you get sick with COVID-19?

    • COVID-19 can look different in different people. For many people, being sick with COVID-19 would be a little bit like having the flu. People can get a fever, cough, or have a hard time taking deep breaths. Most people who have gotten COVID-19 have not gotten very sick. Only a small group of people who get it have had more serious problems. From what doctors have seen so far, most children don’t seem to get very sick. While a lot of adults get sick, most adults get better.
    • If you do get sick, it doesn’t mean you have COVID-19. People can get sick from all kinds of germs. What’s important to remember is that if you do get sick, the adults at home and school will help get you any help that you need.
    • If you suspect your child may have COVID-19, call the healthcare facility to let them know before you bring your child in to see them.

    For more information on COVID-19 and how best to improve your mental wellbeing during these uncertain times visit the Centers for Disease Control  website. 

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together!

    General Principles For Talking To Children

    4/9/2020 (Permalink)

    As public conversations around coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) increase, children may worry about themselves, their family, and friends getting ill with COVID-19. Parents play an important role in helping children make sense of what they hear in a way that is honest, accurate, and minimizes anxiety or fear. The CDC has created guidance to help adults have conversations with children about COVID-19 and ways they can avoid getting and spreading the disease.

    Remain calm and reassuring.

    • Remember that children will react to both what you say and how you say it. They will pick up cues from the conversations you have with them and with others.

    Make yourself available to listen and to talk.

    • Make time to talk. Be sure children know they can come to you when they have questions.

    Avoid language that might blame others and lead to stigma.

    • Remember that viruses can make anyone sick, regardless of a person’s race or ethnicity. Avoid making assumptions about who might have COVID-19.

    Pay attention to what children see or hear on television, radio, or online.

    • Consider reducing the amount of screen time focused on COVID-19. Too much information on one topic can lead to anxiety.

    Provide information that is honest and accurate.

    • Give children information that is truthful and appropriate for the age and developmental level of the child.
    • Talk to children about how some stories on COVID-19 on the Internet and social media may be based on rumors and inaccurate information.

    Teach children everyday actions to reduce the spread of germs.

    • Remind children to stay away from people who are coughing or sneezing or sick.
    • Remind them to cough or sneeze into a tissue or their elbow, then throw the tissue into the trash.
    • Discuss any new actions that may be taken at school to help protect children and school staff.
      (e.g., increased handwashing, cancellation of events or activities)
    • Get children into a handwashing habit.
      • Teach them to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food.
      • If soap and water are not available, teach them to use hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer should contain at least 60% alcohol. Supervise young children when they use hand sanitizer to prevent swallowing alcohol, especially in schools and child care facilities.

    For more information on COVID-19 and how best to improve your mental wellbeing during these uncertain times visit the Centers for Disease Control  website. 

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together!

    Safely Caring For Loved Ones

    4/8/2020 (Permalink)

    According to the CDC most people who get sick with COVID-19 will have only mild illness and may decide to recover at home. Care at home can help stop the spread of COVID-19 and help protect people who are at risk for getting seriously ill from COVID-19.

    Here are steps to follow to help car for your loved ones and to remain safe. 

    Provide symptom treatment

    • Make sure the sick person drinks a lot of fluids to stay hydrated and rests at home.
    • Over-the-counter medicines may help with symptoms.
    • For most people, symptoms last a few days and get better after a week.

    Prevent the spread of germs when caring for someone who is sick

    • Have the person stay in one room, away from other people, including yourself, as much as possible.
      • If possible, have them use a separate bathroom.
      • Avoid sharing personal household items, like dishes, towels, and bedding
      • Have them wear a cloth face covering (that covers their nose and mouth) when they are around people, including you.
      • It the sick person can’t wear a cloth face covering, you should wear one while in the same room with them.
      • If the sick person needs to be around others (within the home, in a vehicle, or doctor’s office), they should wear a cloth face covering that covers their mouth and nose.
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after interacting with the sick person. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
    • Every day, clean all surfaces that are touched often, like counters, tabletops, and doorknobs
      • Use household cleaning sprays or wipes according to the label instructions.
    • Wash laundry thoroughly.
      • If laundry is soiled, wear disposable gloves and keep the soiled items away from your body while laundering. Wash your hands immediately after removing gloves.
    • Avoid having any unnecessary visitors.
    • For any additional questions about their care, contact their healthcare provider or state or local health department.

    For more information on COVID-19 and how best to improve your mental wellbeing during these uncertain times visit the Centers for Disease Control  website. 

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together!

    SERVPRO Is Here To Help During This Time Of Need

    4/7/2020 (Permalink)

    During this unprecedented time caused by the global pandemic of coronavirus, this is a reminder to our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards.

    Specialized Training

    We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform on a daily basis.

    The CDC encourages cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC’s guidance for commercial spaces include:

    • Kitchen/Food Areas
    • Bathrooms
    • Schools/Classrooms
    • Offices
    • Retail Spaces
    • Water Fountains
    • Shelving/Racks
    • Sales Counters
    • Carpets and Rugs
    • Stair Handrails
    • Elevator Cars
    • Playground Equipment
    • Fitness Equipment

    Specialized Products

    The CDC recommends usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. While there is currently no product tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are following all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local authorities.

    For more information on COVID-19 and how best to improve your mental wellbeing during these uncertain times visit the Centers for Disease Control  website. 

    Call Today for a Proactive Cleaning

    If your home or business needs deep cleaning services, call the experts today – SERVPRO of Foxborough , (508) 533-5305

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together!

    Make Your Own Mask

    4/6/2020 (Permalink)

    The unprecedented times we find ourselves in are ever evolving. As the experts become more knowledgeable about the coronavirus and how it spreads their guidelines for all of us to remain safe evolves too. The latest update occurred over the weekend, and in case you missed it, here it is.

    As the CDC continues to study the spread and effects of the novel coronavirus across the United States.  We now know from recent studies that a significant portion of individuals with coronavirus lack symptoms (“asymptomatic”) and that even those who eventually develop symptoms (“pre-symptomatic”) can transmit the virus to others before showing symptoms.  This means that the virus can spread between people interacting in close proximity—for example, speaking, coughing, or sneezing—even if those people are not exhibiting symptoms.  In light of this new evidence, CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.

    For more information on COVID-19 and how best to improve your mental wellbeing during these uncertain times visit the Centers for Disease Control  website. 

    For an instructional DIY video on how to make your own cloth mask click here.

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together!

    Helping Your Children Cope With Stress

    4/3/2020 (Permalink)

    The stress caused by these difficult times can be difficult, especially for children. Children and teens react, in part, on what they see from the adults around them. When parents and caregivers deal with the COVID-19 calmly and confidently, they can provide the best support for their children. Parents can be more reassuring to others around them, especially children, if they are better prepared.

    Not all children and teens respond to stress in the same way. Some common changes to watch for include:

    • Excessive crying or irritation in younger children
    • Returning to behaviors they have outgrown (for example, toileting accidents or bedwetting)
    • Excessive worry or sadness
    • Unhealthy eating or sleeping habits
    • Irritability and “acting out” behaviors in teens
    • Poor school performance or avoiding school
    • Difficulty with attention and concentration
    • Avoidance of activities enjoyed in the past
    • Unexplained headaches or body pain
    • Use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs

    There are many things you can do to support your child

    • Take time to talk with your child or teen about the COVID-19 outbreak. Answer questions and share facts about COVID-19 in a way that your child or teen can understand.
    • Reassure your child or teen that they are safe. Let them know it is ok if they feel upset. Share with them how you deal with your own stress so that they can learn how to cope from you.
    • Limit your family’s exposure to news coverage of the event, including social media. Children may misinterpret what they hear and can be frightened about something they do not understand.
    • Try to keep up with regular routines. If schools are closed, create a schedule for learning activities and relaxing or fun activities.
    • Be a role model.  Take breaks, get plenty of sleep, exercise, and eat well. Connect with your friends and family members.

    Learn more about helping children cope.

    Reduce stress in yourself and others

    Sharing the facts about COVID-19 and understanding the actual risk to yourself and people you care about can make an outbreak less stressful..

    When you share accurate information about COVID-19 you can help make people feel less stressed and allow you to connect with them.

    Learn more about taking care of your emotional health

    For more information on COVID-19 and how best to improve your mental wellbeing during these uncertain times visit the Centers for Disease Control  website. 

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together!

    Coping With Stress

    4/1/2020 (Permalink)

    It is hard not to be overwhelmed with the abundance of information there is regarding the unfathomable reality we are all facing. We have all done our best to educate ourselves with the causes and symptoms of the coronavirus. Unfortunately, the vast majority of information focuses on the impacts to our physical health and safety and how to slow the spread of the virus.

    While the oceans of information and changes we are making are necessary they may be having a negative impact to our collective mental well being. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in both adults and children. Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.

    Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations.  

    How you respond to the outbreak can depend on your background, the things that make you different from other people, and the community you live in. People who may respond more strongly to the stress of a crisis include

    • Older people and people with chronic diseases who are at higher risk for COVID-19
    • Children and teens
    • People who are helping with the response to COVID-19, like doctors and other health care providers, or first responders
    • People who have mental health conditions including problems with substance use

    Stress during an infectious disease outbreak can include:

    • Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones
    • Changes in sleep or eating patterns
    • Difficulty sleeping or concentrating
    • Worsening of chronic health problems
    • Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs

    Taking care of yourself, your friends, and your family can help you cope with stress. Helping others cope with their stress can also make your community stronger.

    Things you can do to support yourself

    For more information on COVID-19 and how best to improve your mental wellbeing during these uncertain times visit the Centers for Disease Control  website. 

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together!

    Are You At Risk

    3/31/2020 (Permalink)

    Buoy Health, a Boston-based startup and MassChallenge HealthTech 2019 alum, has developed an AI health assistant application that helps consumers get real-time information about symptoms and triages them to the appropriate care. 

    "In light of the coronavirus outbreak, the startup [updated] its AI algorithm to properly screen for coronavirus. Learn more about the work they are doing to combat the coronavirus."

    Buoy has entered a partnership with the state of Massachusetts to promote Telehealth services and provide its residents with additional tools to assess their risks for COVID-19. The Baker Administration announced the launch of Buoy Health’s new online resource for residents to check their symptoms and connect with the appropriate health-care resource.

    It is important to note that the tool does not replace emergency medical care. However, the application may be used as a support for residents during the COVID-19 outbreak to connect them. Buoy Health’s online 24/7 tool is free for Massachusetts residents and uses current COVID-19 guidance from the CDC and Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Visit Buoy.com/mass to learn more and use the tool. 

    For more information on COVID-19 and how best to protect yourself and others around you visit the Centers for Disease Control  website. 

    Socializing While Distancing

    3/27/2020 (Permalink)

    Given the current situation regarding the coronavirus, the Federal and Local Government’s recommendations against large gatherings and the CDC advocating the practice of social distancing to us all, most of us find ourselves confined to our homes. We at SERVPRO of Foxborough understand practicing social distancing from friends and loved ones, while paramount during these uncertain times, is not necessarily easy. We have compiled a list of free applications that everyone can use to socialize while distancing.


    FaceTime is Apple's proprietary video calling app. If you have an iPhone, iPad or Mac, it operates seamlessly, letting you start a video chat with any of your contacts. In 2018 Apple also added a Group FaceTime option, allowing you to chat with up to 32 people at once.


    What'sApp is owned by Facebook and works on both Android and iOS devices. You can use it to send messages, or make video or audio calls. Its global popularity makes it a great option for keeping in touch with family and friends worldwide.


    Skype is owned by Microsoft and is available for iOS, Android, Windows and Mac. It offers video and audio calling, supporting up to 50 people on the same audio call (the number of video callers depends on what device you're using).


    Zoom offers video and audio conferencing, chat and webinar features across mobile devices, desktops, phones and room systems. It offers a free basic tier that allows you to host up to 100 participants and unlimited one-to-one meetings. Parents of school age children may already have downloaded this app as Zoom appears to be the top choice for most school districts to host online classrooms.

    For more information on COVID-19 and how best to protect yourself and others around you visit the Centers for Disease Control  website. 

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together!

    How To Protect Others

    3/26/2020 (Permalink)

    These continue to be difficult times we find ourselves in. The impacts to our clients and communities are unprecedented! The best course of action for us all to take is to be as informed as we can at this time. We at SERVPRO of Framingham plan on doing our part to keep our clients and communities informed.

    The CDC recommends the following steps to take to protect others;

    • Stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care. Learn what to do if you are sick.
    • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow.
    • Throw used tissues in the trash.
    • Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
    • If you are sick: You should wear a facemask when you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office. If you are not able to wear a facemask (for example, because it causes trouble breathing), then you should do your best to cover your coughs and sneezes, and people who are caring for you should wear a facemask if they enter your room. Learn what to do if you are sick.
    • If you are NOT sick: You do not need to wear a facemask unless you are caring for someone who is sick (and they are not able to wear a facemask). Facemasks may be in short supply and they should be saved for caregivers.
    • Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.

    For more information on COVID-19 and how best to protect yourself and others around you visit the Centers for Disease Control website. 

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together!

    OSHA COVID-19 Guidance

    3/20/2020 (Permalink)

    We at SERVPRO of Foxborough understand the severity of our current situation and the impact it has had to our lives. Our daily reality has been turned upside down and sideways. Parents and school administrations have united to ensure that our children remain safe and continue to learn outside of the classroom. The need for social distancing has forced communities, governments and businesses to make difficult, but necessary decisions.  For businesses those decisions range from temporarily closing their doors to working virtually. However, there are essential businesses, like supermarkets, pharmacies, gas stations, where temporarily closing and working virtually are not options. It is paramount that employers in such businesses take the necessary steps to ensure both customer and employee safety. To help create safe environments OSHA has created guidelines for preparing workplaces for COVID-19. Along with information on COVID-19 itself and how an outbreak could affect the workplace OSHA has classified the levels of risk inherent to various jobs and the steps to take to protect your constituents. Click, here, to download a copy.

    For more information on COVID-19 and how best to protect yourself and others around you visit the Centers for Disease Control website. 

    If your residential or commercial property needs preventative deep cleaning services, call the experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough today – (508) 533 - 5305

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! 

    Viral Cleaning

    3/20/2020 (Permalink)

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together! The easiest step we can all take at home and in the workplace is to properly sanitize the area. Did you know that while everything can be cleaned, the same does not hold true for disinfecting?


    It is important to understand the different levels of cleaning that may or may not be possible for each surface. All surfaces can be cleaned, many surfaces can be sanitized, and some surfaces can be disinfected.

    The three main levels of microbe control are:

    • General surface cleaning – physically removes visible dirt, organic matter, viruses, fungi, and bacteria. General surface cleaning is accomplished with water, detergent, and physical scrubbing of the surface. The guiding principle is to remove microbes if possible, rather than kill them (with a sanitizer or disinfectant). In addition, thoroughly cleaning a surface can reduce the need to disinfect because without the nutrients and moisture needed to survive and multiply, most microbes cannot live on a clean and dry surface for very long. 
    • Sanitizing – reduces but does not necessarily eliminate all the bacteria on a treated surface. Sanitizers do not have claims for viruses or fungi. To be a registered sanitizer, the test results for a product must show a reduction of at least a. 99.9% in the number of each type of bacteria tested on non-food-contact surfaces. Examples of non-food-contact sanitizers include carpet sanitizers, air sanitizers, laundry additives, and in-tank toilet bowl sanitizers.
    • Disinfecting – works by using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs.v Disinfecting destroys or irreversibly inactivates infectious or other undesirable microbes, but not necessarily the spores of bacteria and fungi. The number of microbes killed during a disinfecting process will vary, depending on the specific chemical and how it is used.

    For more information on COVID-19 and how best to protect yourself and others around you visit the Centers for Disease Control website. 

    Please be safe and vigilant in your cleaning efforts. Should you have any doubts regarding the safety of your residential or commercial property needs expert preventative deep cleaning services, call the experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough today – (508) 533 - 5305

    Here To Help

    3/19/2020 (Permalink)

    These are difficult times we find ourselves in. The impacts to our clients and communities are unprecedented! The best course of action for us all to take is to be as informed as we can at this time. We at SERVPRO of Framingham plan on doing our part to keep our clients and communities informed. 

    According to the CDC, at this time, "The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus." The CDC recommends the following steps to take to protect yourself;

    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

    For more information on COVID-19 and how best to protect yourself and others around you visit the Centers for Disease Control website. 

    All of us here at SERVPRO of Foxborough want you and your loved ones to stay safe and know that we will make it through this together!

    Is Your Commercial Property Storm Damage Tax Deductable

    12/11/2019 (Permalink)

    If your commercial property in Foxborough, MA has been damaged by a storm, you may want to know whether the cost of the damage is tax deductible. Unrecoverable losses caused by storms or natural disasters are usually deductible, as long as these damages are proven and will not be reimbursed by insurance. Here are three steps you can take to find out whether you can deduct the cost of storm damage from your tax bill.

    3 Steps to Find Out if Storm Damage is Tax Deductible. 

    1. Determine how much damage your insurance covers. If your business is insured, you can only deduct damage that exceeds your coverage or was not covered for other reasons. Owners of uninsured commercial property can deduct the total cost of storm damage. Consult IRS Publication 547, Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts, to read the rules for claiming these deductions. 
    1. Check to see if a storm or disaster is a Presidential Declared Disaster. If you are dealing with storm damage in a region that has been federally recognized as a disaster area, special filing options may apply to your situation. Check the IRS's list of tax relief in disaster situations to see if your locality is listed and find out about any assistance that is available. 
    1. Distinguish between actual property loss and deductible property loss. Actual property loss is your total loss as the owner of a commercial property. Deductible property loss is based on the current value of your property and factors in all reductions. If you are unsure about reductions involved in a commercial property, you should contact an accountant. 

    If you have unrecoverable storm damage at your commercial property in Boston, MA, you should see if you can deduct any damage from your tax bill. Tax deductions cannot overlap with covered losses, but these deductions can help to offset the cost of professional damage restoration if your property is uninsured or underinsured.

    How To Minimize Damage After A Fire

    12/10/2019 (Permalink)

    The first 48 hours after a fire damage can make the difference between restoring versus replacing your property and personal belongings. SERVPRO of Foxborough provides timely response with mitigation services ranging from fire, smoke and soot removal to contents claims inventory and document restoration. These services help ensure your property, belongings and memories are restored to preloss condition when possible.

    What You Can Do Until Help Arrives

    • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from spreading and additional damage from occurring.
    • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs and high traffic areas and upholstery.
    • Coat chrome faucets, trim and appliances with petroleum jelly or oil.
    • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpet.
    • Do not wash any walls or painted surfaces.
    • Do not shampoo carpet or upholstery.
    • Do not clean any electrical equipment.
    • Do not send clothing to a dry cleaner since improper cleaning may set smoke odor.

    SERVPRO of Foxborough is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, including holidays.

    Faster To Any Size Disaster

    12/3/2019 (Permalink)

    When water damage strikes your Foxborough commercial property you need remediation experts who understand that time sensitivity is of the utmost importance, you need the experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough! In such an emergency setting, it is crucial that the initial hours of the loss be utilized effectively and efficiently. Water continues to cause damage to a property if neglected. Our Disaster Remediation Team is ready to respond 24 hours a day, every day of the year, including Holiday. With a fleet of vehicles, a warehouse full of professional grade drying equipment and multiple project teams SERVPRO of Foxborough has the ability to handle large scale losses at a moments notice. Not only can we remediate any size disaster, but with our in-house Rebuild Team, we can make you whole and get you back to business as usual faster than the competition. 

    3 Basic Construction Safety Tips

    12/3/2019 (Permalink)

    Busy construction worksites are often very dangerous places to be. Many things can go wrong throughout the process of a project, so it is in one's best interest to take the proper preventative safety measures. These three basic tips will help minimize any risk.

    1. Find the correct Personal Protective Equipment to Wear on the Job.

    Wearing the proper gear for a job proves to be very helpful in preventing injury. When lifting heavy objects, be sure to wear a secure back brace to limit damage to your body and the surrounding areas. Wearing proper construction footwear such as non-slip rubber soled shoes will prove to be very helpful in avoiding slipping and falling.

    It is also extremely important to protect your lungs and wear breathing masks to avoid inhaling dangerous toxins around you.

    2. Limit Crowding Within the Work Area

    It is not uncommon for those working on a construction site to crowd around large and powerful machinery. Although it may often be unintentional, staying away from this powerful machinery is your best bet in limiting damage to other workers and even pedestrians. This rule should be strictly enforced on a construction site, and it is the responsibility of the foreman to ensure his surroundings are clear before engaging in his work.

    3. Loading and Unloading Equipment Safety

    Make sure there is ample room around you when loading and unloading heavy equipment off of machinery. Proper clearance of all obstacles and people around you is key in avoiding damaging any people or structures that are around you. Make sure that all objects are secured using the correct tie-down procedures.

    By following these tips, you can make your construction site as safe and efficient as possible for you and your team. Although these tips may seem basic is should always be your first priority to practice the correct safety measures in the workplace.

    Commercial Water Remediation Experts

    12/3/2019 (Permalink)

    It Is Crucial For Businesses To Have Commercial Water Damage Professionally Mitigated

    We know commercial water damage is a stressful event any time it occurs in a property. It is crucial to have the water loss mitigated professionally to ensure, along with cleanup and restoration, there are no secondary issues such as foul odors or mold growth, which have the potential to harm your business.

    When SERVPRO answers a call to assist a retail business in Millis with commercial water damage, we gather information during the call to ascertain the type of water spill, whether it is clean water from a pipe break or biohazard-level cleanup with more severe water intrusions such as a sewage backup or groundwater.

    Towels and mopping are never enough to clean up water adequately. Water migrates to places difficult to reach such as behind baseboards, under flooring and wicked into sheetrock. Our certified technicians spend extra time extracting water from the property using portable pumps and specialized extractors for removing moisture from hard to access areas. This attention to water removal speeds the restoration process along, which reduces the drying time and lessens closure time for the business.

    SERVPRO of Foxborough techs hold certifications in a diverse array of restoration sciences, and we use specialized equipment and proprietary techniques for remediation which enable us to help business owners save more of their contents from water loss. Our goal is always to restore rather than have a customer replace an item.

    We know the longer a business stays closed for remediation, more revenue is lost. To save time, when pack out of contents is not necessary, we dry furnishings in place on raised blocks, so there is as little disruption as possible.

    After cleanup and drying, we wipe all surfaces to ensure they are sanitary for both employees and customers. Our location has certifications for mold remediation, and once we finish the cleanup and restoration, we take measures to ensure conditions are not favorable for mold growth or foul odors.

    Contact SERVPRO of Foxborough at (508) 533-5305 at the first sign of commercial water damage. Our certified technicians handle all types of water loss for your business or organization and make it "Like it never even happened."

    What Is A Flood Cut

    11/26/2019 (Permalink)

    After a storm rages in Walpole it is likely that your home will experience a bit of flooding. When this happens, you will probably hear the water remediation technicians you hire talk about making a flood cut. A flood cut is a mark that is made 12 inches above the spot where the water damage stops. Specialists tear out everything below the flood cut to stop the spread of contamination and prevent mold growth.

    Q/A Regarding Flood Cuts.

    Here are some common questions about this process.

    1. What Circumstances Require a Flood Cut?

    Any time there is damage that cannot be dried with a fan, professionals are probably going to use a flood cut to be on the safe side. Insulation cannot be dried, so if there is wet insulation, the wall has to be cut out and the insulation removed. If the water is contaminated by storm-related debris or sewage, the wall must be discarded. If tests show any harmful microbes, the affected area must go.

    1. Why Does the Flood Cut Have To Be a Foot Above the Damage?

    Water damage from flooding does not like to stay politely in its place. What technicians can see with the naked eye may only be the beginning of the story. Placing the flood cut 12 inches above the visible water damage ensures that everything affected is remediated.

    1. Is There Any Way To Save the Wall?

    If the water damage is minimal and no insulation is affected, it is possible that quick removal of water and fast drying techniques can allow the wall to be salvaged. The water in question must also be clean. If it is contaminated at all, the wall has to be replaced.

    Flooding in Walpole may cause damage to your home. While technicians will do everything they can to avoid removing walls, a flood cut may be required to make sure your home is free of any hidden moisture that could cause mold damage.

    SERVPRO of Foxborough, Your Water Remediation Experts

    11/20/2019 (Permalink)

    Untouched water damage will cause havoc.

    Many times, leaking pipes cause water damage in a home. When it goes unnoticed, a large volume of water can discharge over a short period, which can cause significant damage depending on the location of the leak. If you notice such an issue, turn off the water supply first.

    It is also vital to locate and repair the leak and remove ruined items from the affected area. If the point of the leak that caused water damage in your Foxborough residence is concealed, we will use a thermal imaging camera to locate it. Your insurer may request you locate the point of the leak and provide the details in the documentation used to file a claim. Turning off the electricity to the affected areas is also vital for this can prevent electrocution hazards.

    The Disaster Remediation Team at SERVPRO of Foxborough will immediately dry the affected areas. We have the right equipment for the job, such as wet/dry vacuum cleaners, pumps, air movers and dehumidifiers. We identify the extent of water loss and use structural drying techniques to dry the affected areas thoroughly. We determine what should be done, monitor and document the drying process with accurate measurements and recorded data.

    After we dry the affected areas, our Rebuild Team will begin the restoration tasks required to return the property to its preloss condition. Restoration work may include cleaning, reinstalling or repairing floors and floor coverings like carpets, carpet pads, hardwood flooring, and resilient or non-resilient floors. We can also install tack strip, seam carpets, repair or replace subfloors and refinish structural materials like ceilings, walls, the plates behind baseboards, framing, insulation, and vapor barriers and more! Once complete, we perform final cleaning and inspections. SERVPRO of Foxborough technicians will not close out a job until they ensure that the work meets our client's satisfaction.

    If water has damaged your commercial or residential property call SERVPRO of Foxborough. We will make it "Like it never even happened!" at (209) 477-3090 for remediation services. 

    Common Sources of Home Fires

    11/12/2019 (Permalink)

    Items you use daily can be the most common sources of fire in your Foxborough, home. It may be hard to imagine that the space heater you have always loved could cause a home fire, but that is just what can happen. Understanding the most common sources of home fires can help you reduce your risk of injury and property damage.

    Cooking related fires increase this time of year and often result in the need for complex fire restoration services. Several kitchen scenarios can create the dangerous combination of high heat and combustible materials.

    > A hot stove burner can cause grease on a pan or a burner to ignite.

    > A hot oven can ignite grease that has splashed or dripped onto the oven interior.

    > Food in close proximity to a glowing broiler coil is susceptible to combustion.

    > Small appliances, such as toasters and griddles, can ignite crumbs or grease.

    > A hot barbecue grill can ignite a nearby item, such as a landscape plant or wooden fence.

    Frequently cleaning your cooking equipment and appliances, and observing all cooking activities will significantly minimize the likelihood of a cooking-related home fire.

    Heating Systems

    Space heaters can overheat, igniting various internal components and nearby items such as drapes, upholstery or carpets. Following the instructions on the appliance carefully and making sure the heater is never unattended can reduce your fire risk from these sources.

    Human Carelessness

    Human error contributes to each category of common fire causes, but certain behaviors are known to raise fire risk dramatically. Unattended lit cigarettes cause more residential fire fatalities than any other source; consequently, smoking in the bedroom is strongly discouraged. Unattended burning candles pose a similar risk.

    Much of fire safety is common sense. The primary goal is to keep fuel sources, such as grease or textiles, separated from flame or high heat. Equally important is being present to observe anything that is burning or has an active heating element. These precautions are simple and may save you from experiencing a home fire and a disruptive fire cleaning and restoration process.

    What Happens When Your Furnas Fails

    11/12/2019 (Permalink)

    Despite the increasing number of viable alternative heating methods available on the market, the majority of Foxborough residents still rely on oil furnaces to heat their homes and businesses. Today heating systems are very reliable and dependable; most issues can be readily addressed by a qualified professional. Unfortunately, the malfunction commonly known as the "puff back" is not so easily dealt with.

    A puffback is an explosion inside the burner chamber of the furnace, similar to the backfiring of a car. While there are a number of causes - such as excessive debris or a buildup of oil fumes prior to burner ignition - the resulting explosion can shoot soot and debris through the furnace's exhaust system...and into your home.

    This soot is not just a powder-like substance; instead, it is black, sticky and will include a mixture of oil that is difficult to clean. Walls, ceilings, carpets, furniture and curtains are coated with a fine film of soot and smoky streaks. Typically, the damage is worse with a forced-air heating system or central air-conditioning, because the duct work provides a path through the house, even into closets. In addition to the soot, a puff back causes a foul odor to permeate your home. Oil-based soot is extremely difficult to remove and needs to be cleaned as soon as possible.

    Fortunately, the technicians of SERVPRO of Foxborough have the knowledge and experience to take care of difficult problems such as this. Since each puffback situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your home or business, while also treating your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

    Is A Mold Inspection Necessary When Purchasing Commercial Property

    10/18/2019 (Permalink)

    Corner of Church walls, floorboard heaters and tile flooring covered in mold Corner of Church walls, floorboard heaters and tile flooring covered in mold

    When you consider purchasing a commercial property in the Foxborough area, you likely have a checklist of things to look for. The building not only has to suit all your business needs but it must be structurally sound. This means checking for signs of mold and knowing when you may need a mold inspection.

    Know Where to Look

    Mold grows best in damp, moist conditions. As you walk through the property, consider any areas of the building that fit this description, and keep an eye out for signs of water damage. Some notable places to look for visible mold include:

    • Bathrooms - Check near showers, sinks, tubs and toilets.
    • Basements - Pay attention to signs of leakage or condensation on pipes, as well as flood-prone areas.
    • Windows - Rainwater leaks and condensation from humidity can cause mold formation.

    Of course, mold is not always visible. It can lurk within HVAC ducts and behind walls, ceilings or floorboards. If you notice any current or previous signs of water damage, you should consult the experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough to determine the extent of any infestation.

    Inspection and Remediation

    If there are no signs of mold or water damage, it may not be worthwhile to pay for a mold inspection. However, if you suspect a problem, trained inspection and restoration experts can help you determine the extent of the issue and figure out a cleanup method. The good news is that even if your ideal property has a slight mold problem, this does not mean it is out of the running. With the assistance of skilled mold remediation experts at SERVPRO of Foxborough, the route cause will be identified and fixed followed by proper remediation of any infestation.

    What Does Certified Technicians Mean

    10/18/2019 (Permalink)

    IICRC ball logo IICRC ball logo

    What Is IICRC Certification

    The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is a non-profit globally recognized governing body for the cleaning and restoration industry.  They set the standards we follow and it is their certifications that our technicians carry. When a technician obtains a program mitigation certificate from the IICRC, they are held to the highest standards. Not only does this keep industry standards high, but it also establishes a recognized global standard and that is why insurance agents and adjusters keep IICRC graduates on their preferred vendor's lists. Here are a few of the values the SERVPRO of Foxborough technicians are expected to uphold;

    1. Respect

    Technicians are taught that working with clients and staff that everyone treats respectfully can elevate the job site. It can also help bring out natural abilities and let inborn qualities shine.

    2. Integrity

    Valuing integrity, the expectation is that all graduating technicians will have strong ethical principles. Dealing honestly and upholding high values is important in developing an honorable reputation within the cleaning and restoration industry.

    3. Responsibility

    Once at a job, all IICRC technicians are expected to work as if the property were their own. This includes completing the job promptly and using the best tools available to finish the job.

    4. Excellence

    Service, leadership, and duty are all part of what the graduate is expected to bring to the office each day. Technicians are also taught to hold high standards in service, on the job and off.

    5. Expertise

    The IICRC continues to update their courses, incorporating new and improved tools and techniques to ensure standards, values and expertise remain at the highest level possible. Certification is a lifelong process of self-improvement and gaining professional knowledge. SERVPRO of Foxborough technicians must obtain 14 hours of education every four years.
    The IICRC helps hold trained technicians of the cleaning and restoration industry to a high standard. That is the SERVPRO of Foxborough difference!        

    Steps To Follow When Your Property Floods

    10/17/2019 (Permalink)

    What do you do when your basement or place of business floods? Not knowing where to start and what to do can be overwhelming. Here are three steps to follow which will guide you through the process.

    3 Steps to Cleanup Flood Damage

    1. Remove Water

    Before any repairs can be made, all of the water must be removed from the basement. We at SERVPRO of Foxborough are water remediation experts and we can help you through the entire process. From water removal to rebuild our vast team of certified technicians and licensed craftsmen will make it “Like it never even happened.” Flooded basement water removal may look something like the following:

    • Hiring an electrician to evaluate the risk of electric shock. 
    • Getting the sump pump up-and-running to remove sitting water.
    • Using a shop vacuum to suck-up the last inch or so of water. 
    • Lifting carpet and using large fans to dry-out moisture. 
    • Sanitizing with warm water and disinfectant to prevent mold growth.

      2. Repair Damage

    Once the area has been completely dried, repairs may be in order. Checking your home flood insurance coverage may be a good place to start. While salvaging some belongings may be an option, it is unwise to try to save anything which uses electricity or gas. If your gas furnace or electric outlets took on water in the flooding, replacement over repair is the safe route to go. 

    1. Plan for Future Flood Prevention

    Now that the basement is clean, dry, and repairs are complete its time to plan ahead for the future. There is nothing worse than putting time and money into basement flood restoration only to have it ruined all over again. Consider the following preventative measures:

    • Install a back-up pump.
    • Create outside drainage for storm runoff.
    • Buy a generator for use during a power outage.

    While following these three tips will help you after water damage strikes the reality is calling SERVPRO of Foxborough is the only step you need to take!

    What's Covered?

    6/26/2018 (Permalink)

    When is comes to water damage issues the best way to know what is covered and what isn't is to check your policy or ask you insurance agent.

    Here is a standard list of what may or may not typically be covered. Remember everyone's policy is different and the best person to answer your coverage questions is always your agent! 

    - Burst Pipes and Leaks – Typically Covered

    -Water Damage From Appliances – Typically     Covered

    - Roof Leaks – Typically Covered

    - Flood Damage – Typically Not Covered

    - Backed Up Drain or Sewer Line – Typically Not     Covered

    - Ground Water Seepage – Typically Not Covered

    - Mold – Possibly Covered

    If you or a friend has experienced water damage due to any of the above listed issues give our office a call. We are available 24 hours a day to help with all your water damage needs. 

    SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole - 508-533-5305

    Water Damage Timeline

    6/26/2018 (Permalink)

    When it comes to water damage it is never a good idea to wait. Check out this timeline to see what typically happens during a water damage. 

    Water Damage Timeline

    Within Minutes

    • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
    • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
    • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
    • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

    Hours 1 - 24:

    • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
    • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
    • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
    • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
    • A musty odor appears.

    48 Hours to 1 Week:

    • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
    • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
    • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
    • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
    • Paint begins to blister.
    • Wood flooring swells and warps.
    • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

    More Than 1 Week:

    • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
    • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

    Commercial Fire Damage Restoration

    6/26/2018 (Permalink)

    Fire damage is especially devastating for a business or commercial property. In addition to the fire and smoke damage, significant water damage from firefighting efforts and fire suppression systems may occur. Every hour spent restoring your business back to pre-fire condition is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. If your business experiences a fire loss, call the fire and water damage restoration experts and we’ll respond immediately to get you back to business.

    • 24 Hour Emergency Service
    • Faster to Any Size Disaster
    • A Trusted Leader in the Fire and Water Restoration Industry with over 1,700 Franchises
    • Highly Trained Fire and Water Damage Restoration Specialists

    Locally Owned Company with National Resources

    SERVPRO of Franklin / Walpole can respond immediately to your commercial fire damage emergency regardless of the size or scope of the damage. We are part of a national network of over 1,700 Franchises with special Disaster Recovery Teams placed strategically throughout the country to respond to large scale events and disasters.

    Commercial Restoration Services

    6/26/2018 (Permalink)

    There's never a convenient time for fire or water damage to strike your business. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we'll be there fast with the help you need.

    No Job Is Too Large

    The SERVPRO Commercial Large Loss Division is composed of our best of the best in restoration. Our elite large-loss specialists are pre-qualified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster. Every large loss is supervised by a commercial operations manager to help ensure seamless communication and timely mitigation. 

    If your business suffers a major loss, call (508) 533-5305.

    Disaster Recovery Team

    The SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team can provide help whether it’s a tornado, hurricane, blizzard or flood. The SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you. Available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, we are prepared for the unpredictable.

    Storm Damage Cleanup

    6/26/2018 (Permalink)

    Have Storm or Flood Damage?

    Call Us Today (508) 533-5305

    Why Choose SERVPRO of Franklin / Walpole?

    We're Faster to Any Size Disaster

    When a storm hits your Franklin home or business, you need help immediately. Our quick response will help prevent secondary damage and help reduce restoration costs.

    We're Highly Trained Storm Damage Specialists

    As water and storm damage specialists, we have the experience and advanced training that enables us to restore your property quickly. We use scientific drying principles and provide validation and documentation that your property is dry and the job is complete.

    • Water Damage Restoration Technician
    • Applied Structural Drying Technicians
    We Have the Resources to Handle Storms and Disasters

    We can scale our resources to handle any size storm or disaster. We can access resources from a network of 1,700 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams strategically located throughout the country.

    Locally Owned Company with National Storm Resources

    We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Franklin / Walpole is close by and ready to respond to storm and disaster events. We are proud to be an active member of the Franklin community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

    Flooding what to do and not to do

    6/26/2018 (Permalink)

    What To Do After Flooding

    • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
    • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
    • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
    • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
    • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
    • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
    • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
    • Gather loose items from floors.

    What NOT To Do After Flooding

    • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
    • Don't leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
    • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
    • Don't use television or other household appliances.
    • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

    Is your dryer a ticking time bomb.

    6/26/2018 (Permalink)

    How safe is your dryer?

    Here are some fire prevention tips from The National Fire Prevention Association

    • Have your dryer installed and serviced by a professional. 

    • Do not use the dryer without a lint filter. 

    • Make sure you clean the lint filter before or after each load of laundry. Remove lint that has collected around the drum.

    • Rigid or flexible metal venting material should be used to sustain proper air flow and drying time.

    • Make sure the air exhaust vent pipe is not restricted and the outdoor vent flap will open when the dryer is operating. Once a year, or more often if you notice that it is taking longer than normal for your clothes to dry, clean lint out of the vent pipe or have a dryer lint removal service do it for you.

    • Keep dryers in good working order. Gas dryers should be inspected by a qualified professional to make sure that the gas line and connection are intact and free of leaks.

    • Make sure the right plug and outlet are used and that the machine is connected properly. • Follow the manufacturer’s operating instructions and don’t overload your dryer.

    • Turn the dryer off if you leave home or when you

    The leading cause of home dryer fires is failure to clean them!

    CDC Facts on Mold

    6/25/2018 (Permalink)

    According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's website:

    There is always some mold everywhere – in the air and on many surfaces. Molds have been on the Earth for millions of years. Mold grows where there is moisture.

    Mold and Your Home

    Mold is found both indoors and outdoors. Mold can enter your home through open doorways, windows, vents, and heating and air conditioning systems. Mold in the air outside can also attach itself to clothing, shoes, bags, and pets can and be carried indoors.

    Mold will grow in places with a lot of moisture, such as around leaks in roofs, windows, or pipes, or where there has been flooding. Mold grows well on paper products, cardboard, ceiling tiles, and wood products. Mold can also grow in dust, paints, wallpaper, insulation, drywall, carpet, fabric, and upholstery.

    If you suspect the presents of mold in your house please give our expects a call at SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole 508-533-5305

    Industrial Hygienist

    6/25/2018 (Permalink)

    If you suspect you have a mold issue give us a call today at 508-533-5305! If you suspect you have an issue but are unable to actually see the mold you may need what we in the industry call an Industrial Hygienist to come out and do some testing.

    The company we turn to is always Oasis Environmental. 

    For over fifteen years, Oasis Environmental Contracting Services, Inc. (Oasis) has been providing quality environmental advice and support to there valued clients. Oasis is veterans owned business/registered with CCR Cage/NCAGE 5KC12.

    Oasis provides an eclectic array of environmental services and products, and we specialize in Environmental Investigations. Their meticulous and unique forensic approach provides clients with the historic data considered necessary to formulate options and make educated decisions regarding difficult environmental questions.

    Matthew E. Montefusco, CHMM, CMC, CES, founded Oasis on the premise that individuals faced with environmental problems prefer and deserve a calm place (an Oasis) to obtain sensible and cost effective solutions to their particular situation. With Mr. Montefusco's twenty-nine plus years of environmental experience and the diligent efforts of the Oasis conscientious staff, environmental problems can be solved in a professional manner with the client's best interest in mind. 

    For more information contact our office at SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole. 

    Understanding Category and Class during water Damage.

    6/25/2018 (Permalink)

    According to the IICRC S500 Standard and Reference Guide for Professional Water Damage Restoration

    There are 3 Basic Categories of Water

    Category 1 originates from a sanitary source and poses no substantial risk from dermal, ingestion, or inhalation exposure. However, it may not always remain clean after it comes into contact with other surfaces or materials.

    Category 2 contains significant contamination and has the potential to cause discomfort or sickness if contacted or consumed by humans. It may contain potentially unsafe levels of microorganisms or nutrients for microorganisms, as well as other organic or inorganic matter (chemical or biological).

    Category 3 is grossly contaminated and may contain pathogenic, toxigenic or other harmful agents. Such water sources may carry silt, organic matter, pesticides, heavy metals, regulated materials, or toxic organic substances.

    Time and temperature can also affect the quality of water, thereby changing its category. *Refer to the IICRC S500 for complete definitions.

    The 4 Primary Classifications of Water Damage

    Class 1 is the least amount of water, absorption and evaporation.  It affects only part of a room or area, or larger areas containing materials that have absorbed minimal moisture.  Little or no wet carpet and/or cushion is present.

    Class 2 involves a large amount of water, absorption and evaporation.  It affects at least an entire room of carpet and cushion (pad).  Water has wicked up walls less than 24 inches.  There is moisture remaining in structural materials and substructure soil.

    Class 3 involves the greatest amount of water, absorption and evaporation.  Water may have come from overhead.  Ceilings, walls, insulation, carpet, cushion and subfloor in virtually all of the entire area are saturated.

    Class 4 relates to specialty drying situations.  Wet materials with very low permeance/porosity (eg. hardwood, plaster, brick, concrete, light-weight concrete and stone).  Typically, there are deep pockets of saturation, which require very low specific humidity.  These types of losses may require longer drying times and special methods.

    *Refer to the IICRC S500 for complete definitions. 

    BLEACH vs MOLD ~ Who Knew?

    4/10/2018 (Permalink)

    Despite popular belief, BLEACH DOES NOT KILL MOLD on porous surfaces!

    Because Mold grows in colonies and has roots which grow deep into the material, bleach will NOT kill Mold in its entirety. Bleach will kill the surface Mold but the water content contained in bleach will actually worsen Mold conditions! Mold is a living organism which means it needs food to survive. Within a porous structure, Mold will use the water in bleach as a food source to feed its roots. This will actually cause the mold to grow back stronger!

    The following are some Interesting, Educational FACTS about BLEACH and MOLD

    • The Clorox ® Company, EPA and OSHA have specifically advised that Bleach should not be used in mold remediation
    • Bleach does not kill mold, it will only remove the stain caused by mold
    • Bleach in some cases will allow toxic mold to grow where it was not present before
    • Bleach itself is considered to be toxic and is classified the same as gasoline
    • Bleach on gypsum (the material found in sheet rock or drywall) will emit chlorine gas for at least a week
    • Bleach applied to wood will push mold spores deeper into the wood fibers creating more problems later
    • Bleach does more harm than good

    Contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole TODAY to Remediate YOUR Mold Issue!


    4/9/2018 (Permalink)


    SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole ~ FASTER to ANY SIZE DISASTER!

    When STORMS Rage, Flooding and Water EMERGENCIES don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we!

    SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole provides Emergency Cleaning and Restoration Services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ~ Including All Holidays!

    We at SERVPRO Franklin/Walpole pride ourselves on being FASTER to ANY SIZE DISASTER!

    Flood and Water Damage is very invasive! Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more!

    SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately! This immediate response helps to not only minimize the damage it also minimizes your cleaning and restoration costs!

    When STORMS RAGE, contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole to handle YOUR Emergency Flood and Water Disaster ~ Anytime; Day or Night! ~ Available 24/7 ~ Including ALL holidays!

    Are YOU in HOT WATER?

    4/6/2018 (Permalink)

    Often times homeowners aren't aware that a Hot Water Heater is about to fail. Most often you are met with water running out from under your foundation, or garage!

    While you can't be sure when failure will occur, there ARE signs you can keep an eye out for.

     Knowing the age of your water heater is one way, which can be located by looking at the manufacture sticker on the upper portion of the water heater.

    Example if the Serial number is F051052638, the "F" represents the month, since "F' is the sixth letter of the alphabet it was manufactured in the month of June.

    The next two numbers represent the year. Since 05 are the two numbers following the "F" this means the hot water heater was built in 2005.

    A good rule of thumb: Most hot water heaters over 10 years old have lived a useful life and should be considered for replacement.

    If you have suffered a Hot Water Tank failure, SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole is at your service to assist with YOUR water clean up! ~ Faster in Any Size Disaster ~ Available 24/7

    Lead Clean up at the Gun Range

    4/5/2018 (Permalink)

    Dust cleaning

    Our crews were called in to this particular gun club for an extensive duct cleaning and removing the lead dust from the gun range. This is typically done often as the dust accumulates very quickly and can pose serious health issues to those that utilize the ranges. For more information on this please visit http://www.mass.gov/lwd/labor-standards/deleading-and-lead-safety/occupational-lead-poisoning-registry/shooting-range-bulletin.pdf

    According to this article every year several shooters, instructors and maintenance staff become sick from lead poisoning they receive while on the range.

    Our technicians are required to be trained in lead safe practices and wear PPE at all times to protect themselves from the dangers during clean up. 

    Always remember to contact SERVPRO of Stoughton/Sharon to help with any and all your cleaning needs! 

    Pet Tips from The Humane Society of the United States

    4/2/2018 (Permalink)

    The following tips on winter pet safety are provided by The Humane Society of the United States:
    • If pets cannot come indoors, make sure they are protected by a dry, draft-free enclosure large enough to allow them to sit and lie down, but small enough to hold in the pet’s body heat. Raise the floor a few inches off the ground and cover it with cedar shavings or straw. Turn the enclosure away from the wind and cover the doorway with waterproof burlap or heavy plastic.
    • Salt and other chemicals used to melt snow and ice can irritate a pet’s paws. Wipe their paws with a damp towel before your pet licks them and irritates their mouth.
    • Antifreeze is a deadly poison. Wipe up spills and store antifreeze out of reach.

    SERVPRO Emergency READY Program

    4/2/2018 (Permalink)

    As many as 50% of businesses close down following a disaster, according to the latest research. Of the businesses that survive, the overwhelming majority of them had a preparedness plan in place. Pre-planning can serve as an insurance policy aimed at peace of mind. And knowing you are "Ready for whatever happens" speaks trust to your clients and employees that in the event your business is affected by a disaster, they don’t necessarily have to be.

    By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how water and fire damage can affect your business.

    Call our office today to schedule yours! 508-697-5439

    Are conditions in your town right for Mold?

    4/2/2018 (Permalink)

    It’s estimated that more than 1 million types of mold exist, yet less than 10 percent have actually been named. This means mold is very common in both indoor and outdoor environments. While mold and humans can sometimes co-exist without issue, there are certain species of mold that can cause health effects for some people.

    If the right conditions exist, mold will grow.  Those conditions include:

    • Water - Different mold types require varying amounts of liquid before growth begins.   
    • Temperature - Normal indoor temperatures will promote mold growth.
    • Time - Initial mold colonizers can take hold within one day after being exposed to an adequate water supply.

    Mold growth can occur in any home, so it’s important to keep an eye out for situations that might promote mold activity. Roof/chimney leaks, wet basements, or condensation from ducts that dampen surrounding insulation are just a few examples of issues that make a house a prime target for mold growth.

    If you suspect mold in your home, call SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole to assess the situation. We have the knowledge, tools and track record to effectively remediate mold in your home or business.

    If you suspect mold, call us today at 508-697-5439

    What to Do:

    • Stay out of affected areas.
    • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
    • Contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole for mold remediation services

    Mold Tips

    4/2/2018 (Permalink)

    If you see visible mold, do not disturb it. You can inadvertently spread the mold infestation throughout your home. When mold is disturbed, the mold can release microscopic mold spores which become airborne and can circulate inside your home.

    What to Do:

    • Stay out of affected areas.
    • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
    • Contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole for mold remediation services.

    What Not to Do:

    • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
    • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
    • Don’t attempt to dry the area yourself.
    • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.

    About Our Mold Remediation Services

    SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole specializes in mold cleanup and restoration, in fact, it’s a cornerstone of our business.  Our crews are highly trained restoration professionals that use specialized equipment and techniques to properly remediate your mold problem quickly and safely.

    If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – 508-697-5439

    Fire Damage facts

    3/30/2018 (Permalink)

    Fire from boiler

    Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

    Smoke and soot facts:

    • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
    • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
    • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

    Different Types of Smoke

    There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

    Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

    • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

    Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

    • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

    Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

    • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

    Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

    Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

    Fire Safety from the American Red Cross

    3/30/2018 (Permalink)

    Help Your Child Survive a Fire
    • Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, inside bedrooms and outside sleeping areas. Once a month check whether each alarm in the home is working properly by pushing the test button. Replace batteries in smoke alarms at least once a year. Immediately install a new battery if an alarm chirps, warning the battery is low.
    • Teach your children what smoke alarms sound like and what to do when they hear one.
    • Ensure that all household members know two ways to escape from every room of your home, and where to meet up outside.
    • Practice your fire escape plan at least twice a year and at different times of the day. Practice waking up to smoke alarms, low crawling and meeting outside. Make sure everyone knows how to call 9-1-1.
    • Emphasize “get out, stay out.” Only professional firefighters should enter a building that is on fire—even if other family members, pets or prized possessions are inside.
    • Use quick-release devices on barred windows and doors. Security bars without release devices can trap you in a deadly fire. If you have security bars on your windows, be sure one window in each sleeping room has a release device.
    • Consider getting escape ladders for sleeping areas on the second or third floor. Learn how to use them, and store them near the windows.
    • Teach household members to STOP, DROP and ROLL if their clothes should catch on fire.

    Dealership with roof leak

    3/30/2018 (Permalink)

    Ceiling tiles fallen due to roof leak

    The contractor who was replacing the roof had tarped it but not very well which resulted in the building getting flooded during heavy wind and rains. Ceiling tiles had fallen and water was pouring into the dealership. We arrived on site within 2 hours of getting the call. The building was completely flooded with roughly 2 inches of water throughout. Our crews worked around the clock to extract the water and used lifts to remove the remaining ceiling tiles.

    The job took approximately a week and a half to remove the water and complete the demo and dry out. Our insured was extremely happy with the outcome and how fast they were able to get back up and running.

    Call SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole for all your commercial needs.

    Faster to any Size Disaster

    8/28/2017 (Permalink)

    Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

    Faster To Any Size Disaster

    Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

    Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – 781-341-1946

    Water Damage Timeline

    Within Minutes

    • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
    • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
    • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
    • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

    Hours 1 - 24:

    • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
    • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
    • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
    • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
    • A musty odor appears.

    48 Hours to 1 Week:

    • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
    • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
    • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
    • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
    • Paint begins to blister.
    • Wood flooring swells and warps.
    • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

    More Than 1 Week:

    • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
    • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

    Basement Flooding -Bellingham, MA

    5/15/2017 (Permalink)

    This homeowners basement flooded after heavy rains

    With spring approaching, for some homeowners this is a time when basements flood. Here's how to deal with a flooded basement from seasonal rain and melting snow.

    According to Flood Smart a 1000 square foot home flooded with a mere 1' of water can lead to over $10,000 worth of damage. Most basements flood for the following reason.

    Burst pipes, sudden downpours a copious amount of melting snow, broken gutters, leaky windows, damaged foundations, sudden removal of large trees near your home etc... 

    What can you do to prevent a basement flood? 

    Check your pipes, look for any area that may look like there is corrosion. If you see cracks in your foundation get it fixed. Seal or replace basement windows. Check downspouts so that they are away from the house. 

    If you have suffered a flooded basement give SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305

    Hot water tank failure - Belingham, MA

    5/15/2017 (Permalink)

    This homeowner suffered a water loss when the hotwater tank failed.

    Most often homeowners aren't aware that a hot water heater is about to fail. Most time you are met with water running out from under your foundation, or garage. While you can't be sure when failure will occur, there are signs that you can keep and eye out for.

    Knowing the age of your water heater is one way, which can be located by looking at the manufacture sticker on the upper portion of the water heater. Example if the Serial number is F051052638, the "F" represents the month, it's the sixth number of the alphabet so it was manufactured in June. The next two numbers represent the year. So since 05 is the two numbers following the "F" this means the heater was built in 2005. A good rule of thumb is most hotwater heaters over 10 years old have lived a useful life and should be considered for replacement.

    If you have suffered a hot water tank loss, call SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305 to assist with your water clean up.

    A/C water loss - Carver, MA

    5/15/2017 (Permalink)

    This homeowner suffered a water loss when his A/C unit line failed.

    As a homeowner when you have central air conditioning you wonder if there are early signs that your central air conditioner is failing. We all expect our central air conditioners to work as soon as we flip a switch but sometimes nothing happens. Here are a few signs to look out for.

    No Power: It could be the result of a blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker, ore a bad thermostat.

    Not Cooling. If the unit is running but seems to be warm air, it could be from a refrigerant leak. Check  for signs of moisture in the ceiling and the walls. 

     If you believe that you have suffered leakage from your central air conditioning unit call SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305 to remediate the loss quickly.

    Puff Back - Norfolk, MA

    5/15/2017 (Permalink)

    This homeowner suffered a puff back when his heating system failed to ignite properly.

    A puff back happens when an oil burner doesn't immediately ignite cause oil to build up before ignition. The resulting cause would be like that to the backfiring of a car. This explosion can shoot soot through the furnace exhaust system and into your home. If you have forced hot air the soot will travel through your heating system.

    It's amazing how much area soot can cover, in some cases it can force you out of your home. Puff Back soot is not just a powder-like substance but a mixture of oil that is black and sticky, making it extremely difficult to remove. 

    If you think you have suffered  a puff back from your in your home contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305. A trained technician can come, assess, and determine the best plan for clean-up. 

    Puff Back -Plymouth, MA

    5/15/2017 (Permalink)

    This homeowner had thought her house looked dirty but found out that it was a puff back from her oil burner.

    A puff back happens when an oil burner doesn't immediately ignite cause oil to build up before ignition. The resulting cause would be like that to the backfiring of a car. This explosion can shoot soot through the furnace exhaust system and into your home. If you have forced hot air the soot will travel through your heating system.

    It's amazing how much area soot can cover, in some cases it can force you out of your home. Puff Back soot is not just a powder-like substance but a mixture of oil that is black and sticky, making it extremely difficult to remove. 

    If you think you have suffered  a puff back from your in your home contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305. A trained technician can come, assess, and determine the best plan for clean-up. 

    Commercial Duct Cleaning-Braintree, MA

    5/15/2017 (Permalink)

    This commercial company decided that it was time to clean the duct system.

    Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems have been shown to act as a collection source for a variety of contaminants that have the potential to affect health. Most people will spend an average of 60 to 90% indoors. HVAC systems carry such micro's such as mold, fungi, bacteria and very small particles of dust. 

    Research has demonstrated the cleaning the HVAC system may allow the system to run more efficiently by removing debris from sensitive mechanical components, are less likely break down and provide cleaner air. 

    The HVAC units should be inspect annually for cleanliness. Visually inspect the supply and return every two years. During your inspection you may see particulate matter being discharged from the vents, this is a good indication it it time for the cleaning of your vents.

    SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole has trained and certified technicians that can come and clean the vents for you. Give them a call today at 508-533-5305


    Roof Leak at Pre-School- W'Bridgewatger, MA

    5/15/2017 (Permalink)

    This pre-school was replacing the roof when they suffered a water loss.

    Big Buildings present big challenges, but when it happens at a preschool, it needs to be handled so as to not upset the daily routine. This preschool was fortunate, school was out when they suffered damages from a roof leak. 

    No one is more prepared to tackle your commercial loss then SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole. We help building owners get their business up and running fast. 

    Our number 1 priority is getting onsite, begin the assessment and immediately get to work. We work directly with you and your adjuster. When a business suffers a loss, any amount of disruption can effect the bottom line.

    Virtually every job we perform is covered by insurance. We specialize in helping our clients with the insurance claim in a timely manor.   

    If you are in need of service for your commercial property contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 781-341-1946 for your peace of mind.

    Kitchen Mold - Plymouth, MA

    5/12/2017 (Permalink)

    During a kitchen renovation this homeowner found mold.

    Your kitchen can be a melting pot for the growth of mold. Outside leaking pipes, here are 7 sources that could help with the growth of mold.

    The Refrigerator Drip Tray: This tray is easily forgotten. It is found under the fridge, it could be in the back under the fan grate, or bottom front. 

    Garbage Disposal: Mold can grow on rotting food in the garbage disposal if you don't keep it clean. To help avoid mold, pour vinegar down at least once a week.

    Compost: Another less thought of mold source is the compost bucket. Make sure to remove it every day and keep covered.

    Cutting Boards: In most homes this item is used on a daily basis, but it is a good source for mold growth. Cleaning it once a week with vinegar and let stand for 10 minutes before rinsing should cut down on the threat of mold.

    If you have a mold growth in your home contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305 for your professional cleaning

    Basement Mold - Canton, MA

    5/12/2017 (Permalink)

    What to do when you find mold in your basement.

    One of the areas in your home where you would most likely see mold is in your basement. Because the basement gets not sunlight, very little ventilation and is often humid it is prime real estate for mold to grow. 

    Mold can grow on most every thing, drywall, building frames, carpet, insulation to name a few. When looking for mold looks for signs of moisture. 

    In order to prevent basement mold you must minimize moisture. Here are a few tips.

    Basement Walls: If you see water seeping through the walls applying sealant to walls and floors would prevent water from getting in.

    Leaking Pipes: Look over pipes for any condensation or leaks, and get them fixed.

    Basement Humidity: It's important to keep the humidity at below 55%. Buying a dehumidifier would would reduce the risk of mold in you basement. 

    If you have mold in you basement contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305 where our trained and certified technicians can rid your home of mold.

    Wind Storm loss - Sudbury, MA

    5/12/2017 (Permalink)

    This home owner suffered a loss during a wind storm

    It doesn't matter if a summer thunderstorm or a winter blizzard when a storm is coming there are ways to be prepared.

    Your roof takes the brunt. If your roof is 5 to 10 years old check your tiles and shingles to see if they are loose. If you have time fix them prior to the storm arriving.

    Doors and windows are another prime ways that strong winds can get inside. In a normal rain/wind storm windows should be able to repel 9-pound 2-by-4 wind speed which equals to about 34 mph wind. 

    When was the last time you scrutinized your flashing? if the protective material appears to be unattached have it replaced, to prevent water damage from the rain.

    If you have suffered a Wind/Rain damage call SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305 to help with the clean-up of your home.

    Toilet tank loss - Taunton, MA

    4/11/2017 (Permalink)

    This homeowner suffered a water loss from his leaking toilet tank.

    Nothing is worse than the experience of a leaky toilet. Chances are pretty good that you will deal with a cracked or broken toilet tank at least once in your life time.

    There are many reasons why your toilet tank may break, but generally it is due from age. As a toilet gets older, it becomes more prone to cracking. 

    Any repairs you do on your toilet may cause cracking of the tank, or by simply placing the toilet tank cover on may also cause cracking. 

    If your toilet suffered a sudden impact, a hair dryer dropping, falling into the toilet could cause your tank to leak. 

    Toilets have also been known to leak at the gasket. As your toilet ages so does that gasket. The gasket is supposed to help create a seal between the toilet and the plumbing lines in your home. If you notice that your toilet leaks when you flush it, it is probably a worn gasket. 

    If you suffer a water loss from your toilet contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305 and let us help. 



    Ice Dam Damage Cause and prevention -North Easton, MA

    3/31/2017 (Permalink)

    This unsuspecting homeowner suffered a loss from an Ice Dam.

    Icicles can be cool looking but they could be holding onto something powerful enough to create mass destruction in your home, ICE DAMS.

    Ice Dams form along the eaves of a roof preventing the snow from adequately draining and creating a backup.  When Water is trapped it seeks ways to escape from the very prison created by the Ice Dams. When it has found that opening it is generally in your home.  It begins to nestle in the insulation, until it can no longer hold its weight, pressing even further into your ceilings and walls, until it’s reached its potential.

    How To Prevent Ice Dams.

    • Seal air leaks

    • Seal leaky air ducts

    • Add more insulation.

    • Make sure there is sufficient ventilation in the attic.

    If you suffer from an Ice Dam give SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305. Our technicians are trained and certified to help with the cleanup of your loss. 

    Wind Storm Damage- Waban, MA

    3/31/2017 (Permalink)

    Wind storm damage

    It seems that every day another weather story makes the news. From flooding to hurricanes, to an Ice storm. Weather can affect us wherever we live with very little warning. There is really no way to prevent potential storm damage.

    The first step in emergency preparedness is to remove dead tree branches. They can break off in a storm posing a danger to people. As the homeowner had found out the hard way during this storm. Here  are some other helpful hints.

    Keep Lights on During a Power Outage with a Generator.

    If you have a generator follow these safety rules.

    • Have a working CO Detector
    • Only use portable generators outdoors not in partially enclosed/enclosed areas
    • Keep them away from windows, doors, crawlspaces and overhangs
    • Always read the manufacturer's operating and maintenance instructions.
    • NEVER add gasoline to a hot or running portable generator.

    Weather Proof your home.

    • Keep gutters clean.
    • Fix drainage problems in your yard to prevent flooding

    Lawn Care Before and After the Storm.

    • Don't work in your yard when a storm is in the area
    • Pick up yard debris.

    If you suffer a loss call SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305 we our trained Technicians can clean up any loss.

    Basement Flooding-E.Bridgewater, MA

    3/31/2017 (Permalink)

    This homeowner was surprised that her basement was flooded.

    In the past 5 years all 50 state have experienced flooding including in those areas that are considered by FEMA a low threat.

    What is a flood.

    A flood is a temporary condition where two or more properties or land are inundated by water. It can affect even areas that are considered to be at low risk. 

    What To Do After A Flood

    • Call your insurance agent to file a claim
    • Check for structural damage before re-entering your home
    • Take photos of any damaged to your personal property
    • Make a list of damaged
    • Boil water to avoid contaminants
    • Call the experts.

    At SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole all are Technicians are trained and certified to handle even the toughest of flood waters. 

    Call SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole today at 508-533-5305

    Attic Mold - Plymouth

    3/27/2017 (Permalink)

    The mold in this attic was not discovered until the homeowner went to get the Halloween decorations.

    What can you do when you have found mold growth in your attic. SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole  have narrowed down the 6 most common causes of mold growth in you attic.

    If you're like a lot of people you probably store all your holiday decorations in the attic. During these times it would be a good time to inspect your attic for mold. For some there could be a nasty surprise waiting for us.

    SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole has comprised the 6 common causes.

    1: A leaking roof.

    2: Missing or improperly installed insulation.

    3: Inadequate Ventilation.

    4: Dryer vents, kitchen and/or bathroom fans vented into the attic. This practice can pump warm moist air into the attic creating the correct environment for mold growth.

    5: Water heaters or furnaces installed in the attic.

    6: Ice damming.

    If you think you might have mold growth contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305 to set up an appoint for one of our experience technicians for their opinion today. 

    Skylight Mold - Milton, MA

    3/27/2017 (Permalink)

    Mold found around this leaky skylight in Milton, MA

    Condensation is usually more noticeable on skylights because warm, moist air rises to the ceiling. The problem, however, usually isn't the skylight it's the excess moisture in the room.

    Skylights are often installed in bathrooms but sometimes in bedrooms and kitchens. The appeal is understandable. Skylights window, are defined as windows installed at an angle. While they look pretty down the road they can lead to uncomfortable conversations.

    The key to mold control is moisture control. Managing excess moisture in your home can help prevent the growth of mold. monitoring your home regularly will help to keep the mold to a minimum.

    Open your skylights to reduce humidity and to allow air to circulate. This will reduce the buildup of moisture, which is the biggest cause of mold. If you see a build up of condensation open the window if you can, or run a fan, this will help the air to move.

    Mold will never be anyone's idea of a welcomed house guest, but with preventive steps you can be assured you will never have to fear those three letters words: "you have mold".

    If you think you have mold give SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole a call today for your evaluation at 508-533-5305


    Window Mold-Sharon, MA

    3/27/2017 (Permalink)

    Mold strikes a garage window in Sharon, MA

    MOLD: The very word is enough to make a person cringe. 

    Mold can be good- it's essential in making brie and penicillin, for example, and necessary for the decomposition of organic matter in nature-but it can also be very, very bad, especially when it grows undetected in your home. Mold can grow anywhere: on carpet, clothing, food, paper, and even in places you can't see such as the backside of drywall, areas inside walls around leaking or condensing pipers, and above ceiling tiles.

    Here are nine ways to curb moisture indoors, and the mold that thrives on it. 

    1: Identify problems areas in your home and correct them.

    2: Dry wet areas immediately.

    3: Prevent moisture with proper ventilation

    4: Equip your home with mold-resistance products.

    5: Monitor Humidity indoors.

    6: Direct water away from your home.

    7: Clean or repair roof gutters.

    8: Improve air flow in your home.

    9: keep mold off household plants.

    Have questions, give SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole a call today at 508-533-5305 someone will be able to assist you.


    Basement Mold-Somerset, Ma

    3/27/2017 (Permalink)

    Mold build up at a basement in Somerset, MA

    The basement is one of the areas in your home that is prone to mold growth usually from the high level of moisture, inadequate ventilation and a lack of dehumidifying. 

    Mold formation in the basement can easily go unnoticed because people hardly go their and as such the growth can spread extensively. Because mold can grow on any organic item, it is a good idea to check every item in the basement to spot mold growth.  

    Items prone to mold growth include wooden furniture, boxes, cartons, paper, drywall's, carpets and any wood structures that constitute the basement.

    To keep basement free from mold, take extra care to keep it dry always. Possible sources of moisture include floods, leaking pipes and faulty ventilation. 

    If you think that you have mold in your basement give SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole a call at 508-533-5305 

    Grease Fire- What to do

    3/27/2017 (Permalink)

    The effects of a grease fire in Plymouth, MA

    A fire needs 3 things to burn, Heat, Oxygen and Fuel. A fire will keep growing until one of hose is removed.

    The safest way to put out a grease fire burning in a pan...

    Remove the oxygen.

    Here's how....

    Put on Oven Mitts to protect your hands.

    Get the lid that fits the pan and 'slide' it over the top of the burning pan.

    Shut off the burner to stop adding heat.

    Leave the pan alone, don't move it, and don't remove the lid until it has cooled completely.

    Other ways to put out a grease fire....

    Use a class B or ABC fire extinguisher.

    A fire Extinguisher will release a-lot of pressure, so start at a distance away and move towards the fire rather than up-close spraying directly on to the burning grease which could tip the pan and spread the fire. 

    You could also ....

    Carefully pour a good amount of baking soda onto the grease.


    Soak a towel under the faucet, wring out the excess dripping water, and drape over the burning grease pan to smother it. 

    Things NOT TO DO with a grease fire.

    DO NOT move or carry the pan outside, it will fan the flames and risk spreading and/or catching your clothes on fire.

    DO NOT douse the grease fire with water, or milk, etc.. 

    It will cause an explosion like a fire ball.

    DO NOT throw flour on to a grease fire because flour is combustible.

    Dryer Fire -Marshfield, MA

    3/27/2017 (Permalink)

    The is the effect of a dryer fire in your home.

    Doing laundry is likely part of your daily (or at least) weekly routine. But did you know that dryer fires are responsible for a significant number of damages, injuries and deaths every year? There are approximately 15,600 structure fires, 400 injuries and 15 deaths reported annually as a result of dryer fires. According to the United States Fire Administration, every year clothes dryer fires account for over $100 million in loses. A majority of dryer fires occur as a result of highly flammable lint getting caught in the dryer's vent and becoming heated to the point of ignition.

    Tips to prevent dryer fire.

    • Dryers should be properly grounded.

    • Check the outdoor vent flap to make sure it is not covered by snow

    • keep the area around your dryer clear of things that can burn, boxes and cleaning supplies

    • Never dry clothes that have come into contact with flammable substances. "I.E" gasoline, paint thinner etc.

    Should you suffer a dryer fire contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole and let the experts do the cleaning for you. Our certified technicians will make it "Like it never even happened." Call today at 508-533-5305

    Microwave Fire - Brockton, MA

    3/27/2017 (Permalink)

    Microwave fire in Brockton caused soot and smoke damage in the home

    We've all had it happen: Maybe we left the microwave on for too long or forgot to take off the aluminum foil and suddenly, things are overflowing or sparks are flying. Fortunately, for every kitchen disaster there is a solution . And, while the food may not be salvageable, chances are you'll learn how to prevent it from happening in the future.

    Disaster: Your microwave catches fire

    Why it happened: There are a few reasons why there might be a small fire in your microwave. If you accidentally leave a metal utensil or piece of aluminum foil in the microwave, then that could cause sparks which could ignite. If the microwave is very dirty, then residual oil or pieces of food could be the culprit. Cooking something for too long, whether popcorn or chicken breast, could also cause a fire. 

    What to do when your Micro wave catches fire.

    If you notice a small fire in the microwave, immediately unplug it and leave the door closed to allow the fire to suffocate. If there is any risk that the fire may spread immediately call the fire department. 

    When you need the experts to come in and clean, contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole. Our technicians are all trained and certified when it comes to cleaning your home. Call today at 508-533-5305

    Puff Back - Raynham, MA

    3/27/2017 (Permalink)

    What is a puff back...

    Puff-backs occurs when soot and oil blow back from the miss-firing of your furnace. It happens mostly to oil burning furnaces but can happen with other heaters as well. Often the combination of soot and petroleum-based oil can damage many of the items in your house. While the soot leaves dark stains, the oil embeds itself into porous materials. Clothe, carpet and other porous materials slowly adsorb the ash. If not treated quickly, the damage can become permanent.

    SERVPRO of The Franklin/Walpole specializes in the clean up of your Puff-Back. Our technicians are certified and trained to handle even the toughest of Puff-Backs. SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole uses a special process to eliminate soot and smoke.

    If you think you might have suffered a puff back call SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305 for their advise today.

    Commercial Property After A Water Damage Event

    3/24/2017 (Permalink)

    Flooding and water damage events at Brockton, MA  commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

    Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

    Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

    About SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole

    SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

    North Dighton, MA Smoke and Soot Cleanup

    3/24/2017 (Permalink)

    Smoke and Soot Damage Can Cause a Pervasive Odor in Your Business

    Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

    Smoke and soot facts:

    • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.

    • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.

    • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

    Different Types of Smoke

    There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

    Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

    • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

    Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

    • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

    Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

    • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

    Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

    Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  

    Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
    Call Us Today – Franklin/Walpole 508-533-5305

    Walpole, MA commercial Duct Cleaning

    3/24/2017 (Permalink)

    Day care in Walpole concerned about the air quality.

    Commercial air duct cleaning is different than residential air duct cleaning. HVAC systems are larger and more complex you will need more types of cleaning tools, and connections. . SERVPRO Franklin/Walpole has knowledgeable technicians that will walk through the process with you as well as determine what equipment is needed. 

    SERVPRO Franklin/Walpole knows that commercial duct work can come in all shapes and size. Some are large enough to crawl through while other must be cleaned with various cleaning tools (power brushes, air whips, air washing, and contact vacuuming). Typically  duct work would be put under negative pressure from the vacuum collection system, and cut access holes and zone off as needed and then do your source removal. SERVPRO puts the Air back into Air Quality when it comes to cleaning your duct system. 

     Have questions call SERVPRO Franklin/Walpole today at




    Brockton, MA Sewage Loss

    3/24/2017 (Permalink)

    A Sewage loss in Brockton, MA caused from the use of to much toilet paper.

    Sewage damage is the most dangerous from of water cleanup. The possibility of blood-born pathogens and other contaminants is high. Should you suffer a sewage loss, SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole would like to share a few tips.

    1: Advise any and all occupants that they should leave/evacuate the space.

    2: Inspect for any possible hazards that might be in the environment, "I.E" electrical plugs that might be in contact with the loss.

    3: Do not walk in the area of the loss to avoid cross contamination and try to clean yourself.

    The the experts help you. SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole have certified technicians that will do the following.

    1: Pump out the water and sewage.

    3: Remove all unsalvageable materials from from the space including carpet, pads, flooring and drywall.

    4: Set up a containment barrier if need be to prevent cross containment.

    5: Clean and deodorize the area.

    When you call SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305 you can be assured that we will take care of you "Like it never even happened."

    Lightening strike - Raynham, MA

    3/24/2017 (Permalink)

    If you know that your house has just been struck by lightning, call the fire department. The most common area for fires to start are within the walls and attic, where the fire can hide. 

    A lightning bolt's main objective is to find the path of least resistance from cloud to ground. Most homes have many potential routes for lightning to follow. A few examples would be electric lines, cable and phone lines, gutters, etc....

    There are three main hazards to a house that is hit directly

    • Fire Danger: this is the biggest threat to homes.

    • Power Surge Damage: If lighten chooses any of the home's electrical wiring, the explosive surge can damage even non-electronic appliance that are connected to an outlet.

    • Shock Wave Damage: The shock waves that lightning create is what produces the thunder that we hear and at close range, these waves can be destructive. It can fracture concrete, brick, chimney etc.

    It is nearly impossible to provide 100% protection to avoid your home being struck by lightning. However if you have been stuck the best thing to do is contact the fire department and leave your home if you smell smoke. 

    Washing Machine Hose Failure

    3/23/2017 (Permalink)

    This homeowner suffered a severe water loss when the hose had broken away from the clamp.

    One of the top 10 sources of water damage to the home is from a failed water supply hose. As a homeowner conducting monthly inspection of the hot and cold water line could save you from losses you may suffer. The following are some steps to take to keep a water loss from happening.

    • Look for sign the supply hose may be ready to fail. Blisters in the hose, worn tubing, or cracks.
    • replace the supply hose with reinforced steel braided hose
    • Make sure connections are tight. Replace them if they feel loose.
    • Supply hoses should be replaced every 5 years even if there is no obvious deterioration.

    Should you suffer a water loss contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305. All our technicians have been trained and certified to handle all your water loss. 

    Pipe Burst Randolph, MA

    3/23/2017 (Permalink)

    This homeowner was unaware a pipe had burst until they arrived back home

    There are a number of potential reasons why pipes inside your home can break open, causing major flooding throughout. Some of the common causes are as follow:


    When temperatures outside your home it can cause serious issues with your pipes. Ice has more volume than water so when water freezes inside a pipe, it expands and increases pressure inside the pipe, causing the pipe to split open.


    If waster pipes aren't secured, they can move around inside the walls and when water is suddenly turned on or off. This can gradually weaken the joints in the pipe until one fails and allows pressurized water to escape the pipe, causing a catastrophic and expensive damage.


    Pipes are meant to last a long time, and many provide decades of reliable service. However, that doesn't mean pipes will last indefinitely. When the water has an imbalanced ph level the minerals inside the water slowly wear down the galvanized coating and expose the iron in the pipe causing it to rust over time.  

    If you experience a bust pipe contact SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole at 508-533-5305.

    Protect yourself, your loved ones and your home with these cold weather safety tips!

    12/15/2016 (Permalink)

    1. Layer up! Wear layers of lightweight clothing to stay warm. Gloves and a hat will help prevent losing your body heat.


    2. Don’t forget your furry friends. Bring pets indoors. If they can’t come inside, make sure they have enough shelter to keep them warm and that they can get to unfrozen water.


    3. Remember the three feet rule. If you are using a space heater, place it on a level, hard surface and keep anything flammable at least three feet away – things such as paper, clothing, bedding, curtains or rugs.


    4. Requires supervision – Turn off space heaters and make sure fireplace embers are out before leaving the room or going to bed.


    5. Don’t catch fire! If you are using a fireplace, use a glass or metal fire screen large enough to catch sparks and rolling logs.


    6. Protect your pipes. Run water, even at a trickle, to help prevent your pipes from freezing. Open the kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing. Be sure to move any harmful cleaners and household chemicals out of the reach of children. Keep the garage doors closed if there are water lines in the garage.


    7. Better safe than sorry. Keep the thermostat at the same temperature day and night. Your heating bill may be a little higher, but you could avoid a more costly repair job if your pipes freeze and burst.


    8. The kitchen is for cooking. Never use a stove or oven to heat your home.


    9. Use generators outside. Never operate a generator inside the home, including in the basement or garage.


    10. Knowledge is power. Don’t hook a generator up to the home’s wiring. The safest thing to do is to connect the equipment you want to power directly to the outlets on the generator.

    Be prepared for freezing temperatures!

    12/15/2016 (Permalink)

    Its technically been winter for several weeks, we’re just now experiencing freezing cold temperatures and the dread of having to clean ice off our windshields before we can drive. Weather changes affect both you and your vehicle. In freezing temperatures, you can’t expect your car to function properly immediately without making some minor changes. Here are some suggestions on ways to ensure that your vehicle is properly ready for the winter season:

    Emergency kit – It’s a good idea to put together some things useful tools to store in your trunk so you have them in case you get stuck in a snow bank or on the side of the road during a snowstorm.

    Windshield safety – Many people don’t take the time to clear their windshield. Make sure your windshield is completely clear before you drive, especially when there are adverse weather conditions. Eliminate the chances of an accident by only driving if there’s no ice or snow blocking your view.

    Tire pressure – Tire pressure is really important in the winter, which is why many people purchase snow tires. Properly inflated tires will ensure good traction in slippery conditions.

    Battery – Battery issues remain one of the most common ways for a car to break down, particularly during winter. The scary thing about car batteries is extremely cold temperatures can decrease the battery’s life by up to 50 percent.

    Some important kit items include:

    • Blankets
    • Snow boots
    • Engine oil
    • Washer fluid
    • Coolant
    • Flashlight
    • Jumper Cables
    • Flares
    • Small snow shovel, Take a look at a full list of car kit emergency tools that will come in handy.

    Additional car safety tips for freezing weather:

    • Keep the gas tank at least half full at all times to avoid potential freezing issues due to excess moisture.
    • Make sure your brakes are in good working order.
    • Keep a cell phone charger or extra battery pack in case you need to call for help.

    2016 MAIA The Big Event Winner

    11/28/2016 (Permalink)

    Congratulations Wayne Texeiera from D Francis Murphy Insurance. Winner of a Roku! Thank you for stopping at our booth #119 SERVPRO of The Bridgewaters, Stoughton/Sharon, and Franklin/Walpole. Along with SERVPRO of Braintree/Milton....Enjoy Your Prize!

    Our November Crossword winner

    11/28/2016 (Permalink)

    Congratulations to Natalia from Estabrook and Chamberlain Insurance in Bridgewaters!!! Our Crossword Contest Winner.

    Puff Backs - Tips

    10/12/2016 (Permalink)

    A puff back is the puff of smoke and soot from a malfunctioning heating unit inside your furnace that brings gunk into your home. When a furnace works properly, it combines fuel and oxygen in balanced amounts for good, controlled combustion. The correct mix produces a steady flame and burns the fuel almost completely. The puff back happens when the mix is unbalanced. For example, when the rate of combustion in your furnace slows, but the fuel injected into the heating system remains constant, a sudden combustion can occur.

    For example when a car backfires, a puff back can cause a “boom” and a big vibration. This vibration shakes loose accumulated soot in the heating system and duct work. The air stream of forced air that normally brings heat into your home instead brings these soot particles. Think of how the heat moves into all the areas of your home. The soot from a puff back will take the same path.

    Residue from a puff back is usually an oily, sticky film whose base is petroleum. It has a strong smell and makes a mess that permeates everything. Because the puff back is backed up by a little explosion, these soot particles get a boost getting into the combination of nooks and crannies, propulsion and a petroleum base makes the mess caused by a puff back so difficult to tackle. Often traditional cleaning methods make the mess even worse than when you started. In some cases they also use sealants to preventing re-contamination.In most cases, an immediate response by a trained professional  is called for. 

    Helpful Tips:

    -Most puff back cleanups are covered by insurance

    -The cost to repair the furnace would most likely NOT be covered by insurance.

    -Most oil companies can also inspect and service the boiler at your property, which greatly reduces the chances of a puff back.

    October National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    10/12/2016 (Permalink)

    How can National Breast Cancer Awareness Month make a difference?

    We can use this opportunity to spread the word about steps women can take to detect breast cancer early.

    Here are just a few ideas:

    • Ask doctors and nurses to speak to women about the importance of getting screened for breast cancer.
    • Encourage women ages 40 to 49 to talk with their doctors about when to start getting mammograms.
    • Organize an event to talk with women ages 50 to 74 in your community about getting mammograms every 2 years.

    How can I help spread the word?

    We’ve made it easier for you to raise awareness about breast cancer. This toolkit is full of ideas to help you take action today. For example:

    • Add information about breast cancer screening to your newsletter.
    • Tweet about National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
    • Add this Web badge to your website.

    October Fire Prevention Month

    10/12/2016 (Permalink)

    About Fire Safety & Prevention
    Did you know that if a fire starts in your home, you may have just two minutes to escape?
    The most effective way to protect yourself and your home from fire is to identify and remove fire hazards. 60 percent of house fire deaths occur in homes with no working smoke alarms. During a home fire, working smoke alarms and a fire escape plan that has been practiced regularly can save lives.
    Fire Safety Tips


    -Talk with all household members about a fire escape plan and practice the plan twice a year.

    -Test smoke alarms once a month, if they're not working, change the batteries.

    -If a fire occurs in your home, GET OUT, STAY OUT and CALL for help.

    -Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, inside bedrooms and outside sleeping areas.


    Preparing and Preventing a Home Fire - Steps You Can Take Now



    -Keep items that can catch on fire at least three feet away from anything that gets hot, such as space heaters.

    -Never smoke in bed.

    -Talk to your children regularly about the dangers of fire, matches and lighters and keep them out of reach.

    -Download the Monster Guard: Prepare for Emergencies mobile game to teach kids about fire safety and other disasters.

    -Turn portable heaters off when you leave the room


    Smoke Alarms

    -Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, inside bedrooms and outside sleeping areas.

    -Teach your children what smoke alarms sound like and what to do when they hear one.

    -Test smoke alarms once a month, if they're not working, change the batteries.

    -Smoke alarms should be replaced every 10 years. Never disable smoke or carbon monoxide alarms.

    -Carbon monoxide alarms are not substitutes for smoke alarms. Know the difference between the sound of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms.


    Fire Escape Planning


    -Ensure that all household members know two ways to escape from every room of your home.

    -Make sure everyone knows where to meet outside in case of fire.

    -Practice escaping from your home at least twice a year and at different times of the day. Practice waking up to smoke alarms, low crawling and meeting outside. Make sure everyone knows how to call 9-1-1.

    -Teach household members to STOP, DROP and ROLL if their clothes should catch on fire.

    Cooking Safely

    -Stay in the kitchen when frying, grilling or broiling food. If you leave the kitchen, even for a short period of time, turn off the stove.

    -Stay in the home while simmering, baking, roasting or boiling food. Check it regularly and use a timer to remind you that food is cooking.

    -Keep anything that can catch fire-like pot holders, towels, plastic and clothing- away from the stove.

    -Keep pets off cooking surfaces and counter tops to prevent them from knocking things onto the burner.

    Caution: Carbon Monoxide Kills
    -Install carbon monoxide alarms in central locations on every level of your home and outside sleeping areas.-If the carbon monoxide alarm sounds, move quickly to a fresh air location outdoors or by an open window or door.
    -Never use a generator, grill, camp stove or other gasoline, propane, natural gas or charcoal-burning devices inside a home, garage, basement, crawlspace or any partially enclosed area.
    Fire Damage Repair and Restoration
    Fires can be especially devastating to your home or business. After the fire trucks leave, your property will likely suffer from not only fire and smoke damage, but also widespread water damage and flooding from firefighting efforts. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals have specialized fire and water damage restoration training and experience to quickly clean up and restore your home to pre-fire condition. They also can remove the pervasive smoke odor and deep-clean soot from upholstery and carpet. 
    Please refer to our Fire Damage Tips - Until Help Arrives Guide and follow these tips to protect yourself and your property.

    SERVPRO Franchise Professionals

    • Provide 24/7 Emergency Service
    • Highly Trained Fire and Water Restoration Specialists
    • Faster to Any Size Disaster
    • A Trusted Leader in the Restoration Industry with over 1,650 Franchises
    • Preferred Vendor for Many National and Local Insurance Companies

    The Fire Damage Restoration Process

    SERVPRO Franchise Professionals know just how devastating a fire can be. Fire and water damage can leave your house unsafe and unlivable. They're trained to clean and restore your home with as little disruption as possible. Learn more about the fire damage restoration process.
    Step1: Emergency Contact
    Step 2: Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment
    Step 3: Immediate Board-Up and Roof Tarp Service (if needed)
    Step 4: Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)
    Step 5: Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces
    Step 6: Cleaning and Repair
    Step 7: Restoration
    SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole 1-508-533-5305

    September is National Preparedness Month

    9/9/2016 (Permalink)

    September is National Preparedness Month (NPM) and a good reminder that we all have a responsibility to protect ourselves, our families and our communities. Emergencies will happen, but taking action now can help us minimize the impact they will have on our lives.Disasters not only devastate individuals and neighborhoods, but entire communities, including businesses of all sizes.

    As an employer in your community, having a business continuity plan or Emergency Ready Profile can help protect your company, its employees, and its infrastructure, and maximizes your chances of recovery after an emergency or disaster.

    You can start by taking these simple steps:

    • Be informed. Know the hazards and risks in your area, and learn what you need to do to get ready for them.
    • Make a emergency plan, so you know how you would communicate with and find your loved ones if a disaster hits.
    • Build an emergency supply kit - both at home and in the car - that includes water, food, and first aid supplies to help you survive if you lost power or get stranded in your car.
    • Get Involved - safety and emergency preparedness. Most communities have established emergency procedures and participate in activities planned to communicate those procedures.  

    It is helpful to know the types of disasters that are likely to occur in your area and know just how authorities will notify you during a disaster. Know the differences between the various weather alerts as well so you know which actions to take. Your community can change in an instant when an emergency occurs so brushing up on first aid and CPR would be beneficial for you and your love ones.

    If a natural disaster does occur, SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole will be there to clean up the mess and restore your home. Whether it be flood, mold, or fire, SERVPRO will make it like it never happened.

    Call us at 

    (508) 533-5305

    Ecuadorian Avocado Garden Salad Receipe

    7/1/2016 (Permalink)

    Avocado garden salad with lime cilantro dressing Yield: For 6-8 people as a starter or side salad.


    Delicious and refreshing garden salad recipe made with lettuce, tomato, onion and avocado with a lime cilantro dressing


  • 1 head of lettuce, washed and leaves cut or torn into large pieces
  • 2 tomatoes, sliced or quartered
  • ½ red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 avocado, sliced or diced
  • 1 tbs finely chopped cilantro
  • Juice of 2 limes
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Instructions

  • To make the dressing whisk the chopped cilantro, lime juice, olive oil, salt and pepper together.
  • Combine the lettuce, tomatoes, onions and avocado in a large bowl.
  • Toss the salad with the dressing and serve.
  • Notes

    Add slices of grilled chicken or meat, or leftover salmon/shrimp to make this full entree style salad.

    Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning

    7/1/2016 (Permalink)

    Before and After

    Even the highest-quality carpet and upholstery can show soiling over time. Protect your investment by calling us to clean and maintain your carpet and upholstery. The SERVPRO System offers a number of cleaning options to match any type of upholstery or carpet.

    Need Carpet or Upholstery Cleaning?

    We also offer a range of specialized cleaning methods:

    • Cleaning: A less aggressive method for short piled carpets.
    • Hot Water Extraction: A deeper cleaning method for all carpet types.
    • Precondition and Rinse: Helps restore deeply soiled areas.
    • Premier Cleaning: The most thorough cleaning method in the industry.
    • Dry Cleaning: When color-fastness is an issue.

    SERVPRO® of Franklin/Walpole is always just a quick phone call away. Whether you are dealing with a Water loss or damage from a fire we can help. Emergencies do not work on a set schedule and can happen at any hour of the day or night. That’s why we are here 24/7, 365 to assist you should the need arise.

    We are experts in Water Damage Restoration, Fire Damage Restoration, Water and Fire Cleanup and Restoration.

    Our facebook Contest winner!

    6/30/2016 (Permalink)

    Veasna Chheng

     Congratulations to Veasna Chneng from Priamerica Insurance for being the winner of a $25 Dunkin Donuts gift card for liking and sharing our Facebook page contest!!!!

    The Facebook contest is for all facebook users. 

    Email Cvillacres@SERVPROstoughton.com for more information or to enter future contest.

    Commercial/ Residential Restoration Services

    6/29/2016 (Permalink)

    Commercial/Residential Restoration and Cleaning Services

    SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole is a trusted leader in the restoration industry and has the training, equipment, and expertise to handle your restoration and cleaning needs. As a locally owned and operated business, we can provide 24-hour emergency service and are dedicated to responding immediately to commercial or residential needs.

    24-Hour Emergency Service

    Faster to Any Size Disaster

    Highly Trained Restoration Technicians

    A Trusted Leader in the Restoration Industry

    Locally Owned and Operated

    Advanced Restoration and Cleaning Equipment

    Have Questions? Call Us Today (508) 533-5305

    Residential Services

    Whether you need emergency flood restoration or just need your upholstery cleaned, SERVPRO has over 1,650 Franchises ready to respond faster to any size disaster. SERVPRO of Franklin/Walpole has advanced equipment and highly trained technicians to make it “Like it never even happened.” We can help you with the following Commercial/Residential services:

    Water Damage Restoration

    Fire Damage Restoration

    Mold Remediation

    Storm Damage Restoration

    Cleaning Services

    Building Services

    Bleach and Mold the hard truth!

    5/11/2016 (Permalink)

    Bleach does not kill mold on porous surfaces. Mold grows in colonies and has roots which grow deep into the material. The bleach will infact kill the surface mold however the water content of the bleach will seep into the porous structure and provide a food source to the roots. This will actually cause the mold to grow back stronger.

    Here are some facts about Bleach and Mold

    • The Clorox ® Company, EPA and OSHA have specifically advised that Bleach should not be used in mold remediation
    • Bleach does not kill mold, it will only remove the stain caused by mold
    • Bleach in some cases will allow toxic mold to grow where it was not present before
    • Bleach itself is considered to be toxic and is classified the same as gasoline
    • Bleach on gypsum (the material found in sheet rock or drywall) will emit chlorine gas for at least a week
    • Bleach applied to wood will push spores deeper into the wood fibers creating more problems later
    • Bleach does more harm than good

    Make sure your home is protected this Spring

    4/7/2016 (Permalink)

    Spring time is right around the corner and although we are ready for the nice weather, most of us are not ready for the storms and flooding. Instead of letting the storm and flood damage take over your Nashville home, we can be proactive and make sure that we’re ready for the unexpected weather to hit. According to Rytech, there are 5 points to keep in mind when protecting your home from flooding this spring.

    1. Check for leaks ahead of time on your own before finding them during a storm. Take matters into your own hands and use the hose lightly to test any suspicious areas that may have caused issues in the past to find out where the leaks may be happening. 

    1. Roof flashing is installed below the first course making sure that the flow of water is directed away from openings, keeping water out of your home and from deteriorating the walls. It’s always a good idea to have your roof professionally inspected annually to check for damage. 

    1. Basements are the most common area to flood in a home, being located at the very bottom, so it’s always a good idea to look into a sump pump to protect your assets. If you have a sump pump already, make sure to check for any damage or signs of failure. (Irreplaceable items should be placed higher up or even on a different floor in case of unexpected weather events.)

    1. Make sure to keep the gutters cleaned to eliminate constant water flow down the exterior of the home causing possible leaking into the home. 

    1. Last, but not least, compare the costs to the risks. Many people hold off on putting some extra cost into making their home more water resistant due to cost, but the cost of cleaning up the damage after the incident is usually much more expensive.

    Keeping a level head after the fire damage has been done

    4/7/2016 (Permalink)

    We’re always told that if disaster strikes, we are to remain calm, cool and collected, but when that time hits, it’s hard to always put those words to action. Although there is a lot of chaos in that moment, it is still very important to stay organized and calm from the beginning of the disaster to the end of the restoration.

    Steps to clearing the chaos –

    • First, call your insurance agent to get the claim filed as soon as possible to get the insurance adjustor to your home.
    • Next, call a local restoration team to assess the damage as soon as possible and get working on the damage so it does not get worse over time.
    • Keep a binder and notepad with all of the information that you’re receiving from your insurance provider and restoration professionals. (During this hectic time, don’t rely on remembering everything just off the top of your head)
    • Last, but not least, make sure to save all receipts and documentation you receive pertaining to the incident and only give copies when requested; keep the originals.

    Now that we’ve gone through the steps to do, here are some steps NOT to do when involved in this situation. 

    • Make sure not to wire any soot damage from walls, ceilings or other absorbent surfaces. 
    • Do not keep or use carpet or furniture that has been heavily damaged by the residue as this is unhealthy.
    • Dispose of any canned goods or food items that were exposed to the extreme heat.
    • Do not turn on any electronic devices until they’re thoroughly inspected by a professional to make sure there isn’t electrical damage.

    Hopefully no one will ever have to go through these events, but if it does occur, these steps will help you keep that calm and collected mindset to get through the unfortunate. 

    Keep your family and home safe from fire damage by maintaining your smoke alarms

    4/7/2016 (Permalink)

    According to the National Fire Protection Association, three out of five home fire deaths resulted from fires in properties that did not have working smoke alarms.

    The death rate per 100 reported home fires was more than twice as high in homes that did not have any working smoke alarms. Most smoke alarm failures are due to missing, disconnected or dead batteries. According to the NFPA, there are precautions to take when it comes to maintaining and checking your smoke alarms.

    Smoke alarm safety tips

    ·      Install smoke alarms inside and outside of each bedroom or sleeping area. Every level of the home, including the basement should have smoke alarms installed.

    ·      It is recommended to have interconnected smoke alarms so that when one smoke alarm goes off, they all go off at once.

    ·      Test all smoke alarms at least once a month by hitting the test button on the smoke alarm.

    ·      Smoke alarms should be installed on the ceiling or high up on a wall.

    ·      Replace all smoke alarms at 10 years of use.

    ·      People that are hard of hearing can order special smoke alarms that include flashing strobe lights and bed shakers to alert the person within the property.

    ·      Make sure to talk with your children about the importance of smoke alarms and what to do in case of a fire.

    ·      There are two kinds of alarms: ionization and photoelectric

    • Ionization smoke alarms are quicker warn about flaming fires to                              
    • Photoelectric smoke alarms are quicker to  warn about smoldering fires                     

      It is best to have both present in the home

    Source - http://www.nfpa.org/safety-information/for-consumers/fire-and-safety-equipment/smoke-alarms/safety-messages-about-smoke-alarms    

    SERVPRO® of Franklin/Walpole understands the importance of keeping your home happy and healthy. If you have any questions or concerns regarding mold in your home call 508-697-5439 

    Don’t let the storms cause water and flood damage in your home

    4/7/2016 (Permalink)

    Drying out flood damage Source

    With storm season underway, there are unfortunate cases of flooding and power outages taking place all over. The humidity and flooded areas create a perfect combination and environment for mold to grow, giving you more than just flood damage to take care of. The sooner the water damage is cleaned up, the less likely there is a chance for mold to produce, leaving you with less to cleanup in the end.

    Flood damage cleanup

    1.     Remove furniture and upholstery to clean or repair separately.

    2.     Start by using a wet/dry vacuum to get rid of as much water as possible so the water is not sitting. 

    3.     Use fans to circulate air and speed up the drying process. A dehumidifier can also be used to remove the excess moisture in the air to prevent mold growth.

    4.     Once the water and moisture is cleared, start cleaning and treating the carpet and flooring throughout the flooded area. Steam clean any carpeted area to properly sanitize and check the padding under the carpet to ensure that it does not need replaced. Carpet padding usually needs replaced when a flood occurs.

    5.     Clean walls and baseboards with warm water and soap to remove any residue. Then apply bleach and water mixture to sanitize the surface. 

    Water damage produced from a flood can be dangerous and cause illness due to the bacteria sitting in the water. It’s important to act quickly when it comes to flood and water damage to prevent illness and worse damage to occur.

    SERVPRO® of Franklin/Walpole understands the importance of keeping your home happy and healthy. If you have any questions or concerns regarding mold in your home call 508-697-5439 or visit www.SERVPROfranklinwalpole.com to schedule a free estimate today!

    Kids helping in the kitchen

    4/7/2016 (Permalink)

    Here are some ideas for different children’s age groups and what they can do around the kitchen as the holiday meal is prepared.

    Kids 3-5 can:

    -Get ingredients out of the refrigerator
    -Measure and mix ingredients together in a bowl.
    -Pour liquids into a bowl.
    -Wash fruits and vegetables off under cold water.

    -Use a cookie cutter to cut shapes out of cookie dough or sandwiches.

    Kids 6-8 can:

    -Open packages
    -Use a butter knife to spread frosting cream cheese, peanut butter or soft cheese.
    -Peel vegetables
    -Measure ingredients in a bowl
    -Set the table

    Kids 9-12 can:
    -Begin to follow a recipe
    -Open cans
    -Use electrical kitchen appliances, such as microwave oven, when a grown-up is present
    -Use a grater to shred cheese and vegetables
    -Turn stove burners on and off and select oven temperature when a grown up is present
    -Help plan the meal
    -Make a salad

    Kids 14+ can:
    -Operate the stove or oven without an adult present
    -Heat food up in the microwave without an adult present
    -Drain cooked pasta into a colander
    -Take a tray of food out of the oven

    Here are some safety tips to keep your family safe :

    • Stay in the kitchen when you are cooking on the stovetop so you can keep an eye on the food.

    • Stay in the home when cooking your turkey and check on it frequently.

    • Keep children away from the stove. The stove will be hot and kids should stay 3 feet away.

    • Make sure kids stay away from hot food and liquids. The steam or splash from vegetables, gravy or coffee could cause serious burns.

    • Keep the floor clear so you don’t trip over kids, toys, pocketbooks or bags.

    • Keep knives out of the reach of children.

    • Be sure electric cords from an electric knife, coffee maker, plate warmer or mixer are not dangling off the counter within easy reach of a child.

    • Keep matches and utility lighters out of the reach of children — up high in a locked cabinet.

    • Never leave children alone in room with a lit a candle.

    • Make sure your smoke alarms are working. Test them by pushing the test button.

    Have Fire or Smoke Damage?Call Us Today (508)697-5439

    New Year!!

    12/30/2015 (Permalink)

    We want to wish everyone a happy and safe New Years!!!

    Easy Tips for Spring

    4/10/2014 (Permalink)

  • Check for loose or leaky gutters.  Improper drainage can lead to water in the basement or crawl space. Make sure downspouts drain away from the foundation and are clear and free of debris.
  • Low areas in the yard or next to the foundation should be filled with compacted soil. Spring rains can cause yard flooding, which can lead to foundation flooding and damage. Also, when water pools in these low areas in summer, it creates a breeding ground for insects.
  • Use a screwdriver to probe the wood trim around windows, doors, railings and decks.  Make repairs now before the spring rains do more damage to the exposed wood.
  • From the ground, examine roof shingles to see if any were lost or damaged during winter. If your home has an older roof covering, you may want to start a budget for replacement. The summer sun can really damage roof shingles. Shingles that are cracked, buckled or loose or are missing granules need to be replaced. Flashing around plumbing vents, skylights and chimneys need to be checked and repaired by a qualified roofer.
  • Examine the exterior of the chimney for signs of damage. Have the flue cleaned and inspected by a certified chimney sweep.
  • Inspect concrete slabs for signs of cracks or movement.  All exterior slabs except pool decks should drain away from the home's foundation. Fill cracks with a concrete crack filler or silicone caulk. When weather permits, power-wash and then seal the concrete.
  • Remove firewood stored near the home.  Firewood should be stored at least 18 inches off the ground at least 2 feet from the structure.
  • Check outside hose faucets for freeze damage. Turn the water on and place your thumb or finger over the opening. If you can stop the flow of water, it is likely the pipe inside the home is damaged and will need to be replaced. While you're at it, check the garden hose for dry rot.
  • Have a qualified heating and cooling contractor clean and service the outside unit of the air conditioning system. Clean coils operate more efficiently, and an annual service call will keep the system working at peak performance levels. Change interior filters on a regular basis.
  • Check your gas- and battery-powered lawn equipment to make sure it is ready for summer use. Clean equipment and sharp cutting blades will make yard work easier.
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